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Can I fish before bed? Is it possible to eat fruit at night? Hot soothing drinks

You often hear from nutritionists that for effective weight loss It’s better not to eat anything at night. But not everyone can give up an evening snack. Therefore, you should not give up snacks, you just need to choose foods that are healthy to eat before bed. So what foods can you eat at night to satisfy your hunger while still losing weight?

First of all, think carefully - do you really feel hungry? You can drink a glass of water - this will ease the feeling of hunger. If this doesn't help you, then you need to think about what to eat to lose weight. Of course, the list of allowed foods is not that long, but still, such a snack will do more good than harm.

Unfortunately, many people work late and don’t have the opportunity to have a snack three hours before bed. Why don't you give up dinner? I have to eat at night. Here you should make dinner the main meal of the day, even though it should be light . You can prepare a small portion for yourself:

This way, you can avoid many digestive problems without having to give up a nutritious dinner. After all, you can’t exhaust your body.

Cottage cheese is a healthy and safe product. It is absorbed quite quickly. It takes the body an average of one and a half hours to digest it. For late night snacks choose a product with reduced rate fat content. It is very useful for athletes to consume cottage cheese, because it contains a lot of protein. Protein, in turn, supports muscles for two hours.

There is an opinion that nuts should always be present in the diet. Why, what is the use of them? In small quantities they will fill the body with energy and vitamins. But remember that the product is high in calories. If you decide to eat a whole bag late at night, then you can forget about losing weight. The optimal snack is a small handful of peanuts, cashews or almonds. But from walnuts It’s better to refuse, they are difficult to digest.

Cabbage is a “negative calorie” vegetable. The body spends more calories digesting such a product than it receives from the product. Therefore, thanks to cabbage, you can increase muscle endurance and intensify the process of losing weight. You can drink cabbage juice before bed - this will also help improve the juice.

Carrots, which fight extra pounds, will also help satisfy your hunger. It definitely won't make you fat! But it must be fresh or in the form of freshly squeezed juice. You can wash down the carrots with a glass of kefir. Such a tandem will be beneficial for the whole body.

If we are talking about kefir, then it should be included in your diet as often as possible. It improves sleep and bowel function. It suppresses appetite perfectly. If you are having a late dinner, prepare a soup based on kefir. This will require a liter fermented milk product, two cucumbers, a bunch of dill and fresh garlic to taste. It is enough to grind all the ingredients and mix with kefir - and digestion will be normal, and you will get a fairly satisfying dish. Milk, low-fat yogurt or curdled milk- an alternative to this drink. With one of these ingredients you will get tzatziki - a Greek dish.

You can eat cheese before bed, but it is low-fat. This product contains no carbohydrates, so it is not dangerous for weight loss. But choose varieties with a minimum of fat. Combine cheese with vegetables (cucumbers, broccoli, celery) - this will reduce its calorie content even more.

What fruits can you eat at night?

Many people believe that fruits contain only fiber and no fat at all. And this is actually true, but only in most cases. Sometimes eating fruit at night can have a big impact on your figure. Not all fruits will be equally beneficial.

Even at night you can safely eat citrus fruits - grapefruits, oranges, tangerines. Don't give up apples, pears, kiwis, pineapples, mangoes. But you should give up bananas and grapes - they are not on the list of permitted foods.

If you can't sleep because of hunger, you can snack on an apple. Choose a green fruit for this; yellow and red ones contain more sugar. It is advisable to peel it - this way the body will digest this food faster. If apples whet your appetite, you can bake them in the oven without adding any other products.

Why can’t you snack on a banana at night? They are so filling! But bananas are very high in calories. His chemical composition can relieve fatigue and induce cheerfulness - and this is not the effect that should be achieved before bed. If you have no problems with overweight, then you can eat a banana at night, but know when to stop. From this delicious fruit It's better to make a cocktail. To do this, mix banana with carrot juice and milk. You can sweeten it with a spoon of honey. But you can drink such a drink only two hours before bedtime - no later!

But oranges are low in calories and contain a lot of fiber. Therefore, they can be classified as bedtime treats. Only for some they cause appetite; if you are one of these people, then it is better to replace citrus fruits with something else.

What not to eat at night

Unfortunately, the list of unauthorized products is longer. Many foods, when they enter the stomach, remain there until the morning. Therefore, in the morning you feel lethargic and tired. This weakens the immune system, and the appearance extra pounds doesn't keep you waiting long.

Do not use before bedtime following products:

It is better to beware of all the listed products if you do not want to gain extra pounds, which are not so easy to get rid of later. Watch your diet, choose fresh and healthy foods so that your figure does not change and your body remains healthy.

Attention, TODAY only!

Very often we are faced with the fact that we cannot fall asleep unless we have a good dinner before going to bed. And almost always, unable to bear the “pangs of hunger,” we get out of bed, go to the kitchen and be sure to eat something tasty and not at all healthy. A new unpleasant moment comes - now the stomach is full of food and the heaviness in the stomach is already beginning to interfere. What to do, what to do? What healthy snack can you have at night to strong feeling you weren’t hungry before bed, you didn’t feel heavy in your stomach, and of course you weren’t bothered by insomnia? About this in this article.

First of all, you need to note an important fact: no matter what food you take before going to bed, this food will remain in your stomach, undigested, since the body has already received the command to “sleep” and there is no time for work. Therefore, it is better to have an evening meal about a couple of hours before bedtime: so as not to have time to feel hungry and so that the food is completely processed. Within 2 hours, our body, as a rule, completely digests food and thus empties the stomach, sending processed foods to the intestines.

And yet – what can you eat at night?

Do you really think that you want to eat before going to bed? Perhaps your body simply needs fluid at this time. Therefore, in some cases, you can simply drink a glass of water or green tea (you can brew chamomile tea). There is a high probability that hunger will disappear from you. A the best option You can call it rosehip infusion - it definitely suppresses appetite! As for food at night, it is worth mentioning the following foods and dishes that saturate the body:

Is it possible to eat fruit at night or is it harmful?

The fruits we all love are allowed to be eaten before bed. However, there are some recommendations on how best to do this so as not to gain weight and not feel heaviness in your stomach:

  • You can completely replace a late dinner or night snack with fruit, preferably fresh. It is best to cut the orange into small slices; it is also recommended to divide the apple, pear or banana. In this case, you need to eat slowly, chew each fruit well and only then absorb the fruit “porridge”.
  • Dried fruits - good replacement fruits. Like the latter, a handful of dried fruits should be chewed thoroughly before eating.

By the way, bananas are very calming. nervous system.

Essential oil as an appetite suppressant

Try inhaling the scents of aromatherapy products to reduce your hunger. Among the most effective are usually noted essential oils with the aroma of apple, strawberry, cherry, banana, orange, mint, cinnamon, patchouli or vanilla. It is recommended to inhale by bringing the bottle to each nostril 2-3 times.

Don't overeat at night, eat only the healthiest foods before bed and let your health and figure be in excellent condition.

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Illiterate nutrition before bed is the first enemy of slimness and a threat to health. But it’s difficult to sleep when you’re hungry, so a light snack is necessary, especially since there are sleep-improving foods that you can use to sleep well even after eating.

Doctors constantly say that eating before bed is... bad habit. There are explanations for this:

  1. At night time digestive processes proceed at a slow pace. If you overeat before going to bed, you should know that a heavy snack before bed can add extra pounds. There is no benefit to it - the sleeping body will not have time to digest the food, and it will turn into adipose tissue.
  2. Consumption of high-calorie food, despite the late evening, provokes the launch of putrefactive processes as a result of their interaction with gastric juice. The product of these processes are toxins. Once in the blood, they cause various chronic diseases. This has a negative impact on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and even after sleeping with an overloaded stomach, a person does not feel the best.

And if this happened, then what to do if there were far from the best on the table? best products for sleep, and besides, did you overeat them at night? Heaviness in the stomach and discomfort will not let you sleep; to improve your well-being, you must use one of the following methods:

  1. Go for a walk instead of going to bed. After eating too much, being in the air is beneficial. This will help stimulate digestion and the body will return to normal faster.
  2. Pour a glass mineral water, in which there is no gas, and add a few drops there lemon juice. This technique will improve digestion and you will feel the heaviness go away. The main thing is that it is useful to do this after sleep.
  3. Try chewing coriander, anise or cumin seeds half an hour after the feast and drinking water. In this way, overeating will be easier to bear.
  4. Take some kind of enzyme medicinal product, and if there is nothing at home, then drink a glass of mint decoction.

What can you eat before bed?

Avoid eating altogether in the evening and only drink water instead of eating too much - bad decision, although a person losing weight most often does this. Feelings of hunger, like overeating, cause discomfort and do not contribute to good sleep. You need to have dinner, the only question is how many hours before bedtime you can eat and what to eat before bed, so as not to suffer after a late dinner.

You need to eat your last meal 2-3 hours before heading out for the night. Products for good night should be easy and useful. In order not to starve and lose weight, you can allow yourself a light snack before bed. To do this, you need to choose foods with a negative calorie content; such a meal helps you burn more calories than the food you eat contains.

Foods and their effect on sleep

NameProduct benefitsNotes
Apples with peelThe fibers found in fruits reduce cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of housing and communal services.You should not snack on apples if you have stomach problems - eating the fruit at night increases gas formation.
CitrusEach grapefruit, orange, and tangerine contains about 40 kcal. This is something that you can eat before going to bed, but not completely fill yourself up, but allow yourself a few slices.Don't eat citrus fruits if you have acute gastritis or other stomach diseases. A small spoon of honey added to grapefruit juice, will improve the taste.
BananasHelps you fall asleep due to the presence of an amino acid such as tryptophan, which produces the hormone of joy - serotonin. There will be no harm if you eat a little.You can't eat bananas elevated level blood sugar. When you feel hungry at night, take something else.
CeleryOne root contains about 10 calories. Fresh juice or celery salad allowed as a snack will not harm a restful sleep.Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers. This is not something you can eat when a person has varicose veins veins, stomach disease.
Flounder fishLow-calorie meat with balanced amino acid composition, rich in vitamins and minerals.
KefirThis milk product contains a lot of calcium, which is easily absorbed in the dark. It has a relaxing effect.You should not drink in large quantities, even if you really want to, when the acidity of the stomach is increased.
Beet saladHigh content of betaine, which can burn fat, curcumin, pectin.Not recommended for kidney diseases And acute inflammation Gastrointestinal tract.
MilkIt is useful to drink warmed milk with honey before bed so that you no longer want to eat. It contains substances that promote sleep.A spoonful of honey before bed acts as a sleeping pill.
OatmealRich in silicon and phosphorus.What kind of porridge you can’t eat is sweet porridge.

Knowing that eating before bed is harmful, sometimes you really want to drink a cup of cocoa. There is no point in resisting the desire. A drink containing flavanols can prevent obesity during sleep, which is important when losing weight. The quality of cocoa also affects how many calories are burned. Sweet, instant drinks will only do harm.

To lose weight, it is useful to drink water before dinner. Drinking water before bed will allow you to eat smaller portions.

What should you not eat before bed?

There is a list of what you should absolutely not eat at night.

  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • fatty.

If you do not eat such foods before bed, it is possible fast weight loss provided that you follow a diet consisting of foods that are on the list of what you can eat and not gain weight. If during the day a woman ate everything that was in the refrigerator, without delving into how many calories there were, then it no longer matters whether she ate fatty or sweet foods at night.

What can you do to prevent your child from waking up to eat at night?

For many mothers, the pressing problem is how to wean their baby from feeding at night. This should not be done until 6 months of age, and then, when feeding at night is no longer the norm, but bad habit, you will have to take action.
Before you wean your child from eating at night, you should watch him. If during the day he eats well, gains weight, is healthy, but at night he wakes up at equal intervals, then it’s time to think about how to wean your child off this:

  1. Feed your baby at set times during the day, but increase the portions.
  2. Adjust the temperature in the nursery to 18-200. Humidify the air.
  3. Tire your baby out with a long walk in the air, outdoor games, and a bath before bed.
  4. Don't feed him if he wakes up during the night. There is no need to give substitutes - juice or compote, they are sweet, and it is not a fact that children will not want to enjoy them every night instead of milk. Let milk replace water first, which is best for digestive tract, and it won’t cause any special desire to wake up at night to take it.

9 reasons why you feel sleepy after drinking alcohol

Many people are interested in why, when you drink, you want to sleep. The fact is that the brain of a drunk person experiences oxygen deficiency, metabolic processes in his body decrease, and what comes after this cannot be called full sleep, rather it looks like a loss of consciousness. There are 10 reasons for drowsiness:

  1. Destruction of the red blood cell membrane by alcohol. The membrane that covers each red blood cell does not allow them to stick together. When the membrane is destroyed, red blood cells cannot exist normally and begin to stick together, forming blood clots. As a result of oxygen deficiency in the brain and body tissues, signs of hypoxia appear after alcohol.
  2. Inactivity of part of the brain, lethargy, which is a consequence of blockage small vessels formed clots.
  3. The inability of a weakened body to maintain consciousness.
  4. Braking metabolic process in the brain due to lack of glucose and oxygen.
  5. The inability of capillaries to pass clumped red blood cells, which leads to oxygen starvation individual areas of cerebral tissue.
  6. Disabling the energy-consuming wakefulness regime under the influence of alcohol. This occurs because a certain number of neurons die without oxygen. A lot of energy is spent on maintaining the vitality of the remaining ones, as a result of which the person is overcome by sleep.
  7. Increased brain fluid to flush out decaying dead neurons.
  8. A sharp change in metabolic level. Due to vasodilation due to the fact that you drank wine or other alcohol before bed and increased blood flow, neurons receive a large number of oxygen and glucose. Soon the opposite process begins: blood flow decreases as a result of vascular spasms, and oxygen starvation occurs.
  9. Large energy expenditures to remove toxins. The body weakens and a person wants to sleep after drinking alcohol.

All this happens to the body not only after strong drinks, but also after beer. But there is another reason why beer makes many people sleepy - the presence of hops in this drink, which has a sedative effect.
When asked whether you can eat before bed, experts give a positive answer, but remember - dinner is not the main meal of the day, you don’t need to eat a lot.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects therapy for insomnia // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

If you have already asked yourself this question, then it is stupid to say that eating at night is generally undesirable. You yourself rest at night, but for some reason you want to force your stomach to work. But it happens that you just didn’t have time to have dinner, and you don’t want to put a strain on your body, so you decide what to snack on. Moreover, as a rule, with a feeling of hunger (real, physical, not psychological), you will not fall asleep. If the problem is very acute and it is simply impossible to do without a piece or sip at night, let’s try to figure out what to eat at night with minimal threats to health and maximum benefit(if we can even talk about benefits here).

Nutrition includes not only food, but also drink, i.e. Let's also touch on the topic of what to drink at night, and whether you can drink at all... And the principle is this: what you can and cannot do.

Meals at night: what is possible

First, let’s define what “overnight” means. Here we understand this as eating food immediately before bedtime, that is, it begins at 21:00 or 00:00.

Products for the night

  • Fresh fruits (orange, apple, banana, peach, nectarine, apricot). Of course, a banana contains a lot of calories, and an orange, like a citrus fruit, is known for its invigorating effect (not very good for the night), but if you decide to have a snack, it’s better than pasta and cutlets. Watermelon, of course, is not so high in calories, but you probably know its diuretic effect, and it’s better not to burden your kidneys at night.
  • Vegetables: cucumber, carrots, beets (but don’t get carried away, they contain sugar); pumpkin; celery stalk. Potatoes (in any form) are not recommended. The rest is raw or boiled. The salad is ideal: grate beets, carrots and apples, season with a drop (!) vegetable oil. This is exactly what you can eat at night: you will be satisfied and benefit. This salad cleanses the body; it is good to include it in your daily diet.
  • Nuts. Just be careful, they contain a lot of fat. But this also ensures their nutritional value. A few almonds, cashews, etc. will fill you up and make you healthier. The main thing is to chew it for a long time and enjoy it slowly. By the way, almonds (10 pieces per day) are very good for the heart. Walnut You should not eat at night if you are really hungry, i.e. on " empty stomach", because this nut is a rather difficult food to digest.
  • A spoonful of honey at night will nourish and calm the nervous system and help you sleep.
  • Boiled egg white (preferably quail, but plain chicken is also possible). Evening food (dinner) should generally be rich in protein.
  • Low-fat chicken bouillon or vegetable. You can cook vegetable soup without salt (no spices at all) and without potatoes. Here you can: carrots, celery, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, beets.

And remember the basic rule: the volume of food should be no more than a glass.

Drink at night

Before we say what to drink at night, let us warn you that any liquid in evening time may result in swelling in the morning. So be careful. Night load on the kidneys (already said) is harmful.

  • Kefir is perhaps the safest and healthiest drink at night. If you're watching your figure, choose low-fat kefir. Both benefits and satiety. By the way, about drinking. It should also be consumed slowly, in small sips, which you should still hold in your mouth to feel all the colors of the taste. Give it a try.
  • The milk is warm. You can add a spoonful of honey, this will also help you sleep. But don’t get carried away with milk; scientists have long proven that the adult human body does not perceive milk well. This does not mean that you will get worse, you may generally feel great. The fact is that with age, the production of an enzyme capable of digesting milk decreases. So it turns out that the milk curdles into acidic environment stomach and lies there, slowly decomposing... And if you also drank it with something (this applies not only to consumption at night), then the food will simply lie inside this curled up lump and also decompose and rot.
  • Not strong green tea with honey.
  • Cup warm water with a slice of lemon and honey. Drink in very small sips, remember.

Meals at night: what not to do

Let's talk about this briefly, think about the basic principles healthy eating Nowadays, only the lazy don’t know. We’ll also talk about prohibitions on what to drink and eat at night.

Prohibited foods at night

  1. Meat fish fatty varieties, and indeed any kind is undesirable. Too heavy for the stomach. Eat it, digest it until the morning, and then you’ll have breakfast. By the way, you may not be able to digest it until the morning, because... At night, all body functions slow down, so that any food in general will simply lie there and decompose.
  2. Fried, smoked, deep-fried. Anything (even vegetables, fruits). Reason - see above.
  3. Cottage cheese. Although rich in protein, it is digested rather slowly and is considered a heavy food. It is better to leave it for the morning or afternoon.
  4. Mushrooms. Same as cottage cheese.
  5. Any fast foods ( fast food: dumplings, sausages, hamburgers (and hedgehogs with them)).
  6. Sugar and simple carbohydrates in general (cakes, ice cream, cakes, sweets, condensed milk, jam, etc.). They sharply increase blood sugar levels, and satiety does not last long. Conclusion: they are also dangerous for health (risk of developing diabetes mellitus), and are useless for saturation, and will be reflected in folds on the figure.
  7. Salt and salty foods, pickled and canned. It is generally better to exclude them from your life along with what is in the two previous paragraphs.
  8. Seasonings and garlic (products containing them). They stimulate your appetite, eat more. Goodbye waist, hello “insulating layer of fat” for winter.

What not to drink at night

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Strong tea and coffee.
  3. Carbonated drinks (even water).
  4. Sweet drinks: lemonades, teas, jelly with syrup, sweet fruit drinks, etc. If you care about your figure.
  5. Juices. They also have a lot of sugar.

And remember that drinking at night is generally not advisable. We have already talked about the possibility of waking up with bags under your eyes and swelling in your entire face, arms, and legs. In addition to harm, it is not beautiful, you must admit.

What to do if it’s time to go to bed and you want to eat? On the one hand, there is a significant risk of gaining weight, and on the other hand, falling asleep on an empty and indignantly growling stomach will be very problematic.

Many people experience significant difficulty going to bed if they haven't had a good dinner. In the end, they still go to the kitchen and eat something tasty, but absolutely not healthy. And after this, a new trouble arises - the stomach is full, and falling asleep is delayed due to the feeling of heaviness in it.

You need to know the rules for eating late. If you follow them, then the answer to the question of whether you can eat before bed will be positive. What can you eat before bed to avoid the annoying feeling of hunger, but at the same time keep your stomach light? Let's try to figure this out.

Rules for eating before bed

Probably many have heard that you can’t eat after six o’clock in the evening. Why can't you eat before bed - just before going to bed? The fact is that during a night's rest, all processes that occur in the body (including digestion) are inhibited. Therefore, food that enters the stomach before going to bed remains in it throughout the night. While a person sleeps, the food eaten is not digested, but rots, releasing toxins that penetrate the blood. Not only does such a late dinner poison the body, it also leads to excess weight gain. Overweight usually settle on the thighs and abdomen, causing damage to health and appearance.

It would seem that the solution is very simple - you just need to not eat in the evenings. But such a severe hunger strike can also cause harm. If you completely give up food from 6 pm and have breakfast only at 8 am, the body will remain without food for 13-14 hours. Such a long break forces him to actively store fat, which then comes out in the most inappropriate places - for example, at the waist.

But that is not all. Evening hunger is one of the causes of insomnia - at about 2 am, sleep will be interrupted, as there will be a need to replenish energy reserves.

What can you eat? Nutritionists advise not to go to extremes. The best option is light dinner, consisting of a vegetable salad with low-fat cottage cheese, a small piece of cheese with a cracker or a glass of milk. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. And then you will no longer want to climb into the refrigerator in the middle of the night.

If you really can’t bear it and really want to eat something to calm your stomach, you should choose foods that have a negative calorie content. The body spends more calories processing them than they contain. There cannot be a single recipe for everyone, so you will have to select them yourself.

What is possible and what is not

Of course, you shouldn't go hungry in the evenings. But this does not mean at all that you can eat salty, fatty and sweet foods. When thinking about what is best to eat before bed, remember simple rule: the contents of the plate must be satisfying, easily digestible and promote sleep. Let's consider which products are acceptable and which are extremely undesirable.

For athletes and those losing weight

Those who ignore the need to eat after training act thoughtlessly. Most often girls are guilty of this. They prefer to go to bed hungry, not even suspecting that in this way they are making things worse for themselves.

Regardless of the final goal of training (drying, gaining muscle mass), after their completion, it is recommended to consume proteins along with carbohydrates. Even for the night. If an athlete has worked out intensely and then ate only protein foods, most likely the next morning he will feel weak and exhausted. This indicates that the body was unable to recover, since little energy, as well as vitamins, micro- and macroelements, came from food.

If you really want to eat, a person who is losing weight can eat different nuts. Their quantity should be limited to one handful. For athletes, nuts are a very harmonious product, since they are equal to meat in protein content. In addition, they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, -6 and -9. These substances are extremely necessary for the body, especially during frequent heavy training and accelerated growth muscle mass.

You can have a snack before bed with almost any nut - hazelnuts, almonds, cashews and others. Even regular peanuts and pistachios (just without salt) can add a touch of variety to a meager nightly diet.

It is also good to eat fruits at night. Orange and grapefruit help achieve better results when losing weight, as they contain useful acids, a large amount of vitamins and fiber. The latter cleanses the stomach and speeds up metabolic processes.

Also good for helping to reset excess weight lemons, kiwi and pineapples. It is best to consume fruits not immediately before going to bed, but at least 30 minutes before. Then it will be possible to prevent an unwanted surge in insulin.

Is it permissible to eat cottage cheese?

Many people who are losing weight and athletes are interested in whether it is possible to eat cottage cheese at night. Nutritionists recommend eating a small portion of this fermented milk product a couple of hours before bedtime. This will not only satisfy your hunger and burn excess fat, but will also ensure the growth of muscle mass.

Of course, cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content is much tastier than low-fat cottage cheese, but you can quickly gain weight from it. True, for athletes (especially bodybuilders) who strive to gain body weight, this is not at all important. Low-fat in pure form not very tasty. To get at least some pleasure from eating, you should lightly salt it and add finely chopped herbs or vegetables to it. Sweet lovers can experiment with berries, pieces of fruit and natural honey. You will get a very tasty curd product. If desired, it is permissible to dilute it with low-fat kefir or yogurt. A portion of this dish can be eaten some time after completing the workout. If a person is engaged in drying, the fat content of this fermented milk product should not be higher than 5%.

Regarding whether athletes are allowed to consume cottage cheese before bed, there are 2 important aspects:

  1. A small portion eaten before a night's rest will feed the muscles for a long time. Thanks to this, their growth will not stop. A similar effect can be obtained if you take a dose of casein before bed.
  2. Muscles also grow when a person sleeps. True, with less intensity than during the day. This happens due to increased production of growth hormone in the body. When food enters the stomach, despite its fat content, insulin increases. It is an antagonist of growth hormone and to some extent neutralizes its effect.

Professional athletes and those who play sports to lose weight usually practice split meals (5 or 6 meals per day). Protein Rich low-fat cottage cheese can be a great option for a last snack before a night's rest.

Those who simply care about their health need to remember: pure cottage cheese eaten before going to bed is absolutely not harmful and does not slow down the metabolism. It not only gives you a full good sleep, but also brings significant benefits to the whole body.

Let's sum it up

Late in the evening, the body requires very little energy. The main activity occurs during daylight hours, and the evening is reserved for rest from work. Therefore, you should not overload the body that wants to relax. Otherwise, the excess calories will go into reserves, represented by fat deposits.

You should always remember the main rule of the last meal - do not overeat. Even low-calorie cottage cheese in large quantities may cause harm. Optimal size The evening portion should not exceed 300 g. Moderation in food is the key to a good figure.

Nutritionists recommend eating better during the day and practicing snacking so that you don't eat dinner too hungry. After all, if all your thoughts are occupied with the desire to eat, there is a fairly high risk of not calculating the serving size. The result of such a breakdown will be inevitable weight gain.