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We choose a diuretic tea that is effective for swelling. Folk diuretics (diuretics) - herbs, herbs and teas

Hi all! Today we will talk about herbs for swelling and 7 the best plants and recipes will be described in this material. Swelling is the result of a violation of the water-salt balance in the body associated with fluid retention in the tissues. The problem is quite common as it can be caused by many different reasons.

If edema appears as a result of severe pathologies of the liver, kidneys, or malfunctions cordially- vascular system, their treatment should be handled by a specialist. But, swelling resulting from:

  • malnutrition,
  • disturbances in sleep and rest patterns,
  • bad habits,

can be eliminated independently, without medical help.

What you will learn from this material:

Herbs for swelling

So, let's look at which plants will help get rid of swelling quickly and safely.

Rose hip

It acts quickly, activates the kidneys and helps quickly get rid of excess fluid in the body. In addition, it removes from the body along with excess fluid also toxins that accumulate along with it.

The only one - he destroys tooth enamel at long-term use. It can also cause brittle bones and hypersensitivity nervous system as a result of an overdose.

Rosehip-based drinks are strictly contraindicated for hypotensive patients (due to the diuretic effect, blood pressure drops sharply). Do not use if you have kidney or gallstones.


Treatment of a tendency to edema with the help of horsetail is carried out if no acute symptoms are detected. inflammatory diseases kidneys and liver. And also in case of absence peptic ulcer stomach or intestines. You can take an infusion of this herb once, to relieve swelling, or drink it in a course, twice a day for a week.

Horsetail restores water-salt balance and normalizes kidney function. Good diuretic effect achieved through high concentration active substances in dry grass. But, you can extract all the benefits from horsetail and use it for treatment only with long-term infusion, about 4-5 hours in a thermos.

You need to pour 4 tablespoons of the anti-edema herb with half a liter of boiling water and screw on the lid of the thermos. Before you start drinking, you need to strain the drink and measure out exactly 50 ml. It is not recommended to use the infusion before bedtime, as active work the kidneys will not allow you to get a full night's sleep and rest, which is why the anti-edematous effect will be minimal.


Parsley, beloved by everyone, is considered irreplaceable not only in culinary matters. She also regularly saves people from swelling, and she does it very quickly, so she is quite popular. You can use parsley even 30-40 minutes before leaving the house, for example, if you woke up and saw in the mirror the result of lack of sleep - swelling.

Here's how you can use parsley for swelling - take 200 ml of hot boiled parsley, throw a teaspoon of parsley seeds and dry leaves of the herb for swelling into a small enamel pan, boil for a minute, strain and drink in small sips.

While all this is being done, you can chop, with the help of a garlic worm, a bunch of fresh parsley and lubricate the resulting paste on your face with intense, massaging circular movements.

Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, and after half an hour, admire the result - excess liquid will come out, and the skin will tighten and become fresher.

Chicory root

Like rose hips, it has a diuretic, tonic and choleretic effect. It contains potassium, which is necessary to restore the water-salt balance, as well as organic acids, which almost instantly thin the blood and restore the process of fluid removal.

Another advantage is that drinks made from chicory root are very tasty, slightly reminiscent of coffee in smell, color and taste. You can drink chicory in the morning to feel good and forget about swelling. Contraindications are minimal, but you need to be aware of them - kidney stones, impaired liver function, heart failure and problems with hematopoiesis.

It is not necessary to look for and dig up chicory roots, fry them, or chop them. Today it can be purchased in almost every grocery store under the name “coffee drink”, but read the composition so that it does not contain any additional, dangerous substances.

If you don't want to buy finished product, or it is difficult to find chicory in pure form, without impurities and dangerous additives, you can collect and prepare raw materials yourself. For healing drinks To help with swelling, it is the roots of the plant that are used.

They are dug up in August-September, washed and dried in the oven at average temperature within 20-30 minutes. The slightly baked roots, completely dried, must be ground in a coffee grinder. And then use the raw materials to prepare healing drinks.

Orthosiphon staminate

This plant is one of the best for treating many problems associated with lymphatic system and kidneys. Orthosiphon staminate is included in the dozens various options herbal infusions designed to relieve inflammation and swelling.

The advantage of this plant is that it acts quickly and safely, and has virtually no contraindications for use.

To obtain healing infusion Herbs for swelling need to be steamed with boiling water (150 ml), half a tablespoon of dry raw materials and wait 30 minutes until the liquid is infused. If you don’t have time to wait, you can boil the liquid over low heat for 2-3 minutes, strain and drink. Orthosiphon staminate - very effective plant, but drinking a decoction from it can be difficult, since the leaves contain many bitter substances.


As with chicory, the benefits of ginseng also come from its root. This is a powerful stimulating product that activates the activity of absolutely all organs and systems in the body.

Ginseng launches accelerated elimination fluids from the body, activates metabolic processes, eliminates fatigue and in a short period of time can make a person cheerful and energetic after the first dose.

Taking medications or home remedies with ginseng is strictly contraindicated for people who have malignant or benign tumors. This plant should not be used if you have hypertension or heart failure.

Except quick disposal against swelling, ginseng also strengthens the immune system, slows down aging and starts the process of renewal of all cells in the body.


This is a grass that absolutely everyone knows, because from April to October it spreads like a carpet almost everywhere on the Eurasian continent.

It is also called bird knotweed, Very useful plant for edema, because it accelerates the removal of fluid. But it does not cause any damage to the kidneys, does not reduce blood pressure and extremely rarely causes allergic reactions.

Knotweed is brewed at the rate of one tablespoon of anti-edema herb per 200 ml and taken in the morning and evening before meals, 50 ml. During the season, you can use fresh grass - extract juice from it and drink 20-30 ml, also 2 times a day before meals.

If swelling begins to bother you more and more often, you may need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle, as well as undergo a preventive examination to exclude any serious problems with the body.

Good luck to everyone and good health!

Swelling can be caused by both organic causes and external influences, however, in any case, to prevent further manifestations of swelling, use drugs that will help reduce external manifestations and ensure the speedy elimination of the cause this phenomenon.

Herbs for facial swelling can be considered the optimal solution, since they have the smallest number of possible side effects with long-term use, they have a positive effect on the skin as a whole and promote tissue regeneration.

What are herbs for facial swelling

The likelihood of the formation of edema on the face is increased in case of metabolic disorders, in case of kidney dysfunction, when the process of removing fluid from the body changes, as a result of which there is a retention of it in the facial tissues. The effect of herbs can be both external and internal: taking decoctions and infusions internally allows you to influence the root cause of this phenomenon to a greater extent, minimizing external manifestations, activating the process of regeneration of epidermal cells.

Nature provides man with many different types plants that have a diuretic effect: it is this effect of herbs that allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate areas of swelling. The use of diuretic herbs makes it possible to have a positive effect on facial tissues, work internal organs, which are responsible for the process of removing fluid from the body.

To obtain the most pronounced and long-lasting effect, you should continue to adhere to healthy eating, stop using large amounts of alcohol table salt which promotes water retention in tissues, eliminate bad habits. This will normalize the processes of fluid excretion and prevent disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

Mechanism of action

A feature of the use of diuretic herbal remedies should be considered their milder effect on the body in comparison with chemically created drugs to accelerate fluid excretion. By balancing the sodium and potassium content in the body, herbs promote uniform distribution of fluid, eliminate places where it accumulates, which can result in inflammatory processes and local infection of tissues.

By affecting the kidney and the entire urinary system as a whole, diuretic herbs simultaneously have a beneficial effect on nervous system, skin condition. Most often, for edema, decoctions and tinctures of plants are used internally, however, their external use improves the condition of the facial skin, giving it greater softness and. For the treatment of diseases urinary system the corresponding herbs are used most often and for minimal risk negative impact.


To use herbs with urinary effects, you should consult a doctor who will assess the health and quality of the urinary system and recommend certain types of plants with the appropriate effect. The following diseases should be considered indications for the use of diuretic herbs:

  • changes in the functioning of the urinary system;
  • during the formation of edema with different localization, in particular on the face;
  • when fluid accumulation is noted;
  • for swelling of the eyes, which may occur in morning time and last throughout the day.

In addition to stimulating the urinary function, herbs to eliminate edema help lower blood pressure, easily and quickly eliminate overweight, which are caused by the accumulation excess liquid.

Their use to eliminate inflammatory and infectious processes, stimulating tissue regeneration, improving metabolism.

For whom are they contraindicated?

The use of herbs to eliminate facial swelling may be contraindicated in case of individual intolerance certain types plants, if you are prone to - in this case, it is recommended that before undergoing a course of treatment with their help, conduct testing using a small amount of herbs for a short period of time. In the absence of aggravation of existing symptoms, the use of the selected type of plant material is not contraindicated.

You should also be careful when using herbs with a diuretic effect during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Most Popular herbal remedies, which are easy to use and have a pronounced positive result in the form of eliminating edema, restoring the normal process of removing excess fluid from the tissues of the face and body. They are sold in finished form individually or in a mixture in the form of teas, which are brewed according to a certain method that allows them to preserve their medicinal qualities.

The following plants are considered the most effective in identifying facial swelling:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • peppermint;
  • bear ears;
  • caraway seeds;
  • leaves and fruits of hawthorn.

The listed herbs can be collected independently, for which it is necessary to strictly observe the terms of plant litter, the rules for their drying and further storage, and also use ready-made dry raw materials, which are offered for sale in pharmacies. Can be used to treat facial edema and their mixtures, which have medicinal properties each individual component.

Bear ears

The bear's ear plant has long been used to eliminate fluid stagnation in the body and restore the elasticity of the facial skin. Positive Impact the herb has an effect on metabolic processes, which allows you to stimulate not only the removal of water from tissues, but also accelerate the breakdown of excess fat deposits and restore the slimness of the body. Both dried bear ears and leaves can be used in fresh.

To prepare a decoction of the plant, which is used internally, you should take teaspoons of the raw material in any form (dried or fresh), pour a glass of boiling water and put it on water bath. Boil for 10 minutes, then leave to steep for another 15 minutes. Further ready-made decoction strain, take 2 tablespoons after meals.

The duration of use of the decoction of bear ears depends on the size of the affected area and the body’s susceptibility to the treatment being carried out. Average usage this drug is 2-4 weeks, after which a break is taken (for one week), then the course of taking the decoction orally can be repeated.

Maintaining healthy image life, balanced diet with predominance plant food without preservatives and dyes (and better yet) allows you to enhance therapeutic effect plants. Bear's ear grass can also be used in a mixture with other medicinal plants, for example, with chamomile flowers, mint leaves.


The most effective plant for facial swelling is considered to be pepper wash, which can be used in the form of decoctions and infusions. Mint has a diuretic and calming effect, is well tolerated by the body, stops initial stages inflammatory processes in tissues. Also, pepper mata leaves have a pronounced rejuvenating effect due to their rich composition and the absence of side effects when used.

To prepare a decoction of mint to obtain a diuretic effect, take 1.5 teaspoons of the herb and pour 1 glass of warm boiled water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cool and drink 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day before meals. It is good to take this decoction evening time: mint also has a pronounced calming effect, ensuring sound sleep.


Chamomile flowers cope even with significant swelling of the face, stimulate regenerative processes in the skin, rejuvenate it and make it healthier. Chamomile is sold ready-made at the pharmacy, and can also be used freshly picked.

The decoction is prepared in a water bath, take 2 tablespoons of flowers, add 1.5 cups of boiling water and warm up in a water bath (10 minutes). After 15 minutes of infusion, the broth is filtered and taken orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Chamomile can be mixed with mint, hawthorn fruits, and the resulting mixture is used to prepare healing tea, which has a diuretic effect.

Other plants

To remove fluid, hawthorn (fruits), lingonberry leaves, horsetail, fruits and needles of juniper, Birch buds. Plants are used in dried and fresh form, individually and in mixtures. They are poured with boiling water, steamed in a water bath, and after infusion they are taken orally.

For external use, an infusion of chamomile and mint can be used to maintain facial skin tone in the form of a wash or in the form of ice cubes.

The video below will tell you about herbs for swelling:

Diuretic tablets on grass

Medicines that are completely natural composition and have a diuretic effect. Minimum negative effect They have a completely natural composition.

The following tablets are especially effective for swelling of the eyes and face:

  • Trifas, based on the substance torasemide;
  • Aldactone;
  • Triamour;
  • , the main component of which is yarrow root powder.

Price and reviews

The listed drugs have a quick effect in the form of removing excess fluid from facial tissues, stimulating the stopping of inflammatory processes, and improving complexion. Patients call the drug Canephron-N one of the most effective, with a minimum number of possible side effects. Its cost is approximately 850-1200 rubles per package.

Aldactone is well tolerated by the body, quickly relieves tissue inflammation, eliminating swelling of the face, eyes, and body. Its price is from 650 to 710 rubles. Triamur tablets cost about 450 rubles, their effectiveness has also been proven positive reviews patients.

The healing power of plants is great; it helps people solve health problems without harming individual organs and systems. Depending on their properties, some plants are used directly for treatment, others as prophylaxis to prevent diseases. Today we will talk about diuretic herbs, also called herbal diuretics. Readers of MirSovetov will learn which plants have diuretic properties, when they can be consumed and in what quantity.

How do herbal diuretics work?

Diuretic herbs help remove excess fluid from the body, prevent and relieve swelling. Some plants also have a disinfectant effect, that is, they destroy pathogenic bacteria that have entered the urinary system. At the same time it is stopped inflammatory process, the urinary tract is cleansed of inflammatory products. The mechanism of action of diuretic substances is different. Increased urine output can occur when the activity of an enzyme such as carbonic anhydrase is suppressed during synthesis in the body acidic foods, as a result of the change osmotic pressure, which will weaken the processes of resorption into renal tubules. Sometimes the impact occurs directly on hormonal regulation processes of water and salt metabolism.

Indications for the use of diuretic herbs

  • edema associated with renal failure;
  • swelling and shortness of breath that occur with heart failure;
  • prevention of re-formation of kidney stones after surgery to crush and remove them (lithotripsy);
  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other infections of the urinary system, occurring in both acute and chronic forms;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis (during remission);
  • accompanied by fluid retention;
  • after various poisonings (food, toxic substances) to remove toxins and poisons from the body.

Some rules for taking diuretic herbs

The regimen of taking infusions or decoctions twice a day (morning and evening), which is convenient for many, is not suitable in this case. It is better to drink diuretic herbs before 16 pm. If you drink herbs later, there is a risk that your internal “alarm clock” will wake you up from your warm bed all night. Then you will not be able to rest during the night; during the day you will feel exhausted and sleepy.

It is necessary to choose the right dose to achieve best result. A course of treatment is required, with breaks, so that the effect does not weaken and there is no kind of addiction.

With prolonged use of diuretic herbs, potassium also leaves the body, so try to eat avocados, dates, raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes and other foods rich in this element.

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and if necessary, take necessary tests, do examinations.

At serious illnesses Do not stop taking herbs without your doctor’s instructions, so as not to worsen your condition.

For nephrosis and nephritis, it is allowed to use only those herbs that do not irritate the kidney parenchyma.

The greatest effect is achieved when using fees consisting of several components.

Are there any contraindications for diuretic herbs?

I will list the conditions under which it is necessary to limit intake diuretics:

  • on herbs;
  • children under six years of age;
  • caution must be exercised when urolithiasis, since there is a danger that the stones will begin to move and renal colic will occur;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • in men, to avoid acute urinary retention.

In addition to the above, pay attention to other individual contraindications that plants have.

Purchasing medicinal herbs

If you do not have sufficient knowledge or capabilities to prepare medicinal plants yourself, then the question will arise - where to purchase them? Grandmothers sell herbs at the market, calling themselves herbalists; many websites are full of advertisements that they can send herbal remedies to your mailing address. And in every pharmacy there are display cases with packages containing medicinal plants that have already been tested for all the required indicators. So where to make the purchase? Try to protect yourself from low-quality, questionable raw materials collected and dried in violation of the rules, as well as counterfeits. It is better to buy medicinal plants at the pharmacy. If you decide to place an order on websites, then pay attention to the reviews of those who have already taken advantage of this offer.

Examples of diuretic herbs

I will list the most commonly prescribed diuretic herbs.

Birch buds and leaves will help remove even severe swelling renal and cardiovascular origin. An infusion is prepared from the leaves, and a decoction is prepared from the buds. Just keep in mind that they contain resinous substances that can slightly irritate the kidney tissue.

The dosage and methods of preparing an infusion or decoction are specified by the doctor or on the packaging; each plant has its own characteristics.


You can often find recipes with diuretic herbs on the Internet. But be careful, sometimes they contain errors in dosage and number of doses. In addition, those diseases in which the plant can cause harm are not indicated. Therefore, before treatment, MirSovetov recommends that its readers consult a herbalist or treating doctor to avoid side effects.

Pregnant women need to be even more attentive to their health and brew herbs to prevent edema only with the permission of the doctor who is monitoring your condition and the course of pregnancy.

It has long been known that herbal medicine does not cause such harm as medicinal methods treatment. In addition, herbal medicines significantly enrich the body with beneficial compounds.

Medicinal herbs can perform several functions - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, and medicinal herbs also have the ability to expel sweat. Despite this, medicinal plants have sufficient soft action and the effectiveness of treatment will last a long time, and adverse reactions they practically do not cause.

Many people suffer from swelling in their arms and legs, as well as in other parts of the body. This brings significant discomfort and also spoils the appearance. In addition, in the frequency of cases, such processes indicate pathological conditions V various organs and systems.

The amount of fluid that is released in large volumes negatively affects the organs of the urinary system and the liver, and also significantly disrupts the process of blood formation and circulation. As one of the methods of auxiliary therapy, decoctions are used medicinal herbs.

Causes of edema

Edema may appear after a person has taken the day before a large number of liquids. In this case, it is important to significantly reduce the consumption of sweets, foods with high content salt and spicy foods. Before you start drinking diuretic herbs if you have edema, it is important to consult with a specialist to determine the correct cause. In the summer heat, fluid can accumulate in the body, this is physiological norm. In this case, there is no need to panic too much. If liquid begins to accumulate in subcutaneous tissue in the cold season, the reasons may be:

  • Diseases of the vascular system and heart;
  • Carrying a child;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Various injuries;
  • Edema associated with kidney disease;
  • Swelling caused by taking medications;
  • Malfunctions endocrine glands, and especially problems with the thyroid gland.

It is important to remember that taking herbs that have a pronounced diuretic effect not only helps reduce the severity of edema, but also promotes weight loss. In this case, it is important to monitor and adjust the weight. This is especially true for people who are underweight. All types of plants have different effects on people. This is important to know before you start taking it on your own. medicinal herbs. In addition, by losing a large amount of fluid at a rapid pace, a significant amount of vital electrolytes is also removed. In order to avoid consequences, you must consult a doctor. It will help you choose the most useful herbs, and which herbs should be excluded.

Using herbal infusions and infusions for swelling, it is important to remember that they help remove fluid, and along with it, toxic substances will be removed. Decoctions should not replace medications, but as an addition to the main therapy, they will be excellent. There is a certain technique that allows you to maximize the benefits of taking medicinal herbal infusions and decoctions and it consists of the following postulates:

  • You must drink freshly prepared decoctions no later than 4 pm.
  • It is necessary to take decoctions in minimal doses, and only under the supervision of a specialist. If the herbs do not immediately begin to help, it is not recommended to stop the course of treatment. All infusions are characterized by their action several days after the first dose.
  • If no changes are observed over a long period, then the use of such infusions is not recommended. The reception is stopped, and others are selected.
  • If a patient is diagnosed with problems with the kidney structures, then diuretics are prohibited.
  • One view medicinal plant, it is advisable to use it for at least one month, and then begin gradual replacement with other plant species.
  • Drinking decoctions based on various herbs is prohibited for women during pregnancy, as many of them have an abortifacient effect.

Improper consumption of herbs can cause allergies, nausea or digestive tract disorders.

Medicinal herbs during pregnancy

When carrying a child, you should be especially careful with any type of food, medicines, and various decoctions herbs But not all herbs pose a threat to the expectant mother and baby. Safe plants are considered:

  • Lingonberry leaf;
  • Horsetail;
  • Bear ears.

The most effective means to combat edema in pregnant women, use a decoction of lingonberry leaves. In addition to the anti-edematous effect, lingonberry leaves will significantly enrich a woman’s body with a complex of essential vitamins and minerals. In order to prepare the infusion, you need to take one teaspoon of dried leaves and pour a whole glass of boiling water. Leave to brew for 35 minutes. After a certain time, the resulting infusion is filtered and changed one glass at a time, four times a day. In case of provision strong effect, intake is reduced to 600 ml per day. This type of plant does not have side effect Therefore, many pregnant women are recommended to drink it until the onset of childbirth.

Decoctions of horsetail also quickly remove excess fluid from the body, and in addition, the kidneys are perfectly cleansed. Prepare a decoction using one tablespoon of horsetail, pouring half a glass of boiling water.

It is necessary to insist for at least 3 hours. After the holding time has expired, medicinal decoction take 50 ml every 6 hours. Before using this decoction, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Herbal infusions for the cardiovascular system and kidneys

In order to treat edema caused by problems of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Field cornflower, bearberry, mint and burdock are widely used.

When using infusions of cornflower, you can notice the effectiveness quite quickly, literally within the first day after taking it. This type of diuretic herb is poured into approximately 300 ml of warm, not hot, water. Use no more than one tablespoon of dried cornflower. After mixing the ingredients, you need to boil the resulting mixture for a couple of minutes. Take 100 ml decoction three times a day. This type plants have a very good effect on the heart muscle, even over a long period.

Bearberry shows a good diuretic effect. For cooking required type broth, you need one teaspoon, pour 250 ml of boiling water, and let it brew for 15 minutes. Afterwards, drink two tablespoons of the decoction three times a day. The intake of this type of decoction is not limited.

The well-known mint, it turns out good effect, when removing excess fluid from the body. Both dried and fresh leaves are used. For 500 ml of water, use one tablespoon. The mixed ingredients are left to infuse for half an hour. They drink this decoction throughout the day, throughout the week.

Complex treatments for swelling

In some cases, it is permissible to use several components in the composition. This type should only be prescribed by a doctor, since only he can choose the truly correct layout. When preparing and consuming preparations, it is important to remember that:

  • The diuretic should be prepared only from a fresh plant
  • Decoctions should be prepared only in clean containers
  • Infusions must be made fresh every day
  • In order to save as much as possible useful material, decoctions are not recommended to be boiled for more than 10 minutes
  • In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to drink the infusions warm. This way they are better absorbed into the blood and have a positive result.

For swelling in lower limbs, you can use a decoction of flax seed. For this:

  1. In 1 liter of boiling water, steam 50 grams of flax seeds.
  2. The resulting composition is boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from open fire and leave for about 60 minutes.
  4. Add fresh apple juice.

Drink the resulting infusion 100 ml every few hours. You can drink no more than a liter of this product per day. The result is noticeable after a certain period of time.

To relieve puffy eyes, use a wonderful mixture that includes nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, bearberry and rose hips. All ingredients are poured with boiling water. After the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and drunk 200 ml at regular intervals.

Also, in order to get rid of puffy eyes, use parsley. For this you will need roots and greens. Pour the ingredients into 500 ml of water. Leave for 12 hours and add lemon juice. After time passes, drink 100 grams of infusion every 6 hours.


It should be remembered that herbs that have a diuretic effect may not always have a positive effect.

Before using them, you need to consult with a specialist and determine if there are any contraindications.

These are:

  • People with potassium deficiency in the body
  • The use of herbs for prostate adenoma is prohibited
  • It is not recommended to use herbal decoctions if there are stones
  • Children's age up to 6 years.

It is also possible that allergic rash, to one or another component.

Excessive amounts of fluid in any body can lead to edema, which is a clear sign the presence of any disease that is necessary in as soon as possible diagnose and treat. For edema, the doctor usually, in addition to the main treatment, prescribes diuretics, which are sold in abundance in pharmacies, but more often advises taking folk diuretics at home, which are no worse at removing excess fluid from the body and for cleansing.

When to take diuretics

At home, you can prepare decoctions and infusions that can relieve swelling when various diseases. Indications for the use of diuretics are the following diseases:

  • Increased arterial pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Edema.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Folk diuretics that can be used at home include not only decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, but also plain water, juices, berries, fruits.

Recipes for folk diuretics

A good diuretic natural origin considered cranberry. In order to remove excess fluid from the body, you can use not only berries, but also leaves. Cranberry is a natural diuretic plant. Works great for kidney inflammation. It not only removes fluid, but also relieves the inflammatory process. The berry can be used for hypertension and pregnancy.

  • How to use cranberries

- Berries 2 tbsp. l.

— Water 200 ml.

— Sugar 30 gr.

Place the berries crushed in a blender into a saucepan. Pour water and add sugar. Boil. Cool and drink several times a day.

Cranberry juice is very good drink, which can be taken by pregnant women. It supplies the body with vitamins and removes excess fluid.

  • Cowberry

One more healthy berry which exhibits diuretic properties is lingonberry.

— Lingonberry leaves and fruits 20 gr.

— Water 200 ml.

Place lingonberry fruits and leaves in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 1 hour, take a tablespoon three times before lunch, dinner and breakfast. This decoction is choleretic and diuretic folk medicine, which helps with kidney disease and edema.

  • A mixture of cranberries and lingonberries is considered a good natural diuretic drink.

— Cranberry fruits 50 g

— Lingonberry fruits 50 gr.

Grind the berries and pour into a glass hot water. You can add honey to taste and drink three times a day.

  • Strawberries are one of the most delicious homemade diuretics. During the season, you can regularly eat this berry. Strawberry is a vitamin product, as a diuretic it fights swelling and...
  • Watermelon is a very healthy and effective diuretic product. Using watermelon you can cleanse your kidneys and liver. During the ripening period of watermelon, you need to eat it as often as possible.
  • Cherries are a very tasty, aromatic and also medicinal berry.

Cherry compotes are an excellent diuretic; they can be used for various edema by hypertensive patients and pregnant women, without fear of side effects.

— Cherry 100 gr.

— Water 500 ml.

Place the berries in boiling water and boil for five minutes. Cool and drink in the morning, lunch and evening.

The drink cleanses the kidneys and is used for hypertension and heart disease.

Diuretic juices

Juices, which are used in various combinations, also do an excellent job of removing excess fluid from the body.

  • Birch sap expels salts, fights swelling, is harmless during pregnancy, it should be drunk three times a day, 150 ml.

  • Cranberry and beet juice

— Cranberry juice 150 ml.

Beet juice 100 ml.

Mix fresh ingredients, take 50 ml.

  • Pumpkin

Raw pumpkin has an excellent diuretic effect without irritating the stomach walls. The easiest way to consume it is in juice form. Every day, the juice should always be fresh, drink in small sips throughout the day, but no more than a glass per day.

Safe Diuretic Fruits and Herbs

  • Rose hip

Melon and watermelon melons promote good digestion, lower blood pressure, normalize water exchange in organism.

Cucumbers remove excess fluid, cleanse the body of toxins, waste and other harmful accumulations. Cucumber juice is used as a diuretic.

Diuretic fruits that are used to remove excess fluid and relieve swelling are apricots, mangoes, cherries, raspberries, cranberries, viburnum, apples.

Lemon diuretic

Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps remove excess fluid.

  • The first method is lemon zest

Wash the zest of one lemon, dry it and grind it into powder. Take half a teaspoon three times a day with a drink big amount plain clean water.

  • Second recipe

In equal proportions you need to mix carrot, lemon and cucumber juice. You need to take 100 ml of each. Drink the product three times a day, diluting warm water in half.

  • The third way is lemon with horseradish.

— Three lemons with zest.

— One medium-sized horseradish root.

Wash all products and grind in a meat grinder. Take the mixture for 14 days, a teaspoon twice a day before meals.

In any case, before taking folk diuretics on your own, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.