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Inguinal hernia: postoperative period, rehabilitation. Diet after inguinal hernia surgery in men

Behind the suturing operation inguinal hernia a very long rehabilitation period follows. The patient remains in the hospital for 4-7 days, but returns to ordinary life he can only 4-6 weeks after surgery. Important role during the rehabilitation process belongs to proper nutrition.

You need to follow a diet not only after surgical intervention, but also in front of him. Two days before surgery it is necessary to avoid coffee and alcoholic drinks. On the day of the operation, you should not eat at all, and the last meal should take place no later than 8 pm the day before.

Food composition

On the first day after surgery, the diet should be strict: rice water, low-fat meat broth, fruit juice, jelly made from berries or fruits, fruit jelly, rosehip decoction. In the following days, you can include mashed fish or lean meat, pureed porridge, soft-boiled eggs, and cereal soup with vegetable broth in your diet.

After discharge from the hospital, the diet becomes less strict. It is aimed at ensuring recovery after surgery and preventing the recurrence of an inguinal hernia. You should completely exclude fatty, fried and spicy food, drinking alcohol and coffee is prohibited.

To restore you need a large number of proteins, therefore the patient’s diet must include fish, chicken fillet, lean meat, buckwheat, skim cheese and milk.

The recurrence of an inguinal hernia may be caused by high blood pressure V abdominal cavity, therefore it is necessary to exclude products causing gas formation in the intestines. These include sweets, chocolate, fatty meat, lard, ham, loin, sour cream, butter, yogurt, apples.

You should limit your consumption of potatoes, rice and other foods containing carbohydrates.

Constipation also contributes to hernia recurrence. Raw grated beets, turnips, carrots, and unrefined olive oil will help prevent them.


Meals during the rehabilitation period should be regular. You should eat food at the same time, 4-5 times a day at regular intervals, in small portions. You should eat soup at least twice a day.

Overeating is unacceptable; it leads not only to increased internal pressure in the abdominal cavity, but also to the appearance of excess weight, which makes recovery difficult.

In the morning, immediately after sleep, you need to drink a glass of cold boiled water with the addition of one or two tablespoons of olive oil.

The duration of the diet is determined by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition. It is not recommended to stop following the diet on your own.

Since it most often appears due to muscle weakness, during the postoperative period important point become preventive actions, aimed at strengthening the muscle wall of the abdomen and groin area.

What determines the duration of the rehabilitation period?

The duration of the recovery period or the body is directly proportional to the method of herniotomy used and the type of anesthesia.

The duration of the outpatient period after is from 8 to 10 days. At this time, patients are advised to observe mainly bed rest, save energy, and avoid physical activity. They are prescribed a special diet.

Regular visits to the doctor are also a prerequisite. Medical observation allows you to quickly respond to changes that occur, if necessary, take measures to control the intensity of pain and change tactics aimed at rapid recovery after surgery on an inguinal hernia.

During the outpatient period, physical activity (including light exercises) is prohibited. The duration of abstinence from physical activity is determined by the attending physician. But in the future they are extremely necessary, since with the help of a special complex it is possible to significantly strengthen muscle fibers, increase their tone, thanks to which you can avoid reappearance hernias

Goals of the rehabilitation period at a later date

After a certain time has passed after surgery, the main goal is to eliminate provoking factors that could potentially provoke a relapse of the disease. The following activities are carried out:

  • strengthening the muscle corset in the abdominal area;
  • uniform distribution of physical activity;
  • measures for the prevention and treatment of predisposing pathologies that are accompanied chronic constipation or prolonged cough;
  • getting rid of excess weight, the presence of which significantly increases the load on abdominal wall, leading to its weakening;
  • getting rid of bad habits– in particular this applies to smoking, which contributes to rapid wear and tear muscle tissue, premature manifestation of signs of muscle aging and provoking coughing attacks (all these factors can cause a recurrence of the hernia)

Causes of pain syndrome

It has already been said about the dependence of the method of rehabilitation after excision of an inguinal hernia on the chosen anesthesia.

Basically, after four hours, patients can move independently. In this case, aching or cutting pain may appear, localized in the area of ​​the incision.

Origin pain syndrome can be different.

  1. Its appearance may be evidence of the process of wound healing, tissue restoration and fusion, since during surgical incision of soft tissues small areas of nerve fibers are damaged, which leads to increased sensitivity of the operated area.
  2. Another cause of pain after inguinal hernia surgery is tissue swelling.
  3. Probability of appearance pain largely due to the thoroughness of surgical intervention. Insufficient qualifications of the doctor causes incorrect manipulation of tissues, leading to unnecessary injury.
  4. Pain does not in all cases indicate problems with scar healing. It may be of muscular or neurological origin.
  5. Significant loads in postoperative period sometimes they provoke a relapse of the disease, in which sharp pain occurs. In this case, it becomes necessary to repeat the operation.
  6. Pain syndrome may indicate external or internal divergence surgical sutures

During the recovery period

In most cases, the operation is performed in the morning.

In the evening, the first dressing is performed. Mostly discharge is observed from the wound, which is normal.

During the outpatient period, dressings should be performed daily. They may last longer if the stitches become suppurated and the pain increases.

If using silk suture material removal of sutures is indicated from the fifth to the seventh days. Recently, more and more doctors prefer the use of self-absorbable catgut sutures, thanks to which it is possible to achieve maximum invisibility of the scar.

Drug treatment V postoperative period after removal of an inguinal hernia depends on the presence of certain symptoms.

In case of severe pain, painkillers are used immediately after the intervention and in the early period.

In case of complications the following are prescribed:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • medicines to improve tissue trophism;
  • vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • immunomodulators (drugs to strengthen the immune system).

As for physical activity, it is advisable to exclude it for the first 10-20 days. You can then gradually return to your normal routine, avoiding intense exercise and lifting heavy objects weighing more than 5 kg.

Do you need a bandage?

are intended to prevent the development of hernias, and if they are present, to prevent an increase in protrusion and prevent strangulation.

In the period after surgery, these products help to avoid muscle strain and reduce the load on the abdominal muscles, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of relapses and complications.

Wearing an inguinal bandage ensures uniform distribution of external load and intra-abdominal pressure on the operated area, reduces compression on the scar area, which contributes to its fast healing.

The duration of use of the bandage is determined by the doctor depending on the initial size of the hernial protrusion, the contents of the sac, the duration of the operation and its complexity.

However, such preventative measure is not necessary: ​​the use of the latest surgical methods provides reliable fixation of areas where inguinal hernia occurs through the use of mesh implants.

Such bandages will be useful during the initial period after surgery, when pain still persists, and when resuming physical activity.

Diet after excision of inguinal hernia

Patients after inguinal hernia surgery are prescribed special food. The diet is designed in such a way as to reduce the likelihood intestinal disorders(diarrhea, constipation, increased gas formation) to a minimum, improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Proper nutrition prevents complications and reduces the risk of recurrence of inguinal hernia.

  • IN recovery period The emphasis should be on liquid food.
  • Portions should be small.
  • You should eat without haste, chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Four meals a day are optimal.
  • Special attention should be given to protein products: their presence in sufficient quantities is a necessary condition rapid recovery of muscle tissue. The diet should include: chicken breast, turkey meat, fish, cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), eggs, milk. Milk is not indicated for individual intolerance: in this case, its consumption can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract and increased gas formation.
  • It is also necessary to exclude other foods that lead to flatulence: yeast products, legumes, chocolate, sweets, baked goods, dairy products, fruits, yogurt.
  • It is better to give up coffee.
  • Hot, spicy, sour foods (including vegetables and fruits that have a sour taste) should be avoided.
  • All soda and alcohol should be excluded from drinks.
  • Attention must also be paid to the compatibility of simultaneously consumed products. An unsuccessful combination also causes intestinal disorders, accumulation of gases and, as a result, increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity. This leads to a significant risk of disease recurrence.

Possible complications

Any surgical intervention to a certain extent leads to destruction of integrity connective tissue and is an artificial penetration into human body, to which the body can react in a rather unpredictable way.

This also applies to the removal of an inguinal hernia. It may be followed by a fairly short rehabilitation, when recovery proceeds at a very rapid pace. But another scenario is also possible, in which a number of complications arise. Their reasons can be very different: non-compliance with the rules of the postoperative period, infection, etc.

Most frequent consequences after surgery for inguinal hernia are:

1. Suture suppuration - occurs after many surgical interventions, leading to pain and increased temperature in the affected area.

2. Relapse of the disease is often a consequence of the patient ignoring the doctor’s recommendations. The risk of recurrence of a hernia increases significantly:

  • in case of diet violation;
  • as a result of increased physical activity;
  • due to smoking (it provokes coughing attacks, which cause the protrusion to reappear);
  • due to refusal to wear a bandage;
  • The cause of hernia recurrence may be an incorrectly performed operation or an incorrect choice of surgical procedure;
  • re-development of the pathology is also possible in case of weakness of the walls of the inguinal canal or insufficient strengthening back wall during the operation.

3. Formation of hematomas. Small-sized formations are eliminated through the use of compressive bandages and cold compresses. At large sizes puncture is used to eliminate hematomas.

4. Damage to blood vessels, nerves, elements spermatic cord. Such complications are the result of surgeon errors. Sufficient qualifications of the doctor reduces the likelihood of their occurrence to a minimum.

  • If the nerves are damaged, in the postoperative period there is a decrease or loss of sensitivity of the skin in the scrotal area and on inside hips
  • When part of the spermatic cord is injured, sexual function suffers, including the development of infertility.
  • Damage vascular system spermatic cord can cause testicular atrophy.

5. Hydrocele (hydroxycele) is one of the most common complications after hernioplasty.

With unilateral dropsy, half of the scrotum becomes enlarged.

Bilateral dropsy often develops, as a result of which bilateral enlargement of the scrotum occurs, sometimes reaching such a degree that it leads to difficulty and limitation motor activity patient. The occurrence of hydrocele requires mandatory surgical intervention: conservative therapy is not indicated for this disease.

6. Thrombosis of deep veins of the legs. Most often, this complication occurs in elderly and debilitated patients. The disease is manifested by the presence of pain in calf muscles. Appearance the legs do not undergo changes, the temperature remains within normal limits.

The main treatment for this type of thrombosis is pharmacotherapy. It includes:

  • anticoagulants;
  • thrombolytic drugs;
  • fibrinolytics;
  • disaggregants.

Correct selection of drugs for conservative treatment basically gives positive results, prevents further development of thrombosis and helps restore the patency of the affected vessels.

7. Intestinal dysfunction. This complication is caused by improper treatment of the hernial sac. Most often this happens during excision of sliding type hernias.

8. Damage to the hip joint - is a consequence of overlaying the incision in groin area too rough seams.

9. Infectious complications are quite rare, but the most dangerous consequences removal of inguinal hernia. If necessary, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics wide range.


In the first weeks after the operation, patients are advised to rest.

Then you need to gradually move on to execution. In the initial period, only light movements aimed at strengthening are allowed muscle fibers in the abdomen and groin area, helping to restore their tone. Don't forget to consult your doctor about exercise!

Recommended the following exercises:

  1. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor surface and cross them. This famous exercise is called “Scissors”. It is performed to increase. You can start with 3-4 repetitions for each leg, adding one each subsequent time.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs and begin to imitate riding a bicycle. On the first day, it is enough to do 5 repetitions.
  3. Get on all fours, leaning on your knees and elbows. Slowly raise your right bent leg up. After repeating five times, perform the same movements with your left leg.
  4. Lie on your left side, extend your arm forward, straighten your legs. Lift up right leg up. Repeat 5 times. Turn to right side and perform the same movement.
  5. Taking a seated position, put your leg forward. Bend your knee, lean on it with your hands, and begin slow rocking. Change legs and repeat the entire cycle of movements.
  6. Do partial squats (feet shoulder-width apart). The depth of squats is determined by how you feel. In any case, moderation should be observed.
  7. Lying emphasis. A full push-up is performed. To make the exercise easier, lean on your knees.

The described complex is suitable for daily use. During training, you need to focus on your feelings. If discomfort or pain occurs, you must stop charging immediately.

Loads should be increased gradually. The number of repetitions increases or decreases depending on the progress of rehabilitation. If weakness appears, it is better to temporarily stop exercising.

Performing any complex of therapeutic exercises is permitted only after consultation with your doctor.

Sex during the postoperative period

Sex in early dates after surgery, an inguinal hernia can provoke a number of undesirable consequences:

  • increased pain syndrome;
  • increased swelling;
  • development of hematomas;
  • bleeding;
  • appearance wound infection;
  • cutting seams;
  • implant displacement.

If the rehabilitation period is normal, there is no swelling, pain, or discomfort, intimate relationships can be resumed 14 days after hernia surgery, avoiding pressure on the operated area and excessive tension.

Inguinal hernia surgery in men carries certain risks. Possible various complications due to the fault of the doctor or the patient himself. To prevent the latter, the patient must follow the specialist’s recommendations during the recovery period, the duration of which depends on various factors. For successful tissue healing and to prevent recurrence of the hernia, the patient should maintain physical rest, engage in moderate physical therapy, follow diet and hygiene.

Recovery duration

The main determining factor in the duration of recovery after removal of an inguinal hernia in men is the type surgical intervention. Surgical interventions are divided into open access and those performed using a laparoscope. Depending on the method of access, the type of anesthesia and the size of the incision for performing surgical procedures are selected.

The time spent in hospital during the postoperative period directly depends on them. During open surgical operations, the patient is discharged within 3-5 days, and when performing a laparoscopic puncture, treatment in a hospital setting requires no more than 2-3 days.

In both cases, the duration of an outpatient stay, that is, periodic observation by a surgeon, is about 1-2 weeks. After this, the patient returns to his normal life.

Postoperative recovery may be increased by several factors. These include:

  • elderly age of the patient;
  • the occurrence of postoperative complications;
  • are common chronic diseases, preventing the operated tissue from healing as quickly as possible.

In such cases, rehabilitation can last up to 8 weeks. Moreover, even the most favorable course of recovery requires at least 6 months to completely strengthen the tissue in the area of ​​postoperative sutures. Therefore, during such a period, patients must comply with a number of conditions and rules - restrictions on physical activity, etc.

Possible complications

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, men are at risk of developing negative consequences. Complications can be caused individual feature patient, surgeon error or failure to comply with the rules and conditions of recovery.

Medical errors are considered iatrogenic factors. These include:

  1. 1. Violation of the integrity of the spermatic cord. If the hernia is excised carelessly and the hernial sac is removed, there is a risk of damage to the testes. This is fraught with weakening male potency, disruption of hormonal balance and sperm production, which can subsequently lead to testicular atrophy and infertility.
  2. 2. Infection in a wound is very dangerous complication, because it poses a threat of sepsis. To prevent the latter in such cases, the patient requires a course of antibiotics.
  3. 3. Damage to the intestine during surgical procedures.
  4. 4. Bleeding.

Other possible complications:

  1. 1. Dropsy of the testicles in men. Divided into unilateral and bilateral. The main sign of pathology is an increase in the size of the affected testicle. To eliminate this complication, surgery is required.
  2. 2. Thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg. This consequence after surgery is usually observed in older men and sedentary patients. It is characterized by pain in the calf muscles and rapid fatigue of the legs. It is prevented with anticoagulants or thrombolytics.
  3. 3. Testicular swelling. Frequent occurrence after surgery, which can stop on its own. Accompanied by pain in the testicular area.
  4. 4. Recurrence of inguinal hernia. If the patient violates the rehabilitation regime, there is a risk of repeated hernial protrusion.
  5. 5. Infection in the postoperative suture.
  6. 6. Formation of hematoma. To prevent swelling at the access site, apply cold (ice).

Often, a violation of the physical activity regime, combined with unacceptable physical activity, becomes the cause of divergence of the postoperative suture, the occurrence of hematomas and the reappearance of the hernia.

Features of rehabilitation

The progress of recovery after removal of an inguinal hernia depends on the type of anesthesia. In most cases, the patient is able to move independently 4-5 hours after surgery. At this time, he may feel pain of varying intensity in the area of ​​the suture and abdomen. They usually go away pretty quickly.

Surgery is usually performed in the morning. The first dressing (change of bandage) is scheduled for the evening of the same day. During the procedure, discharge may appear, which is not dangerous. Subsequently, the bandage is changed every day on an outpatient basis. If the pain intensifies and the suture becomes suppurated, dressings can be performed for a long time.

For 2-3 weeks the patient is prohibited from any physical activity. During the entire recovery period, you should not lift loads heavier than 5 kg. Intimacy prohibited in the first 2 weeks. However, if a man has inadequate physical fitness, diabetes, repeated surgery on a hernia or other gastrointestinal diseases, then a taboo on sexual intercourse is imposed for 3-4 months.

On the doctor's recommendation, the patient can wear a special bandage. Its use is becoming less common because modern methods Surgeries allow you to securely secure the site of a bulging hernia using mesh implants. Therefore, the bandage is used only for the first time, until the pain completely passes and it is allowed to resume physical activity.

Mesh implant

To ensure optimal recovery during the rehabilitation period, the patient may be advised therapeutic exercises. It is also important to adhere to this special diet, designed so that the person operated on does not have diarrhea or constipation.


The type of anesthesia affects the first recovery period, including food intake. If applied local anesthesia, then the patient, 3-4 hours after the operation, is allowed to drink water. During general anesthesia, fluid intake is allowed only a few hours after full awakening. When too early admission food there is a risk of provoking an attack of nausea or vomiting, which is caused by the use of painkillers. Therefore, permission to eat food is given by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition.

Basic rules of nutrition after removal of an inguinal hernia in men:

  1. 1. Small portions, number of meals per day - up to 4-6.
  2. 2. In the first days only liquid food. The diet is expanding gradually.
  3. 3. Food must contain sufficient amounts of protein, vitamins and fiber. These components are necessary for speedy recovery operated tissue and provision normal operation intestines.
  4. 4. Dishes should be prepared by boiling or stewing.
  5. 5. You need to completely give up alcohol and, if possible, cigarettes. If you cannot stop smoking, you should limit the number of smoking breaks as much as possible.
  6. The diet should not contain:
    • fresh sour vegetables and fruits;
    • flour;
    • sweet;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • kefir, yogurt;
    • strong tea and coffee.

The main dishes in the diet are lean fish and meat (turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit), low-fat cottage cheese, milk, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Gradually, stewed vegetables without spices, boiled eggs or as part of a steam omelet, and baked apples are added to them.

The main purpose of the diet, in addition to providing tissues nutrients, - regular bowel movements, prevention of constipation, diarrhea and bloating. This prevents trauma to the postoperative suture due to high intra-abdominal pressure.

Exercise therapy

During the rehabilitation period, ordinary physical activity is prohibited, especially if the man was intensely active before the operation. gym or active species sports Exercises are used to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles and groin area. physical therapy. At first they are performed in a special bandage.

Basic exercises:

  1. 1. Stand on your feet, placing them shoulder-width apart. Perform slow, partial squats while maintaining a comfortable state.
  2. 2. Lie on your back, having previously spread a mat, place your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs 45 degrees and perform the exercise with alternating crossed legs. The number of repetitions increases gradually. Another exercise is performed from the same position. Raise your legs 45 degrees, bend them at the knees and perform movements reminiscent of pedaling a bicycle.
  3. 3. Sit on the floor, straighten one leg, bend the other at the knee and rest it on your full foot. Lean it against your bent leg and perform slow rocking back and forth, up to 5 times. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.
  4. 4. Lie on your right side, stretching right hand and placing it under your head, stretch both legs. Lift at a slow pace left leg, up to 5 times. Then roll over to the other side and repeat the movements.
  5. 5. Get on all fours with emphasis on your elbows, alternately, slowly raise your legs, bent at the knee, up. Perform the exercise up to 5 times for each leg.
  6. 6. Do push-ups from the floor, focusing on your knees and maintaining comfort.

Exercises should not cause pain or burning in the groin. At first, you should perform them in small repetitions, gradually increasing from 1-2 times.

The set of classes and the scheme for their implementation should be selected by the attending physician. The first exercises should be performed under his supervision.


The bandage is indicated for use after removal of an inguinal hernia in weakened and elderly patients with overweight. It is necessary if a mesh implant was not installed during surgery, which protects against relapse. Wearing a bandage on early stage recovery is useful for all patients.

Useful qualities of the bandage:

  • reduces muscle strain;
  • prevents increased pressure in the area postoperative wound and its traumatization;
  • ensures fast and complete healing of the suture.

It is indicated for short-term wear. The bandage is used only during activity (walking, getting out of bed). It is necessary to use it during dosed physical activity (PT) in order to avoid an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

There are right-sided, left-sided and bilateral bandages. For men, special products are made that have seals at the level of the opening of the inguinal canal. Put the device on supine position, before getting out of bed.

The bandage should not be worn for a long time, as this will impair blood circulation in the lower abdomen and groin. In addition, the condition of the muscle frame may deteriorate and the likelihood of hernia recurrence may increase.


If a minimally invasive technique was used to remove an inguinal hernia, the patient is sent home before the sutures are removed. Proper care of the operated area is required at home. Do not get the wound wet (shower, bath, swim in the pool).

The bandage is applied until the sutures are removed or the self-absorbable threads disappear, which are changed daily. If the sutures are made of silk threads, they are removed on the 8th day. For disinfection, iodine or brilliant green is used. If irritation occurs skin, then use zinc paste for processing seams.

The body must be kept clean, so underwear is changed every day. The patient also needs to monitor sweating. To do this, you should maintain a comfortable temperature at the place of stay during the rehabilitation period. If a man carefully follows all these recommendations, then his recovery after surgery is successful, without complications.

Inguinal hernia - serious illness requiring surgical intervention. But the manipulations performed are not the main thing for a successful recovery and return to normal life. It should be understood that any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the entire body.

To minimize it, the patient needs to be especially careful, and most importantly, follow important recommendations:

  1. Regular wearing of a bandage, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Usually the period of wearing it is determined by the doctor.
  2. Complete absence of stress, the patient should be in a positive mood.
  3. Refusal of physical activity.
  4. Monitoring the cleanliness of dressings.
  5. Give up all bad habits.
  6. Special diet after inguinal hernia surgery.

By carefully following the prescribed rules, you can hope for quick rehabilitation. If the patient ignores them, sad consequences won't make you wait long.

and its features

After the operation, the doctor must give strict recommendations. An important place here occupiesdiet after inguinal hernia surgery. The diet is seriously changing, new products are included in it, strict restrictions and even prohibitions. For example, it is necessary to avoid products that cause strong gas formation, this will help avoid painful sensations, and most importantly, severe consequences.

According to its compositiondiet after inguinal hernia surgery in men quite similar to the one prescribed for removing formations in the abdomen. You cannot self-medicate. Only the attending physician can tell you in detail about the necessary manipulations. He also makes up the diet based on the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics.

Standard diet after inguinal hernia surgerylasts two weeks, during which the patient needs to switch to six meals a day. The patient should eat small portions, their total daily calorie content should not exceed 2400 Kcal.

As after any operation, you should not overload your stomach in the first days.Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgeryon the first day consists of consuming liquid broths. If there are no complications, new foods can be introduced gradually. After 14 days, the body returns to normal, which means it can safely return to its usual diet.

Menu creation

What can you eat after inguinal hernia surgery?- a question that worries many. This surgery is a standard procedure. It is usually recommended to abstain one day before generous intake food, it must be replaced with pureed food with big amount vitamins This will help empty your stomach as much as possible. But as for the postoperative time, it’s worth adhering to special rules, especially in the first days:

  • drink as much water as possible;
  • monitor the calorie content of foods;
  • eat small portions;
  • exclude prohibited products.

It should be understood -nutrition after inguinal hernia removal has strict restrictions in order to reduce the load on the intestines. The body needs support, as the organs have begun to function incompletely. It is necessary to ensure maximum comfortable conditions recovery. This is the only way to hope for recovery.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery in men

The operation takes place under general anesthesia, so when he comes to his senses, the patient feels unwell. You can’t eat right away, the same goes for any liquid. You are allowed to drink some clean water, but only after a few hours.

The very next day the man needs food, the body begins to recover, and this requires strength. The attending physician will tell you in detailwhat can you eat after inguinal hernia surgery. To begin with, you should stop at warm broth. Patients are often offered food from the hospital cafeteria; they should not refuse it if they want to recover quickly.

But for the next onesday, nutrition after surgery for inguinal herniabecomes more diverse. The patient is allowed:

  • juices, compotes, tea, jelly;
  • fruit jelly;
  • puree soups;
  • porridge with milk;
  • scrambled eggs.

In order for the body to recover faster, it is recommended to eat more foods of natural origin with vitamins.

What can you eat after surgery for inguinal hernia? in the next days

Discharge home does not mean stopping the diet. Of course, rehabilitation requires additional strength, which means the number of calories should increase significantly. The main thing is not to overload your stomach. For rehabilitation to be successful, you can eat the following foods:

  • cottage cheese casseroles, possibly with pieces of fruit;
  • fermented milk products - yoghurts, kefir, curdled milk;
  • poultry and beef, stewed or boiled;
  • crackers;
  • fruits, vegetables, but only those that do not cause gas formation.

It is better to exclude the following products from the menu:

  • fat meat;
  • candies;
  • canned food;
  • fried eggs;
  • dried fruits;
  • coffee.

What can you eat after inguinal hernia surgery?Now it’s clear to everyone, all that remains is to understand the prohibited products. They should not be eaten before surgery, and throughout the entire rehabilitation:

  • smoked meats;
  • roast;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • legumes;
  • sauces;
  • hot spices.

We must not forget about some prohibited drinks:

  • alcohol in any doses;
  • energy;
  • even non-alcoholic beer;
  • fresh milk;
  • kvass.

They are capable of increasing gas formation, which this period is serious danger. In addition, they increase blood pressure, and this can become a serious problem for the patient’s health.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgeryvery diverse. There will definitely be no starvation. And if you learn to combine permitted products, you can cook enough delicious dishes. Proper nutrition will help normalize intestinal function, and this is the first step to recovery. Very soon the body will recover, and you can introduce your favorite treats into your diet.

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, it is prescribed therapeutic nutrition. A strict diet is important only in the early rehabilitation period, after which you can gradually return to a gentle but usual diet. A man's diet menu is no different from a woman's; the rules are the same, as are the main restrictions. The diet after inguinal hernia surgery is based on two basic principles: eat often, but not in large portions, and prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach fullness, constipation, bloating are factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure, which negatively affects the condition postoperative scar. The latter may disperse, which will cause the development ventral hernia as complications.

A gentle diet after removal of an inguinal hernia excludes the use of consolidating foods and those that provoke gas formation. The list of prohibited foods after hernia repair is small, but there are a number of nutritional rules that will speed up recovery and prevent complications.

Diet rules

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery in the first few days (3-7) should be exclusively liquid. A man can eat soups, broths without meat and vegetables, drink clean water and tea. It is important to eat in small portions, but often. It would be optimal to eat 150-200 mg 5-6 times, and the total calorie content should be up to 1100 kcal. 400-500 kcal are added daily to the body’s normal needs - 2500-3000 kcal, depending on the man’s physique and type of activity.

The diet after an inguinal hernia is based on the following principles:

  • fractional meals, from 5 times;
  • eating soft food at normal temperature;
  • avoiding overeating, last dose 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.

On the first day after the operation, the man eats liquid (broths, soups, jelly) and semi-liquid (mashed soups, porridges with water) food. It is acceptable to eat jellies, broths, vegetable and fruit juices, decoctions, and jelly. Eating soft-boiled eggs is also allowed. On the second day, the menu is diluted with puree soups, vegetables and soft fruits. A man can eat steamed fish, cottage cheese, and grated apple.

The next week the food remains gentle, but is diluted meat dishes, dairy products, fish, eggs, cereals. From the second week, a man can eat anything, with the exception of certain foods that may interfere with normal function Gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications in the menu

The following products should be completely eliminated or limited as much as possible:

  • legumes, peas, cabbage;
  • spicy, sweet;
  • fried and raw meat;
  • marinades, spices, sauces;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

The diet after removal of any inguinal hernia in men excludes the consumption of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks. Besides their common negative influence, some representatives provoke intestinal disorders. It is not recommended to eat too salty foods, as this leads to fluid retention in the body, which causes edema.

After surgery, men can eat boiled, baked, and steamed foods, but it is better to avoid fried and smoked foods.

Healthy dishes

What can you eat during the recovery period after hernia removal in men:

  • oatmeal with milk and water, buckwheat, pearl barley and rice porridge;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • black bread, crackers;
  • unrefined oil;
  • grated vegetables and fruits;
  • white meat, fish, steamed cutlets;
  • decoctions, jelly, compotes, weak teas.

Particular attention should be paid to water balance.

You need to drink at least 2 liters per day, including liquid in meals. At the same time, it is important to limit the consumption of coffee, strong tea and sour juices. It is strictly forbidden to drink sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Proper nutrition after removal of an inguinal hernia is a mandatory preventive measure. If the patient immediately returns to his usual diet, the weakened body will poorly cope with the load on the gastrointestinal tract, spending a lot of energy on digesting and eliminating products, and not on restoring damaged tissues.

After removing an inguinal hernia, the surgeon may prescribe strict therapeutic diet No. 1. It excludes the consumption of meat and fish dishes, mushrooms, fresh bread and baking. Dairy products, smoked meats, canned food, spicy foods, sauces, and seasonings are also removed from the diet. Diet No. 1 after surgery allows the consumption of boiled or steamed food in a well-chopped form.

Having removed the inguinal hernia, the man must continue to take care of the condition of the abdominal and pelvic organs. After surgery, the patient is prescribed the same diet as after surgery on the intestines and stomach. This diet excludes the use coarse fiber, as well as foods that take a long time and are difficult to digest.

The principle of fractional meals remains unchanged in every diet, that is, the patient eats at least 5 times a day.

The therapeutic diet consists only of soft and well-chopped food. It is strictly contraindicated to eat raw fruits and vegetables in the early period after hernia repair. They need to be grated or passed through a meat grinder.

A few weeks after the operation, a man may be prescribed diet No. 4, which completely excludes the consumption of vegetables and fruits in any form. This table allows pureed cereals, eggs, jelly, black bread, and decoctions.

Diet after hernia removal

Sample menu for the first week:

1 day.

For breakfast, the patient eats one, maximum two “Maria” cookies with unsweetened tea. It is acceptable to eat a small amount of marshmallows. For second breakfast, drink juice or warm tea. For lunch, prepare meat broth with rice porridge without oil and in water. The afternoon snack consists of tea or compote. For dinner, the patient eats tea and Maria cookies. Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or low-fat yogurt.

Day 2.

For breakfast you can eat porridge with water. It would be better if it was buckwheat or oatmeal. For second breakfast, freshly squeezed juice is prepared. Lunch includes soup with a few pieces of onions, carrots, potatoes and soft meat, crushed to a puree. Can be eaten stewed cabbage and drink tea. For the patient's afternoon snack, a piece of chopped chicken meat and jelly are prepared. Dinner consists of rice porridge with water and yogurt.

Day 3.

For tomorrow, salted oatmeal porridge without butter, a sandwich with cheese and sweet tea are being prepared. Second breakfast - cookies without filling and juice. For lunch you can already eat puree soup and chicken cutlets steamed. Afternoon snack - jelly or yogurt. For dinner, the patient eats a small piece of boiled chicken fillet with tea.

Day 4

Breakfast consists of buckwheat porridge with water, tea with crackers. Second breakfast - hard-boiled egg, cookies and tea without sugar. Lunch will already be filling; it includes chopped vegetables with chicken meat and white crackers. You can drink compote or tea. Light afternoon snack - jelly or yogurt. Dinner - boiled fish with black bread.

Day 5

Preparing for a man's breakfast wheat porridge with a little butter, tea and crackers. Second breakfast - freshly squeezed juice with oatmeal cookies. Lunch - fish broth, rice porrige, cutlets, compote or sweet tea. Afternoon snack - yogurt or jelly. Dinner includes buckwheat porridge with butter, Maria cookies, steamed fish cutlets. Before going to bed, a man can always drink tea or kefir with a few white crackers.