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How many hours of sleep does a 12 year old child need? Healthy sleep for a child: basic rules. What determines the duration of sleep?

Parents always pay sufficient attention to the child’s sleep and wakefulness patterns. It is not surprising that many of them are concerned about the question: what time should a 12-year-old child go to bed? After all, some try to send him to bed early, others still focus on total duration night sleep.

What time should children 12 years old go to bed?

Due to their age, 12-year-old children often answer the question of what time to go to bed themselves. After all, this is a transitional age when it is very difficult to force a child to do something. It is important for adults to understand that if children are too busy at this age, they definitely need day rest. At the same time, a total of about 8-9 hours of sleep would be considered normal for 12-year-old teenagers. If possible, you should sleep for at least another hour during the day.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, adolescents at the age of twelve may have problems with sleep, in particular insomnia. So what is the cause of problems with night sleep, and what can parents do about them?

If possible, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor. After all, sometimes insomnia has pathological causes, in particular, malfunctions of cardio-vascular system or hormonal imbalances.

The main thing is not to prescribe sleeping pills or sedatives. After all, their incorrect use can lead to serious negative consequences. Similar drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Do not forget that sleep disturbances in a 12-year-old child will certainly affect both emotional and physical psychological condition child. In particular, against the background of insomnia, mood swings and emotional outbursts may appear. After all, it is from this age that most children begin the so-called puberty. It is not surprising that, against the background of deteriorating sleep, aggression, excessive worries, emotional instability and simple irritability can occur.

In some cases, we can talk about uncontrolled behavior when, due to insomnia, the child becomes hyperactive. There are also cases of cognitive impairment of attention, speech and memory problems.

Therefore, parents must properly organize their child’s daily routine. Ideally, a 12-year-old child should go to bed at approximately the same time, and under constant conditions. After all, children of this age, just like toddlers, need comfort when falling asleep. Let the room be ventilated. Don't sit in front of the TV or computer before going to bed.

In fact, solving sleep problems in children 12 years old is not so difficult, if the right approach. If parents cannot cope with them on their own, it is worth seeking the help of a doctor in a timely manner.

Any person understands that only with long and sound sleep are forces fully restored - physical and spiritual. This is especially important for children. But not all parents know what the norm is. This is a serious omission. You need to know how much children sleep at a given age, and see if your son or daughter spends enough time in bed.

How long does a baby sleep in the first months of life?

First, let's tell you what the norm is

In the first month it is easier to tell how long he is awake. Because healthy child, which nothing bothers, at this time there are only two modes - food and sleep.

During the night he sleeps approximately 8 to 10 hours. Moreover, during this time he manages to wake up two or three times in order to refuel properly mother's milk. During the day he also sleeps 3-4 times, and sometimes more. So if a child who is not even a month old sleeps 15-18 hours a day, this is quite normal indicator. It’s worse if he sleeps significantly less - perhaps some kind of discomfort, pain or hunger is bothering him. You should definitely see a doctor to have him examine you. Sometimes the problem lies in short bridle- the child cannot fully suckle the breast, eats very slowly, spending a lot of energy on it. As a result, he lacks sleep, which affects his nervous system.

At two months the situation is almost no different. A child can easily sleep 15-17 hours. But for some time he has been looking around, studying the world. Although his main activities are still sleeping and eating.

By three months the picture changes slightly. In general, a baby sleeps about 14-16 hours per day. Of these, 9-11 occur at night. He sleeps 3-4 times a day. He already spends quite a lot of time not only eating, but also simply looking at the world around him, licking his fingers and any objects that he can put in his mouth, making various sounds, and smiling.

Counting sleep up to a year

Now we will try to find out the norms of sleep and wakefulness of a child up to one year old.

The time spent sleeping is reduced gradually, but constantly. From 4 to 5 months, children sleep about 15 hours at night, and another 4-5 hours during the day, dividing this time into 3-4 periods.

From 6 to 8 months, a little less is allocated for sleep - 14-14.5 hours (about 11 at night and 3-3.5 during the day). The child sits confidently, crawls, explores the world around him in every possible way, and actively eats various complementary foods, although the basis of the diet remains mother's milk.

Further, if we talk about the sleep norms of children under one year old by month, the period follows from 8 to 12 months. At night, the child still sleeps for about 11 hours (plus or minus thirty minutes). But during the day he goes to bed only a couple of times, and the duration of each sleep session is not too long - from 1 to 2 hours. In total, approximately 13-14 hours accumulate per day - quite enough for the growing body to rest well, recharge with energy and develop successfully in all respects.

Baby up to 3 years old

Now that you know the sleep norms for children under one year old by month, you can move on to the next point.

At two years old, a child sleeps for about 12-13 hours at night. There may be two daytime sleep sessions, but most often children are limited to one, usually before lunch or immediately after it - and they already sleep relatively little, rarely more than 1.5-2 hours. Which is understandable - the body is already a little stronger, and there are a lot of toys around with which you can have a great time, actively developing.

By three years night sleep reduced to 12 hours. There is only one nap during the day, it is advisable to adjust it to the period after lunch so that the child does not run around. full stomach, and slept peacefully, assimilating the substances received during meals. Sleep during the day is already quite short - about 1 hour, rarely an hour and a half.

And older

At four years old and older child He is already quite strong, he does not need as much sleep as before. In addition, they appear various options development. And one month does not play such a role as in infancy, when the child and his needs change surprisingly quickly.

For example, some children aged 4 to 7 years feel best if they sleep 10-11 hours a night and do not take a nap during the day. For others, such a schedule is not suitable - in the middle of the day they become lethargic, do not want to play, and are capricious until they fall asleep for at least an hour. But thanks to this break, night sleep is reduced to 9-10 hours.

From 7 to 10 years old, children almost never go to bed during the day if they have enough sleep at night - this period should be at least 10-11 hours.

By the age of 10-14, the child has already become very close to an adult. Therefore, he usually sleeps 9-10 hours.

Finally, after fourteen years of age, he ceases to be a child, becoming a teenager, and in some cases, an adult. This is where individual needs first come into play. Some adults need 7 hours of sleep, while others can only work productively if they spend 9-10 hours a day in bed.

So that every parent can easily remember this data, we will indicate children’s sleep standards in the table below.

How to calculate how long a baby sleeps

Many practical parents include their child's rest time in homemade tables. Children's sleep standards were presented above. With such data, it is possible to determine how correctly and harmoniously the child is developing.

You can create such a table from the very first days of life. Just write down what time he fell asleep, what time he woke up, and then summarize the results and compare them with the data given above.

The main thing is to accurately determine whether your child’s daily routine corresponds to the sleep standards of children under one year old. The table should be kept not for one day, but for at least a week, and preferably two. In this case, you can accurately determine how much your child sleeps per day on average. After all, there is always the possibility that the child was frightened by an extraneous sound, or that he simply had a stomach ache from something, which prevents him from sleeping peacefully. But having data for a significant period of time, you will get the most accurate result.

And here it is advisable to avoid rounding. Did your child sleep for 82 minutes during the day? Write it down like that, not limiting yourself to the vague wording of “an hour and a half.” By losing 10-15 minutes at each session of daytime and night sleep, you may well miscalculate an hour and a half, and this is an extremely serious error that will certainly affect the reliability of the observations.

Also, many parents are interested in the normal heart rate of children during sleep. In fact, this rate can vary significantly even within one child - from 60 to 85 beats per minute. It depends on the position of the body, the presence of diseases, the stage of sleep (fast or deep) and other factors. So such changes are quite possible in a quarter of an hour - there is no need to worry about this.

Is it always necessary to meet the standard?

Some people are very concerned about the child's sleep patterns by age. After scrupulous calculations, it turns out that their child does not get enough sleep (or, on the contrary, oversleeps) for an hour, or even two. Of course, this can cause panic.

However, in most cases there is really no reason to worry. The main thing is to watch how the child behaves after waking up. If he is fresh, cheerful, enjoys playing, reading, drawing and walking, and eats well at the right time, then everything is in order. Remember - first of all, sleep should satisfy the child’s needs, and not the tables compiled by experts for “average” children.

Observe how your child breathes during sleep - the norm is 20-30 breaths per minute in children under 3 years old, about 12-20 in teenagers. Moreover, breathing should be even, calm, without sobs and groans.

So if the child feels comfortable with the sleep mode he has chosen, there is definitely no need to worry.

How important is sleep?

But this point should be studied more closely. Everyone knows about the importance of sleep, but few can say unequivocally what the risk is in childhood and adolescence.

Let's start with the fact that children who sleep less than 7-8 hours are usually at their worst. physical fitness. They get tired faster and are unable to withstand significant loads.

In addition, it affects intellectual abilities. Memory, intelligence, and the ability to analyze the facts provided suffer. Moreover, the worst thing is that even if sleep is restored with age, and a person sleeps as much as he needs, lost opportunities will not be returned - if the potential inherent in the child is not revealed in right time, then it will never be revealed.

Of course, lack of sleep also harms the nervous system. Adults who slept little or poorly in childhood become more fearful, unconfident, more often depressed, and susceptible to stress.

So the importance of a child’s sleep standard cannot be overestimated.

What determines the duration of sleep?

As you noticed, one child needs 15 hours a day for healthy sleep, while his peer needs 12-13.

This is due to various factors. First of all, sleep quality. After all, if you sleep in a dark room, in comfort and silence, you can get enough sleep in less time than in a noisy room, which is relatively brightly lit, on an uncomfortable bed.

Heredity also plays a role. If 6-7 hours of sleep is enough for parents to feel great, they should expect that the child will eventually approach these indicators.

Finally, lifestyle is very important. It is quite understandable that a child visiting a couple sports sections and spending a huge amount of energy, will sleep longer (and, we note, more soundly - which has a positive effect on the nervous system) than his peer who spends the whole day at the computer.

What time should I put my baby to bed?

Another important question- how to choose the optimal sleep schedule. In infancy, a child often confuses day and night. He can sleep all day long and play or just mumble and look around all night long. But with age, he enters a certain schedule - this largely depends on the parents.

Experts believe that better for the child, like any person, go to bed early and get up early. As practice shows, people who go to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 5-6 am are different increased performance, do not get tired longer, have an excellent memory. So, if possible, try to adjust your child’s schedule to this regime. Of course, for this, parents will also have to change their usual way of life.

Signs of lack of sleep

Be sure to pay attention to whether your child is showing signs of sleep deprivation.

The main one is increased tearfulness. A child who usually behaves well begins to cry and get upset about everything.

You should also be wary if a child sometimes goes to bed 2-3 hours earlier than usual - the body tells him that there is clearly not enough sleep.

Children 1 year of age and older falling asleep and waking up crying is also a warning sign. They definitely need to sleep more, and parents should not only study the sleep standards of children after one year, but also provide a dark room, a comfortable bed and silence.

Do you need medications?

But here we can definitely say - no. The child is an instrument with amazingly flexible tuning. And any medications, even those that, according to doctors, are harmless, can cause great harm his health.

If a child often gets upset and cries over trifles, or gets sleepy, then just give him the opportunity to get enough sleep. Sometimes the reason for lack of sleep is scandals in the family - try to protect your children from this terrible side of adult life.

The child sleeps less than his peers, but at the same time feels great, is not inferior to his friends in physical and intellectual development? This means that you shouldn’t worry at all - all processes in the body are going normally, and your son or daughter simply sleeps as much as they need. Any attempts to adjust the established schedule will only bring unnecessary problems.


Now you know the norms of sleep and wakefulness for a child up to one year old and older. Consequently, you can easily calculate the optimal schedule and protect children from any health and development problems caused by chronic lack of sleep.

Like every adult, for a child sleep is a time when he can restore his strength and enjoy dreams. However, not all parents know how much sleep a baby should have. at different ages does he need nap, And what to do if the baby does not want to fall asleep.

If your child is active, eats well and feels well, but cannot fall asleep for a long time, there is no need to worry. It's just his peculiarity , most likely associated with the daily routine that he had in infancy.

But there is one single rule that must be followed when creating a child’s sleep schedule. How younger child, the more hours a day he should sleep.

How do one-year-old children sleep?

Sleeping and waking patterns in a child of the first year of life

Children should sleep from 12 to 14 hours per day. The daily routine (this is the main thing) should include a daytime nap lasting 2-3 hours. If your baby cannot sleep for more than an hour during the day, you can put him to bed twice during the day.

When one year old child deep or light sleep?

80% of a child's sleep is shallow sleep. During this period, the baby is very sensitive to the environment. And even a simple creaking door can wake him up. But it is at this moment that the child’s brain develops.

The reasons for the bad and restless sleep in one-year-old children

  • Very often the main reason bad sleep a one-year-old child is teething.
  • Also .

If you want to completely eliminate other factors, you should thoroughly ventilate the room before putting your child to bed. It is also advisable to turn on the night light at night so that the little one is not afraid to sleep in the dark.

Reasons why a one-year-old child sleeps a lot and often

If one year old child sleeps a lot, don’t sound the alarm right away. After all, the cause may be simple overwork. In this situation, work on your daily routine and temporarily eliminate all irritating and tiring factors.

If the child begins to eat poorly and is often capricious, then this is a signal that it is time to see a doctor!

How do two year olds sleep?

Features of daytime and night sleep in two-year-old children

Children two years old are more active. They explore the world around them with all their might. So they need a nap during the day in order to regain their strength. And, if your baby does not go to kindergarten, then take the trouble to provide him with a time when he can sleep peacefully during the day. It is advisable that no one disturbs him, since at this age children have very sensitive sleep.

Duration of sleep for a two-year-old child at night and during the day

A two-year-old child should sleep 12-14 hours a day. In this case, 2 hours should be allocated for daytime sleep (this is mandatory) so that the child regains the strength spent during the first half of the day.

A two-year-old child sleeps little and restlessly: reasons

If a child refuses to sleep, then most likely the reason is his well-being. Most the best option— consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of any diseases due to which the baby refuses to sleep.

Why does a two-year-old child constantly want to sleep, sleeps a lot and for a long time?

If you notice that the baby begins to sleep for a very long time, and it becomes quite difficult to wake up the child, adjust the daily routine. After all, your child may simply be overtired.

If Taken measures do not help, then you should contact a neurologist!

How much and how should a 3 year old child sleep?

How much do three-year-old children sleep during the day? kindergarten?

3 years is the age when a child becomes a preschooler. During this period, children already go to kindergarten, which means they sleep during the day. Daytime sleep here lasts 1-2 hours.

Duration of healthy sleep in a 3-year-old child at night and during the day

The total duration of a child's sleep is 11-13 hours a day. Daytime sleep lasts 2 hours.

Possible causes of poor sleep in three-year-old children

If the child does not want to sleep during the day, but sleeps well at night, you should not force the baby to sleep.

If you notice that your child also does not sleep well at night, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Why does a three-year-old child constantly want to sleep?

Overtiredness and too much huge pressure- these are the main reasons why a child sleeps a lot during the day and sleeps soundly at night. Some children can even fall asleep in the car while driving home from kindergarten.

It is advisable for parents to change their daily routine and monitor the child and his well-being.

How much should a 4 year old child sleep?

Sleeping and waking patterns of a child at four years of age

At this age, a child’s life is in full swing. There are more and more emotions. And communication with peers becomes more frequent. Children get tired quickly, which means they also need naps during the day.

Duration good night in a four-year-old child at night and during the day

A 4-year-old child should sleep 12 hours a day.

At the same time, you need to remember about daytime sleep, which lasts 1-2 hours. This is quite enough for the baby to gain strength.

A 4-year-old child sleeps little or restlessly: why?

If your baby is not sleeping well, refuses to sleep during the day, or has nightmares, it could be due to his bad feeling. You should take your child to the doctor to check for any medical conditions.

Also, the cause of poor and restless sleep in your baby may be overtiredness or an excess of emotions.

Why does a four-year-old child always want to sleep?

If the baby sleeps for too long (more than the allotted time), but at the same time feels good, communicates with peers, eats well, there is no need to worry. He just gets very tired during the day, and compensates for this with excess sleep.

How many hours does a 5 year old child sleep?

Features of daytime and night sleep in five-year-old children

At 5 years old, in addition to night sleep, a child should also have an afternoon sleep. This allows you to maintain the baby’s health and restore his strength.

When a child is 5 years old deep dream, and when is it superficial?

Sleep five year old child should 10-11 hours a day. In this case, 1 hour of this time should fall on daytime sleep.

Shallow sleep is already becoming short in duration, so the child stops waking up frequently and sleeps more soundly.

Sleep disturbances in a five-year-old child

If a child sleeps little, is restless, and sometimes wakes up from nightmares, you should take him to a neurologist or pediatrician.

If your baby does not want to sleep during the day, then there is no need to force him. Just put him to bed an hour earlier in the evening.

A 5-year-old child sleeps all day

If a preschool child sleeps a lot during the daytime and is awake at night, it is advisable to pay attention to his daily routine. Perhaps in the first half of the day your child gets too tired and falls asleep. Less busy in the evening active actions. And therefore he does not have time to get tired.

Or, on the contrary, by the evening he becomes so overexcited that he gets a second wind, and the body begins to confuse day with night.

How much sleep should a 6 year old child sleep?

Six-year-old child's sleep schedule

At 6 years old, a child should sleep 11-12 hours. Daytime naps are still very important as children begin to actively prepare for school. This means that physical and psychological stress doubles.

Duration of sleep for a six-year-old child at night and during the day

A child aged six years should get enough sleep both day and night.

11 hours is the minimum amount of time a baby should sleep.

Daytime sleep should last from one to two hours.

Why does a six-year-old child have poor sleep?

If your child doesn't sleep at daycare but gets a good night's sleep at home, don't worry. After all, a night's sleep is enough for him to regain his strength.

If the child is simply sleeping restlessly, then you should take him to the doctor in order to avoid serious illnesses.

A 6-year-old child sleeps all the time: why?

If your baby begins to sleep a lot, but does not complain about his health, then perhaps he is simply overtired and experiences too many emotions throughout the day.

Children may sleep a lot due to problems with psychological development, so you need to consult a psychologist.

How long should a 7 year old child sleep?

Features of sleep in school-age children

7 years is the same age when a child begins to go to school, which means the load on the body increases several times.

We must not forget about sleep during the day. A nap after school will help your child regain strength after the school day.

How many hours should you sleep seven year old child?

A 7 year old child should sleep 10-11 hours. One hour is spent napping during the day.

Causes of sleep disturbance in a seven-year-old child

If your baby sleeps poorly or restlessly, the reason may be overtiredness.

Go to your doctor and talk to him about prescribing child's lung sedative.

During the first months of school, the baby experiences severe stress. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t sleep well.

Try to smooth out the child’s psycho-emotional state and help him adapt to a new lifestyle.

Peculiarities of a child's afternoon nap

Rest is very important for a schoolchild, so daytime naps cannot be completely excluded. The child simply needs it to recuperate. A first-grader should take one hour for a nap.

A 7-year-old child began to sleep more: why?

Has your baby begun to sleep a lot, and does he feel sleepy even during the day? Most often, the reason for this is an excess of emotions, vitamin deficiency or increased fatigue.

Until what age do children sleep during the day - summary table of the duration of night and daytime sleep for children under 7 years old

Newborn 19 hours up to 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep 1-2 hours every hour
1-2 months 18 hours 8-10 hours 4 sleeps of 40 minutes-1.5 hours; only about 6 hours
3-4 months 17-18 hours 10-11 o'clock 3 naps of 1-2 hours
5-6 months 16 hours 10-12 hours Switch to 2 sleeps of 1.5-2 hours
7-9 months 15 hours
10-12 months 14 hours 2 sleeps of 1.5-2.5 hours
1-1.5 years 13-14 hours 10-11 o'clock 2 sleeps of 1.5-2.5 hours; it is possible to switch to 1 nap during the day
1.5-2 years 13 hours 10-11 o'clock Transition to 1 nap: 2.5-3 hours
2-3 years 12-13 hours 10-11 o'clock 2-2.5 hours
3-7 years 12 hours 10 hours 1.5-2 hours
Over 7 years old at least 8-9 hours at least 8-9 hours not necessary

Until what age do children sleep during the day, and when can daytime naps be removed from the child’s routine?

Babies have almost the same regimen, following a certain sequence of feedings, hygiene procedures, games and sleep.

Upon reaching age one year Children already differ from each other not only in temperament and activity, but also in the duration and quality of daytime and night sleep. It can be said that in late infancy and early preschool age Daytime sleep is individual, has different duration and number of falls asleep during the day.

If child 2-4 years old sleeps during the day for a short time, falling asleep for half an hour to an hour maximum, but at the same time he is active and easily “reaches out” to night sleep without whims and lethargy, then he has enough time to rest and recover. With this regime, parents should not forcibly put the child to bed, rock him to sleep, trying to make him sleep longer.

Pediatricians and pediatric neurologists advise paying more attention not to the duration of daytime sleep, as such, but to its quality - how he falls asleep / wakes up, whether the baby sleeps deeply, whether he has multiple awakenings / falls asleep, whether he sleeps too little, whether he cries in his sleep, twitches his limbs, or sweats heavily.

If such signs are present, you should contact a pediatric neurologist to find out the reasons.

Certainly, child preschool age has an unformed nervous system, and an abundance of information from the outside world, active cognitive and play activity very tiring. The nervous system needs protection, and better protection is just deep sleep, close to the optimal duration for a given age.

In order not to deprive the baby of this protection, from infancy you should develop a certain order for putting the baby to sleep, make the attributes of sleep traditional - a favorite pillow, a soft toy that falls asleep, lullaby moms.

After seven years The child’s body can do without daytime sleep. But we draw your attention to the fact that this age is associated with the beginning of school, which brings with it new loads, worries and responsibilities for the baby. This is why pediatric neurologists still recommend maintain daytime sleep until 8-9 years of age .

By the way, daytime rest at this age may not necessarily be sleep - junior schoolchild It will be enough to just lie down in silence to restore your strength in half an hour or an hour.

Of course, this time is not for watching TV or playing on the phone.

How much and how should a schoolchild at the age of eight sleep?

Healthy sleep schedule for an 8-year-old schoolchild during the day and night

At the age of 8, you can safely eliminate the schoolchild’s daytime naps.

However, if your baby is involved in some additional clubs or sections, he needs daytime sleep.

Duration of sleep for a child at 8 years of age

At 8 years old, a child needs to sleep 10-11 hours. In this case, you can allocate one hour for a daytime nap by putting the student to bed immediately after school.

Why does an 8-year-old child sleep anxiously or stop sleeping completely?

If your child feels unwell, sleeps and eats poorly, or is fussy a lot, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

But if your child refuses to sleep during the day, without complaining about his health and fatigue, then you can rest assured - he’s just getting enough sleep at night.

Why does a child sleep constantly at 8 years of age?

If your baby begins to sleep a lot, then you should review his daily routine and reduce the load. After all, prolonged sleep is the first sign of overwork.

Perhaps the school load is too much for the child, or additional classes have become unnecessary.

How long do 9 year olds sleep?

Sleep schedule for children aged nine years during the day and night

At the age of nine, a child can calmly decide for himself how much time he needs to sleep.

There is no need to force your child to sleep during the day.

If the child doesn’t mind, you can simply give him an hour of quiet time in horizontal position(for example, relax on the couch, listen to a book or music, relieve stress after school).

Sleep duration in children aged 9 years

At night, a student should sleep 8-10 hours, and during the day, one hour will be enough.

Nine-year-old children rarely sleep during the day, but daytime rest is necessary at this age.

Why doesn't a nine-year-old child want to go to bed?

If a 9-year-old child does not want to sleep, this may be due to the fact that he does not want to part with his favorite activity or he has not yet finished playing his favorite game. In these cases, it will be quite difficult to get him to sleep.

Try to keep your child busy in the evening with some active activities so that he uses up his energy faster and falls asleep peacefully in the evening.

Time for all active activities is until 6 pm. Give the last 2 hours before bed to quiet games. Games just before bedtime overstimulate the psyche, and then putting the child to bed will be even more difficult.

Why does a nine-year-old child sleep in class?

If your child gets overtired very quickly, falls asleep during the day at home and even in class, it's time to review his daily routine and increase the duration of his night sleep.

Children at this age experience a huge number of different vivid emotions, so overwork is a completely natural phenomenon. But, of course, we need to fight it.

How long does a 10 year old child sleep?

Schedule proper sleep in children ten years of age

At the age of 10, it is already quite difficult to get children to go to bed when they need to. That is why it is better to create a sleep schedule with your child, when he should go to bed and wake up.

Sleep duration in children aged 10 years

A ten-year-old child should sleep 8-9 hours a day, with an hour of nap time allowed.

Causes of restless sleep in a child aged 10 years

If a child does not want to sleep during the day, then there is no need to force him, as this will not lead to anything good. Just put him to bed a little earlier in the evening than usual.

If a child is tormented by nightmares, then give him 10 drops of valerian before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room.

A 10-year-old child constantly sleeps: why?

If a child sleeps a lot, it is impossible to wake him up in the morning, and immediately after school he rushes to go to bed, then this is a sure sign that it is necessary to reduce the load.

How much and how does a child sleep at 11 years of age?

Sleep patterns in children aged eleven years

11 years - beginning adolescence, That's why good sleep And proper nutrition is the most important thing in children's lives.

On average, a child should sleep 9-10 hours. You can also add an hour of sleep after school.

Sleep duration in a child aged eleven years

If your child sleeps for one hour during the day, then we can safely say that this is only a superficial sleep that helps to restore strength.

At night, several phases of deep and light sleep alternate, so it is quite easy to wake up a child during the light sleep phase.

Why can't a child sleep during the day or at night?

If your child sleeps little at night and refuses to sleep at all during the day, then perhaps he was too active or too emotional during the day. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Also, another reason for restless sleep can be problems with well-being.

An 11-year-old child sleeps constantly

Constant sleep is a sign of overwork. Therefore, you should reduce the load and observe whether the child returns to normal mode sleep.

Sleep of a child at the age of twelve

Sleep patterns in children aged 12 years

A 12-year-old child usually decides for himself how much sleep he needs, since it is almost impossible to make him sleep during the day or at night.

However, there are times when the child is very busy with lessons, additional classes and sections. This is where daytime sleep becomes a necessity.

Duration of sleep in a child aged twelve years

At the age of 12, a child needs 8-9 hours of sleep.

However, if his busy schedule requires it, you can add one hour of sleep during the day.

Why does a 12 year old child sleep poorly?

If your child cannot sleep, you should consult a doctor. After all, the reason for this may be hormonal disbalance or problems with blood vessels.

If your child doesn't want to sleep during the day, don't force it. This means that he simply doesn't need that extra hour of sleep because he gets a great night's sleep.

Why does a child sleep a lot at 12 years old?

If the child sleeps a lot, then this is not a problem. This phenomenon is associated with adolescence.

However, it also happens that prolonged sleep is accompanied by lethargy, fatigue and headaches. This is a reason to see a doctor.

How much and how does a child of thirteen years of age sleep?

Sleep and wakefulness patterns in a 13 year old child

At 13 years old, a child has already reached puberty, so sleep is very important part his life.

Daytime naps can be completely excluded at the child's request.

However, there are times when the child himself wants to sleep during the day (in this case, one cannot deny him this pleasure). One hour of daytime sleep is enough.

Sleep duration in children 13 years old

In adolescents, deep sleep and light sleep are divided equally (50% is light sleep, the other 50% is deep sleep).

At this age, the child is already able to understand whether he wants to sleep or not. Therefore, if he does not get enough sleep, then simply advise him to go to bed 1-2 hours earlier than usual.

Why does my child sleep poorly or not sleep at all?

Oddly enough, but lack of sleep and lack of sleep in a child at this age is a hormonal imbalance.

You can give your teenager a mild herbal sedative to calm the turbulent nervous system and prepare the child for sleep.

A 13-year-old child often wants to sleep

If your child begins to complain that he wants to sleep, or you yourself notice that after studying he rushes to bed, then you can rest assured that the reason is overtiredness.

During puberty, a lot of energy is spent on maintaining the functioning of the body, so you should monitor both the sleep patterns and nutrition of the teenager so that the body has enough protein and vitamins.

If nothing changes, consult a doctor. The reason may lie in various diseases.

A month before the first anniversary, the child develops very rapidly, masters new skills, moves actively, and shows a wide variety of emotions.

For full recovery For a small organism, sleep is of great importance now. It is important for your baby to get proper rest in order to be ready for new achievements and discoveries.

How much should a child sleep at 11 months so that he has enough strength to do everything?

How much sleep does a baby need at this age?

So, the turn of the first year is a period of active changes in a child’s life. How long does an 11 month old baby sleep during the day?

Most children should sleep about 3 hours during the day (at least 2). However, all children are individual and you need to look, first of all, at general state baby:

  • If, in your opinion, he doesn’t get enough sleep for about an hour, but at the same time looks cheerful, active and healthy, there is no reason to worry;
  • The same applies to reverse situation when your slider sleeps a little more. Perhaps his nervous system needs just that much time to recover.
  • But if a child at 11 months sleeps a lot during the day, looks lethargic, inactive, you should take a closer look at him. Most likely, the baby needs to be shown to the doctor.

In total, a child of this age should rest on average from 12 to 15 hours per day. From here it is easy to calculate how much an 11-month-old child sleeps at night: from 10 to 12 hours.

And, of course, look at the condition of the baby. If he sleeps a little more or less at night, but feels good - this is his individual norm.

Difficult stage

At 11 months, the baby has many new reasons for disturbed sleep, although intestinal colic are a thing of the past, and teeth no longer cause so much trouble.

Although it is at this age that many parents notice that difficulties begin with both daytime and night sleep. Why did a child at 11 months suddenly begin to sleep poorly? What could be stopping him?

  1. New skills;

The child learned to crawl, stand up, walk along a support (and some children have already taken their first independent steps. Read the article When does a child begin to walk?>>>).

Now he understands how many opportunities these abilities open up for him. Therefore, he strives to practice them constantly, including during the time allotted for sleep.

Remember! This natural process, which you need to be prepared for. It is important to give him as many opportunities as possible to practice new skills while he is awake.

  1. At 11 months, many babies begin the transition from two naps to one. This period is long, it will end by about one and a half years (read the article Switching to one daytime nap >>>);

But already now the baby may show signs of readiness to reduce the number of daytime sleeps.

If the child is 11 months old:

  • sleeps poorly (especially during the second nap);
  • began to go to bed later for a daytime nap;
  • able to stay actively awake for approximately 5 hours straight without showing signs of fatigue,

then it’s worth thinking about the fact that two naps during the day are probably too much for him. And begin a gradual transition to one sleep.

  1. Now the baby, against the background of realizing himself as a separate person from you, has a fear of losing his mother. The child is constantly afraid that you might go somewhere;

If you habitually went away secretly, this may lead to anxiety during your dreams. The child wakes up often to make sure that you are nearby and have not gone anywhere.

  1. Lack of communication and tactile contact with the mother against this background can also lead to sleep disturbances.

Therefore, it is so important to pay as much attention as possible to the baby while he is awake, to hug, caress, and talk to him more often.

How to improve sleep?

And now - a few words about how to put a baby to sleep at 11 months. If he is sleeping poorly now, first of all, you need to track the routine moments:

  • How long does it take?
  • Is this the optimal bedtime for your baby?
  • If necessary, the bedtime should be shifted to the side (put to bed a little later or a little earlier. On this issue, read the article What time should you put your child to bed?>>>);
  • When does he wake up in the morning?
  • Does he get enough sleep at night?
  • How long does he rest during the day?
  • Is he awake enough between naps? Perhaps he simply does not get tired between them, because either he is put to bed too often, or he is not physically active enough;
  • See how long it takes from your second nap during the day to going to bed at night. If the baby woke up at 6 o'clock in the evening, then it will be simply impossible to put him to bed at 8.

Align the time intervals, providing the right atmosphere for sleep (silence, darkness, comfort), trying not to overstimulate the baby right before bed. He needs some time to calm down.

What else can you do to get your baby to sleep at 11 months?

  1. Don't get overtired. A child who has spent more energy than necessary will not be able to fall asleep on time and sleep peacefully (on this issue, see the article The child wants to sleep, but cannot sleep >>>);
  2. Make sure that the child is comfortable (not cold, not hot, not blinded by light or loud noise);
  3. Calm your child if he is too excited. Switch to quiet activities (reading books, massage), pet them, sing a lullaby;
  4. If you haven't introduced sleep rituals yet, be sure to do so! A constantly repeating series of the same actions will help the small body understand what will follow next and prepare for sleep in advance;
  5. Try to pay as much attention to your baby as possible during the day, and don’t ignore tactile contact. Otherwise, all this will not be enough for him by night;
  6. Regulate the amount of daytime and nighttime sleep.

Important! If daily norm is observed, but the child sleeps a lot during the day, this occurs to the detriment of night rest.

You will not be able to put your baby to bed at night on time. And in the morning, if you wake him up, he will not be rested, the whole day will be spent in whining and whining.

In the course on sleep for children from 6 months to 4 years, you will find information on how to correctly structure dream rhythms, create the right mood when falling asleep, as well as how to teach a child to fall asleep and sleep without breastfeeding, night awakenings and motion sickness.

This is how fragile it is, the dream of a child at the turn of his first anniversary. And if all your efforts have not brought the desired result, I invite you to my courses on children's sleep.

Let's solve the problem together, because a child's sleep is the most important component of his proper development!

Country first aid kit

The country first aid kit must contain antipyretic and painkillers for children, allergy medications, external antiseptics (brilliant, hydrogen peroxide), Activated carbon, vasoconstrictor nasal drops, as well as a bandage, adhesive plaster, cotton wool and a thermometer.

Teenagers are very active: they study diligently, attend extracurricular activities, play sports, are interested in creativity, communicate with friends, watch movies... To restore the energy expended after physical and mental stress, the body needs sleep.

Lack of sleep quickly affects a teenager’s condition: he quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, inattentive, and irritable. His academic performance deteriorates, difficulties appear in communication, and interest in his former hobbies disappears.

That's why correct mode sleep for teenagers is of great importance.

What time should a teenager go to bed?

Daily requirement sleep time is approximately 9 hours for adolescents 10-14 years old and 8 hours for adolescents 14-18 years old. If mental and physical exercise daily exceed the norm, sleep time can be increased to 10 hours.

Based on these indicators, you can create the right sleep schedule for teenagers.

What time should a teenager go to bed? If in the morning he has to wake up at 7.00, then he should fall asleep no later than 22.00-23.00. You should not give up a short daytime sleep - just 1 hour (for example, 15.00-16.00) will help make up for the lack of night sleep, restore the strength spent in the first half a day.

Teenagers are night owls and early risers

“Larks” and “owls” are common types of human biorhythms. “Larks” wake up easily in the morning, are active in the first half of the day, and fall asleep before midnight. Owls have difficulty waking up in the morning. Their peak activity occurs in the afternoon, falling asleep occurs after midnight.

Most people are early risers - waking up early and falling asleep early is common. to the human body. Those who call themselves “night owls” are most likely simply accustomed to this lifestyle.

Teenagers are especially guilty of this. Their daily schedule is not only busy training sessions, but also communication with friends, games, walks, hobbies. Not having time during the day, teenagers transfer some of their work to the evening and night. Gradually, the body gets used to falling asleep late, but the problem of waking up early appears.

What to do if your teenager goes to bed late?

Parents often find teenagers reading books, smartphones or computers long after midnight. There is no time to compensate for the lack of sleep - you have to get up early in the morning for school.

What should parents do if their teenager goes to bed late?

  • Explain for a teenager, the importance of a good night's sleep - to improve school performance, sports achievements, and creative results;
  • Reduce daily loads or correctly distribute school and extracurricular activities throughout the day so that the teenager does not have to transfer some of his activities to the night;
  • Limit computer games, surfing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music;
  • Exclude energy drinks (including cola), strong coffee and tea at night;
  • Encourage short naps during the day and timely (no later than 23.00) falling asleep at night;
  • Avoid long sleep on weekends.