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Green diarrhea in a child: causes and treatment methods. What to do if your child has green diarrhea

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as green diarrhea in a child, can seriously alarm parents.

Does diarrhea always signal a deterioration in the baby’s health? What to pay attention to and how to deal with green diarrhea in a child?

Parents should know the answers to these questions, regardless of the age of their children.

Causes of green diarrhea in a child

There are actually not many reasons that can lead to green diarrhea in children.

And the symptoms accompanying this phenomenon will help parents quickly determine whether their baby needs medical help.

In some cases liquid green chair– this is just a natural and quickly passing phenomenon.

In particular, during the first few days of life, the baby may pass original feces, the so-called meconium, which can give the stool a dark green hue.

In this case, the newborn usually does not show any signs of anxiety. In addition, it is important to distinguish between when a child has diarrhea and when he has normal stool with a slight shade of green.

Some foods can give this shade, especially vegetables and fruits. Diarrhea occurs 5-6 or more times a day. This frequency should really be alarming.

The most common causes of green diarrhea:

  • introduction of complementary foods or replacement of formula;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • liver diseases;
  • V in rare cases- intestinal bleeding.

Depending on what caused the baby’s green diarrhea, the problem is accompanied by different symptoms.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to exactly how the child feels. If he is calm and does not complain about anything, then you can limit yourself to contacting your local pediatrician and get tested without much haste.

But if the baby has a fever, a stomach ache, and vomiting is added to the symptoms, then perhaps he has become a victim intestinal infection.

This situation requires immediate medical intervention, since self-treatment may have serious consequences.

If the symptoms of intoxication are accompanied by a child’s complaints of pain in the liver area, this may indicate a disease of this organ, which also requires contacting a specialist.

But whatever the cause of green diarrhea, it is important to monitor the child’s condition. Diarrhea, particularly when combined with vomiting, extremely quickly leads to dehydration, especially in infants.

It is not difficult to determine the presence of dehydration, since the child immediately decreases the number and volume of urination, and the color of the urine becomes dark.

In addition, circles appear under the eyes, lips become dry, and may even crack. In children early age the fontanelle may sink, the child becomes very lethargic.

Dehydration can be accompanied by: dangerous complications green diarrhea like cracks anus and hemorrhoids, even rectal prolapse.

To avoid such unpleasant and completely inappropriate childhood consequences, it is important to seek help in time.

Dysbacteriosis as a cause of diarrhea

Sometimes parents discover green diarrhea in their infant when switching to a new formula or during the introduction of complementary foods.

In such a situation, it is quite easy to determine the source of the problem, since the baby’s imperfect gastrointestinal tract quickly reacts to a product it does not like.

Its cancellation, as a rule, allows the child's stool to normalize. The same applies to foods eaten by a nursing mother. Intolerance to something specific can also cause green diarrhea in children.

With dysbacteriosis, children may not complain about anything, eat well enough and feel quite normal, with the exception of more frequent trips to the toilet.

There may be a little mucus, foam or even blood in the stool - if the situation is advanced.

Dysbacteriosis, that is, a violation normal microflora intestines, is typical not only for infants.

It can also be caused by taking antibiotics in an older child if he was treated for some kind of infectious disease.

But besides this, dysbiosis can cause allergies, not proper nutrition and even reduced immunity.

In addition to green diarrhea, dysbiosis in an infant may indicate sour smell stool, frequent regurgitation. small child bloating and colic may bother you, and a rash may appear.

To diagnose dysbiosis, you need to take a special stool test. Depending on the results, the pediatrician will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

First of all, these are probiotics and prebiotics, which will help tidy up the intestinal microflora.

If there is such a need, they can prescribe sorbents (“Enterosgel”, “Smecta”), which will remove toxins from the body. Taking these drugs quickly corrects the situation.

To prevent a child from developing younger age green diarrhea due to dysbacteriosis the best way breastfeeding is considered.

At the same time, the mother should exclude harmful and heavy foods from her menu. Artificial children are often prescribed medicinal fermented milk mixtures.

Since green diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis is a very common phenomenon in children under one year of age, it is important to remember that with diarrhea the child’s anus is greatly irritated.

To avoid problems, the baby should be washed after each bowel movement; you can lubricate the anus with cream or baby oil.

What to do if the cause of diarrhea is infection?

Children aged 3 to 5 years are especially susceptible to intestinal infections. They almost eat their own food and can often eat unwashed fruit or vegetables.

In this case, the causative agent of infection can be fungi, viruses, and various bacteria. The child's body will react quickly enough to such unexpected guests.

Naturally, if the child is already five years old, then he will be able to tell what exactly hurts him and whether he feels sick. But you won’t be able to do without a doctor if you catch an intestinal infection.

After all, green diarrhea along with vomiting and fever may indicate rotavirus infection, salmonellosis or dysentery.

You should be especially wary of eating fish or eggs the day before. Therefore, if you notice a bunch of such symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

Before doctors arrive, it is important to provide first aid to the child, since fever and diarrhea will quickly lead to dehydration.

To prevent it, you need to provide for your child boiled water. Solutions for normalization will be very useful water-salt balance, such as "Regidron".

If severe dehydration occurs, already in the hospital the baby may be prescribed an IV. Sorbents are also appropriate for intestinal infections - by removing toxins, they will alleviate the child’s condition.

When intestinal poisoning two things should be understood: firstly, you should not use painkillers, as they can blur clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis, and secondly, even with high temperature Antipyretics can be given only after consulting a doctor.

You need to lower the temperature yourself by drink plenty of fluids. Under no circumstances should you give your child antibiotics yourself, as some of them are toxic to children.

It is important to remember what exactly the child ate, and if you do not fully control it, then you should find out all the details from him personally.

If the doctor is convinced that there is an infection, he will advise you to go to the hospital. There, in order to determine why the child has green diarrhea, appropriate tests will be prescribed.

Among them general analysis blood, culture of stool and possibly vomit, blood test to detect antibodies to the causative agent of salmonellosis. Children over 5 years old will have to be kept on a strict diet.

To prevent green diarrhea from occurring in a child, you must carefully monitor his hygiene and nutrition.

Young children should not be introduced to complementary foods too early, and older children should not be overfed with carbohydrates.

Doctors emphasize that adults should not lick baby spoons and pacifiers, so as not to spread infection to them with their saliva.

No matter how old your child is, you cannot ignore such a symptom as green diarrhea. Timely consultation with a specialist will help avoid complications and problems.

A change in the nature of stool, and even more so the appearance of diarrhea, is a symptom of a pathological condition in the baby’s body. The color of diarrhea can indirectly suggest the reason why it occurred. Green diarrhea in a child is a sign of an infectious disease. As a rule, the stool in such cases is very foul-smelling, may be foamy, and children are disturbed intense pain in the stomach area.

Diarrhea is alarming symptom, because Against this background, children quickly develop dehydration. Depending on the weight and age of children, dehydration occurs in different terms. U infant it will develop much faster than in a 6-year-old child.

Treatment of an infectious disease gastrointestinal tract requires the mother and baby to stay in an inpatient setting at a children's infectious diseases hospital, where they can correctly diagnose and provide qualified assistance.

Attempts to cure green diarrhea at home can be dangerous to the health and life of children!

Causes of green diarrhea.

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are called “diseases of dirty hands” in medicine. This expression speaks for itself - these infections develop due to insufficient personal hygiene or poor heat treatment of foods.

From a practical point of view, doctors distinguish infectious and non-infectious causes such diarrhea.

Infections that can cause green diarrhea in a child:

  • Amoebiasis. The microorganism that causes this disease belongs to the simplest. The child has dark green diarrhea, which also foams.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Dysentery.
  • Acute foodborne diseases. As a rule, they are associated with the consumption of foods contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus.

Non-infectious causes of diarrhea with greens in a child:

  1. Errors in diet. For children aged 1 or 2 years, this may be the introduction of previously unfamiliar foods in large quantities. Since physiological enzymatic deficiency is observed up to 10–14 years of age, sudden changes in diet can cause green diarrhea in a child.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. Normally, the intestines are populated with “useful” microorganisms that help the process of food digestion. When the number of such bacteria decreases, problems with digestion begin, and green diarrhea is observed in the child;
  3. Diseases of the biliary system. Usually this acute conditions that require treatment in a surgical hospital.

Considering the variety of causes of diarrhea and the large role of infectious factors in this, all children with diarrhea are advised to microbiological examination feces

Clinical picture.

In addition to green, loose and foul-smelling stool, other symptoms present in the diarrhea clinic include:

  • cramping pain in the abdominal area;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • The baby's body temperature can rise to febrile levels (up to 39 degrees).

Older children themselves indicate where they feel pain and may be able to describe its nature. Young children are characterized by a deterioration in their general condition, the baby constantly cries, and parents periodically note liquid green feces in the diaper.

How to treat?

With infectious diarrhea, the child has green diarrhea and fever. In such cases, it is usually prescribed antibacterial therapy. Also, children are often prescribed drugs from the group of enterosorbents, for example, Smecta or Polysorb. They will help delay the absorption of toxins from the intestinal lumen into the blood, which will alleviate the baby’s condition. When body temperature rises above 38 degrees, children are prescribed antipyretics medications(“Paracetamol” or “Nurofen” in syrup).

Ideally, the patient should be in an infectious diseases hospital, where he can be given accurate diagnosis, determine the cause of the disease and select treatment according to age. Within the walls of the hospital, children can be provided parenteral nutrition, to relieve the gastrointestinal tract during the period of illness, and the hospital regime and diet will speed up recovery.

In case of dysbacteriosis, diarrhea can be treated at home. After consulting with your local pediatrician, you can take a course of pre- or probiotics. Currently pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of these drugs. Your doctor will advise you which one to choose. Treatment usually takes at least 30 days and should not be carried out while taking antibacterial drugs.

Prebiotics differ from probiotics in that they do not contain “good” bacteria, but rather provide an optimal environment for these bacteria. Probiotics are portions of “good” microbes.

To prevent diarrhea associated with poor diet, it is necessary to follow the rule that states that the introduction of new and previously unfamiliar foods into the baby’s diet should occur gradually. You should start introducing your baby to new food with small volumes, for example, give him a teaspoon of this product, after a few days increasing the portion by 2 times. You should not feed your children fatty fried foods.

What to feed before and after diarrhea?

When green diarrhea and fever are observed in a child, it is not recommended to feed him. And the baby will most likely refuse to eat on his own.

If the baby’s condition is milder, then to replenish energy costs during diarrhea, children need to be fed. But don't do it familiar dishes, from which his diet usually consists, but special ones. Such dishes include rice water and thick jelly. These products have a binding effect and will help overcome diarrhea.

Even after complete recovery, you cannot start eating everything at once. The return to normal food should occur gradually and take at least a week. You need to start with the most gentle products (boiled porridge, chicken soups). Lastly, heavy foods are introduced (bread, meat, fresh vegetables and fruits).

In some cases, even following these recommendations does not allow you to completely restore normal functioning gastrointestinal tract of a child after diarrhea. Therefore, the pediatrician can prescribe enzyme agents that will help eliminate the problem that has developed, because food will enter the intestines well prepared.

Many mothers intuitively determine the condition digestive system the child by the type and color of the stool. Such home diagnostics work quite well; it allows parents to worry about the health of the baby in time. Green diarrhea in a child that occurs suddenly and at any age can cause particular concern. Green stools are not always a sign of a serious problem, but sometimes, if there are additional dangerous symptoms, it denotes development certain disease. How can parents understand whether they should sound the alarm or whether the appearance of green feces is not dangerous?

Stool color can indicate serious problems, but it is sometimes observed in healthy children

What factors can cause green diarrhea?

The reasons for the unusual grassy color of stool depend on the child’s diet, age and health.

Having noticed the appearance of an unpleasant shade, analyze the situation and try to find out what could have caused such changes. Some of them may only indicate normal reaction the body to certain foods, but there are some that cannot be ignored - they require seeing a doctor.

Factors that do not affect the child's health

Digestion of a newborn is imperfect, it is full of surprises, often not associated with serious dangers for the child. Parents should be prepared for them and know exactly what is the reason for the appearance of green, black or other colored stool. Let's look at common factors that influence the appearance of feces in infants:

  • Meconium. The baby's first stool does not consist only of processed food, so it can be dark olive in color.
  • Formation of the gastrointestinal tract. The yellow-green tint of stool in the first year of a child’s life is associated with underdevelopment of the digestive system. As a rule, up to 2 years the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and unpleasant manifestations disappear.
  • Features of breastfeeding and mother's nutrition while breastfeeding. Liquid stool is formed when the baby absorbs foremilk, which is not high in fat content. Green diarrhea in a child is provoked by eating vegetables and fruits of the same color or foods containing a lot of carbohydrates (see also:).

If the nipple is not grasped correctly, the baby only receives foremilk which leads to gastrointestinal upset
  • Artificial feeding. Infant formulas containing a large number of iron, change the color of the stool.
  • Lure. The introduction of new foods into complementary foods can lead to the appearance of different shades of stool.
  • Poor nutrition. The appearance of green diarrhea in children 3-5 years old may be associated with eating excessive quantities of foods such as chocolate, apples, pears, lettuce or spinach, baked goods, and dill.

Reasons requiring special attention

Stool with mucus and an unpleasant color looks like an alarming signal when there is a suspicion of the presence of an infection or other disease. Here is a list of reasons that parents should pay special attention to:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. The cause of the disease may be improper introduction of complementary foods to the infant, an intestinal infection suffered by the child, somatic diseases requiring treatment with antibiotics.
  2. Various types of intestinal infections: yersiniosis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis, escherichiasis, rotavirus infection.
  3. Dysentery.
  4. Salmonellosis. The main cause of salmonellosis is eating “dirty” food. raw eggs, fish.

Salmonellosis - very serious infection, which is provoked by “dirty” food products

As you can see, the appearance of loose stools can be associated with various factors. It is important for parents to compare them in order to correctly determine why this is happening. Obviously, if there is a disease, it can also manifest itself with other symptoms. It is necessary to monitor the general condition of the child in order to draw the right conclusions and organize competent assistance in a timely manner. A number of programs are devoted to the problem of diarrhea in children with the participation of the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky, who examines this topic in detail and intelligibly from all sides.

What symptoms should you be wary of?

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It is important for mom to understand: if a month-old or one-year-old baby poops green, you should closely monitor his condition and pay attention to possible signs diseases. Any disease that gives a similar reaction is accompanied by other symptoms. Often in the clinical picture of the disease there are a number of symptoms that make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis:

  • Temperature increase. If high fever is added to diarrhea, the cause is salmonellosis or dysentery.
  • Stool consistency (see also:). Chest or 3 summer child pooping grass-colored diarrhea filled with mucus and blood clots is clear signs severe dysentery. Feces come out with foam - a sign of intestinal infection or dysbiosis. If the stool contains mucus, but there are no blood clots, then salmonellosis is the provocateur.
  • Chair shade. Light green stool – light intestinal disorder, dark – salmonellosis, black – dysentery. Note that the black tint of green in diarrhea with mucus is initial stage diseases. A little time will pass and it will manifest itself with other characteristic symptoms.

  • Smell. With dysbacteriosis, stool is liquid and acidic putrid smell, with an intestinal infection - stool with foul odor, which hits the nose.
  • Vomiting and regurgitation. Repeated regurgitation in infants indicates dysbacteriosis; in older children, vomiting occurs. Vomiting is profuse and does not stop, which is characteristic of salmonellosis.
  • General health. Obvious anxiety of the baby, complaints that his tummy hurts, crying and whims of the newborn, refusal to eat, insomnia - indicative signs general malaise of the child. It is easier for parents of 4-7 year olds to understand what is bothering the baby, and at 1 month they need to be especially attentive to his behavior. Your baby can't tell you what's hurting him, so if you notice your baby has unpleasant diarrhea, pay attention to other signs of illness.

If the baby is diarrhea, but his temperature does not rise and nothing else bothers him, he is cheerful and active, there is no need to worry too much. Most likely, after some time, digestion will stabilize, the diarrhea will go away and will not affect the health of the little patient in any way. The situation becomes more serious when fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms are added to diarrhea.

Obviously, parents should call the doctor and take certain measures before he arrives. Dr. Komarovsky also proposes similar tactics, believing that self-medication in such cases is irresponsible and criminal. An honored pediatrician warns parents that in doubtful situations, when there is no clear picture of the disease, only contacting a specialist will the best solution.

If the baby’s condition worsens, you should urgently call a doctor to determine the cause of the illness.

What help can I provide?

No mother can calmly watch a child suffer. What can be done if, against the background of diarrhea, the child’s temperature rises and worsens? general state(more details in the article:)? While waiting for the doctor, do the following:

  1. Feed your child with saline solutions (Regidron, Oralit, Eneterodes), which can be bought at the pharmacy. Medicines will help replenish fluid loss.
  2. Unsolder the baby drinking water should not be used, it can cause nausea and vomiting.
  3. To neutralize and remove toxins, give the baby some sorbent (Enterosgel or Smecta).
  4. Continue breastfeeding.
  5. Please note that the child should not fast for more than 6 hours.
  6. No other drugs, especially antibiotics, can be used. Thoughtless use of medications can worsen the situation.

All your competent actions will help alleviate the baby’s condition, but will not solve the problem globally. Eliminate suspicions serious illness or digestive pathology can only be diagnosed by a doctor. Maintain external calm, try not to scare the baby with your excitement, so that nervous tension does not add to poor health.

There is no need to frighten the baby with excitement - on the contrary, he should draw calm from his mother

How dangerous is the condition?

Diarrhea, no matter what color it is, always results in loss of fluid from the body. The danger of dehydration is especially great for infants. Large fluid loss leads to a rise in temperature, complicating the problem. Green diarrhea may be accompanied by bloating and pain. The child reacts to the development of the problem with cold limbs, and his eyes may become sunken. Newborns become restless and act up a lot. The smart solution is to immediately call a doctor. The threat increases if the baby is not even 6 months old: dehydration may end fatal. Babies of this age do not perceive well saline solutions, they refuse to drink them, there is a strong loss of fluid, the body cannot cope with the problem.

How is the problem diagnosed?

Find out how much serious problem, help laboratory research. Doctors resort to them to accurately determine the extent of the disease. Types of analysis:

  • feces for dysbacteriosis;
  • bacterial culture of vomit and feces;
  • visual examination of the rectum by a doctor or retroromanoscopy;
  • urine;
  • blood for general analysis;
  • coprogram;
  • RNGA blood is a test that detects antibodies to salmonella.

A complete blood test may be needed to determine the cause of the disease.

Full diagnostics allows you to pinpoint the cause unusual color diarrhea, determine whether the child has a pathology or not. The test results give the doctor a complete clinical picture and facilitate the choice of treatment. If no serious illness is detected, the doctor can recommend proper nutrition and other measures that parents should take to prevent the child from developing diarrhea with a strange tint (we recommend reading:).

What treatment is prescribed?

Treatment is prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results shown by the tests. If doctors have discovered any disease, they can treat it like this:

  1. Special therapeutic dietary nutrition.
  2. For dysbacteriosis, probiotics, bacteriophages, Bifilin, Linex, Acipol, Bifiform are prescribed.
  3. Intestinal infection is eliminated with the help of enterosorbents, antibiotics and chemotherapy.
  4. Application of enzyme therapy. The following products are used: Pancreatin, Pankurmen, Festal, Panzinorm forte, Mezim forte, Digestal.
  5. For elimination side effects antiallergic medications are being taken.
  6. Antidiarrheal drugs are also prescribed: Imodium or Diarol.
  7. For cupping pain syndromes myotropic antispasmodics are used.

For dysbacteriosis, children's Linex can be prescribed

What preventive measures should be taken?

Help to avoid the described problem preventive measures, which every mother can carry out. Observe the following regularly:

  1. Eliminate or reduce foods that trigger allergies in newborns from your diet. This diet is especially important until the child is three months old.
  2. Install for yourself balanced diet and try not to use antibiotics for your own treatment.
  3. When feeding your baby with formula, consult your pediatrician to choose a product with the right composition for your baby.
  4. Introduce complementary foods gradually, carefully monitoring the baby's reaction. If you see changes in stool, temporarily exclude the product from your child’s menu. Wait until the baby's gastrointestinal tract is fully formed.
  5. After 3 years, keep it balanced baby food, you should not give carbohydrates and vegetables in large quantities.
  6. No adult should lick the baby's spoons and pacifiers. Your saliva can transfer harmful bacteria into your baby's body.

This phenomenon often causes panic in the baby’s mom and dad. Unfortunately, many people have no idea what can cause this pathology and how to treat it. ABOUT possible factors, causing diarrhea unusual color, and treatment methods will be discussed in this article.

How dangerous is green diarrhea in a child?

This disease occurs:

  • with abdominal pain;
  • high temperatures;
  • often of an unusual shade.

One of the main consequences of diarrhea is dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for small children. The more dehydrated a child’s body is, the faster his temperature rises. If you do not provide help to the child in time, then even death is possible.

Herbal medicine that successfully relieves inflammatory process, cleanses the body, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Possible reasons

This phenomenon in babies is only occasionally a cause for panic. Often, diarrhea of ​​an unusual color is considered normal, because... The green color of stool is given by bilirubin or a certain hormone that is present in breast milk. You can find out why it occurs here.

Therefore, you should not immediately panic, take a closer look at your child, observe his well-being. Only a competent specialist – a pediatrician – can identify the exact cause of this pathology.

Reasons that should not cause concern

So, why does a child have green diarrhea:

  • Meconium. This is the bowel movement of a newborn baby in the first few days of his life. Externally it has a viscous, odorless, dark green consistency.
  • Formation of the gastrointestinal tract. The green tint of stool in the first year of life with breastfeeding is due to the underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Over a short period of time, its work stabilizes.
  • Breast-feeding. The unusual color of stool and its condition are the result of swallowing crumbs of the mother's low-fat foremilk.
  • Features of the female breast. If in the first year of the baby’s life the feces remain the same liquid consistency And Green colour, this may be a consequence of tight breasts or inverted nipples in the mother. In such circumstances, its formation can take a significant amount of time.
  • Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding. If the baby's mother's diet contains a lot of green vegetables or foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates, this may be the result of diarrhea in the baby. It is usually caused by the following products:
    • Green apples;
    • Pears;
    • Broccoli;
    • Dill;
    • Cucumbers;
    • Spinach;
    • Parsley.
  • Artificial feeding. Feeding the child with milk formulas that contain a huge amount of iron: NAN, Nutrilon and others.
  • Introduction to complementary foods: Vegetable and fruit purees, juices, and cereals can provoke pathologies such as green diarrhea in babies.
  • Nutritional features. In older children (3-5 years), when the gastrointestinal tract has already completely normalized its functioning, diarrhea of ​​an unusual color may appear due to poor nutrition, namely, too much consumption of sweets, also green vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, spinach, green onions, parsley, dill, sorrel, green apples and pears.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Dangerous reasons

Often this pathology Occurs in children from one to 3 years of age. What factors influence the occurrence of this phenomenon?

The main factors influencing the appearance of green stool:

  1. Intestinal infection. Infection can occur through low-quality products, dirty hands, and the infection can also be transmitted through contact with a carrier.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. Is pretty common cause occurrence of this phenomenon. The balance of intestinal microflora may be disrupted due to poor nutrition, decreased immune system body. In these circumstances, the child has diarrhea dark green, skin rashes and colic.
  3. Long-term use of medications (antibiotics). Diarrhea occurs due to the suppression of intestinal microflora by drugs.
  4. Dysentery– an infectious disease that is characterized by damage to the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the colon.
  5. Salmonellosis- infectious acute illness caused by bacteria of the Salmonella genus. Transmission routes chicken eggs, dairy, as well as meat products. If the listed food products have passed a bad heat treatment, then the child will most likely become infected with salmonellosis. A detailed article about it can be found here.

If your baby has this phenomenon, then you cannot ignore it. It is necessary to analyze the current circumstances and draw a conclusion about what could have caused this pathology in the baby.

If this phenomenon was caused by the introduction of complementary foods into the diet, poor nutrition mother of the baby, then there is no need to sound the alarm. But if you suspect health problems, you should immediately consult a specialist. The accompanying signs will help clarify the situation.

I didn't expect such an effect. The body was restored, even the skin became smooth and even, the stool returned to normal. I'm very happy with this result."

Associated symptoms

If a baby has diarrhea of ​​an unusual color, it is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy;
  • Drowsiness;
  • No appetite;
  • Pain, colic in the abdomen;
  • Nausea;
  • Intense thirst;
  • Frequent regurgitation or vomiting;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Feces are brown - green in color;
  • The stool is too thin, like water, and contains mucus or blood threads; this may be due to dysentery or salmonellosis.
  • The sour smell of stool may indicate dysbacteriosis;
  • A bad foul odor indicates infection.

If such a pathology occurs in a child without fever or other accompanying symptoms, he also plays, indulges and has fun, no need to sound the alarm. After a short amount of time, the stool will return to normal. But if accompanied by the above symptoms, you should immediately seek advice from a competent specialist or call an ambulance.

Signs of dehydration

You should also not do the following:

  1. Antipyretics and painkillers should be given strictly at a temperature of 38.5 degrees or more.
  2. You cannot prescribe, much less give, antibiotics on your own. This can only make the situation worse.
  3. There is no need to force your baby to eat. During this period, it is not recommended to offer your child raw foods.
  4. Do not place a heating pad or ice on your baby's stomach.
  5. In the current circumstances, it is recommended not to hesitate, but to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences could be much worse.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently call a doctor?

A doctor is needed in the following cases:

  • Green diarrhea in a child is an important warning sign that you should pay attention to, but do not create panic.
  • Increased body temperature, the baby is constantly capricious, abdominal pain appears, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible, especially if this is a child under 3 years old.

Only good specialist will be able to deliver correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.


For correct setting diagnosis is necessary:

  • take a stool test;
  • urine;
  • blood.

Sometimes additional research is necessary:

  1. The child is given a contrast agent to drink.
  2. The severity of the disease is determined by the speed at which it moves through the intestines.
  3. If after 4 hours or earlier, the stool turns black, there is a pathology.


After the diagnosis has been made based on the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment:

  1. Strict adherence to the recommended diet.
  2. If this is dysbacteriosis, the following are prescribed: medicines, Hilak forte, Linex, Enterol, Atsilak, Bifiliz, Florin Forte. Find out what others are here.
  3. If an infection occurs, antibiotics are prescribed.
  4. To normalize the water and electrolyte balance in the body, Regidron, Gastrolit, Oralit, and Citroglucosolan are used.
  5. Therapy with enzyme preparations: Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim forte.
  6. Antihistamines.
  7. Anti-diarrhea medications: Diarol, Imodium.
  8. Painkillers: No-shpa, Dibazol, Papaverine.

You can get rid of the disease only with the help of adequate medical intervention and proper treatment. If corrective measures have not been taken, this can lead to very dire consequences.


If you ignore all of the above symptoms, the baby’s condition will only worsen, which will lead to more severe consequences:

  • Intestinal bleeding;
  • Cramps when the temperature is too high;
  • Brain swelling;
  • Infectious-toxic shock.

To avoid such dire consequences, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.


After childbirth, the baby’s body gradually adapts to environmental conditions in the first few weeks. His digestive system is very delicate and sensitive, so every new dish immediately affects the child’s digestive system.

Prevention of diarrhea:

  1. Experts advise introducing complementary foods in stages, starting with a teaspoon, and carefully observing the body’s reaction.
  2. Products must undergo careful processing.
  3. For mothers who feed their babies breast milk You need to carefully monitor your diet and try not to eat foods that can cause such a pathology in your baby.

Bottom line

Green diarrhea in a child and fever are quite important warning signs for seeking advice from a pediatrician. Do not try to prescribe any medical supplies. The consequences can be much worse.

Can appear at any age. This symptom is a consequence of malfunction digestive tract. Sometimes green stool is not dangerous and is considered normal condition, but under some circumstances, modified children's feces indicate a pathological process. In addition, it may be additionally reinforced by other symptoms.

1 Provocateurs of violations

The child's diet is directly affected by food and general health.

There are reasons that are considered normal, so under such circumstances the appearance of a child should not cause concern. However, there are factors that not only cause unpleasant symptom, but can be dangerous for the baby.

TO harmless reasons include:

  1. Meconium. Dark olive-colored stool is observed in the first week after the baby is born. This change is due to the peculiarities of the digestive system of the baby.
  2. Maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. Immediately after birth, not all systems in children's body perfect. Normalization of work digestive organs occurs during the first year of life.
  3. Breast milk. If the baby only absorbs the portion of the mother that is in front, then the presence of loose stools is not surprising. In addition, if the nipples have an inverted shape or the mother’s breasts are “tight,” then the normalization of the digestive tract of the newborn baby may be delayed.
  4. Diet of a nursing woman. A breastfed child is directly dependent on what his mother consumes. If a woman gives preference to carbon-containing foods, then there is a possibility that the baby will develop green diarrhea. In addition, green vegetables, such as dill, apples, broccoli, etc., can also affect the color of the baby's stool.
  5. Artificial feeding. Increased content Iron in infant formula can cause stool to appear green in color.
  6. Lure. New Product may not be perceived normally by the child’s body, which leads to digestive system disorders.
  7. Food. In children aged 3-5 years, excessive consumption of chocolate, sweets, confectionery pastries, green vegetables and fruits can lead to green diarrhea.

2 Dangerous pathological conditions

In contrast to the above factors, which affect stool but are easily eliminated without harm to the child, there are reasons of a dangerous nature.

Under such circumstances, diarrhea is not the only symptom. The child may have a significant increase in body temperature and other signs of illness.

Basic pathological causes, provoking green diarrhea in a child, may be the following:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods;
  • intestinal infections;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • food poisoning.

In any case, diarrhea, green or not, is a violation of the norm. Therefore, if a child develops loose stool, which may additionally have a sharp bad smell, or there are traces of blood in it, this should force parents to immediately seek medical help.

3 Symptoms of diseases

In the case when the stool becomes green and it is caused by pathological condition health of the child, the clinical picture may be complemented by other symptoms of the disease:

  1. Heat. In combination with green diarrhea it is either dysentery.
  2. Foam. The appearance of foamy elements in stool characteristic of intestinal lesions or dysbiosis. Additionally, streaks of blood may be present.
  3. Green stool with mucus. This consistency, provided that there is no blood in the stool, is a sign of salmonellosis.
  4. Color. If the stool is dark, rich green in color, it can be assumed that the body has been affected by salmonellosis. If the baby is observed, this is an intestinal disorder.
  5. Sour smell. May be accompanied by a putrid aroma. This symptom is characteristic of dysbiosis.
  6. Pungent foul odor. Occurs when infectious lesion intestines.

The appearance of a feeling of nausea and possible vomiting in combination with liquid green stools is characteristic of almost all forms of pathologies. The difference may lie in the duration of the attacks.

When the body is affected by one of the possible pathogens, the general condition also worsens. In addition to abdominal pain, the baby may complain that bright light or loud sounds. Bad feeling also affects appetite. As a rule, children refuse any food, even their favorite ones.

The appearance of a symptom such as green diarrhea, which is not further complicated by any other negative consequences, in most cases is a harmless condition. Lack of temperature is one of the important indicators. If the child is active and loose green stool appears as a one-time symptom, then there is no reason to panic. It should be borne in mind that if there are no other signs of pathological processes, but the child’s diarrhea does not stop, you need to consult a doctor. First of all, such a violation leads to dehydration of the body.

4 Helping a child

If the baby shows all the signs of any disease, he needs to be taken to the hospital or call an ambulance. Due to the fact that diarrhea, especially in combination with vomiting, dehydrates the body, you need to give the child Regidron or Enterodes. These drugs replenish fluid loss in the body. Offer to the child plain water, especially in large quantities, is not recommended. Such actions may provoke additional attacks of vomiting.

If the baby is breastfed, he needs to be fed according to the schedule, but daily dose should be 3 times less than under normal circumstances. For older children, it is recommended to maintain a fasting break of about 6 hours.

Before the ambulance arrives, in order to make the child feel better, you can give one of the possible sorbents. The dosage is calculated according to the age parameter, according to the instructions or consultation with a doctor (who can be consulted by phone).

If the temperature is high, the child should be given an antipyretic before the doctors arrive. The fact is that a high temperature can lead to seizures and irreversible changes in the brain.

Treatment of green diarrhea in a child will be carried out according to the diagnosis. To do this, you will need to undergo a series of tests that the doctor will prescribe. Based on them, a decision will also be made about hospitalization of the patient. The age of the child plays a big role. As a rule, if green appears with existing additional complications, it will not be possible to avoid hospitalization.

It is quite difficult to predict and prevent all possible sources that can cause pathological processes in the body of children. But the most basic preventive actions will reduce the probability of defeat by more than half.

First of all, you need to follow all the rules of hygiene and eat only high-quality food. At the first suspicion of a problem with the child’s health, you should not expect that everything will go away on its own, but immediately contact a pediatrician.