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Bright red redness of the navel in an adult. Inflammation of the navel in adults - treatment at home

Reasons this state can be:
. Development of omphalitis- skin inflammation and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area
. Availability fistula near the umbilical ring (urachus).

To find out the exact cause, it is necessary to examine the surgeon with mandatory bacterial culture of the discharge and revision of the umbilical ring.
Treatment tactics will depend on what caused it.
If it is omphalitis, treatment is conservative. If there is a fistula, then the only way to get rid of it is surgically.

Development of omphalitis may be caused for various reasons, most often it is an infection (bacterial or fungal).
The disease is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin in the navel area and the appearance of purulent-bloody discharge in the umbilical fossa area.
Often the inflammatory process spreads to the umbilical vessels, then can spread to the artery wall and surrounding tissues, which leads to arteritis or phlebitis of the umbilical vessels.

Forms of omphalitis

With a simple form (wet navel) the patient's general condition does not suffer; in the navel area there is oozing with serous or serous-purulent discharge, which forms crusts.
Prolonged wetting leads to the formation of excess granulations at the bottom umbilical wound(umbilical fungus), which complicate its epithelization.
Possible dense mushroom growth Pink colour- fungoid tumor.

Phlegmonous form characterized by the spread inflammatory process to surrounding tissues. There is redness around the navel, soft tissue infiltration is detected, and palpation is painful.
The umbilical fossa is an ulcer surrounded by a compacted, thickened skin ridge. When pressing on the umbilical area, pus is released from the umbilical wound.
The general condition gradually begins to deteriorate, and a slight increase in temperature is noted. In some cases, phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall. When phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall begins, the temperature rises to 39 °C and higher.

Necrotic form omphalitis is usually a consequence phlegmonous form. The process spreads not only to the sides, as with phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, but also deeper. Necrosis (death) of the skin and subcutaneous tissue occurs and its detachment from the underlying tissues occurs. The infection can spread to the umbilical vessels, leading to the development of umbilical sepsis. Therefore, it is very important to stop the process as quickly as possible before the development of periarteritis of the umbilical vessels.

Treatment of omphalitis

In the vast majority of cases it does not cause any difficulties.
At simple form of omphalitis, treatment consists of daily treatment umbilical region and umbilical ring (with antiseptic solutions with the application of antiseptic ointments, if necessary, with mandatory drainage, and the mandatory use of physiotherapy.
To do this, you need to contact a surgeon as soon as possible.

At phlegmonous and necrotic forms are used complex treatment in a hospital setting, for which you need to go to the nearest emergency hospital.

More often congenital pathology. Develop as a result of non-infection of the vitelline intestine or urinary duct.
When the vitelline-intestinal duct is not closed in the navel area, an intestinal-umbilical fistula with intestinal or mucous discharge is formed. Sometimes the intestinal mucosa falls out through the fistulous tract, and less often the omentum.
When the urinary duct (urachus) is not closed, a vesico-umbilical fistula is formed, and then the discharge is usually urine.

Acquired umbilical fistulas are observed after a prolonged inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when the navel is opened purulent abscess.
In both cases surgical treatment- excision of fistulas and suturing of defects in the wall of the bladder or intestine are performed. Conservative management is possible in the absence of discharge from the fistula.

It must be remembered that self-medication most often leads to aggravation of the process, and in best case scenario- only to temporary relief.

Only after examination by a surgeon and standard diagnostic studies can be set correct diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment tactics.

The navel is a scar that forms on the anterior abdominal wall after the umbilical cord falls off in an infant. The umbilical cavity creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. A constantly weeping umbilical fold is a good reason to consult a doctor. The most common reasons a weeping navel is omphalitis and umbilical fistula. Scientists have proven that about 1,400 various bacteria accumulate in the human navel. Most of them are not completely harmless, and only under certain conditions can they threaten human health. If daily hygiene is not observed in this delicate part of the human body, an increased concentration of bacteria and microbes can provoke bad smell And liquid discharge from the navel.


The most common cause of a weeping navel is omphalitis - bacterial inflammation umbilical wound, umbilical vessels, umbilical ring or subcutaneous fat around the umbilical ring. Symptoms of omphalitis are weeping discharge from the navel, swelling, redness, unpleasant odor, itching and pain. At neglected form omphalitis, pus and ichor collect in the umbilical cavity. If left untreated purulent inflammation navel, it will quickly spread to neighboring tissues. For omphalitis, the umbilical fold is treated with silver nitrate, washed with hydrogen peroxide, but advanced stage only helps surgical intervention. Omphalitis can have a simple, purulent, phlegmonous or necrotic form. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci, staphylococci and coli.

Umbilical fistula

Umbilical fistula is a congenital pathology that develops as a result of non-fusion of the umbilical-urinary or umbilical-intestinal duct. When the umbilical urinary duct is not closed, small portions of urine are released from the navel; this defect is especially noticeable during urination. Non-closure of the umbilical duct is fraught with intestinal or mucous discharge from the navel. In some cases, an umbilical fistula may appear as a result of a long-term inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess is opened through the navel. Umbilical fistula is treated by excision and suturing of defects in the wall Bladder or intestines.

Other causes of a weeping navel

In addition to omphalitis and fistula, a weeping navel can be associated with structural features of the umbilical canal, complications after piercing, and insufficient hygiene during the hot season. The narrow and deep umbilical canal is more likely to accumulate sweat and dead skin particles. This leads to infection and inflammation of the umbilical area. In some cases, the appearance of discharge from the navel may be associated with complications after piercing, which is open wound. To keep your navel healthy, you need to wash it daily with soap suds or liquid soap, and then wipe it dry with a soft towel or napkin. And remember that a clean navel is healthy skin, which is not afraid of any bacteria!

During intrauterine development, everything nutrients the baby receives from the placenta through the umbilical cord. Immediately after birth, it is cut, and all the baby’s organs and systems begin to work independently. At the site where the umbilical cord is attached to the baby’s tummy, an umbilical wound remains, which heals over time. It is very important to care for it properly. Let's figure out how to clean the navel, and also consider its main diseases.


After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped with forceps and cut. A small section of it is left and tied, after which a special plastic clip (“clothespin”) is placed on it. Future form The baby’s navel depends on exactly how the midwife made the “knot”.

After about 3-5 days, the remainder of the umbilical cord dries out and falls off on its own. In its place an umbilical wound is formed. Average term its tightening is 1-3 weeks. During this period, it bleeds slightly and becomes wet (ichor is released).

What if the belly button doesn’t take longer to heal? Being 3-5 days behind the norm is not a problem, if not alarming symptoms: color changes, heavy bleeding, discharge and so on. A physiological increase in wound healing time may be associated with individual characteristics baby such as a wide or deep navel.

Rules of care

In the maternity hospital, the baby’s umbilical wound is cared for by the medical staff; after discharge, this task falls on the mother’s shoulders. You should ask your doctor or nurse about how to clean your belly button during the first month of life.

Care stages:

  1. Bathe your baby in a separate bath in boiled water(36-37 °C). You can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate or an infusion of herbs to it. antiseptic properties(strings, daisies).
  2. After water procedures blot the baby's skin with a terry towel. The abdominal area should not be rubbed.
  3. Using clean fingers, gently spread the skin near the navel and drop a little hydrogen peroxide on it. After waiting until the reaction (hissing) stops, blot the remaining product with cotton wool.
  4. Wet cotton swab in brilliant green and apply it to the umbilical wound.

Manipulations must be carried out carefully: when trying to clean the navel, it is unacceptable to pick, rub, or press on it. If there are yellowish crusts inside, you should pour peroxide on the wound, wait 2-3 minutes, and they will be removed.

Many modern specialists They believe that the navel does not need to be cleaned with antiseptics. Bathing your baby in boiled water every day is enough.

In any case, it is important to ensure constant access of air to the wound: do not cover it with a diaper and arrange air baths more often. Until the navel heals, the baby should not be placed on his stomach and massaged.

With improper care, as well as for other reasons, problems may occur. various problems. Most often, young mothers are worried that the navel does not heal for a long time, becomes wet, inflamed, bleeds, bulges, changes its color to red, brown or blue. Let's figure out why this happens.


Omphalitis is an inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound and surrounding tissues caused by bacteria. Basic Prerequisites – improper care and weakened immunity. The navel can become inflamed if it is not cleaned at all, or if it is treated too vigorously.

There are several forms of omphalitis:

Catarrhal (simple). Symptoms:

  • the navel gets wet and does not heal for a long time;
  • transparent, bloody and serous purulent discharge;
  • redness of the ring around the navel;
  • normal health of the child.

Sometimes the wound darkens and becomes covered with a crust, under which discharge accumulates. A complication of catarrhal omphalitis is fungus - a pale pink proliferation of granulations at the bottom of the navel.

Phlegmonous. Symptoms:

  • copious purulent discharge;
  • protrusion of subcutaneous fat near the navel;
  • redness and hyperthermia of the abdominal skin;
  • increased body temperature and general weakness.

This form of omphalitis is very dangerous: it can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body and necrotic tissue damage.

If the navel becomes red, darkened, bleeds and becomes wet, you need to seek medical help. Catarrh treated with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptics 3-4 times a day. Fungus is cauterized with silver nitrate. The phlegmonous form requires the prescription of local and systemic antibiotics.

Sometimes a child needs detoxification and infusion therapy. If tissue necrosis begins, surgery is prescribed.


An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of organs (intestines, omentum) through the umbilical ring. Outwardly, it looks like a tubercle rising above the surface of the abdomen, which appears when the child cries or strains. When pressing on the navel, the finger easily “falls” into abdominal cavity.

According to statistics, a hernia is found in every fifth newborn. This usually happens during the first month of the baby's life. Its dimensions can vary significantly: from 0.5-1.5 cm to 4-5 cm.

A hernia is formed due to muscle weakness and slow tightening of the umbilical ring. It is believed that the tendency to form it is inherited. Additional factor, under the influence of which a hernia is formed - an increase intra-abdominal pressure. Its causes are prolonged, strained crying, flatulence, and constipation.

For most children, a hernia does not cause any discomfort. But if you find a protrusion in the navel area, you should consult a doctor. Commonly practiced conservative treatment– massage and gluing of a special plaster. By the age of 5-6 years, most often the hernia disappears without a trace due to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. If this does not happen, an operation to suturing the muscular umbilical ring is prescribed.

Very in rare cases a hernia leads to a complication such as strangulation. It can be suspected if the navel suddenly protrudes, turns blue, or appears on it. dark spot, and the baby cries in pain. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Principles of massage

Massage will help cure a small protrusion in the navel area. It is advisable that the course of procedures be carried out by a specialist. But if this is not possible, then you can massage the baby yourself after the umbilical wound has healed.


  1. Stroke the abdomen with your palm around the navel, without touching the liver area.
  2. Bending forefinger right hand, move its second phalanx around the navel 2-5 times.
  3. Place a pad thumb on the navel and lightly press on it, imitating screwing movements 3-5 times.
  4. Tap your stomach with your fingertips.
  5. Place the palms of both hands under the child's lower back. Thumbs pass along the oblique muscles and connect them above the navel.

Massage helps to train the abdominal muscles and increase their tone. It must be carried out before meals, with the child lying on his back on a flat surface. Abdominal massage is done only clockwise.


Umbilical fistula - connection of the umbilical ring with small intestine or bladder. During the prenatal period, the fetus has choleretic and urinary embryonic ducts. Through the first, nutrition is supplied, and through the second, urine is excreted. Normally, they should close by the time of birth. In some babies, the ducts are partially or completely preserved. This is how fistulas are formed.

A complete fistula of the urinary duct leads to the fact that the navel becomes wet - urine is released through it. At the bottom you can see the red rim of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula is characterized by an accumulation of foul-smelling secretions and a change in skin color in the navel area - a pinkish spot may appear on it.

A complete fistula of the choleretic duct is accompanied by partial removal of intestinal contents and visualization of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula provokes serous-purulent discharge from the navel.

A fistula can be diagnosed based on examination, ultrasound and radiography. Treatment is only surgical. Without treatment, a fistula can cause omphalitis and peritonitis.

Other problems

What other problems can arise with a baby's navel? The most common situations:

  1. The wound is bleeding, a bruise (dark spot) has appeared - injury occurred due to careless hygienic manipulations, when putting on a diaper or clothes, or when turning over on the stomach. You can clean the wound with peroxide and treat it with an antiseptic. If the navel does not heal and bleeds continuously, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. The navel gets wet - it got hit foreign body. Must visit pediatric surgeon so that he can remove it.
  3. The navel is red, but not inflamed - the baby “studied” his body and injured the skin. This often occurs at 6-10 months. Another cause of redness is food or contact allergy. In this case, a rash will be present on other parts of the body.

The navel is one of the most vulnerable areas on a baby’s body in the first month of life. Normally, the wound heals within 1-3 weeks. During this period, it must be cleaned very carefully to prevent infection. If your baby's belly button is inflamed, bleeding, bulging or wet, you should show it to the doctor. In most cases, problems can be solved by massage and proper care.

The umbilical wound is one of the most vulnerable places on the body of a newborn baby. It creates a favorable environment for reproduction harmful microorganisms, and therefore the baby’s navel should be constantly looked after and monitored. Even after complete healing of the postpartum wound, the risk of infection through the umbilical fundus remains increased: here, in the recess, microorganisms can live, which, under certain conditions, are activated and provoke inflammation. Therefore, a child’s red belly button can be observed even at an older age: closer to a year, and even at 2-3 years.

The causes of navel redness are completely different, but this phenomenon should never be left without the attention of parents.

Red navel in a child: causes

The most serious and dangerous cause redness of the navel in a child is omphalitis. This is a bacterial inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound, the umbilical ring and surrounding tissues. Omphalitis is characterized by severe redness of the skin in the umbilical area (it becomes bright red), swelling and swelling, hyperthermia (increased skin and body temperature), and a few days after the appearance of these signs, purulent discharge may be observed.

Omphalitis causes discomfort to the baby and to a certain extent affects his well-being and health. The child may be weakened, capricious, restless, sleep poorly, eat poorly, and even lose weight. But the main danger lies in the fact that bacteria penetrate deep into the umbilical fundus, enter the blood and can thus spread the infection throughout the body.

Omphalitis usually occurs in newborns in the first days and weeks of life. But a child’s red belly button can also be observed in later periods of his development.

Around the end of the third month of its development, the newborn begins to explore its hands and find all sorts of activities for them. Later, he enthusiastically studies the body and its individual parts. In this process, babies often find a belly button on their tummy and play enthusiastically, picking at it with their fingers. Such manipulations often cause redness in children 7, 8, 10 months old and even older!

One more probable cause there are red navels allergic reactions. This could be a reaction child's body on New Product, introduced into his or his mother’s diet (if the baby is on breastfeeding), for washing powder or baby cosmetics, for new diapers and even clothes! Any rubbing, irritation, diaper rash, contact with chemical or synthetic substances can cause redness and swelling on the skin of children, including in the navel area. And in babies, the skin in this place may turn red even after strong straining or hysterical crying.

Omphalitis certainly requires treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist.

In difficult advanced cases the child may even need to be shown to a dermatologist or surgeon, but the pediatrician will judge this need after an in-person examination. Quite often it is possible to eliminate the problem on your own, simply by adhering to the rules of caring for the navel and paying increased attention to the hygiene of this area:

  1. Always dry the navel thoroughly after water procedures, avoiding the accumulation of liquid in it.
  2. In the first days and weeks of the baby’s life, do not cover the umbilical wound with a diaper - it must “breathe” until it heals.
  3. Give your child air baths more often, allowing the navel to dry naturally.
  4. Trim growing children's nails in a timely manner.
  5. Buy your child underwear only from natural fabrics.
  6. Don't use synthetic ones washing powders for children's clothing.
  7. If the slightest souring occurs in the umbilical wound, treat this area with peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, blot the moisture dry with sterile cotton wool.
  8. Try to avoid eating highly allergenic foods if you are breastfeeding and introducing them into your baby's complementary foods.

However, often the situation requires qualified assistance And drug treatment. It is necessary to show your child to a doctor if you observe the following symptoms - just one of them or several at once:

  • increased skin temperature around the navel;
  • increased body temperature;
  • visible swelling and “bloating” of the skin around the umbilical wound;
  • discharge of fluid or pus;
  • pulsation in the area around the navel.

Based on the condition and type of umbilical inflammation, the pediatrician will determine treatment tactics and advise what to do next. Usually, for omphalitis, antibacterial and disinfectants, in some cases, the antibiotic will need to be taken orally or administered intramuscularly (but only after sowing the flora for sensitivity to antibiotics). It is necessary to treat the area of ​​inflammation several times a day for 2-3 weeks.

For disinfection and drying, the most various means. Most of all, doctors like to advise 3% hydrogen peroxide in such situations - it dries well and does not stain the skin, and this is important when it is necessary to assess the condition of the navel and the tendency for improvement/deterioration. In addition, brilliant green has recently not been prescribed at all for treating the umbilical wound, since after it the wound often begins to get wet and sour.

For drying and disinfection, when a child’s navel is red, Xeroform, Betadine, chloramphenicol, antibacterial ointments or gels. They should be applied to the wound only after preliminary drying of the umbilical fundus.

The rules stated above hygiene care for omphalitis also remain relevant.

No matter how serious the situation may seem to you, you should not worry too much. An inflamed navel can always be cured, the main thing is not to let the situation take its course. Although, if the redness is caused only by temporary mechanical irritation, then it quickly goes away on its own without extra effort from your side.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

We rarely pay attention to many parts of our body if they do not bring us any discomfort. However, in some cases such areas present us with unpleasant surprises. One of the most unnoticeable parts on human body is the navel, which is nothing more than a scar left after the umbilical cord falls off. However, in certain situations such an area can become an ideal place for the active proliferation of bacteria, which can lead to the development of various infectious processes. Let's try to figure out why an adult's navel gets wet, let's name the reasons for this phenomenon and its cause.

Why does an adult’s navel get wet, what are the reasons for this?

A weeping navel in an adult is serious reason for consultation with a doctor.


A similar phenomenon may be a symptom of an inflammatory lesion such as omphalitis. This disease is a lesion of the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the skin near the navel.

In this case, the patient’s navel seems to be flowing, and there is noticeable redness and swelling in the affected area. In addition, such a disease is accompanied by the appearance of a rather unpleasant odor. Omphalitis also makes itself felt by pain and unpleasant itching sensations. In addition, with this pathology, pus along with blood begins to collect in the navel.

If omphalitis is not treated on time, it can spread to new tissues and even go deep into the body. So the infection quite often penetrates into the umbilical vessels, which is fraught with the development of phlebitis or arteritis.

It is believed that omphalitis develops due to an attack by bacteria or fungi. This pathological condition can be caused by insufficient hygiene, as well as piercing.


Quite rarely, a weeping navel in adults is explained by the development of a phlegmonous form of omphalitis. In this case, the patient not only experiences purulent discharge and noticeable redness of the navel itself and the skin around it, patients are also worried about an increase in body temperature, some hardening and noticeable soreness of the affected area. IN severe cases pathological processes lead to inflammation of the abdominal wall, and the patient needs immediate consultation with a surgeon. In the absence of timely correction, the infection can penetrate deep into the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with the development of necrosis, and subsequently blood poisoning.

Cystic fistula

Another one possible reason the occurrence of a weeping navel in adults - the formation umbilical fistula. This pathology usually develops in the case of a patent bladder or bile duct. In certain situations, fistulas are acquired in nature, so they can appear as a result of inflammatory damage to the anterior wall of the peritoneum and as a result of the opening of an abscess through the navel.

weeping navel

If the navel of an adult gets wet, in adults it depends, of course, on the reasons for the development of such a pathology. Actually, just like with any other disease. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe to the patient laboratory test the fluid that comes out of the navel. This manipulation helps confirm the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as determine which pathogen provoked it. If the lesion is bacterial in nature, antibiotics are prescribed, and fungal diseases are corrected accordingly with antifungal compounds.

A wet navel can also be cauterized with silver nitrate, washed with hydrogen peroxide, and sometimes treated with iodine, brilliant green, etc. When purulent form To treat an illness, doctors usually prescribe the use of ointment formulations, which also often involves draining the wound to ensure complete drainage of pus.

Local may involve applying synthomycin liniment under the bandage ( local antibiotic), lubricating the affected area with Polymikin-m-sulfate, as well as Baneocin or Bactroban. Most often, such formulations are used one to four times a day, in accordance with the instructions.

In the event that pathological processes lead to necrotization of a portion of tissue, such areas are subject to surgical removal.

High efficiency for omphalitis and phlegmon, physiotherapeutic procedures also differ, with preference given to ultraviolet irradiation, as well as ultrahigh-frequency therapy.

In addition to antibiotics or antifungal compounds, the doctor may prescribe vitamin preparations(provitamin A, ascorbic acid and B vitamins). Such means help to activate immune system, and also accelerate the healing process.

In particularly severe cases of inflammation, it is practiced intravenous administration glucose solutions. This procedure helps reduce intoxication. Immunostimulating compounds are also often used.

As for the appearance of fistulas, such formations are eliminated surgically, after which antibacterial treatment is carried out