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Why testosterone levels increase and how it affects the body. What are the dangers of increased levels of the main male hormone?

Testosterone is one of the key male sex hormones, although it is also present in small quantities in female body. This hormone in men is synthesized by the testes and adrenal cortex. Low testosterone in men, like high, indicates a hormonal imbalance, which is important to identify and eliminate its cause in time. affects not only the sexual sphere of a person’s life, but also normal functioning in general.

Testosterone is one of the key male sex hormones, although it is also present in small amounts in the female body

High and low testosterone in men: symptoms, causes and effects on health

Testosterone influences the formation of sperm, regulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and promotes normal operation skeletal muscles. The amount of this sex hormone in the blood increases as a man gets older. In children, this indicator is insignificant; it increases maximum in adolescence and middle age, and after 50 years it decreases again. The average norms for hormone levels in the blood are shown in the table.

Symptoms of Imbalance

If the hormone level is different from physiological norm, a man develops certain symptoms that are difficult to ignore. The hormone is responsible for the work reproductive sphere, affects the oiliness of the skin and the condition of the hair, a person’s mood.

Testosterone comes in three forms in the body:

  • free;
  • associated with sex hormone binding globulin;
  • connected to albumin.

The free form and those associated with albumin exhibit biological activity, while the globulin-associated variety is considered inactive and its level depends on fluctuations in the content of the protein fraction. Therefore, often instead general level hormone, the doctor prescribes an analysis for the free fraction of the hormone. This analysis is more informative and its result does not depend on the concentration of globulin (which can be increased or decreased due to concomitant diseases).

Symptoms of deficiency

Signs reduced level of this hormone in men:

  • decreased libido, potency;
  • weakness of muscle tissue;
  • penchant for speed dial excess body weight (increase in body fat);
  • lethargy and increased fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • sleep problems;
  • weak expression of secondary sexual characteristics (insufficient hair growth on the face and body, formation of a female-type figure, in adolescents - absence of signs of puberty characteristic of men).

Testosterone gives a man specific characteristics that distinguish the stronger sex from the weaker.

Testosterone gives a man specific characteristics that distinguish the stronger sex from the weaker. If the patient for a long time ignores the symptoms and lets the pathology take its course, his mammary glands and female-type obesity develops. With a lack of this hormone, not only the body suffers, but also the psyche. Due to long low level This substance causes depression in the body. However, an excess of the hormone also does not bode well - ideally this substance should be enough to maintain important functions body.

Symptoms of excess testosterone

An excess of this hormone in male body manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • intensive growth muscle mass which ultimately leads to excess weight gain;
  • rapid pulse and pain in the heart area;
  • increased hair growth on the body, but problems with hair on the scalp;
  • insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • high blood pressure;
  • emotional instability (irritability, aggressiveness, which is replaced by indifference and depression).

If this sex hormone is elevated for a long period of time, it leads to diseases of cardio-vascular system and work disturbances reproductive organs

If this sex hormone is elevated for a long period of time, this leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs. Sperm lose the ability to fertilize an egg, making conception impossible. The prostate increases in size, an adenoma develops and the risk of cancer increases. The skin becomes too oily and acne appears on it.

At timely diagnosis hormonal imbalance can be treated with diet and a certain lifestyle, while serious disorders can be corrected with medications.

Causes of high and low testosterone

Low levels of this compound in the blood are caused by the following reasons:

  • dysfunction of the testicles (due to congenital pathology or previous inflammatory and infectious diseases);
  • pituitary tumor;
  • genetic diseases;
  • taking medications that block the production of androgens;
  • stress;
  • mental disorders;
  • radiation exposure;
  • alcohol, smoking and drugs.

An excess of this substance is provoked by the following factors:

  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • abnormalities in the development of the genitals;
  • tumors of the testicles and adrenal glands, causing increased secretion;
  • early sexual development.
  • Effect on conception

    Testosterone in men is lower than normal and negatively affects the process of conceiving an unborn child. If the level of this substance is greatly reduced, experts recommend taking its synthetic analogues. It is important to choose the right dosage so that the use of medications does not affect the quality of sperm, and the man retains the ability to fertilize. If the level of testosterone in the blood is higher than normal, the brain stops sending a signal to the gonads to produce sperm, which makes conception difficult.

    Testosterone in men is lower than normal and negatively affects the process of conceiving an unborn child.

    Due to the fact that the body works almost to the limit of its capabilities, sperm are initially produced in huge quantities, and then this function sharply decreases. Sperm loses its properties and without treatment the patient faces infertility. Therefore, timely detection and correction of testosterone levels in men is the key to preserving the ability to conceive a child and the chance to live a normal, fulfilling life.

    main reason male power lies in testosterone. To frequency and high quality Potency is most strongly influenced by this sex hormone. As soon as a hormonal imbalance begins to occur in a man’s body, health problems immediately arise - and not only sexual ones. In this article we will talk about what happens in the male body, if hormones become higher than normal, is the increased level dangerous for life? hormonal background, how it manifests itself and how elevated testosterone levels are treated, how to lower it.

    What functions is he responsible for?

    Testosterone is a real “hard worker”, as it is responsible for a huge number of functions. Here's just a small part.

    • Normal formation and functioning of the genital organs.
    • Hair growth on a man's head and body.
    • Increased muscle mass gain.
    • Healthy libido (high sexual desire).
    • Strengthening bone mass.

    Every man can determine his testosterone level - to do this, it is enough to take an appropriate blood test at a local clinic. 2.6-11 ng per milliliter of blood is considered normal healthy man. In this case, 2% of this amount of the hormone must be in pure (free) form, and the rest must be bound to proteins.

    Testosterone levels are determined using a blood test from a vein.

    If tests reveal excess testosterone in men, then you need to find out the reason for the increase in hormone levels and take measures to reduce it. If you don't respond to high testosterone, then there may arise serious consequences.

    What indicates excess

    In itself, an increase in testosterone is not fatal; no one dies directly from the fact that too much of the hormone is formed in a man’s body. However, this deviation is considered very serious, since it has serious consequences - it provokes the development of diseases various organs and systems.

    The very first thing a man with an excess of testosterone feels is changes in the functioning of the reproductive system. Primary signs– sexual desire with regular sexual activity becomes increasingly higher and cannot be controlled. This is accompanied by such psychological signs as increased aggression, decreased responsibility for one’s sexual behavior (harassment, frequent change sexual partners, etc.). At the same time, a man begins to get tired more often, periods of increased sexual activity alternate with severe apathy and even a depressive state.

    Excessive body hair growth is a sign of excess testosterone.

    If you do not pay attention to the symptoms described above in time, many others may appear. unpleasant symptoms higher level testosterone.

    • There is a lot of hair on the body, but on the head it may begin to fall out more actively.
    • Decreased appetite, insomnia.
    • Neuroses, chronic fatigue.
    • Attentiveness decreases, memory deteriorates.
    • Heart pain, high blood pressure.
    • Slowing growth, but at the same time too early signs puberty (for boys in adolescence).
    • Frequent headaches.
    • Deterioration of skin condition.
    • Sudden change in weight (above normal) with normal nutrition and sports activity.
    • Frequent cases of premature ejaculation.
    • Erection problems.
    • Breast enlargement in men.
    • Inability to conceive a child.
    • Painful urination, pain during ejaculation.

    Are these symptoms occurring? This means that high levels of testosterone provoke the development of a number of diseases and abnormalities.

    • Cardiovascular diseases, risk heart attack gets taller.
    • Violation normal functioning liver.
    • Hormonal aromatization (the body processes excess testosterone into the female hormone, wanting to maintain balance, as a result, in parallel with excess testosterone, a man experiences an excess of estrogen).
    • Metabolic disease.
    • Decreased sperm production, testicular atrophy, impotence, infertility.
    • An enlarged prostate increases the risk of developing prostate adenoma.

    Why is there more of it?

    Elevated testosterone levels in a man can occur for many reasons - internal (due to diseases) and external (due to poor lifestyle).

    Taking some medicines can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body.

    Concerning external reasons causing hormonal imbalance, it is first of all worth noting overconsumption hormonal drugs. In some cases, hormones are consumed for health reasons, and in others because of the desire to gain weight (some athletes are guilty of this).

    An increase can occur even with poor nutrition. Sleep has an even greater impact on the level - with insufficient hours allocated for rest, disturbances occur in the body, including those expressed in increased production hormones.

    It has long been a proven fact that with a long absence of sexual contact, hormonal imbalance begins. To get rid of this disease, regular sexual relations with a permanent partner.

    There are a number of diseases whose symptom is increased testosterone. For example, an increase in sex hormones can be provoked by hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, also called androsteroma. This disease arises as a result genetic mutations that cause birth defects endocrine system. It appears in boys during puberty.

    How to fix it

    If an excess of testosterone is detected, then it is necessary to reduce the level of hormones. The level can only be lowered in a comprehensive manner. If the hormone is much more than normal, you will need drug treatment. Increased secretion of testosterone is stopped with the help of drugs containing an analogue of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone, which suppresses the function of the pituitary gland, reduces too active work gonadotropins. These medications are very strong and have many contraindications and side effects, which means they should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

    How to lower testosterone in men on your own? You can only adjust your diet and daily routine yourself. Hormone levels are affected by the balance between activity and rest. Sedentary work is bad for your health. Therefore, it is imperative to engage in sports (at least in the form hiking, gymnastics in the morning and light workouts in the gym). Sleep should be more than 6 hours a day. You should not be overtired and it is advisable to be less nervous (the higher the stress level, the higher the degree of impairment).

    It is important to adjust your diet and lifestyle.

    As for diet, when regulating hormone levels, you should definitely eat more meat and greens. It is recommended to exclude sweets (sugar most strongly increases testosterone levels), fatty and highly salty foods during recovery. Instead, we need to focus on products containing phytoestrogens. These include soybeans, red grapes, linden honey, flax oil. It is useful to brew and drink decoctions or infusions made from hops or clover.

    IN severe cases Unfortunately, neither self-medication nor drug treatment will help - surgery is required. For example, surgical intervention necessary when testosterone levels are higher than normal, caused by adrenal androsteroma. In this case, it is important to remove the tumor in time to prevent serious consequences.

    Testosterone performs many important functions in the male body. Any deviation from the norm is immediately expressed in various unpleasant consequences. Deficiency is more common male hormone. But there are also cases of testosterone levels higher than normal. At the first signs of increased testosterone, you should consult a doctor, and if the violation is confirmed, immediately begin taking measures to reduce hormonal balance back to normal.

    Testosterone belongs to the group of androgens, making up the bulk of all male sex hormones. In the female body its content 70% less. The hormone is produced by the testes in men, and by the ovaries in women, only a small part of it is synthesized by the adrenal cortex. The concentration of testosterone directly depends on a person’s age, his life and clinical history.

    An increased concentration of the hormone occurs in women much more often than in men and in clinical medicine is called hyperandrogenism. Symptoms of the disease are practically on the surface, always expressed clearly, without hidden current. Hormonal imbalance makes adjustments not only to physical health woman, but also in her psycho-emotional state.


    Promotion free testosterone occurs across a number of internal and external factors. Exogenous factors usually affect a woman’s hormonal levels through food products And environment. Considered endogenous age characteristics, pregnancy and lactation, chronic diseases organs or systems.

    If the hormone imbalance is temporary, it is unlikely to affect general condition health, however, if increased testosterone is systemic in nature, then complications will not keep you waiting. The main causes of increased testosterone in women are:

      kidney pathologies ( functional disorders adrenal cortex);

      long-term drug treatment, inadequate drug therapy;

      oncological processes in the body;

      damage to the ovaries of any origin;

      fibroids or uterine polyposis;

      hyper- or hypothyroidism and disruption of the endocrine system;


      Cushing's syndrome, Conn's (with excessive concentration of glucocorticoids);

      alcoholism, drug addiction.

    A history of diabetes mellitus and rare genetic diseases are also indirect causes of hyperandrogenism. If the imbalance of the hormone volume is stable for more than a year, then the first symptomatic manifestations appear.


    Usually a woman feels internal breakdowns in her own body, especially when it comes to negative changes in appearance and psycho-emotional state. When the first symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor for full examination of hormonal levels and health in general. The first doctor is a gynecologist, after which consultations with an endocrinologist and other specialists in the recommended profile may be required.

    The main symptoms are:

      ovarian dysfunction;

      amenorrhea, disorder menstrual cycle;

      In the second case, when the girl becomes a woman physically and mentally, testosterone is also increased. In girls with increased testosterone, aggressive behavior is increased, there is a tendency to suicide, oily skin with traces of acne, pimples, secondary sexual characteristics quickly appear.

      Puberty is a difficult period in the life of any teenager. Parents should pay special attention to any changes in behavior and mental state child. If unpleasant symptoms persist for a long time, it is acceptable hormone therapy to normalize the ratio of androgens and estrogens.

      Basic methods for reducing testosterone in women

      Normally, the level of testosterone in the blood of a teenage girl reaches 3.09 pg/ml, in adult woman- 3.09 pg/ml, and from the age of 40 the testosterone level decreases significantly and after 60 years it barely reaches 1.8 pg/ml. After an accurate diagnosis of hyperandrogenism, Treatment tactics will depend entirely on the cause the occurrence of pathology.

      Increased insulin

      With a decrease in testosterone against the background high insulin The following activities are recommended:

      • intense physical activity in the absence of contraindications (to increase tissue sensitivity to insulin and strengthen muscle structures);

        T3 hormone replacement therapy to improve thyroid function;

        drug therapy to increase tissue sensitivity to insulin (alpha-amylase inhibitors, Metaformin, SGLT-2 inhibitors);

        systematic course of dietary supplements (Berberine, magnesium, chromium, alpha-lipoic acid).

      Replacement therapy can be lifelong, so women should be patient and understanding with the entire treatment process.

      Changes in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone

      Before starting therapy to reduce testosterone concentrations, it is recommended:

        treatment of hypothyroidism if necessary (T4 analysis);

        treatment of the liver in the presence of pathologies;

        taking biodentical hormones;

        regular intake of dietary supplements (bio-identical progesterone, methylsulfonylmethane).

      Before starting treatment, any disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and liver structures should be excluded. Without professional diagnostics self-diagnosis impossible.

      Adrenal diseases

      If in clinical history If women have previously had kidney problems, it is important to contact a nephrologist to examine the adrenal glands, which also produce testosterone. The following measures should be taken:

        increasing the amount of salt consumed (preferably sea salt);

        normalization emotional background(frequent walks, Fresh air, sports, positive methods in psychology);

        exclusion of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco;

        stopping amphetamines;

        normalization of sleep, rest and wakefulness (sleep should be at least 8 hours);

        taking dietary supplements;

        systemic treatment of kidney diseases (adequate replacement therapy).

      Increasing the amount of salt will restore electrolyte balance, especially regarding sodium concentration. It is recommended to drink medicinal water daily mineral water, having previously released gas bubbles from it.

      High leptin concentration

      When diagnosing this state you will need to resort to the following measures:

        therapeutic fasting;

        reduction of carbohydrates and fructose in the diet;

        compensation for thyroid diseases;

        intense physical activity;

        drugs that increase sensitivity to leptin;

        Dietary supplements (Omega-3 fish fat, leucine, other additives).

      The main drugs for the treatment of hyperandrogenism are Cyproterone, Digostin, Digitalis, Dexamethasone. It is important to understand that the start of treatment should be based on the data obtained laboratory research. For the final manifestation of hyperandrogenism, symptoms alone are not enough.

      Consequences of increased testosterone

      For a long time hormonal imbalance and persistent manifestation of hyperandrogenism in women, multiple problems appear, mainly associated with changes in figure, appearance, and voice. It's not uncommon for women to find high testosterone levels when they see their doctor about infertility or menstrual irregularities. Over time, a woman's figure resembles a man's, including her gait and manner of communication. The consequences of hormonal imbalance can be:

        oncological diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands;

        neoplasms in the uterine cavity (fibroids, polyps);

        organ diseases reproductive system(endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome)g

        pathological changes in the work of the heart and blood vessels;

        diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders.

      Against the background of serious hormonal disorders, a woman is unable to cope with her emotional anxiety, general emotional state, hence the appearance of aggression, hot temper, and persistent behavior. Sometimes changes even call into question a future adequate life. Depression, disorder sex life, sweating and hair growth - all this can serve as a signal for a violation of the secretion of testosterone in the female body.

      Nature created man as a single, well-coordinated mechanism. Hormonal disorders are a very delicate area human body, but it is hormones that form the foundation of human health. For any violations, competent correction is important, which will not only improve well-being, but also maintain physical fitness and health.

    Testosterone is popularly considered synonymous with masculinity, strength, and male sexuality. It is responsible for the formation of the skeleton, genitals, voice, etc. An excess of androgenic hormone in men is not always an advantage; sometimes it leads to disastrous consequences. The causes of hypertestosteronomia may be related to health, sometimes this requires serious treatment, including surgery. If this condition appears due to an incorrect lifestyle, you need to adjust your diet to normalize hormonal levels.

    Testosterone levels in men

    The main male hormone is mainly synthesized by the testes from cholesterol(using Leydig cells) and in small quantities from androstenedione, produced by the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex. It is responsible for the formation of male sexual characteristics, spermatogenesis, physique, facial features, affects the production and smell of sweat. Testosterone distributes fat evenly in the male body, so men are less likely to be overweight than women. This steroid hormone is also present in women, but in minute amounts - 0.24-2.75 nmol/l.

    Scientists have identified two types of testosterone present in human blood:

    • Free. Not associated with albumin, hemoglobin. Its concentration increases until about 25-30 years of age and is about 2-3% compared to the second type.
    • Connected. This fraction is associated with blood proteins. This type The hormone is divided into two types:
    1. Male sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). It makes up a large, but inactive, part of all testosterone available in the body - up to 70%.
    2. Loosely bound testosterone. Forms a fraction with albumin and occupies up to 40% of the blood.

    The amount of the main male hormone in the body is not constant. Its change depends on age and physical features representative of the stronger sex. Excess acceptable indicators may indicate the development of pathologies of the testicles and adrenal glands. Normal level Testosterone levels in men of different age categories are as follows:

    Age, years

    Testosterone level, nmol/l

    Reasons for increased testosterone in men

    Excessive levels of the sex hormone - hyperandrogenism - can be caused by pathological changes occurring inside the body, or by the influence of external factors on it. Internal reasons testosterone boosters are:

    • tumors of the adrenal glands, testicles;
    • androgen resistance;
    • congenital androsteroma (hyperplasia) of the adrenal cortex;
    • early puberty, when muscle and bone tissue, the penis acquires a normal or enlarged size, and the testicles and psycho-emotional development remain at the child’s level;
    • neoplasms in the pituitary gland;
    • Reifenstein syndrome;
    • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
    • obesity;
    • liver and kidney diseases;
    • endocrine diseases and disruption of the sebaceous glands.

    There are reasons not related to genetic diseases and malfunctions internal organs, but have no less effect on increasing testosterone levels. Hypertestosteronemia in men can develop as a result of the influence of the following external factors:

    Signs of high testosterone in men

    Deviation hormonal levels from the norm is detected using laboratory analysis blood. If tumor neoplasms in the adrenal glands are suspected, ultrasonography(ultrasound), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); in the testicles - a puncture is performed and histological examination; In order to exclude pathologies of the pituitary gland, an x-ray of the skull is taken.

    Excess testosterone in the blood manifests itself externally. A normal level of androgenic hormone maintains a positive psycho-emotional state of the stronger sex. If a man notes that he has become more irritable, unreasonably aggressive, overly excitable, or hot-tempered, this is a reason to suspect the development of hypertestosteronomia. Manifestations of increased testosterone are:

    • suicidal thoughts;
    • increased body hair growth;
    • baldness;
    • acne;
    • migraine, sleep disturbance;
    • weight gain due to increased muscle mass;
    • low voice;
    • increased libido;
    • slow growth, development (in adolescents).

    Consequences of increased testosterone

    If left untreated, excess testosterone in men can lead to disastrous results. The main problem is a decrease in sperm activity, resulting in infertility. Others are also developing at the same time severe consequences:

    • discomfort when urinating;
    • adenoma, prostate cancer;
    • testicular atrophy;
    • erection problems, impotence;
    • disruption of the heart, up to rupture of the heart muscle;
    • thrombosis;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • acne;
    • education cholesterol plaques in vessels;
    • liver and kidney diseases;
    • swelling of the face and limbs due to malfunction of the adrenal glands;
    • gaining excess weight.

    Treatment for high testosterone

    Before you try to get rid of excess androgen, find out the reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon. Start by analyzing possible external causes: adjust your diet, normalize your sleep time, give up bad habits, taking steroids, etc. To ensure that there are no benign or malignant tumors, undergo the necessary medical examination.

    Hormonal levels in men can be restored with medication. For this, the doctor prescribes medical supplies, which normalize androgen levels in the blood. Medicines containing an analogue of luteinizing hormone help solve the problem in adolescence. If an excess of testosterone in men is caused by tumors in the adrenal glands or testicles, surgical intervention will be required.

    Reduce high testosterone levels in Middle-aged men are helped by drugs containing estrogens, which neutralize the male sex hormone. For this purpose, the following means are used:

    • Carbamazepine,
    • Cyclophosphamide,
    • Magnesia,
    • Digoxin,
    • Finasteride,
    • Ketoconazole,
    • Nafarelin.

    Many drugs to normalize levels steroid hormone are potent, therefore, only a doctor can prescribe them for use, calculate the dosage, and the duration of the course of treatment. Timely initiation of therapy combined with in the right way life and diet, will help quickly eliminate hormonal imbalance in a man’s blood.


    High level male hormone, unless it is related to genetic or tumor diseases, can be normalized due to proper nutrition. It is recommended to eat when on a diet following products and dishes:

    • linseed oil, soy, red grapes (they all contain phytoestrogens);
    • salty dishes;
    • eggs;
    • full fat milk;
    • drinks containing caffeine;
    • herbal infusions based on flax, licorice, angelica, red clover, spearmint, linden blossom.

    Helps increase male hormone levels protein food and foods containing sugar. In this regard, the following should be excluded from the diet:

    • meat,
    • fish,
    • glucose,
    • starch,
    • greenery,
    • red wine.

    It is recommended to follow a diet to lower testosterone levels for no more than 10-12 days, because with a decrease in the male hormone in the blood, the presence of the female hormone, estrogen, increases. Its excess can negatively affect the condition of the body. While adhering to proper nutrition, it is advisable to avoid excessive physical activity which increase androgen levels.


    Testosterone is one of the most important male hormones: it promotes the development of sexual characteristics, participates in the process of burning fat mass, promotes muscle growth, and significantly affects the mental state.

    The functioning of the genital organs also depends on it.

    There is a wide range of signs of high testosterone in men, including suicidal tendencies, headaches and excess body hair growth.

    One of the most noticeable symptoms of excess testosterone is aggression: a man has poor self-control, easily becomes angry and is even capable of crimes.

    It can be expressed in different shapes(both verbal and physical) and is aimed at anyone who will be nearby at the time of the outburst of anger: spouse, children, other relatives, friends, colleagues, pets.

    Usually these outbursts of aggression occur out of the blue, the reasons may be scanty or absent altogether.

    Because of aggressive behavior, beatings and quarrels, loved ones gradually turn away from the man, try to isolate themselves from him by any means (divorce, cessation of communication), their psyche suffers.
    Mood swings are characteristic of an excess of testosterone: a man may look content and happy, but after a few minutes he will become angry. Testosterone also negatively affects the ability to empathize and feel sorry.

    A person loses the ability to empathize, communication with him ceases to be sincere and pleasant, which becomes additional reason occurrence of conflicts.
    The appearance of aggression is one of the first symptoms of excess testosterone, but the man himself may not attach any importance to this or find any explanations (sometimes absurd). For this reason, it can be difficult to persuade him to go to the hospital.

    Increased testosterone in men: signs

    Sleep disorders

    The most common symptom of elevated testosterone levels is insomnia, but other sleep disorders may also appear: frequent awakenings, mode failures. Gradually, if treatment is not started, sleep disturbances become more pronounced, difficulties with falling asleep appear almost every night. The man cannot fully rest and feels constant fatigue, he finds it difficult to cope with work and other responsibilities.

    Sleep disturbances, even short-term ones, reduce the quality of life and are accompanied by a lot of negative consequences, among which:

    • continuous feeling of fatigue;
    • overwork;
    • difficulty concentrating;
    • memory loss;
    • deterioration of emotional state;
    • decreased resistance to stressful situations;
    • increased risk of developing neurosis.

    Gradually, a fear of the night and sleep develops, and the person begins to get more nervous, which makes the process of falling asleep even more difficult. The risks of losing your job due to the inability to cope with the workload increase. This, combined with other symptoms of elevated testosterone levels, turns a man into an exhausted and emotionally unstable person who can be dangerous both to himself and to others.

    If a man is the driver of a car, his condition may cause an accident.

    The emergence of suicidal tendencies

    Testosterone normally moderately reduces the sense of self-preservation, and thanks to this, men have the opportunity to show courage, resilience, strength, this makes them more confident and assertive. But excess testosterone further reduces the sense of self-preservation, and for a man the boundaries are blurred: a tendency to senseless risks and extreme sports may appear.

    And since with elevated testosterone levels other negative symptoms, associated with a change in personality, suicide may at some point seem to a man an extremely attractive way out of the current situation.
    Elevated testosterone levels increase the likelihood of developing depression - more than half of men with excess testosterone suffer from depressive symptoms.

    With depression there are:

    • apathy;
    • yearning;
    • feeling that life is meaningless;
    • self-hatred;
    • anxiety;
    • loss of interest in the world, in people and in previous hobbies;
    • isolation;
    • depression;
    • increased fatigue;
    • problems with concentration.

    Depression, combined with a reduced sense of self-preservation, often leads to suicide attempts, and not demonstrative, but targeted. As a result, the man may remain disabled or die. For this reason, it is extremely important to promptly monitor changes in character and behavior and go to the hospital.


    High levels of irritability, often without cause, can be associated with excess testosterone.

    There is even a syndrome of male irritability, which manifests itself when there are disturbances in the production of male hormones.

    It is observed both with reduced testosterone concentrations and with increased ones.

    Irritability and aggressiveness have a common nature and normally manifest themselves in moderation.

    But as the concentration of the hormone increases, a man’s behavior becomes less and less socially acceptable, and every little thing can irritate him.

    And fatigue, problems with concentration, sleep, headaches and other symptoms characteristic of excess testosterone further worsen the condition, sometimes leading to a nervous breakdown.

    Weight gain

    Testosterone is involved in the processes of fat burning and muscle gain.

    Preparations containing it are often used to reduce the amount of body fat and really work.

    However, when a certain limit of testosterone concentration is crossed, the exact opposite effect begins to be observed, since testosterone affects not only the process of burning fat, but also the processes of its deposition.

    Also, male hormones, including testosterone, increase appetite, and if a man leads a sedentary lifestyle, he will gain weight. excess weight.

    By increasing muscle mass, excess weight can also increase.


    Elevated testosterone levels contribute to frequent and intense headaches. As diseases that cause excess hormones progress, headaches can become almost constant.

    If testosterone is elevated for a long time, arterial hypertension gradually develops, accompanied by many dangerous symptoms:

    • frequent headaches;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • anxiety;
    • dizziness;
    • difficulty remembering information;
    • deterioration in performance;
    • swelling of the eyelids;
    • feeling of chills.

    Arterial hypertension progresses without timely treatment and can lead to serious complications: occurrence hypertensive crises, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, also increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

    Since excess testosterone promotes the appearance of blood clots, the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels in the brain increases, which leads to ischemia and the development of other complications.

    Excessive body hair growth

    Excessive body hair growth is one of the most noticeable signs of elevated testosterone levels and is called hypertrichosis.

    Acquired hypertrichosis may be side effect taking steroids or develop as a result of a failure in the production of male hormones.

    This disease creates a lot of discomfort for a man, both physical and psychological.

    Body hair with this pathology can grow anywhere; it is thick, dark and coarse.

    In some cases, hypertrichosis manifests itself in a limited area of ​​the body, for example, hair grows intensively in auricle. But pathology more often covers most body: back, legs, arms, stomach, face, and the more testosterone levels are elevated, the more intense the symptoms of hypertrichosis appear.

    Baldness on the head

    An increased level of testosterone contributes to the development of baldness, since some of the hair follicles on the head are highly sensitive to one of the varieties of this hormone.

    Hair, under the strong influence of the hormone, gradually becomes weaker, thinner, grows slower, and after a while the first signs of baldness appear.

    Alopecia, one way or another associated with the action of testosterone, is observed in the majority of balding men.

    With increased testosterone, baldness is several times more intense than normal.

    Hair stops growing in the area of ​​the forehead and crown; only those that grow on the sides and back of the head remain, since they have low sensitivity to testosterone. Restore dead hair follicles almost impossible, the only option is to transplant hair located in occipital region, but even in this case there is a risk that hair loss will continue.

    To restore normal hormonal levels and get rid of the symptoms of elevated testosterone levels, you need to go to the hospital and undergo the entire spectrum diagnostic measures. After this, the specialist will develop treatment tactics and prescribe medications.

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