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Vitamins with calcium for children: which ones are better? Calcium for children

Calcium is very important for a child important role. The element helps carry out many processes in the child’s body. Without calcium, protein regeneration and tissue structure creation are impossible. In order for the child to have good health And proper development It is necessary to monitor the full intake of calcium. Insufficient intake of a substance leads to early pathologies skeletal system, disorders of internal organs.

Diet for a breastfeeding mother

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in a mother’s life and important for the baby. With the help of lactation, a newborn baby gains weight essential vitamins and microelements. Chemical composition Breast milk depends entirely on the nutritional diet of the mother herself. A woman needs extra useful substances to compensate for the deficiency in your body and the production of breast milk.

One of the most necessary elements for development is calcium for babies. During the feeding period, the mother’s body must absorb more of the element than in the normal state. There is a list of products that contain the required amount of Ca and, in the absence of individual contraindications, you can build your diet based on these products:

Product typeScrollDescription
  • Sesame seed

  • Dried fruits

  • Corn

  • Apples and bananas

All of the listed products have big amount vitamins and Ca, so it is recommended to consume them in small quantities.
  • Natural milk

  • Cheese products

  • Cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt

Every milk product contains a large number of Ca and squirrel. There is a high risk of developing allergies for a newborn baby. It is recommended to consume no more than 1 glass of milk per day, 100 g. cottage cheese or 75 gr. cheese.
  • "Mom's Health"

  • "Vitrum Pronatal Forte"

  • "Elevit"

Contain optimal quantity microelements and vitamins. There is an opinion that the absorption of regular vitamins is much worse than that of single medications. Vitamin complexes are prescribed on an individual basis.
Single drugs

Calcium gluconate

It differs in its composition, contains Ca in pure form. It has been used to compensate for the deficiency of the element since 1970. It has no contraindications, except for disorders of the urinary system.
Combination drugs
  • "Kalcemin"

  • "Calcium D3 nycomed"

  • "Kalcemin Advance"

Are considered drugs latest generation who have high efficiency and assimilation. Available in combination with vitamin D3.

Attention! Before deciding to take additional medications to replenish calcium, you should consult with a specialist. A blood test will be required to accurately determine the level of the element.

Signs and causes of calcium deficiency

A lack of calcium in the body can manifest itself in a wide range of symptoms. Many signs cannot immediately be suspected as the causes of element deficiency.

The main manifestations of a low amount of Ca are the following factors:

  • Frequent fractures, bone injuries.

  • Convulsive syndromes.

  • Increased nail delamination and brittleness.

  • Excessive hair loss, loss of healthy appearance hairline. Observed increased fat content and copious dandruff. This type of skin is typical for patients suffering from metabolic disorders.

  • Osteoporosis, which develops in childhood or adolescence.

  • Bad skin color.

  • Pathological conditions of the mouth area. Premature tooth decay, inflammatory processes.

In addition to the signs by which calcium deficiency can be immediately determined, there are the following:

  • Decrease in the body's defenses. Increased incidence of viral diseases.

  • Reduced blood clotting. It manifests itself in the form of unreasonable bleeding from the nose, gums, heavy and prolonged menstruation.

  • Loss of the ability to fully concentrate and carefully perceive information.

  • Emotional instability.

  • Increased fatigue, loss of good performance.

  • Development of childhood diathesis or allergies to foods that were previously tolerated normally.

  • Pain in the muscles, joints, calf cramps.

  • Sleep disorders. It becomes difficult to fall asleep quickly and wake up on time, even if you follow right time sleep and no stressful situations.

Calcium deficiency is possible if there is insufficient calcium intake. But sometimes situations occur in which a child receives a sufficient amount of an element, but tests show a deficiency. The following factors can affect the mineral content in the body:

  • Taking medications that remove calcium from the body.

  • The predominance of microelements that can provoke the elimination of calcium.

  • Vitamin D deficiency.

  • Dietary food during which it is forbidden to consume most foods with Ca.

Among the adult population, the list of influencing factors is much wider.

Possible complications

Calcium deficiency in a child’s body can have a very negative impact on future development and the health of the entire body. If the problem is not solved radically, then there is a great danger of not correct formation spine, which cannot be brought to a normal state in adulthood.

Chronic Ca deficiency threatens the development of the following pathologies:

  • Formation of astheno-neurotic syndrome.

  • Cerebellar failure.

  • Dementia.

  • Encephalopathy.

  • Polyneuropathy.

  • Blood pressure surges.

  • Tachycardia.

  • Premature wear of the heart muscle.

  • Subcapsular cataract.

  • Excessive blood loss due to poor blood clotting.

With prolonged deficiency, a decrease in immunity and loss of healthy teeth, hair and nails occur. Possible development allergic reactions for many products.

Prevention of hypocalcemia

To comply with the prevention of hypocalcemia, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Create conditions for a balanced diet for your child.

  • Encourage participation in sports activities.

  • Install correct mode day.

  • Do not exceed mental and physical stress.

  • Regularly stay outside in sunny weather.

  • Treat various inflammatory and viral diseases in a timely manner.

The child's menu should consist of healthy and nutritious foods, which are able to ensure a complete supply of calcium to the body.

Calcium supplements for children 7 years old necessary to assist the body in growth and active mental development.

It is worth noting that calcium obtained from animal products has more low level absorption than from plant food. Also children's calcium can be replenished with the help of pharmaceuticals.

What drugs and dietary supplements exist to compensate for calcium deficiency in children?

Many modern pharmaceutical companies research and produce calcium supplements for children. Self-administration of calcium to a child is contraindicated. An excess amount of the element causes its consequences: disorders of the organ systems, deposits in the kidneys and spleen.

Calcium supplement for children


Available in the form chewable tablets, which have different flavors. As additional substances contains vitamin C, vitamin A, Colecalciferol. This medicine contains calcium for children over 3 years old. KRKA d.d. (Slovenia)230 rub.
Complivit calcium D3 for babiesAvailable in powder form for self-cooking suspensions. The powder is white in color and has an orange flavor. Replenishes calcium for children under one year old, preparations prescribed by the attending physician. For older children, it is necessary to increase the dosage according to the instructions. Also shown as calcium for children from 1 year and older.JSC Pharmstandard-Lekarsredstva (Russia)200-400 rub.
Calcium D3 NycomedAvailable in the form of chewable tablets using orange, lemon or mint flavors. Prescribed if it is necessary to replenish calcium for children from 3 years old. Drugs, containing the element, can be taken with meals.TAKEDA (Norway) or TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS (Russia)350 rub.
Biologically active additives
Tianshi children's calciumAvailable in powder form for adding to food. According to the instructions for use, the drug is approved for children from 0 years of age. Contains many useful microelements, promotes complete absorption of calcium.Tianshi (China)1500 rub.
Multi-tabs baby calcium+Available in chewable tablets with or without banana flavor. Allowed for children over 2 years old. In addition to calcium, it contains a lot of essential vitamins and microelements. Used during meals.Ferrosan (Denmark)500 rub.

To take it correctly calcium for bones, tablets must be selected together with a specialist, based on individual characteristics patient.


The importance of calcium cannot be overestimated. Modern medicine determined that calcium supplements for children over 1 year of age up to 3 years of age must be taken by everyone without exception (except for individual intolerance to pharmaceutical products). Prevention of calcium deficiency should be carried out even when planning pregnancy, so that future baby had no problems related to the lack of an element.

Many parents are concerned about calcium deficiency in their children. They want to know which foods are rich in calcium and medications can be given to a child for prevention. After reading this article, you will learn everything you need to know about calcium for children, without unnecessary scientific details. Here are 7 questions readers often ask about calcium supplements suitable for children, and food products, rich in this mineral. Detailed answers to them are given. From birth until about age 25, calcium is important for the development of bones and teeth. After skeletal growth stops, intense calcium metabolism still continues in the bones. Therefore, a healthy diet rich in this mineral is important not only for children, but also for adults.

Calcium for children: detailed article

In addition to bones and teeth, calcium affects nervous system and muscles, the production of enzymes and hormones.

Calcium intake rate:

  • from 0 to 6 months - 200 mg per day;
  • from 6 to 12 months - 260 mg per day;
  • from 1 to 3 years - 700 mg per day.

From the age of 4 years, children need the same amount of calcium as adults - 1000 mg per day. During adolescence, the body develops especially rapidly, so from 9 to 18 years old it is advisable to consume 1300 mg of calcium per day. Children and adolescents who eat “junk” food that contains excess calories but is poor in vitamins, minerals and microelements are susceptible to deficiency of this mineral. The symptoms and treatments for calcium deficiency in children are detailed below.

Lack of calcium in children: symptoms

The reasons for the lack of calcium in the body may be different in young children, junior schoolchildren and teenagers. Premature babies, as well as children born to mothers with diabetes, often suffer from calcium deficiency. If the mother eats poorly, is a fanatical vegetarian, or belongs to socially disadvantaged categories, then in her breast milk may not have enough calcium. Rare heavy hereditary diseases, as well as taking certain medications can cause a deficiency of this mineral. You probably already know that a lack of vitamin D blocks the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Read the detailed article ““. Find out if you or your children have symptoms or risk factors for this vitamin deficiency.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in children:

  • poor sleep;
  • cramps, muscle pain, fainting;
  • nervousness, trembling, twitching of limbs;
  • palpitations or slow heart rate;
  • low blood pressure.

As you can see, the symptoms are vague. Determining their cause can be difficult. WITH high probability, the cause will not be calcium deficiency, but something more serious problem. Consult a doctor rather than self-medicate. The most obvious symptom of calcium and vitamin D deficiency in children is rickets. Now this disease is extremely rare, affecting only one baby out of every 200,000. It should not be overly feared. However, mild calcium deficiency remains common among children. It may increase the risk of dental caries.

  • Calcium preparation 200 mg from Bayer - also contains 250 IU of vitamin D3 in each capsule
  • Calcium citrate 315 mg from 21st Century - also contains 250 IU of vitamin D3
  • Calcium carbonate 600 mg chewable tablets - Mason, also contains 400 IU vitamin D3

Official sources in Western and Russian-speaking countries do not recommend giving cow or goat milk to children under 1 year of age. Famous doctor Komarovsky advises to abstain from milk even longer - until the child turns 3 years old. Because milk contains too much phosphorus. To remove excess phosphorus, Small child is forced to use up its calcium reserves. When you give milk to a child under 3 years of age, you are not saturating him with calcium, but on the contrary, you are washing this mineral out of his body. Quitting milk often results in improved sleep and behavior in young children. There is a problem with phosphorus only with fresh milk, but not with kefir or yogurt. You can try giving them little by little, starting at 6 months of age. Upon reaching 3 years of age, restrictions on milk are lifted.

Many sugary carbonated drinks are so loaded with phosphorus that they leach calcium from their consumers' bodies. This is a serious problem for primary schoolchildren and teenagers, who often eat fast food and wash it down with soda. The body of such children is forced to spend calcium on binding and removing excess phosphorus, instead of directing it to the skeleton, as nature intended. You will have to pay for an unhealthy diet with illnesses, starting from adolescence. One of the many problems will be fragility and brittle bones.

Calcium for children: what foods are rich in this mineral?

Study the detailed articles ““, as well as ““. They have visual tables. You can easily figure out which foods are richest in calcium. They form the basis of a complete diet for adults and children. It's good if parents set an example for their children healthy eating and do not keep “junk” food in the house. The website discourages adults from consuming skim milk and dairy products. Children and teenagers don't need them either. In addition to dairy products, greens, nuts, seeds and sardines in oil are rich in calcium. This information will be useful for parents whose children suffer from lactose intolerance or milk protein allergies.

Are eggshells a good source of calcium?

Basically, you can wash the eggshells thoroughly, then dry them, crush them into powder, pour lemon juice, shake and insist. The resulting mixture can be taken by children and adults. It is easier to buy medications containing calcium at a pharmacy or order online. They are not expensive, so there is no point in messing around with eggshells to save money. The tablets make it easy to calculate the exact dose of calcium that you take yourself or give to your child. Eggshell does not provide such an opportunity.

Why is calcium not absorbed by the child’s body? What to do?

First of all, study the detailed article ““. Find out if you or your children have symptoms or risk factors for this vitamin deficiency. With a lack of vitamin D, calcium is not absorbed in the intestines, no matter how much a child or adult eats. Vitamin D deficiency is very easy to correct. You may be giving your child cow's milk, which he or she should not consume before the age of 3, and this will flush calcium out of the body. More serious reasons problems with calcium absorption - rare severe hereditary diseases, reduced output parathyroid hormone.

How dangerous is excess calcium in a child’s body?

Excess calcium almost never occurs due to overconsumption this mineral in tablets, and even more so, some kind of food. Typically, the body of children and adults is able to remove excess calcium without special problems. Increased level of this mineral in the blood can occur due to a significant overdose of vitamin D. It is even worse if the cause turns out to be a disease of the parathyroid glands or cancer tumor. In any case, you need to be diagnosed and treated in a hospital if a blood test shows that there is too much calcium. Symptoms of excess of this mineral: extreme thirst, frequent urge to urination, mood changes, constipation, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, abdominal pain. All of the above symptoms are serious enough to promptly consult a doctor.

Calcium for children: preparations

Popular calcium preparations for children are Calcium D3 Nycomed, Complivit Calcium D3, and calcium gluconate. Combination medications, which contain calcium and vitamin D, usually come in the form of sweet, fruity or mint-flavored chewable tablets. Children accept them willingly. There are also preparations in powder form for making syrup - for very young children.

Read more about the drugs:

Calcium D3 Nycomed, Complivit Calcium D3 and their analogues contain calcium carbonate. This substance is not suitable for children and adults who have low acidity stomach, as well as for those who take daily medications for heartburn. It is better for such people to use it than carbonate. Study the article “” - find out in detail how carbonate, citrate, gluconate and calcium chloride differ from each other. After this, you can wisely choose the most suitable tablets for yourself or for your child.

Is it possible to give calcium to a child under one year old? And if so, which one?

Complivit Calcium D3 for babies is a powder for preparing liquid syrup. It is approved for use even in children under 1 year of age. The advertisement highlights this fact. The drug Calcium D3 Nycomed childhood up to 3 years is on the list of contraindications. Study the instructions for use of the calcium supplement you are going to give to your child and read at what age it is approved. Please note that the calcium norm for children under 1 year of age is very low, 260 mg per day is enough. Usually the baby gets enough calcium from mother's milk or adapted formula, so there is no need to give any other drugs. Read also the article ““. Keep in mind that babies who are breastfed are at higher risk of being deficient in this vitamin than those who are breastfed. artificial feeding.

How to give calcium gluconate to a child?

Please note that calcium gluconate contains very little of this mineral in each tablet, only 9.5%. 500 mg of gluconate is only 47.5 mg of pure calcium. Let's say you want your child to receive 500 mg of calcium per day. To do this, he will have to eat 11 tablets every day. Manufacturers of calcium gluconate hide information about effective dosages this drug so as not to scare off buyers. In this way, they mislead consumers while possibly remaining within the law. See also for children of different ages, starting from newborns. Carbonate and citrate contain several times more calcium, than gluconate, so they are more convenient to give to a child.

Does calcium gluconate help against colds in a child? From allergies? For atopic dermatitis?

Calcium gluconate does not cure colds, does not lower body temperature, and does not speed up recovery from acute respiratory infections. . Treat your cold as described in this book. Calcium gluconate does not help with allergies in any form - neither injections nor tablets. Typically, the patient begins to take calcium gluconate and at the same time stops his contacts with the allergen. This is exactly what helps. In civilized Western countries It never occurs to anyone to give children calcium gluconate for allergies.

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Author of the material - Samoletova Danaya Yakovlevna, endocrinologist and therapist, candidate medical sciences. Has more than 10 years of experience working with patients. Find out how to get an appointment with her (Ufa, Russian Federation) or get a consultation via the Internet. Do not take strong medications on your own initiative. Is it dangerous! Do not try to replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor by taking dietary supplements.

  1. Elena.

    Hello! My child is 3 years and 5 months old, weight 17 kg. He practically does not eat any fruits or vegetables. But he will eat yoghurts and cottage cheese if you offer it to him. Dietary variety is not very different, because... prefers certain dishes. In general, the child is healthy. He is very active and develops physically and mentally according to his age. I periodically give him calcium for prevention, because... it grows for teeth too. I would like to know how often should I give calcium supplements? I give it periodically: we drink for a month, rest for a month or two. I’ll write right away that I didn’t discuss this issue with the pediatrician. I gave him Complivit for babies, now I give him Kaltsinova. Thanks for the answer!

  2. ghouls

    My child is 1.5 months old, but when she was 17 days old we were admitted to the hospital because of a cough. The doctors said pneumonia and treated us with antibiotics, after which they gave us D Calcin, Zincobeks and Erespal cough syrup, but our cough still hasn’t gone away. What to do?

  3. Tatiana

    Good afternoon. The child is 2 years 8 months old, height 97 cm, weight 16 kg. Born big breast-feeding, lactase deficiency was confirmed by analysis. From the age of 2.5 I was able to digest cottage cheese little by little, now daily norm 60 g, kefir 2-3 tablespoons and add Nanny 3 mixture (2/3 of the norm for one feeding) to the morning porridge. Once I gave calcium a compliment for a month (after consulting with the pediatrician), I gained height and 4 teeth came out. Half a year has passed, I ask the pediatrician whether to give more calcium, the answer is: you can give it, or you don’t have to give it. The menu mainly includes cereals, vegetables stewed or in soup, fresh vegetables He doesn’t eat fruits, purees, or meat less than the daily norm. He drinks only water, fruit drinks, compote, 2 sips and that’s it. Is it possible to give more calcium and how often should it be taken in our situation?
    Thank you in advance for your response.

  4. Anastasia

    Good afternoon. Our daughter was diagnosed with an allergy to dairy products at 1 year 9 months. In this regard, it was necessary to completely exclude cottage cheese, cheese, etc. For the last six months we have been suffering catastrophically from terrible sleep. My daughter wakes up several times a night, cries, etc. We suspect a lack of calcium, because... others irritating factors No. Please tell me, could there be a connection with calcium and what drug can we take that is acceptable according to age and dosage? Thank you.

  5. Irina

    Hello! The child is almost 7 months old, we saw an orthopedist and a neurologist, both specialists prescribed drinking Complivit calcium Dz, in the instructions for this drug It is written to be taken with meals, the doctor said to give it to the child during evening feeding, so the question is: What food is best to give this drug to the child? I just give my child fruit puree and cottage cheese for evening feeding, and cottage cheese already contains calcium, you can leave such products or maybe it’s worth replacing, for example, give cottage cheese in the morning and porridge in the evening.

  6. Gulnara

    Hello, my granddaughter has initial stage rickets of the lower extremities, she is 10 years old, weight 30 kg, height 135. In the blood reduced level calcium, a slight deformation of the legs is already noticeable. Please tell me which calcium supplement is suitable for her this moment? Best regards, Gulnara!

  7. Lyudmila

    Hello! The child is 2 years old, height 86 cm, weight 13 kg. The active child does not sit still and often complains of muscle pain. Should I give him calcium supplements or should he undergo some tests and then give him pills? The child takes formula 2 times a day, does not eat dairy products at all (he vomits on them), and does not eat porridge either. Very rarely eats fruit.

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Kate 12.09.2018 22:11
I have a 3-year-old sister, to normalize vitamins in her body, we give her “baby formula bears”, they are delicious, like gummies, the price is reasonable and they help well

Lucia 23.03.2018 10:07
Everything you say is correct. I try to have cottage cheese on the table at least three times a week, and on weekends there must be a casserole or cheesecakes. I give the baby bear a formula with calcium instead of candy, we have a problem with candy, especially lollipops, they immediately gnaw on it. It’s better to eat the carrots, it’s safer for your teeth.

Dolly 11.12.2017 10:56
Calcium is necessary, but without vitamin D it is not absorbed. Sometimes special tablets They write me out, but I don’t like it, I try to ensure that the child gets more healthy things from food.
But few foods contain vitamin D. My son eats fish with great persuasion, he doesn’t like liver either, and eggs are so-so.
But the plant can be eaten as much as they give, but calcium and vitamin D are added to it, that is total benefit. This is for children good way out But not instead of all the other food, otherwise they might... the food should be varied.

Tata 29.10.2017 18:17
The child started playing sports. The trainer recommended starting to take vitamins with calcium. From those presented on the market, I chose "Evalar" Baby Bear Formula "calcium, vitamins C natural composition without GMOs and preservatives. Contains phosphorus, vitamin D3 and calcium. We strengthen the bones and the entire body with these vitamins.

Oksana 16.02.2015 17:13
It is best for the child to receive calcium from iseda. The pediatrician advised us to eat plant matter, it contains calcium along with vitamin D. And
There is no need to persuade the child, he eats as much as he can, and even asks for more.
It’s a pity that you don’t need to give it to all kids, but after 3 years, here’s what useful product There is.

Aliya 16.01.2012 13:40
Indeed, Calcium Mishki are great vitamins. We drink them too - the doctor recommended, since we are now in a period of rapid growth of the body - 5 years)) We have a problem with teeth, so we constantly drink something with calcium, but these are the only vitamins that the child takes without tears - usually everything Such tablets are not tasty, but here are fruit gummies. I like Calcium Bears for their naturalness - the lozenges are made from natural juices, without the addition of harmful dyes.

Cobra 14.01.2012 00:08
A friend’s daughter began to get sick more often, she seemed to be eating normally, but her teeth were yellowish and her hair was getting so bad. We went to the doctor, got tested for rickets - something was on the verge of normal there. We prescribed vitamins for the child - CalciumMishki. So they accepted. A friend said that they are delicious candies, like marmalade, and the dyes are natural. The girl was simply unrecognizable. Well, not instantly, of course - time has passed, the result is quite noticeable. I wanted to take it for my son - but these vitamins can only be eaten from 3 years old. And we don’t even have 2 yet. I'll have to buy syrup.

Galina 06.03.2011 18:45
I suffered for several months trying to feed my unwilling child. I don’t know why he suddenly started eating poorly, maybe he got tired of the food, maybe it was a very hot summer. By chance I saw “Pikovit” syrup at the pharmacy, it seems like everything we need is from 1 year old, in the absence of appetite. I decided to try it and after about 3 days of taking Pikovit, my son finally started eating normally! Now it’s not me who chases him around the apartment with a spoon, but he!))) He eats and after the required 4 hours asks “Mom, yum!” Pikovit syrup is also used as a prophylactic for overfatigue in children. school age, increased physical and neuropsychic stress; inadequate or monotonous diet; during the recovery period after an illness, as well as for the prevention of infectious and colds. To improve appetite, it is recommended to drink a vitamin complex for 1 month. Repeat course reception after 1-3 months. Exactly 2 bottles were enough for us for a month, we took 1 measuring spoon in the morning and evening, washed down with water. Can also be mixed with tea, juice or fruit puree.

A child's body is very similar to a house under construction. To successfully build this house, you need the strongest bricks, namely calcium. Calcium is an important trace element for baby's health.
First of all, it is a variety of microelements, protein, biologically active substances and vitamins. Let's figure out whether to give calcium to children.

Calcium for children.

If the amount of any component decreases or the relationship between these components is disrupted, this will lead to the loss of the integrity of the body’s structure, which means overall health.

One of important substances for the body is calcium. Everyone knows that calcium is the basis bone tissue. A lack of calcium can lead to brittle bones, deformation of bones, and can also negatively affect the condition of teeth.

The topic of calcium last years is given the most attention. Experts are actively discussing calcium diets that are enriched with this element, drugs and regimens for taking these drugs. In pharmacies, in turn, new forms of calcium appear, that is, a very important microelement necessary for the health of the baby. But the number of questions is not decreasing. For example, how can you create the right menu for your baby’s health, while also taking into account a sufficient amount of microelements? When should you start sounding the alarm about micronutrient deficiencies? Is it necessary to give calcium to prevent various diseases? At what age should you start giving calcium?

Calcium is an important trace element necessary for the health of the baby; it is needed for the formation of teeth and bone tissue. IN skeletal system up to 90% of calcium is actually used. Calcium ensures the hardness and strength of the musculoskeletal system of adults and children. But beneficial features calcium doesn't stop there. Calcium is also involved in the implementation complex reactions blood clotting, muscle contraction, and also with its help, an impulse is transmitted along the nerve fiber, hormones are released and have an effect. The amount of calcium in breast milk does not depend on the mother's diet. The calcium content in milk is a kind of constant.

Scientists conducted research on the composition of a lactating woman's milk and found that when consuming from 600 mg to 2400 mg of calcium per day, this composition did not change significantly. But this, of course, is not a reason to neglect your diet, as the mother’s body will be squeezed like lemon. The consequences will affect teeth and hair, feeling unwell And muscle weakness.

Once calcium enters children's body it rushes into the bones. Gets into the blood and is the first to react to its deficiency hematopoietic system. The regulation of calcium metabolism is no less complex. Responsible for calcium levels in the blood endocrine organs, as well as kidneys and digestive organs. With chronic calcium deficiency, various pathological conditions develop, which often require long-term treatment. Calcium can be “leached” from bones by endocrine glands to replenish blood reserves. If it's the other way around high level calcium is retained long time, then certain hormones promote its deposition in bone tissue and soft tissues body.

In the first year of life, the child’s body uses calcium, which is received from the mother during pregnancy.

Some evidence suggests that a nursing mother can provide calcium to a child up to three years of age. But there are some nuances. For example, premature, low birth weight and twin babies especially need regular calcium intake into the body, as they have smaller reserves. Also at risk are babies who have limited mobility for any reason, for example, children who were born after a previous pregnancy after a short period of time, or babies with birth injuries.

The main thing is not the amount of calcium “eaten”, but the degree of its absorption. The degree of absorption depends on the baby’s health and age. For this, it is important that the diet is balanced, since calcium in some compounds is absorbed well, while in others it is worse.

Breast milk is the baby's main source of calcium. In mother's milk, the amount and form of calcium is optimal for absorption. A vitamin D in mother's milk not enough, so it is recommended in the autumn-winter period additional introduction. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is very important to use age-appropriate formulas. They balance and take into account essential microelements.

Calcium deficiency in children's bodies.

Feeding children of divorced people cow's milk(unadapted mixtures), later or early introduction complementary feeding can subsequently provoke a calcium deficiency.

Low birth weight and premature babies suffer from calcium deficiency much more often. In the last trimester of pregnancy, more active transfer and deposition of calcium occurs in the fetal skeleton. Accordingly, the little ones who were born ahead of schedule, they do not receive their share of the substance. The higher the degree of prematurity, the more calcium deficiency the baby will have. Therefore, such infants are prescribed vitamin D earlier than others, since it is a calcium conductor. For children under 12 years of age, calcium should only be prescribed by a doctor. Please note that not all complex vitamins contain calcium.

There are a number of diseases that require the use of calcium supplements. Such diseases include: rickets, osteoporosis in low birth weight and premature babies, serious illnesses endocrine glands and kidneys. Babies with allergic reactions, as well as children with forced restriction of certain foods, provided that the baby exhibits a lack of this element (bone deformation, thinning of tooth enamel, delayed teething), need additional sources of calcium.

Taking certain medications (for example, anticonvulsants) contributes to the removal of calcium from the body. Of course, giving a child a pill is much easier than feeding him properly. But another question arises: will this pill be good for your health?

One of essential microelements necessary for bone growth and normal operation heart muscle is calcium. The substance is of particular value for children. The main source of this microelement is dairy products. To treat calcium deficiency, doctors prescribe special medications. It is recommended to give to children at the most various diseases. The drug is available in several forms.

What is the medicine?

Calcium gluconate is a very popular and time-tested remedy that doctors can prescribe for various pathologies that have nothing in common with each other. The active ingredient - calcium salt of gluconic acid - has the form of powder white. The component regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. Calcium, in turn, is necessary for the formation of bones, tooth tissue, nails and hair. In addition, the chemical compound is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and the work of the heart muscle, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and is necessary for blood clotting.

The drug is produced by many pharmaceutical companies V various forms: chewable tablets, powder and solution for injection. Is it possible to give gluconate to a child? Many pediatricians recommend this drug for children even in the first year of life (in a certain dosage). After all, babies need constant replenishment of the reserves of this microelement in the body. This is necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton and development muscle tissue. A lack of calcium often leads to decreased protective functions body.

Composition and release forms

The most popular form of release of the drug is tablets, which may contain 250 or 500 mg active substance. Talc, potato starch and calcium stearate are used as auxiliary components. Chewable tablets also contain fruit flavors.

The solution for injection (10%) is contained in ampoules containing 10 ml of medicinal liquid. One ampoule contains 1 g of active ingredient.

Indications for use

Calcium is involved in the most important processes occurring in the body. Each person needs to consume 800-2000 mg of this substance per day. With a deficiency, a variety of pathological conditions can develop (both in children and adults).

  • (vitamin D deficiency);
  • hypoparateriosis (deficiency of parathyroid hormone);
  • toxic liver damage, hepatitis;
  • calcium metabolism disorder;
  • increased excretion of calcium from the body associated with long-term treatment some drugs;
  • increased need for calcium (pregnancy, lactation, adolescence);
  • bone fractures;
  • bleeding;
  • lack of microelement in food;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • poisoning with oxalic acid, fluoric acid, magnesium salts;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Use in pediatrics

Calcium gluconate is prescribed to children quite often. A direct indication for the use of the drug is, first of all, a lack of microelement in the body. If your baby is intolerant milk protein, you can’t do without calcium-based drugs. Parents should remember that it is extremely undesirable to prescribe the drug to a child on their own. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the baby.

What are the benefits for children?

Calcium is vitally necessary for the baby even during the period of intrauterine development. If there is a deficiency, such babies are often born underweight, and in the first six months of life they may develop rickets. To avoid this pathological condition, future mom should watch your diet and take vitamin complexes. At birth, the baby may also be prescribed medications containing calcium.

Can calcium gluconate be given to children and in what form is it best to give it? Quite often this question is asked by parents to local pediatricians. Simple and inexpensive remedy has proven itself exclusively with positive side. To treat calcium deficiency in children of various age groups and other ailments, calcium gluconate tablets are mainly prescribed.

Simple white pills do not contain sugar, flavorings or dyes, which is a significant advantage. In this form, the drug can be given even to children prone to allergic reactions, and with increased rate blood sugar.

Calcium gluconate: instructions for use

For children, the dosage of the medicine should be selected by a doctor. Experts usually recommend giving 500 mg of the active substance three times a day to babies in their first year of life. The tablet is first ground into powder and mixed in a small amount of formula or breast milk.

For children from one to four years of age, calcium gluconate is prescribed in a dosage of 1 g at a time. You should take 3 g of active ingredient (6 tablets) per day. From 5 years of age, the drug can be given to a child in the amount of 6-10 tablets per day. A specialist should choose a more accurate dosage, taking into account the baby’s condition and his need for the microelement.

For children who study in primary school, calcium gluconate is recommended to be given 4 tablets at least twice a day.

Gluconate up to one year

Komarovsky Oleg Evgenievich - famous pediatrician, whose advice many parents listen to. The doctor claims that the main reason for calcium deficiency in a child’s body lies in the lack of supply of the microelement with food and impaired absorption in the intestines.

At allergic diseases, rickets, bleeding disorders, skin pathologies A well-known pediatrician recommends giving babies calcium gluconate tablets. Komarovsky also advises prescribing the drug if there is a tendency to dermatitis, muscle weakness, or increased vascular permeability. The medicine will bring significant benefits in the treatment of colds.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

One of the effects that the drug has is to reduce the production of histamine, a substance responsible for the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Scientists have discovered what causes the body to react incorrectly immune system. For children nowadays this problem is especially relevant.

Calcium gluconate will help smooth out the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The instructions (the drug is absolutely safe for children) say that the medicine will help quickly remove toxins from the body and strengthen blood vessels. Most often, the product is used in tablet form. However, in some cases it is shown intravenous administration solution.

The drug is effective for such manifestations of an allergic reaction as urticaria, angioedema, dermatitis, itching skin. In some cases, it is prescribed in combination with other medications.

For generations, doctors have been practicing the use of calcium gluconate to combat the symptoms of allergic reactions. Calcium salt, which is used as active component, is well absorbed from the intestines and absorbed into the blood. Maximum concentration The active ingredient is fixed 1.5-2 hours after taking the medicine.

Contraindications for use

Calcium gluconate can be given to children and adult patients who do not have a history of certain contraindications. In pediatric practice, the drug is generally used only after consultation with the attending physician. It is prohibited to use calcium gluconate for treatment if the following pathologies are present:

  • intolerance to substances contained in the medication;
  • hypercoagulability;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • renal failure (severe);
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis.

Is it possible to give calcium gluconate to children if the instructions include age limit? Pediatricians say that if the dosage and treatment regimen are followed, the medication will bring exceptional benefits to the child.

Features of application

For better absorption of the active ingredient, it is recommended to take calcium gluconate before meals or 2 hours after meals. The tablets must be chewed or ground into powder and washed down with water. It is recommended to give the drug to babies with a small amount of milk.

It is prohibited to take calcium supplements and iron-containing medications at the same time. The minimum time interval between taking these medications is 2 hours. In combination with tetracycline antibiotics, insoluble complexes will form.

Side effects

Although safe and effective, the drug is still a pharmaceutical product and may cause some side effects. You should familiarize yourself with these phenomena described in the instructions, before it is advisable for children to be given a minimum dose of the drug at the beginning of therapy and evaluate the body’s reaction after a while.

Long-term treatment with the drug or constant excess of the dosage can provoke the development of the following undesirable effects:

  • constipation;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • polyuria;
  • mental disorders;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased fatigue, irritability;
  • bradycardia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hypercalcemia.