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What can you eat after intestinal poisoning? What can an adult eat after food poisoning?

Food poisoning usually occurs from consuming food or water contaminated with pathogens. In this case, it mainly suffers gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, almost always sufficient conditions for recovery are a strict diet in case of poisoning, as well as replenishment of fluid and salt losses.

A prerequisite for recovery is drinking plenty of fluids. In the first days after poisoning, special saline solutions, then – teas, mineral water, compotes.

Five days after poisoning, the diet is expanded, but a gentle fractional diet is maintained. The diet after poisoning should exclude fatty, spicy, fried, too sweet or salty foods; it should limit the amount of foods rich in carbohydrates and fiber.

Therapeutic nutrition must be adhered to for the entire period necessary for recovery, and not just until you feel better. Of course, before starting the diet, symptoms are neutralized and detoxification measures are taken. In addition, during recovery it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

What Causes Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning refers to a large group of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. The majority of all foodborne illnesses are:

  1. – Salmonella is usually found in eggs, meat and dairy products in meat, eggs, poorly washed greens and vegetables.
  2. caused by staphylococci. Staphylococci can be found in animal products such as cream, eggs and milk, and in summer period they are often found in cakes and creams.
  3. Dysentery - the cause of this disease can be unwashed berries and fruits, unboiled milk or water.
  4. Escherichiosis occurs when consuming fermented milk products Bad quality(kefir, yogurt).
  5. You can become infected with yersiniosis by eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits from basements where rodents that carry the pathogen live.

In addition, food poisoning can be caused by the following pathogens:

In adults common cause food poisoning is the consumption of improperly stored meat dishes and improper handling of food in general. In children, food poisoning is almost always a “disease of dirty hands,” since it is often transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one through unwashed hands.

Most people who are poisoned do not require hospitalization. Symptoms of the disease include stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea. If detoxification measures are carried out correctly, they usually go away within 48 hours.

First steps after poisoning

Let your stomach rest. After it passes severe vomiting and diarrhea, you need to completely abstain from food for several hours (up to a day). As a rule, during this period the body is dehydrated, so a good starting point would be the use of pharmaceutical salt preparations or table mineral water without gas. You can also drink a homemade solution - 1 liter of boiled water, ½ tbsp. l. salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

They start drinking with a few sips, gradually increasing the amount of liquid to a glass every hour and a half. In the following days you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. From the second day it can be either pure water or green or ginger, jelly, unsweetened freshly brewed compote, weak herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, thyme, dill).

Principles of nutrition in case of poisoning

Vomiting and diarrhea cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa intestinal tract and dehydration. To cope with these symptoms, nutrition after poisoning should be gentle and include:

  • mandatory drinking plenty of fluids;
  • only freshly prepared dishes;
  • eating very small portions;
  • diet with increased amount proteins;
  • limiting carbohydrates;
  • exclusion of foods rich in fiber, spicy, fried, salty, smoked foods, spices, whole milk.

Menu in the first days

The first five days on the menu for poisoning, in addition to 1.5-2 liters of liquid, includes:

  1. Starting from the second day or earlier (depending on how you feel), the patient can be given vegetable broth (150-200 ml).
  2. Second day: broth (150-200 ml for 3 doses), 100 ml thin vegetable puree, 2 crackers.
  3. Third day: 250-300 g of liquid rice porridge with water, vegetable broth (150-200 ml), no more than 4 crackers, 4 biscuits.
  4. Fourth day: 200 g of vegetable casserole on semolina without eggs, 150 ml, 6 biscuits, 5 crackers, 100 g of steamed fish cutlets.
  5. Fifth day: 250-400 ml chicken broth with meatballs, 250 g of boiled rice, 5-6 crackers, casserole or cottage cheese soufflé (250-300 g).

Dietary food after poisoning may include buckwheat or rice soups, light low-fat broth. White crackers or dried day-old bread are suitable as a fixing agent.

Nutrition after poisoning

After you feel better, you should not immediately switch to your normal diet. To restore functionality faster digestive tract, you should stick to a gentle diet for some more time (up to a month). The basis of nutrition during this period should be mashed boiled vegetables, lean vegetable broths, rice and buckwheat porridge, crackers, biscuits.

Helps well with food problems the famous diet No. 5 according to Pevzner. It contributes more rapid recovery functions of the intestines, liver and gall bladder.

In case of poisoning, it is better to adhere to a strict diet for about five days, gradually introducing solid food into the diet: steamed omelet, mashed potatoes, meatballs made from lean meat and chicken. Portions should be small, but they can be increased every day. You need to eat often - from five to eight times a day.

Eating in case of poisoning involves consuming the following foods:

  • vegetable puree soups;
  • steam cutlets from lean meat or fish;
  • chicken meatballs;
  • souffles, casseroles, cottage cheese puddings;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge with water;
  • crackers homemade(without salt and spices);
  • cracker;
  • vegetables and fruits (not sour) boiled and baked;
  • not too sweet homemade jelly and jelly.

After poisoning, the patient’s diet should exclude:

  • fresh bread;
  • dairy – milk, yoghurts, kefir;
  • fried, fatty meat, sausage;
  • fried fish, caviar;
  • millet, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • hot and sour dishes.

Folk remedies for poisoning

Exist folk recipes designed to relieve diarrhea in case of poisoning:

  • green tea without sugar or tea with ginger root. Take two cups a day;
  • decoction of chamomile or oak bark. Take one tablespoon of dried grass or bark per glass of water. Take five tablespoons several times a day;
  • decoctions of plantain leaves, calamus root, leaves and flowers of fireweed, and calendula flowers. The proportions are the same as for chamomile; take several sips throughout the day.

Prevention of food poisoning

It is much easier than following a diet after poisoning to prevent it. To do this, you just need to follow the rules of hygiene, food storage and, of course, not eat foods that raise any doubts. Simple rules that will help avoid food poisoning:

  • wash fruits and vegetables well;
  • boil milk;
  • Store cooked food only in the refrigerator, and in the summer it is better to cook it only for one meal;
  • use boiled water;
  • Be careful when swimming in open bodies of water, since by swallowing a little water you can become infected with many intestinal infections.

Food poisoning is always easier to prevent, but if it does occur, drinking plenty of fluids (water, teas, compotes) and a special gentle diet in case of poisoning for at least five days will help the body recover faster. After this, you can gradually introduce other foods into your diet. After poisoning, you should avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods for as long as possible.

At food poisoning The gastrointestinal tract is primarily affected. Therefore, a strict diet is one of the most effective measures used to restore the normal course of various digestive processes. In the foreground is detoxification and neutralization of the symptoms of poisoning. After the main manifestations of intoxication have disappeared, you can begin to restore the stomach, mucous membranes, kidneys, liver and other affected organs.

After poisoning with various toxic substances, for example, mushrooms (regardless of how it manifested itself: in the form of vomiting, diarrhea), the gastrointestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, so any dietary restrictions are aimed specifically at fully restoring the functions of the digestive system. The harm is caused not so much by bacteria that need to be destroyed (that’s why antibiotics are rarely used in case of intoxication), but by the products of their vital activity, which are dangerous to the body.

Be sure to drink plenty of water at room temperature. It will not only restore the hydrolytic balance in the body after vomiting or diarrhea, but will also flush the stomach, on the walls of which intoxicants may still remain, causing poisoning. It is better if these are special liquids purchased at a pharmacy - Gastrolit, Regidron, Oralit. Regular still water will also work. mineral water, green tea, various decoctions(dill, rose hips, chamomile). It is advisable to drink every hour and a half, increasing the dose every other time: starting with a tablespoon and ending with a glass, but in small sips.

After a few days, you can add foods to your diet, but they must be in the right way processed. It is better to boil them or grind them as much as possible so that the food becomes pureed. This will greatly facilitate the work of the intestines.

Meals should be divided into several servings so as not to overstrain the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach must process small amounts slowly light food. This will make it easier for him to work, and his recovery will go faster. Food should always be warm or hot (from +15 to +50°C), since too cold food (as well as too hot) provokes vomiting.

If you cannot do without salt, you will still have to limit it and eat no more than 7-8 g per day. Over-salting foods and drinks irritates the mucous membrane and prevents its recovery.

Permitted and prohibited products

There is a verified list of foods that, according to nutritionists, can be eaten if poisoned:

  • decoction of vegetables, puree;
  • vegetable broths, often used during fasting;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge cooked in water;
  • crackers and biscuits;
  • green tea;
  • dill infusion;
  • jelly from non-acidic fruits: bananas, apples, pears;
  • herbal drinks - chamomile or rosehip with honey.

Digestion of some foods due to their individual components is difficult for the intestines, so it is not recommended to consume them during the process of its recovery. Neglect of these rules can delay recovery for longer periods and provoke further development of inflammation and the occurrence of various diseases.

Prohibited products include:

  • dairy (milk, even after boiling, yoghurts and kefir);
  • seasonings (wasabi, ginger);
  • pastry shops (buns, biscuits, rolls, even fresh bread);
  • meat (boiled, smoked sausage, salo);
  • sour (compotes, fruits);
  • fish (fried, salted, even dried; under no circumstances should you eat caviar or canned food);
  • some porridges - pearl barley, millet and oatmeal;
  • unprocessed fruits and vegetables;
  • eggs (any processing).

You can prepare these products in another form - grind the meat as much as possible and boil it, make steamed cutlets or meatballs for broth. But this is not allowed immediately. If you make minced meat, you need to pass it through a meat grinder twice to make sure that there are no solid elements left in the meat.

Cottage cheese can be cooked in the oven (soufflés and casseroles), adding chopped pieces of non-acidic and not too sweet fruit. You can cook jelly and compotes from them.

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. Especially in the first 5-7 days after poisoning. Alcohol is irritating digestive organs, causes vomiting and stops the regeneration of mucosal cells. If you allow yourself even a little beer, your liver and kidneys may suffer.

Five day diet

One of the ways to recover from poisoning is a rationed meal, in which the amount of each product is limited to a certain volume per day. Such a diet was compiled (it was assigned the fifth number) by the Soviet scientist Manuil Pevzner, who developed a number of nutritional recommendations for various diseases.

Depending on the substances, the daily diet will look like this:

  1. 1. Fats – 80-90 g, and at least 20% of them should be vegetable.
  2. 2. Proteins – 80 g, animal origin – no more than 60-70%, since they are responsible for cell regeneration.
  3. 3. Carbohydrates – 200 g. Complex carbohydrates must enter the body processed - in the form of compotes, jelly. They produce glycogen, which helps the liver detoxify toxins.
  4. 4. Vitamins. For example, ascorbic acid, restoring immunity, strengthening blood vessels and mucosal cells. Vitamins A and E are needed to rid the body of radicals that inevitably arise during any inflammation and continue it. B vitamins normalize digestion.
  5. 5. Total calorie content – ​​1900-2000 kilocalories.

On the first day after poisoning, it is forbidden to eat any foods.

On the second day, you can prepare a weak broth and feed it to the patient in three doses. The total volume of liquid should be 150-200 ml. Also, the patient needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of water, let him eat two crackers and liquid pureed vegetables (no more than 100 ml).

On the third day, you can cook rice in water - the total volume of porridge can be from 250 to 300 g. The number of crackers increases from 2 to 4, and you can add a couple of biscuits to them. The menu should again include vegetable broth in a volume of 150-200 ml. The number of meals should be increased to 5.

On the fourth day, a vegetable casserole prepared with semolina will do (eggs cannot be used when cooking), 150 ml of chicken broth, crackers, biscuits (from 3 to 5 pieces), you can pamper the patient with boiled fish, making a cutlet out of it. When preparing porridge, you can add butter.

On the fifth day, you can switch to more “serious” food: 250-400 ml of chicken broth (for example, with meatballs), 250 g of rice porridge, several crackers and biscuits, 250-300 g of cottage cheese casserole.

Diet conditions may vary depending on how seriously body reacted to poisoning. If this is an ordinary case, then the recommendations provided for an adult will be enough to restore the stomach and return to their usual diet. But this must be done with caution, gradually, without rushing to introduce all foods into the diet. The best option is 1-2 new dishes per day. In this way, you can be sure that past inflammation will not return, and the mucous membrane will not react negatively to indigestible foods.

As you know, food poisoning is a huge stress, both for the digestive system and for the body as a whole. Often food poisoning is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, malaise, pain in the abdomen and stomach, elevated temperature and depending on the degree of poisoning, other symptoms.

Food poisoning is dangerous condition digestive system, which usually occurs within 24 hours after eating food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, toxins or viruses. Symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and cramps, and sometimes chills and fever.

Analyze where and what you ate

  • Unwashed vegetables or fruits;
  • Unwashed hands before eating;
  • Product expiration date;
  • Chemical contamination of the product;
  • When a product is lost due to improper storage.

The cause of the poisoning must be established so that you do not get poisoned again, and your family does not become poisoned along with you.

Afterwards you need to install special diet, simply – go on a diet. Please note that if you do not have an appetite, then there is no need to stuff food into yourself. It is possible that if you have severe food poisoning, you will not feel like eating for 24 hours - this is quite normal and should go away the next day; if not, consult a doctor. TO good nutrition you need to return gradually, and you need to start eating from the moment you have an appetite after poisoning.

How to eat properly when poisoned

In case of intoxication, the main efforts are directed towards eliminating dehydration and establishing a gentle regimen. At the same time, it is necessary to remove toxins and other substances from the body. harmful substances, reduce the load on the digestive system, restore the functionality of the stomach and intestines. The standard procedures are:

  • Gastric lavage.
  • The use of adsorbents – Smecta and Activated Carbon – to bind and remove toxins from the body.
  • Taking Regidron, which allows you to restore water and electrolyte balance.
  • Use increased volumes liquids.

At the same time, the problem of what to eat when the stomach is poisoned does not go away - even with severe intoxication, there will be compassionate loved ones in your environment who want to feed the victim “to restore strength.” Meanwhile, on the first day of poisoning, food becomes taboo. But you need to drink as often as possible, giving preference to non-carbonated purified water and herbal teas:

  • Ginger drink is great for detoxification; to do this, infuse a small spoonful of chopped ginger in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. In case of poisoning, drink the drink with a large spoon.
  • With the nausea that accompanies any intoxication, mint tea, which is used instead of tea leaves, will cope perfectly.
  • At alcohol poisoning It is recommended to restore fluid loss with a mixture of black tea and herbal ingredients. Take two parts of black tea leaves, add one share of raspberry and blackberry leaves, the same amount of lemon balm and rowan berries. The mixture is crushed, brewed like tea, left for 15 minutes, and then drunk without additives.

Problems with food appear on the second day; a logical question arises: what can you eat after stomach poisoning, so as not to harm the body again. First you need to learn simple rules:

  • You will have to follow the diet for at least three days.
  • Meals should be fractional - small portions are taken up to six times a day.
  • Preference is given to lean boiled products - they will not complicate the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Dishes should not be excessively hot or cold.
  • The consistency of the dishes should be liquid or similar to puree.
  • The menu should not be particularly varied; liquid should be taken in increased volumes.

The next day after intoxication, it is advisable to “sit” on unsweetened crackers with tea. And only if the body reacts normally to drink and bread can you move on to more substantial foods. Although the list is not too long, it is necessary to adhere to it, not forgetting to monitor your well-being when eating dishes:

  • Rice porridge is prepared using water; rice water is also very useful. This cereal is a natural adsorbent, and the decoction has enveloping properties and provides additional protection to the mucous layer.
  • When cooking, buckwheat and oatmeal are boiled until smooth.
  • Broths made with dietary meat should be secondary and low-fat.
  • Poultry or rabbit meat is consumed boiled.
  • You can eat grated carrots and applesauce, chopped bananas.
  • Tea - preferably green - should not be strong; coffee or cocoa are prohibited.
  • Cooking herbal infusions, preference is given to rosehip, blueberry, St. John's wort and black currant - these plants have fastening and astringent properties.
  • You can drink jelly as a stomach-coating agent.

Symptoms of food poisoning

The first symptoms of poisoning appear 2-6 hours after the victim has eaten a “dangerous” product:

  • body temperature rises rapidly (can rise to 39C);
  • signs of fever appear;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • dry mouth (in some cases, white and rough tongue);
  • sharp pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • loose stools;
  • severe bloating;
  • profuse sweating.

A person may lose consciousness in rare cases spasms occur in the limbs. Headaches may occur. The urge to vomit continues even when the stomach is already empty. The patient vomits bile and gastric juice.

If poisoning initial stage, you can deal with it yourself. Suitable for this pharmaceutical products and gentle mode. Often household poisoning is carried “on your feet” (at work or while traveling). But if a person feels very bad, suffers from severe pain and constant vomiting, he needs to go to the hospital immediately.

How to behave in case of ordinary poisoning

So, mild poisoning can be survived without medical intervention. You just need to follow certain instructions:

  1. Bed rest. No active or sudden movements. It is advisable to take a comfortable position (for example, on your stomach or side, with your legs tucked under you) and “wait out” the first hours after poisoning, when the body naturally removes toxins from the body.
  2. Try to drink as much as possible. The liquid will help remove decay products and harmful substances, and also protect against possible dehydration due to diarrhea.
  3. If possible, do a gastric lavage with a manganese solution (the color of the solution should be transparent with a pinkish tint).
  4. Use natural absorbents that will remove the poison from the body ( Activated carbon and tagansorbent).
  5. Drink kefir to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  6. Two to three hours after cleansing the stomach, be sure to have a snack (broth or liquid dairy products). This will resume the functioning of the stomach and help overcome the state of weakness.

If it is possible to start treatment when the first signs of intoxication appear, brew St. John's wort with mint. This decoction should be drunk in small portions every 15 minutes. During Taken measures will help alleviate the course of the disease.

Don't rush into taking medications for diarrhea. The body must cleanse itself in a natural way. If this does not happen, the poison will begin to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines, which will lead to severe form intoxication. In case of poisoning, enemas can also help remove toxins, but it is better to do a gastric lavage.

Nutrition after food poisoning

After food poisoning, the patient will have to follow a very strict diet. Avoid eating heavy foods for two to three days. fatty foods and solid foods in general. It's best to stick to broths and medicinal decoctions, which the stomach can easily process.

Also, for several days you will have to cut back on all kinds of spices in your diet, give up salty, spicy, sour and sweet foods. Only lean foods are allowed.

A day after poisoning, you can introduce pureed vegetables and well-cooked porridge (buckwheat and rice) into your diet. If the patient feels well and eats with appetite, try including small quantities of crackers in the menu.

Products that should be included in the diet during the rehabilitation period:

  • puree from boiled vegetables;
  • steamed meat (chopped or minced);
  • steamed fish (in the form of minced meat);
  • rice and buckwheat porridge without spices and fried foods;
  • crackers;
  • crumbly cookies (not sweet and without additives);
  • past vegetables heat treatment(steam or water bath);
  • clean drinking water;
  • green tea and medicinal infusions;
  • oven-baked fruits (apples and pears);
  • fermented milk liquid products or bifidobacteria;
  • soufflés and light casseroles;
  • unsweetened jelly.

Basic rules for eating

Eat in small, fractional portions 4-6 times a day. Focus on the state of the body while eating. You shouldn't eat too much if your body resists. Even two spoons of porridge eaten “on the hunt” will contribute to recovery.

What can you eat if you have food poisoning?

During acute poisoning(days from the onset of the first symptoms) it is strictly not recommended to eat. This can trigger the release of stomach acid, which in turn damages the already irritated lining of the stomach. And it is unlikely that the body in a state of complete exhaustion will be able to absorb any food. As a result, absolutely all products are contraindicated during the period of food poisoning.

You can start eating from the second day of illness. But not all products are suitable for consumption. And you’ll have to completely forget about meat for a week.

Prohibited foods for poisoning

  • fried, smoked, boiled meat;
  • sausages (especially smoked meats);
  • sweet flour and confectionery products;
  • carbonated drinks and juices;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • food with high content preservatives;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • canned foods;

Products with false rumors about their benefits:

  1. Milk. Milk is believed to remove toxins from the body. This is justified in situations where poisoning is caused by heavy metals. In other cases, the lactose contained in milk will only worsen the situation. And fatty milk will provoke new attacks of vomiting.
  2. Yogurt. The benefits of store-bought yogurt are highly questionable. It contains many additives, preservatives and colorings. Chemical impurities will cause irritation of the walls of the esophagus.
  3. Eggs. Despite the fact that eggs are often advised to eat to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, this product is difficult to digest. You can include scrambled eggs, omelettes and casseroles in your diet only a week after poisoning.
  4. Honey. The enveloping properties of honey do not help, but harm the damaged walls of the stomach. In addition, the components of honey provoke fermentation processes.
  5. Fruits. Eating any fruits raw is contraindicated (they, like honey, provoke fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract). And fruit acid will corrode the damaged surface of the esophagus and stomach.
  6. Compote. On the first day after poisoning, the patient should absolutely not consume compotes. Acidic environment the stomach will come into conflict with the acid contained in the berry broth. This may be a prerequisite for the development of gastritis. The presence of a large amount of sugar will also have a negative effect on the patient’s condition.

Products from the “fast food” category that are sold on the street are at risk. Hot hot dogs, sandwiches and burgers are often prepared in unsanitary conditions from cheap, low-quality raw materials. According to statistics, about 30% of poisonings occur as a result of eating fast food.

What can you drink if you are poisoned?

Drinking is the most an important part treatment for poisoning. Drink as much mineral water (non-carbonated) as possible. It will cleanse the body and help restore the mineral-salt balance, which will be disrupted as a result of diarrhea and vomiting.

Drink water every hour (half a glass in small sips). You can replenish fluid balance using Regidron solution. It normalizes the content of electrolytes in the blood and prevents potassium leaching.

  • vegetable decoctions contain a whole complex of vitamins and help restore strength;
  • a decoction of dill gently envelops the stomach, soothing it;
  • green tea removes toxins and relaxes the nervous system;
  • Rice water (starch water) coats the stomach and acts as a nutritional component;

A day after poisoning, you can drink rosehip decoction, juices from fresh vegetables, and strong tea.

Prevention of poisoning

The main cause of poisoning is neglect of hygiene rules.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating. Even if it seems to you that they are clean, invisible microbes and pathogens are on the skin and “waiting in the wings.”
  2. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating. This is especially true for those who take food from hand, in tents and at the market. You don’t know for sure who could have touched the nice apple or tomato on the counter, and you certainly have no idea about the level of cleanliness of other customers.
  3. Check the expiration date of products carefully. About 45% of poisonings occur due to expired products.
  4. Do not store opened canned food in the refrigerator for more than 3 days. If possible, transfer the contents of the original metal packaging to glass jar. This will reduce the risk of product spoilage.
  5. Steaks rare and cocktail with added raw eggs This is delicious. But raw foods can become a catalyst for poisoning. Cook meat before serving. It’s better to order sushi with salty or dried fish, and not raw as in the classic menu

Drinking regimen for food poisoning

After poisoning with low-quality products, usually no one wants to eat. In part this can be considered defensive reaction body: there is no need to forcefully eat food, even the healthiest and freshest. But you need to drink liquid; in the first few days after poisoning, drinking is very important important to replenish fluid losses through vomit and loose stools, as well as to cleanse the body of toxins.

An adult should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. IN acute period You need to drink often, but little by little; a large volume of water can provoke an attack of vomiting. It is recommended to drink 50 ml of liquid every half hour. The drink should be warm or at room temperature; cold liquid can cause a reflex spasm of the esophageal muscles and provoke nausea and vomiting.

It is best to drink boiled water with lemon juice and sugar, rose hip decoction, apple and pear compote, strong black tea with sugar and lemon, diluted berry fruit drinks, herbal teas(mint, chamomile). To replenish electrolyte losses as a result of repeated vomiting and profuse loose stools, it is recommended to drink saline solutions.

Ready-made powders for their preparation (Regidron, Oralit, Gidrovit, etc.) can be purchased at the pharmacy. But a similar solution is very easy to prepare yourself at home. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of boiled water. table salt, 6–8 tsp. sugar and ½ tsp. baking soda. You need to drink such sugar-salt solutions slowly, in small sips. In order to prevent excess salts in the body, saline solutions should be alternated with other drinks.

  • vegetables containing coarse fiber (White cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes), legumes (only canned green peas are allowed), onions, garlic;
  • fatty meats and fish, canned food, pates, smoked meats, as well as marinades, pickles, spices, seasonings, horseradish, mustard, ketchup and other products that can irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and slow down the processes of food digestion;
  • millet, corn, pearl barley, semolina;
  • fruits that can cause fermentation processes in the intestines and enhance peristalsis (grapes, apricots, prunes);
  • whole milk;
  • any sweets;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa, alcohol.

It is recommended to gradually introduce all these products into the diet no earlier than 4 weeks after food poisoning. With excessive repeated vomiting or frequent loose stools, severe pain in the stomach and severe intoxication syndrome, as well as a sudden deterioration in health, you should consult a doctor.

These symptoms may be signs serious illnesses requiring qualified medical care.

What to do after poisoning?

The question rightfully arises: “Is it possible to eat after poisoning?” You will probably ask them when your appetite returns, which means that your body has almost coped with intoxication and has freed itself from the substances that caused the poisoning. Now he needs support in the form drink plenty of fluids, as well as light and high-quality food.

Diet after food poisoning

Nutrition after poisoning should not overload the body, all of whose forces are now aimed at removing toxins. Even if you don't try to stick healthy eating, the first few days you need to take care and follow a diet that includes only safe foods.

To understand how to restore your stomach after poisoning, imagine what state it is in now. You need to eat in small portions so as not to cause an overflow in the irritated stomach and not to stretch the intestines. Food after poisoning should not be too hot or cold. It is recommended to consume liquid or pureed food, which will make it easier to digest in a weakened stomach.

  • The menu after poisoning should not be varied. The first day after poisoning, it is advisable to fast, and you must drink a lot - this way you will help the body cleanse itself and avoid dehydration. Read more:
  • Doctors recommend following a diet at least three days. Only Lenten meals are allowed boiled dishes, which will not complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. You should eat 5-6 times a day. Diet after food poisoning includes a large number of liquids (water, dried fruit compote, herbal decoctions), soups with low-fat broth, porridge with water, boiled meat.
  • Following a rational diet in case of poisoning is one of the most important stages full recovery body, which allows you to remove the resulting intoxication much faster.
  • First of all, proper diet nutrition should normalize the previous, full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, during the first 12 to 24 hours after poisoning, the patient is not recommended to consume any type of food, since at this time the body’s intestines are very irritated.

Food poisoning, unfortunately, is a fairly common problem. If you eat low-quality products or fail to follow hygiene rules, you may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes much more severe symptoms.

For mild forms of food intoxication, only “home” measures are sufficient, but with difficult cases, or in case of intoxication in children, you must immediately seek help professional help to the doctors. In any case, the victim immediately needs to begin removing toxins.

But even after the symptoms are relieved, it is very important to help the body recover. This requires a proper diet after food poisoning.

Food poisoning, how to identify it

Diagnosing food poisoning is not difficult; it has a standard list of symptoms (they can be either complex or single manifestations):

Pain in the abdomen and stomach;

Nausea (possibly even vomiting);

General malaise;




Sometimes food poisoning is accompanied by fever.

Diet rules after poisoning

If you are poisoned, you should follow a diet for at least three days after vomiting. Its basic rules are:

  • Food must be steamed or boiled;
  • Dishes must be consumed in liquid, puree or soufflé form;
  • During the diet period after poisoning, it is better to eat often, but eat food in small portions.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction, green tea, clean water. A decoction of St. John's wort, which contains natural antibiotics that allow you to cope with pathogenic microorganisms.

What foods slow down recovery?

It is undesirable to consume some foods in the first days after poisoning, so as not to overload the digestive system. These include products that cause increased gas formation, food and drinks with an aggressive environment.

TO unwanted products include dry and highly fibrous foods ( fresh vegetables and fruits in general), fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, barley and pearl barley porridge, canned food, sweets, chocolate, fruits, raw vegetables, whole milk, legumes, yeast dough products.

Avoid fatty, salty and spicy food. It is recommended to refrain from consuming dairy and fermented milk products.

In addition, you should refrain from drinking certain drinks: strong black tea, coffee, cocoa, juices, carbonated water, alcoholic beverages.

A few days after your health has improved significantly, you need to take care of recovery intestinal microflora. Porridge, fruits, fermented milk products with bifidobacteria (kefir, natural yogurt, yogurt) will help with this.

What can you eat if you are poisoned?

☀ Only boiled or steamed food;

☀ Weak meat broths;

☀ Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;

White bread yesterday's baking;

☀ Boiled meat;

☀ Mashed potatoes;

☀ Green tea or rosehip tea.

Sample diet menu

The first day should be devoted to fasting. During this period you need to drink a lot of fluids, herbal infusions and rosehip decoction - this will cleanse the body of formed toxins. If you feel hungry, you can eat crackers with tea.

The next day, it is necessary to introduce pureed and liquid dishes into the diet. You can eat the following dishes and products:

☀ Low-fat broth

Rice porrige

☀ Crackers

☀ Kissel

☀ Pureed lean meat

After the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, you can gradually include other dishes, focusing on the body’s reaction.

It is worth remembering that diet alone for food poisoning cannot solve the problem - you should contact a qualified specialist for help.

First aid after food poisoning

If any of your family members becomes lethargic, falls asleep from weakness, or complains of abdominal pain, diarrhea, or vomiting, it is probably food poisoning. It is advisable to immediately call a doctor and, before he arrives, provide first aid to the patient - perform gastric lavage. boiled water with water-salt additives at room temperature.

After the cessation of vomiting, to maintain the patient’s strength, he should be given glucose, vitamins A, B, C, compote or decoction of rose hips, blueberries, black currants or green tea. Portions of liquid should be small (2-3 sips) so as not to cause vomiting again. Before the doctor arrives, you should not give the patient any medications, and prescribed medications must be taken strictly as prescribed.

How to avoid food poisoning in the future

Water and food must be of high quality.

Products that have expired should be thrown away.

Also, if vegetables or fruits begin to spoil, they should also be thrown away.

Store cooked food in the refrigerator as in a warm place pathogenic microorganisms reproduce faster.

Raw foods should be stored separately from processed foods.

Maintain cleanliness when consuming and preparing food.

Wash your hands before eating and after walking outside.

The diet after poisoning should be gentle, drink plenty of fluids, and eat in small portions.

Remember that self-medicating food poisoning can be dangerous to your health. If you have food poisoning, seek help from a doctor.

We all try to monitor our diet and not expose the gastrointestinal tract to unnecessary stress or risks. But you can deprive yourself of control over the situation at any time, even the most inopportune one. Rarely does anyone think of the question of what to eat? in case of poisoning? During the process, thoughts arise about anything, but definitely not about food.

What to eat if you are poisoned?

But caring people around you will first of all think, what can I feed you? poisoned poor fellow.

At once.

After poisoning.

Nothing, absolutely.

Tea with crackers on the first day.

As soon as a person feels the first urges of hunger, this will indicate that he can begin to select a diet.

If the body accepts it normally water and dried bread , you can move on to something more satisfying.

Do not try to force feed; the body will not be able to distract itself from the fight against poisoning by digesting food. So such concern will not do any good.

Purees, liquid porridges and broths will fit perfectly. The main thing is not to add oil and make sure that the food is liquid enough.

Eat fractionally- in small portions, but often. The first few days the stomach will not be able to cope with normal loads.

The level of care increases sharply if vomiting is added to the general malaise.

The pointlessness of all attempts to feed a person in such a state is not worth explaining, vomiting reflex causes the contents of a poisoned person's stomach to come out. Any attempt to fill the stomach with contents will lead to the fact that within a few minutes all the food will be asked back. And all help will only worsen an already not very pleasant situation.

What to do in case of food poisoning?

It would seem that food poisoning should not cause special problems, these are not poisons or toxins of any kind. Not even salt heavy metals. But food products may contain all of the above, especially if we are talking about spoiled food. Poisoning by mushrooms or wild berries can be attributed to separate category , thousands of our fellow citizens die from them every year.

Step-by-step actions in case of poisoning:

  1. Contact ambulance . The team will arrive within 20-30 minutes and provide you with professional assistance.
  2. If there is no way to seek help or the condition is not so serious, try relax as much as possible, all the body’s reserves must be used to combat the current condition.
  3. Do you want to help? own body? Gastric lavage it is better to start as soon as possible, before all the contents are evacuated into small intestine. The remaining food in the body serves as a constant source of toxins; they slowly enter the blood, wave after wave.
  4. After getting rid of all the contents, you must increase the amount of fluid removed from the body. You should either drink more or take a diuretic.
  5. It is better to surround a patient with poisoning with care and constantly monitor his condition. If deterioration is detected, you should urgently call an ambulance.

What can you eat if you have food poisoning?

During the first day a person with food poisoning will not ask for anything; he feels too bad to even think about food. But the results of an unsuccessful breakfast, lunch or dinner will begin to subside after some time, and the stomach will again require food to maintain the functioning of the whole organism.

Not all requirements should be satisfied in full; our gastrointestinal tract has received a good shake-up and must get rid of all the consequences before it can function normally again. His current condition can be compared with a postoperative patient; the diet is prescribed according to the same principle.

At once a person cannot eat too much, even though the stomach demands it, but general state still too weak.

  1. It is enough to limit yourself to a mug of tea and a few crackers, preferably not rich. Tea with sugar, glucose is needed and important by the body now.
  2. The next day, when the patient gets a little stronger, you can prepare mashed potatoes.
  3. Have to stop using butter and milk, potatoes should be cooked only in water. This may not be the most delicious and satisfying dish, but it will be healthy.
  4. Using the same principle, you can start cooking porridges and broths.

What can you eat if you have poisoning and diarrhea?

Vomiting and diarrhea are two protection mechanism our body. Using them:

  • The water-salt balance is regulated.
  • Toxic substances are removed from the body.
  • The contents of the stomach are evacuated.
  • The amount of toxic substances is reduced.

All this may not have a particularly aesthetic appearance, and the condition itself raises serious concerns for the patient’s life. But we should rejoice at these manifestations, because now toxins come out not only with urine and sweat.

Never use antiemetics and anti-diarrhea medications, this will help keep the poison in your body for some more time.

This is unlikely to improve your health or help you cope with your current condition.

Remember that with vomiting and diarrhea, a poisoned person loses a huge amount of fluid, which may result in a state of shock.

The patient needs to drink as much as possible, albeit in small sips. Water, sweetened tea, mineral water- all this can be found in any home. You'll have to run to the pharmacy to get "rehydron", but the drug is designed to restore water-salt balance, it will help recover losses most effectively.

Appendicitis can be confused with poisoning

Poisoning can often be confused with attack of appendicitis. But only if the poisoning goes away without surgical intervention, then to treat an inflamed appendix you need transport the patient to the operating room as quickly as possible.

How to check? The easiest way - lightly press on the stomach(front abdominal wall), and then sharply remove your palm. Increased pain after removal of the arm is called positive symptom Shchetkin-Blumberg . This does not give a 100% guarantee, but already A good reason sound the alarm.

Sometimes doctors give patients a pen or marker so that they can outline the area of ​​greatest pain. For appendicitis, people draw a line along the projection of the appendix. This is an oblique line running parallel to the ilium. It’s easier to see it once in a picture than to try to describe it in words.

Fever although typical for acute attack appendicitis can also occur as a result of banal poisoning.

Important and pain threshold, people with low level sensitivity may not even notice a serious attack - well, the stomach hurts a little more, so what? All this can lead to diffuse peritonitis, treatment at this stage may be useless.

Should I ask for help or solve everything on my own?

When it comes about food poisoning, there are no special antidotes. In this regard, you don’t have to search or run to the nearest pharmacy. Gastric lavage helps most effectively, the patient must be persuaded at any cost and every effort should be made to this end.

The fact is that all contents from the stomach are not immediately absorbed into the blood. The absorption process itself takes some time, and the bulk of the food moves further, where the digestion process continues. Unpleasant sensations 40 minutes after eating This is just the tip of the iceberg; as the amount of toxins in the blood increases, the patient’s well-being also worsens. If it comes to seizures, it's time to seek help from specialists.

When caring for a poisoned person, the main thing is to know when to call an ambulance and when you can still do it yourself. Questions like what can you eat if you are poisoned fade into the background, to emergency it doesn't have any effect.

Video: nutrition in case of poisoning

In the video, nutritionist Arkady Ukupov will tell you: what to eat after food poisoning what diets should you follow: