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Brown discharge and aching pain in the lower abdomen. Pain on the left with intestinal disorders. Taking hormonal contraceptives

The appearance of discomfort and painful sensations alarms any person. If a woman has a tightening in her lower abdomen with brown discharge, you should consult a gynecologist. This condition may be normal, but it may indicate pathology.

Brown or bloody discharge - what is it?

The mucus coming out of the vagina turns black or brown due to the inclusion of drops of blood in it. This phenomenon in some cases is normal: if the lower abdomen hurts, the lower back is pulled, and such discharge appears, then menstruation will begin soon. After and in the middle of menstruation, this phenomenon is also rarely pathological. Often, the appearance of bloody discharge is provoked by trauma to the mucous membrane after sexual intercourse or during defloration.

If such mucus comes out instead of menstruation and the woman has a sexual partner, this may indicate pregnancy.

When menstruation does not occur on time, but instead such discharge appears, there is a problem with hormones. If you have unprotected sex, there is a suspicion of contracting an STD, and additional symptoms may appear, such as itching, dryness, and others.

With pathology, the stomach may hurt during sexual intercourse. If discharge appears constantly after sex, this is a reason to go to the doctor and consult with him about this problem.

Dangerous secretions

A nagging pain in the abdomen cannot speak of a certain disease, it could be a disease reproductive organs, gastrointestinal tract or Bladder.

The most common diseases that cause stomach pain and possible discharge:

Inflammation in the reproductive organs - the main symptom is discharge and lower back pain;

  • Increased body temperature and bloody mucus indicate infection.
  • Blood in urine indicates illness genitourinary system.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases manifest themselves as abdominal pain and possible discharge.
  • Appendicitis.

Constant pain and malaise may indicate a chronic disease, the nature of which needs to be clarified. To accurately diagnose a pathology by a doctor, you must definitely find out the color of the secretion, as well as the smell, frequency of discharge and consistency. Often, thanks to this data, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disease.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa. The muscle layer of the organ is often affected. This disease occurs when infectious agents can easily enter the uterus.

The main causes and complications of endometritis:

  • Curettage, abortions performed unprofessionally.
  • Weakening immune system after childbirth.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Usage oral contraceptives.
  • Existing STDs.
  • Injuries during childbirth.
  • Lack of hygiene, especially during menstruation.

Endometritis (Click to view)

The development of endometritis is noticeable after a few days of infection. Signs of infection include chills, bleeding in women, and a tugging stomach. Vaginal mucus may have a strong odor and may cause pain when urinating.

If acute endometritis is not treated, or the course of therapy is not completed, the disease may become chronic. This complication provokes complications during pregnancy, and cases of premature birth are common. With chronic endometritis, the lower abdomen hurts, bloody issues acquire green spots due to pus; a complication may be the appearance of polyps. To diagnose the disease, in addition to collecting an anamnesis, blood is taken for tests and treatment is prescribed in the hospital.


Currently, endometriosis is one of the most common diseases in gynecology. It represents the formation of benign nodes in the pelvic organs. Women of childbearing age who face high stress loads are most susceptible to the disease.

The main reasons are heredity and hormonal changes body, as well as stress, bad habits, excess weight.

Signs of the disease:

  • Pain during bowel movements, sex, urination.
  • Prolonged menstruation with large blood loss.
  • The appearance of brown discharge and pain in the lower abdomen before and after menstruation.

Often there are no symptoms and the presence of endometriosis is revealed only during a gynecological examination.

The disease is treated with medications and surgically. Early detection and therapy avoid surgery. To avoid the appearance of endometriosis, a woman needs to pay attention to her body condition, including monitoring her weight, hormone levels, and nutrition.

Endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia is a pathology of the uterine mucosa that involves damage to the layers of the endometrium. Women with endocrine disorders living in areas with poor ecology during their childbearing years are most susceptible to the disease.

Endometrial changes are benign, but their presence increases the risk of developing cancer.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • Anorexia.
  • Stress.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Menopause.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Excess weight.

The main sign of hyperplasia is vaginal discharge with blood or bleeding, prolonged menstruation.

Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound, curettage, and hysteroscopy. Treatment can be medication or surgery.

Ovarian cyst

A cyst is a benign neoplasm that tends to enlarge. Women of the childbearing period who have pathologies are most at risk menstrual cycle.

If a woman has pain in her lower abdomen, this may indicate complications. Often the disease can be accompanied by urinary disorders and constipation. If the cyst puts pressure on the intestines or bladder, pain often occurs in the left groin.

Ovarian cysts (Click to view)

The main causes are thyroid diseases, surgical interventions, and abortions.

Diagnosis is carried out using examination, ultrasound, laparoscopy, MRI, and anamnesis. Treatment depends on age, stage of development of the disease, symptoms. It is treated with conservative and surgical methods.

Cysts can form after treatment as long as fertility remains intact. Cysts that have already been removed do not form again. It is possible to become pregnant after any type of treatment.

Uterine fibroids

Myoma – benign tumor. Women after forty years of age are most susceptible to the disease. It is often asymptomatic and detected only during a gynecological examination.

The main reasons for the development of fibroids are:

  • Metabolic dysfunction, diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Inflammation of the uterus.
  • Overweight.
  • Early menopause.
  • Aborted pregnancies.
  • Predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease may only appear when late stages. The lower back begins to hurt, heaviness in the stomach and discomfort during sex appear. Menstruation becomes longer and more abundant.

Complications of the disease include anemia, the tumor becoming malignant, and complications during pregnancy in the future.

Ectopic pregnancy

Normal development of pregnancy is possible only in the uterine cavity. Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous pathology. It often threatens infertility in the future and tissue rupture at the site of localization ovum. In this case, the probability of death of the woman is high.

Patients most at risk are those who have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs, have hormonal problems, and use OCs.

The main symptoms of the pathology are weakness, vomiting, changes in breast shape, abdominal pain, and the appearance of bloody discharge.

Hormonal imbalance

Irregular menstruation, sleep problems, acne and problematic skin may be symptoms of hormonal imbalance. If such a deviation is suspected, an endocrinologist may prescribe blood tests to check the levels of pituitary, thyroid and sex hormones. In some situations, an ultrasound is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

A polyp is a benign formation. There is a chance of turning into a cancerous tumor, but it is small. Women of all age categories are susceptible to the disease, but it is most common in women after forty years of age.

The main symptoms are irregular menstruation with heavy blood loss, pain in the lower abdomen, inability to get pregnant. They are often discovered only during a routine examination by a gynecologist. They can be identified using ultrasound, biopsy, and x-rays.

Polyp in the uterus (Click to view)

Causes of the disease:

  • Hormonal disorders, diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Existing inflammation in the uterus.
  • Predisposition.
  • Obesity.
  • Hypertension.
  • Abortion.

For treatment most often resort to surgical methods, since hormonal treatment does not always give results.

The main preventive measures are maintaining healthy image life, avoiding hypothermia, regular visits to doctors.


Adnexitis is called inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages.

The main symptoms are pain, fluctuations in body temperature, and intoxication. The menstrual cycle is disrupted. This pathology leads to complications in future pregnancy and infertility.

The presence of STDs, neglect of hygiene, uncontrolled sexual intercourse, hypothermia, the presence of a spiral inside the uterus, abortion increase the risk of the disease.

For diagnosis, medical history data, examination results, bacterial cultures, and genital smears are used.

Endometrial cancer

Symptoms of endometrial cancer appear in the early stages of the disease, which facilitates diagnosis and ensures early treatment. Women of all ages are susceptible to the disease, but the risk of development is higher in women over fifty years of age.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Bloody discharge is either spotting or heavy, which occurs between menstruation.
  • Blood is released along with mucus or pus.
  • Pain and discomfort during sex.
  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

These symptoms are not necessarily signs cancerous tumor, but you should pay attention to them, since such manifestations are not considered the norm.


Sexually transmitted infections are treatable, but there are exceptions: HPV, AIDS, genital herpes. The success of therapy lies in efficiency and completion.

Symptoms of infection with sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Itching, redness and pimples, ulcers.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Painful sensations in the vaginal area.
  • Pain during sex and when urinating.

Diagnosis is carried out through examination and analysis.

It is easier to avoid such diseases than to treat them later. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use condoms and not to engage in promiscuous sex life, regularly get tested for infection.

Pain on the left with intestinal disorders

Abdominal pain most often indicates gastrointestinal diseases. When contacting a doctor, it is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible the sensations and places where the pain is localized. This will help in making a diagnosis and prescribing proper therapy. To confirm the disease, ultrasound, blood and other studies are used.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

UC is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The disease is dangerous due to the appearance of serious complications.

The main symptoms are diarrhea with blood, pain, bleeding from the intestines. The risk of developing the disease is higher in women than in men. The disease is diagnosed using colonoscopy, x-ray, CT, and coprogram.

Often, a diet is prescribed to treat pathology, severe cases complete refusal to eat.

Colon cancer

A common cause of colon cancer is poor nutrition, which includes the consumption of carcinogens in large quantities. In case of intestinal obstruction, they act on the intestinal walls, which is why healthy cells degenerate into cancer.

The main symptoms are abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, changes in body temperature, and bloody discharge along with feces.

To prevent the disease, you need to monitor your diet, get rid of bad habits, to live an active lifestyle.

Colon polyps

Polyps are benign formations on the mucous membrane of different shapes, numbers, and sizes. Elderly people are most susceptible to the disease.

The main causes of formations:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Existing gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Predisposition.
  • Age.

The main symptoms are pain during bowel movements, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, anemia, and bleeding from the anus. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to give up bad habits, not to overeat, and eat only healthy foods.

When is brown spotting normal?

Discharge with blood is not always a symptom of disease; it is often a normal physiological process.

The appearance of discharge is considered normal:

  • Before menstruation.
  • Blood after menstruation a few days later.
  • After childbirth.
  • After the surgery(abortion, diagnostic curettage).
  • Taking hormonal medications, including oral contraceptives;
  • Microtraumas after sex.
  • After defloration.

Currently, there are many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is brown or bleeding. A timely visit to a gynecologist will help prevent the development of complications of these diseases and begin therapy as soon as possible.

The goblet cells of the large intestine secrete mucus that is colorless. It is necessary to prevent ruptures, speed up the movement of feces, and protect the mucous membrane from acid and bacterial effects. It also binds fecal material together. If not enough mucus is produced, constipation occurs.

When emptying, up to 5 ml of mucus comes out, but normally it is not visible. The lower abdomen hurts and discharge is disturbing due to various organ pathologies digestive system, mainly the large intestine. These symptoms may appear if a person does not eat properly, as well as with the development of serious diseases that require surgical intervention.

Why does mucus appear?

Discharge from the large intestine appears if an inflammatory or infectious disease has developed, there are anal fissures, a tumor or hemorrhoids. The inflammatory process causes the goblet cells to produce more mucus to get rid of the bacterial or viral agent. As a result, the secretion becomes noticeable in the feces or leaks out and ends up on the laundry.

A large amount of mucus indicates serious intestinal diseases. Mucus may be released during a bowel movement or independently of it. If the secretion comes out simultaneously with defecation, then it does not cause pain. Therefore, a person cannot always detect it immediately.

If mucous discharge flows out on its own, this indicates that the sphincter does not retain the contents of the rectum. Outside of the act of defecation, mucus can leak due to proctitis, pararectal fistulas, hemorrhoids, and rectal prolapse.

Tenesmus is a false urge to empty the bowel, which is painful and does not lead to the release of feces. Only the selection is noted large quantity mucus or blood. This symptom may indicate colitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids, polyps, typhus, dysentery.

Muscle spasm, causing a false urge, can also occur with frequent diarrhea or with prolonged sitting position. Discharge may occur due to poisoning or due to irritable bowel syndrome. This happens as a result of microflora disturbance.

In this way, the body tries to get rid of toxins and bacterial or viral agents. These diseases are accompanied by diarrhea, bloating, and a feeling of fullness in the intestines. There is not much mucous discharge and, as a rule, it is transparent.

If mucus is secreted outside the act of defecation, this leads to increased skin moisture in the anal area, further to maceration and dermatitis. Hence anal fissures, itching, burning, pain during bowel movements.

When microcracks appear, severe itching, scratching may cause layering bacterial infection. In men, this can cause prostatitis due to the penetration of microbes into damaged tissue rectum.

In women, light brown, bloody discharge on underwear can occur due to diseases of the genitourinary system. Transparent slime(the consistency of snot), odorless, and with a volume of up to 2 ml, discharged from the vagina, is considered an indicator of normal activity of the reproductive system.

Therefore, if there are stains on women’s underwear (from light yellow to dark brown), then, first of all, you need to understand where the discharge comes from, from anus or genitals.

What does mucus from the anus indicate?

The appearance of mucus, blood, pus, and fat in the stool is only a symptom. Therefore, the etiology of the pathology cannot be judged by the color, smell or amount of discharge. But still, these signs help determine a preliminary diagnosis.

If yellow, orange or red mucus comes out with bowel movements, then this is a sign of pathology internal organs

With liver dysfunction, the mucus becomes orange in color, it has a very bad smell. At fungal infection the anus, mucus with a white coating is secreted along with the feces.
Neoplasms growing in the large intestine provoke the appearance of greenish or yellowish mucus.

Foamy mucus comes out of the anus if present sexually transmitted infection. As a rule, it manifests itself as pain in the genital area. In case of liver or gallbladder diseases, bile may leak. A dangerous symptom is mucus with impurities of pus, the consistency of which is similar to jelly.

Intestinal infections provoke increased production mucus, with some discharge Brown, as well as yellow or green, which indicates a pathogen. The color appears as a result of the destruction of cells of the epithelial layer.

Discharge similar to raspberry jelly occurs due to thrombosis of intestinal vessels. Additional symptoms pathologies are pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, intoxication. can appear due to many pathologies gastrointestinal tract. By its color you can determine in which part the bleeding began.

If the blood is dark, then this is a sign of bleeding in small intestine, stomach or esophagus. Scarlet blood appears if there is a disorder in the large intestine. The color of blood changes under the influence of oxidative processes; if the blood is red, then it has not yet had time to oxidize.

Oily discharge is not always a symptom of pathology. They can appear after fatty foods, diet pills or oral contraceptives. Fecal masses with such discharge are very shiny. If the symptom appears regularly, it may be a sign of inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas, internal hemorrhoids, or colitis.

Diseases that cause the release of large amounts of secretion

In case of severe food poisoning or improper eating habits (overuse alcohol, salty or spicy) mucus may appear from the anus. The intestinal mucosa is irritated and reacts to the harmful effects of feces with increased secretion.

Brief mucous discharge may occur after eating stale food or unusual food, as well as hot, salty, spicy dishes

Excessive secretion of secretions by cells most often occurs with hemorrhoids, but this can be caused by:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • neoplasms;
  • proctitis;
  • fistulas and anal fissures;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • volvulus;
  • partial obstruction;
  • reproduction of gonococcus and herpes in the intestine;
  • rectal ulcer;
  • condylomas.

Discharge with pus from the anus is characteristic of acute inflammatory diseases caused by bacterial or viral infection(it can be primary or secondary), as well as for the disintegration of tumors, fistulas, abscesses. They are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and the stool is usually foamy with particles undigested food.

Purulent discharge also appears when the rectum is damaged by the herpes virus and with gonorrheal proctitis.

In most cases, the disease, in addition to discharge, also causes nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, and a burning sensation in the anus. If pain in the rectum occurs without any discharge, then this may also indicate early stage pathology.

Mucus often occurs with hemorrhoids due to irritation of the colon mucosa. One of the striking symptoms of the disease is the discharge of blood from the rectum after defecation. When a hemorrhoidal node ruptures, erosions, cracks, or ulcers, bright red blood is released; it does not mix with the feces, but covers them.

The discharge is pink or red in color, which is affected by the severity of bleeding. When the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, exudate is released, which leads to maceration and the development of inflammatory foci in the peri-anal area.

At the third stage, hemorrhoids may appear when defecating up to 10 ml of mucus. For superficial inflammation, the secretion yellow color, and if purulent proctitis has developed, it takes on a green tint.

Hemorrhoids produce cloudy, jelly-like mucus with white flakes and streaks of blood.

Rarely, with hemorrhoids, a symptom such as smearing appears. In this case, brown discharge and pain in the lower abdomen are noted. They usually occur if a person suffers frequent constipation. This symptom can also occur in the presence of a tumor in the intestine.

In some cases, the secretion continues to be released for some time after surgical removal hemorrhoids. They have a jelly-like consistency and are pink in color. This is explained by the restoration of the intestinal walls after surgery and is considered a variant of the norm.

If complications develop against the background of hemorrhoids, such as paraproctitis or thrombosis of the veins of hemorrhoids, then purulent exudate begins to discharge.

Crohn's disease

With Crohn's disease, any part of the gastrointestinal tract can become inflamed. The disease can lead to complications such as peritonitis, bleeding, fistula. Discharge from the anus is dark in color, purulent, mixed with blood.

The amount of secretion depends on the stage of the pathology. Crohn's disease presents with abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea, exhaustion, vitamin deficiency, flatulence, damage to the eyes and skin.


With dysbacteriosis, the secretion is white and has no foul odor. The disease is provoked by intestinal poisoning, drug therapy, diseases of the digestive system, decreased immunity, and poor nutrition. A violation of the microflora is indicated by bloating, nausea, bad breath, diarrhea followed by constipation.


Bacterial infections also cause the intestines to respond by producing more mucus. Shigella, E. coli, staphylococci and other bacteria and viruses can affect the organ. When infected, appetite is impaired, nausea, and falls arterial pressure, body temperature rises, tenesmus, headaches occur, mucus with blood is visible in the stool.

Pathological discharge can be observed with any intestinal infection affecting the large intestine (cholera, enterovirus, salmonellosis, amoebiosis)

For example, with dysentery, pain first appears in the entire abdomen, then concentrates in the lower right side or lower abdomen. Diarrhea can occur up to 10 times a day, while the stool quickly loses its consistency, blood, brownish mucus, and pus are visible in them. The urge to defecate is painful and may be false.


Perianal dermatitis in adults occurs when a bacterial or fungal infection occurs, as well as against the background of other diseases (cancer, helminths, allergies, hemorrhoids, colitis). If the disease develops due to bacteria, then bubbles with pus appear on the skin in the anal area, which crack and lead to wetting.

At allergic dermatitis ulcers also form; when they burst, erosion remains in their place.

Irritable bowel syndrome

In IBS, the secretion of mucus by goblet cells increases, which is caused by mechanical irritation of the walls by the slow movement of feces. When you are sick there is a feeling incomplete emptying intestines, during the day diarrhea is replaced by constipation (in the morning the stool is hard with mucus, then several times the stool is semi-formed).


Discharge from the anus also appears in acute proctitis. They are purulent and contain an admixture of blood. Mucus in the chronic course of the disease can be of different shades (from light to yellow) depending on what bacteria caused the inflammation.

The disease also provokes hyperthermia, false urge to have a bowel movement, burning and stinging in the rectum, and pain in the lower abdomen. The skin around the anus is irritated and turns red.


Paraproctitis is a disease in which the tissues surrounding the rectum become inflamed and fester. The cause of the pathology is the entry of a bacterial infection (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli) from the rectum into the underlying layers of the pararectal area.

Acute paraproctitis manifested by pain, redness, hyperthermia, tissue swelling and suppuration. In the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms are less pronounced, however, their prolonged exposure leads to the formation of a perirectal fistula, which is characterized by the release of pus or ichor into the perineal area.

With an incomplete internal fistula, pain appears, which intensifies during defecation, and subsides after the act.

What to do if there is discharge

If you notice the discharge of opaque mucus from the anus, then you need to visit a specialist. You should be especially alert if you have severe stomach pain and discharge with an unpleasant odor or blood (a symptom of an infectious inflammatory disease)

If the infectious process is not stopped, it can affect the adjacent parts of the intestine and peritoneum, causing heavy bleeding, the appearance of ulcers and erosions, and anal fissures. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that causes mucus production.

Drugs that enhance the body's immune function are also prescribed. Antispasmodics are recommended to eliminate painful sensations. If discharge occurs against the background of irritable bowel syndrome, then diet therapy is indicated. The patient also requires an appointment sedatives and visiting a psychotherapist.

Allergic diseases are treated with antihistamines(local and systemic), as well as diet and intake of adsorbents. For quick disposal used for itching and blisters on the skin hormonal ointments.

For constipation, the diet is adjusted and laxatives are prescribed.

Treatment of hemorrhoids involves drug therapy, which includes angioprotectors (Detrolex, Escusan, Troxevasin), as well as suppositories that have antiviral, regenerative, analgesic and laxative properties (Anestezol, Anuzol, Relief), and ointments with heparin. If conservative methods Treatments are not effective and surgery is required.

If pain in the lower abdomen and discharge bother you even occasionally, then you need to contact a proctologist to find out the cause of the symptoms and get adequate therapy. Consultation is also necessary if there is a burning and stinging sensation in the rectal area, there is a feeling foreign object. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the likelihood of avoiding degenerative processes and serious complications.

Complaints from women that their lower abdomen hurts and that vaginal discharge changes its character (becomes abundant, acquires an unpleasant odor, etc.) come quite often. In pregnant women, their presence is considered a very dangerous phenomenon, indicating placental abruption and a serious threat to the further course of pregnancy. In non-pregnant women, bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen always indicate the presence of pathological processes occurring in the organs of the reproductive system that require immediate treatment.

Non-pathological causes

In women, pain and discharge with a brownish tint from the vagina occur mainly due to a violation hormonal balance, which is manifested by the development of hypomenorrhea (decreased menstrual blood secretion). If scanty bleeding occurs in young girls aged 13–15 years, this indicates the onset of the first menstruation.

The scarcity of discharge and nagging pain in the abdomen arise as a result of the fact that the organs of the reproductive system are not yet fully mature and their production of hormones does not occur in the required quantities.

Women in adulthood can also often hear complaints of scanty periods, pain in the right side or groin, which is caused by the decline of the functions of the reproductive organs. The ovaries “grow old” and stop producing hormones in the required quantities, resulting in the onset of menopause, which in addition to discharge and discomfort in the abdomen is accompanied profuse sweating, dizziness, increased blood pressure, hot flashes, etc.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women and light brown vaginal secretions are normal, but only at the onset of certain phases of the menstrual cycle. For example, quite often they occur 1–2 days before the start of menstruation and are considered absolutely normal occurrence. Gradually, the discharge intensifies and becomes bloody.

Vaginal secretion after menstruation and abdominal pain can also occur in women when exposed to the following factors:

  • A sharp change in climatic conditions.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Fast weight loss.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Taking contraceptive medications.

Abundant mucous discharge can also appear in the middle of the cycle, namely at the moment when the follicle on the ovary ruptures and an egg is released from it. However, it should be noted that this process rarely accompanied painful sensations lower abdomen. As a rule, women complain that their stomach is tight during ovulation if they have ovarian cysts or any other gynecological diseases.

Discharge streaked with blood can appear in women after sex, which is caused by mechanical damage to the mucous membranes lining the inner surface of the vaginal walls. This can happen for several reasons - insufficient secretion of natural lubrication or during rough sexual contact. In addition, young girls experience abdominal pain for several days after having first sexual intercourse, and these pains may be accompanied by a brownish or pinkish smudge, which is also quite natural.

Important! Pain and heavy discharge, observed only when certain factors influence the body or upon the onset of certain phases of the menstrual cycle, are the norm. However, if such symptoms constantly bother a woman, then she needs to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, since their appearance may indicate the development of serious diseases that require immediate treatment.

Pathological causes

There are many factors that provoke pain in women in the lower abdomen throughout the menstrual cycle. And endometriosis often manifests itself as such symptoms. In the vast majority of cases this disease is chronic nature and with its development, abnormal growth of the uterine glands occurs outside the uterus.

As practice shows, endometriosis can affect various parts of the body. However, in 90% of cases, its development occurs directly in the organs of the reproductive system (uterus, ovaries, etc.). Surprisingly, endometriosis can even occur in men, but it is extremely rare.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, endometrioid lesions are small in size and they respond to sex hormones in exactly the same way as healthy uterine mucosa. The growth of these lesions occurs under the influence of progesterone and estrogen. The peculiarity of endometrioid lesions is that they accumulate blood in themselves, forming so-called endometrioid cysts. And when tumors grow to a certain size, women often complain that their lower abdomen hurts and there is much more bleeding.

Important! With the development of endometriosis, nagging pain can be supplemented by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. But itching and burning in the intimate area are not typical for this disease. Their appearance speaks of completely different pathologies.

The discomfort in the lower abdomen that occurs as a result of the development of this pathology is eliminated with the help of painkillers or antispasmodics. Treatment of the disease occurs surgically.

If your stomach hurts and discharge occurs outside of menstruation and in moderate quantities, this may indicate the presence of endometrial polyps. They are dense formations with thin legs, with the help of which polyps are attached to the walls of the organ. Most often they appear on the surface of the cervix and are manifested by discharge with a creamy consistency.

Sometimes with this disease, a white secretion comes out of the vagina. As a rule, it has thick consistency and is somewhat reminiscent of the manifestations of thrush. The difference between endometrial polyps and candidiasis is that in the latter case such discharge is accompanied by itching and burning, while with polyps these symptoms are absent and are replaced by painful sensations in the abdomen, which intensify with sexual intercourse or excessive physical activity.

If your stomach aches and spotting is observed, this may indicate the development of uterine fibroids. This disease is characterized by the appearance of a pathological neoplasm in the muscle layer of the organ, which contains dead epithelial cells and menstrual blood.

The main factor that provokes the occurrence of fibroids is disrupted hormonal levels. When the neoplasm reaches large sizes, it begins to compress nearby tissues and nerve endings, causing women to complain of brown vaginal secretions and pain in the lower abdomen.

Transparent brownish discharge can also occur when an ovarian cyst forms. As a rule, it develops against the background of overripeness of the follicle. Normally, when the follicle reaches full maturity, it bursts and an egg is released from it. If there is no rupture in its walls, the egg remains inside and the follicle begins to fill with serous fluid, as a result of which a cyst is formed. This whole process is accompanied by aching pain in the abdomen and scanty discharge from the vagina.

Ovarian cysts can be physiological or pathological. The former do not require any treatment, since they resolve on their own within 3-4 menstrual cycles, the latter do not have this ability, and only surgery can help get rid of them. If this is not done, the risk of the cyst degenerating into cancer increases several times.

The appearance of pain and white discharge streaked with blood may also indicate the development of cervical erosion. Distinctive feature of this disease It is believed that severe abdominal pain mainly appears during sexual intercourse or the onset of menstruation.

If you have a tightening in your stomach, smears from the vagina, or signs of a general deterioration in your health, you should immediately go to the gynecologist. All these symptoms indicate pathological processes in the body that can lead to serious problems with health. Therefore, under no circumstances should you delay their treatment.

During pregnancy

If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache and spotting appears, she should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. This phenomenon in the first trimester of pregnancy indicates placental abruption and possible imminent arrival spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, the woman must be urgently hospitalized and provided with restorative and tonic therapy.

For more later During pregnancy, patients often complain that their stomach ached for several days and there was discharge. Then all the unpleasant symptoms disappeared and the condition returned to normal. This suggests that labor can be expected soon. The occurrence of abdominal pain and discharge indicates the removal of the plug. And this process can take several weeks, so a woman needs to be more attentive to her condition and it is best for her to go to the hospital, since childbirth can occur at any time.

It should be understood that pain in the lower abdomen is not always the norm. And to find out exactly the cause of their occurrence, you need to visit a specialist and undergo a special examination. It includes: blood and urine tests, gynecological examination, smears to determine microflora and other activities. Only after all the results of the examination are in the hands of the doctor can the exact cause of abdominal pain be determined. Next, you will need to select a treatment that will quickly save the woman from unpleasant symptoms and maintain her health for many years.

In the middle of the cycle they can appear for a variety of reasons and not even necessarily gynecological, so you absolutely cannot ignore or tolerate them, especially if you yourself do not understand why they bother you. For any woman, neglectful attitude towards herself can be simply destructive, especially if she is still planning to give birth to children.

Depending on the disease, in the middle of the cycle they can appear on one side or spread throughout the entire abdomen, radiate to the lower back, be sharp, sharp, pulling, aching, strong or not. Their nature makes it possible to diagnose and determine proper treatment, with which it is strictly forbidden to delay.


Most women may experience mild pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle, which causes discomfort. This condition is caused by the fact that the peritoneum is slightly irritated by the follicular fluid. Almost all women, of course, know about this, and therefore they do not go to doctors for help, since this fact is the norm and does not require any intervention. But all this is true only if the pain is not too severe.

Ovarian diseases

Depending on which ovary is affected, pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle manifests itself in attacks localized on one side. The cause may be a rupture, inflammation, or In addition, malignant or benign neoplasms should not be written off. In this case, the peritoneum is irritated due to the appearance of blood or ischemia, and very severe pain appears, which can be permanent.

Diseases of the genital organs

Due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus or vagina, inflammation begins to develop, which is manifested by the occurrence of abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle, unpleasant sensations, discharge and other signs. Also when inflammatory processes adhesions form, which lead to severe discomfort. And when they rupture, acute and very severe pain occurs, which can even cause a state of shock.


The main symptoms of this disease are vague colicky pain and discharge in the middle of the cycle, which only become stronger over time. The pain may first appear on the right side and then move to the upper abdomen. Initially, approximately the same pain as during menstruation occurs in the middle of the cycle, and ultimately it may seem that the whole body below begins to burn.

Ovarian hyperstimulation

When a woman is being treated for infertility, the ovaries become much larger in size, large clusters of follicular cysts or a cystic large corpus luteum, as well as stromal edema, may appear.

At mild form disease, there is weight gain, bloating, and pain in the lower abdomen.

If the disease becomes severe, then shortness of breath, dropsy, sweating, electrolyte imbalance are added to these symptoms, and the volume of circulating blood also decreases.

Uterine or ovarian cancer

These conditions are very dangerous for every woman, and, unfortunately, obvious signs occur already in the later stages of development, so it is very important to regularly visit a gynecologist. The disease manifests itself in the presence of increasing abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle. In addition, the disease is usually accompanied by bleeding. The tumor is usually palpable if it is already very well developed.

Acute cystitis

This disease can be recognized by the appearance sharp pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower part, frequent urination or blood in the urine.

Varicose veins of the pelvic veins

Women employed in positions where they have to work physically hard, constantly lift considerable weight, as well as those ladies who often became pregnant and gave birth, had abortions, those who have never had an orgasm, belong to a certain risk group for varicose veins pelvis It manifests itself as heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen, pain, as well as various types of vaginal discharge.

What to do if pain occurs?

If you experience abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle or even during menstruation, if you think that it is excessively strong, and also if it is accompanied by vomiting and fever, in addition, if it lasts longer than two days, then it is best to consult a specialist. This is necessary so that the doctor can make sure that such pain is not associated with the risk of disruption of the internal organs. In other situations, a timely visit to the doctor is important in order to begin treatment as quickly as possible. You will need to tell the doctor about all the symptoms that have appeared, be sure to name the length of the cycle, characterize how it begins, continues and ends. In addition, it is recommended to visit the ultrasound room and take all necessary tests.

If the cause of the pain is ovulation, then there is nothing to worry about, and the doctor can simply prescribe contraceptives to regulate hormonal levels, reduce symptoms and relieve ovulatory or menstrual pain. This measure will also help avoid unplanned pregnancy.

If the use of contraceptives is not relevant, you can help yourself with mild painkillers. But still, these pains should not be so severe that you need to take medications because of them.

in the middle of the cycle

Various types of discharge from the genitals during menstruation or between them, which appear according to for unknown reasons and are of an unusual nature, they are alarming signals for each of the women. In such situations, anxiety appears and fears about the state of one’s health begin to torment. This leads to a natural desire to find out the reasons for the appearance of discharge. Now I would like to talk about what they mean, how dangerous they are and what needs to be done when they appear.

So, as statistics show, almost 80% of women have never encountered the problem of dark discharge that appears in the middle of the cycle. The rare representatives who do have discharge notice only a small amount of it. But the remaining 20% ​​experience heavy discharge, which appears mostly unexpectedly. In some cases, they can also occur after sexual intercourse.

It is very important to note that if brown spots appear or even in a pregnant woman, especially in combination with pain and malaise, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate a miscarriage. In other situations, there may be several options for the development of events.

When is dark discharge normal?

The first situation assumes that if brown discharge suddenly appears, nothing bad happens. In reality, this may well be the case: healthy women, under certain circumstances, may experience discharge, the dark color of which occurs due to droplets of blood entering it. In addition, mild nagging pain may be experienced in the middle of the cycle. So, the following can be classified as normal circumstances.

  1. Approaching menstruation. In this case, dark discharge in the middle of the cycle or at its end can be a harbinger and appear literally within a few hours or even a couple of days.
  2. The uterus gets rid of excess blood. This can occur under normal conditions for several days after menstruation.
  3. When taking birth control, you may experience discharge in the middle of your cycle.
  4. Too violent sexual intercourse. after sex may result from microtraumas of the vaginal mucosa, which occur due to a small amount of lubrication or insufficient stimulation.
  5. Beginning of sexual activity. After the very first sexual intercourse in their life and the next few times, girls may experience such discharge.

Discharge indicating the development of the disease

Unfortunately, there may be situations where dark discharge in the middle of the cycle is one of the symptoms of the disease. You need to worry in the following cases:

  • if the discharge appears in the middle of the cycle and contains blood, but the woman does not take any hormonal contraceptives;
  • when this phenomenon is accompanied by unpleasant abdominal pain, burning, irritation in the vagina, increased temperature, as well as pain during sexual intercourse;
  • the woman has not had menstruation for more than one year due to menopause;
  • if discharge appears almost constantly after sex.

You can also talk about pathology if the ovaries hurt very badly in the middle of the cycle.

Consult a doctor!

As you can see, discharge in the middle of the cycle is in many cases the norm, that is, it goes away with virtually no consequences. Along with this, proper treatment may be required under certain circumstances. The most important thing is to find out in time what is really causing such discharge. If you experience sharp pain or any other signs that you consider abnormal, or if you are sure that everything is not very good with your health, be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible or call ambulance. In any case, you should not ignore this fact and not react to it in any way, because your own health should always be your priority.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle can appear for a variety of reasons and not even necessarily gynecological, so you absolutely cannot ignore or tolerate them, especially if you yourself do not understand why they bother you. For any woman, neglectful attitude towards herself can be simply destructive, especially if she is still planning to give birth to children.

Depending on the disease, abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle can appear on one side or spread throughout the entire abdomen, radiate to the lower back, be sharp, sharp, pulling, aching, strong or not. Their nature makes it possible to make a diagnosis and determine the correct treatment, which is strictly forbidden to delay.


Most women may experience mild pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle, which causes discomfort. This condition is caused by the fact that the peritoneum is slightly irritated by the follicular fluid. Almost all women, of course, know about this, and therefore they do not go to doctors for help, since this fact is the norm and does not require any intervention. But all this is true only if the pain is not too severe.

Ovarian diseases

Depending on which ovary is affected, pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle manifests itself in attacks localized on one side. The cause may be rupture, inflammation or apoplexy of the ovary. In addition, malignant or benign neoplasms should not be written off. In this case, the peritoneum is irritated due to the appearance of blood or ischemia, and very severe pain appears, which can be permanent.

Diseases of the genital organs

Due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus or vagina, inflammation begins to develop, which is manifested by the occurrence of abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle, discomfort, discharge and other signs. Also, during inflammatory processes, adhesions form, which lead to severe discomfort. And when they rupture, acute and very severe pain occurs, which can even cause a state of shock.


The main symptoms of this disease are vague colicky pain and discharge in the middle of the cycle, which only become stronger over time. The pain may first appear on the right side and then move to the upper abdomen. Initially, approximately the same pain as during menstruation occurs in the middle of the cycle, and ultimately it may seem that the whole body below begins to burn.

Ovarian hyperstimulation

When a woman is being treated for infertility, the ovaries become much larger in size, large clusters of follicular cysts or a cystic large corpus luteum, as well as stromal edema, may appear.

In mild forms of the disease, weight gain, bloating, and pain in the lower abdomen are observed.

If the disease becomes severe, then shortness of breath, dropsy, sweating, electrolyte imbalance are added to these symptoms, and the volume of circulating blood also decreases.

Uterine or ovarian cancer

These conditions are very dangerous for every woman, and, unfortunately, obvious signs appear already in the later stages of development, so it is very important to regularly visit a gynecologist. The disease manifests itself in the presence of increasing abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle. In addition, the disease is usually accompanied by bleeding. The tumor is usually palpable if it is already very well developed.

Acute cystitis

This disease can be recognized by the appearance of sharp pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower part, frequent urination or blood in the urine.

Varicose veins of the pelvic veins

Women employed in positions where they have to work physically hard, constantly lift considerable weight, as well as those ladies who often became pregnant and gave birth, had abortions, those who have never had an orgasm, belong to a certain risk group for varicose veins pelvis It manifests itself as heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen, pain, as well as various types of vaginal discharge.

What to do if pain occurs?

If you experience abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle or even during menstruation, if you think that it is excessively strong, and also if it is accompanied by vomiting and fever, in addition, if it lasts longer than two days, then it is best to consult a specialist. This is necessary so that the doctor can make sure that such pain is not associated with the risk of disruption of the internal organs. In other situations, a timely visit to the doctor is important in order to begin treatment as quickly as possible. You will need to tell the doctor about all the symptoms that have appeared, be sure to name the length of the cycle, characterize how it begins, continues and ends. In addition, it is recommended to visit the ultrasound room and take all the necessary tests.

If the cause of the pain is ovulation, then there is nothing to worry about, and the doctor can simply prescribe contraceptives to regulate hormonal levels, reduce symptoms and relieve ovulatory or menstrual pain. This measure will also help avoid unplanned pregnancy.

If the use of contraceptives is not relevant, you can help yourself with mild painkillers. But still, these pains should not be so severe that you need to take medications because of them.

Dark discharge mid-cycle

Various types of discharge from the genital organs during menstruation or between them, which appear for unknown reasons and are of an unusual nature, are alarming signals for each woman. In such situations, anxiety appears and fears about the state of one’s health begin to torment. This leads to a natural desire to find out the reasons for the appearance of discharge. Now I would like to talk about what brown discharge means in the middle of the cycle, how dangerous they are and what needs to be done when they appear.

So, as statistics show, almost 80% of women have never encountered the problem of dark discharge that appears in the middle of the cycle. The rare representatives who do have discharge notice only a small amount of it. But the remaining 20% ​​experience heavy discharge, which appears mostly unexpectedly. In some cases, they can also occur after sexual intercourse.

It is very important to note that if brown or even bloody discharge appears in a pregnant woman, especially in combination with pain and malaise, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate a miscarriage. In other situations, there may be several options for the development of events.

When is dark discharge normal?

The first situation assumes that if brown discharge suddenly appears, nothing bad happens. In reality, this may well be the case: healthy women, under certain circumstances, may experience discharge, the dark color of which occurs due to droplets of blood entering it. In addition, mild nagging pain may be experienced in the middle of the cycle. So, the following can be classified as normal circumstances.

  1. Approaching menstruation. In this case, dark discharge in the middle of the cycle or at its end can be a harbinger and appear literally within a few hours or even a couple of days.
  2. The uterus gets rid of excess blood. This can occur under normal conditions for several days after menstruation.
  3. When taking birth control, you may experience discharge in the middle of your cycle.
  4. Too violent sexual intercourse. Discharge with blood after sex can be a consequence of microtraumas of the vaginal mucosa, which occur due to a small amount of lubrication or insufficient arousal.
  5. Beginning of sexual activity. After the very first sexual intercourse in their life and the next few times, girls may experience such discharge.

Discharge indicating the development of the disease

Unfortunately, there may be situations where dark discharge in the middle of the cycle is one of the symptoms of the disease. You need to worry in the following cases:

  • if the discharge appears in the middle of the cycle and contains blood, but the woman does not take any hormonal contraceptives;
  • when this phenomenon is accompanied by unpleasant abdominal pain, burning, irritation in the vagina, increased temperature, as well as pain during sexual intercourse;
  • the woman has not had menstruation for more than one year due to menopause;
  • if discharge appears almost constantly after sex.

You can also talk about pathology if the ovaries hurt very badly in the middle of the cycle.

Consult a doctor!

As you can see, discharge in the middle of the cycle is in many cases the norm, that is, it goes away with virtually no consequences. Along with this, proper treatment may be required under certain circumstances. The most important thing is to find out in time what is really causing such discharge. If you experience sharp pain or any other signs that you consider abnormal, or if you are sure that everything is not very good with your health, be sure to consult a doctor or call an ambulance as soon as possible. In any case, you should not ignore this fact and not react to it in any way, because your own health should always be your priority.

In obstetrics, the first day of the onset of pregnancy is considered the last day of extreme menstruation. This symbol was adopted due to the fact that to calculate the exact date extremely difficult. After all, conception can occur at any time within 24 hours after completion of sexual intercourse after ovulation. This is exactly the lifespan and expectation of fusion with a mature egg that sperm have inside a woman’s body.

What happens after conception?

A woman does not experience any sensations after the birth of a new life. The fertilized egg is sent to a place where it will subsequently attach itself. Only after consolidation can it be said that pregnancy has occurred. The egg may wander around in search of the right place attachments up to 10 days. The woman's body begins to rebuild. Hormonal levels change completely. The production of a hormone is activated, the function of which is to preserve the fetus.

What discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is considered normal?

According to doctors, pregnancy is early stages It is impossible to determine on your own. But, nevertheless, most women claim that they truly determined their position by seemingly insignificant changes and impulses.

Every woman with special attention monitors health after conception. Women are especially worried during their first pregnancy. One of the first questions a woman asks is what discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is normal?

After the birth of a new life has occurred, the quality and volume of vaginal discharge from a woman differs significantly from that of a non-pregnant woman. In this case, the discharge changes with increasing gestational age. Conventionally, according to time and nature, they are divided into three stages.

Undoubtedly, each person is individual. And what is considered normal for one may in no way affect another. So, some women do not notice changes in the body and find out about pregnancy already at a decent age.

Immediately after the birth of a new life

Conditional first stage of pregnancy. After fertilization, progesterone levels increase. And he, in turn, colors the discharge immediately after ovulation, if conception has occurred, white. Whites are considered normal, almost transparent discharge without smell. They report the formation of a mucus plug.

In exceptional cases, women find creamy discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred. Such secretions are more abundant, more sticky and similar to the protein of raw chicken egg. It is worth noting that these discharges are also normal.

After a couple of days after conception

After several days, the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, changes. Their color becomes closer to beige, yellow or pink. It is worth noting that the density also changes. The discharge becomes denser.

One week after conception

On the eighth day after fertilization, if the woman had a regular cycle, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. As a result, ruptures of one or more vessels are possible. Therefore, the discharge tends to be stained with blood. Thus, the selections receive a certain color:

  • Bloody. The discharge is a colorless liquid with clots or streaks of blood, not voluminous and short-term. However, you need to be careful, because if the bleeding is prolonged and is not expected to stop, plus it is supplemented by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, this alarming symptoms reporting health problems. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out diagnostic procedures.
  • Burgundy, closer to brown, discharge after ovulation, if conception occurred a week ago, is the norm. This color can be explained quite simply: in a certain group of women, the blood clots rather than leaves the uterine cavity.

Unhealthy discharge

Unhealthy discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, includes the following:

  • with a green tint;
  • with a yellow tint;
  • white curd;
  • with the smell of rot.

If you have discharge of this kind, you will have to see a gynecologist. Because they prove the presence of infections in the genitals. All infectious diseases must be treated before labor begins. This is done in order not to transmit the infection to the newborn.

It is worth noting that you should see a doctor if the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, appears again during the delay. Taking this step is necessary in order to maintain the pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

To panic or not?

Pregnancy is a very difficult period in a woman’s life for the body.

The body is completely rebuilt. A woman should try to treat all changes calmly. Even if the discharge does not seem entirely normal, you should not immediately panic and rush to extremes.

Menstruation or pregnancy?

Due to the fact that menstruation often begins with small discharge, a woman, due to inexperience, may confuse it with pregnancy. In order not to get confused and not to have false hopes for future motherhood, you will have to learn to distinguish between them. The main difference is that the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is not as abundant and darker in color.

But this method of determination is not suitable for women with scanty periods. In this case, the woman considers menstruation as implantation discharge and does not even think about the fact that life has already arisen inside her.

In addition to spotting, pregnancy can be determined by the following signs:

  • Basal temperature will change upward. The average is above thirty-seven degrees. First the temperature decreases and then increases. This temperature jump is a consequence of the production of progestogen (a hormone responsible for increasing temperature) and the release of estrogen (a hormone that lowers temperature). Fever lasts for several days.
  • Mild malaise, inexplicable laziness. Along with the temperature, fatigue accelerates. The woman thinks she has a cold. And fever and malaise are the first signs of a cold. Sometimes there is a really minor cold. This occurs due to decreased immunity. In the early stages of pregnancy, the use of potent drugs is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you should not self-medicate.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. The feeling of fullness of the bladder should not be accompanied by pain, cramping, and so on. Otherwise, it’s worth visiting a urologist and getting tested for infections, since pain during urination and a frequent desire to visit the ladies’ room indicate the development of cystitis or urethritis.
  • Drawing sensation in the pelvic area. Such sensations appear in a woman due to the fact that the uterus is enlarged and blood circulation increases.
  • Increased appetite. An obvious sign recently conceived pregnancy. This does not mean at all that you will want pickles, but many women report cravings for certain foods during pregnancy. Mother nature has arranged everything in such a way that a woman’s body itself determines when it should start eating more calories, as people say, “for two.”
  • Breast sensitivity increases. This sign of pregnancy appears after two weeks after fertilization. However, some group of women cannot feel their breasts at all. In such circumstances, pay attention to the color of the nipples. A pregnant woman's nipples will become darker in color.
  • There is a delay in menstruation, but there is spotting after ovulation if conception has occurred. Reviews from many women say that they did not notice any discharge at all.
  • But there may be another reason. Erosion of the uterus can cause spotting after ovulation, if conception has occurred. What are they? This discharge is bright red and profuse due to the increased blood circulation of a pregnant woman.

Women's health is a fragile thing. It seems like you dress for the weather and don’t freeze outside, and you follow your daily routine, and you try to control your stress level, but for some reason the reproductive system reminds you of itself. It happens that brown discharge appears in the middle of the cycle. Is such a symptom always a reason to worry about your health, or can this manifestation be a physiological norm? Let’s figure it out.

Why do I have brown discharge in the middle of my cycle?

What happens in a woman’s reproductive system is characterized by a clear periodicity. The cycle begins with the first days of menstruation, when menstruation is rejected functional layer endometrium and, together with the blood, is excreted from the body. Meanwhile, under the influence of estrogen hormones, another egg begins to mature in the ovarian follicles. About two weeks after the start of menstruation, she ovulates - leaves the follicle, and the ovaries begin to produce the hormone progesterone.

Such a change in hormonal levels in some cases provokes intermenstrual bleeding in the middle of the cycle, and since each organism is individual, they often only reflect normal physiological processes in a particular woman. There is no need to be immediately alarmed by the brown color of the secretion, since this color is acquired by the hemoglobin protein (part of the blood) after contact with oxygen molecules and oxidation by them. But when the color changes vaginal discharge you need to consult a gynecologist to prevent the development of pathology.

Based on color saturation, bloody discharge is conventionally divided into:

  • dark brown - sometimes appear when starting to take it hormonal contraceptives as a reaction to drug components;
  • light brown - also characteristic of taking contraceptives, often occurs with menstrual irregularities and inflammatory diseases;
  • bloody discharge of a red-brown color - indicates that the blood has been released recently and has not yet had time to clot; it often occurs after violent sexual intercourse due to microcracks in the walls of the vagina.

What discharge is considered normal?

It is normal for vaginal discharge to change throughout the cycle, provided that it is odorless and color-free. Immediately after the end of menstruation, the discharge should be transparent and scanty, only occasionally leaving a mark on the underwear. By the middle of the cycle, when the body is preparing for ovulation, the secretion released from the vagina becomes mucous, viscous, thick, resembling egg white, on such days, to maintain a feeling of cleanliness and dryness, you cannot do without using panty liners.

After the egg has left the follicle, the amount of discharge decreases again, it becomes less transparent, white in color, reminiscent of diluted milk, sometimes with clots resembling small curdled lumps, with a characteristic sour milk smell. If such discharge does not cause itching and irritation of the vulva, and after menstruation the discharge returns to normal, then this is a normal physiological phenomenon female body. You should know that the constancy of discharge throughout the cycle is a pathology.

Causes of brown discharge in women

The appearance of brown discharge in the middle of the cycle is uncharacteristic of its normal course, but is not always a pathology. Color changes often cause physical impact, for example, microtrauma of the vagina due to its insufficient lubrication during sex; such discharges disappear immediately after eliminating the actions that caused them. To establish the reasons for the change in discharge, a competent consultation is needed, because such a restructuring of the body indicates that new physiological or pathological factors have begun to operate in the body.


During this period, the hormonal background of the body changes, the ovarian follicle ruptures, the mature egg is released into abdominal cavity and the body prepares for its possible fertilization. Bloody discharge during ovulation appears due to rupture of the follicle; it is observed in a large percentage of women. If light spotting with bloody spots appears on a woman’s underwear at this time, which does not last more than 3 days, such discharge is not a pathology.


A slight discharge of blood is often observed when fertilization of the egg has occurred and the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine cavity. This action occurs without pain, but sometimes such a bloody trail indicates implantation of the egg. In the future, during the normal course of the period of bearing a child, there should be no red or brown discharge; their appearance is a reason for immediate appeal to a specialist.

Light brown discharge during pregnancy often indicates a lack of the hormone progesterone, which causes endometrial rejection, placental abruption and threatens spontaneous miscarriage. Another reason for such discharge is ectopic pregnancy. If the test confirms fertilization, but the fertilized egg has not descended into the uterine cavity, but remains in the fallopian tube, this situation requires immediate surgical intervention, since this is a real threat to the woman’s health and life.


Regular spotting brown discharge in the middle of the cycle, sometimes even black - common symptom this insidious disease. In endometriosis cells inner surface the uterus grows and extends beyond its boundaries. Since they react to the cyclical hormonal levels, both inside the uterus and where endometrial cells enter and develop, small monthly bleeding occurs, which causes inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

Because it's very serious illness, which threatens complications and even infertility - it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor when, in addition to dark vaginal discharge, a woman observes other signs of endometriosis:

  • the stomach pulls, the pain radiates to the lower back, there is an increase in pain before menstruation;
  • menstruation became more abundant;
  • there was pain during sex;
  • pain is felt in the lower abdomen when emptying the intestines or bladder.

Cervical erosion

Intermenstrual bleeding, indicating this disease, occurs not only in the middle of the cycle. Cervical erosion should be suspected when bleeding or ichor appears after each sexual intercourse or gynecological examination, that is, when there was contact with the cervix. The diagnosis is confirmed during a gynecological examination using a colposcope - a special optical device that allows the doctor to examine the identified change in the cervix with a magnification of 20-25 times and take a photo for observation during the treatment process.

Formations in the uterus

Brown spotting in the middle of the cycle is often one of the signs of neoplasms of the genital organs - both benign (fibroids, ovarian cysts) and malignant (uterine cancer). The formation and growth of fibroids is accompanied by intermenstrual bloody-brown, heavy discharge, sometimes turning into bleeding. This diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound, and subsequently requires constant monitoring, and sometimes, depending on the rate of tumor growth, surgical intervention.

Uterine cancer is the most dangerous disease, one of the symptoms of which is brown discharge. Oncology that begins in a woman’s reproductive system can spread to other organs. Women over 50 years of age are more susceptible to this disease. With malignant tumors in women during menopause, the discharge is spotting, irregular, becomes scarcer over time, and menstruation, which has almost stopped, suddenly resumes. Timely diagnosis illness gives a good chance of recovery and continuation of a full life.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

When a girl's periods just begin, as a rule, they are unstable in date, amount of discharge and often, in addition to normal menstrual bleeding, have the character of bloody spotting. Such inconsistent menstruation is acceptable in the first 2 years of the formation of the cycle, but in this case it is necessary to periodically consult with a specialist so as not to miss possible inflammatory processes.

Scanty bleeding occurs according to physiological reasons with amenorrhea - absence of menstruation for more than 6 months. You should know that the physiological norm is the absence of menstruation only during pregnancy and lactation, until a permanent monthly cycle in teenage girls and after menopause. Other cases of amenorrhea are a deviation from the norm. Since this is not an independent disease, but a condition that is a symptom of other diseases, amenorrhea requires observation by a specialist.

During premenopause, when hormonal levels gradually decrease, menstruation becomes irregular, sometimes occurring as brown spotting. If a woman who is in the menopause phase and her periods have completely stopped suddenly begins to experience spotting, regardless of its quantity, color saturation, duration and frequency, you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to miss initial stage oncological diseases.

Sexually transmitted diseases

When a woman is active sex life, has several sexual partners, if bloody brown discharge appears, she needs to be checked for the presence of diseases transmitted through direct unprotected contact. If uncharacteristic intermenstrual discharge of different colors (gray, brown, brown), with a fishy or rotten odor appears, and appears against the background of deterioration general condition body, there is every reason to suspect infection of the body and go to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

When spotting in the middle of the cycle is accompanied by a deterioration in general health, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back, painful sensations during sexual intercourse, sometimes there is an increase in temperature - then it is time to suspect inflammation of the genital organs, rectum or bladder. With such a combination of symptoms, it is very important not to self-medicate, but to establish accurate diagnosis by visiting a specialized medical institution.

Use of oral and vaginal contraceptives

If for contraception for the purpose of prevention unwanted pregnancy The doctor selected contraceptive hormonal drugs, at first they were used as by-effect spotting and even breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the cycle are allowed. Normally, such phenomena should go away after 3 months of use, but if after this period they are still observed, such contraceptives must be changed. The presence of brown discharge in the middle of the cycle is typical if an intrauterine device is used as a method of contraception.

In what cases should you visit a doctor?

When you notice changes in the color of your vaginal discharge and the appearance of blood in it, which was not the case before, it is always better not to self-medicate, not torment yourself with fears and worries, but to immediately go for a gynecological examination. In order for the diagnosis to be of high quality, it is better to visit the same doctor who knows your medical history, the characteristics of your body and whom you trust. Such a specialist will dispel groundless worries and, if necessary, help choose adequate treatment.

Video about spotting during the menstrual cycle

The appearance of brown-colored traces of vaginal secretion on your underwear is not a reason to panic. From our video you will learn competent and detailed explanations specialist about the reasons for the appearance of such discharge, hear how the hormonal background of a woman affects the nature of intermenstrual discharge and whether it necessarily needs to be adjusted:

Every second girl is bothered by brown discharge after menstruation, which begins to smear for various reasons and may have an unpleasant odor. If they appear immediately after menstruation, this does not imply health problems, and if they appear far after the end of the critical days, it is necessary to think about pathological processes in reproductive system women.

What is brown discharge after menstruation?

The reproductive system is fraught with many mysteries that sometimes frighten a woman. Dark discharge after menstruation is a problem for which people turn to gynecological clinics for help, but often fears are in vain, because the appearance of such a symptom immediately after the end of menstruation is the norm, not a pathology. If joins specific smell, pain in the abdomen, itching and burning – this is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor.

Why do I have brown discharge after my period?

Brown discharge at the end of menstruation occurs due to the fact that blood is secreted and coagulated, acquiring dark shades, and the duration of menstruation becomes longer. If this phenomenon occurs long after the end of the critical days, this is a cause for concern. This symptom accompanies serious illnesses uterine cavities such as endometritis or endometriosis.

Dark discharge after period a week later

Brown discharge a week after menstruation indicates development infectious process in the uterine cavity or vagina, o hormonal imbalance or about disorders in the body as a whole. If they appear two weeks after menstruation, this indicates possible implantation fertilized ovum into the wall of the uterus (accompanied by microbleeding at the end).

After menstruation, brown discharge with an unpleasant odor

Brown discharge that occurs immediately after menstruation has no odor, but during menstruation a specific odor appears due to blood. It indicates annexation pathogens. Pathogenic flora can be found in the uterine cavity (with purulent metroendometritis), in the vagina (accompanied by itching). The infection can change the structure and function of tissues, the epithelium loosens, and the vessels become brittle and permeable, so the discharge becomes brown.

Brown discharge before and after menstruation

Brown discharge is caused by various factors, but in almost all cases it is a sign of pathology. Reasons for the appearance of dark contents before and at the end of menstruation:

  • Use of contraceptives. Discharge appears in the initial period of taking contraceptives hormonal drugs. It is possible that this symptom may occur with long-term use and for emergency termination of pregnancy.
  • Presence of erosion. Often starts to smear with brown discharge if there is erosive lesion cervix.
  • Inflammation of the endometrium (mucous lining) of the uterus. The presence of endometritis is accompanied by abdominal pain and lumbar region the presence of scanty blood clots. If proper anti-inflammatory therapy is not started in a timely manner, serious complications can occur.
  • Uterine fibroids. This is a benign tumor that forms in any of the uterine layers. For a long time may not manifest itself, so you need to undergo regular examinations (once a year) and monitor your feelings.
  • Presence of a polyp. This is a formation (growth) on the mucous membrane, which appears due to hormonal imbalances and is accompanied by unpleasant brown discharge after menstruation.
  • For genital infections pathological symptoms may result in blood clots.
  • Oncology. Brown discharge after menstruation often occurs when malignant neoplasms uterus, cervix or vagina.

When is brownish discharge normal?

Normally, healthy women's periods end with brown discharge, but they can appear on the day before menstruation. If in the middle of the cycle (menstruation lasts 3-5 days) painful ovulation occurs (the release of an egg from the ovaries), it is accompanied by dirty brown spots on the underwear (pregnancy can be determined after a delay in menstruation). When using the Mirena intrauterine device, it may “smear” dark brown discharge one or two days is the norm.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Only a gynecologist who will carry out a series of tests can determine the norm or pathology. diagnostic examinations. It is not recommended to have sex before the tests. Diagnostic stages:

  1. External examination of the genitals and vagina.
  2. Colposcopic examination of the cervix (to detect the place where the blood is bleeding, to exclude inflammation of the mucous membrane).
  3. If the cervix and vagina are normal, an ultrasound scan of the cavity and fallopian tubes is prescribed (to identify neoplasms or hyperplasia, examine the uterine mucosa, and exclude ectopic pregnancy).
  4. When anatomically normal organs blood and urine tests are prescribed (for the presence of hormonal disorders and infectious agents).

What can you do about discharge after menstruation?

It is not recommended to look for the chronic cause of vaginal discharge on your own. Availability this symptom– this is a reason to seek the advice of a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures for you, because thanks to them you can determine the etiology pathological process. Based on the examination, the doctor will prescribe the correct conservative or surgical treatment.
