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The best products for quick healing of wounds (scratches) - rating (reviews). The best ointments for bruises

Hemorrhoid ointments are intended for local application, best result from their use is achieved, with the internal form of the disease it is more convenient to use rectal suppositories . Many people ask: “Which ointments for hemorrhoids are the best and most effective for treating this insidious disease”?

For residents of large cities who lead an insufficiently active lifestyle, more and more often the problem is more pressing hemorrhoid diseases. The disease occurs when venous circulation is impaired and congestion occurs in the pelvic area.

It manifests itself as dilation of veins and the formation of nodes, pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Due to the sensitivity of the problem, patients often try to treat the disease on their own, delaying contacting a doctor. This is fraught with progression of the disease and the development of complications.

Proctologists urge you to apply for qualified help in time, when there is every chance of coping with the disease. Modern conservative therapy has many remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids. most effective on early stages diseases, tablets, suppositories and ointments are used to combat external and internal hemorrhoids. Let's take a closer look at what ointments against hemorrhoids exist, what their advantages are, and which ones bring the best results.

The ointments contain a wide variety of active substances. Some of them are called upon, that is, they have a hemostatic effect. Others have an anti-inflammatory effect or contain anesthetics to help manage pain. There are phlebotonic ointments that help reduce the size of nodes and have a resolving and hemostatic effect.

The advantages of ointments are that they are convenient and easy to use; they are applied to sanitary napkins and applied to the affected areas. They have a local local effect, which is safe for the body.

They can be used by women during pregnancy. Ointments relieve inflammation, swelling, itching, heal, relieve pain and stop bleeding. Their treatment is quite effective, especially on initial stages when external and internal hemorrhoids have not yet formed large nodes.

They are applied after bowel movements and hygiene procedures in the form of an application. For internal hemorrhoids, you can lubricate the anus from the inside or insert a tampon soaked in ointment there. Rub medicinal products they are not recommended for nodes.

Their disadvantages include incomplete absorption of their components; as a result, traces of leakage may remain on the laundry. They should be used intermittently, short courses 10 days each. Particular caution should be taken when using medications containing hormones. They can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise adverse consequences cannot be avoided. Treatment with ointments should be combined with proper nutrition and healthy in an active way life.

The best ointments for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids in men and women

Pick up suitable ointment Only a doctor can, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and. Let's highlight the most effective and popular means:

Choice suitable medicine will depend on the main symptoms of hemorrhoids. All of the above ointments are suitable for.

In uncomplicated cases of the disease, ointments containing anticoagulants (heparin, Nigepan) are widely used; if pain is bothersome, drugs containing lidocaine and anesthetics are chosen. For bleeding use combination drugs(Procto-Glyvenol, Relief) and hemostatic agents (Adroxon).

With strong inflammatory processes affecting the surrounding skin, Levomekol is prescribed. In each specific case, it is the doctor who is able to choose the most effective remedy depending on the patient’s condition and the degree of development of the disease.

The most effective ointments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the risk of hemorrhoids increases significantly. This happens due to impaired blood circulation, its stagnation in the lower part of the body and the pressure of the growing fetus on internal organs and rectum. It is at this time that expectant mothers often change their tastes and diet, constipation becomes more frequent, and their lifestyle becomes less active.

But it was during this period that the majority medications it is impossible to prescribe due to the risk of their adverse effects on the course of pregnancy and the growing fetus.

The best option is to use ointments local action. It is important that their action is effective and the components are harmless. At this time, women are most often prescribed the following drugs:

These remedies perfectly relieve itching, swelling and inflammation, improve vascular tone and blood circulation. They have no contraindications and can be successfully used during pregnancy.

Vishnevsky's ointment contains only three components: tar, castor oil and antiseptic. But this particular medicine gives excellent results in the treatment of inflammatory processes. When applied, it creates a greasy film that prevents air penetration.

Thanks to this, the healing process goes much faster. The drug is inexpensive and has no side effects, use it for external use. Before application, carry out hygiene procedures, then a gauze pad is applied to the sore spot and left for two hours.

Ichthyol ointment is a good antiseptic; in addition, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and heals small wounds well. Its main advantage when used during pregnancy is that the components of the drug, when absorbed, do not penetrate the bloodstream system, which means they cannot harm the unborn child. For external use. On a pre-washed and dried area anus Apply a gauze swab soaked in ointment and secure with an elastic bandage.

Another excellent remedy– Posterizan ointment. She raises cellular immunity, quickly heals wounds, relieves pain syndrome and inflammation. Complications such as pain during bowel movements are relieved by safe pain-relieving ointments Luan and Emla.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, you can use Gepatrombin G ointment. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects, this drug is able to resolve blood clots and increase the tone of the venous wall. Fleming's ointment has proven itself best; this drug has no contraindications and has a natural plant base.

Fleming's ointment is a homeopathic remedy containing only natural herbal ingredients:

  • calendula extracts,
  • horse chestnut and witch hazel.

The drug strengthens and tones blood vessels, relieves pain, reduces the size of nodes, and has an antimicrobial and drying effect. Recommended during pregnancy for the treatment of uncomplicated external hemorrhoids. This is a local drug, it is applied up to three times a day, using a cotton swab, applying it to the affected areas.

Minor cuts, burns, abrasions and scrapes do not require inpatient treatment under the supervision of a doctor, but they cannot be ignored either. Using a suitable ointment for wound healing, you can heal them correctly and safely. There are a great variety of such products sold in pharmacies, and in order to know which ones to use in which situations, you need to understand their properties and effects.

Indications for the use of healing medications

Ointments for healing wounds on the skin have been used for a long time. Most of them perform several functions at once: they kill germs and bacteria, create a protective film, and promote tissue regeneration. Depending on the depth of the cut or burn, healing may take different time– from several days to several weeks. Medicinal cream helps speed up this process and eliminate remaining marks from the wound.

Ointment for healing wounds and cracks is used for the following injuries:

  • open cuts and scratches;
  • cracks caused by dry skin;
  • some skin diseases;
  • minor burns;
  • small ulcerative lesions.

It is important to understand in which cases self-treatment is acceptable and when it is necessary to see a doctor. Wound healing cream should be used wisely and should not be used for serious injuries. To avoid complications and infection, a sterile bandage is required after application.

Types of healing agents

Despite the fact that any antibacterial ointment for wounds is used to disinfect, dry, protect and accelerate the regeneration process after injuries; they differ in their compositions and the basic principle of action. Therefore, before buying any product at the pharmacy, you need to understand their features and differences. Healing medications are:

  • based on zinc or silver - for additional disinfection;
  • drying - usually used for application to open damage skin;
  • with antibiotics in the composition - used to treat bedsores or patients with diabetes;
  • for healing purulent wounds– they are able to stop the inflammatory and purulent process, preventing further development of the infection;
  • for treatment after operations.

In addition, such drugs are sold in the form various forms: ointment, cream, gel, paste emulsion. Choosing the right option is not so easy, so before going to the pharmacy, you need to know exactly what drug you should buy.

Few people want to receive injuries and wounds. However, many people get them. This happens especially often with athletes, children and teenagers.

If you receive a wound, of course, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that he can examine the damage, bandage it and prescribe correct treatment. In case of serious wounds, contacting a doctor is simple. necessary.

If it is not possible to see a doctor immediately, the edges of the wound should be treated with any available antiseptic(brilliant green, iodine) and apply sterile bandage. The main thing to remember is that this is a temporary measure, and according to all the rules, the dressing must be done as soon as possible, but no more than after two hours. Correctly and timely treatment of the wound is the key to its rapid healing.

For quick and proper healing of wounds, apply to the damaged surface once or twice a day. special means stimulating proliferation (rapid scarring of wounds). Below is a list of the most effective ointments for fast healing wounds.

Pharmaceutical ointments

1. Eplan ointment.

A universal remedy used to treat various dermatitis, ulcers, burns, and wounds. Due to its microbicidal properties, this product actively fights wound infection. That is why it is not only possible, but also necessary to treat fresh wounds that have been contaminated. The ointment also has pronounced regenerating properties. However, it should be remembered that bleeding wounds cannot be treated with it. The ointment has an anticoagulant effect, which means it greatly impairs blood clotting. "Eplan" does not contain hormones, toxins and antibiotics, which allows it to be used even when treating children.

2. Solcoseryl.

This remedy is excellent for healing any wounds, it is especially good to use for the treatment of clean, clean wounds that require speedy healing. The ointment is applied in small portions two to three times a day. The ointment protects the wound from germs and bacteria entering it, accelerates the processes of metabolism and cell regeneration, and has an analgesic effect.

3. Levomekol.

This ointment is applied under the bandage. Used when the wound is not sterile and has severe inflammation. Quickly penetrates the inflamed area and kills the infection.

4. Baneocin.

An excellent wound healing drug. The ointment has a pronounced bactericidal effect and quickly eliminates inflammation, making it indispensable for the treatment of wounds and burns varying degrees gravity. Baneocin contains two antibiotics: neomycin and bacitran.

Ointments for rapid healing of wounds from recipes traditional medicine

1. Ointment from burdock and celandine. Traditional healers It is recommended to use this remedy for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds. Take 30 g of crushed burdock roots and mix with 20 g of celandine roots. The mixture is poured into 100 ml sunflower oil, and then boil over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then filter and cool. The wounds are lubricated at least twice a day.

2. A mixture of 1 teaspoon of ammonia, the same amount of acetone and glycerin (or Vaseline oil) are used to heal any wounds. It is recommended to apply the product to the wound two to three times a day.

3. A good remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds is the following mixture. To prepare it, take one part of chamomile flowers and three parts of yarrow leaves. The mixture is steamed with a small amount of boiling water. The resulting pulp is applied to purulent wounds in the form of compresses and bandages.

4. Propolis-based ointment. This remedy is prepared by mixing propolis with a fat base (lard, fish fat, flaxseed or butter). The fat base is melted without bringing to a boil, and finely chopped propolis is added. Stirring thoroughly, cook for about half an hour. Then filter through cheesecloth and cool. The product is used to treat dermatitis and long-term non-healing wounds.

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    • An ointment for healing wounds on the face must have some essential qualities: stimulate healing and at the same time not irritate delicate skin faces. The following drugs meet these criteria:
      • Pantoderm is an external agent with metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects, which is applied in a thin layer directly to the wound;
      • Levomekol is an anti-inflammatory drug with combined action, used on wounds of any type, including those in the presence of purulent discharge;
      • Bruise-OFF – ointment for healing small wounds and scratches in the facial area;
      • Streptocide ointment - helps with purulent inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.

    The listed ointments for wounds are used a few days after injury, and always after consulting a doctor.

    • Antibiotic ointment for wound healing will help in case of danger of infection - getting into the wound pathogenic bacteria. Here the rules for choosing a drug are as follows: the more significant the tissue damage, the stronger the antibacterial agent should be.

    For example, the well-known Boro Plus cream can be indispensable for minor wounds and cuts. For extensive purulent wounds, preparations on a special basis with increased absorption are suitable: such ointment-like forms have better penetrating ability and can ensure the rapid removal of exudate from the tissues to the outside. Such external agents include Levomekol, Furagel, Povidone-iodine, Nitacid or Streptonitol. The listed medications can be used at almost any stage of wound healing.

    • Ointment for wounds after surgery is usually prescribed by a surgeon. Most often, this ointment turns out to be Solcoseryl, a regenerating drug prepared based on the blood extract of dairy calves. Solcoseryl accelerates the granulation stage and improves the properties of epithelial tissue.

    An analogue of the above drug is Actovegin ointment, which has a similar composition. The product is applied once a day, it can be applied under a bandage.

    Another classic processing purpose postoperative wounds– this is Levomekol. This medication combines the properties of an antibiotic and a regenerating agent. Levomekol is especially often prescribed for the treatment of suppurating wound surfaces.

    • Ointment for deep wound must have high degree absorption, that is, absorbed into the layers of tissue as deeply as possible. External forms such as Solcoseryl, Levomekol, Rihitol, Eplan and Baneocin have a similar property. Most of these ointments are placed inside the wound using tampons or wipes.

    Among other drugs, I would like to highlight Dermatix gel separately. It is usually prescribed to treat skin lesions, which are delayed with high probability formation of extensive scars. For application, use a minimal amount of gel - this is enough to properly tighten the wound surface.

    • Ointment for weeping wounds is selected depending on the stage of the wound process. So, at the stage of inflammation, when it is necessary to ensure the removal of fluid from tissues, water-soluble drugs are best suited - for example, Levomekol or Levosin. Other liniments are generally not suitable, as they can obstruct the release of liquid.

    At the regeneration stage, an ointment can be used to dry the wound, but it will be better if the drug is gel-like. Most often, doctors prefer herbal remedies based on sea buckthorn, rose hips, and also medicines with silver ions.

    • The best ointment for dry wounds is Solcoseryl, or Actovegin. The drug is rich in blood components - a protein-free hemoderivative of calf blood. The medication exhibits antihypoxic properties and also enhances intracellular metabolism.

    The frequency of applying ointment for dry wounds is twice a day, for at least 12-14 days.

    • Ointment for a wound in the mouth should have antiseptic properties and not have a toxic effect, since the mucous membrane absorbs medicinal substances much more intense than denser skin. What ointment-like forms exist for use in oral cavity?
    1. Metrogyl Denta is a gel-like drug that contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine, which provides antimicrobial and antiseptic effect medicines. With minimal absorption into the tissue, Metrogyl Denta has a healing effect on the oral mucosa and periodontium. The drug is used twice a day for a week, without rinsing.
    2. Cholisal is a dental product with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It can be used during pregnancy, in children's or adult practice, however, in children under 12 months of age, Cholisal is used with great caution. The drug is applied after meals, since it is not recommended to drink or eat for the next 2-3 hours after application.
    • Ointment for wound healing diabetes mellitus should be selected by an endocrinologist, because in patients with this disease, wounds always heal problematically and for a long time. Moreover, there is a high probability that a purulent or other pathological process will join the wound surface.

    In diabetes, massive damage to blood vessels and nerves occurs, and immunity decreases. Therefore, if the patient notices that the damaged tissue area has purulent discharge, or the process of death (necrosis) has begun, then consultation with an endocrinologist should be immediate.

    Most often, antiseptic solutions are used to treat wounds in diabetes mellitus, and only after that they resort to the use of ointments - mainly with an antimicrobial effect:

    • Levomekol (applied on a napkin or directly into the wound, daily);
    • Levosin (used to impregnate bandages and tampons until complete healing).

    At the same time, an oral course of drugs is administered, aimed at strengthening the body's defenses.

    • Anti-inflammatory wound ointments are used in the first stage of wound healing. According to the rating, the following drugs have the best anti-inflammatory effect:
      • Levomekol – destroys infection in the wound, increases local immunity, perfectly restores damaged tissue;
      • Nitacid – contains the antibacterial components Streptocid and Netazol, which allows the ointment to be used for purulent processes, for treating sutures after surgery, for treating abscesses;
      • Balm Rescuer – natural preparation, known for its analgesic, antiseptic and healing properties;
      • Streptolaven - contains ultralysine and the antimicrobial substance Miramistin, therefore it eliminates inflammation even in purulent and necrotic wounds. Can be used for diabetes.
    • Anesthetic ointment for wounds is almost never applied to large areas. open wounds. Most often, this remedy is used for minor cuts and scratches (for example, Spasatel balm), or for soft tissue bruises (Clofezon ointment, Sanitas, Voltaren, Gevkamen, Dolgit, Ketoprofen).

    The listed medications reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, alleviate painful sensations, which are more of a concern immediately after injury.

    With an open, weeping wound, it is better to give preference to wound-healing drugs, and pain relief is carried out by needling pain area anesthetics, or using painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

    • Is there an ointment for non-healing wound? When treating non-healing (difficult-to-heal) wounds, one application of ointments, even very strong ones, is not enough. In most cases, the doctor prescribes complex antibiotics, drugs that improve trophic processes, etc. Among ointments, it has proven itself well external preparation With antiseptic properties Methyluracil with miramistin. It is enough to apply this ointment once a day, after pre-treatment with an antiseptic, until complete healing.
    • Antiseptic ointment for wounds is relevant for treatment and prevention infected wounds. This drug inhibits the proliferation of bacteria, eliminates or prevents the inflammatory process, which significantly contributes to prolongation of the damage. The rating of antiseptic ointment preparations is as follows:
      • Bepanten plus - a combination of chlorhexidine and panthenol;
      • Betadine (analogue of Povidone-iodine);
      • Vishnevsky ointment (a combination of tar, xeroform and castor oil);
      • Boro plus cream (a remedy for plant based);
      • Boric ointment (a preparation based on boric acid);
      • ointment Calendula Dr. Theiss.

    The above list contains the most common ointment forms, which are most often purchased in pharmacies.

    • Hormonal ointment is usually not used for wound healing. This remedy is intended for the treatment of skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatomyositis, etc. The advisability of using such a drug depends entirely on the doctor’s decision. Among the most popular hormonal ointments can be distinguished:
      • Advantan is an external agent based on methylprednisolone;
      • Elokom is a drug containing the synthetic glucocorticosteroid mometasone furoate;
      • Dermovate is an ointment preparation with the glucocorticoid hormone clobetasol propionate;
      • Lorinden - a drug containing flumethasone (a synthetic glucocorticosteroid);
      • Sinaflan is a liniment based on fluocinolone acetonide.

    Hormonal ointments are not intended for self-treatment, since their uncontrolled use can negatively affect the patient’s health.

    • Are ointments used for bleeding wounds? As a rule, if a wound is bleeding, regardless of the degree of bleeding, ointments are not used. Their use begins only when the wound becomes covered with granulation. Therefore, ointment forms for bleeding are not included in the list of the most popular external preparations for the treatment of skin wounds.
    • Ointment for abrasions and wounds for children - which is better? In fact, quite a lot of such means are known, and every family with children chooses the most suitable one in terms of price and quality. Doctors strongly recommend having one of these in your family medicine cabinet. the following drugs:
      • Olazol is a drug based on sea ​​buckthorn oil, boric acid and chloramphenicol. Suitable for use in children from 2 years of age;
      • Sulfargin is an ointment preparation containing silver sulfadiazine. Used in children's practice from 3 one month old;
      • Actovegin is a medicine made from deproteinized calf blood extract. Often used in pediatrics;
      • Bepanten is an external medicine with provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). Used from birth.
      • Eplan is a wound healing agent that can be used in children of any age.

    When choosing any medications for children, consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory!

    • The final stage of the rating is the most effective recipe ointments for wound healing. It's no secret that traditional medicine recipes often have unique properties. Moreover, they are based on the use of accessible and inexpensive natural ingredients. Let's move directly to the options for preparing homemade ointment forms.
    1. Take an arbitrary amount of melted lard or other fat (for example, vegetable or butter), heat it until hot, but do not bring to a boil. Add crushed propolis and continue cooking for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Then strain and cool. The resulting mass can be used to treat wounds and skin diseases.
    2. Mix the crushed burdock rhizomes with the same processed celandine rhizomes (30 and 20 g, respectively). Pour 100 g vegetable oil and simmer over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Next, filter and cool. Use for application 2-3 times a day.
    3. Mix 100 g of vegetable oil, 12 g of wax, 20 g of rosin, 1 g of incense, 1 tbsp. l. fresh butter. Grind everything, put it in a container and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool. This mixture can be used as a bandage, applied to wounds as needed.

    What is the best ointment for wounds?

    It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since each person chooses a drug for himself based on very different preferences:

    • low allergenicity of the drug;
    • Possibility of use for all family members;
    • low or high price category;
    • The “versatility” of the external agent means that it can be used not only for the treatment of wounds, but also for other skin lesions.

    Of course, if the ointment for treating the wound is chosen correctly, then the healing process will go much faster and more comfortably. It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor for this, especially if the wound is extensive and (or) deep.

    Can be useful for minor wounds and cuts inexpensive ointments for wound healing:

    • Levomekol tube 40 g, cost up to 15 UAH;
    • Vishnevsky liniment tube 40 g, cost – up to 15 UAH;
    • calendula ointment tube 30 g (Fitofarm, Ukraine), cost – up to 10 UAH;
    • Boric ointment 5% tube 25 g – up to 10 UAH.
    • methyluracil ointment 10% tube 25 g, cost – up to 35 UAH;
    • Boro plus antiseptic, cost – up to 35 UAH.

    As practice shows, in order for treatment not to be delayed, it is recommended to use A complex approach. For example, an ointment for wound healing can be successfully combined with other dosage forms: gel, antiseptic solutions, oral medications. Since it is extremely important to know when and in what quantities to use certain medications, wound treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a medical specialist.

    Skin damage is one of the most common domestic injuries.

    The skin can also be injured under the influence unfavorable factors external environment:

    • The air is too dry
    • Cold
    • Contact with irritating chemicals
    • Effect of heat

    Due to the action of damaging factors, the skin dries out and flakes formed on it painful cracks, which do not heal for a long time and periodically bleed. Such defects often appear in winter, when the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins and sunlight.

    In order to quickly get rid of painful wounds, it is necessary to use healing agents.


    The drug, based on calf components, is close in composition to the physical components of blood; for skin lesions, it is prescribed in the form of an ointment. Saturates cells with glucose and oxygen, accelerates the formation of granulations and rapid wound scarring. Suitable for treating not only scratches and cuts, but also.

    The product accelerates collagen synthesis and prevents the formation of hypertrophied scars and keloids. The product must be used twice a day: do not apply to a cleaned and washed wound. a large number of Solcoseryl, then the wound is covered with a sterile napkin and fixed with a bandage or plaster. Can be applied to wounds on the face, as well as cracks on the lips that occur during the cold season.

    It has a cooling effect and relieves some pain.

    The medication has virtually no contraindications, may cause or discomfort. In this case, the drug is replaced with another drug.

    The cost of one tube of ointment starts approximately from 240 rubles, varies depending on the region.


    The ointment promotes wound healing and also contains an antibiotic that prevents the damage from suppuration. Can be used for:

    • Purulent wounds on the skin
    • Burns and frostbite
    • Cuts and abrasions

    Apply the product to the skin in a thin layer until three times to knocks, including during acute inflammatory processes on the skin. When applying the product over a long period of time or on large surfaces of the body, you should remember the possibility of accumulation of the antibiotic in body tissues and its toxic effects, It is especially important to remember the risks during pregnancy.

    The drug may cause local allergy : skin rashes, hyperemia and , itching, burning, in in rare cases a bullous lesion or erythema develops.

    If an allergy occurs, the drug must be discontinued.

    Ointments based on Panthenol

    Panthenol regulates intracellular metabolism, increases collagen synthesis and accelerates scar formation. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, relieving pain and swelling at the site of injury.


    Eplan not only has a healing effect, but also anesthetizes and kills microorganisms that have entered the wound. Effective not only in case of injury, but also in case of bites, development allergic reaction, inflammatory processes. It has a disinfecting effect, affects the blood clotting mechanism, accelerating this process.

    Can be used to treat lips and facial skin.


    An ointment based on vitamin A softens the skin and starts the regeneration process. Used in treatment thermal burns, cracks, erosions and ulcers.

    Eliminates the effects of vitamin deficiency. Indispensable in case of seborrheic dermatitis.

    Zinc-based ointments

    There are a large number of ointments with the addition of zinc. Such ointments can quickly help when ulcers or abrasions occur: they kill pathogenic microorganisms, dry the wound, and speed up the healing process. Thanks to active component A protective film is formed on the surface of the wound, which does not allow microorganisms to pass through and protects against environmental influences.

    Zinc ointments prevent suppuration of wounds, thus preventing the formation of rough scars.


    Argosulfan is powerful tool for disinfection of wounds, contains colloidal silver. Used to treat wounds and a variety of skin lesions, including:

    • erysipelas
    • trophic ulcers with thrombophlebitis and diabetes
    • burns
    • contaminated wounds

    Treatment with ointment can last up to two months. The drug is not prescribed to children of the first year of life.

    Vishnevsky ointment

    An ointment based on xeroform, tar and castor oil has the ability to remove infiltrate from the wound.

    Draws out suppuration, promotes breakthrough purulent formations with their subsequent accelerated healing. Used in the presence of old or new wounds with traces of infection, pustular rashes, infectious inflammatory processes.

    Natural creams and ointments

    There are many plant-based products on sale, such as Ai-bolit or Rescuer - such preparations contain plant extracts:

    • Sea buckthorn oil
    • Vitamin complexes

    Such ointments will help fight not only wounds, but also hematomas formed from bruises. Ointments containing vitamin E are recommended for use in winter to protect the skin from cold and dampness.


    Ointments with methyluracil have a stimulating effect on regeneration, stimulate the immune system and prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

    The active component is built into reproductive system bacteria and prevents their reproduction. Apply to wounds, cracks and areas of suppuration. Suppress the inflammatory process.

    Ointments with antibiotics

    Ointments with added antibiotics are used to suppress vital functions pathogenic microorganisms. Common pathogens skin infections are considered:

    • Staphylococcus aureus
    • Staphylococci of the saprophytic group
    • Streptococci
    • Escherichia coli

    These microorganisms are dangerous when they enter a wound, both for people with normal immunity and for patients with a deficiency of immune cells. Preparations with the addition of antibiotics will help avoid purulent infections, remove microbes that have entered the wound and ensure rapid healing of the defect without the formation of a scar.

    Hormonal ointments

    Products containing corticosteroid hormones are widely used for allergic skin lesions, as well as for the occurrence of autoimmune lesions, such as psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Suppressing the activity of inflammatory mediators, hormonal drugs reduce the symptoms of inflammation: relieve pain, swelling, prevent peeling and excessive keratinization of the skin. Relieves swelling of an allergic nature, fights the manifestations atopic dermatitis and urticaria.

    Possible contraindications

    You should be careful when choosing ointments for treating injuries: some components can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. It is necessary to test the product before use: apply a drop of ointment to the skin at the wrist or elbow.

    • If itching, burning, redness of the skin or swelling occurs, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor - he will help you choose a substitute that is more suitable for your skin type and individual characteristics body.
    • You should cleanse the skin before applying the product, remove pus and dirt.
    • It is not recommended to combine various drugs, since the therapeutic effect may be reduced.
    • Hormonal drugs can lead to thinning of the skin, stretch marks, atrophy skin. Drugs containing corticosteroids are not prescribed for purulent infections skin, boils, open wounds.
    • It is possible to combine methyluracil with ointments containing antibiotics to enhance the therapeutic effect.
    • During pregnancy, any medications should be used with caution; consult your doctor about possible complications, this is especially true for ointments and creams containing antibiotics and hormones.
    • If during breastfeeding treatment was required, the drug should be applied to the skin, avoiding contact of the ointment with the breast area. You should not use ointments immediately before feeding your baby.

    In order to quickly get rid of the disease, it is necessary to properly care for the wounds:

    • Carefully maintain skin hygiene around the damaged area
    • Use gentle soaps and gels
    • Wipe the skin only with soft towels or napkins, without rubbing
    • If it becomes necessary to apply a bandage, use only sterile bandages and do not use inappropriate fabrics, rough, synthetic or non-sterile materials.
    • It is necessary to use only personal hygiene items: towel, soap, washcloth

    Care depends on the specifics of the disease.