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Increase in average platelet volume in the blood. Increased average platelet volume - what disease could this mean?

Studying the decoding of MPV in blood tests in adults and children is extremely important for the doctor.

Based on this, the doctor will conclude whether the platelet volume is increased or decreased. Determining the rate of blood clotting will help identify the presence of pathologies in the patient’s body and prescribe effective treatment in a timely manner.

For a person who does not have medical education, it is difficult to understand what MPV is. This abbreviation refers to the average number of platelets in the blood.

Platelets are part of the cytoplasm that does not have a nucleus. Their shape resembles a disk. The main center of thrombocytopoiesis in adults and children is located in bone marrow.

Approximately one third of all platelets are located in the spleen, the main proportion is located in the bloodstream.

These particles are responsible for the restoration of tissues that may be injured as a result of cuts, inflammatory processes, other reasons.

The full functioning of platelets depends on their volume in the blood of adults and children. Particles that are in a state of maturity are smaller in size, so their volume in the blood is reduced.

It is these platelets that perform their functions most efficiently. If cell structure immature, its size is slightly increased, it takes up more space than a mature one. The functions are not performed by such particles to their full potential.

It is important for the patient to get tested to determine whether the platelet count is high or low. These particles in the blood play important role.

They are responsible for blood clotting - forming a blood clot.

If the level of these particles is reduced, then clotting occurs very slowly, which threatens a person’s life - he will die as a result of blood loss. It is important for a person to take care of his health by periodically getting tested for MPV.

The normal platelet count in the blood of adults and children is 180 – 320×10 9 /l. The histogram shows how platelets are distributed throughout the blood volume.

Histograms also have another name - thrombocytometric curves. Their compilation and analysis is important for the patient. Decoding will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

The examination will make it possible to identify the presence of pathologies in the body that have arisen through hematological means.

A general blood test must include a platelet count test.

A blood test for MPV will help not only detect the development of diseases, but also prescribe medications that will bring the body back to normal.

A transcript of the blood test will show how effectively the patient’s treatment is going and will help monitor the condition of the patient’s body.

Analysis transcript

A general blood test involves studying the level of MPV. Decoding makes it possible to study the number of platelets in the blood of adults and children.

Platelets have a relatively short lifespan. As a result of their constant synthesis, these elements are found in the human body in the form of mature and immature particles.

Those cells that are in the middle of their life cycle, are different from those at the end or beginning of the cycle.

Each type of platelet has a different content useful substances, size, functionality. As a result of the MPV examination, it is possible to determine how many and what kind of platelets are in the blood of adults or children.

To obtain information about platelets, it is necessary to take biomaterial from a vein. 5 ml is enough for analysis.

Survey data is used to generate a histogram - a curve displaying the number of MPVs. The normal platelet count is 180 – 320×10 9 /l.

The histogram shows how many particles are mature, immature and last stage its life cycle. The norm of mature cells should be 90 percent, newly formed - no more than 0.8 percent, old - 5.6 - 5.8 percent.

A reduced platelet level is indicated on the histogram - a reduced level of mature particles and an increased level of old cells.

In this case, thrombocytopenia may develop in adults or children. This means that the patient’s blood clotting ability is sharply reduced. In this case, extensive bleeding may occur.

There may be several reasons for a decrease in the indicator:

  • heredity;
  • diseases of the blood and internal organs;
  • taking some medicines.

The development of thrombocytopenia occurs in various ways:

  • the synthesis of new cells slows down or stops completely as a result of pathological processes occurring in the liver, thyroid gland. A similar phenomenon can be observed in patients with anemia, people suffering alcohol intoxication, use of certain medications;
  • platelet destruction occurs faster than new elements are formed - the patient has experienced a blood transfusion or has DIC syndrome, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • The platelet mass is distributed with disturbances - the patient has hepatitis, tuberculosis.

If the patient's MPV level is low, then some symptoms are observed due to increased permeability of the vascular walls and impaired blood clotting in the body.

The patient may experience bleeding under the skin. Most often, such places are located on the abdomen and chest.

From the nose in a patient with reduced MPV often there's blood coming out, women menstruate long time abundantly.

A complete blood count may show increased level MPV indicator. This condition has its own name - thrombocytosis.

It can cause serious disorders and pathologies in the body that are associated with advanced education blood clots

Thrombocytosis can be relative - the norm of platelets is exceeded by 100 - 200 thousand units or critical - the norm of platelets is almost doubled from normal values.

It is important to promptly identify an increase in this indicator and establish the causes of the phenomenon in order to eliminate them and bring MPV back to normal.

As a result of the examination, it is possible to detect an increased volume not only of the total number of platelets, but also to find out which types of particles have increased the most.

If the rate of newly synthesized platelets in the patient’s blood is higher than the required level, then he may have internal bleeding or have suffered a large blood loss.

An increased volume of old platelets means the patient is suspected of developing an oncological process. An increase in degenerative platelets indicates impaired hematopoietic function.

The causes of thrombocytosis in a patient may be:

  • chronic processes in the gastrointestinal tract are aggravated;
  • blood diseases;
  • development of oncology;
  • operations;
  • side effects when taking certain medications.

MPV indicator in children, women

The level of platelets in the blood of a child under one year of age differs from the level of these elements in children over a year old. In newborns, the permissible MPV value is 100 – 400x10 9 /l.

If the baby is full-term, then in the first few days the norm is 125; for premature babies, the analysis transcript should contain a normal value of 100.

After a year, the MPV rate increases and is compared with indicators characteristic of adults. From the floor, the MPV norm is infants does not depend.

During pregnancy, women's body functions are reorganized. The circulatory system also undergoes some changes.

An additional circle is formed along which the blood moves, spreading nutrients to the fruit. The normal platelet count is expectant mother 150 – 380x10 9 /l.

If there are deviations, then this condition can cause dangerous consequences among women. To prevent this from happening, your doctor will periodically order an MPV test.

If women have toxicosis, its manifestations will cause dehydration, as a result of which the platelet level will jump.

Can't be allowed increased rate, since the pathology will lead to platelets sticking together, and blood clots will form in the vessels.

If similar phenomena a woman will have early, then the risk of miscarriage increases. On later pregnancy, an increased level of platelets will provoke the appearance of blood clots, which, in turn, will lead to varicose veins veins

If the level of the indicator is elevated, then the woman is recommended to wear special orthopedic socks.

Not only an increase in MPV is dangerous for health during pregnancy, but also a decrease in this indicator. Thrombocytopenia can cause hematomas, nosebleeds, and gums will bleed.

In the early stages, the disease can cause premature termination of pregnancy. At a later stage, the risk of large blood loss during childbirth and bleeding increases.

A general analysis to determine the number of platelets in the blood makes it possible to assess the condition of the body.

It is important to do a timely examination to identify whether the MPV level is increased or decreased and to diagnose pathological processes.

One of the components of a detailed blood test is such a parameter as the average platelet volume. These small blood platelets perform important functions in the body: they take part in blood clotting, ensure the formation of a blood clot and restore the integrity of the vessel. In fact, they are not cells, although they are commonly called that. They are disc-shaped fragments of cytoplasm that do not have a nucleus. They are formed in the bone marrow, two thirds are in the bloodstream and one third in the spleen.

Average platelet volume is a platelet index that characterizes maturity blood platelets, whose lifespan is about 10 days. In blood tests it is designated as MPV. Old cells decrease in size, while young cells, on the contrary, increase in size.

Blood for MPV is donated in the morning on an empty stomach, taken from a vein or from a finger. The analysis result is obtained using hematological analyzers. They draw a curve that shows the distribution of platelets by volume. The histogram is shifted to the right if immature forms predominate. If the blood contains predominantly old cells, a shift to the left occurs.


The average volume of red blood cells is measured in femtoliters. The norm is from 7.5 to 10 fl. In children under three years of age does not exceed 8.9 fl. MPV increases with age, and for adults can reach up to 11 fl.

Platelets are the basis for the formation of a blood clot

Diagnostic value

Unlike the total number of platelets in a unit of blood, MPV reflects qualitative characteristics, that is, by this indicator one can judge their usefulness. Old cells are smaller in size, and young forms are big sizes and structureless structure. Their activity, tendency to stick together, and the content of biologically active substances in them depend on the size of the plates.

The doctor can get important information based on MPV. If this indicator is elevated, it means that young cells are present in the blood. The higher the value, the more immature forms there are. If this indicator is low, this indicates that small forms are present in the bloodstream. MPV may be increased or decreased by normal quantity blood platelets.

By assessing the average platelet volume in the blood, your doctor may find the following:

  • increased adhesion of platelet plates to each other, development of thrombosis;
  • blood loss in people with iron deficiency anemia when large forms of platelets are detected;
  • This test does not make it possible to determine myeloproliferative disease.

MPV increased

A slight increase in MPV may indicate several physiological conditions, including:

  • various injuries, usually multiple;
  • surgical interventions;
  • heavy periods;
  • taking medications that promote hematopoiesis;
  • features of hematopoiesis in childhood;
  • bleeding, including internal bleeding.

MPV may be elevated as a result of blood loss

If MPV is elevated, the reasons may be:

  • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • erythremia;
  • splenectomy;
  • myeloid leukemia;
  • May-Hegglin anomaly;
  • cell degeneration;
  • alcoholism.

MPV reduced

If the average platelet volume is low, this may indicate the following pathological conditions:

  • enlarged spleen (splenomegaly);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • anemia;
  • some hereditary diseases lead to a decrease in MPV (for example, this indicator is low in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome).
  • oncological diseases: sarcoma, leukemia, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, carcinoma;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhagic vasculitis and others);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • uremia, renal amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis;
  • hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism;
  • hypoproteinemia;
  • taking certain medications.

Low MPV may be found during pregnancy. If the platelet level is also low, then there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth.


An indicator such as MPV is not often taken into account by doctors these days. However, it can help detect thrombocytopenia in anemia and other pathologies, as well as make changes in the interpretation of blood test results.

Blood is a substance that contains many enzymes. They perform important roles in protecting human body from infections, carrying oxygen, eliminating pathogenic bacteria and responding to emerging pathologies. One of the most important elements blood are platelets. They are formed in the bone marrow and are the smallest elements that are responsible for the coagulation process, nourish blood vessels and cause tissue healing.

Platelets quickly fuse one with another, attaching themselves to a vessel if its integrity is compromised. Thanks to the fusion of bodies, small clot blood, stopping bleeding and saving the patient’s life from massive blood loss. In situations where the volume of these blood elements begins to fall, dangerous bleeding can begin.

Attention! During the course of a day, a person can have a decrease in the number of corpuscles by 10% of the total volume without any problems. This happens especially often during menstruation in women, when blood is lost for natural reasons.

The main causes of pathology include the following:

Attention! The exact cause of the pathology can only be determined by the attending physician after a full examination and assessment. general condition the patient using tests, ultrasound and other necessary studies.

Diet for low average platelet volume

If problems with blood clotting occur, it is important to establish proper nutrition. To do this, the patient is recommended to completely avoid foods such as alcohol of any strength, spicy foods, smoked foods, especially store-bought ones.

To achieve a quick therapeutic result, the patient must significantly enrich the diet with foods containing high content vitamin A. It is found in beef liver, fish oil(it can be replaced with vitamins), black rowan, sweet pepper. You should definitely eat green vegetables and fruits. The most beneficial substances for blood vessels are found in green apples, celery and parsley.

It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed carrot juices and prepare compotes from rose hips, grapes and lingonberry leaves. It won’t be superfluous to eat a peanut every day, walnut and hazelnuts. The table shows the products with the most big amount vitamin A.

ProductImageAmount of vitamin A per 100 g in mcg
Carrot 2000
Red rowan 1500
Yolk 950
Dill, celery 750
Dried apricots 585
Fresh cheese 300
Sour cream 255
bell pepper 250

Attention! It is also imperative to avoid heavy physical activity, avoid stress and maintain a day-night routine.

Folk remedies for the treatment of low platelet counts

Sesame oil

Is one of the most effective means to suppress thrombocytopenia. To prevent dangerous processes, you should drink in morning time before breakfast 15 ml sesame oil. It is also recommended to repeat a similar session before going to bed, but the dosage should be reduced to a teaspoon. Therapy continues for a month until a lasting result is achieved.

Nettle for thrombocytopenia

For cooking medicine will need to be squeezed Fresh Juice from a ripe green plant, 50 ml of liquid is needed for treatment. The juice is mixed with the same amount of whole cow's milk. It is recommended to drink the resulting solution 15 minutes before the main meal. Treatment with nettle-based milk will continue for two weeks. Storing freshly squeezed juice is strictly prohibited.


This plant perfectly increases blood viscosity, increasing its enzyme composition. This is quite easy to do. You need to eat 50 fruits every day after breakfast chokeberry. The recommended course of therapy is three weeks. Increasing the number of days of treatment is strictly prohibited. Red rowan is not treated in this way.

Attention! If platelet levels are insufficient, use folk remedies can only be of an auxiliary nature, since they cannot quickly eliminate bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Consequences of a low platelet count

The main and most terrible violation of this condition is the possibility of developing massive bleeding even due to a small injury, which is difficult to stop. Such problems are especially dangerous during pregnancy, childbirth and menstruation. Uterine bleeding very difficult to treat even with normal level platelets, and if reduced, in many cases can lead to death.

In addition, this condition can cause bleeding in the brain and in eyeball with the retina. Such disorders can be triggered by even a slight increase in blood and eye pressure.

Attention! Reduce the likelihood similar conditions will allow correct image life and compliance with recommendations to prevent bleeding due to low platelet counts.

Preventing low platelet levels

To reduce the likelihood of developing pathology, you should follow the recommended preventive methods:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • do not overeat and try to eat only healthy foods;
  • during menstruation, take iron supplements;
  • as a preventive measure, take vitamins with iron 2 times a year;
  • to not allow severe injuries lower extremities;
  • reduce the amount of sweet and spicy foods;
  • monitor cholesterol levels to prevent depletion of blood vessels;
  • do not self-medicate any pathologies that arise in the body, since many medications can cause illness;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day, and it is advisable to go to bed at the same time;
  • do not overcool, maintain optimal physical shape;
  • monitor the condition of the kidneys and liver.

This lifestyle increases the chances of preventing severe pathologies, including massive bleeding, several times.

If you notice problems that indicate a decrease in the average platelet volume, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. He will hold full examination to exclude the presence dangerous pathologies and prescribe treatment appropriate for a particular patient. In some cases, the patient will be recommended hospitalization to prevent the development of fatal outcome due to massive bleeding.

Video - Why platelet levels drop

To assess the average size and degree of maturity of blood platelets, an index such as mean platelet volume or MPV (mean platelet volume) has been introduced. What does it mean if the MPV index, as an indicator of the average platelet volume, is elevated in children and adults, what diseases is associated with this deviation?

Definition of what MPV means

Blood plates at the time of their separation from the megakaryocyte in the bone marrow have an average diameter of 2.5 microns - 5 microns. Over a lifetime of 9–11 days, the volume of the plate decreases.

Mature plates no longer exceed 2-4 microns in size, and old forms no more than 0.5–2.5 microns. This decrease in volumes with age means that if the average platelet volume index is increased, young forms of platelets in the blood predominate.

The presence of an increased number of young cell forms is explained by the acceleration of the production of these cells in the bone marrow. But, in addition to accelerated synthesis in the bone marrow, in some diseases the following appear:

  • forms of irritation - plates, after activation increased in size to 7 - 12 microns;
  • tiny fragments of blood platelets.

The magnitude of the MPV shift relative to the norm is of practical importance. The appearance of large forms, an increase in the number of young shaped elements is called a shift of the platelet formula to the left and corresponds to a state where the average volume of blood platelets is increased.

If there is in the blood increased amount old cellular forms of reduced size, then a shift to the right will be observed in the platelet formula, and the MPV value will be less than normal.


The parameter reflecting the average platelet volume is measured in femtoliters (fl). In one 1 fl = 10 -15 l. This index does not depend on gender, but changes with age. In old age, this platelet parameter is increased compared to childhood.

The norms for average platelet volumes, depending on age, are (fl):

  • infants under 1 year – 7fl – 7.9;
  • children from 1 year to 5 years. – 8.6 fl – 8.9;
  • in adults - 7.4 fl - 10.4 fl;
  • after 70 years – 9.5 fl – 10.6.

The value of this parameter is inversely related to the quantityPLT of these cells in the blood. How more value MPV, the lower the content of blood platelets.

The inverse relationship between the MPV and PLT indices is violated:

  • after blood loss – MPV and PLT are higher than normal;
  • with aplasia (function disorder) of the bone marrow – PLT and MPV are less than normal;
  • in myeloproliferative diseases - bone marrow pathologies caused by disorders at the level of stem cells - both indicators are increased.

Read about the normal platelet count in PLT blood in a previously posted article on the website.

Increased mean platelet volume index

An increase in the average volume of PLT cells is observed in diseases associated with accelerated production of blood platelets in the bone marrow. This means that the average platelet volume parameter is increased due to the presence of a significant number of young forms in the blood.

Increased values ​​of average platelet volumes in the analysis results in patients:

  • myeloproliferative diseases – myeloid leukemia, polycythemia, osteomyelosclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Wergolf's disease;
  • May-Hegglin anomaly;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • alcoholism;
  • tobacco addiction.

Improved analysis results for massive blood loss caused by trauma, surgery, internal bleeding. An increase in test results can be caused by taking drugs that stimulate thrombopoiesis.

The result of the analysis of average platelet volumes MPV in women may be increased due to heavy periods or blood loss during childbirth. This means that the production of blood platelets has increased in the body, and young platelets enter the bloodstream.

Large plates exceeding 15 microns in diameter are found in the blood in rare cases. hereditary disease Mey-Hegglin. This pathology can be practically asymptomatic, manifesting itself only in rare nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and causeless bruising.

But if a carrier of May-Hegglin anomaly takes drugs that reduce platelet function, he may experience bleeding during surgery, childbirth

In children early age the average platelet volume may be increased due to imperfection of the hematopoietic system. Such an increase is temporary and is a feature of the child’s development.

Decrease in average volume, which means

The average platelet volume parameter is reduced in the case of:

  • full or partial removal spleen;
  • Wiskott-Aldrich disease;
  • inflammatory diseases – liver cirrhosis, myocardial infarction;
  • autoimmune disorders – rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • malignant tumors.

During pregnancy, a decrease in the average volume of the plates, combined with a decrease in their number, may mean a threat of premature birth.


The average platelet volume parameter has no independent clinical significance. This means that only by increasing this indicator one cannot draw a conclusion about the state of the blood coagulation system. But, along with other platelet indices, this parameter allows for a comprehensive assessment of the state of the coagulation system.

If the average volume is increased with a decrease in the number of platelets, this indicates a serious violation of their functions. If a deviation in test results is accompanied by a sharp decrease in weight, tachycardia, high blood pressure, nosebleeds, then the examination should be continued and the cause of the disorder should be established.

The question of what mpv is in a blood test and what it means worries many when conducting various examinations. The MPV value reflects the platelet content. Their level is playing great importance at various injuries or conditions accompanied by blood loss. A decrease or increase in the indicator indicates the development of a process that is not characteristic of a healthy organism.

What are platelets

Platelets are blood elements. They are components of the cytoplasm that lack a nucleus. The formation of these elements occurs in the bone marrow. Some of them are in the spleen, and some enter the bloodstream. Their life expectancy is on average 10 days.

Among the functions of platelets are:

  1. Preventing large blood loss due to vascular damage. The implementation of this function occurs due to the ability of the elements to stick together with each other, as well as attach to the vascular wall.
  2. The ability to activate the production of collagen cells involved in regenerative processes when the integrity of the blood vessel is violated.
  3. Strengthening cell membranes, which makes it impossible for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate.

An important indicator of the level of platelets in the blood is the average volume of these elements. When asked: what is mpv, the doctor points to the platelet index. It is this that reflects the maturity of these blood elements. After taking biological material it is examined using hematology analyzers. The latter depict a curve characterizing the distribution of plates by volume. In the case when the histogram shifts to the right, we speak of the predominance of immature forms. A large number of of old cells is manifested by a shift to the left.

Study of platelet index

The study of mpv during blood examination plays an important role in studying the hematopoietic function of the body. After all, not just the functioning of the body, but also human life depends on its high-quality implementation. Changes in the platelet index indicate the presence of various diseases, determine the cause and begin treatment. Research in blood mpv It is necessary to carry out this procedure for adults - 1 time per year, for children - 2 times.

A blood test to study the platelet index is carried out after taking material from a finger. Biological fluid is examined under a microscope. The specificity of the analysis is that the study of the material should be carried out in the first 2 hours after blood collection.

If the time requirements are not met, the indicators change, which ultimately leads to an incorrect diagnosis.

An increased platelet count is reflected in an increase in blood viscosity and the risk of developing blood clots. In the presence of concomitant diseases this process is dangerous not only by the development of complications, but also fatal. A decrease in the number of platelets produced creates a risk of dangerous blood loss even with minor injuries or injuries. In any case, mpv and the norm of this indicator indicate the presence or absence of pathological processes, the treatment of which is necessary and important for human health.

Normal values

In order to find out whether the average platelet volume corresponds to mpv normal indicators, the obtained data is correlated with certain values. They are present in any laboratory. The average platelet volume in the blood for a healthy adult population is 7-12 fl (femtoliters).

However, there are natural factors, which may affect the analysis performance. These include:

  • age category;
  • presence of menstrual bleeding;
  • term of interesting position;
  • use of certain medications.

If the average platelet count is lower than normal in a pregnant woman, this is normal in most cases. However, in parallel it is necessary to monitor the course of pregnancy. In some cases, a significant decrease in indicators may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The following values ​​are normal for different categories of subjects:

When indicators are elevated

When testing blood for the platelet index, the questions are quite natural: what to do if the average volume of platelets is increased and what does this mean. An increase in MPV indicators is possible in two ways: in certain physiological conditions and in the development of a pathological process. TO physiological conditions include:

  • heavy menstruation;
  • specificity of hematopoietic function in children;
  • use of certain medications.

The occurrence of a pathological process is possible as a result of:

  • getting injured;
  • surgical intervention;
  • the presence of bleeding of various natures.

Among the main reasons when mpv indicators are increased are development:

  • thrombocytopenic idiopathic purpura;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • erythremia;
  • splenectomy;
  • blood cancer;
  • May-Hegglin anomalies;
  • cellular pathologies;

In addition, the reasons for an increase in the platelet index are an enlarged spleen (due to various circumstances) and alcoholism. Their presence will necessarily indicate a violation normal functioning body.

What to do if indicators increase

If the interpretation of the analysis showed that the average platelet volume is increased, a search is necessary main reason. In the case when it turns out to be physiological and associated with phenomena characteristic of humans, then no special measures are taken. In the presence of a pathological process, therapy is carried out in two directions:

  1. Use of blood thinning medications. This is necessary in order to normalize the natural thickness of biological fluid and reduce the load on the heart muscle.
  2. Application hormonal treatment. Necessary in order to restore the normal process of platelet formation.

All healing process carried out in a hospital setting, under the supervision of specialists. You should not self-prescribe medications. Indeed, with their incorrect dosage, it is possible to develop side effects and complications.

When indicators are reduced

The platelet index can not only increase, but also decrease. The main reasons for this include the development of:

  • splenomegaly;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • anemia of various etiologies;
  • some hereditary diseases;
  • oncological processes: sarcoma, leukemia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • heart attack;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hypoproteinemia.

In addition, the average platelet volume is reduced when using certain medications and while pregnant. The answer to the question: why the average volume of platelets is reduced and what this means can only be given by a specialist based on general research, which includes not only a blood test, but also an examination, collection of complaints, and in some cases, additional diagnostic procedures.

Preventive actions

To ensure that the average platelet volume and mpv indicators always correspond normal values compliance is required preventive measures. These include the following:

  1. Carry out a platelet index study in the presence of chronic diseases at least once every trimester.
  2. Carefully select medications when treating diseases caused by viruses. After all, some medications negatively affect platelet production and mpv levels.
  3. Monitor your diet. It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable ones. And instead of fatty meat, it is better to use rabbit, turkey, and fish when preparing dishes.
  4. Observe drinking regime, that is, drink enough water.

In addition to the main preventive measures, you should consult a doctor if:

  • there is a sharp weight loss;
  • there is constant fatigue;
  • available constant bleeding from the nose;
  • often concerned about tachycardia and hypertension;
  • observed sharp deterioration health;
  • skin and mucous membranes have changed color;
  • Hematomas appear for no particular reason.

Any platelet level: high, low or normal reflects a person's level of health. The study of the platelet index allows you to detect pathological processes in time and begin timely treatment the resulting state. Indeed, in some cases, the development of the disease on early stages does not have bright external signs. Studying the platelet count will save valuable time and not miss out on health.

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