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The test showed a negative result and no menstruation. Reasons for missed periods with a negative pregnancy test favorites

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 12 minutes


When menstruation is delayed, every woman begins to worry, think about the reason. If a woman is regularly sexually active and does not use contraceptives, she, of course, suspects that she is pregnant. Application even in the earliest stages makes it easier for a woman, allowing her to determine early pregnancy at home - or make sure of its absence.

Causes of delayed menstruation in women of childbearing age

But it often happens that the test to determine pregnancy shows a negative result, but menstruation, nevertheless, does not occur for several days...

Here we will talk about what could be reason for delay if pregnancy is excluded.

The most common reason for women of childbearing age to visit their gynecologist is the absence of menstruation for several days. And the most common cause of this condition, of course, is current pregnancy , which can be identified during the next test or when examining a woman with an ultrasound.

Speaking about delayed menstruation, one cannot help but talk about woman's menstrual cycle, which normally has a regular schedule, with a frequency of 21 to 31 days. Every woman knows the duration of her menstrual cycle, as well as When will her next period start? . On the days you expect your period slight delay in one or two days it is often not perceived woman as a warning sign - we know that many factors can influence this, slightly increasing or shortening the menstrual cycle. Every woman also knows how her body behaves throughout the entire menstrual cycle - during ovulation, in the middle of the cycle, she may experience pain in the lower abdomen, mucous discharge from the vagina, and a week before the onset of menstruation - tingling or sore breasts, There may be bloody discharge from the vagina.

If the test result is negative and menstruation does not occur, pregnancy may have occurred. , but you tested too early. If a woman has recently observed deviations from the usual “picture” of the menstrual cycle, which is completed by a delay in menstruation, it is necessary to use tests to determine pregnancy, and if the result is negative, repeat the procedure a few days later using tests from other companies.

Delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy - reasons

A woman’s body is a very delicate “mechanism” that is skillfully controlled by the main hormones - estrogens and progesterone. The cause of delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy may be hormonal imbalance . Many factors can lead to this reason, which the doctor must identify when prescribing appropriate treatment.

Often menstrual irregularities , prolonged absence of menstruation and an irregular menstrual cycle are an indicator that a woman’s body has developed serious problems who need professional qualified assistance from a doctor.

  • Delayed menstruation in a woman after childbirth – a frequent and physiologically explainable phenomenon. After the birth of a child, the mother’s body produces a special hormone to begin and continue lactation - prolactin, which delays the onset of menstruation for a certain period. Most often, a nursing mother does not get her period throughout the entire period of breastfeeding; much less often, her period comes even during breastfeeding, a couple of months after the birth of the baby. If a woman does not breastfeed, then the normal menstrual cycle after childbirth returns to normal within one and a half to two months.
  • One of the most common causes of delayed menstruation in women is pathology of the endocrine system , or, as gynecologists say, “ ovarian dysfunction " This is a very broad concept that includes both dysfunction of the thyroid gland and various diseases of the endocrine system - diagnosed or hidden. In order to exclude pathologies of the endocrine system and diseases of the thyroid gland, the woman is referred for consultation and examination to an endocrinologist, an ultrasound examination of the uterus, thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, and brain tomography are performed.
  • Diseases of the female genital organs can also cause a delay in menstruation - most often this is endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis, various inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, cancer of the cervix, uterine body . If pregnancy is ruled out, the gynecologist will, first of all, prescribe an examination aimed at identifying these diseases in the woman and their timely treatment. After these pathologies are eliminated, a woman’s menstrual cycle is usually restored. Of all the above diseases, the most common cause of delayed menstruation in a woman is inflammatory processes affecting the ovaries themselves.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common causes of delayed menstruation in women of childbearing age. As a rule, this disease is accompanied by external signs of pathology - a woman may experience excessive male-type hair (“mustache”, hair on the stomach, back, arms, legs), oily hair and skin. But additional signs are indirect; they do not always indicate the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome, so an accurate diagnosis is made only after undergoing a special medical examination - an analysis of the level of testosterone (“male hormone”) in the blood. If a woman has “confirmed”, then she is prescribed special treatment, since this disease leads not only to menstrual irregularities, but also to infertility due to lack of ovulation.
  • Overweight, obesity – the reason why a woman may experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle and delayed periods. In order to restore normal function of the endocrine and reproductive systems, a woman must begin to lose weight. As a rule, when weight is reduced, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  • Menstrual irregularities and delayed periods can result long and exhausting diet, fasting , and underweight in a woman. As is known, models suffering from anorexia, having brought themselves to exhaustion, lose the ability to bear children - their menstrual function stops.
  • Another reason for delayed periods not related to illness is hard physical work and physical exhaustion of the woman. For this reason, not only the menstrual cycle suffers, but also the general state of health, subsequently causing various health problems and diseases in the woman. Such disorders can also be caused by excessive stress in women who exercise professional sports , are under extreme stress, testing their body’s strength.
  • Heavy acclimatization Women with a sudden change of place can also cause a delay in menstruation.
  • The reason for a delay in menstruation may be the individual reaction of a woman’s body to taking certain medications , and oral contraceptives . This happens quite rarely, but in any case, only a doctor can make a final diagnosis after assessing the patient’s condition and comparing all the factors of her life and health.
  • Weakened as a result long-term illnesses, chronic stress, nervous shock, severe injuries A woman’s body can cause disruptions in the mechanisms of the menstrual cycle, causing a delay in menstruation.
  • Sometimes women, due to disorders of the endocrine system and hormonal levels, develop a pathological condition that doctors call “ early menopause " Such disorders can occur in women of 30 years of age and even at an earlier age. Patients with early onset of menopause need careful examination and timely treatment, since this pathology inhibits reproductive function, leading to infertility, and worsens the standard of living of a young woman.

What are the risks for a woman of delayed menstruation?

If a woman’s menstruation was delayed once, and there were obvious reasons for this - for example, severe stress or overexertion, serious illness or injury , then it’s too early to talk about any pathology. But in any case, menstrual cycle irregularities signal some more serious disorders in the body, which can manifest as serious diseases and consequences.

You should not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis if your period is late - for this you need to consult a doctor.

The very same Delayed menstruation does not pose any danger to women's health . But Those disorders or pathologies can be dangerous that caused menstrual irregularities. Some causes are easily remediable and do not require long-term treatment or drug correction. But there are diseases that are very dangerous for a woman’s health, and in some cases, pose a threat to her life, and a frivolous attitude towards such a symptom as a delay in menstruation can result in very serious consequences in the future.

The regularity of menstruation plays a huge role for a woman. , as the key to successful conception and bearing a child. The regularity of menstruation plays a huge role for a woman, as the key to successful conception and bearing a child.

Gynecologists are convinced that a regular, uncomplicated cycle is not only the first and necessary step to successfully planning a pregnancy, but also the path to a healthy conception, a normal pregnancy and, ultimately, the birth of a healthy child. Therefore, correction of the menstrual cycle if it occurs with deviations should be an obligatory goal of any woman planning a pregnancy.

In order for menstruation to occur regularly, it is necessary to restore the balance of hormones, vitamins, and microelements.

Dysmenorm is used in the treatment of painful, irregular and scanty menstruation, as well as premenstrual syndrome. When taking the drug, it is noted that it helps normalize hormonal levels, has a calming effect and helps restore the cycle during irregular, infrequent and weak menstruation. The drug is also used to solve problems with conception associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum due to transient hyperprolactinemia (or an imbalance in the production of prolactin and dopamine). Dysmenorm in case of reproductive dysfunction helps restore ovulation and a full luteal phase (2nd phase of the cycle), reduces psycho-emotional stress, and also reduces symptoms of PMS, such as engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, bloating, swelling, increased irritability, tearfulness and fatigue.

In addition, a woman who has regular sex life, with constant monitoring of the duration of menstrual cycles, can easily “calculate” the onset of pregnancy in the early stages, without even resorting to tests, or notice problems in the body that require examination and medical supervision.

In the absence of pregnancy, a two-week delay may be a sign of hormonal disorders, corpus luteum cysts, adnexitis, or ovarian hypofunction. This condition is possible after ARVI or stress.

What does a 2 week delay indicate with a negative pregnancy test?

In addition, lifestyle also influences the menstrual cycle. For example, a history of acute respiratory viral infection or a strict diet can cause a delay. With anorexia and a woman’s weight loss below a critical point, menstruation stops altogether. Menstrual irregularities begin when the amount of adipose tissue decreases to less than 20% of body weight.

Abortion can also cause a delay. If the menstrual cycle does not return within several months, you should consult a gynecologist. The normal physiological state is only with delays during lactation. This is due to high levels of the hormone prolactin, which inhibits ovulation.

Ectopic pregnancy

During fertilization, the egg develops into a zygote, which gives rise to an embryo, and exits the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Sometimes the fertilized egg remains in the tube and on the seventh day is attached to its walls. This condition is called an ectopic pregnancy.

In such cases, the test is positive, but hCG is not produced in the body as quickly as during normal conception. Therefore, when a woman is 2 weeks late, the analysis may show one line or the second will be unclear. Characteristic signs are nagging pain in the lower abdomen and spotting. Typical symptoms of pregnancy may also be present: nausea, drowsiness, frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands.

If the pathology is not detected in time, then spontaneous termination of the pathological pregnancy occurs at 7–8 weeks, which is accompanied by bleeding and acute pain. This condition is dangerous for a woman; you need to call emergency help as soon as possible.

Diseases of the reproductive system

A delay of 2 weeks in menstruation can occur with the development of an acute inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system. The most common pathology is adnexitis or inflammation of the uterine appendages.

In women, the temperature rises to 39°, and there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region. After a long delay, menstruation may come with clots, stronger than usual, intermenstrual bleeding and purulent discharge appear. Painful sensations accompany sexual intercourse, and discomfort persists for some time after it.

Acute adnexitis can lead to peritonitis of the abdominal cavity, the formation of adhesions, and infertility. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.

Untimely treatment contributes to the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, the symptoms become less pronounced, but relapses periodically occur.

Corpus luteum cyst

Menstruation may be delayed by up to 14 days if a luteal cyst forms. Every month after ovulation, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum is formed in the ovary; it synthesizes progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy if fertilization of the egg occurs. Responsible for the formation of the corpus luteum.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors, yellow-red liquid begins to accumulate in the mature follicle and a cyst forms. The pathology is most often unilateral. Causes of the disease: hormonal imbalance, blood circulation.

Corpus luteum cyst develops almost asymptomatically over several months. As the size of the tumor increases, a feeling of heaviness and distension appears in the lower abdomen. Delays in menstruation often occur - this is caused by uneven shedding of the endometrium.

Luteal cysts in most cases do not require treatment and resolve spontaneously within 2–3 months.

In a complicated course, the cyst pedicle becomes torsion and hemorrhages into its cavity. Acute cramping attacks, diffuse pain, and a general deterioration in well-being occur. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory drugs, hormone replacement therapy, or surgical removal of the cyst.

Ovarian dysfunction

The causes of ovarian dysfunction are an endocrine disorder or hormonal imbalance that inhibits ovulation, disrupts the menstrual cycle, and causes a delay in menstruation by 2 weeks or more. In women, progesterone levels decrease and the concentration of estrogen in the blood increases.

The main symptoms of the pathology include the following:

  • heavy periods that last longer than 7 days, or too little discharge;
  • miscarriage;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Ovarian dysfunction, in which there is a delay of 1–2 weeks with a negative test, may be a sign of an oncological tumor or ectopic pregnancy. Over a long period of time, the pathology leads to endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer, especially in women over 45 years of age. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of dysfunction, restoring the balance of sex hormones, and normalizing the menstrual cycle.

What to do if your period is late for a long time

First of all, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Additionally, an ultrasound examination and a biochemical blood test for hormone levels are performed.

If there is a delay of 2 weeks and the test is negative, a repeat test must be done. A false result can be obtained due to poor test quality or incorrect analysis. If the pregnancy is less than 2 weeks, insufficient amounts of hCG are produced in the blood, so the answer may be negative.

Taking certain medications and chronic diseases of internal organs can also distort test results. Pregnancy can be confirmed with a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and an examination with a doctor.

A delay of two weeks may be a sign of ovarian dysfunction, inflammation of the genitourinary system, hormonal imbalance, or ectopic pregnancy. To determine the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

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A woman begins to worry from the first day of her missed period. Regardless of the desire to have a child, a feeling of anxiety arises literally immediately. But a delay in menstruation may not always indicate pregnancy. Let's look at all the possible reasons for late periods.

If you haven't yet checked your hCG levels using a pregnancy test, then let's cover some basics now:

    How many days are in your menstrual cycle?

    If you don't track your cycle (although I highly recommend you do), then you may not know the answer to this question. Consequently, it will be very difficult for you to calculate the days of your expected menstruation every month and you will often make mistakes, believing that this is a delay.

    Did you have unprotected intercourse during ovulation?

    Let's say 4 weeks have passed since the last menstruation, and ovulation took place 14 days ago. These are averages. Did you have an unprotected "relationship" with a man 2 weeks ago? If yes, then the probability of pregnancy is very high. If 5 weeks have passed since your last menstruation, then remember the relationship that was 3 weeks ago and so on.

    If yes, then you are most likely pregnant. Although this is not a 100% determination method. Often there is a psychological pregnancy, when a woman wants to have a child so much that she may experience a delay, nausea, chest pain and other symptoms that are actually fictitious.

No period, but pregnancy test or hCG test is negative

If you are sure that you are counting your cycle correctly and you have not had intercourse for the last month, but the delay is still present, then it could be caused by other reasons.

Are you taking any medications or pills?

Problems usually arise when taking contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives very often cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Especially if they are selected independently and taken without supervision from a gynecologist.

If problems arise while taking the pills, shouldn't you pay attention to other means of contraception? Let's figure it out. Your body is ready to conceive only 5 days out of the month. This includes the 3 days before ovulation (sperm can live for a maximum of 72 hours) and 24 hours after the egg is released from the ovaries. It is quite easy to determine these days and use this knowledge to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It turns out that it is not advisable to take hormones every day in order to be protected only 5 days a month. In any case, it is your choice, but you need to make a decision only after consulting a competent doctor.

Have you had any illnesses recently?

The disease can shift your menstrual cycle. Even a short illness can significantly affect hormone levels, leading to a slight delay.


Regular or severe stress wreaks havoc on your hormonal levels. How to improve the situation?

  • Get rid of a sedentary lifestyle. Even short walks once a day saturate your body with oxygen and help increase stress resistance.
  • Full sleep. Each person has his own minimum time that he should devote to rest. If this does not happen, the body becomes sluggish and reacts sharply to any anxiety and depression occurs. An adult usually needs 8 hours of sleep per day.
  • Vitamins. If your diet is not rich in variety, you need to take additional vitamin complexes. Magnesium and vitamin B supplements will be especially useful in this case. Freshly squeezed juices are also an excellent way to increase the level of nutrients in the blood and improve your mood.
  • Massage is a great option for relieving tension and relaxing muscles. Believe me, this is not a luxury, but a necessity, which has a huge number of benefits not only for the body, but also for the mind.

Are you overweight?

Increased body weight leads to surges in hormonal levels, which invariably leads to delays. This does not mean that to return to a normal cycle you need to suddenly lose a large number of kilogram. But you still have to make some effort.

The least you can do is reduce your consumption of sugar and wheat products. Plus a little physical activity every day. This will be a huge step towards regaining your women's health. Even daily walks will help you get a few steps closer to your goal.

Today, there are many services that help women in their quest to lose weight. These include calorie calculators, weight loss diaries, and simply communication on forums with women who have similar problems.

Are you too underweight?

If the level of fat in the body is excessively low, then this also leads to cycle disruption. It is necessary to establish the process of eating and eat only healthy foods that will help you gain the necessary weight.

Do you travel frequently and work shifts?

Oddly enough, there are such reasons. The functioning of the biological clock is very important for humans. And if a malfunction suddenly occurs in them, this leads to disturbances in hormonal levels. Try to find ways to build your work or leisure schedule more kindly to your body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This disease is based on a hormonal imbalance that interferes with the stability of ovulation. As a result, women with this diagnosis have an extended menstrual cycle and their chances of conceiving a baby are very low. Although the causes of this syndrome are not yet fully understood, one theory is that it is due to an increase in insulin production in the body.

Are you breastfeeding?

If you are currently a breastfeeding mother, the transition to a regular cycle may take some time. During breastfeeding, a breastfeeding woman receives a signal aimed at suppressing ovulation. Over time, the level of hormones will become sufficient and the first menstruation will begin, after a while the cycle will stabilize.

Have you recently given birth?

Delays can occur in women who are new mothers, even if they are not breastfeeding. The restoration of regular menstruation may take about 2 years.

Other medical problems

There are a number of other reasons that lead to delay: menopause, problems with the thyroid gland and a number of others that need to be discussed with specialists.

All women are famous for their ability to dream wildly. Moreover, over the years, their dreams change radically.

So, if a girl dreaming of pregnancy had a negative test result when her period was late, she would be very upset. And in just a few years, this same woman will breathe a sigh of relief, because she already has children, is facing a promotion, and is running out of money. This list can be continued endlessly, because every woman has her own.

Why are periods “delayed” if the test shows a negative result? What is this connected with? Is there any reason to worry?

Of course, the first thought that comes to a woman of childbearing age when her period is late is that she is pregnant. Therefore, to resolve the issue that worries her, she buys a pregnancy test.

Every woman is familiar with these simple and convenient devices. Despite the wide variety of types, they all work on the same principle: they detect an increase in the hCG hormone in a woman’s body, which indicates conception.

One line on the test indicates that pregnancy has not occurred and menstruation will begin in the very near future.

However, if a negative pregnancy test accompanies a long delay, the woman should be wary: the failure is caused by some kind of disease. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Can you be pregnant with a negative test?

Often on women's forums you can find angry reviews from women that a negative pregnancy test was false. That is, after a few days or weeks, conception was confirmed by other means: ultrasound, blood test, etc.

This fact is quite common, and it is associated with many reasons, ranging from incorrectly performed testing to a malfunction of the urinary system. Therefore, if you had unprotected sexual intercourse, and even in the middle of the cycle, then conception cannot be ruled out even with a negative test.

Test done too early

All women are extremely impatient people. This is especially true when they want to become mothers. Hoping to get pregnant here and now, many of them start doing tests even before the expected menstruation begins. What pushes them to such haste are the assurances of the manufacturers of tests that are super sensitive (10 IU).

In fairness, it is worth noting that many of these devices do show the right results in the very early stages. At the same time, we should not forget that every woman has a number of individual characteristics. In addition, conception does not always occur strictly in the middle of the cycle: it can happen either before or after it.

Consequently, if the egg attaches to the uterus later than the average period, then the amount of hCG simply will not have time to “grow” to the level where tests can determine it. In this case, the test will be negative both on the first day of the delay and on the fifth.

The absence of menstruation for 1 day should not be regarded as a delay. Any overexertion or stress, even a change in the weather, can affect your overall well-being, which will “push back” the deadlines a little.

On the second day of the delay, the test may also be negative if you are pregnant, especially if you purchased a device with a fairly low sensitivity (25 IU).

A delay of 3 days will allow highly sensitive tests to show 2 coveted bands. At the same time, devices with reduced sensitivity can leave a “ghost” on the test strip - a slightly visible second line.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary worries or disappointments, it is better to carry out testing no earlier than after 3-5 days of delay.

Poor or defective test

No woman would ever buy food that has expired. However, when purchasing a test strip, rarely does anyone ask when its expiration date is coming to an end. Such devices will not indicate pregnancy even if there is a delay of a week. After all, the reagent with which the strip is impregnated has long since dried out and cannot correctly “read” the necessary information.

In addition, among the cheap representatives of these devices there are often defective specimens.

Important evidence that the test is of poor quality or defective are the following:

  • Damaged protective packaging;
  • The first control strip is missing;
  • The spread of the reagent over the entire strip is clearly visible.

If any of the indicated signs appear, the second white line on the test is not a reliable result. Just throw it away and get another one.

Test used incorrectly

After a delay, the test will not show pregnancy if it was not used correctly.

Each test has accompanying instructions, which describe in detail how to carry out diagnostics at each stage. A reliable study will only be possible if these recommendations are strictly followed.

If a woman has all the signs of pregnancy, but the test is negative, she may have used insufficient urine for the test or may have taken the test less than the required time.

If your period is 4 days or less late, it is best to conduct the study in the morning. At this time, the body has the highest concentration of hCG. Diagnostics carried out in the evening may show a negative result in the early stages.

Disorders of the urinary system

Women suffering from various disorders of the urinary system are more often than others faced with a situation where all the signs of pregnancy are present, but the test is negative.

This fact is related to the specifics of these diseases. All pathologies of the urinary system are directly related to inflammatory processes. And they can distort the hCG levels in the urine.

Therefore, the presence of a second white stripe (and not red, as expected) cannot indicate that conception did not occur. In this case, women determine the presence of an “interesting situation” by all known signs: nausea, swollen mammary glands and delayed menstruation. Of course, such expectant mothers need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to confirm their assumptions.

Other reasons for missed periods

However, besides pregnancy, there are other reasons why periods are late. There are many factors that provoke such cycle fluctuations. However, some of them necessarily require careful diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

If the test is negative and the delay is short-lived, then most likely we are talking about physiological reasons that do not pose a direct threat to the woman’s health. However, if a two-week delay occurs regularly, you should consult a doctor without hesitation: such deviations are associated with endocrine or gynecological diseases.

Physiological reasons

A delay in menstruation with a negative pregnancy test is often associated with physiological reasons.

Most modern women want to do everything at once: earn a lot, take a good position, raise healthy and successful children and, of course, look great at the same time. Endless stress, frequent grueling diets, excessive physical and psychological stress lead to the fact that menstruation does not start on time. Let's consider the main physiological causes of delayed menstruation.

Colds or infectious diseases

Illnesses suffered during the last month can cause up to 5 days of delay. This is due to changes in hormonal levels during the course of the disease. As soon as the body recovers, the cycle will become regular again.

Following fashion trends, many women work out in gyms to the point of exhaustion in order to get themselves “in proper shape” as soon as possible. An organism that is not accustomed to regular gentle exercise simply cannot cope with such an “influx” of physical activity. And since in the female body the reproductive system is the first to react to overwork, menstruation is delayed.

Overweight and excessive thinness

Any deviations from the norm in a woman’s weight lead to a malfunction of the reproductive system. If, with excess body weight, the body experiences additional stress, then with severe thinness, metabolism is disrupted.

Changing climate conditions

Women are more sensitive to changes in climate conditions than men. Long flights to a country with a hot or, conversely, too cold climate can cause a delay of up to 6 days.

The beginning of the cycle

This process is quite natural and talking about a delay in this case is not entirely correct. During this period, the teenage girl is just beginning to develop her menstrual cycle, its intensity and duration. So, for example, in one month menstruation may begin on the 32nd day of the cycle, and in the next month on the 28th.

However, if a teenager often has stomach pain, it is better to consult a gynecologist for examination and consultation.

Gynecological and endocrine diseases

An alarming signal about disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, which is closely related to the endocrine region, is a prolonged absence of menstruation. Often, a failure of the menstrual cycle “provides” polycystic ovaries. This gynecological disease is quite common and dangerous: without appropriate treatment, it will be difficult for a woman to become pregnant.

If after a delay of 3 weeks the test is negative, the reasons may lie in inflammatory processes of the genitourinary area. At the same time, the woman experiences some discomfort: her stomach ache and there is itching and whitish discharge.

If you haven’t had your period for 2 months, this is evidence of dangerous pathologies of the endocrine system that require immediate specialist intervention and long-term treatment. If a woman has regular and long-term symptoms, she needs to see a doctor! Independent selection of medicines or the use of traditional medicine methods is prohibited.

An irregular menstrual cycle is evidence of diseases that are pathological and require adequate qualified therapy.

What to do if there is a delay and a negative test

So, if the test is negative and the delay is 12 days or more (the analysis also did not confirm conception), you should immediately go to see a gynecologist.

In this case, it is advisable to do several tests after 8 days of delay. Before this period, devices may simply not recognize pregnancy. If there is no pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe a detailed examination and determine the cause of the delay in menstruation.

Knowing the main “provocateur” of menstrual cycle disruption, the doctor will be able to prescribe medications that will eliminate it. If treatment is started in a timely manner and in compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, women have every chance of restoring their menstrual cycle.

Delayed menstruation is news that makes some women happy, but makes others sad or even frightened. The only way to check whether a new addition to the family is indeed expected soon is to take a pregnancy test. But if there is a delay in menstruation and the test is negative, what could this mean? There are many reasons - from early pregnancy to infectious diseases.

Normal menstrual cycle

To determine whether a delay has occurred or not, you need to figure out how long the menstrual cycle takes. On average, for most women, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 calendar days, or 4 weeks. This is considered a classic example of normal functioning of the reproductive system.

There are minor deviations of a few days from this figure, up or down. This is not a pathology and is perceived by doctors as physiological characteristics of the female body. After a year has passed since the start of the reproductive system and the appearance of menstruation (girls are 12-14 years old), the hormonal levels have already returned to normal, and the girl herself can calculate the duration of her cycle in days.

If the number of days from the first day of the start of menstruation to the start of the next is not 28, but more or less, then do not be alarmed. If this situation repeats over several months or even years, then the arrival of menstruation with a shift of several days is not considered a delay.

Reasons why the arrival of menstruation may be delayed

Let's consider the main reasons for a possible delay.

Pregnancy is the first thought that comes to mind when you expect monthly discharge, but there is none. If an “interesting situation” is confirmed, a delay in menstruation may turn into a subsequent absence of menstruation for more than 9 months. When an egg is fertilized, the uterine contraction function is blocked to preserve the fetus and prevent miscarriage. As a result, your periods should stop completely.

Another sign of pregnancy is swelling of the mammary glands. After several days of delay, the mammary glands of many women begin to enlarge and ache.

It is possible that during the day the lower abdomen will feel a little tight, and after 1 day of delay, white discharge may begin. Pregnancy is not excluded after 40 years of age, although the chances of conceiving a child are already decreasing.

Ovarian dysfunction

If there are no periods, and a woman’s cycle is irregular, lasts less than 3 weeks or more than 35 days, heavy or, conversely, scanty discharge (normally a woman loses 100-150 ml of blood during one menstruation), the cause may be ovarian dysfunction.

This problem can cause a delay in menstruation. If the doctor has made this diagnosis, it means that the hormonal function of the ovaries is disrupted and requires treatment. The pathology is treated with the use of hormone-containing drugs.

If the cycle does not begin after 10 days of delay, and the test is negative, then this problem is almost certainly caused by ovarian dysfunction. White discharge and pain in the lower abdomen may also appear.

Stressful situations

Modern people are exposed to stress every day. Problems at work, school, relationships, with children - all this can lead to strong internal experiences. And as a result, quite often there is a non-occurrence of menstruation, calculated in days or even weeks.

What to do? Of course, stressful situations are inevitable and you cannot isolate yourself from them. You just need to learn that experiences directly affect a woman’s body, and try to pull yourself together in any current situation for the sake of your own health. Once the source of stress disappears, menstruation will occur within a week.

Physical exercise

Very intense physical activity can cause a delay in menstruation. If a woman actively attends training for several months or years, this may affect her reproductive health. A woman’s endocrine system is greatly influenced by her lifestyle. Excessive stress on the female body disrupts hormonal levels, as a result of which menstruation disappears.

Working hard, which also includes stress, dulls the production of eggs and directly affects further childbearing.

Therefore, if there is a desire to have full-fledged healthy offspring in the future, then physical activity should be moderate. The body's recovery after training will not occur in a few days. This will most likely take weeks.

Excess weight

If there is no menstruation, and the woman has suddenly gained weight, then this could be the reason for the delay. This problem is common among overweight women, especially after 40 years.

Estrogens, female sex hormones, are synthesized in adipose tissue. If there is a lot of excess fat (more than 15% of normal body weight), then polycystic ovary syndrome may occur. Thus, excess estrogen is converted into androgens - male sex hormones. As a result, menstruation stops.

To normalize the functioning of the endocrine system after a failure, it is enough to get rid of excess fatty tissue, that is, lose excess weight.

This decision will not only help you get your menstrual cycle in order, but will also make it possible to conceive a child in the future. However, the problem will not be solved immediately. This may take several weeks.

Climate change

Even a situation such as climate change causes disruptions in female hormonal regulation. New places, environment, temperature - all this affects the menstrual cycle and can lead to a delay. Usually, after arriving from vacation, the reproductive system is restored and everything returns to normal within a week. If your period has not started after two to three weeks, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Hereditary factor

As in any other case, heredity has its place. If a delay in menstruation is a feature that is transmitted through the female line, then nothing can be done about it. This phenomenon is rare. The reason why heredity plays a key role is not fully understood.

The easiest way to find out if the bleeding has stopped due to pregnancy is to buy a pregnancy test. If the test strip shows a positive result (2 strips), then the delay in menstruation occurred precisely due to conception. Well, what to do if only 1 line appears on the test (negative result)? Does this guarantee that there is no pregnancy and why menstruation does not occur? First things first.

One stripe

The presence of one strip when menstruation is delayed can indicate many things. If the delay occurred for one of the reasons described above (ovarian dysfunction, stressful situations, physical activity, excess weight, climate change, hereditary factor), then the test will be negative. But there are also other aspects why one stripe is visible. The test may be negative for the following reasons:

Incorrect testing

Each manufacturer puts step-by-step instructions in the box with test strips or writes the method of use on the back of the package.

If the girl is still pregnant, then immersing the test strip in an insufficient amount of urine or removing it too quickly can affect the result, for example, it will be negative. The result will be more accurate if you do the test in the morning (preferably in the morning).

The test is ruined

Often tests are spoiled or expired. In this case, the test result will not be correct. For an accurate result, it is recommended to use this product only with the current expiration date, and when opening it, check the packaging for integrity.

Low test strip sensitivity

There is a reagent present that comes into effect if the hCG hormone is elevated. Now they sell ultra-sensitive tests that can detect pregnancy with hCG from 10 mmU/ml (before the delay). If you do a test with a sensitivity higher than 20-25 mmU/ml before the delay, you can find a negative result, because the pregnancy hormone has not yet risen to the level that testing can determine. After the procedure, it must be repeated after 3-5 days.

It often happens that when menstruation is late, the lower abdomen feels tight and hurts during the day, white discharge is present, and the result is negative. Such pain should be the first signal to a woman that something is wrong in her body.

Possible reasons why the lower abdomen hurts during a delay may be:

  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • hypothermia,
  • infection,
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Let's look at these states in more detail.

Ectopic pregnancy

If 5, 10, 15 days have passed, and still no menstruation, then one of the signs of such a situation may be an ectopic pregnancy. The test may show a negative result, but the lower abdomen continues to bother you.

To find out whether a woman has an ectopic pregnancy or not, she should take a blood test for hCG. This method will show a more accurate result.

In this case, a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory, and the sooner the better. The occurrence of ectopic pregnancy is not excluded among women of childbearing age (from 20 to 35 years). It was she who could cause a cycle disruption.


The inflammatory process is a consequence of hypothermia. Cutting pain, burning, discomfort during sexual intercourse - all this may indicate the presence of diseases such as inflammation of the vaginal walls (vaginitis), inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis). Adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes) mainly affects girls 20-30 years old. Inflammation of the appendages can cause high fever (up to 39 degrees), as well as white discharge.

If during the day the lower abdomen feels tight and there is white discharge, then in this case it is better not to self-medicate, but to entrust your health to professionals.


Sexually transmitted infections can also cause a missed period if the test is negative. Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea - with these diseases the lower abdomen hurts, there is white discharge and an unpleasant odor. These diseases affect women aged 16 to 40 years. If you feel pain in your lower abdomen, you should definitely see a doctor.

Delayed menstruation is a fairly common occurrence among women of all ages. It doesn’t matter how old a girl is, each of the listed reasons can cause a delay in menstruation at any time.

If there is no menstruation for more than a week, and the pregnancy test shows a negative result, then this does not exclude conception. On the other hand, the presence of one stripe may also indicate some disease. In any case, you should not make hasty conclusions, but rather see your doctor.