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Pinched nerve symptoms in dogs. What is sciatica? Causes and symptoms. Treatment of a pinched nerve

Back pain in a dog

You may be surprised to learn that back pain in your dog can be a serious and ongoing problem...

The backs of humans and dogs are very similar, but there are a few important differences. Essentially, the spine consists of the spinal cord, which sends messages through neurons to the brain and from the brain to the rest of the body. It is enclosed in bony canals, which consist of numerous vertebrae. Between each of the vertebrae there are small discs and provide a kind of shock absorption, thereby allowing the spine to bend and straighten comfortably. These intervertebral discs are susceptible to injury and damage in both dogs and humans. When a disc ruptures or moves out of its normal position, it can negatively affect the spinal cord and cause serious pain and neurological deficits.

This is where species differences become extremely important. In people spinal cord by itself does not extend far beyond the middle of the back. Because of our vertical position disc herniation occur most often in the lower back, and therefore has less impact on the spinal cord. On the other hand, a dog's spinal cord is spread down the back, and their horizontal position means that most injuries occur in the very center. This means that when intervertebral disc moves out of its position, as a rule, the nerve roots in the spinal cord are directly pinched. So while a person with a slipped disc may feel some shooting pain, a dog with the same problem may suffer severe back pain and even complete paralysis within a few hours.

As you can imagine, this requires the attention of a veterinarian, and than more like a dog receives treatment, the better the prognosis may be. It is important that all owners know the signs of this disease. Typically, pain is the first thing you notice in a dog suffering from a slipped disc. If the disc has slipped in the cervical region, the dog will be unable to turn its head or lower its head to eat and drink. If a disc has become displaced in the middle of the spine, the dog may arch its back in pain. Moreover, as already mentioned, in severe cases Weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs may occur. If the nerves Bladder and the colon are also affected, the dog may experience difficulty urinating and defecating.

In some cases, these symptoms come on suddenly, while others will develop more slowly over time. In any case, any of these signs is reason enough to contact a veterinarian. These injuries are especially common in some dog breeds, including dachshund, beagle, basset hound, and bulldog. In fact, Dachshunds are about ten times more likely to suffer from this problem than all other breeds combined, and owners of these dogs should be especially alert to signs of back pain.

Treatment of the disease intervertebral discs includes both medicinal and surgical options. The first step is almost always to use anti-inflammatory medications. This will help minimize the size of the hernia intervertebral disc while reducing inflammation around the spinal cord. Meanwhile, treating back pain can be more comfortable for your dog. In severe cases, protruding discs may be removed surgically, but surgery must be performed immediately after the injury to be effective.

The prognosis from any form of treatment is variable. Many dogs will be able to return to normal life, while others will never be able to walk. This fate largely depends on the severity of the injury, and how quickly and effectively the treatment was carried out. In some cases, a dog may get the same disease a second time, but the chances of this happening are slim. It is difficult to prevent this disease, since the causes of most injuries are unknown. For dogs at high risk of developing a herniated disc, it is best to limit too much large quantity jumping, and try as hard as possible to keep the dog’s weight as low as possible. Supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin are also available to help strengthen damaged discs.

If you are concerned about your dog, please do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian. While you can choose what to do with your own back pain, your dog's back pain is a different story, and something your veterinarian should definitely hear about.

Among dangerous diseases Pinched nerves in dogs pose a particular threat. It can occur suddenly, almost at any time. The owner needs to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, because there is a real risk of partial or complete paralysis of the hind legs.

The nervous system is represented in the dog’s body by two largest organs that provide vital important functions– brain and spinal cord. The latter is located in the spinal canal. And the spine is represented by a number of vertebrae that have sufficient mobility so that the dog can perform a variety of movements.

A pinched nerve can cause paralysis in a dog's hind legs.

Under the influence of various pathogenic processes, the vertebrae can begin to shift, resulting in compression of the nerve fibers of the spinal cord. Moreover, it is often not only the vertebra itself that puts pressure on the nerves, but also soft fabric(tendons or muscles located nearby).

This can happen for various reasons:

  1. Age factor - vertebral bones wear out over the course of life, and over time, the processes of bone tissue restoration slow down, the vertebrae become less strong and can shift, squeezing nerve fibers.
  2. Various bone diseases associated with their destruction (osteochondrosis) also contribute to this process.
  3. Prolonged hypothermia, combined with physical activity or without it leads to radiculitis, similar to how it appears in humans. Breeds such as, and are especially at risk.
  4. Various injuries spine (bruises, strong blows, dislocations, fractures) also negatively affect the integrity of the structure - the bones are displaced relative to their normal position and can pinch nerve fibers.
  5. Hereditary predisposition (anomalies in bone structure, as well as metabolic processes absorption of calcium) also contribute to the occurrence of pathology.

A pinched nerve can occur due to injuries, bruises, diseases of the spine and joints.

How dangerous is the disease?

A pinched nerve poses a serious threat to the health and even life of an animal. The main risks are related to the fact that it is the nerve that provides sensitivity to the limbs and the possibility of their unhindered movement due to the contraction of the corresponding muscles.

Therefore, if timely measures are not taken, the nerve fiber may die, and the paws will not only lose sensitivity, but will remain virtually paralyzed. In particularly advanced cases, this can lead to death.

How to recognize a pinch

It is quite easy to see the deviation, because in case of pinching the animal always experiences severe pain.

First of all, there will be significant, seemingly inexplicable changes in behavior:

  • the dog cannot fully move;
  • she's pressing hind legs under itself, often simply dragging them along the floor;
  • the animal may begin to limp or even be unable to move for some time;
  • the dog whines, can demonstrate aggressive behavior if the owner tries to inspect the paws;
  • Whenever there is a change in position (for example, when lying down), the dog behaves unnaturally - it takes a long time to choose a comfortable position, curls up, etc.

As a result of a pinched nerve, your dog's paws may fail.

Attention. First aid consists of giving the animal - but only a proven one, one that is suitable specifically for dogs (quadrisol intravenously). Medications for humans can cause stomach problems.

Treatment of the disease

It is important to understand that the disease cannot be cured at home, so even if you suspect the development of pathology, you should immediately undergo examination in a clinic. Often, pinching occurs suddenly - that is, the dog’s hind legs literally give out. Although in some cases the disease develops gradually - the animal begins to walk with an uncertain gait, lie in unnatural positions and behave less actively for reasons that are inexplicable at first glance.

After a visual examination and x-ray, the veterinarian will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate course of therapy, which usually includes medications of different groups:

Important. During the first months after treatment, it is important to prevent the dog from hypothermia - it is better to take care of clothes during walks in winter, and move the dog bed to a warm place at home. But there is no need to put it under the battery itself - severe overheating is almost as dangerous as hypothermia.

Preventing pinched nerves

Theoretically, a similar situation can happen in any breed at any age, however, old animals that are more than 7-8 years old are at risk. That's why preventive measures Owners of such dogs need to be especially careful.

The basic requirements are as follows:

  1. Carefully monitor the load on the dog, especially if it attends regular training sessions - you should not overload the animal.
  2. Ensure safety, especially with puppies. They may fall on their backs, and if given to children, they may twist and fall to the floor. These situations are unacceptable, because even a small bruise of the spine can make itself felt later.
  3. Finally, a balanced diet that ensures the strength of bones and joints is also a very important requirement. The dog's diet should contain optimal quantity calcium, phosphorus and substances that promote their absorption by bone tissue.

In the video you can see how a pinched nerve in a dog manifests itself.

Thus, it is quite possible to prevent a pinched nerve. The main thing is to constantly monitor your health and normal behavior dogs, and at the slightest suspicion of the development of pathology, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Pinched nerve in a dog: treatment and causes of the problem

Surgical diseases of dogs are an extremely broad, varied and very interesting topic. This includes a pinched nerve in a dog. This pathology occurs infrequently, but when it appears it causes a lot of negative effects. And diagnosis is not always simple: sometimes it takes a lot of time to determine the real reason what's happening to the dog.

What is it, what is the danger of the pathology?

As a rule, “pinched nerve” refers to a situation when the root of one of the spinal processes is pinched by intervertebral discs. This is extremely dangerous, since even in mild cases the disease is fraught with impaired sensitivity and mobility of the limbs, and in the most severe cases the animal may even be completely paralyzed. This in itself is terrible, not to mention the painful effects that arise!

The difficulty is that in practice it is extremely difficult to determine where exactly the unfortunate nerve is pinched, since clinical manifestations pathologies can manifest themselves both above and below this place. In any case, if you see your dog squealing in pain, unable to stand up, sit down, walk, etc., call the veterinarian immediately.

Very often this happens due to spondylosis. This is what it is degenerative disease spine, in which the formation of peculiar “stalactites” (osteophytes) occurs between individual vertebrae. These outgrowths, not provided for by nature and the normal anatomy of the dog’s body, can very often damage nerves.

Main causes of the disease

Let us repeat once again that in many cases the problem should be looked for in the neck and upper part of the spinal column. Despite its high localization, pathologies in this area often cause numbness and paralysis of the lower areas of the animal’s body. Thus, pinched spinal nerve in a dog is the most severe type of this disease.

Clinical picture of pinching

Of course, your dog is unlikely to be able to tell you about tingling in its paws, but it can be impossible not to see signs of pain and numbness. However, when an animal’s legs give out within a couple of days, even the most careless owner will suspect something is wrong. Most characteristic symptom is the “wooden” gait and awkwardness of the animal, the back of which wobbles and collapses when walking. The dog refuses to play, runs reluctantly and with force. If everything is really severe, then he will most likely whine and squeal if you touch the limb that has failed due to pinching.

If the problem is compression of the spinal nerve, then even with a quick glance it can be noticeable how strongly the animal’s back is curved. Also in these cases, the stomach may be very tense. In mild cases of the disease, the dog begins to lie down with difficulty, “slowly and impressively,” carefully tucking its paws under itself. What other signs of a pinched nerve in a dog are there?

The pain when a nerve is pinched can be such that even calm and good-natured dogs They can snap and growl at the owner if he even touches the sore leg. If you observe anything like this in your pet, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian, since diagnosis at home is almost impossible, and delay is fraught with big troubles.

Therapy and prevention

What is the treatment for a pinched nerve in a dog? Firstly, it is very important to stop the pain reaction, since it not only greatly depletes the animal’s nervous system, but also aggravates the process. Traditional treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids such as prednisone, as well as pain medications. Sedatives are also useful, since under their influence even an active pet is simply forced to spend more time resting.

It is very important to “leave behind” the dog, provide it with rest and complete peace. If the animal’s condition is very serious, then you will have to regularly remove its waste products, wash and comb its fur, and shift the dog to the other side so that bedsores do not develop. Of course, such conditions bring little joy to the dog itself, but peace is the most important component of restoring its health. Mandatory appointment vitamin preparations. Group “B” is especially important, which helps restore nerve conduction.

Surgery is only used in cases where all other therapeutic methods have already been tried, but positive result failed to achieve. As a rule, the operation is quite difficult, long, and does not guarantee a positive result, because during its course the spinal cord can be severely damaged. At mild flow The prognosis of the disease is (usually) positive, but if conservative treatment does not bring any results, it is doubtful.

Finally, let's talk a little about prevention. This pathology can develop in any dog ​​(especially in old age), but there are also predisposed breeds. Especially often, funny Shih Tzus and dachshunds are among the victims. In addition, Pekingese are also at risk. If you are the owner of a dog of one of these breeds, take your pet to the veterinarian more often, make sure its diet is balanced, and do not unnecessarily burden the animal during training. If any symptoms appear, even remotely similar to pinching, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Signs of a pinched nerve in dogs

A good owner always tries to help a pet, especially if it is seriously ill. Unfortunately, dogs also suffer from many diseases that are common to humans. When a pinched spinal nerve occurs, the animal experiences severe pain and great discomfort, and in severe cases this condition provokes paralysis of the hind legs.

To prevent a pet from becoming disabled, each owner must have a good understanding of the first signs of the disease and know what he should do first.

A pinched nerve in a dog has quite expressive and noticeable signs even with minor damage, but they are easily confused with other diseases of the spine and joints. Since this condition is associated with disorders of peripheral sensitivity and affects general health dog, you need to take action quickly.

But self-medication in such a situation can only worsen serious condition dogs and lead to extensive paralysis. Only experienced veterinarian can correctly diagnose and prescribe a complete complex treatment which will lead to recovery.

Why pinching occurs

Most often, a pinched nerve in dogs is evidence of the animal’s advanced age. Typically, such conditions occur after the age of six, but their presence cannot be ruled out in younger animals. There are breeds that are more prone than others to the development of pathologies of the spine and joints, and therefore to the appearance of pinching.

It's either "raw" heavy dogs such as mastiffs and St. Bernards, or animals with short crooked legs and a long large body - basset hounds, English bulldogs and dachshunds.

In such dogs, there is an increased load on the spine, which can cause displacement of the vertebrae and/or inflammation and swelling of the muscle adjacent to them. This causes a painful pinched nerve in the dog. The animal feels pain and tries not to put stress on the diseased area of ​​the body.

If the processes of the vertebrae press against the nerve, it ceases to function normally. This interrupts or impedes the passage of nerve impulses along peripheral nerve endings.

When large and important nerves are affected, in this case there are degenerative changes, and the dog may begin to pull its paw, fall on it, and wiggle its back part of its body. In severe forms, complete paralysis is observed or the animal’s hind legs are taken away.

In addition to age and breed specifics, there are the following provoking factors for the disease:

  1. Injuries from impacts and accidents.
  2. Problems with posture.
  3. Bone diseases, spinal pathologies (for example, osteochondrosis).
  4. Metabolic disorders.
  5. Hypothermia - severe one-time or constant, especially if the dog lives outside in a cold booth.
  6. Heredity.

Pinching causes inflammation of the spinal nerve, which can lead to dire consequences for the dog. The most difficult and dangerous outcome is partial or complete paralysis. Therefore, a quick response is necessary and quality treatment. In a neglected state, with already manifested paresis and paralysis, it will be very difficult to save the animal.

At the beginning of the process, it is much easier to do this, and the dog will not have time to suffer. Therefore, owners should take the treatment process seriously and responsibly.

It must be taken into account that treating a dog with drugs intended for humans may be no less dangerous for him than the disease itself.

With constant static overloads, the contacting areas of the vertebrae grow together, which leads to decreased mobility of the spinal column, increased pain and limited mobility. In this case, the pinched area hurts so much that the dog can even bite its beloved owner when touching it.

Pinching symptoms

The dog has pinched nerve manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. The dog becomes inactive, apathetic, does not play or run.
  2. The dog has great difficulty moving on uneven surfaces, avoids stairs and changes in height, cannot jump, and hunches and rounds its back when standing up.
  3. The animal's gait changes; it can pull its paw, drag both hind legs when severely pinched, limp, move stiffly, with strange wagging movements.
  4. The dog lies down a lot, trying for a long time to choose the most comfortable position.
  5. The animal reacts sharply to the lightest touch on the sore area.
  6. In severe pain, the dog may whine and even howl.
  7. Possible fever, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, intestinal disorders and other manifestations.

The presence of such symptoms should raise alarm and lead to a visit to your veterinarian.


Since pinched nerves in dogs are a systemic disorder, it is necessary to complex therapy. It is very important to treat not the symptoms, but the root cause of the disease. If you relieve the pain syndrome, the dog will feel better, but an exacerbation can happen at any time. Therefore, treatment is carried out by a veterinarian and includes the following measures:

  1. Use of painkillers.
  2. Lidase injections.
  3. Vitamin therapy - B vitamins, Milgama and other drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Chondroprotectors.
  5. Prozerin (not in the acute phase).
  6. Homeopathic medicines in initial stages diseases.
  7. Massages, acupuncture and electropuncture.

During treatment, the main thing is that the pet is surrounded by love and care, but not bothered or disturbed again. It is necessary to provide a warm place, protected from drafts and bright light, a comfortable, sufficiently hard bed, and the constant availability of clean drinking water and proper, easily digestible nutrition with sufficient caloric content.

The animal must have hope for recovery, and this requires a quick response to signs of illness and treatment only by a veterinarian. Self-medication in such a situation can greatly harm the dog.

Protecting your pet from disease is difficult, but quite possible. If the dog is a breed prone to pinching nerve endings, you need to pay more attention to his health by visiting the veterinary clinic with him more often.

The conditions for placing a pet are of great importance. It should not live in a cold room, in drafts, sleep on a stone floor or on too soft bedding. Walking your dog is beneficial, but overloading it with jumping and running is not.

It is important to monitor proper nutrition, since if you are malnourished, a lack of calcium, magnesium and vitamins will affect your health. bone tissue, and overeating threatens obesity.

Excess weight means increased stress on the joints and spine, which will ultimately lead to problems.

If the dog belongs to a breed at risk or is of advanced age, you should not allow it to walk a lot on stairs, jump or run for too long. This can cause problems, as muscles weaken with age and the risk of pinching increases.

If, despite all precautions, the dog gets sick, you need to trust the veterinarian to treat your pet as quickly as possible. Then he has an excellent chance to regain his former agility and not suffer from back pain.

How to treat pinched nerves in dogs?

A pinched nerve in a dog is very serious illness, the causes of which can be several. It often occurs due to localized aging of spinal segments, called spondylosis.

In this case, degenerative changes occur in the spine, and bone spurs- osteophytes. They put pressure on the nerve roots, causing severe pain and sometimes paralysis. This disease is most often age-related and affects dogs older than 6 years.

Its development is often promoted by prolonged stress due to hypothermia, sciatica (often in dachshunds, Pekingese and Basset dogs), spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, postural and metabolic disorders. A hereditary factor may also play a role. Most often, a dog's sciatic nerve is pinched. This is called sciatica. Pekingese and Dachshunds are especially susceptible to it.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in a dog

  1. The main manifestation of this disease is limited mobility in the affected part of the spine. This may be the cervical, lumbar or sciatic region. The dog does not want to get up, refuses to walk, especially on stairs and inclined surfaces, and also refuses to jump.
  2. If pinched sciatic nerve the dog may be limping back leg. The animal clearly has difficulty lying down and getting up, and when pressure is applied to the back, it reacts painfully, while the back muscles are very tense.
  3. The curvature of the spine becomes noticeable, and paralysis and paresis may occur. With sciatica, the pet is extremely reluctant to allow it to straighten and bend its limbs, and its abdomen is usually very tense.

To make a correct diagnosis, the animal must be urgently sent to a veterinarian.

Treatment for pinched nerves in dogs

Treatment for this disease can be done at home. To alleviate the dog's condition, she is first given a painkiller. These can be any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but specifically designed for dogs. Human medications (indomethacin, aspirin, ortofen, etc.) cause bleeding and stomach upsets in dogs.

In such a situation, it is best for dogs to inject Rimadyl, Quadrisol. After this, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy is required, as well as treatment that ensures the passage of nerve impulses through the peripheral nerve endings.

It is very important to provide the animal with appropriate care. His bed should not be in a draft, but warm. But not near the battery either. Walks should be gentle. It is necessary to avoid jogging, sudden movements and walking on stairs.

Causes of pinching

  • how to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back in 2018

Drugs that increase the flow of oxygen to the brain (galantamine, sodium hydroxybutyrate);

Drugs that restore the nerve sheath and stimulate nerve conduction of fibers (B vitamins, Proserin, Galantami);

Therapeutic exercise and massage, in order to prevent atrophic processes in the muscles from developing as a result of lack of movement.

Electrotherapy, in the form of galvanization, faranization, to improve and restore nerve impulses.

Acupuncture, which consists of stimulating certain areas of the brain to restore nerve conduction of fibers.

Balneological treatment, use of mud and hydrogen sulfide baths.

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Pinched nerve in a dog

Pinched nerves in dogs often occur due to local aging of spinal segments - spondylosis. With this disease, degenerative changes occur and osteophytes - bone growths - are formed. Such growths begin to irritate the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine; often the bodies of adjacent vertebrae become fused because of them. Osteophytes put pressure on the nerve roots and narrow spinal canal which causes severe pain, and extreme cases- paralysis

Basics external manifestation spondylosis is limited mobility in lumbar region spine. When the stage of the disease moderate severity, because of painful sensations the animal refuses to move on inclined surfaces and stairs, or to jump.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12, or their complex preparations– neuromultivitis, milgama, but you need to know that such drugs stimulate the growth of tumors (subject to their presence). Be sure to prescribe proserin, it restores neuromuscular conduction. The most important thing here is to choose the right dose and course duration. This medicine is not used in the acute phase of the disease.

pinched nerve pinched nerve in dogs

This disease is characterized by damage to the nerve roots of the spinal cord. The reason is spinal injury, osteochondrosis, heavy loads and hypothermia.

Symptoms are the inability to move the hind legs, curvature of the spine, pain that occurs when moving, tension in the back muscles. In such cases, the animal is urgently taken to a veterinarian for examination.

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When a pinched nerve occurs in a dog, treatment is not carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal drugs, intended for the treatment of people (aspirin, indomethacin, ortofen, etc. - they cause stomach upsets and bleeding in dogs), and are prescribed special drugs– Rimadyl, Quadrisol.

pinched nerve in a dog dog pinched nerve

Symptoms and treatment of a pinched nerve in a dog

The dog suddenly yelped in pain and could not move. Many owners of four-legged pets are faced with this problem for the first time. What could it be? Most likely, we are talking about a pinched nerve. It is worth mentioning right away that the pathology does not occur very often, but it has its favorites: Pekingese, dachshunds and Shih Tzu. Therefore, owners of these funny animals should regularly visit the veterinarian in order to notice the pathology in time and begin treatment.

Pinched nerve in a dog

Pekingese commonly suffer from pinched nerves.

The culprit of a pinched nerve can be called spondylosis. This disease occurs with the formation of hard growths on the vertebrae. When a nerve is pinched, the root becomes pinched between the spinal discs, and the presence of outgrowths contributes to injury to the nerve endings.

Is a pinched nerve dangerous? Of course it's dangerous. When pinched, the sensitivity of certain parts of the body is lost. Most often the limbs are affected. Their mobility is lost, and in some cases paralysis occurs.

A photo showing a pinched nerve in a dog.

The problem is that at home it is very difficult to identify the location of the pinched nerve. Therefore, at the first sign, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

Provoking factors of the disease

If you notice signs of pinching, contact your veterinarian.

In addition to spondylosis, there are many other factors that cause pinching of the nerve endings of the spine. For example, inflammation in the muscles leads to swelling. The compacted tissue begins to put pressure on the nerve endings, causing unpleasant symptoms: pain, numbness.

Very often, paralysis and immobility of the hind legs is caused by pinching in the cervical spine. Therefore, you should not look for the cause of the disease on your own; a visit to a doctor is necessary.

Paralysis of a dog's hind legs is a sign of pinching.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations

The whole problem is that the dog cannot speak, but an attentive owner immediately notices changes in the pet’s behavior.

The animal becomes awkward, its gait seems wooden. The dog may drag its hind legs, its back may wag in different directions, periodically falling to one side.

  • Attempts to play with pets end in failure. He does not respond to his owner's calls and tries to lie down. Even if a dog runs, it does so through force. If the owner tries to touch or palpate the paws, it becomes noticeable that the pet is in pain: he whines whenever the injured limb is touched.
  • A curved back and tense abdominal muscles indicate a pinched spinal nerve. Pain and discomfort can be noticed by the way the animal begins to lay down. The dog thinks through every movement, lies down carefully and slowly, bending his paws under himself.
  • Even the most good-natured dog begins to behave indecently in severe pain: he snaps and growls at his owner. This is especially noticeable when a person tries to examine the dog and touch its limbs.
  • If the dog is aggressive and does not allow itself to be examined, immediately go to the veterinarian; the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the better result treatment.

When you feel the paw, the dog experiences pain.

Dog treatment

To alleviate the condition, a painkiller is injected.

When a person has severe pain, what does he do? He takes a painkiller tablet. Likewise, the dog also needs pain relief. Therefore, the very first thing to do is to inject a painkiller. This will improve nervous condition pet.

  1. Next, the veterinarian will prescribe anti-inflammatory and steroid medications. If the pain continues to bother your dog, you will have to take pain relief for several days.
  2. To calm the dog down a little, she is prescribed sedatives. Under their influence, the animal will rest peacefully and gain strength.
  3. Vitamin therapy will definitely be involved. A sick animal needs a complex of vitamins.
  4. Treatment is usually carried out in veterinary clinic. At home, it is not always possible to inject drugs and provide complete rest to the animal.
  5. If treatment with drugs does not bring relief, they resort to a surgical solution to the problem. The operation is performed in extremely advanced cases, since the risk of spinal cord damage is very high.

Preventive actions

A pet requires constant communication with a person. Only in this case will the owner be able to recognize the disease and contact a veterinarian in time. A dog is a silent creature, but his problems can be felt if you communicate with him correctly.

Prevention of the disease includes physical training.

To prevent your dog from having problems with the muscles and spine, it is necessary to early age exercise with her. Loads on muscle tissue and skeleton must be constant and commensurate with the complexion and age of the pet.

  • It is necessary to train the animal not only by jogging. It is very important to carry out comprehensive classes where there are: overcoming obstacles, jumping. Any command performed helps the development of a certain muscle group, and this has a positive effect on the spine.
  • An animal should not be spoiled with food from your table. Obesity for a dog is very harmful and leads to many health problems. Not only the spine suffers, but also the heart, as well as all internal organs.
  • Pinched nerve endings can occur in any dog, so it is very important to know the first symptoms.
  • In order not to miss problems with the spine, it is recommended to periodically visit the veterinarian, take tests and undergo examinations. This will help identify diseases early enough, and then treatment will be much more effective.

Pinched nerve symptoms in dogs

A responsible owner always tries to help and is very worried when his beloved dog gets sick. A pinched nerve is very serious, and there may be several reasons why it happened. Only a veterinarian can establish an accurate diagnosis, therefore, as soon as symptoms appear, go straight to the veterinary clinic.

Pinched nerves in dogs often occur due to local aging of spinal segments - spondylosis. With this disease, degenerative changes occur and osteophytes - bone growths - are formed. Such growths begin to irritate the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine; often the bodies of adjacent vertebrae become fused because of them. Osteophytes put pressure on the nerve roots and narrow the spinal canal, causing severe pain and, in extreme cases, paralysis.

This disease progresses slowly and first affects the outer fibers of the fibrous ring.

Time passes and the animal becomes less mobile. Most often, this disease affects dogs over 6 years of age, if there are no manifestations of lumbago and sciatica.

The development of such age-related disease Long-term static load helps with spinal injuries, postural disorders, hypothermia, osteochondrosis, and metabolic disorders. Hereditary factor also takes place.

The main external manifestation of spondylosis is limited mobility in the lumbar spine. When the stage of the disease is moderate, due to painful sensations the animal refuses to move on inclined surfaces and stairs, or jump.

The dog has difficulty getting up and lying down, and when pressure is applied to the back, it reacts painfully. The pain also increases after prolonged immobility and when the weather changes. The shape of the back changes noticeably, and rib cage seems to harden.

In severe form, complete or partial paralysis and loss of coordination are observed. Spondylosis is usually diagnosed after X-ray examination other diseases.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12, or their complex preparations - neuromultivitis, milgama, are also prescribed, but you need to know that such drugs stimulate the growth of tumors (subject to their presence). Be sure to prescribe proserin, it restores neuromuscular conduction. The most important thing here is to choose the right dose and course duration. This medicine is not used in the acute phase of the disease.

When the case is not running, they work well homeopathic medicines. The goal of this treatment is to stop further tissue destruction. You can also use absorbable agents to dissolve the growths (lidase injections).

To relieve pain, painkillers are prescribed for dogs. Good healing effect also provides electropuncture and acupuncture, acupressure, and the course of chodroprotectors activates metabolic processes.

A pinched nerve in a dog may be associated with sciatica. Bassets, Pekingese and Dachshunds are most susceptible to this scourge.

This disease is characterized by damage to the nerve roots of the spinal cord. The reason is spinal injury, osteochondrosis, heavy loads and hypothermia.

Symptoms are the inability to move the hind legs, curvature of the spine, pain that occurs when moving, tension in the back muscles. In such cases, the animal is urgently taken to a veterinarian for examination.

Treatment can be at home, but must be comprehensive. First, the animal is given an anesthetic (any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Next, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy and treatment aimed at the passage of nerve impulses through peripheral nerve endings is carried out.

When a pinched nerve occurs in a dog, treatment is not carried out with anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drugs intended for treating people (aspirin, indomethacin, ortofen, etc. - they cause stomach upsets and bleeding in dogs), but special drugs are prescribed - Rimadyl, Quadrisol.

Extreme situations when the pet already needs a stroller arises due to injuries or illnesses nervous system, in which large nerves and the spinal cord are affected. We must remember that the life of an animal does not end; a stroller is not a death sentence. Your pet can continue to lead an active and happy life!

For home treatment create everything the necessary conditions: the animal’s bed should be warm, not in a draft, but also not under a radiator; The walking regime should be gentle, no sudden movements or stairs.

If the dog owner responsibly follows the veterinarian’s instructions, the pet will definitely recover, but one must remember that the disease may return.

Very often, pinched nerves in dogs occur in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve, this case is called sciatica.

The main reasons for its development are spinal injuries, osteochondrosis and hypothermia. A pinched nerve occurs due to exposure to a damaging factor, compression of the spinal roots. Pain begins along the spinal nerves, sensitivity is lost, autonomic disorders and motor disorders. Dachshunds and Pekingese are more susceptible to this disease than others.

The pet becomes lethargic, whines, especially when standing up, hunches its back, climbs stairs with great difficulty and reluctance, and cannot jump high.

Curvature of the spine, paralysis, and paresis may occur. On palpation, pain is observed along the spinal nerves, as well as increased skin sensitivity. The pet with great reluctance allows him to bend and straighten his limbs. With sciatica, the stomach is usually tense.

When a pinched nerve occurs in a dog, the diagnosis is made based on clinical signs.

The animal is given rest, and the bed is transferred to a dry, warm place. Put on a warm blanket.

An attack of radiculitis is stopped with the help of a 3-7 day course of non-steroidal analgesics (indomethacin, piroxicam, analgin, methindole, acetylsalicylic acid) and glucocorticoids (triamcinolone, prednisolone).

Irradiation with a massage and a blue lamp helps a lot, the most important thing is that it does not bother the animal or cause inconvenience.

Prevention and treatment of pinched nerves in dogs is: integrated approach and avoiding any kind of hypothermia.

A pinched nerve in a four-legged pet should not go unnoticed by a loving owner! Complete, comprehensive treatment, professional recommendations - this is what will help the poor dog overcome the disease and live for the joy of everyone!

Pinched spinal nerve in a dog, sciatica

In January we went for a walk and the dog slipped several times - both front paws slid sharply to one side, as if he had twisted his spine at the withers. I hope I expressed myself clearly. The walk was quite long - 8 km. As soon as we got home, the dog started whining when he lay down. We went to the vet - after a thorough palpation, the doctor said that the dog was most likely feigning. The next day, the dog began to whine more often; after I felt him, I got the impression that his hips (muscles) hurt. Another doctor was called. diagnosed with myositis. It hurts more and more to lie down every day. The dog yells, especially at night - he doesn’t sleep, he’s in a lot of pain, he “hacks.” When it hurt at all and he couldn’t lie down, she made him walk. He walked slowly, stiffly, but after 5 minutes of walking he could even fall asleep. He goes out into the street - trotting, cheerful. After a short walk outside, the condition improved briefly. He is tense almost all the time, sometimes it seems that the dog has convulsions or spasms of his hind legs. The stomach is tense, like a drum. My limbs sometimes felt cold. The back is hunched. He went down the stairs slowly, one step at a time, sometimes experiencing pain. After a week, the hips stop hurting, but the pain is found in the lumbar region. All repeats. The doctor is already treating the dog with anticonvulsants, sedatives and suspects epilepsy. A week later there is improvement again, but the pain goes to the withers. The doctor already suspects plague. We send blood for all kinds of tests to Kyiv. Biochemistry and general tests within normal limits, no plague detected. The only thing they found was an infection (old staphylococcus, which local veterinarians did not treat). By the way, staphylococcus appeared almost immediately when my back began to hurt (a rash in the form of tubercles, sometimes with pus). In Kyiv, discopathy was suspected, but an MRI was strongly discouraged. We find another veterinarian. He examines the dog, how it walks, feels the spine, studies tests and prescribes treatment (I won’t say the names of the medications, except for discus compositum). It is not recommended to do an MRI, fearing that after anesthesia the paws may fail. On the third day the dog feels much better. After approximately 10 days the dog recovers.

A couple of months later my back started hurting again. They pricked me for a couple of days, everything went away. After another month, my back starts to hurt. They pricked me again for a couple of days, the pain went away. A couple of weeks later, history repeats itself. This time my back hurt for two weeks. It started from the lower back and went up to the withers. It took two or three weeks for it to pass. I take great care of the dog: no drafts, no long walks, I don’t allow him to run, I don’t pull him, I forbid him to jump, etc. Last night I woke up to the dog lying and whining. I got up and looked around - my back hurt again. Will your back really hurt from time to time all your life? It's just scary. The doctor says that you need to strengthen your back (massage, running, walking, swimming are prohibited), and that relapses are associated with weak back muscles. After this illness, the spine somehow especially rises above the back, one gets the impression that the dog is thin, although the weight is normal. Please tell me what to do to cure my back completely. Is it even possible?

The main symptoms and methods of treating a pinched nerve in a dog

A pinched nerve in a dog is a fairly serious disease. It is typical for him acute onset- piercing shooting pain in the back, hindering movement. Alarming symptoms grow gradually, so the owner has enough time to take action and prevent the disease from moving into the acute phase, painful and difficult to treat.

general characteristics

Pinched spinal nerves are compression of the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord by adjacent vertebrae. The situation is complicated by the fact that the muscles surrounding the spine swell and reflexively spasm. Prolonged compression leads to death nerve tissue, as a result of which the mobility of the dog’s limbs begins to suffer. Further development of inflammation is fraught with partial or complete paralysis of the animal.

There are several types of pinched spinal nerves. It depends on which part of the spine is involved pathological process:

  • pinched nerve cervical spine spine;
  • pinched thoracic nerve;
  • pinched sciatic nerve (sciatica).

Pinching upper sections spine (cervical and thoracic) can cause paralysis of the entire lower part of the dog’s body. Pinching of the sciatic nerve causes severe pain in the dog and autonomic disorders of the hind limbs, leading to a gradual loss of sensitivity.

Difficulties in diagnosis

Diagnosis of this disease has its own characteristics. It can be difficult to determine exactly where the pathological process is localized, since the pain is diffuse. Only a competent specialist can identify this. Therefore, if any peculiarities appear in the dog’s behavior, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. The owner should be alert to the following points:

  • the dog protects his back and doesn’t let him get close to him;
  • drags his hind legs;
  • whines when changing position;
  • reacts to weather changes;
  • refuses active play during walks;
  • spends a lot of time alone;
  • there is stiffness of movement.

Main causes of the disease

The disease, as a rule, is a consequence of already existing pathologies spine, not diagnosed and not treated on time. Provocateurs of a pinched nerve can be:

  • spondylosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spinal neoplasms;
  • injuries and damage to the back with displacement of the vertebrae;
  • posture disorders;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypothermia.


Spondylosis usually occurs in older dogs as a result of age-related changes vertebral segments. It is a degenerative-dystrophic process of the anterior sections of the intervertebral discs. The disorder is accompanied by the appearance of bone growths - osteophytes - on the anterior and lateral parts of the spine. Osteophytes can affect the nerve roots, narrowing the lumen of the spinal canal.

The disease actively progresses with spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, and decreased immunity. The risk group includes dogs with complicated heredity.

Spondylosis can affect the cervical or thoracic region spine, but a particularly common location is the lower back.

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows: the dog’s movements become heavy and slow. She does not allow touching the back, much less using force during the examination. There is a deterioration in health depending on changes in weather conditions.

Spondylosis is diagnosed using an X-ray examination of the spine.


A pinched spinal nerve can also cause radiculitis, an inflammatory lesion of the spinal cord roots. Its main symptom is severe pain. The disease can occur as a complication of osteochondrosis, as a result of hypothermia, injuries and infections. Dogs with developmental anomalies are at risk various departments spine. Radiculitis can occur in chronic or acute form. There is also a complicated form of it - meningoradiculitis. It affects the membranes of the spinal cord.

Intervertebral hernia

Age-related changes in the spine or injury can lead to stretching or rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, which has lost most of its shock-absorbing properties. In this case, the gelatinous disc protrudes beyond its boundaries, compressing the spinal cord or its roots. Intervertebral hernia can be chronic or acute.

Spinal neoplasms

Spinal tumors sometimes cause damage to the spinal cord and major spinal nerves. This condition is irreversible and threatens severe paresis and even complete paralysis of the limbs. In this case, the dog will lose the ability to move independently. There are special wheelchairs for animals that replace the function of their legs and help them lead a fairly active life.

Symptoms of the disease

The severity and nature of the symptoms of the disease are determined by the degree of impairment of the sensitivity of the limbs:

  1. A mild degree of the disease can be judged by moderate pain. The dog's behavior is relatively calm. Sensitivity is not impaired or slightly impaired. The animal is passive. Take care of your back, lie down carefully, avoiding sudden movements. Appetite is not impaired, body temperature is normal.
  2. The average degree of the disease is characterized by fairly severe back pain, which the animal expresses with anxiety and plaintive whining. He rejects an attempt to examine his back with a growl. Muscle spasm is manifested by an unnaturally curved back and a tense abdomen (especially with sciatica).
  3. Severe third degree of the disease is characterized by severe limitation of movements. Most often affected sacral region spine and sciatic nerve. At the same time, a “wooden” gait develops with unnatural tension in the legs. There is no appetite, body temperature may be elevated.


A pinched nerve in a dog has painful symptoms, and therefore treatment should be aimed primarily at relieving the pain and only then treating the pinched nerve.

Symptomatic therapy

Basic moments symptomatic therapy are:

  • relief of pain using painkillers;
  • stop inflammatory process in muscles and nerve roots with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Quadrisol and Rimadyl);
  • prescribing sedatives that will help calm the pet and restore its nervous system;
  • providing the dog with complete rest and limiting movements.

Treatment of a pinched nerve

In order to relieve a pinched nerve in a dog, complex treatment is prescribed:

  1. Vitamin therapy has a good effect. Animals are prescribed vitamins B1, B6, B12, which affect the conduction of nerve impulses.
  2. Neuromuscular conductivity is well restored by the drug “Proserin”.
  3. Stop the destruction of neuromuscular tissue by early stages homeopathic remedies help diseases.
  4. To dissolve osteophytes on the vertebral discs, absorbable agents (Lidaza) are prescribed.
  5. Physiotherapeutic procedures (massage and warming up diseased segments of the spine with a blue lamp) help relieve muscle inflammation.
  6. If conservative therapy does not have the desired effect, the sick dog may be indicated surgery. But you need to know that such interventions are not always successful. The operation is quite traumatic for the spine and surrounding tissues.

Treat vertebrate pathologies It is necessary exclusively in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a specialist.

The prognosis of the disease with a mild course is often positive. But, if the course is severe, the prognosis is cautious.


Not a single sign of health problems spinal system dogs should not be left unattended by the owner. Every day you need to take care of maintaining the health of your pet and his physical development according to age, namely:

  1. You should exercise your dog regularly to strengthen its muscle corset.
  2. It is imperative to give the animal timely rest. Active games, training and training sessions should be dosed.
  3. It is important to feed your dog properly. The diet must be balanced and enriched with essential nutrients.
  4. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia and colds, and monitor the state of the immune system.

A pinched nerve in a dog is treatable. Huge role in successful therapy plays a role in the attention of the owner and strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician. To avoid relapses, it is recommended to periodically conduct courses of maintenance therapy.

The “foundation of the foundations” of a dog’s body is… the spine. It is attached to it most of muscles, the skull, and the cavity of the spinal column itself serves as a “shelter” for the spinal cord. So everything is logical. It is not surprising that many spinal diseases in dogs are extremely dangerous for the health and life of the pet. If their symptoms are detected, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

The spinal cord is one of the most important and sensitive organs in the animal's body. If its tissues are damaged, the defects are not restored, but are only replaced by fibrous connective tissue.

Important! Spinal cord lesions usually result in permanent, irreversible paralysis, the treatment methods for which are still in their infancy (in medicine, veterinarians do not do this at all).

To protect against damage, the spinal cord is located in the spinal canal and is covered by bone everywhere, except at the joints of individual vertebrae. These joints are filled with rubbery pads called intervertebral discs. This design allows the back to move in almost all directions.

The disc is made up of two parts. The outer covering (annulus fibrosus) resembles a large, thick mollusk shell. It consists of tough fibers that protect and hold the central part (the fleshy core). Just below the spinal cord is the thinnest part of the disc. If the shell of the intervertebral disc is similar in consistency to rubber, then the central part is more like toothpaste.

The degenerative disease causes the outer portion of the disc to weaken, causing the lining to rupture and form a herniation. It is generally accepted that injuries lead to this, but this is not entirely true: indeed, strong mechanical impacts can contribute to the occurrence of a hernia, but they act as a “trigger” and are not the direct cause.

Note! Accumulated statistics show that dogs between the ages of five and seven years are most often affected.

Today, experts believe that this disease is genetically determined.. Certain breeds, especially Lhasa Apso, have the highest chance of getting the disease intervertebral hernia. What are the symptoms and diagnosis for this pathology? It all depends on the current stage of the disease:

  • First stage characterized sharp, but quickly and spontaneously passing pain.
  • On second stages the pain, even if not too severe, is constant manifests itself upon palpation of the lumbar region.
  • On third stage arises partial(). In milder cases (which is much less common), the dog experiences difficulty coordinating movements.
  • On fourth stage complete or partial paralysis develops in 100% of cases, but sensitivity skin is still retained in full.
  • Fifth stage characterized and paralysis, and total loss sensitivity.

Symptoms of the lesion may disappear after as little as five days after a suitable antibiotic is prescribed, but treatment usually lasts for at least eight weeks.

Rickettsial diseases. Dogs that have “caught” this disease clearly show signs spinal cord dysfunction. Rickettsial diseases, among other things, are almost always accompanied severe secondary infections, such as meningococcal Rocky Mountain and those that directly affect the tissue of the spinal cord. Blood and urine tests are also used to identify infection. Antibiotic therapy is the only treatment method. Its duration can reach two to three weeks. With rapid initiation of therapy, the prognosis is good, but in advanced cases euthanasia is recommended.

Encephalomyelitis caused by canine distemper. Very heavy viral infection, causing swelling of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Neurological signs may appear suddenly, but in most cases the pathology develops over several days. It all starts with fever and severe pain in the back, and ends in paralysis. It is very difficult to make an accurate diagnosis without an autopsy.

There is no specific treatment and is not yet expected, with the development of paralysis, the prognosis is unfavorable, euthanasia is recommended. Only timely action can prevent such a sad outcome. What other spinal diseases occur in dogs?

Tumors, wounds and injuries

Affecting the spine and membranes of the spinal cord, including neoplasms in the bone, connective tissue, soft meninges and sheaths of nerve cords. Of course, one must always take into account the possibility of the appearance of “sprouted” metastases that have reached the spinal cord from other affected organs. Most common in dogs adenosarcoma.

As a rule, this type of oncology is detected in German Shepherds aged 5 to 35 months. The tumor is localized in the lumbar spine, causing progressive deterioration motor activity and, subsequently, paralysis of the hind limbs.

A responsible owner always tries to help and is very worried when his beloved dog gets sick. A pinched nerve is very serious, and there may be several reasons why it happened. Only a veterinarian can establish an accurate diagnosis, therefore, as soon as symptoms appear, go straight to the veterinary clinic.

Pinched nerves in dogs often occur due to local aging of spinal segments - spondylosis. With this disease, degenerative changes occur and osteophytes - bone growths - are formed. Such growths begin to irritate the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine; often the bodies of adjacent vertebrae become fused because of them. Osteophytes put pressure on the nerve roots and narrow the spinal canal, causing severe pain and, in extreme cases, paralysis.

This disease progresses slowly and first affects the outer fibers of the fibrous ring.

Time passes and the animal becomes less mobile. Most often, this disease affects dogs over 6 years of age, if there are no manifestations of lumbago and sciatica.

The development of this age-related disease is facilitated by prolonged static load due to spinal injuries, postural disorders, hypothermia, osteochondrosis, and metabolic disorders. There is also a hereditary factor.

The main external manifestation of spondylosis is limited mobility in the lumbar spine. When the stage of the disease is moderate, due to painful sensations the animal refuses to move on inclined surfaces and stairs, or jump.

The dog has difficulty getting up and lying down, and when pressure is applied to the back, it reacts painfully. The pain also increases after prolonged immobility and when the weather changes. The shape of the back changes noticeably, and the chest seems to harden.

In severe form, complete or partial paralysis and loss of coordination are observed. Typically, spondylosis is diagnosed after X-ray examination of other diseases.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12, or their complex preparations - neuromultivitis, milgama, are also prescribed, but you need to know that such drugs stimulate the growth of tumors (subject to their presence). Be sure to prescribe proserin, it restores neuromuscular conduction. The most important thing here is to choose the right dose and course duration. This medicine is not used in the acute phase of the disease.
pinched nerve pinched nerve in dogs

When the case is not advanced, homeopathic medicines work well. The goal of this treatment is to stop further tissue destruction. You can also use absorbable agents to dissolve the growths (lidase injections).

To relieve pain, painkillers are prescribed for dogs. Electropuncture and acupuncture, acupressure also provide a good therapeutic effect, and a course of chodroprotectors activates metabolic processes.

A pinched nerve in a dog may be associated with sciatica. Bassets, Pekingese and Dachshunds are most susceptible to this scourge.

This disease is characterized by damage to the nerve roots of the spinal cord. The reason is spinal injury, osteochondrosis, heavy loads and hypothermia.

Symptoms are the inability to move the hind legs, curvature of the spine, pain that occurs when moving, tension in the back muscles. In such cases, the animal is urgently taken to a veterinarian for examination.
On a note
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Treatment can be at home, but must be comprehensive. First, the animal is given an anesthetic (any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Next, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy and treatment aimed at the passage of nerve impulses through peripheral nerve endings is carried out.

When a pinched nerve occurs in a dog, treatment is not carried out with anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drugs intended for treating people (aspirin, indomethacin, ortofen, etc. - they cause stomach upsets and bleeding in dogs), but special drugs are prescribed - Rimadyl, Quadrisol.

Extreme situations, when the pet already needs a stroller, arise due to injuries or diseases of the nervous system, in which large nerves and the spinal cord are affected. We must remember that the life of an animal does not end; a stroller is not a death sentence. Your pet can continue to lead an active and happy life!

For home treatment, all the necessary conditions are created: the animal’s bed should be warm, not in a draft, but also not under a radiator; The walking regime should be gentle, no sudden movements or stairs.
pinched nerve in a dog dog pinched nerve

If the dog owner responsibly follows the veterinarian’s instructions, the pet will definitely recover, but one must remember that the disease may return.

Very often, pinched nerves in dogs occur in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve, this case is called sciatica.

The main reasons for its development are spinal injuries, osteochondrosis and hypothermia. A pinched nerve occurs due to exposure to a damaging factor, compression of the spinal roots. Pain begins along the spinal nerves, sensitivity is lost, autonomic disorders and motor disorders begin. Dachshunds and Pekingese are more susceptible to this disease than others.

The pet becomes lethargic, whines, especially when standing up, hunches its back, climbs stairs with great difficulty and reluctance, and cannot jump high.

Curvature of the spine, paralysis, and paresis may occur. On palpation, pain is observed along the spinal nerves, as well as increased skin sensitivity. The pet with great reluctance allows him to bend and straighten his limbs. With sciatica, the stomach is usually tense.

When a pinched nerve occurs in a dog, the diagnosis is made based on clinical signs.

The animal is given rest, and the bed is transferred to a dry, warm place. Put on a warm blanket.

An attack of radiculitis is stopped with the help of a 3-7 day course of non-steroidal analgesics (indomethacin, piroxicam, analgin, methindole, acetylsalicylic acid) and glucocorticoids (triamcinolone, prednisolone).

Irradiation with a massage and a blue lamp helps a lot, the most important thing is that it does not bother the animal or cause inconvenience.

Prevention and treatment of pinched nerves in dogs involves an integrated approach and avoidance of any kind of hypothermia.

A pinched nerve in a four-legged pet should not go unnoticed by a loving owner! Complete, comprehensive treatment, professional recommendations - this is what will help the poor dog overcome the disease and live for the joy of everyone!