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Cedar resin: medicinal properties, application. Medicinal properties of resin from Scots pine and Siberian larch

Why does a damaged pine tree “cry”? This is how the tree heals itself: the fragrant pine resin makes the wounds heal - and the tree comes to life. That is why the healing resin is popularly called “resin” - it has the same root as the word “to live”. It’s not for nothing that people like the specific ethereal smell of pine resin - its viscous, sticky mass has long been used for medicinal purposes and has a beneficial effect on human body.

What is pine resin?

If you cut a pine bark, a pronounced smell of pine needles will immediately appear, and a transparent yellowish elixir will be released from the crack. As soon as it meets the air, pine resin begins to harden and its color darkens. This is intended by nature to prevent any organisms, fungi, or pests from entering the tree’s “insides” through a crack in the bark. The resin solidified in this way is unofficially called “sulfur,” although pine resin is in no way related to the known chemical element.

Also, due to the resin released, the tree will be protected from destruction. It can already be assumed that resin is capable of healing the human body and protecting it with its unique healing properties. For example, during the Great Patriotic War Severe wounds were treated with resin, and very soon the soldiers were on the mend. And in ancient Rus', people chewed resin to protect their teeth and gums and freshen their breath.

The composition of the life-giving resin depends on the type of tree, and the quality depends on the area where the pine grew. Compared to its brothers - cedar, fir and spruce - pine has the highest antiseptic properties, which is why its resin is so popular in folk medicine. Pine resin according to its composition:

  • three-quarters consists of resin acids, and these components are solid in their normal state;
  • has 18% of special substances - terpenes - which dissolve resin acids and allow resin to move freely through the woody labyrinths of pine.

The unimagined benefits of pine resin

Most valuable substances As part of resin, they are divided into two main groups.


  • resin acids;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides.


  • monoterpene and diterpene carbohydrates;
  • diterpenic acids.

Pine resin has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and also perfectly heals wounds and resolves boils. It is used externally in the following cases:

  • various problems and damage to the skin: injuries, wounds, eczema, scabies, insect bites, severe acne, psoriasis;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system, neuralgia, joint pain, myositis, rheumatism;
  • ENT diseases;
  • gynecological and proctological ailments: hemorrhoids, colpitis, vaginitis, candidiasis.

Resin can also be chewed and taken orally - it is an edible substance that is often only beneficial to the body. When chewing the resin, increased secretion of saliva occurs, which has a beneficial effect on cleansing the oral cavity and strengthening the teeth and gums. Zhivitsa heals tooth enamel, kills carious bacteria and in some cases even saves from toothache. Internal use pine medicine necessary in the following situations:

  • colds, lung and stomach problems, severe cough;
  • VSD and unstable arterial pressure, which the resin normalizes due to its ability to thin the blood;
  • thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombophlerbitis, heart problems;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • genitourinary diseases, impotence;
  • poor environment, frequent stress and physical activity;
  • obesity.

Recipe Chest

The effectiveness of the medicinal properties attributed to pine resin has been proven over many centuries. The resin can be used either alone or as part of other natural products.

Non-healing boils

You need to take a gauze cloth and soak it with pine resin. Next, apply it to the wounded area, cover the top with special paper for compresses and wrap it with a bandage. It is recommended to keep this compress for about half an hour. If boils are only at the beginning of their development, then a single procedure can destroy them at the root.

Trophic ulcers

Similar to the previous recipe, you need to soak a bandage with resin and place it on the surface of the ulcer. For a deep, non-healing ulcer, you can insert a piece of rolled up bandage soaked in resin into it. Repeat treatment until recovery occurs.


Required in equal proportions (50 g):

  • sap;
  • vodka;
  • olive oil.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 7 days for the product to gain strength and strength. After this, you can rub the painful areas with the medicine.

Stomach ulcer

4-5 drops of resin placed on a piece of bread, which should be eaten before the main meal, will help overcome the disease.

Pulmonary diseases

Will be required in equal quantities (50 g):

The ingredients must be mixed well and left for 4 days, then taken orally at any time of the day, 3 teaspoons.



  • vegetable oil (100 g);
  • resin (20 g).
  • enamel container for heating.

Mix the ingredients and heat in a water bath. When the temperature is warm enough, you can build a compress.

Periodontal disease

  • resin (1.5 teaspoons);
  • fine salt (3.5 teaspoons);
  • olive oil (by eye)

You should get a liquid with a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream. It will need to be rubbed into sore gums three times a day.


It is not difficult to prepare an ointment from resin. First you need to melt the lard, then mix it with sea buckthorn oil and resin - in equal quantities. Place the resulting ointment on gauze and apply to the damaged areas. This should be done three times a day, waiting an hour for the compress to work. Then carefully remove any remaining liquid from the sore spot.


Resin lotions will help cure fungal infections, they need to be kept for half an hour twice a day. Treatment should continue for up to 10 days.


Pour 2 teaspoons of any into a glass vegetable oil and add 5-6 drops of pine resin to it. Mix the ingredients and then rub them into the chest in the heart area. If you repeat this procedure daily, supplementing the course with taking oleoresin orally (5-6 drops will be enough), you can avoid heart attacks and rhythm disturbances. If there are reasons not to swallow oleoresin, you can simply put it under your tongue and hold it for 10 minutes.


Resorption of resin will be useful for both prevention and treatment of an existing cold (sore throat). This must be done daily at least once a day. A sore throat may recede after a couple of days of such treatment.

Strengthening the immune system

Pine resin must be placed in a glass container and combined with water in a ratio of 1:5, then placed in bright sun and left for 10 days. It should be taken into account that the product will be needed for at least a month, and you will need to take it three times a day, several tablespoons (you can even take half a glass). Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on the drug for the entire course. For bronchitis and cough, this remedy has a good effect.

How to extract valuable resin yourself

Resin and preparations containing it can be purchased at any pharmacy. But if there is desire To obtain this natural medicine yourself, you need to arm yourself with the following equipment:

  • container with lid;
  • cord 1.5 meters;
  • a napkin soaked in vegetable oil;

When you find a tree covered with cracks and damage, you can collect resin - usually its frozen accumulations abundantly cover wood wounds. To prevent the resin from sticking to the knife, it must be treated with an oiled cloth. Collecting resin is simple - you just need to cut off the flow and put it in a container. You need to cut the resin into small pieces - this will eliminate problems with ductility. In hot weather, it is better not to collect; the resin from the sun is especially sticky, and such work will quickly tire. But in inclement and cold weather the amount of resin is usually scanty. Therefore, the best option would be to go for collection in warm, dry weather.

Another way to collect resin without hassle is to select a young tree and tie a prepared container to it using a cord. First you need to make a crack with a knife at the base of a thick branch - it is under the cut that you will need to tie the container. The resin will begin to naturally flow into it.

The resin should be stored under a tightly closed lid, as it hardens quickly in the open air. But this can be fixed. Before using resin for medical procedures, you just need to warm the jar in a water bath, and the resin will become liquid again.

Pine resin is otherwise called resin, which is represented by special substance, emitted by coniferous trees. Similar phenomenon occurs both during normal metabolism and in cases of damage to tree bark. Due to the action of oxygen sap undergoes oxidation. As a result of this chemical transformation, it becomes resistant to mechanical factors.

Composition and healing effects of pine resin

Resin is a unique mixture formed by beneficial substances. The main components of the composition are represented by resin acids. They account for approximately 70%. The rest is represented by turpentine. The composition contains absolutely no vitamins and minerals.

The product has long been famous for its healing properties. Its composition contains a large number of lambertianic acid. This substance exhibits a pronounced bactericidal effect. In addition, it promotes blood flow.

It is noteworthy that the benefits of oleoresin persist for several years. Oppressive effect on pathogenic microflora, including fungal representatives – main therapeutic effect, which resin is capable of exhibiting.

This circumstance is successfully used by many therapeutic techniques. It is used to treat furunculosis, purulent wounds, cuts, burns. Internal use is similar to drugs that have an antibacterial effect.

But it differs favorably from them in that it is not capable of destroying beneficial bacteria that are necessary for the physiological functioning of the body.

For this reason, treatment with oleoresin can be classified as a safe therapy. It is not difficult to guess that the main indication for use of the product is conditions associated with inflammatory changes in organs and tissues.

In principle, you can collect it anytime, be it in winter or in summer. But in winter it is much more difficult to do this than in summer. Therefore, it is mainly collected in the summer months. At this time, the most intense metabolism in the plant is observed. It is better, of course, to collect it at a sufficient distance from roads with vehicle traffic.

Resin is also found in larch. It is a safe component and can also be used for treatment. However, it exhibits its properties to the maximum if it is collected in summer period and in dry weather. Cedar turpentine is obtained through extraction. It can be extracted from this resin.

Fact! All valuable properties are maximally expressed when collecting resin in the summer. This feature has been known since time immemorial. An easier way is to buy it at a pharmacy. In addition, the product is not very expensive.

We treat the stomach, joints and lose weight with the help of oleoresin

Often the culprit in the development of gastric pathology is the microorganism Helicobacter pylori. Under its influence, gastritis and ulcerative formations in the stomach occur. Resin has a destructive effect on this microbial representative.

With the help of oleoresin, many representatives of the fair sex manage to lose weight. As a result of accelerating metabolic processes, extra pounds are lost.

The product can also have an effect on joints. Positive influence manifests itself due to a decrease in signs of inflammation, which is observed when using resin.

Preparing the tincture

Resin can be used in many dosage forms, including in the form of tincture. This will require ethanol in a volume of 100 ml. For this volume, pine resin is taken in an amount of 20-30 g. It takes three weeks to infuse the composition. The product is used both internally and externally.

Presence of contraindications

The product is natural remedy. This explains the relatively small number of contraindications. All restrictions on use can be reduced to the following positions:

  • Cases of individual intolerance.
  • Presence of any trimester of pregnancy.
  • Severe renal pathology.

Domestic industry produces gum ointment, as well as turpentine and rosin. The basis for their production, of course, is resin. Turpentine in purified form is widely used in medical practice.

It, as one of the components, is an indispensable representative of many ointment compositions. They are used when joint diseases and pathologies associated with the spine.

Many people are familiar with baths with the addition of turpentine. And in the form of inhalation, the fight against many colds and pathologies of the respiratory system is carried out.

Turpentine oil, which is part of the resin, is the basis for the production of olimethine. This drug is used for the therapeutic correction of conditions caused by cholelithiasis.

Resin in the form of crushed powder

Ointments and tinctures are made from it. You can also use it internally. With its help, the immune system is strengthened. They treat colds and get rid of problems caused by gum inflammation. An incomplete teaspoon is enough for one dose, but take it three times a day.

If you are concerned about gastritis and the pain associated with it, then a small piece of resin is simply kept in the mouth. After some time, the pain subsides.

Before grinding, the resin is kept in the freezer. The resin must be crushed and dried. It is stored in a glass container.

Preparing the ointment

To prepare it you will need:

  • resin – 50 g;
  • beeswax – 100 g;
  • internal lard – 100 g.

Everything is mixed and placed in a water bath. The ointment is used as an external remedy for various problems that arise on the skin. If you are concerned about any cold, you can apply the composition to the chest and neck area.

In general, compositions based on oleoresin are found to be quite wide application. But we should never forget about the presence of cases of individual intolerance. And before taking oleoresin, it would be a wise step to consult with your doctor.

Cedar resin is a resinous, viscous substance that is released even when the tree cover is slightly damaged. The scientific medical name for this substance is turpentine, but people simply call it oleoresin.

Turpentine resin has a distinct pine smell and contains healing properties for humans. This article will help show all the healing properties of oleoresin, the unique composition of which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Cedar resin: description, application

Medicinal properties Cedar trees have been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases since ancient times. Since tree resin is capable of healing its own damage, it copes well with various injuries and diseases of the skin in humans, thanks to the disinfection of wounds.

Cedar resin with cedar oil is used to prepare ointments, rubs, medicinal cosmetic creams and balms. Negative and positive reviews indicate the widespread use of resin among the people.

Health benefits and harms of cedar oleoresin

Widely used in medicinal and for preventive purposes The resin received thanks to the healing components in its composition, which help in the treatment of internal and external diseases.

For its unique ability to quickly restore damaged skin and increase vital energy human, the substance is also valued among doctors.

Having a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal effect, medical workers themselves often recommend the use of resin in the treatment of inflammatory processes associated with the skin, gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.

On medical forums you can find numerous reviews from doctors who indicate the benefits this tool. But, despite this, many doctors advise pregnant women and people suffering from allergic reactions to refrain from taking turpentine-based drugs internally, so as not to harm their health.

The healing properties of cedar resin, as well as pine resin, are known not only to traditional healers, but also to doctors. The resin is used not only for the treatment and healing of wounds, but also for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, as well as for tuberculosis, pneumonia and influenza, and in oncology for cancer.

The resin has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing.

Resin is included in ointments and rubs for joints, burns and wounds, which can be bought at a regular pharmacy. Is an excellent remedy for psoriasis. It is used for prostatitis in men, as well as for sexual weakness.

Recipes for making tinctures and balms for joints

Balm is a solution of oleoresin in linseed, corn, cedar and other oils. Since the oil contains additional beneficial substances, its choice should be approached based on the diseases against which the balm will be used. The alcohol tincture should be taken orally, following the instructions.

Traditional Siberian balsam is easy to prepare at home, for this you need:

  • take the purified resin and dissolve it in oil heated to 50 degrees. For external use the ratio is 1:10, for internal use - 1:20.

The process for preparing Siberian tincture is as follows:

  • Pour 50 grams of crushed cedar resin and some pine needles into 200 ml of alcohol and place in a dark place for 10 days.

Honey from cedar resin - beneficial properties

If you mix honey with cedar resin in a 1:1 ratio, you get unique remedy, which has beneficial and healing properties for the body. Take prepared honey in the morning on an empty stomach in courses of 30 days, no more. Honey significantly improves overall tone.

Despite the benefits of this honey, there is also some contraindication: a severe allergy to the components of the mixture, so it should be taken correctly.

Siberian cleaning of cedar with oleoresin - instructions

In Siberia, a method of cleansing the body using cedar balsam is famous. The meaning of the procedure is to take it daily with increasing doses of the drug. The cleaning course lasts 79 days:

  • Start taking 10% turpentine balm with one drop, increasing the dose by one drop every day, reaching 40 days. Then reduce it in exactly the same sequence by one drop every day.

This recipe is indicated for people with an average body weight of about 70-80 kg.

Wax ointment based on cedar resin with dead bees - indications for use

Wax gum ointment based on beeswax has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral effect, therefore it is used externally in the treatment of joints, headaches and muscle pain, wounds and burns.

The ointment perfectly renews the skin, so it does not lead to the appearance of scars after tissue damage. Treats varicose veins. Used as a rub for colds and sinusitis.

Cedar resin for keloid scars

When treating various skin lesions with cedar resin, not even scars remain, so many doctors advise using an ointment or balm that contains turpentine to treat long-term non-healing wounds, acne and other inflammatory skin processes.

Pregnant women should take medications based on cedar resin with caution so as not to harm the baby. At the same time, there is an old recipe that helps to return breast milk nursing mothers. To do this you need:

  • take 3-5 drops of 5% turpentine balm every day.

This dosage regimen prevents the formation of milk stagnation, thereby preventing mastitis from appearing. It also has a beneficial effect on the development of the infant’s immunity.

The healing properties of cedar resin for children

Cedar resin is indicated for children in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, as natural chewing gum for toothache, and can be used during teething. In case of inflammatory processes, children can simply chew a piece of frozen resin until it softens or melt it a little in a water bath or steam.

If the resin is combined with propolis, you get a double dose of beneficial properties. There are no contraindications to this method, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components.

Cedar oleoresin application in cosmetology

Cedar resin is also used in cosmetology. Facial products containing cedar saturate the skin with moisture, restore and smooth it without causing allergies. Restores a healthy appearance to the face. The cream and scrub are suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Cedar oil with oleoresin has a good effect on hair growth, so a couple of drops of oil are added to regular shampoo, after which it will become medicinal. You can also use chopped pine nuts.

Use of cedar oleoresin for face and hair

Components of cedar wood or turpentine oil give hair a healthy shine, nourishing each hair with beneficial substances.

At the same time, the scalp is moisturized and nourished, resulting in silky and healthy hair. Dandruff disappears, so the oil is recommended for use by men who do not particularly like to spend time solving this problem.

Turpentine oil starts the process of regeneration of skin cells, so with constant use, acne and various rashes disappear, the skin becomes smooth and healthy. But this is the dream of all women.

Collection and preparation

Self-collection is carried out in cool times, preferably in the spring, when the resin is least viscous. You can collect it using a knife or an awl, without tearing off the tree bark itself.

Resin should always be collected in a tightly closed jar, as it hardens very quickly in air. In addition, nuts, young needles and buds are collected, which also have medicinal properties.

From the collected raw materials, healing balms, ointments and tinctures are prepared, which are used for their intended purpose in the future. From the prepared preparations, effective remedies are obtained in the fight against all kinds of diseases.


I heard that oleoresin is widely used in folk medicine. Please tell us where they get it and what diseases they treat with it?

Resin - the resin of coniferous trees - can be found in the forest on the trunks of pines, spruces, cedars, fir, and larches. For medicinal purposes, it is best to use transparent resin; you can also collect frozen resin - but in this case (before using it, you need to hold it in a water bath for some time so that it becomes soft. And resin is used to treat rheumatism, radiculitis, gout, neuralgia, diseases upper respiratory tract, lungs and bronchi, neurasthenia, kidney diseases, digestive organs and many other ailments.

I was tormented by pain in the sacrum and lower spine. Doctors diagnosed me with lumbodynia. They prescribed medications and massage, but the disease did not go away. They say that in such cases the resin of coniferous trees is used. Please advise how to use it?

Mix a teaspoon of liquid cedar, fir or spruce resin with 200 g of massage oil and use for therapeutic massage. The course of treatment is 12-15 sessions.

Since early childhood, I have been plagued by constant colds and herpes - sores appear not only on the lips, but also on the nose. I heard that resin helps with such a misfortune. Write how to use it?

Usually, before the appearance of herpes sores on the lips, there is mild redness and itching. Take a cotton swab soaked in a mixture of resin and any vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio and apply to this area for 20-25 minutes. You can use any resin - spruce, cedar or pine. Repeat the procedure after 2-4 hours

For colds and sore throats, dissolve 1/2 coffee spoon of pine or cedar resin in your mouth twice a day after meals.

. Tell me how to treat stomach ulcers with wood resin?

In the morning, half an hour before meals, hold a small (pea-sized) piece of cedar or pine resin under your tongue for 8-10 minutes. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks to one and a half months.

Hello! I am 75 years old. I broke my leg four months ago, but I still can’t walk: the doctors say the bones aren’t healing well. I recently read somewhere that fractures used to be treated with spruce resin, but I don’t remember how. Could you please post the recipe?

Place a large onion, grated on a fine grater, in an enamel saucepan, 4 tablespoons olive oil, a tablespoon of powdered copper sulfate and spruce resin, mix thoroughly and put on low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil (but do not boil!), then cool. Apply the ointment as a compress to the fracture site - healing will go twice as fast.

I’ve been working as a carpenter since I was 12, and sometimes you cut your hand, but the wound doesn’t heal for a long time. In such cases, my grandmother cooked ointment with resin. Maybe you know how to cook it?

Mix fresh pine resin with sea buckthorn oil in a 2:1 ratio, boil the mixture over low heat for 2-3 minutes, cool. Lubricate the wound two to three times a day until completely healed. Store the ointment for six months in a cool place in a tightly closed bottle.

I wish you good health! I came across your newspaper, read it and decided - I’ll write a letter, maybe you can help me? I live in Siberia, hard work - logging. I’m only about fifty years old, almost fifty, but recently I started to notice that I seem to be losing male strength. There is no time to go to doctors, and it’s inconvenient. A friend told me that ordinary resin, the kind you can find on a tree, helps with impotence. Can you tell me how specifically to use it?
A tincture with resin helps well against impotence. Pour a teaspoon of cedar, pine or spruce resin into 0.5 liters of good vodka and let it brew for 5 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Drink 3 tablespoons with lunch and dinner.


Dear editors, good health to you! The whole village reads your newspaper and admires it! There are fifteen old pensioners living here, aged from 58 to 87 years. We heal in our own way, in a village way. And we advise others: it helps us! For example, two years ago I was overcome by polyarthritis. This is what our village people advised me. You need to go to the bathhouse twice a week to steam all the bones, and add pine decoction with oleoresin to the water (2-3 tablespoons of crushed dry buds and branches of spruce or pine and 2 teaspoons of oleoresin, brew with a liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat 15-20 minutes). It’s also very good to rub your joints every other day with oleoresin mixed with vegetable oil. You treat for two weeks, rest for two weeks, and then you can repeat it again. Of course, I haven’t completely overcome my pain, but my joints no longer hurt and have stopped swelling.

The only contraindication to treatment with resin is individual intolerance. To find out if you are allergic to the resin of coniferous trees, rub a drop of resin into the skin on the inside of the forearm. If after 12-20 hours no redness appears in this area, you can begin treatment.


Treatment with pine resin - resin

All pine wood is permeated with tiny resin passages. If you inflict a wound on a tree, fragrant amber resin will emerge from the resin passages and quickly flood it. The tree puts a band-aid on itself. Many plants have the ability to produce resin. The resin serves as a means of protection against penetration into tissue cells harmful microorganisms. Protective properties resins lie not so much in the viscous consistency of the latter, but in the bactericidal effect of the substances included in its composition. That is why plant resins, in particular pine resin, were included in the compositions for embalming corpses among the ancient Egyptians. The bactericidal properties of resins can last for thousands of years. This is evidenced by an experiment carried out by Doctor of Biological Sciences F.V. Khetagurova. She examined the bactericidal effect of pieces of tarred fabric that had lain in the tomb of one of the Egyptian pharaohs for about 3 thousand years, and found that the resin impregnation continued to have a fairly strong bactericidal effect. The bacteria sown on the nutrient medium around a piece of tarred tissue died, and only on the periphery of the nutrient medium did the bacteria multiply as usual.

Chemically, plant resins are a mixture of resin acids, resin alcohols, their esters, pigments and some other substances. According to their consistency, resins can be liquid, soft or hard. All of them are insoluble in water, but easily soluble in alcohol, chloroform and other organic solvents.

Even in the last century, resins were widely used in medicine as astringents and antiseptics. Currently, they are being replaced from medical practice by more effective medicinal substances, practical significance contains only pine resin, from which substances valuable for medicine such as turpentine and rosin are extracted.

How is resin extracted from pine trees? There are several methods of extraction, one of which is called tipping. Numerous deep cuts are made on the tree trunk in the form of gutters, located obliquely one above the other. The wounded tree begins to secrete resin, which flows through the grooves into the placed containers. This first release of resin is not too abundant, since the damage caused to the tree quickly heals. After a week, the cuts on the trunk are cleared again, thereby causing a more intense secondary release of resin. In this way, over the summer it is possible to obtain from 300 to 650 g of resin from each tree. The trees do not die, and resin can be extracted for many years.

Resin can be obtained not only from living trees, but also from pine stumps, which contain quite a lot of it. The stumps are crushed and the resin is extracted from the wood through extraction or distillation.

Liquid resin, or resin, collected from trees is purified and subjected to steam distillation. In this case, the resin is divided into two fractions: the volatile one, carried away from the cube along with the steam, and the heavy fraction - the well-known rosin, which remains at the bottom of the cube. Light faction resin is called turpentine, and it is used in medical practice as medicine. Turpentine can also be obtained by steam distilling crushed pine wood. Turpentine is a colorless clear liquid with a peculiar smell and burning taste.


Pine resin, or turpentine, has very valuable medicinal properties. Sometimes resin is called balsam. It is obtained by tapping.

Tapping pine resin

Tapping is a technique for obtaining sap from trees, carried out by systematically cutting the sapwood. Resin is extracted from conifers by tapping, and sugar-bearing sap is extracted from maple and birch. To obtain resin, karra is laid on the trunk of a coniferous tree, i.e. a section of the trunk 10-20 cm wide and 40-50 cm long is freed from the bark. A longitudinal groove with a branch (“herringbone”) is made in the sapwood to the depth of several annual rings. A receiver is attached to the tree under this groove. In front of the receiver, a bent metal plate is strengthened - a crampon, along which the resin flows into the receiver. The liquid resin flowing from the carra quickly hardens and heals the wound. Therefore, the carra needs to be renewed from time to time, i.e. clean and apply a new brine above the first one. This repeated wounding is called undercut or heave. In all pine forests scheduled for felling in 5-10 years, forestry organizations organize short-term tapping. With this method, several karras are planted on a tree, 5 years before it is cut down. When tapping trees that are not intended for felling, 1-2 karras are planted, which does not affect its viability. In deciduous forests, this method is used to obtain sweet sap from birch and some types of maple. To obtain sap in tree trunks during the period of sap flow, a hole is drilled with a brace at a height of 70 cm from the ground. The resulting juice is evaporated to a syrupy state. The syrup is used in Food Industry. In tropical countries, a similar method of tapping is used to extract the milky juice from Hevea to obtain rubber.

For furunculosis, resin was smeared on a cloth and applied to the sore spots. Two or three days of such treatment led to complete resorption of the boils. Collected from the trunk, it is recommended to swallow 5-6 grains per dose twice a day when coughing.

The composition of resin contains from 15 to 30% essential oil (turpentine) and 60-80% resin. Turpentine, which mainly includes mono- and sesquiterpenoids, is called turpentine oil. The main components of turpentine oil: - α-pinene, β-pinene, carene, α-thuyene, camphene, myrcene, β-limonene (dipentene), camphor, β-phellandrene, γ-terpinene, n-cymene, terpinolene, bornyl acetate, borneol and isoborneol.

Purified turpentine oil is part of the drug Olimetinum, used for urolithiasis and gallstone diseases.

After the turpentine is separated from the resin, rosin remains. Industrially, purified turpentine is obtained from it, which is used for rubbing for neuralgia, rheumatism, and sometimes taken orally one or two drops with milk, as well as for inhalation for putrefactive bronchitis and other lung diseases. However, turpentine is contraindicated for people with damaged liver and kidneys!

Turpentine is irritating and antiseptic effect and is widely used externally for radiculitis, myositis, joint diseases, bronchiectasis, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Turpentine is added to baths during treatment according to the Zalmanov method and used for inhalation.

Turpentine is used in various ointments, balms, and rubbing mixtures as a skin irritant for rheumatism and colds. It disinfects rooms and refreshes the air. Turpentine hydrate is obtained from it, often used with codeine for coughs.

Rosin is included in various patches. Tar is obtained from pine chips and used in ointments to treat eczema, scabies and scaly lichen.

The following drugs can be found in the pharmacy:

Purified turpentine (Oleum Terebinthinae rectificatum). Use 10-15 drops per glass hot water(for inhalations).

Turpentine liniment (Linimentum olei Terebinthinae compositum). Used externally for rubbing for neuralgia, myositis, rheumatism.

Tar and coal

Pine tar is obtained by dry distillation. It is used as part of various ointments in the treatment of skin diseases. After dry distillation, coal remains in the cube. It is treated with steam at high temperatures to form activated carbon.


Back in the 19th century, the great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov noted the beneficial effects of turpentine and oleoresin directly on long-term non-healing wounds. Until now, in some regions of Russia, the resin of coniferous trees is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of burns, trophic ulcers, wounds, mastitis and other diseases.

Anyone who has encountered such an unpleasant skin disease as neurodermatitis at least once in their life knows that its treatment is a troublesome and lengthy task; it requires patience from both the patient and his loved ones.

Yes, it is patience, Valentina Smerdeva (Perm region, Osa) is convinced, that has become the main healer in the fight against neurodermatitis, which her youngest daughter fell ill with when she was still a child. kindergarten. The child could not sleep due to the exhausting itching, and mother and daughter hugged each other and cried together at night. But one day Valentina said to herself: enough! And she began to study reference books on traditional medicine. I found an ointment recipe, prepared it, and began to lubricate the affected areas. She changed the bandages in the morning and evening, sometimes did not leave her daughter’s side for days, and after half a year there was no trace of the disease.

To prepare the ointment, you need 500 g of St. John's wort oil, 100 g of crushed birch buds, 250 g of unsalted butter, 100 g of pine resin powder, 50 g of dry celandine grass powder, 100 g of beeswax, 30 g of crushed chalk and 50 g of celandine powder. dry birch leaves. Place butter and beeswax in an enamel pan and bring to a boil with continuous stirring. Then add resin and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring with a wooden stick. Pour in the powders of celandine and birch leaves, boil for another 5 minutes, pour in St. John's wort oil, stir everything well again and add chalk. Simmer in the oven for 2.5 hours, remembering to stir occasionally. Then put Birch buds, put on low heat and keep for 30 minutes. Then remove and cool for 6 hours. Then bring the mixture to a boil again, strain while hot through several layers of gauze, pour into jars, sealing well. Store in a cool, dark place. The ointment perfectly softens the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves itchy skin. Clean cloths should be covered with a thin layer of ointment and applied to the sore spot.

An attentive reader has noticed that the ointment also contains oleoresin. The famous St. Petersburg healer N.A. Rozmanova told how in the post-war period, while in orphanage near Leningrad, they, small children, chewed young shoots of Christmas trees, and this saved them from scurvy and preserved their teeth. Smirnova M.A. from Kirov completely agrees with her. Here's her story:

“As children, we—children of war—were constantly looking for something to eat, drink, chew. Ate hare cabbage, groundnuts, wild onions, drank birch sap; chewed resin from the Christmas tree. But I especially liked going for pine sap, which is contained in the cambium - the layer between the bark and the trunk. They removed the bark, then the cambium, it was juicy and tasty. Maybe thanks to this, my teeth remained strong and healthy for a long time.

We used the resin from the Christmas tree for all sorts of purulent skin diseases: panaritium, boils, and other wounds.

The resin cleanses well of pus and gives fast healing. To use, you need to take a piece of resin and knead it for a long time with three fingers, spitting on it and bringing it to a very soft consistency. Then you need to quickly make a cake and put it on sore spot, bandaged for 2-3 days. You can repeat the procedure several times. The wounds are cleaned and heal quickly.”

Resin from any coniferous tree can cure various diseases throat up to sore throat. Therefore, while walking in the forest, collect pieces of resin from a pine or spruce tree in a plastic bag and keep it in your medicine cabinet at home. At the first sign of a cold, take a piece and suck it like a caramel for 10-15 minutes several times a day. The saliva produced during sucking should be swallowed.

Currently, pine buds are widely used in medicine. They are often included in diuretic preparations. A decoction prepared from them is recommended as an expectorant and disinfectant for inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, prescribed for inhalation, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. To obtain a decoction, add 2 teaspoons of dried buds to a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, and strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

In addition, the decoction pine buds used for rinsing as a wound-healing agent that stimulates tissue regeneration for periodontal disease, bleeding gums, and inflammation of the oral mucosa. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of dried buds into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, and apply externally.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the kidneys is used for rickets, rheumatism, dropsy, urolithiasis, skin diseases associated with metabolic disorders, and also as a choleretic and menstruation regulating agent.

Drink hot milk with pine pollen (1 teaspoon per glass) once a day for hypertension, rheumatism and as a general tonic.

In addition, pollen is infused in alcohol or brewed in boiling water (or in hot milk) and, adding honey and oil, is used for lung diseases.

In the treatment of pulmonary diseases, resin (freshly flowing resin) is also used: it is filled with water and kept in the sun for 9 days.

Young (red) cones Infuse vodka and drink for heart pain, green cones,

Pine trees that appear in the first year of life are used as a hemostatic agent.

Needles Used for baths; An ointment for healing wounds is prepared from oleoresin boiled with pork fat and sugar.

Attention! Pine preparations are contraindicated for hepatitis, glomerulonephritis and pregnancy.


Essential oil

Scots pine

Scots pine needles contain 0.19-1.15% essential oil. From 1 ton of pine greenery, an average of 3-4 kg of pine essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. Other types of pine are also suitable for its production. Pine essential oil is light, fluid, colorless. The main aroma is deep, resinous, bitter, cool. Shades of tonality: upper - soft, oily-camphor; medium - woody-coniferous; the lower one is soft, musky and dusty.

The main components of the essential oil: α- and β-pinene, camphene, sabinene, limonene, δ-carene, α- and β-phellandrene, myrcene, ocimene, thujene, camphor, caryophyllene, bornyl acetate. It has long been known that in a pine forest the air is clean and easy to breathe. The needles release highly volatile phytoncides, which have a strong bactericidal effect. Therefore, sanatoriums for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis are located in pine forests.

But quantitative studies of pine volatile emissions and their effects on the human body have only recently begun. Firstly, interest in aromatherapy - treatment with essential oils - has grown, and secondly, appropriate scientific methods have been developed.

When inhaling the vapors of pine essential oil, bronchial secretion increases, which contributes to the dilution and release of sputum. That's why essential oil used for catarrh of the throat and bronchitis, for rheumatism. An alcohol solution of essential oil, known as “Forest Water,” is sprayed on residential, medical and school premises.

Pine oil can be used in office and residential premises, hospital wards, kindergartens, schools, and in saunas to aromatize the air. In this case, almost all bacteria and viruses that cause diseases die.

Pine oil is included in the preparations “Rivatinex”, “Pinabin”, etc. for the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as in various inhalation mixtures for bronchial diseases.

An aqueous solution of pine essential oil (2-3 drops per glass of water) is used to treat periodontal disease.

When air aromatization containing 0.1-0.5 mg/m3 of pine essential oils in patients after myocardial infarction, angina attacks decreased or disappeared, blood pressure normalized, and general conditions and sleep, positive ECG dynamics were noted. In the form of aerosols, essential oil is effective against staphylococcal infections.

Aromatherapists classify pine essential oil as aromatic adaptogens. It is believed that the use of essential oil in an aroma lamp purifies and disinfects indoor air. Neutralizes nicotine smoke.

Essential oil from pine needles stimulates peripheral blood circulation and improves tissue trophism. Its external use relieves pain and eliminates swelling in osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, myositis, neuritis and neuralgia.

At internal use pine oil is a decongestant, mild diuretic, helps dissolve conglomerates in the kidneys and bladder, has an anti-inflammatory effect in cystitis, urethritis. Aromatherapists consider it a good hemostatic agent for traumatic bleeding.

A little mysticism: Bioenergy therapists say that pine oil eliminates pessimism and does not allow you to feel sorry for yourself for a single minute. A fragrance that prohibits you from shifting your problems “from a sore head to a healthy one,” explaining any of your failures by a coincidence of circumstances and the opposition of others. A stoic, masculine scent. Eliminates aggression and impulsiveness. It is an aromatic “plug” that allows the young wine of emotions to “ferment” and become a fine wine.

Pine is an experienced etheric “surgeon” who professionally removes dead and decaying energy. Provides an opportunity to work out the problems that caused the formation of energy “dirt.” It encourages, first of all, not to look for a source of knowledge from anyone, but to look into your own world and the world around you. Opens the breath of the aura, refreshed by the influx of new High energy, born from an enlightened harmonious fusion with the life-giving forces of Air, Earth, Water and Fire.

There are many ways to use pine oil. We will try to talk about some of them. The simplest is inhalation. Now it is fashionable to use special aroma makers. If you have this cute little thing in your household, then to “refuel” it you need 4-5 drops of oil. The session lasts 20 minutes. If you don’t have an incense maker, you can simply put the same 4 drops on a cloth or cotton wool and put it on the battery.

For colds, you can drop 2-3 drops into a bowl of boiling water, lean over it and breathe, breathe... 5-10 minutes. This method of application will help you quickly cope with cough and runny nose.

This is interesting: You can combine aromatherapy with breathing exercises and meditation. For execution breathing exercises, giving an attitude towards success and harmony with the world, apply 7 drops of pine oil on your palms, rub, bring your palms to your face 5-7 cm and, holding them vertically, in the appropriate time ratio of 1:4:2, take a deep breath - hold your breath -exhalation. The duration of the procedure increases gradually: from 1 to 7 minutes per day.

To prepare a bath, you need 4-6 drops, which are mixed with milk, bubble bath, honey, cream or sea salt. The resulting mixture is poured or poured into the bath. Such baths are indispensable for diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

For a sauna, 2-3 drops per 15 m2 of room are enough.

Due to their easy solubility in lipids, turpentine and pine essential oil penetrate deeply into the skin, irritate it and reflexively cause some changes in the body. Therefore, they rubbed sore joints with turpentine to reduce pain and swelling.

To prepare massage oil, take 5-6 drops per 15 g of base oil. As a rule, this is peach, olive or simply refined sunflower oil. To rub sore joints, prepare an ointment of 7 drops and 10 g of base (lanolin, petroleum jelly). You can prepare turpentine ointment in the same way.

Pine essential oil is used internally with honey or jam. The dose is 1 drop 1-2 times a day. Wash it down with orange or pineapple juice, tea, wine.

Those who like something unusual can flavor dry tea leaves or wine with oil. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Contraindications. You should never take pine oil on an empty stomach. It cannot be used internally continuously for more than 7 days. The dose should not exceed 2 drops per day. You should not take oil internally if you have gastritis and peptic ulcer. Before internal and external use, check the oil for individual tolerance. At excessive concentrations it may cause allergic reaction, and when used externally, skin irritation.


Healing pollen

The pollen of pine, like many other plants, is also healing. It is collected in May, during the flowering of pine trees. Prepared in the morning. To do this, put a plastic bag on the flowering branches and hit them with a stick. When struck, pollen spills out of the “inflorescences” and settles on the bottom and inner walls of the bag. The collected pollen is sifted through a sieve and spread in a thin layer on paper in a warm and dry place for drying.

IN last years Valuable medicinal properties of pine pollen have been established. It turned out that this is a ready-made concentrate various vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances. In terms of its tonic and stimulating effect, it is close to such adaptogenic plants as ginseng, and increases the body’s resistance to adverse conditions environment. Pine pollen with honey is used for prostate adenoma, and also as a general tonic vitamin remedy after serious illnesses and operations. Swedish doctors have experimentally proven high efficiency pollen for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. To treat these diseases, it is mixed with slightly warmed bee honey in equal parts by volume. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner, drinking a small amount boiled water or milk.

If you look closely at coniferous trees, can be replaced in place of broken branches or cuts on the trunk, droplets of a transparent, resinous yellow liquid. This is nothing more than resin. Since ancient times, this substance has been used to treat many diseases, most often by residents of Siberia or those places where coniferous trees grow: spruce, pine, cedar. In today's article you will learn what pine resin is, when its use is good for health and what diseases can be cured with its help.

Resin is the resinous sap of a pine tree (similar), but this thick mass, which appears when coniferous wood is wounded. It is released from the cuts in the wood and hardens on the surface. The hardened juice in the air is called scientifically - barras, and popularly - sulfur, although with the same name chemical element it has nothing in common with the periodic table. And, perhaps, many in childhood chewed this sulfur like chewing gum. I also chewed it as a child, not even knowing how beneficial it was.

The function of resin is to protect the plant from bark beetles and fungal spores getting into the wood, and promotes faster recovery and healing of the tree structure.

During the First and Second World Wars of the last century, when hospitals lacked medicine, thanks to pine resin, more than one thousand ordinary soldiers were cured. And it’s not for nothing that they call it resin - the resin got its name from the word “to survive, to heal.”

Pine resin helped hunters in the taiga when they went hunting for one to two weeks or longer. With its help, they treated not only wounds, but also saved themselves from colds. But the use of resin is much broader.

What are the benefits of pine resin?

The uniqueness of its medicinal properties is explained by its chemical composition, just like other representatives of the flora. How is pine resin useful?

About three quarters chemical composition occupy resin acids, retinols – resin esters, fatty acid And succinic acid micro, – macroelements, vitamins.

  • Vitamins – A, D, E, C, K, PP, group B;
  • Trace elements and minerals - potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, copper, chromium, zinc, barium, cobalt, molybdenum.

Surprisingly, with such a viscous consistency of the resin, it can move along the passages inside the wood. The oleoresin contains substances - turpentines; they are good solvents and allow the oleoresin to remain a liquid, albeit a very viscous one.

Medicinal properties have pronounced

  • antiseptic and antibacterial effect, capable of coping with many pathogenic microbes, viruses and fungi,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • wound healing,
  • analgesic properties.

In addition, it is a powerful immunostimulant and antioxidant.

On the basis of pine resin, gum ointment and derivatives of this substance are produced in industry: turpentine and rosin. Purified turpentine is quite widely used in official medicine, it is included in many ointments for rubbing for diseases of the joints and spine, and is used for turpentine baths, for inhalation for respiratory diseases. Rosin in modern conditions used when tuning stringed instruments.

Based on turpentine oil, the substance Olimethine is produced, which is used to treat cholelithiasis.


There are practically no contraindications to pine resin, as well as to drugs made from it. Harm from use can only occur if there is individual intolerance. To check if you are allergic to pine resin, it is enough to inner surface Rub a small amount of resin onto your forearms and wait a few minutes. In the absence of redness, swelling and itching, oleoresin can be used in the form of ointments or orally.

Any kidney pathology (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis) is also contraindicated for use.

Application of pine resin

Pine resin is used in the form of ointments or oils for external use, as well as internally. Let's look at a few recipes.

Ground resin powder

The powder is used to make ointments and tinctures, as well as for oral use in powder form to strengthen the immune system, treat colds and gum problems. Use half a teaspoon two to three times a day before meals.

For gastritis, to reduce pain, you can simply dissolve a piece of resin in your mouth; after 5-10 minutes, the pain may subside.

First freeze the collected resin in the freezer, and then grind it into powder using a grater or pound it in a mortar. Dry the crushed resin, and then pour it into a clean and dry jar for storage.

To prepare the ointment, take 50 g of resin, 100 g of beeswax and 100 g of internal pork or beef lard. Mix everything and heat in a water bath. A slightly warm ointment is applied to the wound or abscess, pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide, preferably at night.

Externally, the ointment is used for mastitis, mastopathy, and any injuries. skin, including bedsores, trophic ulcers, furunculosis and burns, as well as hemorrhoids. For colds, ointment or oil can be applied chest and neck area.

Oil for pain in joints and muscles

The oil is prepared as follows. Take pine resin, vodka and vegetable oil in equal quantities. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to infuse. After a week, strain the mixture and store in a cool place.

By rubbing oil on problem areas, it is well absorbed into the skin and is better absorbed by the body, since the therapeutic properties of the oil are added to the therapeutic effect of the resin itself.

For treatment varicose veins Prepare vein-on-nonah oil in this way: for 10 parts of vegetable oil, take 1 part of pine resin, mix and put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes. Let the oil cool to room temperature, and then lubricate the sore veins, preferably at night.

For burns

Take pine resin, sea buckthorn oil and lard in equal proportions, mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to the bandage and apply to the burned area for 1 hour. Change the bandage three times a day until epithelization of the burn surface begins.

Compresses for mastopathy

Heat 100 ml of olive oil in a water bath, add 20 g of crushed dry resin, stir.

Make compresses on the mammary gland every day or rub oil into the chest. The oil will also help prevent the appearance of cracked nipples, as well as directly treat them.

How to prepare the tincture

Pour 20-30 g of crushed dry resin with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, leave to infuse for three weeks. Apply 1 tbsp orally. l. 2-3 times a day or externally for rubbing for radiculitis, arthritis, gout, sprains.

Cancer treatment

I found on the Internet an interesting recipe for using pine resin to treat cancer. Find an old or middle-aged pine tree and collect the resin from it. It is better not to use young pine resin, as it cannot be swallowed because it is sticky.

You need to chew the resin in your mouth until you move it around in your mouth like candy until it begins to crumble, then swallow the resin. After this, take a piece of resin into your mouth again and chew it again, and then swallow it. And so chew the resin constantly throughout the day and until you notice positive results in the treatment. Undoubtedly, treatment with resin is long-term and must be combined with treatment prescribed by a doctor.

With every sip of pine resin, pine nutrients enter the body and all metabolic processes in the body will pass gradually, without emergency loads, smoothly activating the immune system.

To relieve symptoms of intoxication during chemotherapy, a mixture of pine resin and honey in equal proportions will help. Use the mixture three times a day, a tablespoon for a month, and you can already notice positive result. Patient reviews about this treatment method are only positive.

How to prepare it yourself

To harvest pine resin for future use, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. All you have to do is go to a pine forest and look for pieces of hardened resin on the trunks. The resin is easy to remove; even a child can do it.

How to collect resin and options for its use can be found in this video.

And if the pine forest is far from you and there is no way to collect pine resin yourself, then you can purchase it in online stores.

Dear readers, today I introduced you to pine resin, a cure for many diseases, which in recent years has become very popular in folk medicine. If you are in a pine forest, do not forget to pick up at least a little of this amazing medicine. Be healthy!

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

In the harsh climate of Siberia, mighty cedars have been growing for hundreds of years with excellent wood for furniture and construction, very healthy and tasty nuts, as well as tree resin, popularly called resin. So, resin is a resin that got its name due to its beneficial properties, due to the fact that during photosynthesis cedar produces negatively ionized oxygen.

Due to the fact that Siberians widely use the benefits available to them, which also includes resin, whose medicinal properties have been known from time immemorial, they are an example for other peoples, if we're talking about about a strong and healthy person.


Coniferous resin became famous and widely used during the Second World War. At that time, the fronts faced the problem of disinfecting wounds received in battles. The deficiency of antibiotics was successfully compensated when oleoresin was used. Its use contributed to disinfection, as well as the rapid healing of wounds. In addition, this resin was a stimulant for the body, successfully maintaining its strength.

In Siberian settlements, cakes made from resin are still in use today. Chewing them regularly eliminates various diseases oral cavity: disinfects, strengthens gums, prevents tooth decay, etc.

In those days when medicine was in its infancy and was inaccessible to the common Siberian peasant, he actively used various folk remedies. Thus, the common man was saved from inevitable blindness by resin. Its use saved me from eye diseases better than any medicine. And even though in those days the medical concepts used today, such as ulcers and cancer, had not yet been scientifically formed, it was the resin of pine needles that served to treat and prevent their occurrence.

Biochemical composition

The best confirmation is that cedar resin- this is a substance that has medicinal properties, it is believed that scientists and medical professionals have shown interest in it. They carried out a biochemical analysis of it and revealed the presence of various useful components. It is necessary to briefly mention the most important of them: neutral substances - sesquiterpenes and diterpenes, monoterpenes - this is the basis for the production of turpentine, organic acids; colored alcohols and resinols, ester complexes, fatty acids (stearic, lauric, etc.) and

It should be noted that the preventive and medicinal properties of oleoresin are explained by the presence of neutral substances in it, whose share is about 20 percent.

Energy wave

In addition to its chemical composition, people also attribute more interesting medicinal qualities to cedar. It is believed that what the plant generously shares with people emits special energy vibrations, whose waves correspond to the energy waves of an absolutely healthy person. And that thanks to this phenomenon, oleoresin (reviews about it can be read in the article below), entering the body, immediately begins to tune its cells to a positive wave, cleanses it of diseases and harmful substances, and also accelerates regeneration.

Resin is a cedar resin, the bioenergy of which allows it to be used as an effective pharmacological agent, as well as in cosmetology. In addition, there is an opinion that its bioenergy gives confidence in one’s capabilities, calms the nerves, helps make the right decisions, and evens out the mood. In other words, she is a healer of both body and soul. Although these are precisely the things that are quite difficult to verify scientifically.

Use of resin

Resin is a substance that is rarely used in pure form. It is mainly used in the manufacture of oils, balms, etc. She reveals herself best in balms. They are healthy and completely safe for consumption.

Professional doctors believe that it is necessary to start taking such balms with 5 drops, gradually increasing the dose to a tablespoon. It is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The exact dosage will be prescribed by the attending physician, who will focus on the disease, as well as its stage.

When using oil based on cedar resin, you can strengthen the body and also get relaxation during a massage (general or therapeutic).

People who have been treated with this remedy say that it helped them get rid of various kinds dermatological problems. For example, after using ointments with resin, cuts and wounds heal almost immediately, including those that were severely festered before using the ointment; in addition, psoriasis almost completely disappeared.

Resin has also found use among women. Girls, with their constant craving for beauty, using a cream with resin, will receive perfectly moisturized skin that can gain a second youth, get rid of cracking and dryness, as well as wrinkles.

Drops containing oleoresin, whose medicinal properties will allow you to disinfect and clear the nasopharynx in the most effective way, will help you get rid of sinusitis, constant runny nose or colds, as well as strengthen your immune system.

Angina arrhythmias

Resin has also found application in the treatment of these diseases. At the very beginning of an attack, you need to rub 10 drops of a 5% solution into the chest (between midline and left nipple). Moreover, to prevent such conditions, it is possible to combine external daily rubbing for a month with internal use(5 drops once a day).

Pressure pathologies

For hypertension or hypotension, the following folk remedies will help. Treatment begins with taking 3 drops of a 10% solution orally once a day, gradually increasing the dose to 3 times. The course of treatment is 1 month.

For vascular endarteritis and neurocirculatory dystonia

In this case, take 5 drops of the product orally three times a day, and in the evening also lubricate the affected limbs. Treatment should be carried out for three months. You can also do this to enhance the effect.

Enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis

Resin, the price of which is quite affordable (about 360 rubles per 100 ml bottle), is also used to treat these diseases. A 15% solution is taken. It is necessary to apply five drops orally in the first week of treatment in the morning before meals, then (if the discomfort) the dose is increased to ten drops (taken at 8, 12 and 18 o'clock), while the duration of treatment is one month. This treatment also restores the intestinal microflora.


A 25 percent solution is used. You need to rub your legs, chest, back, and nose. It is necessary to do this 4 times a day for prevention during epidemics, and also instill 3 drops of a 5% solution into the nose twice a day.


Moisten a tampon with the same solution, then insert it into the anus. If external nodes appear, they need to be massaged with resin. In addition, enemas with it have a positive effect.


Drop the same solution onto the tonsils or lubricate them. This must be repeated every 6 hours, and when the first signs of this pathology occur, the drug must be rubbed on the outside of the tonsils, and a compress must be applied for 20 minutes.

External use

A 100% solution is used when inflammation of the mammary gland occurs. In this case, the product is rubbed directly into the site of the disease, in addition, compresses with a 5 percent solution are used, and along with it this solution is taken orally three times a day, 5 drops. This treatment lasts two months.

The following baths help with prostatitis: a tablespoon of a 50 percent solution in a glass of water, it should be taken for 15 minutes every day, the course of treatment is 12 baths. In addition, it is necessary to rub this product into the perineal area for three months. In addition, enemas with a 5 percent solution will help.

For neuritis, it is necessary to rub a 25% solution four times a day along the nerve. If it is located deep in the tissues, you need to apply a compress for twenty minutes. The course of such treatment can range from a week to 3 months.

Also, a 25% solution is used for joint inflammation. It is rubbed three times a day into the joint area, the duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition.

For osteochondrosis, massage is done with a solution. The general course is 10-15 sessions, in addition, it is very useful for myositis and plexitis.

Skin pathology

It should be noted that for streptoderma and dry eczema, a special ointment is prepared. Resin and medical grease are its main components. The affected areas are lubricated twice a day, while the resin is taken orally, 5 drops three times a day. The general therapeutic course is 20 days.

The affected areas are lubricated twice a day with a 15 percent solution. If there is no effect, you can add five drops orally twice a day.

For trophic ulcers, cotton wool, previously soaked in a solution of resin, is applied to the lesions.

For herpes, at the first symptoms, cotton wool moistened with a 50% solution is applied for half an hour. Repeat after a few hours - up to 5 times a day.

For burns and frostbite, apply a bandage moistened with a 5% solution.


The properties of resin help a person cure various diseases. But it also has contraindications. One of them is individual intolerance. Cedar resin should be stored in a dark and cool place, the period of use is one year.

This remedy should only be used as an adjunct to treatment prescribed by a physician.

Zhivitsa: reviews

Reading reviews of people who have used preparations with cedar resin, we can conclude that it helps many with various skin diseases, blood pressure pathologies and neuritis. Reading dissatisfied reviews, you can find out that it is not so easy to buy. In addition, there are people with individual intolerance to the drug.