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Unreasonable bruises on the body, face and limbs. What are the dangers of spontaneous bruises that form seemingly for no reason?

Article publication date: 05/19/2017

Article updated date: 12/21/2018

From this article you will learn: what diseases may indicate bruises on the legs for no reason in women and men. What to do if you start to get bruises (or, in other words, hematomas) without impacts. Which doctor to contact, how diagnosis and treatment will be carried out.

Bruises without trauma on the legs and other parts of the body appear due to weakness vascular walls, increased permeability or excessive blood thinning and impaired blood clotting.

The causes of hematomas without impacts are the same in both women and men. However, more often they can appear in women who are fond of wearing shoes on high heels, since this provokes excessive tension in the legs, stagnation of blood in them and the associated weakening of blood vessels and varicose veins. Also, the strength of blood vessels may decrease during menopause.

If there are problems with blood vessels and blood, bruises often appear on the legs, since these parts of the body are most susceptible to stress in Everyday life. Microtraumas, which manifest themselves as bruises in pathologies of blood vessels and blood, can arise from long walk, from jumping and so on.

Hematomas without strokes are a very alarming symptom. If you start to experience bruises on your legs or other parts of your body for no reason, immediately consult a therapist. Depending on the test results, he may refer you to a hematologist, angiologist, phlebologist, hepatologist or gynecologist for further diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of bruises on legs

Hematomas can appear for one of two reasons:

  1. Problems with blood vessels (increased permeability of vascular walls, weakening and decreased elasticity of vascular walls).
  2. Problems with the blood (pathological decrease in the level of platelets in the blood, clotting disorders, leukemia).

In such cases, bruises arise from moderate pressure on the skin or from clothing pressing on it, or for no apparent reason at all.

The initial stage of vascular weakness manifests itself in the fact that a light blow causes a large bruise that does not go away for a long time.

The causes of such problems with blood vessels and blood can be very diverse. Sometimes this indicates a lack of certain substances in the body, and sometimes serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system or blood.

What can provoke the unreasonable appearance of bruises on the legs and other parts of the body:

  • Lack of vitamin C or vitamin P - with their deficiency, the strength and elasticity of vascular walls decreases, and capillary fragility increases.
  • Thrombocytopenia – reduced level platelets, which leads to impaired blood clotting and spontaneous appearance of hematomas. Thrombocytopenia may be a side effect of medications, a symptom infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, herpes, HIV and even complications of the flu.
  • Liver failure – severe liver dysfunction causes thrombocytopenia.
  • Alcoholism. Alcohol abuse causes thrombocytopenia.
  • Phlebeurysm. This is a very common reason why bruises appear on the legs. With this disease, they weaken and become brittle superficial veins, which can cause bruising.
  • Menopause. With insufficient estrogen levels, the strength of blood vessels decreases.
  • Leukemia.
  • Congenital bleeding disorders (hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, etc.) - in this case, symptoms begin to appear in childhood.

Even if the fragility of blood vessels is caused by a lack of vitamins, the risk of internal bleeding and hemorrhages in the brain increases, especially in hypertensive patients. Therefore, take the problem seriously.

Varicose veins can cause bruises on the legs

Accompanying symptoms

With increased vascular permeability and blood clotting disorders, not only bruises on the body are observed, but also:

  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • bleeding from the mucous membranes of the mouth, bleeding gums;
  • long cessation of bleeding even with minor cuts;
  • in some diseases - blood in the urine, bloody issues from the vagina outside of menstrual periods.

These symptoms are not observed with bruises on the legs caused by varicose veins. With this disease, hematomas can appear only on the legs. Vascular “networks” and “stars”, swelling of the legs, discomfort and pain in the lower extremities are also characteristic.


First of all, from a patient who comes with such a problem, they take general analysis blood. Greatest clinical significance in this case has platelet level.

Normal platelet count in blood:

A slight deviation from the norm can be triggered by stress or an unhealthy lifestyle, but a drop in platelet levels below 100 * 10 9 / l can already be called thrombocytopenia.

If it has been identified, they immediately begin to find out its cause.

Thrombocytopenia is often a side effect of the following medications:

  • diuretics;
  • Quinidine, Quinine;
  • antirheumatic drugs;
  • antibiotics (sulfonamides, Biseptol, Levomycetin, Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Gentamicin);
  • cytostatics (antitumor drugs);
  • anti-inflammatory (Indomethacin, Paracetamol, Benoxaprofen)
  • Heparin;
  • Allopurinol;
  • Chlorpropamide;
  • Digoxin;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Doxepin;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Cimetidine and others.

Drugs that can cause thrombocytopenia and subsequently bruises on the legs

Especially this one side effect People over 50 years of age and under 20 years of age are susceptible. If you were taking any medications when the hematomas appeared, tell your doctor immediately and stop taking them. Symptoms usually subside within a few weeks after stopping the medications.

If at the time of the decrease in platelet levels in the blood you were not taking any medicines, held comprehensive examination body: liver ultrasound, blood tests for HIV, herpes, hepatitis.

A blood test can also suggest leukemia. With blood cancer, the level of platelets, red blood cells and hemoglobin drops sharply, and the number of leukocytes increases. If doctors suspect leukemia, they conduct an examination bone marrow to confirm the diagnosis.

If the general blood test is normal, a blood test for vitamins and microelements is prescribed. It can be used to identify hypo- or avitaminosis C or P.

If you suffer from varicose veins in your legs, you will be prescribed duplex scanning veins for their detailed examination.

Women during menopause are also prescribed a blood test for sex hormones.

Genetic bleeding disorders can be detected using a clotting test and a complete blood test for specific proteins (clotting factors).

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment consists of eliminating the cause of the bruising.

For hypovitaminosis

If the fragility of blood vessels is caused by a lack of vitamin C or vitamin P (routine), a dose is prescribed ascorbic acid, Ascorutin or combined vitamin complexes. You can also include foods high in these vitamins in your diet.

For thrombocytopenia

In this case, the drug that provoked it is discontinued, or the underlying disease that affects the composition of the blood is treated. If a decrease in platelet levels was caused by medications, recovery occurs 1–3 weeks after stopping their use. The same applies to alcoholism - the blood composition returns to normal within a few weeks after breaking up with bad habit(but only if alcoholism has not yet led to serious liver problems). If thrombocytopenia is caused by diseases, then treatment will be very labor-intensive, and sometimes lifelong (for example, with HIV).

For varicose veins

The situation can be corrected by surgical treatment(or phlebectomy). Recovery occurs within a few weeks after the intervention.

During menopause

Prescribe hormonal replacement therapy to normalize estrogen levels in the body. You can supplement it with folk remedies to improve women's health. Before using them, consult your gynecologist.

Most effective folk remedy during menopause, especially if problems with blood vessels are expressed, red clover. It is rich in phytoestrogens - plant substances similar to female sex hormones, as well as vitamin C, which will help strengthen blood vessels. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry clover into 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 8 hours. Drink 50 ml half an hour before meals.

Dill is also useful during menopause. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for one hour. Then dilute with another glass of water. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day half an hour after meals. Dill is contraindicated for low blood pressure.

You can also add foods rich in phytoestrogens to your diet. These are soybeans, flax seeds, red grapes.

For leukemia

If leukemia was detected, the prognosis is disappointing. Full recovery is possible only after a bone marrow transplant.

Symptomatic treatment of a bruise

To make an existing bruise go away faster, use special ointments:

  • Heparin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Indovazin;
  • ointments containing arnica;

Please note that most bruise-resolving ointments are contraindicated if you have bleeding disorders. They can be used only if bruises are caused by hypovitaminosis, varicose veins or menopausal changes in the body. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Most of us are accustomed to the fact that a bruise is a skin defect that goes away on its own. However, hemorrhage in the upper layers of the skin can lead to sad consequences, so in some cases it is worth seeking medical help.

In medicine, any bruise is considered a hematoma. It arises against the background of a gap blood capillaries and is formed for one of the reasons:

  1. The presence of diseases of internal organs, problems with the circulatory system (leukemia, hepatic cirrhosis, von Willebrand disease, varicose veins, vasculitis).
  2. Mechanical impact on the body (bruise, blow, compression, injections).

Bruises under the eyes, which are popularly called bags, occur due to overwork of the body. It can be caused by insomnia, stress, severe physical and mental stress, excessive consumption alcohol.

The mechanism of bruise formation

The causes of hematomas are related to the anatomy of the skin. It consists of three layers:

  1. Epidermis. This is a thin area that has no blood vessels and performs a protection function. At closed injury it is not damaged.
  2. Dermis. Consists of fibers connective tissue. The capillaries located in the dermis play a special role in the appearance of bruises. Pain at the site of the injury is felt due to the presence nerve endings in this layer.
  3. Hypodermis. Subcutaneous fat located deeper than the other layers. It contains small vessels. This is where bruises form because adipose tissue much softer than connective.

The severity of damage cannot be assessed by the area of ​​the hematoma. A huge bruise may not affect the lower layers of the skin and may not damage the muscles.

Other features of the body play a special role in the formation of hematomas:

  • blood composition;
  • permeability of vascular walls;
  • thickness of adipose tissue;
  • structure of blood vessels.

How older man, the more often he develops hematomas. A child may have no trace left after a blow, while an old person will have a huge bruise due to a similar injury. This is due to the weakening of blood vessels, loss of elasticity of the walls and impaired circulation in them.

Color change

The size and color of the bruise depend on several factors:

  • location relative to the vessels (pulsating hematoma occurs as a result of a violation major artery, non-pulsating - against the background of damage to small capillaries);
  • the amount of accumulated blood;
  • duration of injury;
  • force of mechanical action (the higher it is, the deeper the hemorrhage occurred in the tissue).

The appearance and resorption of a hematoma occurs in several stages, which are accompanied by a change in the shade of the bruise:

  1. Red-purple. The red color is a consequence of damage in the first hours after the injury. This shade is due to the penetration of red blood cells into the skin tissue, which contain oxyhemoglobin of the corresponding color. During these hours a person feels the greatest pain, edema forms in the form of swelling.
  2. Blue or purple. The next day, the bruise acquires this color because the process of oxidation of oxyhemoglobin in the tissues occurs. Resorption has not yet begun, but the swelling is gradually subsiding.
  3. Green. The hematoma acquires this shade 5-6 days after injury. This occurs due to the biochemical transformation of hemoglobin, which enters the tissue from red blood cells. Biliverdin is formed, which has a greenish tint. Pain and swelling will disappear by this time.
  4. Yellow. On last stage the bruise turns yellow because biliverdin is converted to bilirubin. Over time, the hematoma will disappear under the influence of macrophages, which absorb dead cells. Yellow spot dissolves and leaves no trace.

Similar phases are observed when a significant volume of blood is released. If ice was applied immediately after the blow, the bruise will not look as noticeable.

Home treatments

If the bruise is caused by a blow, you should apply something cold to the sore spot and hold it there throughout the day. This will help reduce the size of the hematoma and speed up its healing. After 2 days, warm compresses are applied. If, except external manifestation bruising and swelling, there are no other alarming signs, you can do without going to the doctor.

Today pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of products to get rid of bruises. These include:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Bruise-off;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Badyaga;
  • Voltaren;
  • Finalgon;
  • Hepatrombin.

These ointments have wound healing, regenerating and analgesic effects. It is advisable to use them 7-8 hours after the impact. If you apply them immediately, they will increase swelling and provoke the appearance of a more pronounced hematoma.

As unconventional methods For treatment, lotions with aloe, compresses with tincture of calendula and golden mustache, cabbage or potatoes are suitable, garlic infusion. Before use folk recipes and medications, you should make sure there are no contraindications.

When to see a doctor

There are a number of cases in which timely medical assistance is necessary:

  1. A huge and painful bruise on the arms or legs. There is a risk of broken bones or cracks in them.
  2. Increased temperature, severe throbbing pain, increased swelling. These symptoms may indicate an infection.
  3. The appearance of a hematoma for no reason. In this case there were no blows or bruises.
  4. Pulsating hematoma. He speaks of a rupture of a large artery and requires stopping the blood.

Sometimes, to eliminate a large bruise, it is necessary surgical intervention. The contents of the hematoma are removed using a puncture needle and syringe.

You should also contact a specialist when using all known methods did not give any results, and the bruise does not change its color. Individual therapy is necessary in case of blood clotting disorders, pathologies of vascular walls, diseases hematopoietic system. So don't start self-treatment without consulting a doctor.

What to do if bruises on the skin appear for no reason, what is the nature of this phenomenon and should you worry?

Here are the opinions of doctors about what exactly can happen in the body if bruises often appear on the skin. Pay attention and consult a specialist. A doctor who deals with such issues is called a hematologist.

If bruises appear, it means that the capillaries are very thin. What influences them?

1. Taking medications

Taking medications that affect the blood may cause mild or severe bruising. Most often these are antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, iron-containing and anti-asthmatic drugs.

Of the most known drugs, which thin the blood and can lead to bruising - aspirin, Cavinton and their analogues.

If you notice a connection between taking medications and changes in your skin, you should consult a doctor. You may need to stop taking it temporarily to reduce the risk of internal bleeding.

2. Blood diseases

One of possible reasons the unexpected appearance of bruises may be due to blood and vascular diseases. Varicose veins, von Willebrand's disease, thrombocytopenia or a dire diagnosis of leukemia are always problems with blood circulation.

Don't put off visiting your doctor if you notice others alarming symptoms: pain and swelling of the legs, bleeding gums, small capillary points on the body, nosebleeds.

3. Lack of nutrients

Vitamins, vitamins! We make sure that children receive enough of them, but we often forget about ourselves. With sudden bruises, the body shows us that it lacks important elements.

Thus, B12 is involved in hematopoiesis, vitamin K is responsible for clotting, and vitamin C plays one of the first roles in the formation of new tissues; without it, blood vessels become fragile.

Another important vitamin- R. Without it, collagen is not produced and the walls of blood vessels become thinner, which means that in addition to bruises, the condition of the skin also worsens - not a happy picture at all.

An element whose balance is simply necessary for the body is iron. Its excess, as well as its deficiency, affects the capillaries.

Do not rush to carry out artificial fortification; first, check your diet and get tested for vitamin deficiencies.

Source of vitamin P - fresh green tea, apples, pumpkin and garlic. Vitamin K in bananas, eggs, nuts and oily fish. AT 12 - beef liver, fish, cheese, green salad.

4. Strength training, weight lifting

Weight lifting - secondary cause the appearance of bruises. This means that the capillaries are already weak, and physical exercise"complete the picture." Nevertheless, too strong loads can provoke rupture of completely healthy capillaries. For example, strength exercises that you are not ready for.

Such bruises can even appear in children: heavy school backpacks are a reality of our time.

It is believed that bruises due to muscle strain are not dangerous, but they indicate that you are taking a load beyond your strength.

5. Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal “swing” is one of the quite common reasons the appearance of bruises. They occur when there is not enough estrogen in the body.

This situation is possible during menopause, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy. Lack of estrogen significantly weakens blood vessels, and capillary walls can be damaged with almost no effort.

6. Age-related changes

Sad, but natural cause that doctors talk about is age-related changes body, the so-called wear of capillaries. Vascular system weakens because tissue elasticity decreases with age.

It is worth noting that such “age-related” bruises appear mainly on the legs. But still, they arise from minor impacts that young skin simply “would not pay attention to.”

Sugar and blood are the first associations when this disease is mentioned. Diabetes negatively affects blood circulation, so bruises appear very easily. Moreover, this process does not necessarily accompany an already developed disease; it may be one of the symptoms of a problem that is just beginning.

Other symptoms: unusual thirst, poor wound healing, rapid fatigue and occasional blurred vision, and possible white patches of vitiligo on the skin.

Do bruises happen for no reason? It turns out that this is possible. Sometimes a person discovers on the skin blue spot, although remember that I could not get damaged anywhere. Why does this happen, is it possible to get rid of bruises on the body?

Causes of bruises

Why do bruises appear in the absence of physical injury? In this case, the reasons are internal, not external. Hematomas that occur for no reason are often a signal of the presence of some illness.


  • Aging of the skin. Over time, the walls of blood vessels become fragile and lose elasticity.
  • Violation hormonal levels. When women lack estrogen in their body, the fragility of small capillaries increases, which provokes their frequent damage.
  • Taking certain medications. Aspirin, Warfarin - medications that thin the blood and often cause bleeding. The use of Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also a cause of bruising in men and women.
  • Reduced levels of vitamins P, K and C in the body.

These are the main factors influencing the formation of bruises on the body for no reason. formed for a reason.

Bruises on different parts of the body (legs, eyelid, abdomen)

Bruises on the legs for no reason are observed quite often. What influences this phenomenon?


  • Hemophilia. Serious genetic disease, in which blood clotting is impaired. Hemorrhages into muscle tissue often occur.
  • Acquired liver diseases that contribute to poor blood clotting.
  • The vessels are located close to the dermis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Varicose veins, vein diseases.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent increases in blood pressure, joint ailments.
  • Avitaminosis.

Such factors can provoke the appearance of hematomas on the lower extremities. The presence of bruises for no reason on the legs of women is more often noted. This pathology in girls it is quite often associated with genetics. Bruises on the legs of grandmothers appear due to thin walls of blood vessels and problems with the veins at this age. Bruises on the arms that appear without a reason signal the presence of pathological phenomena in the body. What could it be?


  • Reduced levels of vitamin C. This element is involved in blood circulation and improves capillary permeability. With its deficiency, there are internal bleeding, bruises appear on the palms and arms.
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis. The disease provokes inflammatory processes in small capillaries. Their rupture leads to the spread of blood in the subcutaneous tissues and the appearance of hematomas on the hands.

Sometimes a person notices the appearance of a bruise on the eyelid. The phenomenon indicates the presence of serious diseases.


  • With age, tissues become less elastic and blood vessels more fragile. Intense action on the eyelid area can lead to bruising.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Low level estrogen in females leads to bruising.
  • Oncology. Hematomas appear in the presence of blood cancer.
  • Taking various medications that affect the circulatory system.

Hematomas on the abdomen are considered serious cases and should be treated in medical institution. When small capillaries are damaged, small marks are noted. If large veins are damaged, the condition poses a threat to human life. There will be several large bruises on the skin.

Hematomas in children

Hematomas in children that occur for no reason are an indicator of the presence various diseases. Doctors identify several main factors that influence the appearance of bruises in a child.


  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis,
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements,
  • Malfunctions of organs,
  • Taking medications that affect the blood condition.

Pregnancy for a woman is not always easy period. The body is subjected to quite a lot of stress. Many women experience bruises on their body after pregnancy.


  • Phlebeurysm,
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Reduced hemoglobin,
  • Taking certain medications that affect the blood condition.

During pregnancy future mom gives away a lot useful substances to your baby. The body gradually develops a lack of vitamins and microelements. The blood becomes thicker, the walls of blood vessels become weaker.

Most often, women experience bruises on their legs and abdomen. Varicose veins Almost every pregnant woman is susceptible to veins. Stagnation venous blood leads to the formation of a fine blue mesh on the skin.

Bruises under the eyes for no reason

Can be used additional treatment using traditional medicine.


  • Badyagi powder, diluted with water in a concentration of 2/1, will help remove even a large bruise quite quickly. Apply to the affected area for 15 minutes twice a day.
  • Porridge from onions mix with a tablespoon of salt. The resulting substance is used for compresses, which are applied to the bruise twice a day.
  • It is allowed to apply warm compresses to remove bruises.
  • Apply softened cabbage or plantain leaves to the damaged areas.
  • A cotton pad is soaked in chamomile extract and applied to the bruise.

Recipes can be found on the Internet; before using traditional treatment, you should consult a medical professional.

Consequences and prevention

Hematomas for no reason are always a warning about the presence of some disease. If left untreated, it will progress further, causing discomfort to the person.

To avoid bruising, you should adhere to preventive measures.


  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, take vitamin complexes. This will help improve the condition of blood vessels.
  • Treat any liver ailments in a timely manner and monitor its condition.
  • Play sports, spend more time outdoors.
  • Medicines are allowed to be taken as prescribed medical worker, do not self-medicate.

Bruises for no reason cause inconvenience to the owner and violate normal image life. It is necessary to diagnose diseases in a timely manner, not to let diseases progress, and to healthy image life.

Bruises on the body for no reason - video

Human skin is not only the largest organ in area that performs essential functions body protection. By its condition one can judge proper operation internal organs. Therefore, any changes in skin color deserve the closest attention. One of the most common events of this kind is the appearance of hematomas, colloquially called bruises.

Hematomas are subcutaneous collections of blood formed as a result of ruptures in the walls of small vessels (capillaries). At first, the bruise looks like a red spot, painful when pressed, then darkens, changing shades from dark red to purple and bluish-greenish. After some time, the site of the hematoma turns yellow, and then the skin returns to its original appearance. The rate of disappearance of bruises depends on many factors: the age and state of health of the person, the characteristics of his skin and even the location of injuries on the body. For example, it has been proven that hematomas last longer on the legs than on the arms. This is explained by the fact that the blood pressure in the vessels of the lower part human body higher, which slows down the restoration of damaged capillary walls.

Most often, hematomas appear due to bruises or compression. However, the mechanical reason for their occurrence is not the only one. Sometimes we notice bruises on the body, but cannot remember under what circumstances we hit ourselves. If this happens often, the hematomas do not go away for a long time or have a large area, there is cause for concern. A change in the color of skin areas in this case may indicate the presence of serious problems with health.

The regular appearance of bruises on the body can be explained by changes in blood composition or increased permeability of capillary walls. This is typical for the following diseases:

  • Liver dysfunction, accompanied by a failure in the production of specific proteins - blood clotting factors. In this case, the blood becomes too liquid and acquires the ability to flow through the walls of blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. Bruises that occur with severe liver pathologies can appear even with a light touch to the patient’s skin and remain on the body for a very long time;
  • Varicose veins. This disease is characterized by a violation of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels (vessels are most often affected lower limbs). With varicose veins, hemorrhages look like red spots surrounded by a clearly visible network of capillaries (the so-called “stars”). IN severe cases extensive hematomas may form on the legs;
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Autoimmune disease, in which the human defense system reacts pathologically to one of the layers of the vascular walls - the endothelium. As a result of an immune attack, all blood vessels begin to collapse. Hematomas in the form of numerous bright red spots can appear on any part of the body without any external cause, but most often observed on the arms and legs (located symmetrically in the areas of the elbow and popliteal folds). The disease is very dangerous. In patients hemorrhagic vasculitis Intense intra-abdominal bleeding often develops;
  • Vitamin deficiencies. A deficiency of vitamins C, P and K leads to disruption of the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of most tissues. The walls of blood vessels become brittle and easily permeable, resulting in small hemorrhages under the skin;
  • Blood clotting disorders. They can develop as a result of metabolic failure, leading to a decrease in the level of prothrombin in the blood. Another reason is a decrease in the body's production of platelets (cells that play a major role in the formation of blood clot when folding). The composition of the blood is affected not only by various pathologies, but also by taking certain medications that are prescribed to thin the blood (for example, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid).

The appearance of hematomas may also be associated with age-related hormonal imbalances. This is why older women often experience numerous bruises on their arms.

What to do?

There are many ways (including traditional ones) of treating bruises, but if hematomas appear frequently and are not associated with injuries, limiting the process of combating them to the use of external agents is useless and very short-sighted. Hemorrhages may intensify and become not only superficial, but also affect internal organs, brain, eye tissue (which threatens vision loss). There are known cases of extensive hemorrhages in the tissues of the face, neck, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and tongue, which led to the development of edema and suffocation. Therefore, when multiple causeless bruises You must urgently consult a doctor and undergo an examination, including a study of blood composition, diagnosis of liver function, as well as some other tests and procedures. Based on their results, the specialist will be able to determine the underlying disease and prescribe adequate treatment.