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Treatment of cancer using the Asd Dorogova method. Signs, symptoms, stages and treatment of lung cancer

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The most terrible diseases are cancer; they have been known to people since time immemorial. And if our ancestors could not fight these diseases, then modern medicine, both traditional and folk, made a breakthrough in this matter. ASD fraction 2 against oncology There are legends about this wonderful drug, although ASD fraction 2 is allowed exclusively in veterinary medicine. The world is overwhelmed with news of effective application, especially after the use of ASD, reviews in oncology indicate positive results in the treatment of people. This topic is discussed quite often in the press and online publications. Behind last years Interest in this drug has grown greatly. Official medicine does not recognize the use of the ASD fraction for the treatment of diseases, it follows that when deciding to treat with this drug, you yourself are responsible for your life.

It is claimed that the drug can significantly increase a person’s immunity, which means that in the fight against cancer, the patient has a good chance of winning by using the fraction for treatment. The product has a number of positive impacts on human body: has an antibacterial effect; is the strongest adaptogen, due to its structure similar to living cells; doesn't have side effects; does not negatively affect the fetus in the womb; provides normal hormonal background; fixes everything metabolic processes in organism; is a modulator immune system body. Eventually, ASD faction 2 in oncology, it affects not a specific cell, microbe or virus, but the entire human body as a whole, which independently destroys the “pest” enriched with material and forces due to the influence of the drug. Anticancer therapy Precancerous forms, oncology ASD Fraction 2 patient reviews indicate that the therapy has positive results in treating diseases. It is also used for treatment general scheme and dosage of the drug, compresses must be applied to external tumors. Of primary importance in such diseases is the age of the patient, the location and nature of the cancerous lesions.

Application of ASD 2 in initial stages oncological diseases provides rapid pain relief and stops the progression of the disease. If the cancer is in an advanced state, treatment should not be standard scheme, and take up to five milliliters of the drug with water twice a day. All Taken measures should be discussed with your doctor and under his strict supervision. Reading information: ASD fraction 2, what a person should drink when sick

Impact treatment method for oncology

from the 1st to the 5th day - take 5 drops of ASD fraction 2

from 6th to 10th - 10 drops each

from 11th to 15th - 15 drops each

from 16th to 20th - 20 drops each

from 21st to 25th - 25 drops each

from the 26th to the 30th - 30 drops each

from 31st to 35th - 35 drops each

from 36th to 40th - 40 drops each

from 41 to 45 - 45 drops each

from the 46th to full recovery - 50 drops of the drug at a time.

Gentle treatment regimen for oncology

When taking the second fraction of ASD for oncology, patient reviews indicate that it was easier for them to take the drug using a more gentle treatment method. On Monday, take three drops of ASD 2, dissolved in 30-40 milliliters of strong tea. On Tuesday, take five drops of the drug. On Wednesday take 7 drops. On Thursday take 9 drops. On Friday take 11 drops. On Saturday take 13 drops. Sunday is a break. In the second, third and fourth weeks of treatment, ASD 2 is taken according to the same regimen. Then a seven-day break, and from Monday they drink a fraction according to a similar scheme with 5 five drops, and add 2 drops in the following days. The course of treatment is four weeks, with a break of seven days. If you feel worse, you must stop taking the drug. Useful link: Treatment folk remedies uterine cancer Complex treatment oncology Anticancer therapy to achieve an effective result must be comprehensive, so the second ASD fraction in oncology is used simultaneously with herbal medicines from 15-20 medicinal herbs in the form of infusions of water and alcohol (40%) tinctures. It would be appropriate to take antitumor herbs - aconite, hemlock, etc. In each case, the herbs are selected individually in order to provide a multifaceted effect. therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

ASD fraction 2 – for external use. The drug is not officially recognized by the Ministry of Health, but is used traditional medicine to get rid of cancer cells. When other methods are ineffective, Dorogov's stimulator is the only effective remedy in oncology.

The faction was recognized by doctors in the 20th century, but due to the veterinary education of the developer, doctors did not accept with due respect the uniqueness of the non-medicinal product. The effectiveness of the medicine has been proven by folk practice. 70 years after its development, the popularity of the product has only increased.

Oncologists evaluated the drug 40 years ago, but there was no official approval for use against cancer. Instructions for use of ASD 2 and 3 have not been developed, since non-drug methods the fight against pathology is not recognized by doctors. In oncology, all drugs are good that will get rid of self-replicating cells.

ASD fraction 2 for oncology – how it is used

Fraction ASD 2 is designed for external use. The drug is popular in oncology for different types skin tumors (melanoma, nevi, warts). At correct observance Treatment regimens make it possible to achieve the disappearance of the formation within a month.

Fraction ASD 3 is characterized by toxicity, therefore it is prescribed in low doses (for use in humans, instructions from Dorogov).

In oncology, the drug is used in Russian Federation. When studying foreign sources, there is not even any mention of the possibility of using Dorogov’s antiseptic against malignant cells. The scientific world is not going to openly discuss the possibility of using non-drug drugs for humans. Let them show in practice high efficiency. Without adequate justification, a drug should not be prescribed to patients.

Only in cases of hopelessness did oncologists advise patients to use the Dorogov fraction. Amazing discoveries were made in such cases. Modern literature takes a more judicious approach to describing the properties of the ASD 2 or 3 fraction.

Check out global medical forums. You won’t find any mention of Asd anywhere. Most positive feedback among Russian citizens. Foreign sources either hide the drug from the public or are categorically against its use.

Published: May 28, 2015 at 04:19 pm

The use of ASD 2 has positive results in the prevention and treatment of stomach cancer. This is an antiseptic stimulant obtained from raw materials of animal origin. The feasibility of using the fraction for stomach cancer is due to its stimulation of the secretory function of the digestive glands, improving the activity of tissue and digestive enzymes. To vegetative nervous system and the central nervous system has an activating effect. Increases the permeability of K+, Na+ ions, as well as nutrients through cell membranes, ASD 2 is a powerful immunostimulant with pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Non-toxic and non-cumulative.

Due to its similarity in structure to a living cell, ASD 2 is not rejected by the body and easily overcomes the placental and tissue barriers. Helps normalize the function of metabolic processes, both in all kinds of dystrophic conditions, and in healthy body for the purpose of prevention. The fraction does not affect any microbe or bacterium, but the human body itself. Gives him the material and strength to fight the disease himself.

Treatment of stomach cancer with ASD 2

Dorogov (the creator of the faction) developed a regimen of four doses of the drug for stomach cancer. The dosage was 5 drops of ASD 2 every four hours, always starting at 8:00. And so on for five days, and then a break is needed for two to three days. Afterwards, another five-day therapy, but 10 drops of the drug four times a day and then another break. After each break, increase the number of drops by 5. And continue treatment of stomach cancer up to 50 drops per time of taking the drug. Having reached this maximum, continue to take 50 drops at a time until complete recovery.

ASD 2 for stomach cancer is taken only in diluted form. It is recommended to dissolve any number of drops in a glass of water or milk. Such strict use of the drug is not suitable for all patients. Therefore, you should start taking 1 drop of ASD 2 per day and increase the dosage by 1 drop over 25 days. The appointment time remains the same (8:00). And already on the 26th day, start taking the fraction four times, 25 drops at a time. And continue this way for five days. Then you need to reduce the dosage to 20 per dose four times a day. After five days of this use, increase the amount again to 25 drops per dose. Use the same four times a day for five days. Next, increase the number of drops to 30 at a time, and this must be continued until complete recovery from cancer.

Is it true that it is possible with the drug ASD factions 2 to cure cancer? Antiseptic stimulant invented by A.V. Dorogov – powerful tool, having wide range effects and facilitating therapy various pathologies. The use of ASD by patients suffering from cancer is worth discussing separately.

The creator of the drug believed that when precancerous conditions, the elixir is capable of giving positive result even if it is used according to the usual preventive regimen. For oncology skin Dorogov advised using compresses. For cancer internal organs the dose should be calculated taking into account individual characteristics organism, the age of the patient, the location and characteristics of the neoplasm and the stage of its development. Let's consider options for taking the drug for cancer.

Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov helped many people in the fight against a dangerous disease - cancer. The product, according to the inventor, promotes:

  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • slowing down the progression of malignant neoplasms;
  • improvement general condition and well-being.

Dorogov's impact scheme

In complex advanced cases Dorogov advised using a loading dose of the drug - 5 ml of the composition, diluted in ½ glass of water, twice a day.

The scientist never forced the elixir on anyone or insisted on taking it. He always noted that therapy with an antiseptic stimulant should only be carried out with the permission of the attending physician and under his supervision. If there was a deterioration in the condition, the scientist canceled the use of the drug.

No one can say 100% that a medicine will help cure cancer, especially since there are negative reviews about ASD. No one knows what caused the patients’ disapproval and how truthful they are. It is impossible to understand whether the drug works or whether its ability to get rid of cancer is a fiction without taking the chance.

Oncology treatment regimens according to Dorogov

There are two methods for using ASD-2, proposed by the creator. The first is to use loading doses of the drug when advanced stages, the second is used to treat early stage cancer.

Method 1. Consists of 10 required courses. The duration of treatment is until complete recovery. You need to take 5 drops of the drug every four hours. You should take the medicine at the same time. The duration of the course is five days. Each new course involves increasing the dosage by five drops. Maximum dose– 50 drops.

Method 2. The duration of the therapeutic course is a month. It is necessary to take 3 ml of ASD, diluted in 40 ml of water, once a day, 30 minutes before meals. Gradually you need to increase the dose by two drops. The last day of the week the medicine is not taken. The duration of the second course is a month. The initial dosage is 5 drops. Each subsequent day the dose should be increased by two drops.

Therapy of oncological pathologies according to the method of Trubnikov V.I.

This method involves taking ASD-2 by people with cancer, depending on their age.

  • children from 1-5 years old should take 0.5 ml diluted in 5-10 ml of water;
  • patients 5-15 years old – 0.7 ml, diluted in 5-15 ml of water;
  • cancer patients 15-20 years old – 0.5-1 ml, diluted with 25 drops of water;
  • over 20 years old - 2-5 ml, diluted in half a glass of water.

In order to achieve maximum therapeutic effect It is recommended to take the medicine as indicated in the instructions. It is preferable to use a pipette or syringe to collect the composition. In case of occurrence unwanted effects, you should stop using the elixir.

To drink or not to drink - that is the question

Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant is a discovery that has not been fully studied and is controversial. Clinically proven data regarding the healing of such dangerous illness, like cancer, were not recorded. But where did they come from? Thanksgiving letters from people who managed to win fatal disease? Why did the government keep the research results of Dorogov’s discovery classified as “secret” for many decades?

The adaptogen is certainly effective and has biological activity against dermatological diseases in animals. Scientific research will help explain miraculous power drugs and cases of getting rid of cancer and will certainly help determine it pharmacological properties. While there is no exact research data on the elixir, we can only guess about its capabilities.

The material is provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-medication, which can cause critical consequences.

The ASD series drugs were developed by the VIEV laboratory (All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine) by order of the USSR government. The purpose of the drug was to increase the body's immunity and protect against radiation. The creation process was led by A.V. Dorogov, candidate of sciences, therefore ASD stands for Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant, in honor of its creator. In 1947, the first tested clinical sample of the drug was ready. In particular, the use of ASD for lung cancer currently has a medical justification.

ASD in the fight against cancer

- scary and dangerous disease, killing thousands of people in our country every year. It is formed from epithelial tissue bronchi different sizes. His main danger usually lies in late recognition. Often it is found in places where the chances of recovery are no longer so great. This happens because the lungs themselves do not hurt, and a person cannot suspect that he has malignancy pretty long.

For a person to find out on one ordinary day that he is so sick terrible disease, and even at this stage – a real shock. Therefore, it is not surprising that such people tend to look for a way out of the current situation. life situation, where medicine is practically powerless, and where time plays against them, searching for all sorts of means for an independent attempt at a cure. One of these remedies for some people is ASD.

As for the use of ASD in lung cancer, this is a controversial issue, since there is very little clinical data, but one thing can be said - ASD fraction 2 should be more effective than fascia 1, due to the greater activity of its biological components.

ASD-2 for lung cancer is able to strengthen the body and fight the disease, which is explained by the immunomodulatory properties of the drug and the ability to cleanse the body. Due to the fact that it is created from the tissues of long-lived animals, its structure repeats the structure of a living cell, and therefore the body does not reject it and easily assimilates it.

Clinical data

The first faction of the ASD had practically no clinical significance, since the main percentage of its composition was ordinary water. But the second fraction of the drug and the third became a real discovery of medical sciences.

Another important feature of it is that it helped fight such skin diseases, such as: eczema, dermatitis, acne, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers. The medicine even influenced the course of psoriasis, which was not previously possible.

The second faction has become universal. It was used for both outdoor and internal use. Just like the first and second fractions, the basis was water, but it contained much more active ingredients. It showed excellent results when tested on animals ( side effects were almost completely absent), and the possibility of combination with other medicines shocked all the critics.

After testing on animals, ASD 2 was also tested on volunteers. Clinical researches showed that the drug can have a positive effect on the course of bronchial asthma, normalize the functions of the nervous, endocrine, immune and other systems of the body, treat varicose veins veins, as well as improve the condition of the skin, thereby providing a rejuvenating effect. All this raised the question of using its remedy in medicine.

Application in medicine

The effectiveness of the drug in medical purposes in the treatment of skin, respiratory, venereal, cardiovascular, oncological, gastrointestinal diseases discouraged critics. However, among scientists, ASD caused general surprise and distrust, largely due to the fact that its creator was a veterinarian by profession.

Based on this, Dorogov was transparently hinted to change the last letter of the abbreviation, reveal the secret of the formula and officially accept as co-authors scientists with a doctorate in the field of human medicine. The scientist refused, which was followed by outright attacks and even a criminal case was opened for allegedly using the drug for commercial purposes.

But the case still had to be closed, since it was not possible to find people who bought the drug, after which the research continued.

Some other possibilities for using the drug in the treatment have been discovered various diseases: ASD made it possible to cleanse the body of toxins, improve metabolism and increase vital energy body; effectively fight prostatitis; have a positive effect on the course of pulmonary tuberculosis and serve as an integral part of its prevention, as a result of which the need for the use of many drugs has completely disappeared.

The drug is able to maintain stability hormonal balance in the body, improve metabolic processes, and also coordinate the work of internal organs.

In conclusion, we can say that when fighting such a dangerous enemy as lung cancer, all means are good, but we should not forget about traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor. You should also not deny yourself spiritual practices and faith in the best, because it has happened more than once that even the most hopeless cases ended in complete recovery.

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