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What tests are needed for paid eco. What tests are needed for IVF for men and women: list and recommendations

In vitro fertilization, also known as IVF, is one of the auxiliary reproductive technologies(ART).

IVF was successfully used for the first time in the United States in 1981 and over 4 million babies have been born worldwide as a result of this procedure. IVF offers couples with fertility problems the chance to have a child biologically related to them.

They do it in reproductive centers, either free of charge, according to the regional or federal quota and insurance compulsory medical insurance policy, or for a fee.

In assisted reproduction, the sperm of a man and the egg of a woman are combined in a laboratory dish where fertilization takes place. The resulting embryo (or embryos, from 2 to 4 at a time) is then transferred to the woman's uterus for implantation and development in a natural way. Each attempt is called a "cycle".

The term "test tube baby" has been used in the past to refer to children conceived through IVF. The first such test tube baby, Louise Brown, turned 37 in 2015. She was born in England.

IVF can be used to treat infertility in the following patients:

The number of embryos generally depends on the number of eggs collected and the age of the mother. As the rate of implantation decreases as a woman ages, more eggs can be implanted to increase the chance of the procedure being successful.

What tests do a couple need for IVF?

Both partners wishing to undergo the IVF procedure must submit the results of the following mandatory tests, which are considered compliant within three months:

  • Blood test to determine blood group and Rh factor.
  • HIV research.
  • Analysis for syphilis.
  • Test for hepatitis B and C.

What tests does a woman need for IVF?

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. Blood test for hormone levels:
    • testosterone;
    • estrogenic steroid hormone;
    • follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones;
    • prolactin;
    • one of major hormones thyroid gland- thyroid-stimulating;
    • dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate;
    • antibodies to thyroid peroxidase;
    • antibodies to thyroglobulin;
  3. Blood test for oncology markers, cytomegalovirus and rubella.
  4. Examination of the genital organs (three smears).
  5. Smear from cervical canal to identify various infections: gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasma, candidiasis, mycoplasma, gardnerella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and trichomoniasis.
  6. Taking material from the mucous membrane of the cervix to identify atypical cells.
  7. Microbiological examination of a smear to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.
  8. General and biochemical analysis s blood.
  9. Blood clotting study.

The result of these tests is valid for a month.

A number of screening tests are performed prior to the start of an IVF cycle. These tests typically include transvaginal ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus and, if necessary, hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity using optical system). Ultrasound is painless and can detect possible problems in the uterus (for example, fibroids). Do an ultrasound Bladder and a male partner's prostate is usually not needed.

Additionally, the woman will be referred to an appointment with a mammologist, a therapist, and will also be asked to do a cardiogram and fluorography.

List of male tests for IVF

Before a man provides a sperm sample, he is asked not to have sexual intercourse for several days before the egg is retrieved from the woman and before he provides a sperm sample (usually through masturbation).

Since the role of a man in the IVF procedure is much more modest than that of a woman, his list of tests for IVF will be shorter. These include:

  • Examination of a man for infertility (spermogram) to determine the quantity and quality (concentration, mobility, volume, structure) of sperm in the sample.
  • A swab from the urethra to detect genital infections.
  • Blood test for hormones such as testosterone, lactogenic hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, sex steroid, binding globulin, luteinizing hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone.
  • Blood test for antisperm antibodies. The human immune system generates antibodies to protect the body, and usually sperm cells are hidden from the immune system in the testicles. However, sometimes this protective barrier can be broken due to mumps, testicular injury, or surgical intervention. As a result the immune system“sees” sperm for the first time and produces antibodies against sperm, affecting their quality and ability to swim freely.
  • Also, tests for IVF in a man include a biochemical blood test (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, glucose, bilirubin, urea, creatinine).

At male infertility the method of intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg (ICSI) is used - one of the "branches" of IVF. A specialist using microsurgical instruments combines a viable sperm with an egg. This procedure requires only one sperm per egg.

It is possible only after it is necessary for those wishing to become parents. In our clinic you can take the required tests, undergo the necessary examinations and receive competent advice on issues that interest you.

For woman:

1. blood test for antibodies to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C

2. blood test for Ig G and Ig M antibodies to the virus herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, rubella, toxoplasmosis

3. general (clinical) blood test

4. biochemical blood test

5. blood type and Rh factor

6. coagulogram (study of the hemostasis system) + D dimer

7. blood hormones on days 2-5 menstrual cycle: AMH, FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, T3 free, T4 free, AT to TG, AT to TPO, estradiol, testosterone, 17 OH progesterone, DHEAS, cortisol

8. general analysis urine

9. TANK. CULTURING - bacteriological examination of genital secretions for flora and sensitivity to drugs

10. microscopic examination vaginal smears

11. cytological examination and cervical canal

12. scraping of genital secretions using the PCR method for STIs (sexually transmitted infections)

14. Fluorography of organs chest(for women who have not completed this study for more than 12 months)

16. appointment (examination, consultation) with a general practitioner

17. women under 35 years old - ultrasound of the mammary glands, over 35 years old - mammography. The study is carried out in phase 1 of the cycle. If a pathology is detected, a mammologist’s conclusion is given.

18. Conclusion on the state of the endometrium (ultrasound, Paypel, Hysteroscopy)

19. women with a history (including close relatives) of cases birth defects development and chromosomal diseases, women suffering from primary amenorrhea are prescribed an examination (consultation) with a geneticist and a study of the chromosomal apparatus

20. If detected, an examination (consultation) with an endocrinologist is scheduled, ultrasonography thyroid gland and parathyroid glands, kidneys and adrenal glands

For a man:

a) blood test for antibodies to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C

b) blood test for antibodies Ig G and Ig M to herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus

c) blood type and Rh factor

d) urological smear

d) TANK. SOWING - a bacteriological study of the discharge of the genital organs on the flora and sensitivity to drugs from the urethra or tank. sperm seeding

f) Scraping of the genital organs by PCR for STIs (sexually transmitted infections)

g) or sperm test

h) karyotyping, AZF factor, cystic fibrosis gene CFTR (according to indications)

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and examinations for you. This may be necessary to determine the causes and develop an individual treatment regimen. You can pass all the required tests and undergo the prescribed examinations in our clinic.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)- artificial conception by planting several embryos in the uterine cavity. Previously, an egg is removed from a woman, fertilized in a test tube with the partner's sperm, and the embryo is kept in an incubator for 2-5 days. This procedure is resorted to when it is impossible to get pregnant in a natural way.

IVF rescues many infertile couples, and the long-awaited test-tube baby is no different from the one that was conceived by the natural method.

Before making this decision, a woman should find out from a gynecologist if she has any contraindications for IVF. If they are not, it will not be superfluous to visit genetics. It will help the couple determine which diseases can be inherited and the degree of this risk. The attending physician will tell you what documents you need to collect for IVF.

Tests before IVF

Before the IVF procedure, a woman and a man must undergo a series of studies in order to increase its effectiveness and eliminate potential dangers. The results of the analyzes indicate necessary treatment and other activities that promote conception.

Both partners must donate blood. With the help of this analysis, its group, Rh factor, the presence of AIDS and syphilis, hepatitis of groups B and C are determined.

Its shelf life is three months.

IVF protocols

There are such IVF protocols:

  • ultra-short;
  • short;
  • long;
  • cryoprotocol.

Their selection is based on the duration of the procedure, the number of stages of preparation and the fertilization itself.

When deciding which protocols to choose, the doctor takes into account the age of the woman, individual characteristics her body (weight, physique), the presence certain diseases. These factors can affect reproductive ability. Well-chosen protocols make possible conception the first time. Using comprehensive data, the doctor will assess the state of the body and determine the maximum auspicious time to carry out the procedure, which will make implantation of the embryo more likely to be successful.

List of tests for a woman

The list of women's examinations is quite long. The standard list of procedures before IVF includes a general blood test, urine test, and determination of blood clotting (coagulogram). These results are valid for a month.

First of all, the blood is checked for hormone levels. Then to the expectant mother You should donate blood to identify tumor markers, toxoplasmosis, rubella. When donating blood, a woman can simultaneously undergo a hemoscan, in which a drop of blood from a finger is examined under a microscope for 15-30 minutes. The patient can watch the process on a special screen. The examination allows you to clarify the diagnosis, identify the causes of many diseases, assess your overall health, and select the most effective treatment, adjusting nutrition, lifestyle, finding out the body’s reaction to certain medications.

The gynecologist also takes smears from the genital tract to determine the purity of the flora and a number of infections. Detection of sexually transmitted infections that affect conception and fetal development is included in the list of mandatory tests before IVF. A woman needs to take a smear to determine mycoplasma, ureplasma, chlamydia, gonococcus, Trichomonas, Candida fungus, a smear and blood for gardnerella. If infections are detected, they are treated, after which IVF is prescribed. Also, blood is taken from the patient for CMV (cytomegalovirus), HSV (the causative agent of herpes), hepatitis B and C, AIDS, syphilis, rubella, toxoplasmosis.

The doctor also examines the cervix (cytological, microbiological examination), including determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. These tests are valid for 3 months.

A woman should do a fluorography, an electrocardiogram, be examined by a mammologist, a therapist.

Hormone analysis

Hormonal tests before IVF are mandatory for every woman, since infertility, first of all, has hormonal reasons. Therefore, the doctor also selects a competent therapy that maintains the level of these substances in the body.

Appropriate tests determine the level of the following hormones:

  • thyroid gland;
  • somatotropic (GH);
  • DHA-S.

The level of gonadotropic hormones is checked on days 3-5 of the cycle. These include: FSH (the pituitary hormone; stimulates the development of spermatozoa in men, follicles in women), LH (stimulates ovulation, the formation of estrogens), prolactin (it is produced by the anterior pituitary gland, during pregnancy - also endometrium).

At the same time, they are tested for estradiol (the most active female sex hormone: produced by the ovaries, adrenal cortex, then also by the placenta), growth hormone (growth hormone, secreted by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland).

An analysis for progesterone is prescribed for 20-25 days female cycle. This hormone is produced corpus luteum follicle formed after ovulation. It contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, and its level rises throughout gestation.

You need to take these tests in the morning on an empty stomach. The results are valid for 3 months.

If necessary, before IVF, hysteroscopy and biopsy, laparoscopy and tomography, images of the uterus, fallopian tubes performing an ultrasound examination.

The above list is quite voluminous, but, depending on the specific case of infertility, the doctor can reduce or increase it. The results of these studies are first provided to the attending gynecologist, then to the specialists of the IVF clinic.

Tests for men

Tests before IVF for a man include: determining the level of hormones in the blood, its biochemical composition(bilirubin, creatinine, urea, glucose, AST, ALT), Rh factor and group, the presence of HIV and syphilis, hepatitis groups B, C. To test for sexually transmitted infections, you should donate blood and smears.

At least three months before the procedure, a man needs to have a spermogram to determine the presence of antisperm antibodies and sperm motility.

Additional factors

Indirect factors can also affect the success of IVF. Before IVF, it is desirable to treat the teeth. You should also tell your doctor about illnesses you had in childhood. Heredity can significantly influence a woman’s reproductive ability, so you should ask the mother whether she had problems conceiving, the course of her pregnancy and childbirth, the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the time of menopause, whether cases occurred in her family diabetes, cardiovascular, oncological diseases.

If the couple has carefully prepared for the procedure, IVF is almost always successful.

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Program in vitro fertilization– quite a serious procedure physically and psychologically. Every couple who starts it wants to receive positive result and become parents. Therefore, you should carefully approach the procedure and pass everything necessary tests for IVF.

Why are tests so important?

An IVF program is never carried out without preliminary diagnosis. The very first thing that needs to be determined is whether a woman can give birth at all. To do this, you need to undergo an examination with narrow specialists(ophthalmologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, etc.). This will allow you to identify problems in the body and see detailed picture general health status.

After serious pathologies have been excluded, we begin to study the reproductive characteristics of the couple. They identify the causes of problems with conception, diagnose diseases in the genital area and their stage. Problems with conception can occur in one or two people. In case of infertility male character IVF program may vary. Reproductologists will build on the data obtained and plan further actions.

Taking tests for IVF will allow you to identify a strategy for treating infertility. The choice of protocol type and dosage depend on the results medicines, features of procedures, selection of additional micromanipulations. Conducting (ob)research is very important; not a single procedure can be done without it.

Tests before IVF for a woman

Before starting treatment, the couple will have to undergo a detailed diagnosis. What tests does a woman need to undergo for IVF? The referral will be issued at the clinic and directly at the artificial insemination clinic. Here is a sample list of them.


A blood test is given for: syphilis, HIV, hepatitis. It is valid for three months. Next, the blood type is determined, as well as the Rh factor. Next, the diagnosis of TORCH infections is carried out: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, toxoplasma, herpes, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection.

On hormones

Hormone tests for IVF are extremely important, they will determine the scheme hormonal correction and dosage of drugs. They are given on an empty stomach in the cycle preceding the protocol. At the beginning of the cycle, the following are surrendered:

  • luteinizing hormone;
  • testosterone;
  • follicle stimulating hormone;
  • cortisol;
  • prolactin;
  • estradiol

Are common

Within a month, it is necessary to undergo a general blood test, blood coagulation and biochemistry tests, a urine test, and a bacteriological smear for vaginal flora.


The examination also includes ultrasound, electrocardiography and fluorography. It will be necessary to undergo examinations with a psychiatrist, a narcologist. Conclusion about psychological state health will show the patient’s ability to bear and subsequently raise a child.

According to indications can be assigned:

  • photograph of the fallopian tubes;
  • tomography;
  • cytological examination (cervical canal biopsy);
  • tests for the presence of antisperm antibodies.

In addition to all of the above, the reproductologist is able to ask questions about hereditary diseases and problems with conception in the family. Information about diseases suffered in childhood may be required.

List of tests for IVF for a man

A man also needs to be tested for the IVF protocol. Studying reproductive health men are no less important. The number of examinations for a man is less than for a woman and includes:

  • blood for HIV, hepatitis, blood type, Rh;
  • spermogram;
  • on hormones (if the spermogram is bad);
  • for TORCH infections;
  • fluorography;
  • andrologist consultation.

Check with a specialist for the expiration dates of certain tests. This way you won't have to take them several times. You may ask: where can I get tested for IVF? This can be done either in the district consultation or in private laboratories or in the clinic where you will do IVF. It all depends on the capabilities of the medical institution. Clinics often provide discounts to those who will undergo an IVF protocol with them.

Tests for IVF by quota

In Ukraine, women under 40 years of age with healthy ovaries and at the same time having problems with fallopian tubes. The condition may be multiple ectopic pregnancies, obstruction of pipes or their absence. In this case, there should be no endocrine diseases.

The list of tests for quota IVF is the same as for the standard procedure. In this case, there must be documents confirming the right to a quota. In this case, the patient must have:

  • picture of pipes;
  • the conclusion of the endocrinologist;
  • ultrasound result;
  • extract from the medical record;
  • doctor's report on health status.

It is possible to prescribe a MAP test, endometrial biopsy, immunogram, etc. For those who take tests for free IVF, you need to be extremely attentive to the validity period of the results and the timely submission of documents. In our country, there is only one free attempt at artificial insemination.

Every couple going for IVF relies on this program big hopes. In addition, this method is not cheap and not every couple can afford it. Take the examination seriously. Take the necessary tests for IVF in a timely manner.

Planning for pregnancy is not an easy process. And for both men and women. Especially if on their own for one reason or another. Fortunately, infertility is now very often treated with the help of Or, as it is also called. It helps couples who have problems conceiving become pregnant. Most often, the technique is used after undergoing a course of infertility treatment.

But what tests are needed for IVF? What is required of men and women who want to take advantage of a program like this? It doesn't matter if it's paid or under OMS. The list of tests still remains unchanged. And how to properly prepare for passing certain studies? All this will be discussed further below. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to simply approach the decision responsibly through IVF.


To begin with, you should give up bad habits. This is a mandatory item that helps to obtain the most accurate test results. Preparing to undergo certain studies is a serious test. If you simply find out what tests are needed for IVF, but do not follow the doctors’ recommendations, the results will not be entirely accurate.

It is better to stop drinking alcohol and tobacco a month before taking tests (all of them). It is also best to normalize your diet: exclude fatty, fried, flour, sweet and salty foods. You can eat all this, but in moderation.

It is necessary to donate blood for certain tests strictly on an empty stomach. If we're talking about about urine analysis, you will have to collect only the morning portion. Or after an 8 hour break.

Where to do

Testing for IVF is offered in medical institutions. Each couple decides where exactly to go. Can:

  1. Contact state clinic. Free way preparation for IVF. It does not require investment, but it takes a very long time. And not all studies are most often carried out in budget government clinics.
  2. go to private medical Center. In this case, you will have to find out in advance what tests are needed for IVF for men and women, so as not to undergo unnecessary tests. The health check will be quick, but at the same time expensive. The list of tests for paid IVF and compulsory medical insurance is the same.

Accordingly, as soon as the couple decides where it will go, and all bad habits, you can be interested in the list of upcoming studies.

Three months

It is worth paying attention to the validity of certain analyzes. In general, the list of studies is large. Therefore, first it is worth taking tests that are valid longer than others.

Three months for men and women, the following studies are valid:

  • blood for the Rh factor;
  • blood type analysis;
  • testing for hepatitis (B, C);
  • partner testing for syphilis.

What tests are needed for IVF? These studies are relevant for both men and women. As already mentioned, their validity period is 3 months. After the expiration of the specified period, it will be necessary to conduct the relevant studies again if complete list analyzes will not be presented to doctors.


But all this is just the beginning. Some studies are valid for only 30 days. Therefore, couples suffering from infertility are interested in what tests need to be taken before IVF.

To date, the following studies are valid for a month:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis (girls, men usually do not do ultrasound).

It follows that all the tests on the way to IVF will have to be passed quickly. Doctors will not accept invalid tests. All this is just the beginning. What tests are needed for IVF? Compulsory medical insurance or paid - it's not so important. As already mentioned, couples must go through the same tests in one case or another.

Hormones for women

All previously listed tests are mandatory for both men and women. Girls will have to have their health checked for a variety of hormones. Therefore, everyone should clearly know what tests are to be taken.

Among the studies on hormones for women are:

  • testosterone;
  • estrogen;
  • FG and LH;
  • prolactin;
  • thyroid stimulating hormone;
  • dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate;
  • antibodies to thyroid peroxidase;
  • thyroglobulin (antibodies).

For women

What tests do women need for IVF? Of course, it is necessary to undergo all the previously listed studies. But this is not enough.

Additionally, girls need to pass:

  • analysis on ;
  • microscopic examination of a vaginal smear for sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • analysis for chlamydia;
  • blood for CMV detection;
  • blood for ureaplasma;
  • cervical smear to detect abnormal cells;
  • blood for the presence of antibodies to rubella;
  • analysis for STIs;
  • blood test for coagulation and glucose;
  • mammogram;
  • fluorography.

Additional tests will have to be prescribed by the attending gynecologist, depending on the situation. Most often, women have to undergo an examination by a gynecologist in a chair. This standard procedure is mandatory.

For men

Men also have a separate list of studies. They must pass all the previously listed tests, with the exception of women. Additional studies they will have will be different from those through which the girls go through.

What tests are needed for or for a fee for men? The strong half of society, as a rule, rents:

  • spermogram;
  • blood test for antisperm bodies;
  • smear for genital infections (from the urethra);
  • hormone tests (testosterone, lactogenic hormone, sex steroid that binds globulin, LH, FG, thyroid-stimulating hormone);
  • fluorography;
  • check for syphilis, CMV, rubella, chlamydia.

You can usually end up with this. All additional research prescribed by the attending physician. Basically, consultation with a urologist and gynecologist is required.

In outline

In fact, understanding what tests are needed for IVF is not as difficult as it seems. In general, the list of ongoing studies is not much different from the tests that a couple takes when planning a pregnancy.

If you are interested in the list of ongoing studies in in general terms, it will look like this:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • check for rubella, CMV, chlamydia;
  • testing for sexually transmitted infections;
  • hormone tests (male and female);
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • spermogram;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • examination for CHI (men);
  • swab from the vagina (girls) and urethra (boys) to check for infections;
  • fluorogram;

As a rule, the delivery of blood and urine tests occurs immediately for all of the listed studies. Ultrasound, ECG and fluorogram are performed separately. Smears for certain studies are also given separately, usually during an examination by a specialist. Now it is clear what tests are needed for IVF according to the quota. In fact, at proper preparation you can quickly cope with the task - the passage of research.

Clinical examination

Another small nuance - before IVF, a couple must fully check their health. Therefore, these analyzes are usually not enough. In addition to them, it is necessary to go through a number of narrow specialists. This process is called dispensary.

It is clear what tests are needed before IVF. And which specialist doctors to visit before the procedure? Among them are:

  • therapist;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • dentist (especially important for women);
  • Laura;
  • oculist (mainly for girls).

Now it is clear what tests are needed for IVF. And what will the couple have to go through before artificial insemination. This is far from the easiest process. He will have to be carefully monitored.