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Children's calcium tianshi. "Tiens Calcium": description and composition

Calcium for children "Tiens" is a type of special product that can be introduced into the diet from the first days of life. Additionally, it will be maximum useful substance and for any woman, regardless of her age category. But older people can use the drug to reduce hemoglobin levels.

Calcium "Tienshi" is an excellent purchase!

The drug is recommended for use as both a main and an auxiliary source of calcium. The substance can enrich human body zinc, iron and various vitamins. Among active ingredients supplements worth noting are the following varieties: useful elements: powdered milk, zinc, isomalt, iron, calcium, taurine and various vitamins.

The drug is recommended for use by children under the guise of a reliable and additional source of calcium. It is taken during normal meals. For a child whose age is between 4-6 years, it is recommended to divide one single sachet into two. But older children, including a child 13 years old, are allowed to consume whole sachets, but only once a day. The substance can be added either to a prepared dish or simply diluted in regular warm water.

One single use of the drug throughout the day, for children who are at least 7 years old, is enough to quickly restore calcium levels. But the course of treatment is often at least 4 months. The package itself contains as many as 10 sachets.

What is the main benefit of the drug?

Calcium for children is presented as a special product recommended for inclusion in the diet immediately after birth. It is not a drug, which is why it is not capable of causing various side effects.

The very use of this type of drug is recommended from birth until the age of 13. Thanks to this, it will be possible to protect the child from a huge number of health problems. The substance is excellent not only for restoration, but also for support immune system. After this, the child’s body will perfectly resist infections and all kinds of colds. A child who suffers from hyperactivity will become less irritable as a result of using the drug. He will also be more focused. Additionally, memory and sleep itself will improve.

Thanks to the effect of this drug on the body of children, the process associated with the growth of teeth will not only accelerate, but also disappear on their own. painful sensations. The substance allows you to speed up the healing process and all possible manifestations of an allergic reaction. This is due to the fact that it is characterized by the presence of enhanced exposure. And due to the presence here of universal and complex composition, the product will cope perfectly even with problems that arise in the digestive system.

Calcium "Tiens", intended for children, can provide tremendous support to the entire body in the presence of problems associated with the musculoskeletal system. But in the presence of bruises, it helps more rapid recovery. An excellent tool Such calcium is also considered in the presence of various heart pathologies. It is also recommended for blood thinning. Additionally, it must be consumed when carrying a child, due to which you can quickly replenish the much-needed supply of calcium.

Tianshi children's calcium, the instructions for use and contraindications of which we will consider in detail, is a dietary supplement. The product is available in an easily digestible powder form and belongs to the group of dietary supplements designed for children for whom calcium is vital for the development of the skeleton, teeth, and other processes.

Composition of Tianshi children's calcium and release form

Children's Tianshi calcium is produced in powder prepared according to new technology from the vertebrae of young calves. Dosage form contains calcium, colecalciferol, amino acids, milk powder, fatty acids, zinc lactate, isomaltooligosaccharide, dry egg yolk, dried vegetable cream, maltodextrin, added ascorbic acid, aspartame, taurine, vitamin A, iron lactate.

The powder is placed in sachets, where it is present in an amount of 10 grams. It is intended for preparing a solution that must be taken enterally, that is, orally. Sold without a prescription. The storage conditions for this additive require storing it in a dry place where light does not penetrate. The shelf life is two years.

Children's calcium Tiens - indications for use

Children's calcium Tiens is indicated for use in the following situations:

This powder is prescribed to all children living in so-called unfavorable environmental conditions, while biologically active supplement use twice a year;
The product is effective as a general restorative pharmaceutical for the prevention of rickets, as well as iron deficiency anemia;
With delayed teething in a child, with delayed development of the baby, with rickets, baldness, convulsions, as well as with late getting up on his feet, with screaming in his sleep and with fear, with the so-called chicken breast, excessive night sweats, with periodic abdominal pain, in addition, with short stature;
If dysbacteriosis is detected;
For some dermatological problems (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, acne vulgaris, as well as eczema);
For brittle hair and nails;
Powder is prescribed for allergic pathologies ( seasonal rhinitis, bronchial asthma, in addition, exudative diathesis, conjunctivitis);
Powders are effective for periodontal disease, as well as for dental caries;
A dietary supplement is prescribed before the onset of puberty to ensure normal development of skeletal bones;
With excessive mental stress to improve memory and cognitive processes;
Prescribed remedy for colds;
IN adolescence, with diagnosed cramps in the limbs, with bad sleep, as well as with rapid fatigue, with a decrease in the child’s ability to remember.

In addition, Children's Tianshi calcium is prescribed to women with premenstrual syndrome and during menopause, as well as during hormone therapy, since calcium promotes the conversion of so-called estradiol into estriol and improves its excretion from the body.

Does Tienschi children's calcium have any contraindications for use?

Children's Tianshi Calcium is contraindicated for use if you have an individual intolerance to the components of this dietary supplement. In addition, persons with diagnosed phenylketonuria should not use dietary supplements.

Children's calcium Tiens - use and dosage

Based on the canons Chinese medicine It is recommended to take Children's Calcium Tiens during the maximum activity of the so-called meridian small intestine, this is the time period from 13:00 to 15:00, as well as during active work the kidney meridian, which occurs from 5 to 7 p.m., or the triple warmer meridian from 9 to 11 p.m.

The powder should be taken as a complete dietary supplement daily, for at least one month, unless the attending physician prescribes otherwise. You can add Tienschi Children's Calcium to an already prepared dish, for example, liquid porridge, after which you should stir it so that there are no lumps.

In addition, the powder can be dissolved in warm water, waiting until the lumps dissolve. The dietary supplement is sweetish with a milky taste. For colds, take 1 coffee spoon of Children's Calcium Tiens during the day, every two hours; there should be 6 to 8 doses of the supplement per day; at this rate, the product is used for 2-3 days.

Next, take the powder in small doses: from birth to one year, use a sixth of the sachet once a day; up to three years of age, 1 or 2 coffee spoons are prescribed, but without the top, once a day; up to 5 years - a teaspoon 1-2 times a day. Before you start using this dietary supplement, it is important to consult with a specialist.

Children's calcium Tiens - side effects

The use of Children's Tianshi Calcium powder in some situations can provoke hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the dietary supplement, which can be expressed in the form of allergic reactions, itching and swelling of the skin is possible. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Children's calcium Tiens - overdose from the drug

If you consume a large amount of powder at once, it is recommended to rinse the person’s stomach, and if your health worsens, you should consult a doctor.


Before starting to use the dietary supplement Children's Calcium Tiens, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and you should also read the instructions for use of the pharmaceutical product. It should be remembered that self-medication is dangerous to health.

Ingredients: main components - calcium, zinc, iron, milk powder, isomalt, egg powder, taurine, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E.

Product Description: Tianshi biocalcium for children (Tienshi powder with calcium for children) is an essential source of calcium, zinc, iron and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E in the daily diet.

Effect of the drug Biocalcium Tiens for children

This dietary supplement satisfies daily need child's body in calcium intake and essential amino acids(especially during active growth organism). Tianshi children's calcium promotes the renewal of the mineral component bone tissue and the formation of the skeleton, and also strengthens the immune system.

Tianshi calcium for children: indications for use

  • Biocalcium Tiens for Children helps the full formation and development of the skeleton;
  • to prevent short stature in children of all ages;
  • necessary to strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria, viruses and microbes;
  • recommended for children under 3 years of age for the prevention and treatment of rickets, as well as for adolescents during puberty (11-14 years);
  • people living in environmentally unfavorable conditions;
  • adults and children with any allergic pathology (bronchial asthma, bronchitis, diathesis, eczema, neurodermatitis, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, etc.);
  • Tianshi calcium powder for children is recommended for acne and other skin diseases;
  • Tianshi baby calcium powder is used for dysbacteriosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • for the prevention of anemia, caries, etc.;
  • Taking Tianshi calcium for children helps improve memory and improve school performance;
  • This Tianshi powder with calcium for children is especially recommended as a general tonic.

Lack of calcium

in the child's body

  • developmental delay;
  • problems with the appearance and growth of teeth, malocclusion;
  • screaming and convulsions during sleep;
  • the cause of rickets is a lack of calcium;
  • sleep problems;
  • weakened immunity and frequent colds.

V adolescence

During this important period of life, problems with the correct balance of calcium and other micro- and macroelements (which are contained in Tien Shi Calcium powder for children) can cause the occurrence and development of the following complications:

  • fatigue and increased allergic susceptibility;
  • increased acne and sleep disturbances;
  • pain in the legs and joints, disruption of the process of their growth and development;
  • and many other problems.

The elements included in the dietary supplement Calcium Tiens for children (calcium, phosphorus, etc. + vitamin complex) are aimed at eliminating all these negative aspects by supplying the body with the amount of useful and easily digestible substances it needs.

Recommendations for use: children 4-6 years old 5 g (1 teaspoon) 1 time per day, children 7-13 years old 10 g (1 sachet) 1 time per day, dissolving in a glass warm water or together with food, adding to ready dish. Release form: 10 sachets of 10 g. Duration of administration: 4 weeks. Storage conditions: store in a dry place, protected from light at room temperature. Shelf life: 18 months. Contraindications: individual intolerance to dietary supplement components, hypercalcemia. A dietary supplement is not a medicine. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

CERTIFICATE OF STATE REGISTRATION IN THE RF: No. dated 12/02/2005. The validity period of the state registration certificate is established for the entire period of industrial production of Russian products or supplies of imported products. Product “Tienshi Calcium Powder for Children” (manufacturer: Tianshi Biotechnology Development Company LTD, 301700, Tianjin, Wuqing Development and Development District, New Technology Industrial Zone, 6 Yuanquanlu St., People's Republic of China ) passed state registration, included in State Register and is permitted for production on the territory of the Russian Federation, import into the territory of the Russian Federation and circulation.

At hypertension and atherosclerosis, 1 package is prescribed for 2509 rubles (1 package contains 100 capsules).

Composition of biocalcium Tianshi

· calcium,

vitamins, including A, C, D,


· iron,

· skimmed milk powder,

Thanks to advanced technology bioengineering, enzymolytic processing, the product was provided with many nutrients, preserving their natural properties, the main place among which is organic calcium. Therefore, it is a finely processed product and is easily digestible.

The organic calcium content is high, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is the most rational, and the digestibility coefficient is very high. The product provides the body with many carbohydrate compounds, vitamins and microelements. The product supplements the daily need for nutrients and corrects calcium deficiency caused by poor diet.

The product is low-calorie, contains little fat, and does not contain sucrose. The taste is soft, aromatic, even if you are in the habit of eating something sweet, the product will be to your taste. All product components natural origin, without added preservatives.

Tianshi powder with high calcium content is used

· for osteoporosis of bones, muscle cramps;

· to improve blood clotting and reduce vascular permeability;

· in case of insufficient function parathyroid glands, cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart, arrhythmias);

· at chronic hepatitis and toxic liver damage;

· at skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, baldness);

for the prevention of dental caries and oncological diseases;

· during treatment muscular dystrophy, bone fractures, male infertility;

· as a general tonic to enhance immunity, improve cognitive process, memory, sleep;

· at allergic diseases(hives, hay fever, allergic bronchitis and bronchial asthma).

Calcium ranks fifth among the elements that make up our body (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen).

Calcium salts take part as coenzymes in the regulation of many essential functions body:

1. Participates in the process of cell connection and binding, affects density intercellular fluid, which affects the functional activity of cells.

2. Being a structural element of cell membranes, it promotes the flow of nutrients into the cell.

3. Participates in the regulation of the activity of more than 300 enzymes.

4. Necessary for contraction and relaxation of muscles, including the heart muscle.

5. Affects insulin secretion.

6. Has antihistamine properties for allergic conditions.

7. Calcium is necessary for normal blood clotting.

8. Plays important role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Lack of calcium leads to increased excitability.

9. Promotes fertilization by the fact that the sperm have a calcium formation in the front in the form of an arrow, with which the sperm pierces the membrane of the egg. With a lack of calcium, the sperm cannot break through the membrane, as a result of which fertilization does not occur, which is one of the causes of male infertility.

10. Promotes rejuvenation of the body, giving elasticity to the skin, shine to the hair and beauty to the nails.

11. Is building material for the entire connective tissue system of the body, which includes muscles, fascia, tendons, skin and bones.

12. Increases immunity by shifting the body's pH to the alkaline side.

Calcium cation is the most important regulator of metabolic processes and cell functions:

· Activates calcium channels.

· Part of the transporter molecules that transport nutrients into the cell from the extracellular fluid.

· Activates a number of vital important enzymes, responsible for blood clotting and involved in the formation of ATP molecules.

· Maintains vascular tone by influencing the tone of smooth muscles located in the walls of blood vessels.

· Stimulates the development of skeletal muscles.

· Weakens allergic reactions by increasing the resistance (strength) of blood vessels.

· Is an antagonist of Na, promotes the excretion of salts heavy metals and radionuclides.

· Powerful antioxidant.

The absorption of calcium by the human body is predetermined by its ionization and depends on the content in food products vegetable acids, vitamin D, a number of microelements and vitamin.

In this regard, only 20–30% of the total amount of calcium taken is absorbed. It is difficult to meet the human body's daily requirement of calcium with such low bioavailability.

Calcium always interacts with phosphorus and therefore these elements cannot be absorbed without each other. It is necessary to constantly maintain the ratio of these minerals, and vitamin D is responsible for their balance in the blood. If their ratio is disturbed, then calcium is taken from the bones. IN this drug their ratio is perfect.

When in the body for a long time If there is little calcium coming in, it can be replaced by strontium, since their molecular structures are similar. But molecular lattice more strontium than calcium. From here, changes appear in the bones and joints - growths, curvatures, compactions, lumps, bones become less strong.

The merit of Tianshi Corporation is that thanks to the enzymolytic processing of large bone powder cattle and subsequent rapid drying, it was possible to stabilize the calcium ion, which in the form of a positive cation is absorbed by the body by 90% (with all other technologies, bioavailability ranges from 2 to 30%).

It is also important that Chinese Biocalcium also contains other important components: phosphorus, vitamins B, A, C, D, E, folic acid, proteins, amino acids and trace elements.

Therefore, Tianshi Corporation dietary supplements enriched with calcium are complete, combined, exclusive and ecological nutrition, which can not only be used for the prevention and recovery of diseases, but also carry out biocorrection of almost all the most common diseases.

Instructions for use of calcium Tiens

· Fill in the contents of the package warm water 40 - 50 o (above 52 o C protein denaturation begins and the powder coagulates), stir and drink.

· Do not add to tea or coffee, as caffeine blocks calcium absorption.

· For colds: 1 sachet 2 times a day.

· It is better to take Tianshi calcium from 13 to 15, from 17 to 19 or from 21 to 23 hours.

Dosage: 1 - 2 sachets per day.

Tianshi calcium release form: 10 bags of 10 grams per package.

Related information.

"Tiens Calcium" is a drug that allows you to replenish the daily need for calcium, taking into account poor nutrition modern man. This medicine is indicated for many diseases. Most often it is prescribed for osteoporosis, diabetes and pathologies thyroid gland. What is the peculiarity of the supplement, and how to take it correctly?

"Tiens Calcium": features

This drug is manufactured in accordance with modern technologies bioengineering. In this case, Chinese recipes are taken into account traditional medicine. "Tienshi Calcium" is sold in powder form. In addition to the main component, the product contains additional nutrients that are necessary for the cells of the body.

Among the features of the drug it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The drug has high degree digestibility. This figure is 98%. This is achieved through high biotechnologies.
  • Calcium ions are associated with proteins involved in the processes of movement of this substance into cells.
  • The drug is made exclusively from natural raw materials. In addition to calcium, it contains a variety of vitamins and microelements: more than 20 additional components.
  • Ideal for both adults and children. Safe and does not cause side effects. Medicine can restore calcium reserves in the body. Tiens Calcium powder is a product intended for intensive cell nutrition.

Basic composition of the supplement

The drug "Tienshi Calcium", reviews of which are mostly positive, is a bone calcium powder that is obtained from the vertebrae of cattle. For its production, only fresh raw materials are used. The main component is isolated by enzymatic treatment.

In addition, the drug contains:

  • B vitamins: B 1, B 2, B 5, B 12.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamins D, C, E, A, K.
  • 17 microelements: selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium.
  • Maltodextrin.
  • Mono- and diglycerols.
  • Dipotassium phosphate.
  • Lecithin.
  • Silica.
  • Skimmed milk powder.
  • Soybean hydrogenated oil.
  • Cocoa.
  • Natural flavoring - vanilla.

What is contained in 100 grams of product

One packet of the supplement contains up to 400 mg of calcium. 100 grams of the drug contains:

  • 25 g calcium.
  • 30 g milk powder.
  • 35 g oligosaccharide.
  • 3 g cocoa.
  • 1 g aspartame.
  • 0.18 g vitamins.
  • 5.82 g of auxiliary components.

Particular attention should be paid to the main microelements that "Tiens Calcium" contains.


Magnesium ensures calcium absorption. This substance is an intracellular element that also retains potassium. The more magnesium there is, the better calcium will be absorbed. A decrease in reserves of this component may be caused by the following factors:

  • Low content and water. It is worth noting that the element is destroyed when boiled.
  • When using antibiotics, folic acid, iron supplements, sugar, fatty acids, laxatives, diuretics, sedatives, some contraceptives, caffeine, alcohol and potassium supplements significantly reduce the absorption of magnesium.

"Tienshi Calcium" allows you to replenish the reserves of this substance and significantly improve the process of assimilation of other useful elements.

Iron and iodine

As for iron, this substance is one of the main microelements. It allows our body to perform functions such as breathing. A lack of this component can lead to the development of many diseases. Iron is found in respiratory pigments in the blood, including myoglobin and hemoglobin. This substance is involved in all processes that are associated with the transport of oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to the respiratory organs. In addition, iron stimulates the functions of hematopoietic organs.

Iodine is also necessary for our body. This component of the drug "Tienshi Calcium" is necessary for normal operation brain It takes part in the production of thyroid hormone of the thyroid gland and energy metabolic processes, and also affects the activity of the human immune system. Iodine helps reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Copper and manganese

Copper actively stimulates the formation of blood cells and the production of female hormones, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, takes part in the formation of elastin and bone formation. This component is necessary to maintain normal condition joints, as well as the nervous system.

As for manganese, this substance is also important for the normal functioning of the body. The component takes an active part in many biochemical processes, including the exchange and synthesis of neurotransmitters, immune response, bone formation, lipid and insulin metabolism, lipid oxidation.

"Calcium Tiens" contains many microelements, and each of them is simply necessary for our body to function normally. If there is a lack of one or another component, the risk of developing serious illness. Therefore, the company has developed a drug not only for adults, but also released “Tienshi Calcium” for children. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of this supplement. Thanks to unique composition the drug allows you to replenish nutrients in cells and restore some body functions.

For what diseases is it prescribed?

When to take "Tienshi Calcium"? Reviews from doctors indicate that this supplement can reduce the risk of developing many diseases. The drug is often prescribed in the presence of such ailments as:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, arthrosis, arthritis, and so on;
  • allergic reaction;
  • tendon damage and bone fractures;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • psychosthenia;
  • convulsions;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • vertebrogenic lesions of the nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neuralgia of the facial and trigeminal nerves;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dry skin;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and so on;
  • constipation

As a preventive measure

Brain calcium "Tiens" is often prescribed as a prophylactic agent. It can be taken:

  • during sessions and exams;
  • with increased physical and mental stress;
  • when a stressful situation occurs;
  • if hair and skin have lost their elasticity and shine;
  • in adolescence, when it begins intensive growth body;
  • for the prevention of caries and periodontal disease;
  • with memory impairment, dizziness and insomnia;
  • at increased irritability, drowsiness and general malaise.

Mode of application

How to take "Tienshi Calcium" correctly? The instructions say that the contents of one sachet must be filled with warm water. In this case, the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40°C. Otherwise, what will happen is that the powder will simply curdle.

After diluting the drug with water, mix thoroughly and then drink 15 minutes before meals. The powder can also be added directly to food. It is best to mix it with yogurt, cottage cheese dessert or cottage cheese. You should not add "Tienshi Calcium" to coffee or tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which prevents the main component of the supplement from being absorbed well.

Dosage of the drug

For those who suffer colds, it is recommended to consume 1 sachet of “Tienshi Calcium” every 30 minutes during the day. The powder must be diluted sufficiently large quantities water: from 500 to 800 ml. Those who suffer from insomnia should take 1/3 of a sachet for two weeks, and then 1/2.

In the presence of other diseases and for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to take “Tienshi Calcium” in combination with rosehip infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of fruit with a glass of boiling water and leave it in a thermos for 12 hours. The course of therapy in this case ranges from 1 to 3 months. It is recommended to take from 1/2 to 1 sachet of the drug at one time.

Who should avoid the supplement?

The drug "Calcium Tiens" has many advantages. He can improve general state person. However, there is a list of contraindications. In some cases, the additive can only do harm. First of all, the drug is prohibited for those who suffer from a disease such as phenylketonuria.

In addition, you should avoid the supplement if you have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the product. Also, experts do not recommend taking "Tienshi Calcium" during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Of course, many women neglect this rule, but you should not take risks, but rather consult with specialists.