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My dog's stomach doesn't work, what should I do? Preoperative preparation and anesthesia. Surgical options

Gastric volvulus in dogs is a fairly common problem that always occurs unexpectedly and can lead to death in a matter of hours. Just yesterday, a healthy and cheerful animal, and a day later, an operating room, and a disappointing diagnosis. Today we will tell you about the causes, symptoms, treatment and surgery to correct gastric volvulus in dogs.

This disease develops against the background of seemingly ordinary flatulence. But as a result of the accumulation of gases, the stomach becomes displaced and twisted. With many associated complications. The disease progresses at lightning speed, within 4-12 hours the condition worsens even without treatment. qualified assistance death inevitable. On the picture X-ray miniature pinscher, a boy with gastric volvulus:

It is very difficult to identify one or more exact causes of gastric volvulus in dogs, but by systematizing the data, it is possible to identify risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease.

  • It is more common in large and giant breeds, but gastric volvulus can occur in any dog, without exception.
  • Predisposing factors also include weakness of the ligaments that hold the stomach, hereditary predisposition, chronic diseases organs of the digestive system and structural features chest. Namely, the ratio of its width (the distance between the ribs) and the depth (the distance from the lower point of the sternum to the withers), when the indicator is above 1.4 - the animal is at risk. The immediate impetus for the development of the disease most often comes from improper maintenance and feeding.
  • The presence of heavy, low-grade, bulky foods in the diet that cause bloating can cause gastric volvulus in dogs.
  • Large portions and greedy eating of food happen when the dog is fed once a day.

In addition to the above reasons, volvulus can be caused by accumulation in the stomach. large mass indigestible objects that do not pass into the dog's intestines. These items often include ungnawed bones, toy parts and small stones.

In addition, the reasons for the development of this pathology may be genetically determined.


Next we will look in detail external symptoms gastric volvulus in a dog. The accumulation of gases leads to expansion of the stomach. The next stage is its immediate displacement and twisting, which entails displacement of the spleen, compression of nerves and vital vessels. Innervation and blood circulation throughout the body are disrupted. Stagnation of blood leads to respiratory failure, the amount of toxins increases, heart function is disrupted, and state of shock and death.

For reasons not yet determined, volvulus most often occurs at night. Gastric volvulus in dogs is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Increasing volume abdominal wall and its pain when palpated.
  • The animal behaves restlessly, breathing is frequent and shallow.
  • Excessive salivation, constant urge to vomit.
  • The gums become pale, and sometimes there is loss of consciousness.

The first thing the owner should do, even if there are “much” symptoms, is to give no-shpa or analgin and urgently take it to the clinic.

Diagnostic methods

This diagnosis can be accurately made only in a veterinary clinic. A diagnostic laparoscopy prescribed by a veterinarian can completely confirm or remove suspicion of gastric volvulus. You can temporarily alleviate the animal's suffering by inserting a special probe into the stomach, through which the gases filling the stomach will escape. However, after some time the gases accumulate again, and the procedure has to be repeated. All this confirms gastric obstruction.


Gastric volvulus in dogs is treated in the following way. After the animal is delivered to the clinic, a presumptive diagnosis is made based on the symptoms and an x-ray examination is prescribed. Usually, x-ray abdominal cavity enough to confirm the diagnosis, since the picture on the picture is very specific. Sometimes additional probing of the stomach is performed. Some doctors use ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment of gastric volvulus in a dog always involves surgical intervention - surgery. And the sooner the diagnosis is made and the operation is performed, the higher the chances of recovery.

Surgery and post-operative care

Immediately after the diagnosis is confirmed, the animal goes to the operating table. Sometimes, before surgery, a puncture is made in the peritoneum to remove air and reduce pressure on the walls of the stomach. Measures are being taken to stabilize the condition. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdominal wall, returns the stomach to its natural position and fixes it using a special technology that helps prevent gastric volvulus in dogs in the future. After this, the stomach is emptied and washed using a probe.

It happens that part of the wall of the stomach, and sometimes the spleen, dies, then it is necessary to resort to their removal. IN final stage During the operation, the entire abdominal cavity is washed with an antiseptic, examined for the presence of bleeding, and if there is none, the wound is sutured.

Postoperative monitoring of sick dogs who have suffered gastric volvulus is carried out in accordance with general rules postoperative management of animals. To begin with, with the help of laboratory and ultrasound examinations, identify all gastric disturbances and treat or eliminate them.

The severity of the postoperative course of the disease will depend on the severity of the operated pathology, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases, as well as the age of the animal. After all, it is known that puppies and strong young dogs recover and recover faster than older animals. The dog’s condition can stabilize and return to normal within a day after the operation. IN severe cases This will take up to 4-5 days. Usually the pet stays in the hospital for 2-3 days.

After the operation the animal is on starvation diet for 1–2 days, the seam is treated daily. The surgical wound is under a bandage. Additionally, antibiotics, supportive and antiemetic drugs are prescribed. Stitches are usually removed after two weeks.

What can be confused with gastric volvulus?

Acute gastric dilation is a volvulus-like condition. Only with it the stomach does not twist, but only swells from the accumulation of gases. All symptoms may indicate gastric volvulus - in an anxious dog painful stomach suddenly increases in size.

Under treatment this pathology using a probe inserted into the stomach and the release of accumulated gases through it. Sometimes a puncture of the stomach is required: it is pierced with a sharp needle, through which gases are released. After the procedure, the animal immediately experiences relief.


The basis preventive measures with gastric volvulus in dogs - proper feeding and a balanced diet.

  • Food should be of high quality, easily digestible, and warm.
  • It is important to divide the daily portion into several doses.
  • After and before feeding, you need to limit physical activity.
  • Dogs prone to pathology sometimes undergo surgery as a preventive measure. It is called gastropexy and involves fixing the stomach to prevent it from volvulus.

The outcome of the disease always depends on correct diagnosis and timely treatment.

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Most dogs experience stomach upset at some point in their lives, and some have it quite often. Stomach problems can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, bloating and loss of appetite. Typically, the disorder is easy character and can be treated at home, but sometimes it can be more serious. This article will help you determine how seriously upset your dog's stomach, and whether you can cope with it yourself, or is it better to consult a veterinarian.


Part 1

When to visit a veterinarian

    Remember if this has happened before. If your dog is experiencing digestive problems for the first time or you little puppy, call your veterinarian and consult with him. Small dogs and puppies have low body reserves, and even mild diarrhea can quickly dehydrate them.

    Check to see if your dog has any chronic illnesses. If your pet is suffering chronic disease, check with your veterinarian to see if this is causing stomach upset. In this case, you can take preventive measures which will help prevent stomach problems.

    Make sure the disorder is not caused by medication. If you are giving your dog medication, read the instructions carefully or consult your veterinarian for possible side effects. Some drugs can cause nausea, diarrhea, and other stomach problems.

    • If you suspect the disorder is caused by medications, consult your veterinarian about changing medications.
    • Your dog may spit out or regurgitate the medicine, even if it is a regular medicine. normal operation stomach. Consult your veterinarian about the best way to administer the medication to your dog.
  1. Eliminate toxic foods. Some foods are toxic to dogs and should not be given to them. These foods can cause stomach upset or more serious health problems, including rapid death. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog eats or drinks the following:

    • Raisins or grapes
    • Spoiled meat or other expired or moldy foods
    • Boiled bones - boiling bones becomes brittle and can damage digestive tract animal
    • Chewing gum or products with xylitol
    • Alcoholic drinks
    • Avocado
    • Macadamia (Australian nut) or walnuts
    • Onion garlic
    • Tea, coffee or anything else with caffeine
    • Chocolate in any form
    • Yeast dough
    • Cherry, apricot, peach or apple seeds, mustard seeds.
  2. Check for injury. In case of injury, especially if the head, chest or abdomen is injured, call your veterinarian for advice. The dog may have a concussion, shock, or internal organ damage.

    Examine the animal's stool and urine. Just like in humans, stomach problems in dogs are often accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting. If your pet is vomiting, has diarrhea, or has unusual-looking urine, contact your veterinarian.

    • You should immediately contact a veterinarian if there is blood, bloody or tarry discharge in the vomit or stool. Black, tarry stool may contain digested blood.
    • Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog is vomiting uncontrollably or if the vomit contains undigested food, indicating bloating, which is common in broad-chested animals. purebred dogs. In this case, emergency medical attention is required.
  3. Visit your veterinarian. If you don't know what's causing the stomach problems and your dog looks really sick, you should consult a specialist. Your pet may have a serious infection if he has dull eyes, lethargy, decreased appetite, blood in his vomit or stool, or abdominal pain. In this case, medical attention is required.

    Make sure the reaction is not caused by a food sensitivity. Dogs may have intolerances or sensitivities to certain foods; real food allergy It is quite rare and usually appears on the skin. If you suspect your pet has a food sensitivity, remove foods that commonly trigger this reaction in dogs from their diet. Replace them with new foods for a few weeks. Gradually introduce the same foods and see if stomach problems arise. Dogs are often sensitive to the following foods:

    • Grain products, such as wheat and corn
    • Certain types of meat (such as chicken or beef)
    • Try, for example, replacing these products with boiled potatoes and duck
    • If changing your diet does not help your stomach problems, contact your veterinarian.
  4. Double check your water sources. What kind of water does your pet drink? Sometimes water contains chemical substances, which are safe for people but harmful for dogs. Try a water change: Give your dog bottled water or filtered water. If stomach problems do not go away after this, try changing your pet's diet or contact your veterinarian.

Part 2

Relief from minor stomach problems

    Make sure your dog always has water. Your pet should not lack fluids, as dehydration can lead to serious complications. However, make sure your dog doesn't drink excess water or didn't absorb it too quickly.

    • Sometimes drinking water too quickly can cause nausea and vomiting
    • If your pet refuses to drink water, contact your veterinarian
  1. Don't give your dog anything to eat for 12-24 hours. Give your stomach a rest to digestive system the animal was able to rebuild. When the disorder will pass and the dog wants to eat again, move on to the next step.

  2. Calculate how much food you need to give your animal. While your dog is experiencing stomach problems, you will have to prepare a porridge-like mixture for him. Determine your pet's weight (in kilograms). Then divide by 10 and multiply by 2.756. As a result, you will have the required number of glasses of food.

    • Daily food intake (in glasses) = 2.756 * [(dog weight)/10]
    • For example, if your pet weighs 12 kilograms, he should be given 3.3 cups of food per day.
  3. Put your dog on a gentle diet. For speedy recovery Dogs will do well on a diet of ⅔ white rice and ⅓ white meat. White meat can be chicken, rabbit or white fish.

    • Boil the rice until it is soft
    • If your pet is a picky eater, add beef broth
    • Do not give your dog red meat, eggs or cottage cheese. These foods are not easy enough to digest.

Gastric volvulus in dogs cannot be called rare pathology, it is quite often diagnosed in our four-legged friends. Moreover, it arises unexpectedly, develops rapidly, and the owner has only a few hours to deliver the pet to veterinary clinic, otherwise the animal will die. How does such a dangerous pathological condition manifest itself, and what methods are used to treat it?

This disease is due to the fact that, unlike the human stomach, the dog’s stomach is very weakly fixed, in addition, it is located horizontally. All this significantly increases the risk of twisting the organ around the esophagus and contributes to the development of associated complications. This disease has not yet been fully studied, but experts still identify a number of factors that provoke gastric volvulus:

  1. Dimensions, body weight and age of the dog. In large, massive individuals, the internal ligaments are stretched more intensely, so they quickly lose their elasticity. They are not able to fix the filled organ in the desired position, which leads to its twisting.
  2. Unbalanced diet. Dogs, in fact, are carnivores, which many owners forget about by including a lot of grains and vegetables in their menu, or feeding the dog with low-quality dry food. Both are wrong, since 70-75% of your pet’s diet should consist of meat ingredients. The dog does not receive the necessary components and begins to eat more, which increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract. The walls of the stomach become greatly stretched, become thinner, and their elasticity decreases.
  3. Irregular, rare meals. Dogs that are fed once a day or less frequently are at risk for gastric volvulus.
  4. Eating food quickly. Pets who actively consume food, practically without chewing, swallow a lot of excess air, which causes the organ to expand.
  5. Walking immediately after feeding. If the owner feeds the pet and immediately takes it outside, then the stomach, filled undigested food, can stretch and twist when the dog is actively moving.
  6. Heredity. If the puppy’s parents suffered from a similar pathology, then it may later manifest itself in him.
  7. Stressful situations. According to statistics, anxious, restless dogs that have suffered a nervous shock are more likely to suffer from bloat.

More often, gastric volvulus develops in representatives of large and giant breeds: bullmastiffs, Dobermans, Labradors, etc.

Symptoms of gastric volvulus in dogs

The pathology develops so quickly that within an hour or two the dog develops pronounced symptoms:

  • general condition worsens sharply (with activity after feeding);
  • the pet is anxious, constantly fiddling around in search of a more comfortable position that can reduce pain symptoms;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting with copious discharge salivary mucous fluid that does not stop after emptying the stomach;
  • the volume of the abdominal cavity increases rapidly; when listening, you can determine strong gas formation, but there are no sounds of intestinal activity;
  • blueness or pallor of the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa, mouth, and genitals occurs;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • body temperature decreases;
  • due to the fact that the pathology leads to compression of blood vessels and nerve trunks, it is more and more difficult for the dog to rise.

The owner who discovered similar condition Unfortunately, the pet will not be able to help him on his own. Here it is important not to get confused and take him to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Diagnostic methods

First of all, veterinarian examines the dog, palpates the peritoneum. Afterwards, he collects an anamnesis, interviewing the owner, especially important information are what the dog ate, how long ago and how much.

As the main diagnostic method An x-ray of the peritoneum is prescribed. Usually this is enough to identify any violations that have occurred. In some clinics, an ultrasound examination is performed instead of an X-ray.

It is possible to confirm the occurrence of gastric volvulus by inserting a gastric tube. The tube releases excess gases that fill the stomach, providing short-term relief. But gas accumulation continues, and after some time the abdominal cavity swells again. This is what it is a clear sign gastric obstruction.

Naturally, for similar procedure Certain skills are required, so it must be carried out by a specialist.

Treatment of gastric volvulus

No pills or physical procedures can rid an animal of this pathological condition. An operation is required. And the sooner the bloat is diagnosed and the four-legged patient is operated on, the more likely it is that the pet will recover.

The intervention is carried out urgently; in some cases, surgeons puncture the abdominal wall to release excess air and reduce pressure on the organ.

The operation includes the following steps:

  • the surgeon cuts a small section of the abdominal wall;
  • gives the twisted organ a normal position;
  • fixes the stomach using a special technology that subsequently prevents the organ from curling up - suturing it to the abdominal wall;
  • Using a probe, the specialist empties and rinses the affected organ;
  • if dead tissue is discovered during surgical manipulation, then its excision is required;
  • Finally, the abdominal cavity is washed antiseptics, examines for bleeding;
  • at the end of the procedure, if the surgeon is satisfied that there are no complications, he will stitch the incision.

After surgical intervention, the four-legged patient is prescribed a series of tests and ultrasound to identify possible violations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If pathologies are detected, the doctor treats them. In certain situations, after surgery, the patient needs parenteral nutrition.

The duration of the recovery and rehabilitation period is determined by many factors - the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and other ailments, age characteristics dogs. Young animals rehabilitate much faster than their older counterparts. Usually the animal is in the hospital for 2-3 days; in a complicated condition, it takes about 4-5 days to recover.

The pet must fast for two days, and its stitches are treated daily. The wound left after the operation is covered with a bandage. To avoid the development of infection, the dog is prescribed antibacterial agents, in addition, the doctor may recommend taking supportive and antiemetic medications. Suture material removed after 10-14 days.

What can this condition be confused with?

Signs of volvulus are similar to those of acute gastric dilatation. Only on the second pathological condition twisting of the organ does not occur; only swelling occurs due to accumulated gases. In case of acute dilation, it is enough to use a probe; less often, gases are released through puncture of the stomach walls - a specialist pierces the organ with a sharp needle, and gases come out through the holes.

The procedures relieve the patient from unpleasant symptoms. This disorder is not dangerous, but very often volvulus develops after such a pathology, so the dog needs to be examined.

Gastric volvulus is a serious pathology, the development of which is much easier to prevent than to send your four-legged pet to the operating table. The owner should take care of the correct good nutrition dogs, adhering to certain rules, and ensure good conditions content. You should be especially careful with older animals, because it is much more difficult for them to cope with various kinds diseases.

A sudden disease that in most cases leads to death is volvulus. Symptoms in dogs are very specific and indicate that the spleen/stomach has become wrapped around the esophagus so that food can no longer move through.

Most often affected by this disease are large breeds dogs. There are many reasons that provoke an incident. They can only be treated surgically, however, there are no guarantees - often the animal’s heart cannot stand it.

The main danger lies in the rapidity of the disease. In order to react in time, you need to know how volvulus begins in a dog. Symptoms, treatment and probable reasons All owners of four-legged pets should know this.

Most often, the situation goes like this: a pet goes out for a walk, suddenly loses calm, groans, falls, may vomit, and its stomach swells. The condition deteriorates very quickly, after just two hours the animal dies due to a stopped heart, compressed by gases.

Dog stomach

The animal's stomach is a pouch that wide part wrapped forward, while its posterior part is noticeably narrowed. On one side is the esophagus, the other faces the intestines. The fold at the exit from the esophagus is located so that it is necessary to make an effort to push food, and at the same time air is pushed out.

The empty stomach is located under the ribs, and when full it reaches the lower abdomen. This ability of the stomach allows the spleen to wrap around and the stomach to move quite freely.

Why does volvulus happen?

The symptoms of this disease in dogs are listed below; first, it’s worth considering why it occurs. First of all, the following factors are considered to be the causes of the disease:

Individual characteristics of the individual: age, size, physique. Dogs weighing more than 25 kg are most susceptible to the disease. This happens due to weakness and high sprain of the ligaments. In this state, the muscles cannot hold full stomach in the right place. In addition, the disease depends on the shape of the abdomen and the depth of the chest. Veterinarians believe that bloat most often occurs in Labradors, shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, greyhounds, black terriers and other similar breeds;

Poor nutrition. Many people consider it acceptable to feed their pet inexpensive cereals, liquid food, vegetables and low-quality feed. However, none of this menu is natural for animals, so stomach problems are very common. Increasing the amount of food leads to distension of the stomach. Overeating can lead to sagging of its walls. These findings are common in at-risk dogs.

Genetic predisposition. Before buying a puppy, you should find out in detail what diseases his ancestors had, and whether they had stomach problems. Although the gene that is responsible for stomach diseases, has not been found by scientists, most experts claim that one of the determining factors for volvulus is heredity.

Rare feedings. Some owners find that it is easier to feed their dog one large meal rather than giving it several small meals a day. However, this approach contributes to the emergence serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including volvulus.

Walking immediately after eating. This version is controversial, but many doctors believe that volvulus in dogs, the symptoms of which are familiar to every specialist, more often occurs when active movement with a full stomach.

Character. It seems that he has nothing to do with stomach problems However, according to research, dogs with a cheerful personality type practically do not suffer from this disease. Whereas animals that are constantly restless and anxious quite often end up “under the knife” of the surgeon.

Development of the disease

Volvulus (symptoms in dogs develop extremely quickly) has several stages:

Gases formed during the fermentation process accumulate in the stomach, causing painful cramps;

The stomach and spleen are twisted;

Pressure in the sternum and peritoneum increases;

Violated water exchange, toxicosis occurs, and as a result - death.

in dogs

The first symptoms appear immediately after the twisting of organs: the state of health deteriorates significantly, often against the background generous intake food or physical activity. In addition, the animal is worried, clearly experiencing painful sensations, cannot achieve a comfortable posture. Sometimes there are urges to vomit, and the abdomen enlarges. In this case, there is no vomiting, since the twisted organs do not allow the absorbed products to escape.

If the owner suspects a volvulus in a dog, the symptoms after just a few hours will be as follows:

Drop in body temperature;

Difficulty breathing;

Sudden expansion of the abdominal walls;

Pallor of mucous membranes;

Apathy replacing anxiety;

Weakness of the limbs;

Heavy salivation.


Diagnosing the disease is not so easy; it requires a set of measures. First of all, specialists study the picture of the disease. After this, they need to determine whether the animal's stomach is dilated or twisted, since these problems have the same symptoms. To clarify, a probe is inserted. Its dimensions depend on the size of the animal. If the tube enters the stomach without difficulty, we're talking about about bloating. If the passage is difficult, intestinal volvulus in dogs is observed. The symptoms and causes of this disease are quite clear, so the diagnosis will be made quickly.

If there are problems in diagnosing, an x-ray of the cavity is required, which will clarify whether intestinal volvulus has occurred in the dog.


It is pointless to fight this disease with folk remedies - this leads to a loss of time and the rapid death of the animal. It is necessary to carry out therapy, which consists of a puncture of the abdominal cavity, which allows to reduce the pressure and remove gases. At the same time, the doctor administers painkillers and hormones. With this, remedies for vomiting and cramps are used.

As soon as the preliminary procedures are completed, the operation begins, during which it is necessary to rotate the stomach to its proper place, install a probe and remove food debris from the cavity. After this, the stomach is washed and sutured to the abdominal wall to avoid a repeat of the situation.

If part of the stomach has undergone necrosis, it is removed. Sometimes the spleen also has to be removed.

After the operation, the animal remains in the hospital, where it can be given food through a tube. The dog's condition is controlled with antiemetic drugs and antibiotics. In addition, it is necessary to care for the seams using antiseptics.

What does the disease threaten?

Volvulus in a dog (everyone needs to know what to do in this case) is accompanied by serious changes in all organs.

Significant stretching of the stomach provokes mucosal ischemia, leading to the death of cells lining the stomach. Due to the fact that the veins are compressed, there is a weakening of the venous return of blood to the heart, a malfunction of the brain and heart. Blood stagnation is a common consequence volvulus. It leads to the active proliferation of bacteria and thrombosis of various veins.

Volvulus leads to respiratory failure as the enlarged stomach presses on the diaphragm.


To avoid this terrible disease, must be observed certain rules handling of animals. It is necessary to feed your pet frequently, trying to provide him with as much food as possible. natural products. You should not take your animal for a walk immediately after eating. At the slightest suspicion of volvulus, you need to give the animal analgesics and urgently take it to the veterinarian.

This surgical disease, like gastric volvulus, occurs with mechanical obstruction or spasm (reflex) of the cardia and pylorus of the organ itself. This entails the accumulation of gases, displacement of the axes, and is also fraught with impaired blood circulation in the big circle, the appearance and development of shock, from which the dog dies.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to perform urgent surgical intervention within four but not more than five hours, otherwise the death can no longer be prevented. This disease can rightfully be considered fatal for a dog, because, despite its prevalence, the mortality rate after surgery remains high and amounts to 25%. The probability of relapse is very high, slightly exceeding 30% in the first 2–8 months after a successful operation.

This disease was first described in 1952, where all surgical actions were clearly shown, but the causes of the disease were not indicated.

Etiology of the disease

Large animals weighing more than 25 kg are primarily susceptible to this. If we consider by breed, these are dogs such as East European and German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzer, Basset Hound, Great Dane, Black Terrier, Doberman, Labrador, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Russian Greyhound and some other breeds. However, we should not forget that this disease can occur in a dog of any breed. You must also pay attention to the constitution of the dog, and specifically to the width of the chest. The wider it is, the greater the risk.

The main risk factor is feeding and caring for the dog. You should not overfeed the animal, give it bulky food - various cereals, including wheat and pearl barley. And under no circumstances cook industrial or low-grade cereals for your dog. You shouldn't feed too much before going for a walk.

Gastric volvulus may occur due to anatomical features dogs, if the organ is too mobile. It can occur with detected or undetected hyperplasia of the stomach walls of a particular individual, or as a result of frequent gastritis, their chronic form.

Signs of the disease and its diagnosis

The pathogenesis of gastric volvulus in dogs consists of a number of stages, namely:
  1. Primary filling of the stomach with gases as a result of fermentation or spasms.
  2. Torsion of the stomach and spleen near the esophagus.
  3. Poor circulation, increased blood pressure.
  4. Hypoxia, toxicosis, death.
The main stages in the development of the disease are the first (filling of the stomach itself with gases) and the third (impaired blood circulation).

Diagnosis of the disease is quite simple, and the dog owner will certainly notice the first signs. First of all, this sharp deterioration the animal’s well-being, this mainly happens after a heavy meal and an active walk. The abdominal cavity increases in volume, the dog becomes restless, trying to lie down in the most painless position. The animal makes unsuccessful attempts to vomit. If such symptoms occur, he must be quickly taken to a veterinary clinic.

The doctor may record tachycardia, enlargement of the chest and abdominal cavity, decreased body temperature, and weakening of the limbs. He will not be able to listen to intestinal peristalsis.

However, such symptoms are also similar to signs of another disease - acute dilatation of the stomach, so it is customary to use a probe to diagnose volvulus. A probe of a certain thickness is inserted through the pharynx into the esophagus. If the probe cannot penetrate further into the stomach, then a diagnosis of gastric volvulus is made. If the probe passes into the stomach and releases the gases accumulated there, then acute dilation is evident; the dog is simply rinsed and given an antifermentative agent.

In addition to probing, the diagnosis can be made using x-ray examination. By reviewing x-rays (X-rays), your veterinarian will be able to determine exactly what disease your dog has. For the reliability of the study, X-ray images are required in two or three projections. A conclusion about gastric volvulus can also be made using ultrasound. But the simplest and most common method for diagnosing gastric volvulus in dogs is clinical settings is to use a probe.

So, we can conclude that dogs with a body weight of 25 kg or more, aged 4 years and older, whose owners use a voluminous type of feeding, overfeed the animal or do not care about the quality of food for its nutrition, are at risk. In order to provide timely help to a dog and save its life, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease and immediately do surgery. The dog owner must clearly know the etiology and pathogenesis of gastric volvulus and immediately take the dog to the clinic when the first symptoms of the disease appear.