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Why do Haredim have poor eyesight? Visual impairment: symptoms, causes, treatment, what to do

Vision may deteriorate due to eye diseases that affect the lens, retina, cornea or disrupt the activity of the ocular vessels and the functioning of the visual muscles. However, if your vision has decreased, this does not always indicate the presence of some kind of disease; it can worsen due to natural reasons(as a result of aging of the lens, ciliary muscle, etc.).

Very often, vision deteriorates due to developing vision. With myopia, the image is not projected on the retina, but is focused in front of it, thereby causing impairment of distance vision.

Myopia can be either congenital or acquired.

  • In the first case, it may be caused by a genetic predisposition (passed on by inheritance; according to statistics, half of the parents suffering from this disease give birth to children with the same disorder). Congenital myopia may also arise due to irregular shape lens - its elongation in conditions of weak oculomotor and ciliary muscles.
  • Acquired myopia is usually associated with prolonged stress on the eye apparatus. There are also a number of pathologies that provoke the development of the disease: subluxation and sclerosis of the lens (especially in older people), increased thickness of the cornea, vascular diseases.

Hypermetropia (farsightedness)

Hypermetropia is a pathology that is directly opposite to the first disease. With it, the quality of vision at short distances is impaired, since the formation of the image occurs outside the retina.

Hypermetropia can be congenital or age-related.

  • Arises congenital farsightedness because of small size longitudinal area of ​​the eyeball and can go away on its own as the child grows. However, the disease can progress further, causing loss of vision. This usually happens due to the eye being too small or due to a lack of curvature of both the lens and the cornea.
  • Another class of hypermetropia - age-related - is called. In this case, the deterioration of vision is caused by a gradual loss of the accommodative ability of the eyes - the ability to change the curvature of the eye depending on the distance. Presbyopia develops gradually - natural process starts after 30-40 years. The main reason for this phenomenon is the loss of the necessary flexibility by the lens. At the very beginning of the appearance of the anomaly, it can be corrected with the help of bright lighting, but later this no longer helps.

A complication for hypermetropia is also increased blood pressure.


Astigmatism is an ametropic visual impairment caused by changes in the shape of the lens, cornea and eye. Due to these changes, there is a difference in quality vertically and horizontally, causing a decrease clarity of vision. In a healthy eye, the convergence of light rays occurs on the retina, at one point, while with astigmatism, the focus is concentrated at two points, forming a picture similar to a segment, a blurred ellipse or a “figure eight”.

Astigmatism, as a rule, develops from childhood - in some cases it accompanies myopia and farsightedness. In addition to “blurred” vision of objects, astigmatism is characterized by double vision and increased eye fatigue.

Diplopia (split picture)

It also causes blurred vision and can even lead to. With such an anomaly, the object in question doubles vertically, horizontally, diagonally, and can also rotate relative to the original picture. This usually happens due to a malfunction in the coordinated functioning of the oculomotor muscles, which disrupts the concentration of both eyes on one object.

Diplopia can be binocular, monocular, temporary and volitional. At the same time, volitional diplopia does not affect the health of vision and is a kind of gymnastics.

Binocular vision disorder

Stereoscopic vision helps us evaluate the shapes, sizes and volumes of objects. In addition, it increases the clarity of the picture by forty percent, significantly expanding the visible boundaries. Distance assessment is one of the most important functions, inherent . But if one eye sees worse than the other by more than one diopter, then the cerebral cortex forcibly disconnects the visually impaired organ from working in order to avoid the development of diplopia.

Because of this, it decreases binocular vision, and over time the weakened eye becomes completely blind. This phenomenon occurs not only with myopia and hypermetropia with a difference in the eyes - a similar phenomenon occurs with uncorrectable astigmatism. But most often such disorders occur with strabismus.

It is important to note that there is no absolute balance in eye position. Despite the violations muscle tone, binocular vision remains at the same level and does not require special correction. But if, with vertical, divergent or convergent strabismus, there is a negative tendency for this ability, then it is necessary to perform an operation or use special glasses(Doctors often recommend using the occlusion method, when the healthy eye is covered with a bandage so that the patient begins to work).

Visual field distortion

The field of vision is the reality around us, which the fixed eye sees. Using the example of a spatial relationship, this can be called rather a 3D mountain, at the top of which there is the highest quality vision, which deteriorates closer to the foot (near the nose) and is least expressed in the temporal region. The limiters of visibility from an anatomical position are the facial bones of the skull, while optical limitations are placed on the retina.

Normal field of vision in the right eye

Norm white in sight is:

  • outside - ninety degrees;
  • below - sixty-five;
  • from above - fifty degrees;
  • inside - fifty-five degrees.

The viewing area for each eye is divided into four parts: two vertical and two horizontal.
Changes in these areas are similar to dark spot- scotoma, as well as concentric narrowing.

Scotoma is a spot in which a person sees nothing, if it is absolute and partially (blurred) - if relative (it also happens mixed type). Distinctive feature- absolute blackness and blurry peripheral vision. A positive scotoma is observed as a symptom, while a negative one can be detected by examination by a specialist.


  1. Atrophy optic nerve- a phenomenon in which the central part of the visibility zone “falls out” (very often associated with age-related changes).
  2. Retinal detachment - characteristic feature is the “curtain” effect in the peripheral area of ​​the visual field. Also, when peeling, the image may float and the outlines of objects may be distorted. Often the cause is a dystrophic condition of the retinal membrane, transferred and high degree myopia.
  3. Bilateral loss of the outer part of the field in most cases appears with a pituitary adenoma, which provokes an interruption of the optic tract at the intersection point.
  4. - This disease is characterized by loss of half of the fields located close to the nose. Signs include a hazy effect in the eyes, as well as a rainbow effect when the patient looks at a bright light. A similar disorder accompanies an aneurysm of the internal carotid arteries.
  5. With hematoma, tumors and inflammation in the central nervous system, there is a possibility of cross-impairment of visual fields. In addition, quarter and half loss is also possible - the so-called quadrant hemianopsia.
  6. The effect of curtains making it difficult to see clearly in front of the eyes signals changes occurring in vitreous body, cornea and lens.
  7. Tube vision or concentric narrowing of the visual area explains PDS ( pigmentary degeneration retina). In this case, high acuity is characteristic of the central region, while in the peripheral part it is almost absent. If the development of concentric vision is balanced, then such a defect is caused by a failure of blood circulation in the brain or glaucoma. Constriction also occurs during inflammation posterior sections retina - peripheral chorioretinitis.

Impaired color perception

Most often, color perception failures occur in the central region of the visual fields. Disturbances in the perception of colors relative to white are usually temporary and may appear after surgical removal. There are also changes regarding red, blue or yellow color. In this case, the white color will have red, yellow, and blue shades.

In addition, there are some diseases that are characterized by disruptions in color perception:

  • Colorblindness - congenital anomaly, which is characterized by the absence for the patient of differences between red and green flowers. This anomaly occurs most often in males.
  • The consequences can be an imbalance in the brightness of the shades: red and yellow shades, as a rule, lose their brightness, while blue shades become more saturated.
  • Redness and yellowing of objects indicate dystrophy of the optic nerves and retina.
  • The later stages of molecular dystrophy are characterized by the absolute loss of colors in objects.

Tables for testing color perception (Rabkina)


In addition to the above diseases, cause sharp deterioration Infectious corneal diseases can also cause vision problems. Inflammation of the cornea occurs due to complications neglected form. In addition, harmful bacteria enter the eye during operations performed on it.

The most dangerous pathogen keratitis is called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which appears due to unsanitary conditions and lack of antisepsis and asepsis.


  • redness in the affected eye;
  • the occurrence of pain;
  • corneal clouding.
  • fear of light;
  • increased lacrimation.

Fifty percent of keratins are arborescent, which occurs due to herpes. In this situation, a damaged nerve trunk, similar to a tree branch, may appear in the eyeball.

Herpetic corneal lesion or chronic damage caused by exposure foreign body called a creeping corneal ulcer. Most often, the formation of such ulcers occurs due to amoebic keratitis, which develops due to non-compliance with the rules of wearing contact lenses or their poor quality.

  • Keratitis can be not only ulcerative, but also non-ulcerative.
  • The disease can arise from sunburn, or from welding - this form is called photokeratitis.
  • The disease can be deep, or may affect only the superficial corneal layer.
  • Dystrophy and inflammation provoke clouding of the cornea, in this case there is a scar, the presence of which sometimes limits visibility to the level of light perception. The spots can also cause astigmatism.

Other causes of visual impairment

In addition to the eye diseases described above, there are also other malfunctions in the body, due to which we notice that vision has sharply deteriorated.

  • Problems with the spine, since arteries run through the back, providing the necessary blood flow to the head and eyes. If the spine is damaged or curvatured, blood flow in spinal arteries worsens, negatively affecting eye health.
  • For this reason, many gymnastic warm-ups for the eyes involve exercises for the cervical and spinal region.
  • Infectious and venereal diseases that depress and affect the central nervous system.
  • Vascular diseases of the brain, such as intracranial pressure.
  • Accommodative spasms are sometimes similar to asthenopia. Children and adolescents most often suffer from false myopia. The disease is caused by fatigue of the ciliary muscle, which regulates the curvature of the lens.
  • Nyctalopia and hemeralopia are decreased twilight vision caused by a lack of vitamins A, PP and B. In addition to a lack of vitamins, “night blindness” is also caused by disturbances in the functioning of the optic nerves. In addition to temporary, there is also congenital form diseases. With nyctalopia, the perception of colors and the ability to orient a person in space are impaired.
  • Spasms in blood vessels. They are usually associated with sharp increase blood pressure and constant failure of blood circulation in the brain, which is caused by atherosclerosis, cerebral amyloidosis, vascular abnormalities and blood diseases. Common occurrence darkness and spots before the eyes are considered. Sometimes symptoms are accompanied by dizziness.
  • Constant fatigue - in this case, the oculomotor muscles are constantly overstrained due to, for example, reading while poor lighting, driving at night, long work at the computer and watching TV. When you are tired, pain in the eyes occurs and tear production increases. With constant overwork, it is also difficult to concentrate on small details - vision becomes cloudy, headache.

Natural causes

In addition to the above, vision deterioration occurs for natural reasons. As the body ages, the flexibility of the lens, which is responsible for its density, decreases. The ciliary muscle, which supports the lens and is responsible for the ability to focus, also becomes weak.

The presence of these processes is a consequence of the occurrence of age-related farsightedness. The aging process of the eyes begins at the age of thirty, and after forty it requires observation by ophthalmologists.

A decrease in visual acuity makes you worry, even if it is not sudden, but gradual. The eyes are an organ whose deterioration is immediately noticeable.

It is impossible to be indifferent to an acquired illness. Deterioration of vision may be followed by progression of the disease, leading to blindness.

First aid for decreased visual acuity

Did you know that some automatic and habitual actions have a negative impact on the eyes? Even if you have information about this, it will be useful to take a closer look at the list of enemies of eye health:

  1. Incorrect position of the spine. Slouching is not only aesthetic defect. Try to keep your back straight when walking, sitting on a chair and standing.
  2. Gadgets. You can talk about the dangers of TV and computers as much as you like, but few people think about smartphones and tablets. Even these little “friends” gradually destroy your vision. Replace such leisure with something else if there is no need.
  3. Wrong reading. We are talking here not about the content of the book, but about the process itself. Don't read in the dark, while traveling in a car or lying down - it's simple!
  4. Sunglasses. More precisely, poor quality Sunglasses. Wearing them allows you not to squint on a sunny summer day, but does not protect you from harmful rays. The situation only gets worse because you are not protecting your eyes by squeezing your eyelids. Either wear quality glasses, or don't wear it at all.
  5. Smoking, alcohol and drugs. The consequences of these bad habits are known to everyone. And they affect vision no better than they affect the heart, lungs and brain.
  6. Usual cosmetics. This includes gels, shampoos and some makeup removers. When they get into the eye area, they irritate them, gradually leading to vision deterioration. Use only high-quality and suitable washing products.
  7. Movies in 3D. The popularity of the innovation is gaining momentum, but ophthalmologists have a negative attitude towards it. Even if you're in love with 3D effects, don't watch movies this way more than times in Week.
  8. Piercing. This is exactly the case when you can pay for being part of fashion with the health of any organ. There are many points on the body that are responsible for the functions of the eyes. If you decide to pierce something, give preference to a good salon or cosmetology clinic.
  9. Postponement of a visit to the ophthalmologist. Have you noticed something wrong with your vision? Hurry to the doctor! Many serious illnesses start gradually. Don't let them develop!
  10. Ignoring doctor's recommendations. Do not forget that contact lenses, glasses and other techniques not only improve vision, but also prevent complications.

How to act on the body internally to improve vision?

Sometimes the deterioration of visibility is affected by a lack of vitamins. Here are some that you can use to correct the situation:

  1. Blueberry Forte.
  2. Vitrum Vision.
  3. Prenatsid.
  4. Riboflavin.
  5. Tianshi.
  6. Alphabet Optikum.
  7. Mirtilene Forte.

There is lighter "artillery". It is a vitamin-containing product that contains something that is good for the eyes:

  • olive oil;
  • blueberry;
  • almond;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, greens, etc.);
  • carrot.

Folk remedies for oral administration

Herbs, vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins, so their combination is doubly or even triple beneficial. You should not combine fortified gifts of nature yourself, since many of them do not fit well with each other. Better try these recipes:

  1. One of the most pleasant medicines is the combination of apricot juice and lemon. Pour two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into an incomplete glass of apricot juice. You can take the product at any time.
  2. A mixture of blueberries and lingonberries is no less tasty. You need to use them together in any form.
  3. An affordable and simple remedy is ten drops of Eleutherococcus infusion before consuming food.
  4. Improves vision and tincture from Chinese lemongrass. You need to mix its juice with alcohol in a ratio of 1:3. You should take thirty drops about three times a day. It is advisable to do this in morning time, since the mixture can be called invigorating.
  5. Eyebright also helps a lot. You should take a couple of large spoons of dry herbs, place them in a glass and pour boiling water over them. Strain the mixture and drink half a glass about three times a day.

External influence with folk remedies

Lotions and compresses are effective, which confirms the age of the recipes and proven effectiveness. Here are a few recipes:

  1. Boil half a glass of rose hips in a glass of water. Cooking time is about seven minutes. First wipe the eyelids with the cooled broth, and then apply cotton pads soaked in it to the eyelids.
  2. A good mixture is obtained from cornflower flowers, calendula and eyebright herb. All ingredients should be mixed in a teaspoon, pour into a glass hot water, leave for about two hours. Before going to bed, after washing, you need to soak the bandage in the infusion and apply it to your eyelids. Leave it on for about twenty minutes and do not wash your face after removing it.
  3. An excellent infusion is made from blueberry leaves. Place a handful of leaves in a glass, pour boiling water over it, and after cooling, wipe your eyelids at any time.

Simple gymnastics

With the help of exercises you can not only improve the condition of the body, but also the eyes. Here are a few that have a positive effect on vision:

  1. From bottom to top, left to right. We alternately move our gaze in these directions.
  2. From bottom to top, left to right with focus. After you have moved your gaze to the right side, focus it on a specific subject.
  3. Shooting. You need to “shoot” with your eyes at visible objects, focusing your gaze on them five times.
  4. Drawing with eyes. Try to draw any simple figures with your eyes, for example, letters and numbers.
  5. From small to large. We close our eyes, and then gradually widen them as much as possible.
  6. Blinking. We blink for thirty seconds.

Exercises can be done several times a day. An approximate “menu” of activities for the day is shown in the table.

9:00 From bottom to top, left to right (10 times), blinking (2 times), shooting (3 times)
12:00 From bottom to top, left to right with focus (5 times), drawing with eyes (6 figures)
14:00 Small to large (10 times), blink (4 times)
17:00 Drawing with eyes (10 figures), shooting (10 times)
20:00 From bottom to top, left to right (5 times), blink (2 times)
22:00 From bottom to top, left to right with focus (10 times)

Video - Exercises to restore vision

What to do if your vision decreases? Objects become blurry, inscriptions are not legible, this causes great inconvenience.
In order not to lose your vision completely and to restore what you have lost, you first need to determine the reason why it is suffering.

What to do

Treatment and preventive measures

If a decrease in visual acuity is detected, it is necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner. In the absence of diseases, prevention is necessary visual impairment.

Otherwise, irreversible processes may begin, and visual ability may be completely lost.

Even with initial deterioration, you should consult a doctor. He will examine and prescribe adequate treatment. Medicines prescribed by a doctor must be taken on time. It can be eye drops, various vitamins or changing your diet.

In addition to taking medications, the following rules must be observed:

  • give your eyes rest more often, do not sit in front of the computer for a long time;
  • read only while sitting; instead, you can listen to audio books;
  • do eye exercises, it will take no more than 10 minutes a day;
  • reconsider your lifestyle, walk more and eat only healthy foods;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day, during which time the eye muscles will recover from overstrain;
  • drink vitamins A, B2 and E;
  • to fight with bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

Following simple rules, visual function can be stored for a long time.

Simple and effective gymnastics

To improve vision sharpness, it is necessary to perform eye exercises every day.

It is especially important to do it when your eyes are tired: after reading books or working at the computer.

  1. You need to close your eyes tightly and then open them wide. Repeat 5 times with an interval of 30 seconds.
  2. Work eyeballs up, down, right, left. Repeat 3 times every 2 minutes. Repeat the same with closed eyelids.
  3. Make circular movements with your eyeballs, first with your eyelids open. Then repeat with closed ones. Do the exercise 3 times with an interval of 2 minutes.
  4. Blink very quickly for a few minutes a day.
  5. Close your eyelids tightly for a few seconds, then open them. Repeat at least 5 times.
  6. It's good to have a bright painting or a large photograph on the wall opposite your computer. From time to time you need to take a break from the monitor and look into the distance at a bright spot in the form of a picture.

Types of visual impairment in adults

Loss of vision can be not only a medical, but also a social problem.

It falls not only among older people, but also recently among very young people. A large number of people suffer from farsightedness, myopia, cataracts and glaucoma.

Types of visual impairment:

  1. Myopia is poor vision of objects at a distance. The greater the degree of the disease, the worse person distinguishes objects located in the distance. Most often, this type of deterioration occurs in people who are long time near computer screens.
  2. Farsightedness – objects are blurred not only near, but also at a distance.
  3. Astigmatism - with this disorder, objects appear blurry. Usually accompanied by farsightedness or nearsightedness. A complication may be strabismus.
  4. Presbyopia – objects that are close to you become blurred. Most often, people over 40-45 years of age are affected, otherwise presbyopia is called “age-related farsightedness.”

    You should not let it worsen, as eye fatigue and headaches may occur.

  5. Amblyopia - with this type, a one-sided decrease in vision can be observed, which can develop into strabismus. The cause may be a congenital defect of the eyeball.

Negative effects of computer

There are a number of reasons that affect visual function; based on them, it is necessary to select a treatment method.

One of the most important reasons for decreased visual acuity is constant exposure to computer and TV monitors.

The computer affects the ability to see in the following ways:

  1. When constantly near monitors, the eye muscles stop working. If you constantly look at the screen, the muscles that regulate the lens weaken and become sluggish. This happens with any muscle if there is no even slight load.
  2. Being near computer screens, too much bright light hits the retina, the surrounding area is usually complete darkness. Therefore, you should work at the computer in at least some light.
  3. The eyeball is always moist, and due to constant exposure to the monitor, the eyes blink less often, becoming dry.

Unilateral visual impairment

A decrease in visual acuity is fraught with its complete loss. It may decrease due to various diseases. For example, in connection with diseases of the optic nerve.

With retinal vascular obstruction, which most often occurs in people with high blood pressure and heart disease, unilateral partial or total loss vision.

In case of mental trauma and increased nervous excitability There is also a risk of visual impairment.

Another cause of unilateral decrease in acuity is hemorrhage in that eye. This can happen due to injury or pathology of the blood vessels of the eyeball, for example, with diabetes mellitus.

When optic neuritis is caused by infection, retinal detachment occurs, leading to unilateral visual impairment.

Nutrition directly affects eye health. Each type of pathology has its own approach to nutrition.

  • Vitamin A. For example, with night blindness, the eyes are susceptible to styes or inflammation of the cornea. For treatment, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin A, for example, carrots. It can be used in fresh, grated and seasoned with sour cream, or you can stew it with onions and cream.
  • Calcium. It is necessary to eat food with high content calcium, for example, cottage cheese, herbs and cheese.
  • Vitamin B1 and C. This vitamin is found in blueberries. If you eat a handful of berries a day, it will help restore visual acuity. You can eat fresh or frozen berries; it is useful to eat blueberry jam.
  • Bitter chocolate. This product contains flavonoids that help strengthen the cornea and protect blood vessels. But chocolate with additives is not suitable for treatment.
  • Lutein. IN large quantities found in spinach. Its use will reduce the risk of cataracts.

At any age, you need to take care of your eye health, because if you skip treatment and don’t start prevention, you can completely forget about clear images around you. Therefore, by following simple rules, doing exercises, changing your lifestyle, and undergoing treatment, you can preserve your vision for a long time.

Why vision may deteriorate after laser correction

Due to the emergence of new technologies, it has become possible to get rid of visual problems using laser correction. But, as with every innovation, both opponents and fans of this technology appear. Many people complain that after surgery their ability to see decreases again. But you should blame yourself, first of all. Because doctors, on the contrary, are interested in preserving their reputation.

Before the operation, a series of examinations are carried out to determine whether it is possible or not for the person to undergo correction. There are a number of diseases for which there is no point in performing surgery; it will have no effect. These are glaucoma, cataracts, arthritis, retinal detachment and thinning of the cornea.

After correction, temporary deterioration is acceptable, but it still goes away after rehabilitation.

If patients complain of worsened vision some time after correction, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Eat serious reasons, which were not eliminated by the operation. The correction is aimed at improving vision, but not at eliminating these causes.
  2. Before the operation, you must correctly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. First of all, you need to give up contact lenses, alcohol and cosmetics for a week before surgery.
  3. After the operation, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. During rehabilitation, eye strain is prohibited, physical exercise, including prohibition from visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths. When sleeping, lie only on your back.
  4. If the operation is successful, it may get worse, but this is temporary and goes away quickly.
  5. It is not excluded, of course, medical error, you must immediately consult a doctor and report all your complaints.

Vision is constantly falling, how to prevent it

There are several reasons for permanent loss of vision. The ability to see depends on the condition of the lens, retina, and eye muscles.

  1. First of all, the reason may be that people spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or reading books. From focusing your gaze on written texts for a long time, the eye muscles get tired and weaken. This causes the lens to lose its ability to adapt to changes in distance to the image. To prevent this from happening, you need to take short breaks and perform eye exercises. For example, alternately concentrate your gaze on near and distant objects.
  2. The second reason is retinal aging. The retina has special visual pigments. Over time, these pigments are destroyed, and then vision deteriorates. To do this, it is recommended to eat foods high in vitamin A. These foods include: carrots, meat, milk, eggs, blueberries.
  3. The next cause of visual disturbances is poor blood circulation in the retina. Since the retina is responsible for the quality of vision, it requires constant blood circulation. To prevent any abnormalities in the retina, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist at the first discomfort. For good blood circulation, your doctor will prescribe you special diet and drugs that help keep the retina in good shape. You should not abuse steam rooms, saunas and other things that increase eye pressure.
  4. Eye-strain. Not only is bright lighting dangerous for them, but staying in dark rooms also significantly impairs their vision. In bright light, you must protect your eyes with dark glasses and under no circumstances read in a darkened room. You cannot read in public transport, since when moving it is impossible to fully focus on the text.
  5. The mucous membrane plays an important role. If there are problems with the lacrimal glands, this also affects visual acuity. If a person has dry eyes, then it is necessary to use special drops.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. The image of familiar objects became blurry and unclear. This could be: a store sign, a regular bus number.
  2. People's faces blur, and it feels like they are in a fog.
  3. Floaters or black dots appear in the visual field.
  4. Pain in the eyes.

When working with a computer, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Properly organize your workplace. Place the monitor so that the light falls on it from the left side, the distance from the eyes to the monitor is from 60 to 70 cm.
  2. The size of the text should be such that it is comfortable to read without straining your eyes.
  3. It is necessary to take breaks from work every 20 minutes. Try to relax or take a walk.

Decreased vision after 40 years

There is an opinion among people that after 40 years the body begins to manifest all the diseases that exist. But all of these are most likely myths. Because if a person takes care of his health, then even after 70 years he will feel good. The same cannot be said about vision.

Everyone knows perfectly well that its sharpness depends on the retina and the refractive ability of the lens. Over time, it loses its properties and can no longer instantly focus on a particular object. The eye muscles lose their elasticity and can no longer hold the lens well in the desired position.

A person develops farsightedness, which is called age-related. And those who suffer from myopia hope that thanks to this, after 40 years they will recover from their disease on their own. But in this they are very mistaken. Because myopic people on the contrary, even more problems arise than there were before this time. One such problem may be a retinal tear, which can be repaired with a laser. But to prevent this from happening, it is better to periodically come for examination to an ophthalmologist.

To at least slightly stop the deterioration of vision, you need to consider several rules:

  1. Wear glasses prescribed by your ophthalmologist.
  2. Carry out correction using lenses. To do this, a lens is placed on one eye. And the following comes out: one eye for distance, the other for close range.
  3. And take vitamins.

Effective vitamins for eyes

Many vitamins are found in fruits, vegetables and other foods. But there are times when products are not always available. Therefore, pharmacies sell vitamins in tablets:

  1. Vitamins "Lutein Complex" are a product of the company Ekomir. They are taken 3 times a day for a long time.
  2. Vitamins Optix is ​​a product of a company with the same name. The course of taking vitamins is no less than three months.
  3. Dopelhertz Active eye vitamins are a product of the Dopelhertz company; these vitamins must be used consistently.

In addition to these vitamins, there are many more similar drugs. These drugs can be taken not only at a time when vision has deteriorated, but also for health prevention.

Vision is falling - what to do?

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Vision can begin to decline for many reasons. The eyes will immediately react to deterioration general condition body. These are mental and physical overloads, lack of sleep and food.

If the eyes turn red, headaches, heaviness in the eyelids or other negative signs appear, you must immediately analyze the reasons and eliminate them before they lead to functional changes in the eye. computer technology brought only benefits, it is necessary to use it wisely and pose dangers from the use of modern devices

Causes of decreased vision

Reasons for overloading the body:

  • eye strain from glare and flickering of the monitor. The eyes get tired from overload on the lens muscles. There may be a risk of cataracts;
  • Eye strain from frequently changing images can cause headaches;
  • huge amounts of information lead to overwork of the visual centers of the brain;
  • uneven loads on the back muscles and spine can cause the development of osteochondrosis and neuralgia;
  • prolonged loads on the hands - which can subsequently result in carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • low mobility will lead to decreased immunity and stress on the veins;
  • emotional psychical deviations occur when spending too much time in front of the computer.

It is possible to minimize damage to health, especially if a decrease in visual acuity is noticed, if you follow the recommendations of specialists.

Dosage of eye strain

The work activity of people is associated with reading information from the screen, entering it and dialogue during creative work on the computer. If an employee spends half of his time at the computer, then this is considered his main job. Standards are established for different categories of computer users:

  • time of continuous work and rest - no more than 6 hours for adults and 4 hours for children;
  • regulated breaks from work are required;
  • It is also recommended to alternate types of activities for entering, editing and comprehending texts;
  • for high school children the duration of a work session is 30 minutes, and for children the continuous work time is 20 minutes. It is believed that psychophysiological stress under such restrictions will not harm children if a number of other requirements for safe work are met.

Correct posture when working at the computer

If you spend your leisure time at the computer, fatigue quickly sets in:

  • games;
  • movies;
  • screen reading;
  • viewing images;
  • participation in forums.

The degree of fatigue depends on:

The spine will not be tense and blood circulation will not be impaired if:

  • the body is tilted slightly backward;
  • hands are free above the armrests;
  • Only fingers should work, not hands;
  • The entire foot rests on the stand, and the angle between the hips and torso and the knees with the hips should be straight.

For comfortable work, a special computer chair is best suited. The height and tilt of the backrest are adjustable. It is convenient to move around the room on rollers. The shape of the seats in the chairs and their rigidity are specially designed to reduce stress on a person. Wrist rests and special keyboards for operators are also available.

Gymnastics for the eyes

There is a risk of losing visual acuity with the development of myopia when working at a computer for a long time without eye exercises. Inner shell The eyes become irritated, leading to red eyes, dry eyes and headaches. The source of voltage is the flickering and changing brightness of the monitor. Catching a clear image from the screen, the eyes get tired, blood circulation slows down. There is a lack of oxygen and accumulation of metabolic products inside the eyeball.

The body finds a way to overcome this by dilating blood vessels. This leads to pain in the eye. Infrequent blinking and prolonged immobility also accelerate fatigue.

You should make it a habit to blink more often and do eye exercises.

A five-minute warm-up will help relieve fatigue:

  1. Warm the eyelids with warm palms and apply 20 pressures on the eyelids.
  2. Rotate your eyeballs 10 times in different directions, close your eyes and open your eyes 5 times.
  3. Tap your head lightly with your fingers from the forehead to the back of the head.
  4. Alternate blinking and closing your eyes 10 times.

The exercises are best done on fresh air in good lighting.

If you want to recover after working for a long time at the monitor, do some exercises.

  1. Move your gaze in different directions and diagonally.
  2. Look at the tip of your nose.
  3. Playing badminton and games where the eye follows the movement of an object are good for the eyes.
  4. Monitor the movement of your hand, rotating it in a semicircle at shoulder level.
  5. Alternate looking at objects near and far.

Gymnastics should be performed regularly every two hours, and for children after 45 and 15 minutes, depending on age. Periodic bending and head rotation are useful.


When vision begins to decline, you need to choose the appropriate vitamins and take them.

With a lack of vitamin A, " night blindness", and B6 deficiency is a feeling of pain in the eyes. There are many vitamins and their purposes are different. Let's look at the most important ones.

  • Vitamin A will improve twilight vision and strengthen the cornea. Contained in a number of products - carrots, rowan, fish, liver.
  • Vitamin C is responsible for hemorrhage and saturates the eyes with oxygen. There is a lot of vitamin in citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, currants and cabbage.
  • B1 or thiamine regulates blood pressure and the transmission of nerve impulses. Contained in cereals, yeast, liver.
  • Riboflavin B2 helps strengthen blood vessels, prevents the development of glaucoma and cataracts.
  • B12 strengthens nerve fibers. Found in milk and eggs.
  • Lutein strengthens the retina and lens. Spinach and paprika contain this vitamin.

Of course, it is better to get vitamins from foods and eat well. But this is difficult to ensure, so it should be accepted vitamin complexes. There are many of them available in pharmacies. different composition, purpose and price category. Prevention possible diseases Everyone needs an eye, especially older people.

Moisturizing drops

Stress when working with a computer leads to fatigue, irritation and pain in the eyes. When such symptoms appear, you need to choose the appropriate drops. These symptoms are treated with drops that moisturize the cornea of ​​the eye.

Ophthalmic vitamin drops nourish the eyes, maintaining visual acuity:

  • moisturizes the cornea well - does not contain preservatives, you can drip daily to prevent diseases.
  • drops with hyaluronic acid restore eye cells, eliminate dryness - they can be used for a long time without fear side effects and overdose.

Eye redness drops nourish and moisturize the cornea of ​​the eye and do not contain allergens or aggressive ingredients:

  • Visine;
  • Optiv;
  • Vial.

Inox has a vasoconstrictor effect. Eliminates unpleasant symptoms, constricting blood vessels. Particularly effective for relieving redness, burning and pain.

When we're talking about For eye inflammation, you need to use drops with an antiviral and antibacterial component. Antibiotics suppress inflammation and further complications.

For children use special drops:

  • Albucid;
  • Sintomycin;
  • Tobrex.

Drops should be selected carefully to avoid allergic reactions and overdose.

Proper nutrition

At heavy loads you should eat foods with increased content vitamins Food should be easily digestible, varied and complete:

  • The most affordable and useful product- carrot. It helps strengthen the entire body, not just the eyes, there are no contraindications and there are no overdoses. It is recommended to drink juices and eat boiled carrots in purees and soups.
  • Parsley restores the blood vessels of the eye, helps with inflammation and disease of the optic nerve.
  • Beets strengthen the eyes and cleanse the blood.
  • Rose hips will help give elasticity to blood vessels.
  • For myopia, you need to brew hawthorn.
  • Apricots are useful for weakened vision, green tea, pumpkin.
  • The leader in eye benefits is blueberries. It can be dried, boiled and frozen. Its properties will not be lost.
  • Fish oil and cereals are rich in vitamins.

The condition of the eyes is reflected by the work of the intestines. We must ensure that the body does not accumulate toxins:

  • You need to exclude salt from foods.
  • Reduce the amount of consumption of sweets and white bread.
  • Food should not be monotonous. the amount of smoked meats and sausages should be reduced, but plant food bring to 60%.

To improve eye health, you need to regularly cleanse the body and remove toxins, such as activated charcoal.

Healthy eating, body cleansing, physical exercise will help preserve vision and protect against myopia.

Examination by an ophthalmologist

You need to monitor your eye condition regularly, at least once a year. Especially if headaches and negative eye effects appear. Lack of moisture can lead to high blood pressure. Age-related diseases better to find on early stages and take action.

An ophthalmologist will examine your eyes using a microscope and determine chronic diseases. Using a fundoscope, the deeper layers of the eye are examined for changes:

  • retina;
  • vessels;
  • nerves.

The ophthalmologist will check visual acuity and measure intraocular pressure, examine the retina and cornea.

It is very important to detect eye diseases before irreversible changes occur.

Have you noticed that your vision has begun to deteriorate? It's time to take all possible measures to restore it, or at least to slow down the rate of decline.

If it is impossible to completely exclude communication with the computer and TV, then every 30 minutes you should give your eyes a rest: blink, look out the window, just close your eyes, sit with holey glasses. The duration of such relaxation is 5-10 minutes.

Control your own posture at the computer

The back should be straight, knees at right angles, feet pressed to the floor, and elbows resting on the table. The computer screen should be 50-60 cm away from the eyes and located at their level. Ideal lighting is dim, diffused light.


  • Without raising your head, look up, to the right and left;
  • Move your eyeballs clockwise;
  • Blink and close your eyes;
  • Draw an infinity sign with your eyes;
  • Focus your gaze on the tip of the pencil, moving the pencil closer and further towards your nose.
  • Each exercise requires 5 repetitions.

Take a course of vitamins

Or special vitamin supplements for vision correction.

  • Riboflavin solution (for blurred vision);
  • Prenacid, Lacrisifin, Cromohexal, Octilia (if decreased vision is due to allergic diseases);
  • Visin, Actipol, Opatanol, Okumetil (for eye strain);
  • Myrtilene forte (increases visual acuity at dusk);
  • Vitrum Vision (restores vision when there is heavy strain on the lens);
  • Tianshi (Chinese complex that completely heals the eyes);
  • Alphabet Optikum (multivitamins);
  • Visualon, Tentorium Blueberry ();
  • Blueberry forte, complex (for any visual impairment).

The course of vitamin therapy (if the instructions do not contradict this) is 1 month. It should be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Use it

If, due to prolonged work at the computer, redness of the eyes occurs and a burning sensation is felt, then it makes sense to use it daily. They are helping eye muscles relax, and this leads to normalization of blood circulation and increased visual acuity.

Eat right

Enrich your diet with foods high in retinol, vitamins E, C, D, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and lutein. These are almonds, Jerusalem artichoke, liver, oysters, garlic, herbs, carrots, spinach, corn, broccoli, red fish, olive oil.

Get examined by an ophthalmologist

Repeat this regularly.

All of the above can be resorted to only if the loss of vision is caused by visual overload.

Vision that decreases due to the progression of any disease will not recover on its own. Such diseases may include pathologies of the spine, problems with thyroid gland, eye injuries. Even the accumulation of toxins can cause vision loss. In this case, you need to visit an ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.