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Medicines for rapid healing of wounds. The best ointments and creams that can quickly heal skin wounds

The skin is often exposed to injuries of varying severity. Special wound healing ointments will speed up the recovery process. A quick effect from their use can be observed only if the treatment method is correctly selected and the rules for treating damaged epidermis are followed. It is worth taking a closer look at what types of ointments are used for a particular type of wound. Let's consider the most effective and popular means.

Indications for the use of wound healing agents

The skin performs protective function, preventing entry into the body pathogens. Violation of the integrity of the dermis can lead to serious consequences. A wound is an open door for infection. Therefore, it is so important to take timely measures and begin treatment of the damaged area.

Get damaged skin quite simple, even if you strictly follow the safety rules. And in childhood It is even easier to get injured, and this does not depend at all on what gender the child is. Every family should have a wound healing agent in their first aid kit. It should be used for the following indications:

Wound healing ointment promotes the rapid regeneration of damaged skin and the return of a person to normal life. Therefore, in some cases you cannot do without a miracle remedy. It should be taken into account that when in serious condition It is better to seek medical help rather than self-medicate, which most often leads to negative consequences.

Purulent wound: how to treat?

Towards development purulent process leads to infection with streptococci, coli and staphylococci. Bacteria can enter the wound from clothing, dirty hands, or soil. In this case, they speak of primary infection. If dressing rules are not followed, pathogenic microflora can also enter the body and give impetus to the development of suppuration (secondary infection).

The beginning of the purulent process is indicated by the release of exudate from the wound. This liquid contains a large number of bacteria, cellular elements. Treatment consists of constant washing, draining (if necessary), applying antibacterial agents and liniments that contribute to the process of cover regeneration.

Ointment for purulent wounds ah should prevent the growth of bacteria, reduce the inflammatory process, promote the removal of exudate, and have a restorative effect. Antiseptic drugs should be used first.

Means for the treatment of purulent wounds

The most effective are multicomponent ointments that cleanse the damaged surface of pus and speed up the healing process.

Tested means include:

Antibiotic ointments: indications for use

Antibacterial ointments should be used in case of infectious lesion wounds when suppuration began. Such agents have a wide spectrum of action and have a detrimental effect on various types of pathogens. Wound healing ointment with an antibiotic will be effective for trophic ulcers, eczema, burns (temperature and chemical), inflammatory and purulent skin diseases (furunculosis, acne). Bacterial infection is also possible after surgery.

Ointment "Levomekol"

The product has been used for many years to treat wounds of various etiologies. The ointment contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) and the immunostimulating substance methyluracil. This universal drug, used in various fields of medicine, promotes skin healing. "Levomekol" is used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, purulent lesions of the epidermis. To prevent infection, surgical sutures are treated with ointment.

The active antibacterial component - chloramphenicol - has a wide spectrum of action. Gram-positive bacteria are sensitive to it, but on an ongoing basis the microorganisms become accustomed and the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

Wound healing ointment (Levomekol) is applied to the damaged surface in a thin layer or used in the form of applications to treat purulent wounds. The course of therapy should not exceed 10 days (with a frequency of application 1-2 times a day). Under the supervision of a doctor, the ointment can be used during pregnancy.

Antibacterial ointment "Oflokain"

A combined medication containing ofloxacin and lidocaine has an antibacterial effect. Efficiency extends to gram-negative and gram-positive microflora. Strong hypersmolar activity helps absorb exudate and reduce inflammation. Lidocaine provides an analgesic effect.

“Oflokain” is an anesthetic, wound-healing ointment. It is preferable to use it in the first phase of the wound process, when strong discharge exudate. Indications for prescribing the drug are postoperative wounds, trophic ulcers, burns of varying severity, purulent-inflammatory processes. The ointment is used not only for inpatient treatment, but also for use in everyday life.

The product must be applied directly to damaged areas of the skin. You can also place tampons soaked in ointment in the cavities of wounds of purulent etiology. The surface must first be treated with an antiseptic. When treating burns, the drug is applied 2-3 times a week; purulent wounds must be treated daily.

"Pimafukort": antibacterial hormonal ointment

Pimafukort ointment is a combination drug for the treatment of skin lesions. It contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic neomycin, an antifungal substance natamitacin and a glucocorticosteroid - hydrocortisone. Thanks to these components, Pimafucort can simultaneously destroy pathogenic microflora(staphylococcus, klebsiella, enterococcus, proteus, yeast-like fungi) and have an antipruritic effect.

Most often, the ointment is prescribed for the treatment of dermatoses, mycoses and related infections. Despite the hormonal component in the composition, the product is used in pediatrics (if the child is older than 1 year), but only under the constant supervision of a specialist. The instructions prohibit applying the product to open wounds, ulcerative lesions, acne.

When is antibiotic ointment prohibited?

It is not always possible to use antibacterial wound-healing ointments. A quick effect can only be expected if the patient has previously visited a doctor and received recommendations. Otherwise, with self-medication, possible serious complications for health, deterioration.

Antibacterial ointments are not applied to the skin if there is increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Some of them are allowed to be used during pregnancy, since the active substances do not penetrate into the blood and do not have a systemic effect. These drugs include Levomekol and tetracycline ointment. If there is a hormone among the ingredients (Pimafukort, Akriderm Genta), the ointment should not be used. To prevent side effects, you should follow the dosage indicated in the annotation. Antibacterial wound-healing ointments are used with caution in pediatrics.

For open wounds Do not use products that contain a hormonal component. In this case, it is better to use a non-steroidal medication.

We treat cracks

The main reason for the appearance of hands is dry skin. Concomitant pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiency, eczema, only accelerate the process of their occurrence. Sometimes affected soft skin between the toes. In both cases it is necessary the right approach to treatment.

And cracks are selected depending on the reasons that led to the pathology. A specialist should prescribe the remedy after examining the patient. However, the use medicines not enough - you need to give up cosmetic and antibacterial soaps, which only increase the dryness of the epidermis. It is better to buy children's or hypoallergenic detergent no fragrance.

In addition to ointments for the treatment of cracks, you can use baths, make compresses and wraps. It is important to avoid skin contact with harsh cleaning products.

Eplan ointment: description

The product does not contain antibiotics and hormones in its composition, like other wound healing ointments. For open wounds, this is an excellent antiseptic and analgesic medication. It is allowed to be used for burns, cracks on fingers, bruises, cuts, etc. The main active ingredient of the ointment is glycolan.

According to the instructions, the product should be applied to the skin in a thin layer or in applications. Purulent wounds should be carefully cleaned before applying the drug. To treat cracks, the product can be used daily, in severe cases applying it to gauze and applying it to the damaged area.

A significant advantage is the absence of hormones in the composition of the drug. "Eplan" (ointment for healing wounds and cracks) can be used for a long time. If necessary, the course of treatment can be more than 4 weeks. Contraindications include only individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

How to treat wounds on the mucous surface?

Injuries to the mucous membrane require immediate treatment, because infection can slow down the epithelization process and lead to complications. The drug Actovegin, which accelerates tissue regeneration, has proven itself well.

Wound healing ointments for the mucous membrane should have antiseptic properties. When applying a bactericidal ointment to a damaged surface, a slight tingling sensation may occur. This feeling goes away within a few minutes and is not a reason to discontinue the drug.

Actovegin ointment is prescribed for various burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, damage to mucous membranes. According to the instructions, it can also be used to treat children. Among side effects Patients occasionally report itching or urticaria.

The best ointment for wounds: how to choose?

The man is already with early childhood encounters various damages skin surface, because most often it is simply impossible to avoid injury. To ensure that the regeneration process is not delayed and there is no pain, you have to select wound-healing ointments. The quick effect depends not only on the product itself, but also on the individual characteristics of a person’s skin.

Minor injuries, cuts, abrasions and scratches can be treated on your own, but if a large area of ​​skin is injured, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Tendons, blood vessels, and muscles may be affected, and only a specialist can determine this.

When choosing an ointment, it should be taken into account that they are all classified depending on the etiology of the damage and the stage of the wound process. In case of inflammation, it is necessary to use antiseptics and antimicrobials. Ointment for a deep wound should be antibacterial and analgesic, but such therapy takes place only under strict medical supervision.

The last stage of the wound process is the regeneration (restoration) of damaged tissue. In this case, means that accelerate healing are suitable.

The best wound healing ointment is one that is universal and can be used to treat both adults and children. Such medications can be safely called “Bepanten”, “Eplan”, “Panthenol”. To ensure that there is no scar left later, it is recommended to use special ointments and gels, for example, Contractubex (after tightening the damaged surface). Ointments with silver are also used to heal wounds.

Wound healing ointments: is a quick effect possible?

You can often hear that after applying the ointment, instead of the expected therapeutic effect patients showed deterioration in the condition of damaged tissues. Suppuration can actually begin if the rules for applying such medications. It is important to consider the stage of the wound process, since each of them requires a special approach to treatment.

If pus is released from the wound, applying the ointment without first cleaning the surface is prohibited. Exudate can be removed using an antiseptic (furacilin or chlorhexidine solution). Moisten the tampon generously with the product and wash the wound with gentle movements. Use antiseptic drugs and during dressings, when it is necessary to painlessly separate the bandage from the damaged surface.

Apply the ointment to the open wound (only after stopping the bleeding!) in a thin layer and cover with a clean dressing material. Regarding the treatment of purulent deep wounds, here it is advisable to place tampons soaked in medicine. If the product is first applied to gauze folded in several layers, it is necessary to distribute it evenly and ensure that the layer is not thicker than 2-3 mm.

Dressing should be done daily and only with clean hands. In order not to damage the dried wound, the material is pre-moistened with an antiseptic and left for several minutes. This will help remove the stuck bandage without additional injury. After this, the damaged area is treated with an antiseptic and the medicine is applied.

Under no circumstances should iodine, brilliant green or any alcohol-containing liquids be poured into the wound! With their help, they only disinfect the skin adjacent to the damage. These products do not have any healing or antibacterial properties. It is quite possible to treat a small wound on your own, but if a significant area of ​​the skin is damaged, therapy should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Damage to the skin and mucous membranes must be treated medicinal compounds, because this prevents infections from entering the body and accelerates regeneration. An ointment for wound healing may have both antimicrobial and antibacterial property. Many drugs are also used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating agents.

What are wound healing ointments

When buying ointments for wound healing, it is important to consider their classification. The agents are selected depending on the etiology (cause) and phase of the wound process. If the wound is deep, you will need an antibacterial drug with an analgesic effect. The damage is inflamed - you will need an antiseptic and antimicrobial ointment. When the wound process is last stage, you need a product for skin regeneration.

In composition they differ in:

  • Antimicrobials, antibiotics.
  • Enzyme preparations based on amino acids, protease, chymotrypsin and others. Used in combination with other gels and ointments.
  • Medicines with plant extracts: with aloe juice, kalanchoe, sea buckthorn oil, calendula, propolis. Relieves inflammation and restores skin.

Pharmacy drugs

Before applying the product, you need to wash the wound and treat scratches with hydrogen peroxide. ARGOSULFAN® cream helps speed up the healing of small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides wide range antibacterial action of the cream. The drug can be applied not only to wounds located on open areas body, but also under bandages. The product has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial effect, and in addition, promotes wound healing without a rough scar.

For open wounds

The open wound begins to be treated with ointments when the tissues dry. The products are applied in a thin layer. Use ointments to heal wounds:

Postoperative sutures

Sutures are removed 7-14 days after surgery, treated with an antiseptic. Withdrawal can occur gradually: a few days before complete removal seams, they are removed one after another. It is important to treat seams daily; use Levomekol (this bactericidal ointment is almost universal), Dioxyzol, and Bepanten-Cream, a drug based on descpanthenol. Good effect gives "Baneotsin".


The choice of remedy depends on the degree of the burn. If it is mild (grade 1 or 2), local anesthetics and regenerating drugs are used. With more severe lesions with blisters and blisters, use antimicrobial ointment for burns - Fusiderm, Fuzimet. Actovegin ointment helps restore tissue after a burn, including chemical burns.


A popular remedy that is used to smear minor burns and abrasions on adults and children is “Rescuer” balm (or its analogue “Keeper”); it can be used to treat a fresh cut on a finger, after washing off the dirt. In second place is “maternal ambulance” - “Bepanten”: the drug is safe for newborns, helps with diaper rash, and is also used to relieve symptoms of children skin allergies. The advantages of the product are that it is safe, can be used for a long time even during pregnancy, and lubricate cracked nipples during lactation.


The danger of this condition is poor circulation, the possibility of wound infection and the onset of decay. To avoid such consequences, Solcoseryl/Actovegin is prescribed, at the beginning of treatment 25% gels, and when it gets better, after about 5-10 days they switch to 5% cream. At the final stage, use 5% ointment. Another ointment for bedsores is Algofin, it contains chlorophyll. Silver-based products have performed well – “Sulfargin”, “Agrosulfan”.

Purulent wounds

Fat-based ointments, petrolatum-lanolin, and antibiotic compositions are used to treat purulent wounds. Known drugs:

  • « Ichthyol ointment» – relieves pain and has a bactericidal effect. A cotton swab is soaked in the product, applied to the wound, covered with a sterile napkin or parchment, and secured with a bandage or bandage.
  • Vishnevsky ointment - draws pus from the wound. Used in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • Syntomycin ointment - contains an antibiotic and is used in the treatment of infected wounds.
  • Streptocide ointment is effective for purulent scratches, abrasions, and small abscesses. Streptocide draws out pus and disinfects.

In the mouth

Damage to the gums can be cured with the help of dental ointments, such as "Cholisal", "Metragil Denta", "Kalgel" and so on. The drugs are used for stomatitis, gingivitis, and diseases during which wounds form on the gums. These gels have a mild anesthetic effect, often contain lidocaine, work as antiseptics, and eliminate inflammation.

For diabetes

The wounds of diabetics heal poorly, since patients have reduced immunity, and cracks appear in already healed wounds. The damage should be immediately treated with an antiseptic. If the wound does not heal and festers, treatment is carried out with antibiotics: Levosin, Levomekol. When healing tissues, use methyluracil ointment and fat-based products, such as Trofodermin. When choosing a drug for a diabetic, carefully read the instructions for contraindications.

Regenerating agents

At the last stage of wound healing, its epithelization occurs, new tissue matures, and turns into a connective tissue scar. The skin grows, thin, pink. During this phase, it is important to use regenerative products to avoid the formation of rough permanent scars. Regenerating drugs include:

  • Products based on deskpanthenol (“Bepanten”, “Panthenol”), they soften the skin and accelerate recovery processes.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is a natural product that promotes skin cell regeneration.
  • "Actovegin" - in any form.
  • "Aekol" - vitamin preparation, containing retinol, menadione, betacarotene and vitamin E.
  • "Methyluracil" - improves tissue trophism and accelerates regeneration. Used in healing wounds on intimate places, in gynecology.
  • Aloe-based products have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, stimulate tissue restoration.

Video: aloe ointment for inflamed wounds

A wound is a damage to the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane (in some cases also muscles, tendons and internal organs), which occurs under the influence of mechanical, thermal or chemical factors. Healing of wounds depends on their area, depth and severity, and can occur both without the formation of cosmetic defects (scars, scars, spots) and with them. In this article we will look at what stages the wound healing process includes, what ointments and creams for wound healing are used in traditional medicine, and what are the conditions fast healing wounds must be respected.

What types of ointments are there for wound healing?

Types of wounds by method of receipt

To determine how long it will take for a wound to heal, you need to know what the main types of damage are based on how they were received. The healing time of the wounds described below depends on a number of factors, including the degree of tissue damage, its extent, the presence or absence of infection, shock, heavy bleeding, and damage to vital organs.

  • Chipped. These wounds are characterized by their small diameter and relatively large depth. Usually accompanied by not too heavy bleeding, due to which the victim may decide that the wound is not dangerous. But make no mistake: puncture wounds can affect muscles, large nerves, blood vessels and internal organs, and if there is a deep wound channel, an anaerobic infection may develop.
  • Cut. Such damage is usually caused by sharp flat objects - it can be a knife, a shard of glass, or a blade. They are characterized by smooth edges and fairly severe bleeding, which is caused by damage to capillaries and larger vessels.
  • Torn. The edges of such wounds are uneven, areas of skin may peel off, and if they are deep enough, severe bleeding may begin.
  • Chopped. Outwardly similar to cut ones, but different from them greater depth, the presence of uneven edges, bruising and wide gaping. There is a pronounced pain syndrome.
  • Bite wounds. They appear as a result of a bite from a domestic or wild animal. Because of possible availability there are microbes on his teeth, there is a high probability of infection of the wound.
  • From burns. If the blisters that appear at the site of 2nd degree burns are damaged, a weeping wound may form. If there is a 3-4 degree burn, damage to the deep layers of the skin occurs, resulting in serious, irregularly shaped wounds.
  • For bruises. If the injury was caused by a blow with a heavy blunt object, bruised wounds are formed. Have irregular shape, are characterized by the presence of dead tissue in them.
  • Firearms. They are formed as a result of damage to the skin, muscles and internal organs by bullets, shot, or fragments fired from a firearm. Such wounds have a wound channel, as well as adjacent areas of contusion, concussion and deviation.
  • Scalped. A type of laceration characterized by traumatic detachment of the top layer of skin. There is severe bleeding and pain.

Wound healing can occur primary or secondary intention. In the first case, regeneration occurs relatively quickly, since no cavity is formed between the edges of the separated skin. Secondary intention occurs in cases where there is a large gap, pus appears and there is too much exudate. When a wound heals by secondary intention, it forms granulation tissue.

Stages of wound healing

The surgeon decides what to apply to wounds for healing. When choosing, he takes into account the healing phase of the wound, the presence or absence of infection and suppuration. It is not recommended to choose remedies on your own (especially for healing open wounds), as this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Let's consider the main stages and stages of wound healing.


At the stage of inflammation, pus may be present in the wound, caused by pathogens entering the cavity. The areas around the wound are usually swollen and tender to the touch. Due to the inflammatory process, toxins can be absorbed into the blood, resulting in an increase in local and general temperature.

At this stage, it is important to ensure good drainage of wound exudate and removal of pus. It is undesirable to use fat-based ointments, as they create a film on the surface of the wound that interferes with the outflow of exudate. Instead, hydrophilic-based ointments and gels are used, which have good osmotic (absorption) abilities. In this case, the products must have an excellent antibacterial effect.

Regeneration and granulation

The regeneration process is characterized by an already formed wound barrier, as well as by the fact that the content of pathogenic microorganisms in the exudate is practically absent. The bottom of the wound is lined with bright red granulation tissue, which easily begins to bleed. The faster it forms, the less time it will take for the wound to heal.

At this time, it is important to ensure that the wound reliable protection from damage and the necessary conditions for tissue regeneration. It is also necessary to protect the wound from secondary infection. If the granulation tissue changes its color from bright red to faded, this means that a secondary infection has entered the wound.

During this period, fat-based products are used - ointments that provide protection from damage. Treatment with herbal remedies is also justified - for example, ointments with aloe juice, sea ​​buckthorn oil. Water-based products are used selectively - they are necessary to provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

Epithelization (scarring)

After the bottom of the wound is filled with granulation tissue, the scarring process begins. To speed it up, it is not recommended to use fat-based preparations, as they can lead to unnecessary growth of granulations. Instead, the use of hydrophilic creams, aerosols and gels is allowed.

How to speed up wound healing

To speed up wound healing, it is important to provide the victim with timely assistance, because the regeneration process largely depends on the actions that took place in the first minutes after being injured. The first step is to carefully remove it from the wound. foreign bodies(if any), clean it of possible dead skin areas, treat the area around the wound with an antiseptic containing alcohol, disinfect the surface of the wound with water antiseptic solution and apply a sterile bandage.

There are many factors that influence the healing time of wounds in one way or another. To activate the body's defenses, it is necessary to ensure a full eight-hour sleep, a diet containing vitamins, macro- and microelements, and quit smoking and drinking alcohol. It is advisable to include in the menu fatty varieties fish, nuts, olive oil, dairy products, carrots, pomegranate juice.

There are diseases that slow down the healing process and wound healing. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases and immunodeficiencies;
  • hypovitaminosis and general exhaustion of the body;
  • some skin diseases(eczema, dermatitis, etc.);
  • obesity;
  • liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • vascular diseases.

Wound healing products

The fastest healing of a wound is possible only if actions are systematically carried out to disinfect the area around it, drying bandages are changed daily, and the damaged area itself is treated with correctly selected preparations. The wound healing agent and its release form should be selected taking into account the stage of healing, as well as the type of wound.

Local preparations for wound healing can come in the form of ointment, gel (jelly) and cream.

  • Products containing deproteinized hemoderivat for dairy calves. Similar drugs They are widely used in Russia and the CIS countries; they are prohibited in the USA, Canada and European countries. They contain components of cell mass and blood serum of dairy calves. These products stimulate the formation of collagen fibers and improve cell nutrition.
  • Ointments based on polyethylene oxide. Polyethylene oxide is ethylene oxide with low toxicity. Its action is reduced to removing wound exudate, as well as penetrating deep into the wound and affecting the microorganisms present there. It is reasonable to use polyethylene oxide-based products during the period of removal of wound fluid.
  • Ointments and creams based on methyluracil. Most famous drug for wound healing, which contains methyluracil, this is Vishnevsky ointment. Typically, such agents are used at the stage of wound regeneration.
  • Ointments based on ichthyol. Belong to the group of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfectants. The effect of these drugs is to draw pus from the wound, which leads to faster healing.
  • Ointments based on synthomycin. Antibiotic drugs aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms, as well as for drying the wound.
  • Products based on propolis. Propolis has a pronounced antiseptic and analgesic effect. Most often, ointments with it are made on a fat basis, so their use is justified at the granulation stage. In the first stage of healing, it is possible to use an alcohol extract of propolis.
  • Herbal medicines are widely used for the speedy healing of skin wounds. All herbal remedies can be divided into several groups according to the nature of the main active ingredient. Thus, herbal sorbents (based on polyphenap and aloe), anti-inflammatory (with essential oil tea tree, licorice extract), antibacterial (with chlorophyllipt and essential oils), promoting rapid skin regeneration (with sea buckthorn oil).
  • Vitamin-based preparations. The vast majority of vitamin-containing ointments contain vitamins A, C and B5. Retinol acetate (vitamin A) is mainly used for fat-based ointments, so it cannot be used in the first stage of healing, when a crust forms on the wound. Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of collagen, so preparations based on it can be useful for the regeneration and healing of skin wounds. This vitamin is included in many creams and gels for skin regeneration. Dexpanthenol (aka vitamin B5) takes part in the formation of epithelial cells, collagen and elastic fibers. Dexpanthenol also resolves inflammatory foci and improves local blood supply. Available in the form of ointments and creams.

Healing wounds from burns

Many people mistakenly believe that burns can be smeared with fatty ointments, sea buckthorn and other oils. Due to the fact that they form a thin film on the surface of the skin, normal heat exchange is disrupted. For better healing wounds received by thermal or chemically, usage fatty products allowed only when the wound begins to granulate. At the stage of inflammation and scarring, you need to use creams, sprays and gels on a hydrophilic basis. If suppuration has joined the wound after a burn, the doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotic and antimicrobial drugs.

Although it is impossible to completely avoid microtraumas, preventive measures will reduce their number. If bruises form as soon as you lightly touch the corner of the table, it is definitely worth taking care of strengthening blood vessels. The first assistant in this is routine. There are many drugs with rutin, both domestic and foreign production, in tablets and gels, often in combination with vitamin C. They have few contraindications, and excess rutin is unlikely, since it is eliminated from the body quite easily.

Also necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels vitamins C, K, D, E And zinc. You can lean on products containing them ( bell pepper, kiwi, black currant, spinach, broccoli, fish, eggs, nuts, liver) or take a course of vitamins in tablets (it’s better if these are not dietary supplements, but medicines).


Bruises, or hematomas, are collections of blood that form in cavities under the skin when injured. As a rule, even if a bruise does not go away within two to three weeks, it is not a cause for concern. At the same time, at the site of the bruise, one can observe the “birth and death of galaxies”: the color of the bruise changes from blue-red to black and then to yellow-green - this is also normal.

However, there is a way to significantly shorten this period.

The first stage is cold

On the first day, you need to reduce blood flow. Reduce work on the injured part as much as possible. Avoid hot showers and baths, and alcoholic drinks. Cool the bruised area using available means: ice, frozen foods (be sure to be packaged!), a chilled metal spoon, a cold compress. Without fanaticism: it is enough to cool, not overcool. A cream with anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects (for example, Dolobene) will also help.

If the pain is completely unbearable, you can take a painkiller, but not aspirin or ibuprofen - they thin the blood.

Stage two - heat

After the hematoma has already formed (after 24–48 hours), it is necessary to carry out treatment that promotes resorption, that is, on the contrary, to ensure blood flow. The most effective will be:

  • warm compresses (for example, a heating pad);
  • massage (preferably with essential oil, such as calendula, rosemary, thyme, lavender);
  • warming creams - with badyaga, arnica, animal poisons (bee, snake), with capsaicin (pepper alkaloid).

The third stage is regeneration

By taking control of the blood flow at the site of injury, you can be sure that the bruise will go away in a few days, not weeks, and its color will be less bright. But you can do something else, namely, promote regeneration using creams based on heparin, troxerutin (troxevasin), and dexpanthenol.

If you are against chemistry, then nature has a lot in store for you. natural remedies, which can also be applied in the form of compresses: aloe, cabbage, boiled beans, radish or horseradish, garlic, pineapple.

The fourth stage - camouflage

In a few days proper treatment the bruise will become less noticeable. Then it will help to completely disguise the stain Foundation. It should have a yellowish tint.

Shallow wounds

Another case of microtrauma is wounds. We are, of course, talking about minor cuts and abrasions when only the upper layers of the skin are affected. Despite the fact that abrasions and scratches cause noticeable discomfort, they usually heal on their own and without complications. But in any case it is necessary clean the wound and, making sure that there is no foreign objects(dust, fragments), close it bandage. This will reduce the likelihood of inflammation. And to reduce the healing time and the likelihood of scar formation, simple therapy should be repeated for the first few days:

  • blot the wound with a swab soaked in solution antiseptic- hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol (a classic example, but not the most pleasant) or at least soap and water;
  • cover with fresh plaster.

The patch should be changed frequently so that the wound remains moist but not wet. It makes sense to use peroxide while it bubbles when applied.

After a few days, when the wound has healed, you can start using regenerating agents(see above). If a scar begins to form, in the first weeks it makes sense to use an anti-scar product (the most popular is Contractubex ointment).

Of course, there is no point in making a tragedy out of a bruise or abrasion. An adult body with normal immunity copes with them without difficulty. Nevertheless, trauma (albeit micro) is a disease. True, after reading this article, you are quite capable of dealing with it on your own, without the help of medical staff. But in some cases you should still consult a doctor.

When to see a doctor

  • If the injury was severe and there is a possibility of a broken bone or concussion, you need to go to the emergency room, where they can give you recommendations and, if necessary, take an x-ray, apply a bandage or plaster.
  • At heavy bleeding You need to apply a pressure bandage above the wound site and consult a doctor immediately.
  • If inflammation begins, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and severe pain, do not show “courage” - call a doctor.
  • It happens that bruises form chronically without much impact. This may be a symptom of diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys), imbalance of microelements in the body and other disorders. In this case, it is better to consult a therapist.

In the life of every person, annoying troubles happen: abrasions, cuts, bruises. Besides the pain and discomfort, injuries are accompanied cosmetic defect. In our article we will talk about how to speed up wound healing and maintain the beauty of the skin. Wound healing is natural physiological process which is called regeneration. This process is laid down by nature itself, and a huge amount of the body’s reserves are aimed specifically at healing all types of damage.

In the lower layers of the skin - the basal layer of the epidermis - reserve cells are located. When the skin and underlying structures are damaged: fiber, muscles and other tissues, reserve cells begin to divide, forming new skin cells. Gradually multiplying, new cells form new tissues and fill wound defects.

Tissue regeneration is a very individual process that depends on many internal and external factors:

  • Age;
  • The presence of diseases of the skin, endocrine and immune system;
  • The extent and depth of the wound surface;
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the wound;
  • Presence of wound infection;
  • Quality and speed of primary wound treatment;
  • Features and thoroughness of wound care.

Wounds heal poorly in older people, weakened and poorly nourished patients, people with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the immune system (HIV, AIDS, hereditary immunodeficiencies).

Wounds on the legs do not heal well in patients with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Moreover, CVI itself can provoke the formation of wounds on the legs. Such non-healing wounds are called trophic ulcers.

Also heal very poorly primary or secondary infected wounds. Pathogenic microbes penetrate into such wound defects - immediately at the time of injury or after some time.

The scientific name for “poor healing” is “healing by secondary intention.” This means that the wound defect heals through the processes of suppuration or tissue rejection. In this case, gross skin changes are formed - keloid scars.


Let us list in detail all the factors that determine the speed and quality of regenerative processes.

First aid. High-quality and timely provision of first aid is very important. First aid includes washing the wound with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Mucosanin and others), treating the edges of the wound alcohol solutions(iodine, brilliant green, chlorophyllipt and others) and applying a sterile dressing.

First health care lies in the so-called primary surgical treatment or toilet wound. Treatment of wounds is the task of a surgeon or traumatologist. The doctor treats the wound with antiseptics, removes foreign bodies, blood clots, dead tissue and dirt, and applies stitches as necessary.

It is very important to apply sutures on cut wounds, since bringing the edges of the wound together with suture material or special glue significantly improves healing and leaves a neat, thin scar.

Prevention of infection wound infection. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs general or local action. For small and shallow wounds that are properly treated, antibiotics may not be prescribed. In any case, the decision about the need to take antibiotics rests with the doctor.

Follow-up wound care. It is very important to regularly change bandages, keep the wound clean and dry, and also treat the wound surface with antiseptics and special healing agents.

About what medications and folk remedies accelerate regeneration and how to quickly heal a wound, we will talk below.


Treatment of wounds is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the nature, extent and type of wound surface. Let's take a closer look at how wound healing products work and how to speed up the process with pharmaceutical drugs.

Most often, to activate regeneration processes they use local remedies: ointments, gels, creams, powders.

I would like to immediately note that fat-based products are strictly not recommended for use on wet, weeping wounds. This does not speed up, but rather slows down the wound healing process.

Sea buckthorn oil – natural natural component. Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and biologically active substances, which accelerate cell recovery processes.

Aloe extract also works great for skin damage, accelerating epithelization. Aloe extract also provides an analgesic effect and reduces the feeling of burning and tightness of the skin.

Methyluracil ointment has anabolic properties, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration, wound healing, and increases activity local immunity, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dexpanthenol and its various combinations with vitamin E and medicinal plant extracts. The product stimulates the regenerative processes of the mucous membranes and skin, accelerates cell division, increases the density of collagen fibers, and also normalizes cellular metabolism. The medicine penetrates perfectly into the deep layers of the skin.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl - widely known remedies, used in all areas of medicine. Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointment significantly accelerate the wound healing process by increasing cellular energy metabolism– that is, they work in the very heart of regeneration processes.

Contratubeks – combination remedy, stated by the manufacturer to prevent the formation of rough keloid scars. The main effect of the drug is based on suppressing the activity of cells producing connective tissue, forming the basis of the keloid scar.

I would like to immediately note that the product shows its effect only on initial stage regeneration. Treatment with ointment on old scars, contrary to advertising, is useless.

Curiosin drops and cream. Zinc hyaluronate, which is part of the drug, eliminates the deficiency hyaluronic acid in the skin. This acid is a kind of supporting matrix for skin cells.

The product replaces the tissue defect and causes an acceleration of epidermal cell division. Hyaluronate also stimulates the skin's natural defense mechanisms. Zinc ions, in turn, have an antibacterial effect. Curiosin drops work well on wet wounds, burns and other weeping skin lesions.

Various combination drugs based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and A, extracts of sea buckthorn, rose hips and other medicinal components (Reparef-1 and 2 ointments and others).

Powders and “dry” creams on a fat-free basis containing zinc oxide, salicylic acid, bismuth oxide, oak bark powder, calamus root and other astringent and drying components, as well as antibiotics, work great with wet and weeping wounds. Examples of such products are powders Baneocin, Xeroform, Ambulance, ointment with zinc oxide and even banal baby powder for diapers.

Physiotherapy or treatment with natural factors in some cases gives excellent results. Most therapies have an accelerating effect cellular metabolism effect, improves blood supply to the lesion and stimulates local immune processes.

Most effective methods physiotherapy to accelerate regeneration are laser therapy, darsonvalization of tissues, UHF, Thermal treatments, ultraviolet irradiation, massage and drug electrophoresis. I would like to immediately note that any methods of physiotherapy are used on already healing wounds after the formation of primary epithelialization.

Folk recipes

Very many medicinal plants contain components that can enhance the healing effect. Such grandmother's remedies include various decoctions and lotions based on chamomile, calendula, oak bark, celandine, comfrey, tea tree oil.

A proven means for healing wounds is mumiyo, as well as beekeeping products - beebread, propolis and various means based on honey.

Treatment with herbs and others traditional methods should only occur with the permission of a doctor, and only as a additional funds therapy. And before using any product, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

For diabetes (video)