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My legs are very swollen after childbirth, what should I do? Why do my legs swell after childbirth?

During pregnancy, swelling of the limbs - common occurrence. Usually unpleasant symptoms disappear in a timely manner, but sometimes leg swelling does not go away after childbirth, which confuses young mothers.

The severity of postpartum swelling depends on the location and intensity of symptoms. There are 4 degrees:

  • 1st degree – location on the lower leg;
  • 2nd degree – belly is added;
  • 3rd degree – progresses on the hands and face;
  • Grade 4 – covers almost the entire body.

Causes of postpartum swelling

A healthy woman who does not suffer from pathologies, when a painful condition is discovered, wonders why her legs swell after childbirth.

General factors for the occurrence of pathology

Reasons that may trigger painful condition lower limbs:

  • Violation of the daily routine. Caring for a child takes a lot of a woman's time. Lack of rest good night leads to fatigue and swelling of the legs.
  • Non-compliance with food intake. Snacking on the go and an unbalanced diet lead to excess weight and increased stress on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Abuse of salty and fried foods. This is especially true for mothers who, for some reason, have stopped breastfeeding. In the desire to make up for what is prohibited during pregnancy (high consumption of salt and fried foods), a woman makes up for this restriction after childbirth.
  • Vitamin deficiency.

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The given causes of swelling in the legs after childbirth go away on their own if you follow the recommendations for the prevention of painful symptoms.

But swelling may be accompanied concomitant diseases, if detected, you must definitely visit a doctor. Pathologies include:

  • Phlebeurysm. Impaired blood flow and congestive changes in blood vessels contribute to swelling of the extremities.
  • Thrombosis. Stress on the legs can lead to blockage of the lumen of the vein (formation of blood clots, swelling is visible outwardly).
  • Kidney failure, problems in genitourinary systems e. Increased load on the kidneys ( hormonal changes and pressure from the enlarged uterus prevent the outflow of urine) during pregnancy and after it contributes to the slow removal of fluid from the body.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system. A weak heart muscle cannot cope with the required volume of circulating blood, which is increased in a woman’s body during pregnancy, which leads to stagnation in the blood vessels. With this pathology, leg swelling occurs around the clock (unlike swelling that occurs from fatigue) and is characteristic of lower half bodies.
  • Preeclampsia. One of the severe pathologies of expectant mothers. Often, when it occurs during pregnancy, doctors decide on urgent surgical intervention (caesarean section) to save the fetus.

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Swelling of the legs after infusions

Since a woman’s body is postpartum period has not yet “rebuilt” and the kidneys do not cope well with excretion excess liquid, then the introduction of solutions through droppers (up to 2 l) increases the problem. Against this background severe swelling It's harder to remove the legs.

Swelling after surgery

During any operations there is always an increased risk of diseases and unpredictable dangerous conditions. Swelling of the legs can be caused by a surgeon's mistake during surgery (damage to the vessels responsible for the outflow of blood from the lower half of the body). Compression of blood vessels postoperative swelling complicates blood flow, which leads to stagnation of blood in the legs.

What to do for postpartum leg swelling

Let's consider ways to eliminate edema of the lower extremities that arise after delivery.

First aid for swelling of the limbs

The recovery period after the birth of a baby, when changes in the body return to normal, goes differently for each woman.

U healthy mom swelling of the legs should go away within a month after childbirth.

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  • Performing simple physical exercise for the lower extremities (circular movements of the feet, raising the toes, squeezing the fingers).
  • Foot massage.
  • Normalization of diet and nutrition.
  • Adequate rest and good sleep.
  • Wearing compression garments.

Treatment with medications

Do not self-medicate with pills.

Only a qualified specialist will prescribe the correct drug treatment, since when a woman is breastfeeding a child, the use of medications is limited.

How long will it take for treatment? The answer to this question depends on the chosen method to resolve the problem. The choice of drugs will be determined by the attending physician after a comprehensive examination.

  • The treatment course for diseases of the circulatory or genitourinary systems lasts up to 30 days.
  • To treat varicose veins, you will need to undergo long-term therapy, up to 6 months (based on the stage of development of the disease).
  • Nominated vitamin complex can relieve swelling of the legs.

During lactation, doctors try to prescribe medicines more gentle, and also often resort to traditional healing.


Any herbal tinctures and foot baths can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

With increased blood pressure and the following infusions are used as diuretics:

  • birch and apple juices;
  • urological preparations (pharmacy diuretic herbal teas);
  • lingonberry decoctions;
  • linden tea.

Swelling after childbirth, what to do, how to treat it and why does it occur? Many expectant mothers experience swelling. In most cases, this is a variant of the norm and is associated with changes in blood circulation in a woman in position, heavy load on the legs, and hormonal levels. But why doesn’t swelling go away after childbirth? Let's figure it out.

Most often, only women who have given birth ask this question. They believe that swelling should disappear within a matter of hours after the baby is born. But often this turns out not to be the case. Excess fluid leaves the tissues over a period of time: from several days to several weeks. Hormonal levels should also come into order. Everything has its time.

But it also happens that the causes of swelling of the arms and legs after childbirth are kidney pathology or endocrine system. In such cases, swelling occurs in the morning and is visible on the face. It becomes puffy, bags appear under the eyes. And no standard prevention of edema in the postpartum period helps.

As for the kidneys, their condition can be judged by blood and urine tests, which are necessarily taken in the maternity hospital, sometimes more than once. If necessary, treatment will be provided immediately. But you will have to look for endocrinological pathology with a doctor of the appropriate specialization after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Sometimes during pregnancy, swelling appears due to varicose veins. And the problem remains after the birth of the child. On initial stages Compression garments help with varicose veins. Medications practically ineffective. In severe situations, an operation is performed - the affected vein is removed or sclerosis is performed. The first operation is quite traumatic, and the second requires special skill of the surgeon.

If the matter is only in physiology, then you can get rid of swelling of the legs after childbirth in ordinary ways. Don't eat a lot of salty foods. Drinking a lot, by the way, is also for working out breast milk healthy. Try to move. Do not sit or stand for a long time. Wear comfortable shoes. Mild swelling in the last weeks of pregnancy and at any other time goes away if you lie down with your legs elevated (put them on a pillow) or do exercises for your feet.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy, especially in the second half, is not uncommon. Almost all women face this problem. And after the birth of the baby, everything returns to normal and the swelling stops.

But sometimes the problem of edema does not disappear even after childbirth, causing confusion among young mothers. Why does this happen and what can be done in such a situation?

Causes of leg swelling after childbirth

Pregnancy leads to changes hormonal levels women, which provokes fluid retention in the body. Also, do not forget that the amount of blood circulating in the body expectant mother, increases in parallel with fetal growth.

Usually healthy women with a normal pregnancy after childbirth, it returns to normal and the swelling disappears. Sometimes this happens more slowly than the young mother would like, but there is no need to panic.

Occasionally, women complain that after childbirth the situation does not improve or, on the contrary, swelling of the legs increases. In most cases, this is not associated with serious pathologies, but you need to visit a doctor to clarify the reasons. Most often, swelling is caused by:

  • Fatigue and disruption of the daily routine. Small children need night feedings, and often also games, changing clothes and rocking. Therefore, young mothers regularly lack sleep and get tired. This can cause swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Poor nutrition. It is known that salt retains fluid in the body. If mom leans on salty foods, her legs can easily swell.
  • Phlebeurysm. Pregnancy often provokes the development or exacerbation of this disease, as a woman’s body weight increases and activity decreases. If a woman had circulatory problems in the extremities and weak venous valves before pregnancy, there is a high probability of rapid progression of the disease after childbirth.
  • Kidney disorders. Pregnancy increases the load on all organs of the body, including the kidneys. Often during pregnancy they cannot cope with the removal of fluid, especially if the woman previously had pyelonephritis or other similar diseases. This situation may continue into the postpartum period.
  • Heart diseases. If the "pump" does not cope with the work, the blood flow in lower limbs may slow down, hence the swelling.
  • . Inflammation Bladder can cause fluid retention in the body.

It is not worth making a diagnosis on your own, as well as self-medicating. It is better to visit a doctor who can recommend adequate therapy.

First of all, you need to put your daily routine in order and get more rest. Try to involve your husband and other family members in caring for your baby. If you can't get enough sleep at night, lie down during the day. In this case, it is advisable to place your feet on an elevated platform. It is also important to eat right and not overuse salty and fried foods.

If swelling of the legs persists for more than two weeks, consultation with doctors is necessary, as this may be a sign of pathology.

Most often, women with such complaints are referred to a nephrologist, phlebologist and cardiologist. If the cause of edema is varicose veins veins, the doctor will advise compression stockings and ointments for local application. Treatment systemic drugs And surgical interventions must be postponed until the end of lactation.

If you have problems with your kidneys or heart, you should never self-prescribe diuretics or other medications. Only a doctor can recommend a medicine. Maybe, breast-feeding You will have to stop treatment for the duration, as many medications can pass into breast milk.

If swelling of the legs after childbirth is caused not by illness, but natural processes occurring in the body, treatment is not required. In this case, simple exercises will help improve the condition of your legs:

  • Tiptoe rises;
  • Clenching and unclenching “fists” on the legs;
  • Rotation of the feet.

You can also do light massage feet, legs and thighs. This will help improve blood circulation and disperse fluid.

How to prevent leg swelling after childbirth

Measures to prevent edema must begin to be taken during pregnancy. Main rules for expectant mothers:

  • Choose the right shoes, avoiding models with narrow toes and high heels;
  • Wear compression tights or stockings that support the blood vessels of the legs;
  • Perform simple leg exercises, walk more often;
  • Do a massage to improve blood circulation;
  • Rest regularly with your feet above heart level;
  • Accept cold and hot shower or do foot baths.

It is also very important to eat right and follow drinking regime. Most It is better to drink liquids in the first half of the day, and limit its consumption in the evening. These rules are useful not only for women suffering from swelling of the legs, but also for all young mothers.

In this article:

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, weight increases, so swelling of the legs after childbirth can be attributed to normal state. But what if after childbirth they remain or even increase?

The presence of edema is easy to determine. If, when pressing on the skin, a depression remains, this indicates the accumulation and retention of excess fluid in the tissue. With swelling, cramps are possible, heaviness in the calf muscles may be felt, and the size of the leg may increase.

The main causes of swelling of the legs after childbirth

  1. Non-compliance with the daily routine and proper nutrition. Enough trivial reason, but it is severe fatigue, use junk food and non-compliance with diet contribute to heaviness in the legs and the appearance of edema after childbirth.
  2. Vascular disease. Swelling may appear due to varicose veins. At the same time, not only heaviness in the legs and swelling are felt. Muscle cramps may occur; it is also necessary to pay attention to the presence spider veins. These signs indicate varicose veins.
  3. Kidney disease. In this case, usually, both legs swell evenly, the disease occurs without itching or fever. Additional symptoms are the occurrence dark circles under the eyes and change in urine color.
  4. The causes of swelling of the legs can be: cardiovascular diseases, intestinal diseases, problems with thyroid gland, heredity, etc.

Preventing leg swelling

  1. Too fatty and salty foods and carbonated water should be excluded from the diet. It is necessary to balance your diet and eat natural products. It is recommended to consume more viburnum, cranberries, lemon, grapefruit, tomatoes, and grapes. That is, those products that help thin the blood.
  2. A young mother should try to avoid overwork and allow the body to recover. You need to rest with your feet above your hips. If you need to stand for a long time, you should periodically stand on your toes.
  3. It is recommended to massage the feet and also use foot baths.

Basic methods of treating swelling of the legs

If you notice swelling of the legs after childbirth and an increase in their size, you should seek advice from a doctor who treats venous diseases - a phlebologist. This is the only way to install real reasons disease and avoid complications. You may need consultations with a therapist, cardiologist and other specialized specialists.

Drug treatment

Modern medicine offers various methods treatment, where surgery used in very rare cases, difficult cases diseases. Therefore, you should not ignore consultation with a specialist. The doctor will prescribe necessary treatment, massage, wearing compression hosiery, and will also advise on methods for preventing leg swelling.

Home treatment

The size of my leg has increased after childbirth, but there is no way to visit a doctor. What to do in this situation? There are many ways to help yourself at home.

For example, you can massage your feet with pieces of ice from a herbal decoction. Sage, yarrow, and eucalyptus are suitable for preparing a decoction.

By doing simple exercises at home, you can restore blood circulation and relieve fatigue and heaviness in your legs. Rotating your feet in different directions and standing on your toes are effective. You can pick up a pencil from the floor with your toes.

A contrast shower will help with swelling. In this case, you need to complete the procedure cold water, then rub your feet well with a towel and lubricate with cream.

Traditional treatment

To reduce leg swelling after childbirth, many people use various traditional methods treatment. They can be a useful adjunct to occupational therapy. It should be remembered that they do not cure the disease, but help to stop or prevent it.

To relieve swelling of the legs, you can use warm baths with sea ​​salt or decoctions medicinal herbs. Melissa, nettle, oregano, and chamomile are also used for this procedure; they tone the blood vessels of the legs as much as possible. Decoctions of birch leaves, burdock, and nettle will help relieve fatigue. After the bath, it is advisable to rub your feet with a hard terry towel and lubricate them with nourishing cream.

An effective treatment would be to undergo a course of treatment by taking decoctions of diuretic herbs, for example, horsetail, corn silk, and birch buds.

The causes of swelling of the legs after childbirth can be different and it is not always as harmless as it seems. Swelling can be the first sign of diseases and complications, so you should pay close attention to your health and consult a doctor.

Video about what you can eat during swelling

Most young mothers complain of swelling after childbirth. It is worth noting that this is a fairly common phenomenon among women who have recently given birth. Such a defect causes concern, especially if it does not go away for a long time.

Why does postpartum edema appear?

The swelling itself occurs as a result of the accumulation of excessive amounts of fluid. You can determine whether there is swelling using normal finger pressure. In this case, a pit forms on the skin. Swelling after childbirth may have varying degrees gravity.

Sometimes the whole body swells, in other cases only certain part. If doctors had to give intravenous infusions during childbirth, the defect will appear only after 5-6 days.

In some cases, this condition is accompanied by breast tenderness and engorgement, dryness and hypersensitivity nipples, which is why it occurs severe discomfort while putting the baby to the breast.

Sometimes the pain is so severe that natural feeding stop for a while. Increasing the volume of the limbs or the whole body requires wearing larger clothes, which also creates an unpleasant feeling.

Causes of edema after childbirth

If the trouble does not go away a week after the birth of the baby, then more likely serious reasons its occurrence.

Significant accumulation of fluid in the body. This disorder occurs due to poor kidney function. But in this case, the pathology of these organs will be noticeable even during pregnancy.

If they could not cope with the increased load, then after childbirth they could restore their normal work they will not be able to and the removal of excess fluid will be difficult for some time. Chronic kidney disease in a woman increases the risk of swelling for a long period after childbirth.

Unbalanced diet and inappropriate lifestyle. Very often the reasons are hidden in excessive consumption fluids and unhealthy diet. I'm thirsty after large quantity fried, spicy and salty dishes. But high physical activity can also cause harm. In this case, the reason lies in long stay in a standing position. As a result, the legs swell in the evening, a feeling of heaviness arises in them, and the swelling subsides in the morning.

Vascular diseases. The main source is varicose veins, which, unfortunately, also very often occurs in pregnant women, especially in the last months of pregnancy. The enlarging uterus compresses large venous trunks in the pelvis and thereby prevents the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.

Every fourth woman has this pathology, but all of them know about it, because early stages the disease is quite mild. If persistent swelling occurs that is not caused by other reasons, then you need to consult a specialist - a phlebologist, because varicose veins are quite dangerous disease with serious consequences if left untreated.

How to relieve swelling after childbirth

The method for eliminating a defect directly depends on the cause of its occurrence.

If kidney disease occurs, it may require drug treatment. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe necessary medications, because a woman should not take many medications during lactation. Perhaps he will allow the use of folk diuretics, for example, Birch juice or infusion of apple peels.

When the cause of trouble is a poor diet and improper daily routine, you need to correct them. For example, eat better dishes, steamed or boiled, exclude smoked foods, limit the consumption of liquid and salt.

As for drinking, preference should be given mineral water without gas, compote without sugar and herbal teas. Activity and rest should constantly alternate; you cannot spend the whole day “on your feet.” This also applies to excessive passivity. Unpleasant phenomena go away only if the regime is followed.

For varicose veins, you must contact a specialist who will select a course of therapy depending on the degree of the disease. In any case, such a patient should rest more supine position, placing a cushion or pillow under your feet so that they are above the level of your heart.

It is necessary to take special relaxing foot baths and possibly wear compression garments to relieve swelling. Can be assigned special diet to thin the blood. Then the diet includes such products as sea buckthorn, viburnum, lemons, tomatoes, grapes, cranberries.

Blood thickening can also be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals, for example, lecithin, zinc, selenium and vitamin C. A young mother should not overuse coffee, green and black tea, cocoa, and soda. Recommended to drink cranberry juice, grape juice, herbal teas, but it is better to give preference to ordinary water.

When does swelling that occurs after childbirth go down?

Normally, these defects should go away on their own within a few days after birth. If they are observed for more than a week or occur repeatedly, it means that there is some kind of disorder in the body. At chronic diseases kidneys, they disappear over the course of several weeks.

It is worth noting that the time for swelling to subside also depends on the fluid accumulated during pregnancy, which is eliminated by urination. Probably every woman notices that after giving birth she begins to visit the toilet more often.

The important point is that it is not advisable to limit fluid intake, because milk production may decrease, so it is important to consult with qualified specialist on this occasion.

In some cases, restricting drinking is a necessary measure. Also excess water can be eliminated from the body through sweating, so increased sweating in the postpartum period refers to the normal variant.

Swelling of the legs after childbirth should also go away within a few days if the woman has healthy blood vessels. If this does not happen and the swelling increases, it means that the valves of the external and internal veins are not working well and varicose veins are present.