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Unreasonable bruises on the arms. For what reasons do bruises appear on the body without blows?

Did you unsuccessfully go around the corner of a table or fireplace? Have you been honing your waist too much on a hula hoop? And here it is, a bruise - a hematoma. It’s unpleasant, of course, but we know for sure that it will pass. And here's where spontaneous bruises, which are formed seemingly for no reason. They are not " handmade» an opponent in the boxing ring and not the result of a fall from roller skates or a snowboard. Then what's the matter? It turns out that everything may be much more serious than expected...

Icy blue

“Let’s be clear right away - there are no causeless bruises. However, the reason for their appearance is not always obvious. Meanwhile, any hematoma is a hemorrhage into the skin and subcutaneous tissue when the thinnest and most vulnerable vessels - capillaries - are damaged. It happens that the integrity of the veins is compromised. And here it is obvious: the larger the vessel, the greater the hemorrhage,” explains the head of the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine of BSMU, Professor Nikolai Soroka. - One of the most common reasons the appearance of bruises - Henoch-Schönlein disease (the old name is hemorrhagic vasculitis). The disease leads to fragility of blood vessels, which causes bruising on the legs, abdomen, and back. For example, in children the cause of this is a history of viral infection and reception medicines. They catch a sore throat or ARVI, take antipyretics and antibiotics, and after 1 - 2 days the body is covered with pinpoint bruises. It is difficult to say what was the root cause of their appearance, an infection or the effect of drugs.”

Blood clotting disorder is another serious reason for spontaneous bruises. Classic example: hemophilia is incurable hereditary disease. A slight blow or compression - hematoma bruises instantly appear on the skin. Even more alarming is the threat of hemorrhages in internal organs.

This is what the doctor ordered

Large, diffuse bruises may appear in people who are prescribed anticoagulants, blood thinners. Including the well-known warfarin and even aspirin. "His for a long time recommended to prevent the development of thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes. However, today doctors refuse the widespread use of this drug as a method of primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, clarifies Nikolai Fedorovich. - Studies were conducted in Europe involving 10 thousand patients. The result confirmed: if a person has not suffered a vascular accident, but takes aspirin for prevention, this does not affect the risk of stroke or heart attack. However, it increases the likelihood of bleeding. After all, the drug changes the function of platelets, which provokes hemorrhages.”

That’s why today doctors are much stricter about such prescriptions. Using aspirin more often secondary prevention. This means it is effective for people who have had a myocardial infarction, who already have angina or disorders heart rate. In a word, taking aspirin just in case is risky and unjustified. By the way, not only this drug can cause sudden hemorrhages, but also other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are taken to get rid of headaches and noticeable discomfort in the joints and spine.

Blood Interest

The function of blood cells - platelets - is extremely important. During a wound - domestic or combat - these assistants help the formation of a microthrombus, which prevents the body from losing a lot of blood. When there are not enough platelets (their norm is 150 - 350 thousand per microliter of blood; an indicator of less than 100 is considered a problem; when it is even lower - less than 70, this is regarded as a clear threat to health), there is a danger of damage to blood vessels and hemorrhages. This condition is called thrombocytopenia.

It happens that, given the quantitative norm, platelets “unfairly” fulfill their obligations. This happens, as already noted, with unjustified use of aspirin. Hence the microcirculatory bruises. They look like multiple small hemorrhages up to 1 - 3 mm. Usually appear on the front of the shin, on the flexor surfaces of the knees and elbow joints, sometimes buttocks.


The appearance of small pinpoint bruises on the skin is associated with disruption of the liver, where blood coagulation factors are formed. In cirrhosis and hepatitis, this function is impaired. This is the root of evil - the real reason the appearance of bruises even with pressure and touching the skin. Moreover, such hematomas do not disappear for a long time. A blood test for liver enzymes helps clarify the situation.

When pinpoint bruises suddenly appear on the skin of the legs in older people, doctors prescribe an examination for cancer. After all, this is often one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.

There is a reason

Diagnosis varicose veins veins - there is already a considerable probability of hemorrhages. After all, blood pressure in the veins increases! Hence the hematomas without injuries or bruises. Varicose veins should not be taken lightly. During a consultation with a phlebologist, you can decide on a treatment plan from a professionally selected compression hosiery before surgery.

Finally, a banal lack of vitamins C and P in the body again gives rise to bruising. Since a deficiency of ascorbic acid inhibits the synthesis of connective tissue collagen, which prevents the vessels from remaining elastic and not being injured. When the vitamin deficiency is replenished, the blood vessels become stronger and their permeability decreases. This means that the risk of hemorrhage is minimal. Therefore, doctors often prescribe ascorutin, which is known to many. This drug is a combination of ascorbic acid and rutin, which specifically acts on the compaction of the vascular wall.

In short, the causes of sudden bruises can be very different - from vascular inflammation to malignant tumor. Dot all the i’s in this complex issue A diagnosis prescribed by a doctor will help.

It's time to bloom

Over time, the bruise noticeably changes in appearance, as if it is blooming. This happens under the influence of enzymes that destroy hemoglobin. At first it has a reddish tint, then blue and purple. Later it turns noticeably green, becomes brownish and finally turns yellow. Typically, it takes 10 to 14 days from hemorrhage to resorption of the hematoma.

Action plan

A small hematoma from physical trauma can be easily treated at home using ice, heparin ointment or troxevasin gel. If it is extensive, it must be removed surgically. Otherwise a large number of blood - sometimes up to 200 ml stagnates, which can cause suppuration and abscess. This happens with hemophilia or an overdose of anticoagulants. For example, warfarin, a drug that is often prescribed after aortic or mitral valves hearts.

When receiving bruises and other traumatic effects, bruises appear on the surface of the skin. This happens due to blood getting under the skin and spreading near the soft tissues that surround the affected area. Hemoglobin, present in the blood, gives bruises their characteristic color - all this is completely natural process. When do bruises on the body form without obvious reasons, this makes people worry. This phenomenon is quite dangerous, as it indicates disorders in the body that a doctor must deal with.

Why is this happening?

The appearance of bruises on the body for no obvious reason is a sign various diseases and violations, both frivolous and quite dangerous. The simplest and most easily treatable cause is considered to be a lack of vitamins, which causes the blood vessels to become fragile and brittle. To strengthen the vascular wall, you cannot do without vitamins K, P and ascorbic acid. An acute lack of vitamins will lead to bruises on the arms and legs even with the slightest touch.

The causes of bruises associated with vitamins are not difficult to eliminate. We just need to fill the gap nutrients, starting to use complexes with vitamin C, rutin, bioflavonoids and hesperidin. Additionally, you should include seafood, seaweed, fish fat, chicken eggs.

Small hematomas can appear on the body without an obvious reason as a result of age-related changes. These are mainly bruises on the legs, but they also form on other parts of the body. Women who have hormonal disorders. Small hematomas appear on the body for no reason during menopause, when estrogen concentration decreases.

Other causes of hematomas in men and women without bruises include the following disorders and diseases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • lack of platelets in the blood;
  • deterioration of its coagulability;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Blood clotting is impaired not only due to serious diseases, but also as a result of taking certain drugs that have a thinning effect on biological fluid. For example, long-term use of Aspirin or Cavinton, as well as many drugs with high concentration iron in the composition.

Large bruises on the body without apparent reason may indicate a deterioration in skin elasticity, which occurs due to normal age-related changes. It also cannot be ruled out oncological diseases. For example, bruising of superficial tissue without trauma can occur due to changes in blood composition as a result of cancer. This is the most unpleasant situation, but it cannot be ruled out.

Bruises for no reason in a child

People often attribute damage to blood vessels and bruising age-related changes, but when hematomas form on the child’s body, this is a reason to consult a doctor without delay. This happens due to various failures and disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Why bruises appear on the body of children without bruises will be accurately determined by the doctor based on the results of tests and a comprehensive examination. Among the reasons why hematomas appear on the skin of a child are:

  • worsening blood clotting;
  • taking medications that dilute it;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • internal disturbances in the functioning of organs.

Ignoring the problem will lead to unpleasant results, so do not delay visiting the pediatrician. This must be done immediately in a number of cases:

  • bruises and bruises appear constantly on the baby’s body for no reason;
  • minor skin injuries (abrasions, cuts) lead to prolonged bleeding;
  • the child is noticeably pale and lethargic and gets tired faster.

How to understand why bruises often appear on the body?

To understand why bruises constantly form on the arms, legs or other parts of the body, in most cases, can only be diagnosed in a clinic. First of all, you need to see a hematologist who will examine the skin, do a coagulogram and send it for a blood test. This will help determine what caused the pathology.

The doctor may detect hemorrhagic vasculitis (inflammation that destroys capillaries). Treatment depends on the stage of disease development at which immune cells begin to produce antibodies against their own blood vessels.

When small bruises appear on a woman’s legs due to varicose veins, the hematologist will issue a referral to a phlebologist. There is a danger of development serious complications, requiring surgery. If signs of deterioration in blood clotting are detected, the doctor will prescribe a number of medications, which we will discuss below.

Regarding bruising in children, parents should take their child to the pediatrician. He will distinguish a hematoma as a result of a contusion from bruises that occur due to vitamin deficiency or other disorders. The doctor will order tests and make a diagnosis.

Treatment with medications

We have found out why bruises and small hematomas can appear on the body of men, women and children, and now we will look at ways to combat the identified disease. If you immediately notice a bruise appearing on the surface of the skin, apply something cold to the area. For already established bruises you will have to use pharmaceutical ointments, among which Heparin is popular. It accelerates the resorption of a blood clot that appears under the skin, and the blue discoloration quickly disappears. Additionally, the ointment creates an analgesic effect due to the benzocaine in the composition.

You can help in the fight against frequently appearing bruises on the body with Troxevasin ointment, which creates beneficial influence on vascular walls. Sometimes doctors supplement the use of the drug by taking Troxevasin capsules or tablets.

When it comes to ordinary vitamin deficiency, which leads to weakening of capillaries, you just need to buy a complex with vitamin P and ascorbic acid. Dietary supplements are presented in an assortment, so you can easily choose the right one.

If minor bruises on the body without contusions occur as a result of vasculitis, the doctor will prescribe a procedure for purifying blood plasma in order to accumulate harmful substances and getting rid of them. Blood clotting disorders, which many patients experience, require the use of coagulant drugs, Contrical and aminocaproic acid. IN difficult cases requires plasma transfusion.

Folk remedies against bruises on the body

Having found out what causes bruises on the surface of the skin without obvious reasons, try to deal with them using available methods. folk remedies. They are not more effective than the above-mentioned ointments, but emergency situation you can resort to them. Let's look at a few proven recipes:

  • Quickly helps eliminate bruises in as soon as possible Regular onions help. Grate the onion fine grater until it becomes a paste and mix with a spoon of salt. Apply the mixture to the bluish area on the skin (repeat 2-3 times a day).
  • Surprisingly, a heating pad helps in the fight against bruises. It quickly reduces the color saturation of bruises on the skin, creating a warming effect. Pepper plasters and mustard plasters have a similar effect. The main thing is not to apply heat to the bruises right away, but to wait at least a day.
  • If you have a pharmacy bottle in the house, it will also help remove bruises on the body that have arisen for no reason. Divorce thick mixture and apply to the hematoma for half an hour.

The listed home remedies will not give an immediate effect if hematomas appear, but with their help you can get rid of them in 4-6 days. At the same time, it will become less noticeable on the second day, so try and choose the optimal prescription, but doctors recommend limiting yourself to medications.

Video about bruises on the body for no reason and their treatment

Symptoms of diseases can manifest themselves in different ways. Many diseases have similar symptoms. So among the diseases associated with circulatory system there is one general symptom: education on skin bruises. These spots have their own characteristics of manifestations.

As the child grows up, bruises very often appear on his body. This happens in case of any injury; it is impossible to avoid it. But there are times when bruises appear on the body for no reason. Parents know for sure that their baby did not hit or fall, and yet a bruise appeared on the child’s skin from somewhere. Such spots may appear on a child’s skin and disappear after some time.

Features of the manifestation of bruises for no reason

Why do bruises appear on a child’s body if there is no reason for this? Of course, such a pathology should not go unnoticed by parents.

In order to understand why this happens, you need to know some features of the human body.

Blood circulating throughout the body moves through the vessels different sizes. The smallest blood vessels are capillaries. It is because of their rupture, as a result of a bruise, that bruises appear, which are nothing more than blood clotted under the skin. Bruises change color after the dried blood begins to decompose. This explains why these spots change color.

If the child’s skin has not been subjected to any mechanical stress, then finding out why the capillaries rupture is not so easy.


Bruises naturally appear when problems occur in the body. You can only find out why this happens by taking tests and undergoing diagnostics.

Based on the results of long-term studies medical specialists identified five main reasons why blue spots form on a child’s skin in the absence of injury.

  1. Hemorrhagic vasculitis.
  2. Poor blood clotting.
  3. Blood thinning medications.
  4. Operational disruptions internal organs.
  5. Vitamin deficiency.

It is impossible to independently determine what causes the formation of these spots. Therefore, it is imperative to go to the hospital.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

With this disease, the body begins to perceive the vessels through which blood flows as “non-native”. This happens in the background immune system. During illness, the blood begins to produce antibodies that destroy blood vessels. Therefore, the capillaries begin to burst, which leads to the appearance of bruises.

Poor blood clotting

Bruises on the body for no reason can be a symptom of a serious disease associated with a bleeding disorder. Very often these diseases are of the oncological type. Therefore, it is necessary to pay very close attention to such signs of pathology.

Medicines that thin the blood

Many medications cause a person's blood to thin. These drugs include even the simplest aspirin. And if even the slightest injury occurs during the period of taking medication, then bruises appear on the skin, since liquid blood rolls up very poorly.

Disorders of internal organs

The reason why bruises appear on the human body may be diseases of the internal organs. In this case, spots form on the back or even all over the body if the tissue strength is very low.

Vitamin deficiency

A lack of vitamins P, K and C can lead to thinning and fragility of blood vessels. Subsequently, a deficiency of such elements, any muscle strain or minimal injury can cause the formation of bruises on the skin.


For the reasons described above, it becomes clear that bruises that appear on the body of children for no reason can be a symptom of very serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body. In order to prevent the development of the disease and restore health as quickly as possible, you need to contact medical institution for diagnostics. Based on the research results, the doctor will decide on treatment.

Since bruises are the result of ruptured capillaries and hemorrhage, it is natural that blood is taken for analysis. A blood clotting test is also required.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a hematologist. If the analysis of blood fluid does not provide enough information, then additional research is prescribed.

Bruises on the body do not always occur after an injury or bruise. Unreasonable spots can appear due to serious pathologies in the structure of connective tissue and blood composition.

Subcutaneous hematomas form throughout the body, and even on the mucous membranes, on the neck and under the nails. Bruises most often appear on the arms and legs. If multiple spots are observed on the palms and face, the patient may have hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Why do bruises appear and not go away?

The reason for the appearance of bruises and subcutaneous hematomas on the body is not always bruises. In many diseases that are associated with poor circulation and connective tissue dystrophy, blue spots appear. Most often, this pathology occurs in older people.

Diseases that cause blue spots to appear on the body:

  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hereditary factor: hemophilia;
  • immunological diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • failure of the liver;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • diabetic heart, congenital heart muscle defect.

A hematoma on a woman’s abdomen may appear due to a lack of estrogen during menopause. Bruises under the eyes can occur due to improper lifestyle: bad habits, chronic lack of sleep, stress, starvation. If a person does not receive additional vitamins, problems with connective tissue and blood vessels begin.

It is impossible not to attach importance to bruises that come from nowhere. Be sure to consult a therapist and undergo a series of examinations. Thanks to professional diagnostics of the condition of internal organs and blood vessels, it is possible to understand why hematomas appear.

Autoimmune diseases

Hereditary causes of hematomas are diseases of the autoimmune type, which are characterized by weakening and rupture of the walls of blood vessels and frequent hemorrhage in the soft fabrics. Bruises on the body and face are accompanied by nosebleeds, weakness, and headache.

Vasculitis- This serious illness, which affects the blood vessels of all vital organs. Bruises occur in patches on different parts body: on the arms, thighs, legs, stomach. Additional symptoms swelling of the legs and weakness are considered. Vasculitis can also be acquired. Provoke the development of pathology long-term use antibiotics, infectious diseases.

At Rendu-Osler disease Multiple vascular networks and spots appear on the face, body and mucous membranes. The patient has a constant increase in pigmented lesions after physical overexertion. The disease cannot be completely eliminated; therapy is aimed at stopping bleeding.

Hormonal disbalance

Bruises on the body occur for no reason in women who have had a hormonal imbalance. This failure occurs during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and may be a consequence of menopause.

Also reception hormonal medications And contraception, leads to a sharp decrease in estrogen. After such drugs, the girl develops strange white and blue hematomas, which disappear within a few days.

Violations hormonal levels and bruises on the body may indicate ovarian dysfunction and malignant neoplasms. Therefore, consult a physician and gynecologist, especially if you often experience dizziness, headaches, loss of memory and concentration.

Purpura due to steroid use

Some glucocorticosteroids cause bruising on the skin. A small number of small hematomas on the body and face caused by taking medications is called purpura in medicine. This symptom does not threaten the life and health of the patient, as it is small side effect for therapy.

In this case, causeless bruises will go away on their own after stopping treatment or reducing the dosage of injections. Before starting treatment, the doctor must warn you that purpura may appear.

Oncological diseases

Sometimes bruises on the body can be a sign of a serious threat to the patient's life. Due to benign and malignant neoplasms The level of platelets in the blood decreases and its coagulation is impaired.

Bruises on the abdomen may indicate cancer of the ovaries, uterus, or stomach. The reasons for the appearance of large spots on the back, and especially along the spine, are a tumor or a blood clotting disorder. Also, hematomas often form on the elbows and wrists, which can be caused by leukemia and blood cancer.

Platelet pathology and bleeding disorders

There are a number of causes of bruising on the skin associated with bleeding disorders. The following platelet pathologies are diagnosed with equal frequency in men and women: thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopathy.

Bruises for no reason can appear when the level of platelets in the blood decreases and their pathological decay. Patients feel weak and complain of nosebleeds.

In thrombocytopathy, platelets are normal, but their quality is much worse. The patient constantly develops painful bruises and hematomas due to the slightest external influences on the skin. Internal hemorrhages are life-threatening, so patients require urgent treatment with the use of hemostatic drugs.

Damage and congenital diseases of connective tissue

Unreasonable bruises provoke diseases that are inherited and are associated with a main factor: a violation of the production of building protein (collagen). From birth, the child has sudden hematomas formed on the body, as well as deformation of the skeletal structure. The group of connective tissue pathologies includes: ulnar styloiditis; Marfan syndrome, osteogenesis; Sharpe's syndrome, with changes in the nail bed.

Bruises on the body for no reason or after a minor injury in men and women occur not only due to the listed diseases. This group includes many pathologies that are incurable. Hematomas are not a threat to the patient’s life, and hemostatic drugs are prescribed for treatment.

Other reasons

Doctors also describe many cases where bruises appear for no apparent reason. The patient does not feel discomfort or other pathological symptoms, however, a pathological process has been launched in the body.

Hematomas form on the body, face and mucous membranes in the following cases:

  • impaired blood clotting and blood vessel walls after an infectious disease;
  • lack of vitamin C, P, K;
  • consequences of taking medications: antidepressants, NSAIDs, analgesics;
  • varicose veins in the form of small spider veins;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • kidney pathology.

A lack of vitamins leads to the appearance of yellow, red or brown bruises on the face and body. Also, bruises on the body can form after experiencing stress, as a result of which the patient’s blood pressure sharply increased.

Why are bruises dangerous in a child?

It is difficult to trace the cause of bruises on a child’s body. Because of increased activity Parents cannot always keep track of their baby. But if blood hematomas appear too often, especially on the face, mucous membranes and palms, you should consult a doctor.

The main causes of bruises that are not caused by trauma to the skin and muscles:

Children also experience internal hemorrhages in the connective tissue after severe infectious and viral diseases. Any causeless formation of bruises should alert adults, especially if they are accompanied by fever, lethargy, and lack of coordination.

Unreasonable bruises on the body are treated with hemostatic drugs. It is also necessary to diagnose all organs and take tests to determine the composition and quality of blood. You can quickly remove the hematoma and reduce the stain using external ointments local action. However, such treatment is not the main one; before choosing a drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

To reduce bruising, use the following ointment:

"Heparin ointment." This tool stimulates blood circulation and resorption of clots that form subcutaneous hematomas.

"Troxevasin ointment." Increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, nourishes connective tissue with vitamin P, and prevents the appearance of new bruises.

"Rescuer". The ointment is intended to eliminate subcutaneous bruises that arise from bruises, injuries or bleeding disorders.

If you have deep vein thrombosis, using ointments may be dangerous. Also be sure to consider the compatibility of topical medications with tablets and capsules.

Diagnostic measures

A hematologist diagnoses causeless bruises. Children should be shown to a pediatrician immediately. The doctor externally examines the nature of the hematoma, records their number and nature.

To identify the exact cause of the pathology, the following tests are taken:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. clotting test (coagulogram);
  4. Ultrasound of internal organs.

Depending on the identified disorders, therapy is prescribed. If bruises begin to appear due to congenital disease autoimmune in nature, the patient should take medications that promote normal blood clotting.

Bruises that appear without contusions or injuries should be shown to a doctor. Frequent occurrence pigmentation, especially on the face and mucous membranes, can signal the presence of serious diseases.

In addition to external use, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • NSAIDs;
  • venotonics;
  • anticoagulants;
  • vitamins to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

If bruises appear in the form spider veins on the thighs and legs, the patient develops varicose veins. The advanced condition requires surgical treatment.

Prohibited drugs

There are many reasons for the formation of bruises on the body and face, so any medications that the patient himself prescribes can be harmful.

If you notice the appearance of subcutaneous bruises, consult your doctor about discontinuing or reducing the dosage the following drugs: glucocorticosteroids; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially in combination with ointment; hormonal drugs.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods are designed to eliminate manifestations of pigmentation, reduce their color and promote fast healing. Bruises on the body can be removed with the help of lotions, compresses, decoctions and teas that improve and normalize blood clotting.

Simple ways to get rid of manifesting hematomas:

  • compresses from burdock, cabbage leaves, potatoes, calendula flowers, parsley;
  • lotion based on vinegar, apple, milk;
  • tincture of comfrey leaves, chamomile;
  • ointment made from chamomile and marjoram oils.


Destruction of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries leads to hemorrhages in connective tissues. Frequent hematomas can be a temporary phenomenon, or they can signal serious illnesses.

To prevent bruises, use simple rules:

  1. Do not overuse medications that increase blood clotting.
  2. Move more and walk in the fresh air.
  3. Dress appropriately for the weather to avoid hypothermia.
  4. Do not try to treat infectious diseases yourself.
  5. Don't overeat, give up alcohol and fatty foods, watch your weight.

If bruises of unknown etiology begin to appear on your body, be sure to consult a doctor. A dangerous condition is one in which the patient’s temperature rises, vision or coordination are impaired.

Many hereditary pathologies cause thinning and destruction of blood vessels, which leads to frequent hemorrhages. But if hematomas in connective tissues are not dangerous, then damage to a vessel in the internal organs can lead to coma or death. Therefore, if unreasonable bruises appear, check the condition of your blood vessels and the level of platelets in the blood.

Bruises on the body are hematomas that form as a result of injuries, blows, or injuries. This happens due to the fact that during a traumatic effect, blood vessels burst and blood spreads directly under the skin. Externally, this is expressed in swelling of the damaged area and a change in skin color. Usually such cases do not cause alarm - to eliminate this phenomenon, special ointments are used, lotions and rubbing are applied, due to which the bruise quickly disappears. But sometimes subcutaneous hematomas occur for no apparent reason. This - dangerous signal, which may indicate abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs, lack of nutrients, and blood diseases.

The main reason for the appearance of bruises can be called fragility of blood vessels. After winter period There is a lack of vitamins in our body. Bruising indicates vitamin C deficiency

The main reasons for the formation of subcutaneous hematomas

To answer the question of why bruises appear on the body for no reason, you should have an idea of ​​the factors that can provoke the formation of hematomas without mechanical impact on the tissue.

Subcutaneous hematoma often forms in older people. This is due to the fact that the aging of the body is accompanied by changes in the structure of connective tissue, due to which the walls of blood vessels become less elastic and more fragile.

Also, the appearance of bruises on the body for no reason is associated with various pathologies and diseases that represent serious danger for a full existence, and sometimes for a person’s life. These include:

  • hemorrhagic. With such a pathology, a malfunction occurs and the immune system identifies blood vessels as foreign bodies, which activates the production of antibodies to fight them. Under such conditions, the capillary walls weaken and rupture even in the absence of any external influence. Some symptoms will help determine that bruises appear for this reason. Yes, when hemorrhagic vasculitis no bruises big sizes and are located symmetrically. Their locations are the buttocks, periarticular areas, extensor surfaces of the upper and lower limbs. If there are several hematomas, then over time they merge into one large spot;
  • hemophilia. This disease is inherited and consists of a violation of the blood clotting process. In this case, the bruises do not go away for a long time. They are large in size and can be located on any part of the body, including on the arms and legs;
  • disturbances in the functionality of the immune system (for example, red). In this case, a severe violation occurs: connective tissues and blood vessels are affected, while the body actively secretes antibodies that attack the DNA structure of healthy cells;
  • breast cancer. If a girl detects bruises and blue spots in the mammary glands, this may indicate cancer;
  • diseases of the brain and cardiovascular system;
  • phlebeurysm. Spots in the form of bruises on the body of women, localized only on the legs, indicate stagnant processes in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • associated with iron deficiency. When the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the tissues receive insufficient oxygen, which increases capillary permeability;
  • oncological diseases. The appearance of bruises for no reason on the body in women and men can often indicate the development of malignant processes occurring in the body;
  • liver damage. The liver is involved in maintaining homeostasis, so disruption of the functioning of this organ contributes to blood thinning and bruising.

Various types of hematomas caused by pathologies of internal organs can be seen in the photo.

In addition, bruises on the body for no reason may appear under the following conditions:

  • lack of vitamins and nutrients. It's about about vitamins C, P and K, which are responsible for vascular tone;
  • taking medications that thin the blood (for example, Cavinton, as well as their analogues that replenish iron deficiency);
  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

Important! To determine why bruises appear on the body for no apparent reason, you need to go through comprehensive examination: Perhaps hematomas indicate a serious pathological process.

Bruises on a child’s body for no reason: why is this phenomenon dangerous?

There are many reasons for the appearance of bruises on a child’s body: the activity of children is closely related to big amount bruises, abrasions and bruises on the skin. But, like adults, a child can also develop bruises for no reason, even if he did not hit himself.

If a hematoma appears, this may be caused by the diseases mentioned above, as well as a deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

In addition, bruises without contusions and injuries in young children appear as a result of:

  • disruptions to daily routine;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • improper diet;
  • fragility of blood vessels caused by hereditary factors;
  • presence of thyroid diseases;
  • suffered serious illnesses.

Often the appearance of a bruise on a child’s skin is associated with injections. Bruises can be easily caused by an injection and remain for a long time under the following conditions:

  • the medicine was administered at an accelerated pace;
  • a short needle was attached to the syringe;
  • the muscles reacted with spasm;
  • the administered drug caused allergic reaction The child has.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of blue spots, immediately seek help from a doctor, because it is impossible to diagnose at home, and the reasons can be either trivial or quite serious.

Parents should be especially careful in cases where bruises for no reason are accompanied by specific symptoms, among which:

  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty speaking or walking, blurred vision;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness.

Note! The danger of bruises appearing is quite high if they are located on the head or in the eye area, back or back of the arms.

To find out how to get rid of bruises on the body, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Methods to combat bruises

To eliminate bruises on the body that appear for no reason and remain for a long time, it is important to deal with the factor that provoked them. However, if necessary, get rid of external manifestations, you can use certain methods. Doing this yourself is allowed only with the permission of a doctor.

In order to make the hematoma smaller and make its color less intense, you can use:

  • heparin ointment. It promotes dissolution blood clot formed under the skin and accelerates the elimination of blue discoloration;
  • troxevasin ointment. This remedy helps remove bruises because it active substance directly affects fragile capillaries and blood vessels. To enhance the effect it is recommended simultaneous administration capsules or tablets;
  • means "Rescuer". It will help eliminate bruises on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. This ointment is not suitable only for the area around the eyes and lips.

To find out how to quickly get rid of bruises, you can turn to traditional medicine recipes.

  • Good remedy for bruises - cabbage leaves. They are dipped into boiling water for some time, smoothed out with a rolling pin and applied to the bruises that appear. Cabbage leaves leave for 20 minutes, then apply new ones;
  • Calendula flowers will also help remove bruises on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. It is necessary to knead the raw materials into fresh and apply to the skin;
  • You can try to eliminate bruises that appear on their own with starch. To do this, you need to dilute it with water to a paste consistency and apply it to the location of the hematoma;
  • if the bruise does not appear from a blow, you can try making a burdock-based compress. It needs to be applied to the site of the hematoma, wrapped in cellophane and insulated with a woolen scarf;
  • if the question arises of how to quickly remove traces of a bruise, you should use a compress of apples boiled in milk to a pulp;
  • If a bruise has formed without previous tissue damage, you can apply a vinegar-based lotion. To do this, simply moisten a piece of cloth in a tablespoon of vinegar and apply it to the sore spot.

Bruises for no reason can appear under the influence of various pathologies and remain on the skin for a long time. To eliminate them, it is necessary to fight the disease that caused this symptom. Emerging blue spot on the skin - a reason to consult a specialist. The sooner the treatment process begins, the greater the likelihood of quickly returning a person to a healthy life.