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How to cure nerves and psyche. Folk remedies against vegetative-vascular dystonia. Red wine with herbs for depression

Every person often faces problems in his personal life, at work, and in communicating with friends.

Sometimes the stressful rhythm of life is added to this. Not surprisingly, all this can lead to feeling depressed, nervous or nervous breakdown. Exist various methods How to strengthen the nervous system at home. You can achieve this using:

  • hardening procedures, physical and breathing exercises;
  • food;
  • maintaining a sleep schedule;
  • folk remedies, including herbal baths or teas.

Reception of any medicines is possible only after consultation with a qualified specialist.

The best way to quickly restore the nervous system and strengthen it is proper sleep. At regular lack of sleep Not only is the central and autonomic nervous system depleted, but there is a deterioration in appetite and decreased performance. None of the techniques described below will give positive result, if a person does not follow a sleep-wake schedule, he systematically does not get enough sleep.

Hardening will help you improve your work nervous system, and increase immunity, endurance of the body, its ability to fight unfavorable external factors. It will be effective if the principle of systematicity is observed. The first stage of hardening begins with the most gentle procedure of wiping with a wet and then a dry towel. Gradually, you can move on to dousing both the whole body and its parts, such as legs. The next step is to take a contrasting, cool, cold shower. For a well-prepared body, winter swimming is suitable for hardening, as it has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. At any stage, at the end of the procedure, rubbing is carried out with a dry towel.

The combination of hardening and physical exercise helps to increase performance and maintain the whole body in good shape.

In this case, they will help strengthen your nerves hiking, during which breathing normalizes, the feeling of fatigue disappears, and mood improves.

Physical activity can be alternated with gymnastics, including breathing exercises to strengthen the nervous system, each of which must be repeated 2-4 times.

When performing the first exercise, you need to inhale deeply, mentally counting down 4 seconds. Exhale at the same time, but after holding your breath for a couple of seconds. You should try to focus only on the breathing process. Repeat until a feeling of calm appears, but no longer than 7 minutes. Gradually you can go longer breathing movements, increasing the count to 6–3 or 8–4 seconds. The advantage of this breathing exercise the fact that it does not require special training, it can be performed anywhere if necessary.

The next stage is a smooth raising of the arms, combined with a deep breath until the palms clasp above the head. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. You should exhale slowly while lowering your arms.

The essence of the third exercise is to gradually deep breath when raising your arms in front of you to chest level. After a short pause, you should move them apart, bend your torso to the side on a count of 3, and then exhale sharply through your mouth, taking the starting position.

The fourth move is similar to a push-up. However, in this case, before lifting the body, you should take a deep breath, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then return to the starting position.

On last stage breathing exercises, palms rest against the wall. Perform push-ups, inhaling deeply as you bend your elbows, exhaling as you straighten.

Performing these exercises is a kind of exercise for (hereinafter referred to as the central nervous system). They help to quickly cope with excitement, anxiety, and abstract from negative thoughts.

Foods and drinks that strengthen the central nervous system

Nutrition plays a leading role in strengthening both the central nervous system and the entire body. Recognized antidepressants are citrus fruits and bananas. Rich in calcium, dairy and dairy products can have a relaxing, calming effect. It is not for nothing that for insomnia caused by stress, it is recommended to use warm milk.

Including bran bread, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, and egg yolks in the diet will help compensate for the lack of vitamin B1. Be sure to eat various seafood containing zinc and selenium. These microelements help fight fatigue and improve brain activity.

Effective strengthening folk remedies are herbal teas. For a calming drink you will need:

Flooded hot water(200–300 ml) herbal mixture leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink 150 ml before meals.

Tea with lemon balm, which has relaxing and restorative properties, will help with neuroses. To prepare it, you need to steep 10 g of herb in boiling water (250 ml) for 7–15 minutes. Consume about an hour after meals.

An infusion of oregano will relieve irritability and anxiety. For a glass of boiling water you will need 4–6 g of dry herb. Infuses Herb tea half an hour, take 100-150 ml an hour before meals.

Ivan tea can strengthen the nervous system. 10 g of herb is poured into 250 ml of boiling water for 4 hours, then filtered. For treatment, this remedy must be consumed 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day before meals.

A drink that includes valerian, orange flowers, mint, and basil (10 g each) will help strengthen and restore nerves. Pour boiling water (200–300 ml), leave, strain.

Such a folk remedy as herbal infusion, the basis of which is viburnum (bark), motherwort, caraway seeds and fennel (fruits) (1 tsp each). 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over the pre-mixed ingredients and leave for about 50–60 minutes. Use up to 3 times a day.

Baths using herbs and essential oils

Folk remedies that have a relaxing and calming effect are herbal baths and essential oils. Adding to the bath medicinal herbs allows you to very quickly cope with fatigue, irritability, normalize emotional condition, strengthen your nerves.

Recipe 1. To prepare a relaxing decoction you will need lemon balm leaves (60 g) and 1 liter of water. After boiling for 7-10 minutes, leave for a quarter of an hour. Pour the strained broth into a filled bath, the duration of which is from 7 to 15 minutes.

Recipe 2. For 1.5 liters of water you need 3-4 tbsp. l. herbs wormwood, rosemary, and linden flowers. After boiling the broth for about 10 minutes, leave for about a quarter of an hour. Take a strengthening bath for no more than half an hour.

Recipe 3. Pour 100 g of oregano into 2–2.5 liters of boiling water and leave for an hour. For achievement desired effect A herbal bath of 20 minutes is enough.

Essential oils also have healing properties. Acceptance of similar aromatic baths has a beneficial effect on the entire body, including the central nervous system. An important point When adding an essential product, it is necessary to first mix it with a base, such as sea salt (3-4 tbsp), milk (250 ml) or honey. If the basis is sea ​​salt, then place it in a small bag or gauze, add 3-4 drops of ether, then shake vigorously to mix the components. After this, the bag is lowered into the filled bath. Relieves fatigue and irritability lavender oil, at severe stress A mixture of sandalwood, rose oils, frankincense esters, and geranium will help. Orange, tangerine oil will cheer you up.

Regular exercise active image life, hardening the body, as well as treatment with the described folk remedies will help both strengthen the nervous system and increase efficiency, resistance to stress, and also get rid of depression.

Once upon a time it seemed to us that we had not nerves, but ropes, and we didn’t care at all. We slept little because we worked better at night, smoked a lot, rarely thought about rest, and relieved the accumulated tension with alcohol.

Over time, everything changed: we lost sleep, our mood worsened, we became irritable and aggressive. “Nerves to hell,” we make excuses.

Just like in the joke: a man is sitting in a bar, drinking beer, when suddenly some guy runs in and shouts in a heart-rending voice: “Lekha, your wife’s bag was stolen while you’re sitting here!” The man takes off, runs into the street - and immediately gets hit by a car. He woke up in intensive care, lay there and thought: “Nerves are completely out of whack! I’m not Lekha, but Vasya, and I never had a wife.”

Those around us also seem to have conspired: it seems to us that they are just looking for a reason to annoy us. In addition to minor troubles, from time to time we experience serious ones, but we don’t know how to resist them. And now our once steely nerves have become like exposed electrical wires, we explode, scream and throw tantrums for no reason or no reason. Our loved ones look at us with caution and try not to disturb us again, so as not to get caught. But first of all, we ourselves suffer. After all, as doctors say, “all diseases come from nerves.”

“I don’t need to get on my nerves, there is someone to spoil them,” say Odessa residents.

Do nerve cells recover?

For the first time, the authoritative Spanish scientist Santiago Ramon y Cahalem stated that nerve cells do not regenerate in 1928. And the opinion that neurons are formed exclusively in the embryonic period of human development, and after birth they are only consumed, existed until the 60s of the last century. Phrase " Nerve cells not restored” was very popular quite recently. Many people continue to say this in the old fashion today.

The belief that neurons were being destroyed, and the fear that their supply might run out, also served a good purpose: people tried not to get nervous again, because no one wanted to become a neurasthenic in the near future.

And in 1962, it was experimentally proven that neurogenesis - the formation of new nerve cells - successfully occurs in the brain of adult animals. And in 1998, scientists found that nerve cells in the human brain also have the ability to recover.

Another good news: modern German neuroscientist G. Hüter claims that neuronal restoration occurs at any age, both young and old. The rate at which new nerve cells appear can reach 700 neurons per day. Only in a 70-year-old person this happens 4 times slower than in a 20-year-old person.

Among the main enemies that destroy nerve cells are. Stress not only destroys existing cells - it suppresses the ability to regenerate. Same as some chemical substances And high doses radiation.

Canadian colleagues of G. Huether examined long-lived nuns on a magnetic resonance imaging scanner and found that their brains worked perfectly, and they did not have any manifestations of senility. Scientists came to the conclusion that the formation of new nerve cells and improved conduction of nerve impulses were facilitated by the lifestyle and positive thinking of the nuns: their active position and desire to change the world for the better.

G. Hüther himself concluded that a favorable attitude towards people, understanding - at least one’s own, the ability to organize one’s life, ability, taste for life, and an enduring desire to learn and experience new things have a beneficial effect on neurogenesis. And, in his opinion, nothing stimulates the formation of neurons more than finding a solution to a problem.

How to strengthen your nerves

1. Get enough sleep

The nervous system needs a strong one. It’s easy to say, but what to do if it’s not sweet and serene, like in childhood, but heavy and intermittent? And most importantly, falling asleep becomes a problem. Restless thoughts, like a splinter stuck in your head, prevent you from doing this. The body is not relaxed, but tense, like a string. And only in the morning I finally manage to fall asleep, but it’s already time to get up. And so every day.

To fall asleep, some people start taking melatonin– sleep hormone. But he either doesn’t help them at all, or helps them little. The fact is that human body produces enough of it. Melatonin begins to be produced at dusk, reaches a maximum from 12 at night to 4 in the morning, and with dawn its level in the blood drops. Melatonin deficiency may be experienced by residents of northern regions during white nights, night owls who work at night, or those who sleep with the light on or with the TV on. For them, taking additional melatonin is an opportunity to get rid of insomnia. Melatonin is harmless and non-addictive.

Many people have trouble sleeping not because of a lack of melatonin, but because of. Psychological stress, excessive physical activity, a large number of Drinking caffeinated drinks, watching the news before bed, and surfing the Internet until midnight overloads the nervous system, which eventually becomes unhinged.

Experts say that a sharp increase or, conversely, an increase in calories also negatively affects mental self-regulation.

You can try to relax with auto-training. Its essence lies in the fact that we pronounce certain phrases that should reassure anxious thoughts, relax muscles, remove nervous tension. The following phrases (or similar ones):

  • I feel comfortable and good, I feel at ease, my body is relaxed.
  • My right hand gradually fills with warmth.
  • Now my left hand is filled with warmth.
  • Both hands become heavy.
  • My right leg fills with warmth.
  • Now my left leg is filled with warmth.
  • My legs are getting heavy.
  • A pleasant warmth spreads through my body, my body becomes heavier.
  • I feel good and calm.

If neither turning off monitors in a timely manner, nor a daily routine, nor auto-training helps (many find it difficult to concentrate and convince themselves), you can turn to two more ways to fall asleep.

The first one is soothing herbs: Valerian and motherwort, taken just before bed. (There is an opinion that motherwort should not be taken by men because it reduces potency.)

Second - these are magnesium preparations. For example, Magne B6. Magnesium relaxes muscle fibers, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, it is an anti-stress mineral. Vitamin B6 contained in the preparation is necessary for normal functioning nervous system and prevention of insomnia. It is important to remember to take Magne B6 before bed. Better yet, drink a soothing herbal tea half an hour before taking magnesium.

Makes it easier to fall asleep and glycine– an amino acid that has virtually no contraindications. Glycine reduces psycho-emotional stress, normalizes sleep, improves mood and increases mental performance.

2. Give food to the mind

The nervous system needs vitamins and minerals, but we don't get enough of them from food. Firstly, because the diet of most people can hardly be called balanced. Secondly, due to problems with gastrointestinal tract, which most adults have, vitamins and minerals are not absorbed from food in the required amount. Therefore, in order for the body, including the nervous system, to function normally, it is worth taking them additionally. Pharmacy vitamin preparations contain prophylactic doses.

What foods enhance neurogenesis?

Cocoa. It contains theobromine, which activates. Thanks to it, memory improves and the speed of information processing increases.

Spinach and berries, in particular cherries, black currants, dark grapes. Human brain is penetrated by capillaries, over time they wear out, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, and irreversible changes occur in it. The functioning of the nervous system is also disrupted. Berries and spinach contain flavonoids that increase elasticity blood vessels and reducing the fragility of capillaries, thus preventing their sclerotic damage.

Turmeric. Curcumin contained in this spice prevents the destruction of dopamine, the pleasure hormone, the lack of which leads to depression and anxiety disorders.

Green tea. The catechin it contains neutralizes toxins that have a destructive effect on nerve cells.

Fish fat. Slows down the destruction of nerve cells and improves brain function.

Red meat and poultry. Carnosine, which is found in lean meat, acts as an antioxidant: it reduces negative impact free radicals, strengthens cell membranes, increases mental performance and improves memory. Carnosine is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Ginkgo. An extract from the fruits and leaves of this tree is used to treat the disorder cerebral circulation, it has a vasodilating effect and improves oxygen supply to the brain.

Our brain, and therefore our nerve cells, loves foods containing phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and iodine. Therefore, our diet should include fish, eggs, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, nuts, dairy products and greens.

3. Run away from neurosis

It turns out that positive influence Running and physical activity in general influence the formation of new nerve cells. According to numerous studies, they are the most powerful and reliable way to speed up neurogenesis and improve thinking abilities.

American scientists studying this issue have come to the conclusion that running stimulates not only neurogenesis, but also angiogenesis - the process of formation of new blood vessels in the brain tissue, due to which the volume of brain tissue is preserved, which in people who lead sedentary lifestyle life, decreases with age.

Thus, running is a great way to improve brain function. Scientists believe that in the treatment of neuroses and depression physical exercise outdoor exercise, including jogging, is no less effective than antidepressants.

4. Take soothing herbal and salt baths

They are recommended to be taken two to three times a week for 15–25 minutes, an hour before meals or 2 hours after them. For a soothing bath, take 300 g of salt and dissolve it in hot water and then poured into a bath with warm water. You can also add a decoction of soothing herbs. Collections of them are sold in pharmacies. If you don’t want to bother with decoctions, add a few drops to the bath aromatic oils, calming the nervous system. This oil is grapefruit, jasmine, clove, bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli.

(Before taking a salt bath, you should ask yourself if there are any contraindications.)

5. Be philosophical about life

Our nervous system is not a bottomless well from which we can endlessly draw energy without giving ourselves the opportunity to replenish it and recover. If you treat it thoughtlessly, it becomes exhausted and the syndrome sets in emotional burnout. Austrian psychotherapist Alfried Pangle called burnout “ashes after fireworks.” Its result is irritability, sleep disturbance, increased anxiety, neurosis, depression.

Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome lies in unloading the nervous system: we set ourselves, do not place excessive demands on ourselves, do not take full responsibility, but try to share powers with others. Don’t forget to relax physically: turn off your phone, go into nature, and at least for the weekend forget about rush jobs and time pressures.

People whose attention is focused exclusively on... also suffer from neuroses. They, like a sponge, absorb bad news, and life seems to them to be a series of troubles and dangers. They live in constant anticipation of misfortune. No wonder their nerves are frayed.

You need to understand: most of the expected troubles will not happen. We “die” a hundred times from troubles that may never happen. And if any of them happen, we will only experience them once. By suffering repeatedly, we engage in masochism. Therefore, we will solve problems as they arise.

Everyone should know how to strengthen the nervous system, because none of us is immune from. Overwork, chronic lack of sleep, stress, poor ecology - these are some of the most important and important factors, negatively affecting our psyche and nerves. When “nerves are to hell”, you don’t want anything, there is only one desire left - to restore your nerves, so that the desire for life returns, and a positive worldview improves. That's why your favorite site useful tips the site will tell you today about how to restore the nervous system.

How to strengthen the nervous system at home

The most the best way recovery is rest. Of course, the ideal option is to go on vacation to warm countries near the sea. Sea air, the sound of the surf, clean air and the gentle sun have a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional health. That's why we always return after vacation full of strength and energy. If it is not possible to get out for so long and far, but you need to give yourself a break, go to the country or just for a long walk in nature on your day off. Beautiful nature, greenery and birdsong away from the bustle of the city will help you recover and gain strength. Colorful and delicate flowers will help restore your nerves; delivery of inexpensive flowers in Moscow is a great way to cheer yourself up and do something pleasant to a loved one.

You must understand and remember that it will not be possible to restore the nervous system without proper sleep. 8 hours of sleep daily is enough for the body, but you should not deprive yourself of precious hours of rest under any circumstances. At chronic lack of sleep a person’s memory deteriorates, nervousness increases, immunity decreases, and processes premature aging brain

Correct way to restore your nerves balanced diet. It is especially important for women. Your diet should always contain fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, with the help of which the body will draw healthy vitamins and minerals. For mental health and a sense of calm, seafood consumption is important because sea ​​fish rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. In addition to seafood, this substance is found in olive and linseed oil, and in some quantities in fruits and vegetables. Don't limit your intake meat products, protein is important for solid emotional health person. Give preference chicken meat, turkey meat, as well as beef.

Try to rest on time, eat well, get rid of bad habits, and then your nerves will be in perfect order.

Folk remedies

The recipes given below have proven themselves well as folk remedies for strengthening nerves.

Composition 1

Mix 100 grams of calamus root with the same amount of mullein flowers and 100 grams of mint. Using a coffee grinder, grind the herbs to a fine powder. Two tablespoons herbal collection pour two glasses of boiling water. It is advisable to prepare the decoction in the evening in a thermos, and then after brewing overnight, the product will be ready for use in the morning. In the morning, strain the infusion and take half a glass four times a day on an empty stomach.

Composition 2

Pour two tablespoons of centaury herb into a thermos with two glasses of boiling water. Also, let the broth brew until the morning, strain in the morning and take four times a day on an empty stomach.

Composition 3

During the period when honeysuckle begins to bloom, pick some of its branches for yourself to strengthen the nervous system. Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind the branches to flour. Pour one teaspoon of chopped honeysuckle branches with a glass of boiling water, simmer the broth over low heat for five minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Honeysuckle decoction is taken one tablespoon three times a day.

Strengthening a teenager's nerves

Often, children have increased nervousness due to a lack of vitamins and minerals of a certain group. So children are most susceptible nervous exhaustion when there is a lack of calcium in their body. With a lack of calcium, the child becomes more irritable, nervous and restless. Of course, you can give your child a vitamin complex that contains calcium, but you shouldn’t forget about good nutrition. A child's daily diet must include dairy products.

A lack of B vitamins contributes to rapid fatigue and excessive excitement in children. To improve a child’s attention, increase his performance and strengthen his nerves, it is necessary to include foods high in B vitamins in the teenager’s menu. These are foods such as meat, seafood, beans and dairy products .

Remember that a child will quickly get tired and be inattentive during the day if he has not had a hearty and nutritious breakfast. Don't forget to give your child a handful of nuts in the morning to strengthen his nerves. But dinner should be lighter, and evening reception meals should take place no later than three hours before bedtime, so that the child does not go to bed early full stomach, otherwise there can be no question of any proper rest at night.

Nothing will help strengthen a child’s nerves as well as rest and entertainment. Spend time outdoors with your child more often, take family outings into nature, where you can play outdoor games. During the holidays, the child should rest; do not overload him with tasks if you see that he is tired. Make sure that your offspring does not spend a lot of time on the computer playing games. Computer battles greatly overload children's brains and psyches, which does not help strengthen the nervous system. And only such a comprehensive approach (nutritious balanced nutrition, intake vitamin complex And good rest) will help strengthen your child’s nervous system. ­

The nervous system is a complex network that controls all actions human body: breathing, digestion, movement, temperature, etc. Problems with the nervous system can arise due to impaired blood circulation, nerve function, injury, exposure toxic substances, lack of vitamins.

Moreover, chronic stress increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and negatively affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This leads to hyperactivity, excessive stress on the heart and blood vessels, muscle tension and other problems. To prevent this from happening, you need to not only know how to strengthen the nervous system, but also constantly do it.

How nervous system disorders affect our lives

Walking barefoot is a pleasant and beneficial activity for the nervous system. Walking barefoot on the ground, soft grass, sand or pebbles at the beach is very beneficial. A study published in 2012 found that half an hour of barefoot walking a day could:

  • improve blood viscosity;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • suppress inflammation;
  • reduce cortisol levels;
  • improve sleep quality.

Sun rays help the nervous system because vitamin D is produced under their influence. A lack of the “sun” vitamin is associated with increased risk diseases of the central nervous system, in particular schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis.

Walking barefoot, walking in the sun, exercise, meditation, yoga and relaxing baths are great ways to strengthen the nervous system.

To increase your vitamin D levels, walk in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes every day, and eat seafood, eggs and milk.

Yoga and meditation - best friends nervous system. Daily yoga and/or meditation helps strengthen the peripheral nervous system, increase the body's defenses, and improve mood and physical state body. The following asanas are especially beneficial for the nervous system:

  • inverted staff pose;
  • handstand;
  • bridge pose;
  • shoulder blade stand;
  • leaning towards your feet while sitting;
  • bent candle pose;
  • corpse pose.

Regular exercise can strengthen the nervous system and improve the condition of almost every body system. Walking, walking, swimming, cycling - any activity will benefit the nervous system. However, when choosing exercises, it is also important to consider the availability possible contraindications and choose the load level wisely.

Relieve tension after have a hard day A bath with Epsom salts will do. This procedure is beneficial for nerves and muscles, and also has a detox effect. To prepare such a bath, just add 1 cup of Epsom salts to warm water and stir well.

Foods that help strengthen the nervous system

Magnesium is an important mineral for nervous system health, and a deficiency of it inhibits some neurotransmitters needed to transmit signals between nerve cells. Magnesium is also necessary for the production of serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and improves mood. Therefore, be sure to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet.

For the health of the nervous system it is necessary to consume rich in vitamins food, and is good for relieving stress chamomile tea.

Green tea and chamomile decoction are two amazing drinks that will have a positive effect on the nervous system. Make sure you always have these two drinks on hand because:

  1. The amino acid L-theanine in green tea helps increase dopamine and serotonin levels, which helps improve mood and relieve stress. Caffeine improves concentration and concentration, and antioxidants reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, including neurological ones.
  2. Chamomile has proven itself well as a sedative Therefore, I recommend drinking chamomile tea for insomnia, irritability, and stress.

To better cope with stress and reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. In addition to the above methods, the site recommends giving up bad habits, drinking plenty of fluids, not overusing caffeine, enjoying your favorite hobbies and hanging out with friends more often - this way you will significantly improve your ability to withstand the effects of negative factors.

Pace modern life It makes you nervous just by its speed: you hesitate a little, stumble and immediately fall under the feet of hundreds of people just like you, always in a hurry and late for somewhere. You will be calm here, of course! What can you do to avoid taking handfuls of antidepressants and still feel calm and balanced? The path to the country of “Healthy Nerves” is difficult, but very exciting. And MirSovetov will tell you the direction!

Saving the nervous is the work of the nervous themselves

Do not believe the hackneyed phrase: “Nerve cells do not regenerate.” Nerve fibers stretch throughout our body over a distance of 1 billion meters! If such a grandiose scale system did not have the opportunity to be revived, it would sooner or later collapse, like dominoes built in a row. Neurons recover, but very slowly. Therefore, even if you explode several times a day like an active volcano, you still have a chance to become a calm and balanced person.

The state of your nervous system depends only on you. Accept this fact as the ultimate truth. Neither everyday problems, nor difficulties at work, nor conflict situations in the family will make you angry if you do not allow this to happen. It is not you who are being irritated, but you who allow yourself to be irritated. Your positive attitude towards life in general depends only on your fundamentally calm perception of the situation.

In addition, there are a number of ways that will help you get on the path to recovery from irritation, hysteria and melancholy.

Calm and calm again

Learn to disconnect for a while external stimuli and completely relax. Learn the basics. In order to feel peace and tranquility, you don’t need to spend sleepless nights for studying complex techniques and practices. This activity does not require any skill or effort on your part. Sit comfortably, you can lean back in the chair, making sure that your back does not hunch. Breathe calmly and evenly, try to relax all your muscles. Mentally promise yourself to be calm and balanced, to maintain good mood during the day. Let this attitude become your daily motto. Set interesting and constructive goals for yourself, open your mind to new ideas - this thoroughly charges your nervous system with positive creative energy.

One sheep, two sheep...

Sometimes, in order to calmly and steadfastly cope with daily routine problems and force majeure situations, it is enough to get enough sleep. The energy accumulated during the night will help you maintain an even mood throughout the day.

There are several rules, following which, you will ensure yourself a healthy and refreshing sleep. Before you go to bed, you definitely need to relax, get rid of thoughts about what happened to you during the day from your head. Turn off the TV and radio - they will not help you in the evening. There are activities that are much more enjoyable: you can play or chat with your child, take a relaxing bath, or immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of light reading.

You should not have a heavy dinner before bed, otherwise, instead of resting, your unfortunate digestive system will be forced to work half the night, processing extra tidbits. The healthiest dinner light food 2–3 hours before bedtime.

In summer, if possible, sleep with open window, in winter, always ventilate the room before going to bed. Circulation fresh air indoors will help you fall asleep quickly. choose only from high-quality natural materials; the pillow and mattress should ideally be orthopedic.

Avoid taking sedatives medicines for the night - they will bring more harm than good. The body very quickly gets used to their action: soon you simply will not be able to relax and fall asleep on your own without taking a couple of treasured tablets before bed. Limit yourself to a glass of warm milk or a mug of herbal milk, and then go into the warm arms of Morpheus.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner - vitamins

Teme proper nutrition Hundreds of books and a million articles have been devoted to this, but each of us still has a long way to go to learn all the mysteries and secrets of the art of eating high-quality and healthy food.

Natural food is another incentive for the nervous system to work without interruption. Nerve cells are restored thanks to useful substances(vitamins, macro- and microelements) that enter the body with food. Calcium occupies a leading position in the list of most essential vitamins for neuron tone. Its deficiency affects the functioning of the nervous system as follows: the transmission of nerve impulses slows down, tension increases, and a person without visible reasons becomes irritated, whiny and touchy. Is it worth mentioning the need for calcium in children and teenage body? Without it, children are overly excited (today it is commonly called), it is difficult for them to concentrate on one activity, they have problems obsessive states(nail biting, nose picking). A sufficient amount of this vitamin is found in cheese, dairy products, beans, almonds, sesame seeds, halva, and wheat bran.

B vitamins should not be neglected. They nourish and strengthen the nervous system, making it more stress-resistant. Make it a habit to prepare various vitamin health cocktails. For example, an excellent energy drink: 0.5 liters (2 cups) of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit or tomato juice, 1 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sprouted grains of wheat, a little and one egg yolk.

Spinach, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, oranges, grapefruits contain sufficient amounts of B vitamins.

Let's escape from stress!

If you do not play sports, if basic physical activity is alien to you, it is difficult to call you absolutely healthy person. No matter how trivial it may sound, movement is the key to your worthy and fulfilling life. Sports exercises not only train muscles, but also strengthen the nervous system. Ardent Champion alternative medicine, American nutritionist Paul Bragg considered vigorous walking at a distance of 3 to 8 km to be a reliable basis for strong nerves. Race walking has no contraindications; anyone can master it if desired. It is better to start with short distances - from 1 to 2 km, gradually increasing the distance. Regular walking will help you get rid of excess weight, will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, will be an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, will save you from bad obsessive thoughts And depressive states. The more kilometers you travel behind you, the smoother your breathing, stronger your appetite and sleep better. Why not stress therapy?

Abdominal breathing is better than valerian

If you want to calm your nerves, remember about proper breathing. During physical activity human nature chest breathing - rib cage When you inhale it expands, when you exhale it contracts. In a calm situation, it is better to consciously use diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing. Thanks to this technique, the blood is saturated big amount oxygen, organ function improves abdominal cavity, intestinal motility is activated - in general, all these changes have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Consciously control your abdominal breathing until it becomes a habit. First, train while lying down - this makes it easier to control the filling of your abdomen with air. Then bring this procedure to automaticity in a sitting and standing position. Remember that deep, slow breathing will give you a long and happy life.

The cleansing power of water

The energetic power of water is undeniable. Water procedures have diverse properties: relaxing, tonic, hardening, stimulating. And this is not the whole list!

Water procedures primarily cleanse the skin of harmful substances, which had accumulated in her pores during the day. In addition, intense water jets stimulate nerve endings on the skin, giving you a calming or invigorating effect depending on the temperature. Make it a rule to take it in the morning - a wonderful start to a new day. In the evening, take a twenty-minute herbal bath to help you relax before bed. If possible, be sure to swim! Pleasant muscle fatigue after swimming will have the best effect on your mood.

And remember: stress is an integral part of our lives and an important component for training the nervous system. By experiencing tension, the nerves are tempered to become stronger. Your task is to minimize the consequences of unpleasant situations with help and a positive attitude. Be healthy!