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Features and standard of the main types of Pekingese. Description of the character of the dwarf Pekingese Reproduction and life expectancy of the Pekingese

Pekingese are brave little lions that previously lived only in noble houses. Today, these funny dogs can be found almost everywhere, and interest in this breed is only growing. This miniature dog has a phlegmatic character and a touching appearance.

The breed was bred more than 200 years ago in China, namely in Beijing (hence the name); according to legend, the dogs are considered imperial. The history of the breed tells that the Chinese Pekingese, Japanese Chin and Pug have the same common ancestor- wide-faced toy, they are often compared to a pinscher. After the British captured the Summer Palace in Beijing (1860), the Pekingese came to England, where it acquired its modern appearance and was called the English Pekingese.

Characteristics of the Pekingese breed

In the process of development, the breed has undergone significant changes; modern Pikinese differs significantly from its Chinese ancestor. These are miniature, fairly compact dogs, weighing adult from 3 to 6 kg. Representatives of this breed are considered long-livers - they live 14−20 years. The Pekingese's coat is usually long and medium fluffy, but there are also smooth-haired specimens. The quality of the coat is influenced not only by genetic predisposition, but also by the quality of the feed. Pekingese shed on average 2 times a year.

According to the standard, coat color can be different. The following shades are allowed: black and tan, fawn, white, black, two-tone (party color), motley, red, sable. The exceptions are chocolate-colored dogs and albinos. The purity of a breed can be judged by the presence black pigmentation on the nose, lips and around the eyes. Animals with a single color shade and white spots on the paws and chest are not considered two-colored.

Gallery: Pekingese (25 photos)

Characteristics of Pekingese

The Pekingese has the following external features:

  • The muzzle is wide, lower jaw steps forward.
  • The eyes are black, large, round in shape, due to the features anatomical structure slightly convex, outlined with a rich dark outline.
  • The teeth are shiny, white, even, small, tightly closed. Checkerboard cutters are allowed. The change of teeth occurs when the dog leaves puppy age and does not repeat throughout life.
  • Ears are long, straight, heart-shaped, hanging down. Since the Pekingese's head is wide, there is a significant distance between the ears. They are pressed close to the head and covered with thick hair. According to the standard, the ears are located at the ends of the skull.
  • The nose is located exactly between the eyes, the nose is clearly defined and black.
  • The height of an adult Pekingese is 15−23 cm.
  • The legs are strong and short. The chest is dropped between the forelegs, wide in girth.
  • The neck is thick and short.
  • The body in the front is heavy, short, with a clearly defined waist.
  • The tail is set high, close to the body, curved to the right or left side, decorated with elegantly hanging wool.

Defunct varieties

If you decide to get a Pekingese pet, you need to know about all the varieties of these cute dogs in order to avoid being deceived by unscrupulous breeders. First we must say about the types of Pekingese that do not exist according to the standard:

  • Dwarf Pekingese. In fact, the dwarf Pekingese does not officially exist. Under this guise they usually sell the most small puppies from the litter or deliberately do not feed the babies, trying to slow down their development and growth. It happens that a dwarf appears in a common litter.
  • White. Albinos often appear in Pekingese litters and are considered defective.
  • Shorthair. Yes, you can see such babies on sale too. But this is not a type of breed, but simply a defect.
  • Royal Pekingese. The name is certainly beautiful, but this variety actually does not exist. Most often, these are standard dogs that unscrupulous breeders called royal dogs only to increase their cost.

Character of an adult dog

Pekingese, like true representatives of the royal family, require full attention. Your pet will be jealous of you even for your child. However, if this does not scare you, then rest assured that you have purchased a dog that is convenient for keeping in a city apartment. He doesn't need long walks, so he will true friend, especially for a lonely elderly person.

The Pekingese is a rather positive dog that will not let you get bored either on a walk or at home. Nevertheless, representatives of this breed prefer a measured, calm life with a clear established regime walking and feeding. The dog easily makes contact and gets used to the owner’s lifestyle, adapting to it. The Pekingese does not favor strangers: it treats them strictly and aggressively. Therefore, be prepared for the dog to bark at your guests.

Despite its miniature size, the dog is completely fearless. He can provoke a conflict even with a large dog.

Personality of puppies

Already at a young age, Pekingese puppies begin to show their character. Therefore, it is necessary to start raising them as early as possible. Kids show pride and stubbornness However, these character traits should not be perceived negatively. After all, when proper education they can develop into dignity, determination, courage, decency, cleanliness and nobility.

Features of behavior in the apartment

Like any intelligent dog, the Pekingese should have its own secluded corner. It could be a rug, a house, a basket, or just a box from under some household appliances. The dog considers his secluded place to be his personal territory and independently decides when, where and how he will lie. He will be very happy to play with you active games and will even lend you his toys, but only for the duration of the game, immediately after it ends they will return to their place.

The Pekingese treats everyone in the household evenly, but will constantly demand respect for himself relationship. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, it is necessary to monitor their interaction with the pet in order to avoid the dog’s adequate reaction to an innocent accidental blow from a child.

The Pekingese loves affection and attention to its precious person. If you scratch his belly or stroke his back, the dog will get a lot of pleasure.

If you sit down to eat, the dog will settle down next to you and beg for You have a delicious piece, looking at you with your cute eyes. But at the same time, he will never go on an assault, brazenly climbing onto the table, and you won’t hear him barking.

This is a discreet and intelligent dog, which under no circumstances will cause mischief in the apartment; it will endure and wait for a walk until the last moment. Naturally, this only applies to adult Pekingese. With puppies, this problem can be solved with the help of special diapers sold in a pet store or a regular diaper.

The Pekingese is a big neat guy, but despite this, You don’t need to bathe your dog often. It is enough to do this once a month using special shampoos.

Who is the Pekingese suitable for?

There are several categories of people for whom this breed is ideal:

  • families without small children.
  • professional breeders;
  • lonely and elderly people;
  • connoisseurs
  • very busy people who are rarely at home and do not have time to pay enough attention to the dog;
  • families with small children.

In general, caring for a Pekingese is not difficult. There are only a few basic rules that need to be followed, including the following:

  • arrange a comfortable sleeping place.
  • toilet training;
  • Regularly care for ears, claws, fur and eyes.

Once you bring this one home little lump, he needs to be shown the toilet. As a rule, a cat tray with filler or a disposable diaper is used for this. must be changed after every emptying dogs. You can train your dog to use the toilet by placing a diaper on time when he starts to behave restlessly. Some breeders practice outdoor toileting. If you have taught your baby to defecate outside, you should regularly take him for a walk, setting a certain time for this. The puppy must be accustomed to a collar and leash.

An important point is arrangement of a sleeping place. Choose a quiet corner for your pet, away from drafts, heating radiators and noisy household appliances. At the pet store you can purchase special beds with low sides.


The long coat of the Pekingese requires some care, which consists of daily combing with a massage brush. To comb the skirt and hair behind the ears, it is better to use a wide-tooth comb. The hair between the fingers is carefully trimmed so that your pet's paws look well-groomed, and this will also reduce the likelihood of debris getting there. The Pekingese's natural coat does not require trimming, however, if the owner wants his dog to stand out among others, he can contact a professional groomer.

After walking or eating, the folds on the face must be wiped damp cloth. The dog is bathed no more than once every 5-7 weeks, and the longer the intervals between baths, the better. This is due to the production of subcutaneous fat, which is produced very slowly in dogs of this breed.

Don't forget about daily hygiene intimate places and washing paws. Bathe your pet in warm water using special shampoos and conditioners. Massaging movements Shampoo is rubbed into the dog's skin and rinse with water, after which a conditioner is used, which softens the coat and gives it a natural shine. The pet is thoroughly dried and dried with a hairdryer, which should work at medium speed.

To avoid burns, do not bring the hair dryer too close to the animal.

Claws and ears

Ears should be examined once a week. To clean them, use a special product that can be purchased at veterinary pharmacy, or ordinary hydrogen peroxide. A few drops of the drug should be placed in the ear and using cotton swab clean it of dirt and sulfur. When doing this, be extremely careful and do not insert the stick too deeply, otherwise you may damage the eardrum.

Nails are trimmed once every two weeks. If less often, the claw pulp will grow, which will make trimming more difficult in the future. In winter, claws can be treated less frequently, since they grind off on the ice on their own. Pass in the pulp blood vessels, therefore, cutting the claws too short is unacceptable, otherwise bleeding may occur.

Eyes and teeth

Eyes - weakness Pekingese, therefore they need to be given increased attention: daily inspection and treatment. The eyes should be treated with a special solution, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. You need to do this every evening. If there is no solution, wipe the pet's eyes with a cotton swab dipped in strong tea. Dogs may experience bulging of one eye - do not try to treat your pet yourself, in this case you must immediately contact the clinic.

If your pet eats ready-made dry food, then, as a rule, there are no problems with teeth. But sometimes it happens that food particles remain between the teeth and plaque appears yellow color. Black spots or deep yellowness on the teeth should alert the dog owner. Only a specialist can clean such deposits. At home, teeth are cleaned with a soft brush without using toothpaste.

Dog breeding

Sexual maturity in representatives of this breed occurs quite quickly - already at 7-10 months. But it’s better to breed males a little later. As for bitches, they are bred immediately, from the first heat. This is explained by the fact that young females are better at bearing and giving birth to offspring, in contrast to more mature individuals. With age in dogs there is some modification of the skeleton, so very often bitches give birth through caesarean section. Pregnancy in the Pekingese lasts 53-71 days. A veterinarian must be present during the birth, since Pekingese puppies are born with a large head, and the female’s reproductive tract does not always correspond to this size.

The Pekingese is an amazing, proud dog, which, since the birth of the breed, has been called upon to become a companion and companion to man. And he succeeded well in this, becoming everyone’s favorite and even a member of the family.

Even though the Pekingese is small in stature, no more than 25 centimeters at the withers, he gives you a strange impression of his superiority over you, since you are unable to bear his simultaneously intent, curious and mysterious gaze.

The Pekingese dog, the dog of the Heavenly Emperor, according to legend, is the fruit of an unusual love between a gentle monkey and a lion. The lion was so in love with the monkey that he decided to ask the wizard Hi-Ho for help. He suggested reducing him to the size of his beloved, while maintaining his dignity and courage. This is how the Pekingese, or lion dog, also known as the Fu Ling dog, was born. From their mother, the descendants inherited a dark muzzle and a cheerful disposition, from their father - beauty, dignity and a brave heart.

The Pekingese was considered a sacred animal to such an extent that anyone who dared to kill or kidnap him was punishable by death. Behind the walls surrounding the imperial palace, everything was divine and mysterious. It was said in a low voice that slaves were assigned to serve Fu Ling's dogs and that among them were women whose duty was to breastfeed the puppies. The external similarity between the Pekingese and the lion placed it among the elite animals, for the lion is a symbol of Buddhism.

Pekingese were divided into large, medium and small. The large ones were called lion dogs, the medium ones - solar dogs, the small ones - wrist dogs. The latter were so light that ladies from the imperial family even took them for walks. Such a dog was considered the most wonderful decoration, and for each outfit they selected a little one that matched the color.

Over the centuries, the breed has been preserved, and it is known that the approach to its selection was very careful, although genealogical descriptions have not survived to this day. Due to the fact that crossing with other breeds was prohibited, the Pekingese, or Fu Ling dog, was able to maintain its individuality over the centuries.

The ancient history of the Pekingese is often associated with legends; there are many versions regarding how the first animals were exported. One of them is this: in 1860, Anglo-French troops captured Beijing. Five dogs were found in a secluded corner of the state palace next to their keepers who had committed suicide. Admiral Lord John Hay, along with another naval officer, a cousin of the Duchess of Richmond, each took two dogs. General Dune took the fifth and gave it to Queen Victoria, who named her Lootie. This word is translated as “trophy”.

The famous artist E. Kay painted a portrait of Luti, and this painting was exhibited at Windsor Castle for many years. The Duchess of Richmond accepted small Pekingese imported from China, and, adding the word “Goodwood” to their name, began breeding this breed in England. There is numerous documentary evidence indicating the names of their first owners and those who bred them.

Other cases of export of these animals from China, done in a more or less legal manner, allowed the number of Pekingese to increase so much that enthusiasts of this breed decided to found a Pekingese club in 1898. Its founders were G. Brown, Loftas Allen, Albert Gray, Lilburn Mac Even Tomkins, Strick and Ashton Cross.

The Minister for Chinese Affairs in London, Sir Holiday McCartney, as well as the German Minister in Beijing, Baron Speck von Sternberg, contributed greatly to the creation of the first breed standard with the help of those involved in the export of Pekingese. In addition, the German minister obtained special permission to visit the palace and observe the breeding techniques of the Imperial Pekingese.

The first Pekingese presented at a dog show was named Peking Peter, and he was presented at the Chester Dog Show.

The developed standard aimed to direct the breeding of Pekingese along the path of reproduction of animals of small size, but strong build, with a massive structure and a maximum weight of 14 pounds (6.2 kg). The impetus that the club gave to the breeding of Pekingese was very significant, and they themselves were in great demand at that time.

In 1911, with the death of Empress Mother Tzu Hsi and the subsequent revolution, the long reign of the Pekingese in China also ended. The courtiers, fearing that the Pekingese might end up in the hands of commoners, destroyed every single one. Having disappeared in its homeland, this breed has now taken strong roots in England and Ireland and from there spread to European countries, America and Australia.

Mentions of dogs with a “short muzzle” have been found since the era of Confucius. They were described in great detail in the first centuries of our era. These descriptions are about tiny dogs with small heads and short paws, With long ears And long tail. They are called "under the table dogs." In fact, in those days, Chinese tables were very low, and the diners sat on cushions. They also talk about the special gait of these dogs - they seemed to limp and sway when walking.

Documents dating back to the 7th century indicate that these highly intelligent dogs, measuring 6 inches (15.23 cm) tall and 12 inches (30.46 cm) long, could control horses while holding a bridle in their mouths. , and illuminate the road at night, carrying torches on their backs. They attended audiences discussing issues of war and ritual (one of critical issues Chinese courtyard). The emperor went out to the audience, accompanied by his Pekingese, who barked so that the courtiers would bow their heads. Pekingese were also used as special guards for the imperial palace. In 1041, they warned of an impending rebellion in the palace - having caught a light, barely noticeable rustle and clanking of weapons at an unusual time.

Emperor Ling Ti adored his dogs so much that he gave them the title of Viceroy or Imperial Guardian, and he gave the bitches the title of wives of his nobles. His beloved dog received a headdress corresponding to the title of Shin Hsien, which was the most significant literary title of the era.

There are no documents indicating the use of genealogy or genealogical books in China. But there are books about dogs with illustrations that depict Pekingese, which were used to obtain certain results during breeding. In addition, peculiar theories were used: for example, the expectant mother was held several times a day in front of a particularly beautiful representative of the breed or in front of an elegant sculpture; at night she was laid in a room whose walls were covered with fabric of the color that they wanted to achieve in the coloring of the puppies; the floor was covered with lamb skins so that the newborns’ fur is as good as possible. The eunuchs read poems in which they sang best qualities famous representative of this breed.

The first mention of a non-albino white Pekingese dates back to the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). The dog had the same color important, like the colors of masks in Peking Opera. The presence of curved lines in the coat color in the muzzle area was considered especially beautiful, as it looked like a smile. The “face with three colors” given in one of the descriptions refers to the head of a dog whose eyes are framed in black, the forehead is decorated with yellow and red spots, and the mouth is outlined in white. If a Pekingese puppy was black with a white belly and paws, it was described as an "otter-colored cloud in the snow", a dog "standing in the snow" had a colored coat and white paws. There were also “three divided flowers” ​​- three spots different color on a white background and a scarf. A white stripe around the neck was considered a sign of greatness. A sign reminiscent of big glasses in a tortoiseshell frame, which were worn by court nobles. The description of a dog's color has always been poetic.

One of the inventions of people trying to get rich from dogs is wishful thinking. Thus, breeders come up with more and more new breeds decorative dogs in order to sell these copies at a higher price. The situation is the same with the Pekingese, or rather their variety, the dwarf Pekingese.

Does it really exist and how does it differ from standard breed? Let's look at the description of the mini dog and the features of having one at home.

Briefly about the breed

Both the Royal and Standard Pekingese are considered to have originated in China. Lying on the soft pillows of the emperors, the dogs behaved like royalty. Pekingese have received the following names: the dog of the Heavenly Emperor, as well as the titled person of kings.

There is even a legend about the love of a monkey and a lion, supposedly the Pekingese is the fruit of their “romantic relationship.” Naturally, anyone to a normal person It seems funny, but if you look closely, the Pekingese really has a facial expression like a monkey, and the spiritual qualities of a proud and independent lion, a brave heart and courage.

There are many legends about this sacred animal from Beijing; it is also known that dogs with such a physique and a flattened wide muzzle existed 2 thousand years ago. Pekingese were also used as watchmen and warned of military operations and any rustle, sensing danger. They also accompanied emperors to audiences, barking at courtiers to bow to the emperor.

How did the mini Pekingese appear? It was difficult for the court ladies to care for a large representative of the breed, so the royal nobility decided to start reproducing a new subspecies - a very tiny one.

In fact, small specimens were found in litters of standard large representatives of the breed. Even during the reign of Manchu, a tiny mini Pekingese appeared, no more than 3 kg in size, although the standard ones reached 5 kg. These mini dogs became an adornment for the ladies of the court, also called “muff dogs” or sleeve dogs. Women wore them everywhere, and kept warm thanks to the fluffy fur of the dogs, placing them in the sleeve of a kimono.

These babies do not always have excellent health, and in general, mini Pekingese are a defective breed, and this moment are not allowed to exhibitions. Retailers try to sell their beauties at a higher price, but you must remember that these are scammers.

Now a standard for these babies is being developed in the UK, it is known that the weight should be no more than 3 kg, and in Canada and the USA it is considered to be no more than 2.7 kg.

A careful selection of such “defective” Pekingese dogs is carried out, since they are not always skeletal system developed correctly; if there are deviations, the puppies are not allowed for sale at all.

Real dwarf Pekingese are absolutely healthy and, according to the description, completely match the usual standard ones, the only difference is height and weight. And they live up to 14-15 years, completely sharing all the sorrows and happy moments with the owner.

Description and selection of a puppy

Lion dog is also the name of the Pekingese. His character is stubborn and proud, but having gotten used to one owner, the Pekingese will do anything to save his life. As a puppy, he plays actively with children and loves to travel outside with his owner. The Pekingese cannot be offended, but it must be brought up moderately strictly, and the sooner the better.

The same cannot be said about dogs bought secondhand - they don’t even have documentation.

Look at the sanitary conditions in the nursery; for weakened puppies, this is a scourge that affects their further physiological development and psyche. If the kennel is clean, this will definitely have the best effect on the puppy.

When should you buy puppies? At the age of 8 months. And it's not a joke! Because there is a high probability that his height is truly dwarf. But 2 one month old puppy You may not be able to see it without knowing what size it will grow. Some breeders do not know which puppy was born in the litter. And you don’t know whether the dwarf Pekingese will give birth to the same puppy. Therefore, it is better not to make plans for breeding.

The Dwarf Pekingese is a small lap dog that attracts attention with its majestic royal appearance, large expressive eyes and luxurious coat.

The head of the mini breed is wide and quite massive compared to the dog’s body. The skull has disproportionate shapes.

The area of ​​transition from the muzzle towards the frontal bone is very pronounced. The bridge of the nose is slightly recessed into the skull. The dog's muzzle somewhat resembles that of a monkey.

The Pekingese's ears are turned forward and calm state are in a hanging state. The fur and mane of the animal deserve special attention, thanks to which the miniature dog resembles a lion.

  • The weight of an adult Pekingese (over 8 months) is comparatively less than the body weight of a standard breed, and is about 3 kg.

The animal's paws are quite powerful, despite their small size, and the pads are flat in shape. You can see between the fingers that are in the lump long wool. Hind legs The dogs are somewhat smaller than the front dogs, and are directed forward.

  • The eyes of Mini Pekingese are round and slightly protruding with a characteristic dark brown tint.

IN different countries they have their own requirements for the weight of the animal: in England, miniature dogs must weigh no more than 3.18 kg, and on the North American continent (in the USA and Canada) - 2.71 kg. In other respects, dwarf Pekingese are practically no different from their large “brothers”.

Care and nutrition


Special attention must be applied to animal fur. To keep it shiny, silky and healthy, it is necessary to provide proper and regular care.

After a meal, it is imperative to brush the fur on the Pekingese’s face, and after each walk on the fresh air– carry out thorough cleaning of the paws and belly.

It is recommended to systematically comb your pet's fur to prevent tangles from forming. Bathing the dog must be done in warm water, and as the main detergent use special shampoo for long-haired dogs.

After water procedures You need to dry the animal's fur well (it is advisable to use a hair dryer for this purpose) and comb it out carefully.

Only daily brushing will keep the mini breed's coat in excellent condition. Particular attention must be paid to the pet's eyes. Caring for them involves daily cleaning of various contaminants and dust. A soft handkerchief is usually used for this.

It is not recommended to wipe your eyes with cotton swabs, as there is a risk of irritation of the cornea. Typical problem Dwarf Pekingese suffer from eyeball prolapse, so when caring for your pet, you need to ensure that the eyes remain protruding evenly.

If you find even a slight discrepancy, it is better not to wait for the situation to worsen, but to seek help from a veterinarian.

For cleaning ears apply special means for animals that are able to dissolve accumulations of sulfur mass. For this purpose, you can use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.


Mini Pekingese teeth also need proper and constant care - after eating, you must definitely look into the animal’s mouth and examine oral cavity for pieces of food stuck between the incisors.

If the pet most spends time at home, you need to trim your nails regularly to avoid ingrown nails.

When caring for a pet, all procedures are important, but you should try to spend a little more time on the eyes. Comprehensive eye hygiene includes daily wiping with a damp swab or soft cloth.

If there are characteristic purulent discharge It is imperative to use antibiotic-based products. If you don’t know what exactly to buy at a pet pharmacy, then seek advice from a specialist.

How to feed

The diet of mini Pekingese should be balanced. Alternatively, you can buy for your beloved pet special food, which contains in sufficient quantities necessary groups vitamins, amino acids and beneficial microelements.

You can feed the dog and homemade food, however in this case it is necessary to compile correct menu. The dog's diet should consist of half boiled meat and offal.

It must also be present in equal proportions fresh vegetables and cereals (buckwheat, rice and others). You can diversify the menu with fresh fruits.

Character and intelligence

Dwarf dogs have a sense of self-esteem, so if you inadvertently offend your pet, do not expect that he will be able to quickly forget the offense.

Animals are very smart and quick-witted, and do not hide the fact that they are confident in their own irresistibility. Pekingese are sophisticated natures, and therefore are in dire need of love and affection.

Without constant attention, dogs lose interest in the world around them, which can be seen in their sad eyes and depressed mood. Mini breeds are distinguished by a pronounced sense of pride and will not tolerate a derogatory attitude towards themselves.

Pekingese prefer to lead a measured lifestyle. Very often a dog can be found lying down somewhere in a cozy place with an arrogant and thoughtful expression in its eyes.

In some cases, especially when it comes to personal belongings, pets show unprecedented stubbornness and even selfishness.

It is these qualities of a dog that interfere with the training process - teaching even simple commands is often not easy. But small Pekingese are peace-loving creatures, and when the right approach It is always possible to come to an agreement with them.

Dog ailments

Pekingese are most likely to develop ophthalmological diseases, which is explained by the characteristic structure eyeballs. The list of common pathologies is worth noting:

  • eversion of eyelids;
  • punctures in the cornea;
  • cataracts.

Diseases often make themselves known respiratory organs, which is due to the specific structure of the animal’s muzzle. IN winter period pets are often susceptible to diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Warning symptoms to look out for are a dry nose, intermittent cough and a characteristic whistling sound when breathing.

The expression “A dog is a man’s friend” remains relevant decades later. Therefore, many people strive to have a pet. When choosing a dog, you need to focus not only on your own preferences, but also on the conditions in which the pet will live. If you are used to a calm, measured pace of life, a mini Pekingese will be yours. faithful companion.

The history of the appearance of the Pekingese goes back to Ancient China, and is still reflected in the peculiarities of its content. Dogs of this breed are considered domestic dogs; they are comfortable to keep in small apartment, which is an advantage. Pets are distinguished by coat color, number of black and red spots and size. The most common colors are red or black and white.

There are also rare species, for example, an albino. The all-white Pekingese looks noble and expresses this with its character. The breed is quite capricious, but loyal and devoted. The dog loves to be pampered, requires a lot of attention, and, importantly, is jealous of others. Due to their small size, many consider them defenseless. Pet owners dispel this myth, because even puppies defend their honor and the honor of their owner in a fight with an unequal opponent. Known in nature the following types Pekingese:

  • royal or imperial;
  • dwarf or sleeve Pekingese.

The first association that arises after hearing the name of the breed is long, thick hair. Everyone is used to seeing these dogs combed and fluffy. In addition, grooming salons give them beautiful hairstyles. The varieties of Pekingese do not end there. There is a classification depending on the type of wool:

  • smooth-haired;
  • Wire-haired or short-haired.

In general, the characteristics of all types are the same. Dogs require certain care. This is especially true for ears and claws. In the cold season, owners dress the smaller brothers in suits and overalls so that the dog feels comfortable while walking. The differences are noticeable only in appearance.


The dwarf Pekingese differs from the simple one only in size.

To receive this title, a dog must weigh no more than 3 kg. It cannot be said that this is a separate breed. The shape of the muzzle, the location of the eyes, the peculiar black and gray mask - everything exactly corresponds to the typical appearance. Miniature dogs look cuter and friendlier, which is why they attract the attention of children. Women also cannot always resist babies.

An important factor is that they are easy to care for. As they say, small dog, small problems. The historical name - sleeve Pekingese - suggests that the dog was placed in the sleeve of the empress's kimono and warmed her in the cold. The animal does not like to play pranks and do dirty tricks, and listens to its owner.

Difference from Japanese Chin

The Royal Pekingese and the Japanese Chin differ from each other not only in their parameters, but even in their gait. If you have the opportunity to see the dog in person, be sure to take advantage of it. Japanese Chin jumps up a little, and the Pekingese sways from side to side. In addition, the difference is visible externally.