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Cracking the Code of Aging: The New Science of Aging and What It Means to Stay Young09/17/2018. A book about how to crack the “aging code”

                                                                            • You begin to fuss and avoid direct answers. Let's do it again:
                                                                              Let's say mice living in laboratories around the world are kept closest To optimal conditions which still cannot be identical(for some people the light stays on for two hours longer, for others the cage is one mouse larger, for others the food is more fortified, for others it is natural, etc.), but still everyone dies at the same time. How so?
                                                                              This experiment with mice (which you refer to) is too promoted in such discussions, and before that it was heavily promoted by the press (you promised somewhere above to provide links to a description of the experiment). I don't have much confidence in his results for several reasons. Firstly, the mice did not obtain food for themselves, neither in the control nor in the experimental group. Secondly, it is not very clear how exactly the mice were kept - all separately or together (apparently separately). Thirdly (and in fact the main ones), the phrase “Moreover, the thicker the mouse was initially, the more noticeable the effect,” generally reduces the significance of the experiment to the level of diet researchers. It is completely unclear what kind of mice these were and why some of them were “thicker” and for what reason.
                                                                              You understand that if a fat person is forced to lose weight, then statistically we will prolong his life and reduce the number of “age-related diseases” such as heart attacks, and the fatter the person was initially, the higher the effect will be! That is, we changed the concepts and took the “sick” overweight people, led them to more healthy state, and concluded that hunger extended their life, although in fact it was the extra food that shortened it.

                                                                              For understanding:

                                                                              I know about these and similar experiments on different organisms, With biological point In view of all of them, they all have an alternative explanation; you need to understand the methodology of each of them in order to say something specific. In addition, flirting with metabolism will certainly have an effect, because, as I already mentioned, everything that happens inside biosystems is metabolism. If you want to discuss specifically the experiment with mice, then you need to look at what’s going on there.

                                                                              Like turning off immunity? A man lived for forty or fifty years, left offspring, can he be used up?
                                                                              Maybe so, but not reliably, he can still survive, he is more tenacious than a human) but the accumulation of violations (increase in entropy), without special measures there is no way around it, 100% will die, roughly speaking, according to the laws of physics, although they may live longer.

                                                                              Don't you think you're contradicting yourself here? That is, first in the first part you doubted that a special program could cope and some would survive anyway (that is, the distribution will be smoother), and in the second part you claim that random processes (entropy) will give an accurate result (in my opinion, you, as a physicist, do not bet on that horse).
                                                                              And anyway, what kind of sophistry is this? From the very beginning of communication, I have been trying to get a direct answer from you, how, in the light of your beliefs, will you explain that each species has its own very specific (without any “little studied”) lifespan?
                                                                              This is what the answer is:
                                                                              Why, despite all the advances in medicine, we still cannot step over the 120-year mark?
                                                                              Already answered this question. These are the lucky ones with cats. Metabolic levels were on average consistently low due to living conditions. Again, this is the main factor, there are other, individual ones.

                                                                              No, you didn’t answer, but with the phrase “this is the main factor, there are other, individual ones,” you only drove yourself further into a trap.
                                                                              And in general, I already mentioned above, I will repeat again: lifespan has a correlation with many things, and the correlation is much better seen between lifestyle, ecology of the species, care for offspring, than the connection with metabolic rate. (In general, I’m right, and the lifespan is complexly tied to all of the above and many other factors - I’m just trying to write fewer words :)).
                                                                              In addition, information about the max. cont. Lives themselves are not representative for many species, they are difficult to estimate correctly, and they are often known for several individuals.

                                                                              Who told you this? For most species they are well known and are part of the characteristics of the species.

                                                                              Well, let's move on to our immortals. That is, you do not reject the fact of the existence of immortality obtained through natural, evolutionary means. But you insist that it’s all about “primitivism.”
                                                                              Let me start with the fact that HeLa cells still remain human in almost everything. Before the era of induced pluripotent cells, a significant part (if not the overwhelming majority) of research worldwide was carried out on HeLa cells,

                                                                              Something like that

                                                                              In 1955, HeLa cells became the first human cells to be cloned, and the use of HeLa cells began around the world: in studies of cellular metabolism in cancer; studying the process of cell aging; causes of AIDS; features of the human papillomavirus and others viral infections; exposure to radiation and toxic substances; gene mapping; in testing new pharmacological drugs; testing cosmetics; polio vaccines.
                                                                              For decades, the HeLa cell culture has been widely used as a simple model for creating more visual versions of complex biological systems. Even the USSR sent them into space along with other animals, and even the famous Dolly appeared thanks to the development of the cloning method on HeLa cells.

                                                                              Thus, biologists and doctors agree that HeLa is a fairly close object to human tissue.
                                                                              Attention question. In the light of your beliefs, the body dies by accumulating damage. By “accumulating damage” you mean “cellular damage” (well, not nails in organs and tissue torn by the wind). Please explain once again the phenomenon of immortal near-human tissue? Why don't HeLa cells accumulate them? If the answer is the same as above (primitivism), then explain how (and where?) and what causes the “transfer” of damage from cells to the level of organs and systems? Why exactly do the cells of a finished organ accumulate damage? What's the salt?

                                                                              P.S. My field season has begun, and therefore I can disappear for a long time, don’t blame me.

                                                                              the opponent looks at the phenomenon as if from the outside, without going particularly into the mechanisms, that is, phenomenologically.

                                                                              For now, I am trying to use in my arguments well-known and easily verifiable facts that are understandable to the vast majority of people, and not just medical biologists. In my opinion, these arguments are enough to demonstrate the inconsistency of the theory of “accumulation of errors in cells.” If we look (or when we look) at the cellular or molecular level, we will be convinced that the questions are not decreasing, but the complexity of understanding will greatly increase.
                                                                              • You begin to fuss and avoid direct answers. Let's say it again: Let's say that mice living in laboratories around the world are kept closest to optimal conditions, which still cannot be identical, but they still all die at the same time. How so?
                                                                                What is one term? Even if they are from the same litter, were kept identically, and were not sick, there will still be individual scattering, as some of the more active ones ran around the aquarium, while others preferred to sit still and stare at the experimenter, waiting for food) They live 1-2 years, in identical conditions may die within days or months.
                                                                                This experiment with mice...
                                                                                There are really a lot of them, with different settings and results. One of . As for “fat” mice, we will not divide destructive changes into correct ones, associated with oxidative stress or radiation, and incorrect ones, associated with other factors, such as obesity, leading to atherosclerotic vascular disorders. Even if the cause of obesity is genetic, the disorders can be combated by eliminating them. This applies to any disorder, at any level, from molecular to organ, and they are often related. You can read about all types of violations considered within the SENS program on the resource in articles and. As an example, testing senolytic drugs to remove senescent cells. You can see about the removal of atherosclerotic deposits (more precisely, the decomposition of oxidized cholesterol) in this article. If the example of fasting does not seem to be indicative, then castration leads to an increase in food production. life by 15-25% different types, including humans. This is also associated with a decrease in metabolism due to low testosterone, see. The effect is similar to fasting.
                                                                                From the very beginning of communication, I have been trying to get a direct answer from you, how, in the light of your beliefs, will you explain that each species has its own very specific (without any “little studied”) lifespan?
                                                                                What do beliefs have to do with it? Only facts and logic. In short, it all started at the beginning of the last century with the measurement of basal metabolism in individuals of different animal species, cat. led to the discovery of its relationship with some of their characteristics, in particular mass, as well as mass with max. cont. life (LLP). On this basis, the Rate-of-living theory was put forward. However, the real mechanism of the relationship between metabolism and aging and MPV was proposed in the 50s in the free radical theory of aging (lots of facts!), and its further development in the form of the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging. Details of the development of these ideas can be found in Nick Lane's book Energy, Sex, Suicide, available online.
                                                                                Also the reason degenerative changes in the body associated with various pathologies, especially with age, ultimately there is an energy deficiency in supplying tissues, organs and systems of the body. These changes may be accompanied by damage associated with intense external influences various types and infections.

                                                                                Basic metabolism and thermodynamic limitations

                                                                                If we look at the accumulation of disturbances in an aging organism from the point of view of physics, specifically thermodynamics, then this phenomenon can be considered as a decrease in the flow of energy into an open nonequilibrium system, leading to an increase in its entropy and evolution to a final equilibrium state with a max. entropy - death. As an example, see the thermodynamic model for assessing human life expectancy, using the assumption of influence long fasting at Zotin's. The resulting value of 160 years is somewhat overestimated. However, detailed models are simplified, with a large number assumptions, the author acknowledges this, and defines the requirements for a more accurate description:

                                                                                so that, firstly, the thermodynamics of nonlinear nonequilibrium processes is created and, secondly, thermodynamics must be combined with sciences dealing with problems of organization and self-organization, i.e. Thermodynamics of organized systems was created. Both are still far from complete.
                                                                                Using basic exchange for describing the thermodynamics of living systems is applicable in a linear approximation, near points of a stable nonequilibrium state, including stationary ones. The measurement itself is basic. exchange is made in inpatient conditions peace. A description of its application to living systems, for calculating entropy from heat production (per unit of mass), including within the framework of the Prigogine-Viam theory of growth and development of organisms, can be found in the book “Biophysics” by Rubin, in Section II. Thermodynamics of biological processes, paragraphs 2 and 4. However, due to the complexity of metabolic reactions and the linear nature of the approximations, it is not yet possible to calculate the real dynamics of entropy (for all its components) at all periods of the life cycle. Also the size of the base. exchange may change with age. Additionally, heat generation is influenced by the level of optimal regulation of homeostasis by the central nervous system. The greater the mass of the brain (more precisely, the coefficient of encephalization), the more effectively the regulation will be carried out. It is carried out most effectively in higher mammals, and especially in humans. Basic exchange is the basis for entropy estimates from below, maximum exchange for estimates from above, and vice versa for NRM estimates. It is possible in the future that the use of various biomarkers of disorders (aging), such as lipofuscin, as data on them is accumulated, will allow us to develop more adequate models of the dynamics of entropy accumulation in the body, and thereby theoretically make calculations of the life expectancy of individuals of different species.
                                                                                To summarize, we can say that in physics there is no fundamental prohibition on the value of the MLP of living systems, but there are restrictions associated with the achieved level of organization, cat. can be assessed by their characteristics, including thermodynamic ones. I advise you to find on the Internet the publication by A. Zotin “Patterns of growth and energy metabolism in the ontogenesis of mollusks”, and find time to read it, a lot can become clearer with the position of genetic miracles in the general physical outline) There is no simplification or any kind of reductionism, in the end, the laws of conservation operate at all levels.
                                                                                And in general, I already mentioned above, I will repeat again: lifespan has a correlation with many things, and the correlation is much better seen between lifestyle, ecology of the species, care for offspring, than the connection with metabolic rate.
                                                                                The connections are intricate (remember that this is a self-developing system), but the main contribution to the MPV is the metabolic rate, other factors only modulate it. In the vastness of the savannah, mice and elephants live in the same environmental conditions. There are also individual adaptations related to lifestyle. The effectiveness of homeostasis management also affects the cat. associated with brain mass.
                                                                                I’ll try again to show the final result using facts. I found the AnAge database online, cat. contains the data we need on many types - mass, basic. exchange and NRM. That’s actually why I decided to write an answer; I didn’t want to initially, because... our discussion went in circles.

                                                                                Here is a graph of the dependence of the magnetic field on mass, cat. I found it online, built using data from this database, as an example

                                                                                The trend is quite clearly visible. I built a regression graph:
                                                                                I noted the situation of man, the bowhead whale, and the bogeymen of longevity - the Naked Mole rat and Brandt's bat) Indeed, the latter jump out from the general trend. A person benefits even more from the contribution of brain mass, thanks to optimal control of heat exchange (homeostasis). A person can choose behavioral strategies that optimize metabolic rate, for example, optimize calorie intake by choosing a diet, avoid stress loads changing the way of life, using the achievements of civilization, etc. Now let’s see how the metabolic rate for the same species affects the MFL:
                                                                                Due to the fact that the main The exchange for many species was not measured and there were fewer points (230). Basic exchange taken for units. mass of individuals of the species (specific value), this is an important point. The man still flies out of the data cloud, but the Naked Mole-Rater and the Vampire Mouse (in the database there is no data on the main exchange of Brandt’s Nightfly, so I took the vampire mouse close to it. There is also no basic exchange of whales, but this is still that epic the picture is their measurement)) although they are distant from the main trend, they are on the edge of the cloud, and do not fly out of it, as in the previous one. graphics. It confirms what I wrote in the previous post. comment referring to the wiki. The main contribution to their BRM is made by low metabolic rate and its optimal regulation. Unfortunately, this database does not contain information on the brain mass of species to calculate the coefficient. encephalization, and see the dependence on it. Plus, of course, individual adaptations of these species, cat. actually interest researchers. These include neotenic traits for humans and goals. mole rat (if you remember in one of the previous comments he proposed the idea of ​​​​increasing the active period of a person’s life by slowing down growth between the ages of 20 and 40, using a genome hack a la neoteny). For years. mice are adaptations similar to those found in birds.
                                                                                Let's try to estimate the percentage of contribution to the main NRM. exchange and individual adaptations for different species. The regression line marks the contribution of the main. exchange, deviation contribution ind. adaptations. Let's check for some species located on the regression line. Marked the house. mouse, Damara minnow and sloth bear. Indeed, judging by the wiki, they do not have any features related to metabolic functions and other adaptations, i.e. the basic metabolic mechanism determines 100% of their RMF. Now let's look at the species below the regression line. What could be the reason for a reduced ROM? The white-bellied shrew and Greater red musk shrew (I couldn’t find a Russian translation) belong to the shrew family:

                                                                                Shrews have a very high metabolic rate. Every day they need to consume an amount of food that exceeds their own weight by 1.5-2 or more times. Therefore, shrews feed almost continuously, and their sleep breaks are very short. The smaller the shrew, the more periods of sleeping and feeding there are during the day; Thus, in the tiny shrew, the day is divided into 78 intervals. A shrew left without food quickly dies: small species - in just 7-9 hours (small shrew in 5.5 hours). Shrews do not hibernate, but with a lack of food, short-term torpor may occur with a decrease in body temperature.
                                                                                Those. the reduced value of MFL is associated with their extremely rapid metabolism. They are champions at this.
                                                                                Another example: The marsupial marten is a marsupial. There are many marsupials in this area of ​​the graph. Their metabolism is reduced and their temperature drops by several degrees. lower than that of placentals. On the contrary, according to the NRM, they should be above the registration line. The answer is that these mammals have less efficient metabolism and regulation of homeostasis compared to placentals. In particular, marsupials do not use brown fat for thermoregulation, but rather less efficient contractile thermogenesis. However, additional clarifying arguments are needed. The difficulty is that there is little information on marsupials and the peculiarities of their metabolism in RuNet.
                                                                                Thus, based on the schedule, the net contribution of the main exchange in NRM for goals. digger and years. mice make up 30-40 percent, the rest is ind. adaptation. As data becomes available for other species, future updates may be possible. It is also necessary to separate the contributions of adaptations associated with optimization of metabolism, such as hibernation and torpor (and they are significant, see), and other mechanisms such as neoteny.

                                                                                How does the NRM change with the evolution of species? Perhaps so. For example, for a mouse in the savannah, new long-term favorable conditions for feeding and reducing predation pressure arise due to climate change. Individuals with a longer growth duration begin to be selected, while their masses will be increased and the metabolic rate will be reduced. This will be accompanied by some morphological and lifestyle changes. When the niche is filled, i.e. food resources will begin to be consumed, and perhaps larger predators will appear, further selection based on growth duration will stop, and the new kind with an increased growth time, greater mass and, accordingly, a greater life span. Plus individual adaptations, cat. will also affect the NRM, like some amendments. It must be borne in mind that these adaptations themselves are often nothing more than some metabolic hacks specific to this type (such as hibernation, torpor, etc.), aimed at optimizing it, recycling waste, or restoring disorders associated with it.
                                                                                The opposite is also true - selection for a reduction in growth time, for example, with island isolation of a species, as in the case dwarf species elephants. They are fossils, but there are elephants about. Bornean, and African forest elephants, cat. smaller than the Asian and African elephants, respectively. It was not possible to find information on the lifespan of elephants (the information in AnAge is clearly outdated and incomplete), so the average lifespan is based on information from the wiki and Animalia. Reduced forms of elephants live 5 years less on average and reach sexual and physiological maturity earlier, i.e. grow faster. In general, it is logical that evolutionary changes begin with a nonspecific trait - the time of growth of the organism, and only then selection for species-specific traits is activated. Interestingly, it is possible to get a mouse from an elephant) nature made an “elephant from a mouse” (an ancient rodent)))

                                                                                I’ll also give you the opinion of an authority, if you don’t trust me) Moreover, an evolutionist, i.e. a supporter of the genetic approach to aging and MFA by definition. I mean A. Markov. On “Elements” there is an article of his dedicated to human life expectancy. It argues that centenarians are approaching max. possible continuation life. Here is what he writes about the nature of this limitation:

                                                                                The nature of the postulated “biological limit of longevity” is not discussed in detail by the authors, since this is a separate topic beyond the scope of the article. A good analogy is provided by gerontologist Jay Olshansky in a popular synopsis for the article under discussion. He writes that the biological limit to human longevity is of approximately the same nature as the limit to running speed. There is no special “genetic program” that has evolved through selection specifically to prevent us from running faster. The running speed limit is by-product other adaptations that have determined our anatomy and its associated biomechanical limitations. And just as new methods of training athletes could lead to new running speed records, future biomedical technologies could pave the way for new longevity records.
                                                                                The limit of longevity, about which we're talking about, cannot be a special adaptation that developed under the influence of selection (for example, so that old people timely make room in the sun for the young), because during almost the entire human history no one lived to such ages. Other aspects of human aging, such as the abrupt shutdown of female reproductive function long before the loss of vitality (see menopause), they can be independent adaptations. But not imminent death, guaranteed to occur upon reaching an age to which hardly a single primitive hunter lived.
                                                                                Intuitively, both Olshansky and Markov correctly grasped that MPV is not associated with genetic limitations, but with some other mechanism, but they could not bring the idea to its logical conclusion. Apparently due to a subconscious attitude to explain everything using genetics)

                                                                                By the way, I learned about AnAge from this article, there is a link to another article by Markov, where it is reported. Take a look, there are the same graphs for mass and MFL. Only the author rearranged the axes and drew the dependence of mass on the MF) Apparently by analogy with the graphs of changes in human mass with age. It doesn't make sense for species. I have never seen a graph in this form in any publications; even the most inveterate geneticists plot the dependence of the MFL on mass, without confusing cause with effect. I can give a lot of links.

                                                                                Hela Cells

                                                                                Please explain once again the phenomenon of immortal near-human tissue? Why don't HeLa cells accumulate them? If the answer is the same as above (primitivism), then explain how (and where?) and what causes the “transfer” of damage from cells to the level of organs and systems? Why exactly do the cells of a finished organ accumulate damage?
                                                                                1. What does immortal mean? The question is philosophical. Even when cells are divided into genetically equivalent ones, it can be considered that the parent cell ceases to exist, i.e. formally dies. On the other hand, it is believed that cont. life for such cases is not defined, in comparison with sexual reproduction. In any case, they will not be immortal due to resource limitations. “Immortals” is a generalization (abstraction) of long-lived organisms. Sometimes they talk about the immortality of genes or populations, but these are theoretical constructs; individual organisms actually act.
                                                                                2. Cells die from accumulated disorders if they are irreversible (,). If reversible, then recovery occurs. Division also plays a role. If there are disturbances, but division occurs normally, then these disturbances are distributed among the daughter cells and can be eliminated in them; if not, then the cell dies (). This is the meaning of the growth of organisms. Cell divisions compensate for the loss of non-functional cells. When growth stops, only reparative mechanisms at all levels remain. These mechanisms themselves are subject to destruction, and their effectiveness decreases over time; see the chapter in this book dedicated to the age-related degradation of reparative mechanisms at the cellular level. This leads to the progressive accumulation of disorders at all levels, which constitutes the phenomenon of aging of the body.
                                                                                3. The accumulation of disorders in cells within a tissue is greater than in a single-celled organism, due to environment and specialization. This applies to the removal of decay products, heat removal, etc. Heat removal and damage associated with it are also relevant for microelectronics with increasing integration (there are special mechanisms to combat overheating). This is a consequence of thermodynamic limitations. Cell cultures also have similar problems.
                                                                                4. Hela cells are not an independent organism; their life is maintained in artificial conditions. Their “immortality” is connected:
                                                                                with the consequences of infection with the human papillomavirus HPV18. The infection caused triploidy of many chromosomes (the formation of three copies instead of the usual pair) and the splitting of some of them into fragments. In addition, as a result of infection, the activity of a number of cell growth regulators increased, such as telomerase genes (a regulator of cell “mortality”) and c-Myc (a regulator of the activity of the synthesis of many proteins). Such unique (and random) changes made HeLa cells record holders for growth speed and stability, even among other lineages cancer cells, of which there are several hundred today.
                                                                                That is, rapid reproduction does not allow the accumulation of disorders, unlike normal cells in the tissues of the body, and they do not perform specific functions, cat. lead to an accumulation of violations. This does not mean that they will not die if they accumulate damage. A clear analogy: a motor in a car will accumulate more damage and fail faster than the same motor on a stand running idling.
                                                                                My field season has begun
                                                                                Happy fishing..)
                                                                                Here is a study of fish showing that the accumulation of disorders in their bodies also occurs due to oxidative stress. Although, obviously, the aging process in fish differs from mammals, due to the specifics of metabolism. In one of the comments, someone wrote that some fish grow all their lives and die from lack of oxygen when they reach large sizes. This is due to the fact that body weight grows in proportion to the cube of size, and the area of ​​the gills is only proportional to the square. Same physical limitation leading to degradation and aging. Ultimately, the cause of aging and death is energy deficiency.
  • 23.04.2012

    Epigenetic code of aging described

    British researchers have discovered epigenetic modifications of the genome that, from youth, determine how a person will age.

    The researchers analyzed DNA from 172 twins ranging in age from 32 to 80 years old. The age spread made it possible to see what epigenetic changes in the genome accumulate with age. In total, scientists counted 490 such changes. Most age-related epigenetic modifications fell into genes on which the speed and nature of the aging process most obviously depend, for example, genes related to cholesterol or lung function. To understand exactly when these epigenetic switches kick in, the researchers repeated the experiment on a younger group of twins, ranging in age from 22 to 61 years old. It turned out that even in young people, most of the age-related changes are present in the genome.

    The authors of the work believe that from the very early age environmental conditions begin to determine how the body will age. Diet, lifestyle, and environmental conditions form the epigenetic program of aging already in childhood and early adolescence. Roughly speaking, a teenage love for fast food can result in accelerated aging by the age of 40-50, and no fitness centers, healthy eating and life in an ecological reserve will not be saved.

    On the one hand, this good argument in favor of the old observation that turbulent youth leads to unsightly old age. (Objections in the spirit that there is a pensioner I know who was great in his youth, and now too, are not taken into account: in this case, they studied the average mass, which is much easier to get into than into the league of particularly strong old people.) On the other hand, knowledge of the epigenetic code of aging gives scientists a free hand: based on an individual epigenetic pattern, one can predict the appearance of certain age-related diseases In addition, you can think about creating drugs that would allow you to edit such an aging program. But before that, we still need to check to what extent each of the detected changes affects aging and how exactly the different external factors include certain epigenetic switches.

    Prepared from King's College, University of London.

    Vitaly Lvovich

    Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Neuroinformatics Department of the Center for Optical-Neural Technologies of the Scientific Research Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    “To create an artificial body you need good brain, intelligence. But it can also be artificial. Recreating organs is a very complex and resource-intensive task. When working on artificial intelligence, the costs are minimal, but the results are colossal...”

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    Head of the Space Technologies and Telecommunications Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, test cosmonaut, member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics

    “I am absolutely convinced that the 2045 movement began in right time absolutely in the right place, because I believe in the great future of Russia, its rise after temporary difficulties.”

    Lev Alexandrovich

    Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Automation and Control

    The first stage of solving the problems of human immortality has its own main goal creation of a neuro-controlled avatar - a humanoid robot with a humanoid skeleton, a set of technical muscles and sensors.

    Andrey Yurievich

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, coordinator of the international OpenWorm project on the Russian side, researcher at the Laboratory of Modeling of Complex Systems at the Institute of Seismic Engineering SB RAS. A.P. Ershova

    “...When we unravel the worm, we will understand life...”

    Alexander Alexandrovich
    Bolonkin Member of the initiative group

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

    “The artificial mechanical body will have enormous strength and withstand extreme external conditions: high temperatures, pressure, radiation, space..."

    David Izrailevich

    “... this project [Russia 2045] certainly deserves full support. It was initiated by young people full of faith in their high mission. This is a vivid act of passion... a challenge to our academic community, to the average, grayish scientific consciousness, devoid of impulses of inspiration.”

    Sergey Vasilevich
    Selishchev Member of the initiative group

    "Global and insoluble technical problems there is no way to create a completely artificial body. All problems are clear and potentially solvable...”

    Boris Karpovich

    Matrix of rapid aging

    You are at risk if you have three or more units in the “Character” column; the “Debt” sector is strong ( a large number of eights) and in the “Memory” column there are many nines.

    “Such people are more prone than others to nasolabial wrinkles, lip folds, frown lines, double chins, bags under the eyes and crow's feet, – shares with Wday.ru numerologist Olga Pertseva. - Great moral stress, the desire to take care of loved ones first, then of yourself. Strong emotional pressure, frequent depression and suffering, a feeling of unrequited love and care, a person puts a lot of effort into others and never receives a return. Angry and upset."

    Advice: don't take on more than you can handle

    Understand that not everyone will be able to give you the same amount of care, and you will continue to wait and criticize... You are overloaded with criticism of yourself and others. Let go of the situation, accept the individuality of those around you. And remember that absolutely everyone has something to learn...

    Sleep deprivation matrix

    All you need is proper time management if your matrix looks something like this: “Character” – 1, “Health” – 4, “Luck” – 7, “Energy” – 2, “Duty” – 8, “Interest” – 3, “Work” – 6, “Memory” – 99, “Goal” – 3, “Carnal” – 2.

    “Wrinkles between the eyebrows, bags under the eyes, dry and sagging skin. If this is typical for you, it is only because of the eternal lack of time to sleep and complete care“Olga Pertseva continued.

    Tip: have Learn to value and save your time. Time is the most valuable resource. Learn the principles of time management. Stick to a routine, especially when it comes to your sleep. Lights out should be no later than 23:00; sleep for you is a source of strength and youth.

    The matrix is ​​emotional

    Take a closer look and if you see the following indicators, then urgently learn to relax and reduce the level of aggression in possible and impossible ways: “Character” – 1111, “Health” – 44, “Energy” – 22, “Duty” – 88, “Interest” – 33 and “Memory” – 99!

    “Strongly pronounced forehead and nasolabial wrinkles,” shares numerologist Olga Pertseva. - A person experiences an explosion of emotions, indignation and aggression within himself, restrained by a sense of duty. But at the same time, facial expressions continue to express indignation, and often the only thing possible option To show emotion, all you have to do is raise your eyebrows! Sometimes resentment can be long-lasting, which is why the wrinkles are deep. However, in such a matrix there is a lot positive emotions, smiles and laughter. A person laughs a lot, jokes and smiles a lot, communicates a lot. The nasolabial wrinkle is deep and noticeable.”

    Advice: n Don’t be silent, the more you talk about your experiences, the more thoughts are broadcast, the better. Do not tolerate where it is unnecessary. Sing! Vocals relieve internal aggression and free you from the desire to be indignant.

    Matrix of Eternal Youth

    Yes Yes! Clap your hands and jump to the ceiling for those who have a coefficient of 2 in the “Goal” column.

    “Having such a matrix, a person may have wrinkles, however appearance still retains youthfulness. It often happens that it is thanks to the odds (½/3) in the “Target” sector. A person becomes younger over the years, for example, the figure becomes better after 30 years, and not vice versa, as usually happens - everything is fine until 30.

    Advice: if you see a ½/3 goal in yourself in the matrix, rest assured: your youth has a longer shelf life and most often depends on your internal state. The unemployed and cheerful child inside you will live longer.

    Matrix "perfection itself"

    If you have more than two twos in the Energy sector, and also a couple of fours in Health, then you simply have to push Irina Shayk onto the podium.

    “In the case of such strong indicators as 44 and 222, nature took care of you and your descendants. You have a beautiful or strong body, teeth, hair and skin. Your age can be guessed, but only approximately, because your ideal body will always catch your eye,” comments the numerologist.

    Advice: unload emotionally, play sports so as not to overload your nervous system. In this case, your youth will remain for a very long time, and no one will be able to explain this phenomenon.

    Gerontologists claim that living a century is not only realistic, but in principle it should be so. This is provided for by human nature itself, which gave homosapiens a life span of not even 100, but 120 years. Then why does our body begin to “give up” much earlier? What needs to be done in order to “push back” the onset of old age? The site talked about this Vladimir Khavinson- Doctor of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief gerontologist of St. Petersburg, vice-president of the European Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

    Code of life...

    Vladimir Khatskelevich, is the assumption about hereditary predisposition to longevity, thanks to which some people live to a ripe old age?

    About 25 percent of life expectancy depends on the hereditary genetic program, which affects all organs as a whole, comprehensively. When a person’s genes are, let’s say, powerful, then the body ages evenly and, importantly, by the age of 90-95, not earlier. Until then, the person remains quite active.

    To know your “old age code”, you need to make a genetic passport. It is important to identify your weak points and make lifestyle adjustments accordingly. Let's say that a predisposition to a stroke has been revealed - there is no need to sit in the steam room for a long time, but when running out of it, jump into an ice hole. It's fraught! Genetic passports are available upon request.

    To know your “old age code”, you need to make a genetic passport. It is important to identify your weak points and make lifestyle adjustments accordingly.

    - Why not make them mandatory?

    It is impossible to oblige a person to health. How impossible it is to force someone into happiness. Moreover, today all this costs money, and a lot of it. But I think that in 10-15 years, a genetic passport (it is done once and for life) will be as commonplace as a blood test is now.

    - What else does life expectancy depend on - maybe on a person’s nationality, gender, profession?

    Nationality and gender definitely don't matter. The leading indicator is lifestyle. And in this sense, the profession to which a person devotes himself is, of course, important, because it largely sets the algorithm for everyone’s behavior. Physical activity, regular medical examination, and lack of stress are important. A healthy diet and caloric restriction are extremely important. There are no obese people among centenarians.

    A healthy diet and caloric restriction are extremely important. There are no obese people among centenarians.

    ...and the stress factor

    You said no stress? But the Danish scientist Suresh Rattan claims that, on the contrary, they strengthen the body!

    Yes, he believes that the influence of harmful factors in small doses (such as, say, radiation or a quarrel with loved ones) strengthens the human body, stimulating its recovery mechanism and thereby increasing life expectancy. However, he did not conduct experiments on humans. Rattan is a theoretical scientist.

    I am not one of the fans of this theory. Of course, stress, unfortunately, is inevitable. Strong ones lead to diseases, often chronic. Small? These include, for example, physical education, which must be dosed and regular, only then can we talk about their benefits.

    According to Rattan, healthy aging is achieved through the body's ability to heal itself through short-term and repeated mild stress. I believe that all shocks, without exception, require an increase in the vital resource of the body, which mercilessly wears it out.

    Aging is an age-related change in genes. It is based on a gradual decrease in protein synthesis at all levels and in all tissues. Since all functions in our body are related to protein synthesis, its deficiency leads to problems. No protein - no functions.

    Aging is an age-related change in genes. It is based on a gradual decrease in protein synthesis at all levels and in all tissues.

    - And there is no “antidote”? Is it impossible to prevent a person from aging?

    Take and abolish a fundamental law of nature, an evolutionary biological process? Alas! But you can slow down decline by increasing your working capacity, for example, up to 80 years. How? With the help of a proper lifestyle, proper nutrition, good ecology. And - peptides. These are, simply put, small proteins that contain from 2 to 10 amino acids. In the body, they force an aging cell to work the same way it functions in a young one. healthy body. As a result, the biological and functional activity of organs and tissues is restored, protein synthesis is normalized.

    I made this discovery at one time together with my friend from my student years - now, unfortunately, the late professor Vyacheslav Morozov. Unlike protein, the peptides of all mammals are almost the same - in mice, rats, monkeys, humans. And what is especially important is that antibodies are not formed against peptides. That is side effect drugs created on their basis are devoid even theoretically.

    We were convinced of this during an experiment that lasted for several years at our institute. They were tested on 17 species of organisms, including plants (wheat, tobacco).

    It turned out, firstly, that the mechanism for regulating gene activity is uniform. Secondly, peptides allow us to increase the body’s resource inherent in us by about 30-40%. Thirdly, for those who live to be a hundred years old, the body “works out” the resource completely. While in most people, not all cells are fully involved in their work. That is why death comes earlier. And it’s the peptides that help “turn on” them and are inducers of stem cell differentiation.

    - May I know the results of your other experiment, the Kyiv one? There was a lot of talk about him at one time.

    At the Kiev Institute of Gerontology of the Academy medical sciences Ukraine is ours peptide bioregulators have been used for 15 years. They were given to people over 65. During the experiment, they were regularly taken to measure their body functions. It has been proven: the rate of aging in a group of patients who took a drug from the pineal gland (responsible for the functioning of the glands internal secretion), decreased by 44% compared to the control group. Another example. For 6 years, our drug to restore prostate function was tested in 25 clinics in the Russian Federation. The study found that its use by people aged “50 and older” slows down aging, increasing average life expectancy by about 25-30%. By the way, our drugs are available in pharmacies. They are freely available.

    - You said that aging depends on the genetics of a particular person, his lifestyle...

    There are five known components of aging. These are genetics, ecology, lifestyle, work, stress. In Russia, I note with regret, it prevails premature aging. Average age life expectancy for men is 67-70 years, for women - 76-77. While in developed Western countries it exceeds 80 for both men and women.

    There are five known components of aging. These are genetics, ecology, lifestyle, work, stress. In Russia, I note with regret that premature aging predominates.

    - Which of the factors you listed is most “to blame” for aging?

    If only there was one! In general, humanity as a species has now entered the stage of aging. This is common to absolutely all species on Earth. Here are mammoths, for example. Once upon a time they disappeared from our planet, not because some cataclysm occurred, but simply grew old, stopped reproducing themselves and gradually died out. And we follow the trajectory of these animals. However, the process is long, several millennia. In the meantime, the task of gerontologists is to help older people age group learn to live fully, in good mind and health.

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