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Platelet count increased

In order to have an idea of ​​the concentration of platelets in the blood, a special laboratory method its definitions are . Thanks to the results obtained, it is possible to determine how many platelets are produced, what part of them is subject to adhesia, and how quickly the process of their gluing occurs (indicates). As a result, the data obtained can be used in diagnostics. various diseases circulatory system, including hematopoietic dysfunction (oncological diseases of the bone marrow). What is the average platelet volume of healthy person, as well as what the increase in the number of these blood cells indicates, we will analyze further.

Platelets are the smallest but extremely important blood particles.

They do not have a core, but this does not prevent them from fully performing their functions. Their main task is to regulate blood viscosity and density. This function is achieved due to the ability of platelets to stick together, forming a dense microstructure. This important feature allows you to quickly eliminate bleeding in the presence of microtraumas, preventing life-threatening blood loss.

The life expectancy and distribution of platelets is short - only 10 days. Their synthesis occurs in the bone marrow, and the concentration in the blood is determined in a special analysis - MPV. There are certain standards by which platelet concentration is determined. The average platelet volume in a healthy person is 7-11 femtoliters. This indicator is formed from calculations of the number of new and old cells, which are easy to identify externally: young cells are larger in volume and mobile, while aging cells are small in size and inactive. Indicators below or above the norm are considered deviations.

The MPV test is carried out using blood from a finger, which is smeared into a thin layer on a glass slide and placed under a microscope. The peculiarity of the analysis is that it needs to be performed only in the first 1.5-2 hours after blood sampling, after which the width of the indicators and final result may not be accurate.

Deviations from the norm indicate the presence diseases or pathologies.

If the bone marrow produces certain period When there is more time for platelets than their number has time to die off, the blood becomes too viscous, provoking the formation of blood clots. If there is insufficient platelet synthesis, the risk of bleeding increases significantly (the blood clotting process is disrupted).

  1. The average platelet volume in men and women over 18 years of age is 150-350x109/l.
  2. The average platelet volume in a newborn baby is 100-400x109/l.
  3. Average platelet volume in childhood– 150-380x109/l.
  4. The average platelet volume in women during pregnancy is 150-38-x109/l.
Deviations are any non-compliance with the specified and generally accepted standards of indicators.

The deviations themselves may be pathological in nature (if the deviations are more than 10-25 units), or they may be caused by any side processes. However, the danger lies not only in a sharp decrease in the platelet count, which threatens heavy bleeding, but also in an uncontrolled increase in the number of blood cells, resulting in thrombosis and excessive viscousness.

Increased platelet volume: what does this mean, and what are the reasons for this?

If the patient's mean platelet volume is elevated as a result of the MPV test, this means that there is a risk of developing thrombocytosis.

In this case, the blood becomes more viscous, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow, as well as the formation of blood clots - blood clots. If no measures are taken in time and treatment is not prescribed that could regulate platelet synthesis bone marrow, the consequences are the most dire: myocardial infarction, stroke, thromboembolism.

When average volume platelets are increased, it is important to determine which microparticles provoke the imbalance - young or old. If the number of new young platelets exceeds this, this indicates a possible internal bleeding or significant blood loss (during surgery, for example). When the count of old platelets goes off scale, this is a sure sign oncological diseases, in which such an imbalance is the first indicator suggesting the presence of health problems that are asymptomatic.

MPV (short for mean platelet volume) is the designation of the platelet index, which characterizes the degree of platelet maturity in peripheral blood. The measurement is based on the fact that the size of young cells is larger than that of mature and aged cells. There is a connection between the size of platelets and their functional activity, so the index characterizes the state of the blood coagulation system, which platelets represent.

Determination of MPV in a general blood test is carried out within two hours after collecting the material, since with a later study the result may be distorted.

General blood analysis

Determination of MPV in a general blood test is carried out within two hours after collecting the material, since with a later study the result may be distorted.

A decrease in MPV may indicate an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), the presence of liver cirrhosis, hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, pathologies thyroid gland.

MPV in a blood test: decoding, norms in women and men

Determination of MPV is important for assessing the hematopoietic function of the body. Using the MPV platelet index in a blood test, you can detect increased platelet aggregation, thrombosis, active blood loss (if large platelets are detected in people with iron deficiency anemia). In addition, the MPV indicator in a blood test acts as an additional marker of chronic myeloproliferative diseases (the presence of large platelets in the peripheral blood).

The normal MPV in adults is the same for women and men and is 6–13 fl. In children under one year old, the MPV norm is 7–7.9 fl, 1–5 years old – 8–8.8 fl. For children over 5 years of age, the normal values ​​are the same as for adults.

An elevated MPV platelet index indicates the presence of large platelets in the patient's peripheral blood. If the MPV in the blood test is low, this means a predominance of small platelets.

When MPV in a blood test is increased and decreased

An increase in MPV may indicate the presence of thrombocytopenia, myeloproliferative diseases, posthemorrhagic anemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, infectious and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, preeclampsia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, impaired platelet formation due to a lack of vitamin B 12 or folic acid, May-Hegglin anomalies, Bernard-Soulier syndrome. The index also increases after surgical removal spleen (splenectomy), in smoking patients with atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, with alcoholism and taking certain medications, in the elderly.

When the balance between the formation and destruction of platelets is disturbed, a tendency to thrombosis or increased bleeding occurs.

What does a decrease in MPV mean?

A decrease in MPV may mean an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), the presence of liver cirrhosis, hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, and thyroid pathologies. The platelet index decreases in aplastic anemia, septic thrombocytopenia, congenital megakaryocytic hypoplasia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, X-linked thrombocytopenia with platelet microcytosis, thrombocytopenia caused by immunological destruction of cells, as well as during chemotherapy and during pregnancy. A significant decrease in MPV in the blood of a pregnant woman indicates a threat of miscarriage.

What to do if MPV is higher or lower than normal

When receiving MPV results in a general blood test that go beyond the normal range, additional tests are usually prescribed: general urinalysis, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, etc.

Treatment depends on the cause of the increase or decrease in MPV. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since uncontrolled use of medications can aggravate the pathology, even threatening life.

In order to prevent the development of diseases affecting the blood coagulation system, it is recommended:

  • undergo regular preventive examinations;
  • rational use of antiviral and other medications(some medicines negatively affect platelet formation);
  • eat rationally, avoid overuse when eating animal fats, give preference to easily digestible varieties of meat (rabbit, turkey, fish);
  • comply with sufficient drinking regime.
Using the MPV platelet index in a blood test, increased platelet aggregation, thrombosis, and active blood loss can be detected.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • color change skin and/or mucous membranes;
  • causeless formation of hematomas;
  • frequent nose and gum bleeding;
  • frequent increase blood pressure and the appearance of tachycardia;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • weakness, constant fatigue, deterioration general condition without visible reasons and for a long time, not going away after proper rest.

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Increasingly, in blood tests you can see an indicator that many people do not understand - MPV. The abbreviation stands for average platelet volume level. Along with the absolute platelet count, the average volume characterizes the blood clotting function.

Platelets: blood indicators

Platelets, being the smallest elements of blood (cell size is 2-4 microns), are responsible for the full functioning of the circulatory system. Blood viscosity and the ability to restore integrity depend on these cells blood vessels by forming a blood clot at the site of injury.

The physiological indicator of the absolute number of platelet cells varies within the range of 180-400x109/l. During the day, the number of blood cells can change by 10%. A significant decrease in this indicator in 80% of cases characterizes various bleeding: from nasal to more severe internal organs. The norm in women can decrease by 20-50% during menstrual bleeding.

The average size characterizes the maturity of blood cells. A normal volume is considered to be 7-10 fl (femoliter). A platelet lives 8-12 days. Immature young cells have an increased volume, while “old” ones, on the contrary, decrease in size.

Blood test: MPV determination

5 ml of blood (1-2 ml is taken from children) is taken from a vein. The analysis is performed using the cytometric fluorescence method. In this case, hematological analyzers produce a histogram - a curve showing the number of platelets different sizes. Young, mature and end-of-life cells carry different functional loads, their biological saturation differs active substances. The predominance of immature platelets shifts the histogram to the left. A shift to the right is characterized by a predominant content of old cells. Such changes can be observed with a normal absolute platelet count, which means a violation of either the process of cell formation in the bone marrow or their maturation.

Reasons for deviations

A large number of young platelet cells increases blood clotting and is fraught with the formation of blood clots. The average platelet volume is increased in the following pathological conditions:

  • posthemorrhagic anemia (compensating for blood loss, the bone marrow intensively produces young cells);
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • thalassemia (hereditary disease);
  • splenectomy (removal of the spleen);
  • May-Hegglin anomaly (rare);
  • Bernard-Soulier thrombocytodystrophy;
  • diabetes.

The average platelet volume below normal (the predominance of old cells) characterizes a decrease in blood clotting ability, the possibility of extensive bleeding and non-healing of wounds. Thrombocytopenia (decrease in the total number of platelets) and an underestimated absolute volume of these cells is a sign of the following pathologies:

  • splenomegaly (enlarged spleen);
  • aplastic, megaloblastic anemia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncopathology (leukemia, sarcoma, lymphoma, carcinoma, lymphogranulomatosis) and concomitant radiation and cytostatic treatment;
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (hereditary pathology);
  • myelodysplastic syndrome.

Important: A low platelet count can be detected during pregnancy. Thrombocytopenia is usually mild, but the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases threefold.

Thrombocytopenia and the accompanying decrease in absolute cell volume may have a drug etiology. Reception the following drugs inhibits platelet synthesis:

  1. analgin;
  2. acetylsaldicylic acid (aspirin);
  3. vincristine;
  4. biseptol and sulfonamides;
  5. chloramphenicol;
  6. vinblastine;
  7. rheopirin.

Symptoms, treatment

An increased average platelet volume in the blood significantly increases the chance thrombus formation, leading to severe conditions up to a heart attack, stroke or thromboembolism. This is especially dangerous for patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus. At high level volume, drugs are prescribed that can reduce blood viscosity.

A low rate is fraught with breakthrough bleeding, which is often difficult to stop. Treatment of thrombocytopenia involves the use of medications that increase blood viscosity: intravenous sodium ethamsylate, calcium chloride etc., oral iron supplements and vitamin complexes, externally hemostatic sponge. In case of severe thrombocytopenia and heavy ongoing bleeding, transfusions of platelet mass and donor plasma are prescribed. However, if there are antiplatelet antibodies in the blood, this measure will lead to increased bleeding.

Precautionary measures

A small deviation in mean platelet cell volume, possibly caused by a common cold, does not require treatment. However, caution should be exercised when choosing antiviral and antibacterial agents. medications so as not to cause further decline. Monitoring the total number of platelets and their absolute volume is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment for the underlying disease and in for preventive purposes(prevention of the development of thromboembolism, extensive bleeding). An analysis to determine the level of average cell volume must be periodically repeated for patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and thyroid pathology.

Human blood contains many different cells(shaped elements), and they all perform certain functions. In the article we will talk about what MPV means in a blood test and what its normal values ​​are.

Platelets in the blood

Platelets are the smallest. They do not have a nucleus, but perform many vital functions. important functions. Their main tasks are to impart a certain viscosity to the blood and restore the integrity of the vascular wall if it is damaged. In this case, the formation of certain substances (fibrinogens) occurs, under the influence of which platelets pass into active form. In this state, they gain the ability to flatten and stick together with each other and with the wall of the damaged vessel, forming a thrombus (a kind of plug that closes the damaged area and helps stop bleeding).

The formation of platelets occurs in the bone marrow, and due to the fact that their life is no more than 10 days, for normal operation The body needs to constantly produce new cells. If the balance between the destruction of platelets and the formation of new ones is disturbed, a person has either a tendency to bleeding (the number of platelets decreases) or to excessive thrombus formation (at high levels). A blood test determines the amount of these formed elements per liter or microliter. The normal platelet count varies from 180x10 9 to 320x10 9 /l in adults.

The indicators determined today are somewhat different from those a few years ago. Thus, many abbreviations have appeared that are incomprehensible to uninitiated people. One such mysterious value is MPV in a blood test. It's actually not that complicated. This abbreviation hides an indicator that determines the average platelet volume.

Due to the relatively short lifespan of platelets and their constant synthesis, platelets are always present in human blood. shaped elements located on different stages its life cycle. At the same time, young and mature cells, as well as platelets, whose life cycle is already nearing completion, they not only differ in size and saturation with biologically active substances, but also carry different functional loads. MPV in a blood test allows you to determine how many platelets of different sizes are in the blood at the moment.

Normal MPV values

To determine the average volume of platelets, a sample is taken. After this, 5 ml is examined using the cytometric fluorescent method. The result is a histogram - a curve showing the MPV in a blood test. The norm for this indicator varies from 7.5 to 11 fL. The histogram allows you to estimate the number of platelets of different sizes. Normally, the content of mature cells should occupy 90% of the total platelet mass, young - no more than 0.8%, degenerative - 0.2%, old - 5.6%. In this case, the predominance of immature elements shifts the histogram to the left, and the predominant content of old cells shifts to the right. It is worth considering that certain changes in MPV indicators can also be revealed by normal quantity absolute number platelets.

Blood test: MPV lowered

This picture can be observed if in a blood test, against the background of a normal absolute platelet count, the average volume is below normal. This is manifested by a significant predominance of old cells in the histogram. In this case, a low MPV in a blood test will indicate such dangerous condition, such as thrombocytopenia (platelet content less than 100x10 9 / l), in which extensive bleeding is possible due to decreased blood clotting.

Reasons similar condition I can be hereditary factors, diseases of the blood and other organs, the use of certain medications. There are three main points in the mechanism of development of thrombocytopenia:

  • reduction or cessation of the synthesis of young cells - this can occur when various pathologies liver, thyroid gland, anemia, intoxication caused by alcohol and other toxic substances, as well as when taking certain medications;
  • if platelets are destroyed faster than they are synthesized, this may result from certain immune pathologies (thrombocytopenic purpura), disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, or blood transfusion;
  • violation of the distribution of platelet mass - in in good condition almost half of the platelets are in a kind of depot, the role of which is played by the spleen; in some diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis) the number of deposited platelets can reach 90%.

Symptoms characteristic of low MPV

The symptoms that accompany situations where MPV in a blood test is low is due to two factors: impaired blood clotting mechanisms and increased permeability vascular walls. Externally, this manifests itself as the following signs:

  • multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages, most often located on the anterior surface of the limbs, abdomen, and chest;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • women have long and heavy menstruation;
  • hemorrhages in the retina of the eyes.

MPV level increased

However, there are situations when determining MPV shows excess normal level platelets. In some cases, their quantity can significantly exceed 400x10 9 /l. This condition is called thrombocytosis and can lead to quite serious pathologies associated with increased thrombus formation. There are relative thrombocytosis (readings exceed the upper limit of normal by 100-200 thousand units) and critical, when the excess of normal values ​​is twice as high general analysis blood. MPV can be increased so much by for various reasons, therefore, it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth examination, find out the cause of thrombocytosis and try to eliminate it.

Reasons for increasing MPV

Modern medicine makes it possible to determine not only an increase in the total number of platelets in the blood, but also to find out which types predominate. Often this has important for diagnosing diseases. For example, the number of young people after surgery either signals internal bleeding or prolonged blood loss. High levels of old platelets indicate an oncological process. Degenerative forms increase with disturbances in the hematopoietic process. Thrombocytosis most often accompanies the following conditions:

  • exacerbation chronic processes in the gastrointestinal tract, skeletal system;
  • blood diseases;
  • surgical interventions;
  • oncology;
  • How side effect some medicinal substances.

MPV in children

In general, average platelet levels in children differ from those in adults only up to the age of one year. After this, the content of these blood elements has similar characteristics, regardless of gender. As for newborn children, their acceptable values ​​are considered to be the range from 100 to 400x10 9 / l. When determining MPV in up to a year, it is 150-350x10 9 /l.

MPV during pregnancy

Pregnancy requires a woman’s body to restructure all its functions, and these changes primarily affect the circulatory system. The need to form an additional (placental) circulation requires an increase in the total volume of circulating blood. Average normal indicators The platelet count in a pregnant woman is considered to be 150-380x10 9 /l. However, deviations from the norm in this condition can lead to serious consequences. That is why a woman should undergo regular laboratory tests throughout her pregnancy.

If pregnancy is accompanied by severe toxicosis, then vomiting and other intestinal disorders can lead to dehydration, which, in turn, will affect the level of platelets - it will increase sharply. During pregnancy, levels should not exceed 400x10 9 /l, otherwise they may begin pathological processes, leading to platelet aggregation and the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed. On early stages such pathologies can lead to fetal loss, and in the later stages they are fraught with the occurrence of blood clots in the vessels of the legs, accompanied by the development varicose veins veins In order to avoid this, you can use orthopedic knee socks.

No less dangerous is a decrease in platelet levels below 140x10 9 /l. In the early stages, this can cause bleeding and even the risk of fetal loss. Manifestations of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy can include the appearance of bruises on the body even after slight touches, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds. On later thrombocytopenia can cause large blood loss during childbirth and bleeding in the child.

Thus, average level platelets are an important indicator of the condition of the human body. He allows for early stages determine the possibility of a particular pathology and take measures to prevent it.

An increase in average platelet volume is not noticeable at the initial stage and can only be detected using a blood test. But if the average platelet volume is increased, it means that there are pathologies in the body that need to be eliminated. What does it mean if the average platelet volume is elevated? The causes and symptoms of this condition will be described below.

Norms and interpretation of results

The average platelet volume is an indicator that is calculated during a complete blood test. It is designated MPV. This indicator gives an idea of ​​the qualitative characteristics of platelets: it allows you to determine the number of blood cells produced and their usefulness (mature or immature cells), which part of them is susceptible to adhesion.

Note! The analysis is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach; it is not advisable to use it in the evening. fatty foods and alcohol. The study is carried out no later than two hours after blood sampling - otherwise the result will be unreliable.

Explanation of MPV indicator:

Young blood cells are larger, so if there are more of them in the blood, the average volume will be increased. If old cells that are smaller in size predominate, then the average platelet volume will be reduced. The average platelet volume in the blood ranges from 7 to 11 femtoliters.

Important! An increase in platelet volume indicates an increased production of blood cells by the bone marrow, which do not have time to be eliminated from the body. As a result, the viscosity and thickness of the blood increases. This condition may be a variant of the norm (if the volume is slightly increased or is upper limit norms), or indicate the presence of diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.


The average platelet volume in the blood may be increased due to physiological and pathological reasons. In the second case, this condition requires treatment. On initial stages most often it is enough to change habits and lifestyle, maintain health using methods traditional medicine. And as the disease progresses, drug therapy will be needed.

Platelets promote blood clotting

When is an increase in mean platelet volume normal?

Platelets play important role: they promote blood clotting, prevent significant blood loss, thanks to them tissue healing occurs faster. Therefore, in some cases, an increase in the average volume is justified and bears positive character, indicating proper operation hematopoietic organs.

In what cases is an increase normal?

  • In newborns due to the immaturity of the hematopoietic organs.
  • After injury or surgical interventions accompanied by large loss of blood.
  • During menstruation in women, especially when heavy discharge, accompanied by .
  • After treatment that stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • After bleeding.

The increase in the volume of blood cells in these cases is due to the desire to restore blood loss and is compensatory in nature.

When is an increase in platelet volume a reason to think about it?

Often, platelet levels increase due to various diseases that require treatment. This happens in the following cases:

  1. Thromocytopenia.
  2. Enlarged spleen, hypersplenism.
  3. Blood diseases in which there is an increase in myeloproliferative processes.
  4. Thyrotoxicosis.
  5. Macrocytic degeneration of Bernard-Soulier platelets. With this pathology, mature platelets have irregular sizes and shapes.
  6. May-Hegglin anomaly, in which the platelet count is reduced and the cells are defective.
  7. Alcohol abuse.

Important! A slight increase in platelets is possible in acute respiratory diseases. This is normal, after recovery everything will return to normal.

But only a doctor can judge the presence of pathology after additional research and inspection. Most often, a repeat analysis is prescribed. Such A complex approach allows you to determine the cause of the increase in blood cell volume and make the correct diagnosis.


Symptoms of an increase in mean platelet volume by initial stage are practically absent, so the presence of pathology can only be determined from a blood test. As the disease progresses, signs appear that indicate an increase in volume.

Note! An increased average volume and an increase in quantity are not equivalent values. In certain conditions, the platelet count may be low; in other cases, it may be high.

The symptoms are quite varied, and some are signs of other diseases:

  1. Hemorrhages. They most often occur when platelet levels are low. appear causeless bruises. These bruises may be painful when palpated.
  2. Bleeding. Bleeding from the nose and ears occurs, women may experience discharge from the genital tract, and bleeding gums are observed. Bleeding occurs spontaneously.
  3. Itchy skin, which persists after taking drugs, may also indicate an increase in the average platelet volume.
  4. Soreness and numbness in the fingertips. They become sensitive and pain is felt when pressed. This condition occurs when increased quantity platelets.
  5. Change in skin color: it acquires a bluish or reddish tint, or pronounced pallor is noticeable.
  6. Increased fatigue, drowsiness, weather dependence.

Other symptoms are blurred vision, blood pressure surges, blood clots, and frequent migraines.

It is important to understand that an increased average platelet volume is a serious pathology that cannot be left to chance. It provokes stagnation and the formation of blood clots. And this, in turn, can lead to heart attacks and thromboembolism.


It is important to understand that a high average platelet volume is not an independent disease, but only accompanying symptom main pathology. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to find out the reason for the increase.

If there is a slight deviation from the norm, you can correct the situation with proper nutrition. It is important to adhere to the following principles:

  • Maintain drinking regime. You need to drink at least two liters clean water per day.
  • Replace animal fats with vegetable fats: preference should be given to olive and flaxseed oils.
  • Replace fatty meats with dietary ones - rabbit, turkey.
  • Eat lean fish.
  • Eat foods that thin the blood: blueberries, cranberries, tomatoes, ginger, green tea.

Hormonal contraceptives, any alcoholic drinks, diuretics under strict ban– they contribute to blood thickening, and will only aggravate the problem.

Used to reduce platelet levels drug treatment. Preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid are used.

Important! With an increased platelet volume, self-medication is unacceptable. Be sure to consult your doctor. He will find out the cause of the pathology and prescribe suitable medications.

Proper nutrition– deposit successful treatment elevated platelets

To eliminate the problem, it is important not only to reduce the increased platelet volume, but also to influence the underlying disease that provoked it. Here are some examples:

  1. Thrombocytosis. The platelet level is elevated, so all efforts are aimed at lowering it. A diet and proper drinking regimen must be followed. But it is important to understand that thrombocytosis is just the tip of the iceberg; it can be caused by another disease. The doctor’s task is to find the root cause and choose the right treatment.
  2. Thrombocytopenia. In this condition, platelet levels are low. To treat the pathology, medications are prescribed that prevent the destruction of platelets, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a hemostatic effect.
  3. Diabetes. It is not completely cured, but can be corrected with the help of special diet, and in severe cases resort to insulin injections.
  4. Atherosclerosis. Treatment is aimed at reducing blood cholesterol through diet and medications.

An annual preventative medical examination will help you notice the problem in time and take steps to eliminate it. An increase in mean platelet volume is a serious pathology that can lead to sad consequences, up to fatal outcome. So on time Taken measures will help maintain health and save life.