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What are the types of ureteral diseases? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of urinary ducts in women

The ureter is a paired hollow tubular organ that carries urine from the renal pelvis to the bladder.

The length of the ureter is 25-30 cm, it lies retroperitoneally, starts from lower section renal pelvis, goes down, passes into the small pelvis, forming a curvature with a convex outward, flows into the bladder along its lower surface, obliquely perforating its wall (Fig.). It opens into a bubble with its mouth; the orifices of the two ureters form the upper corners of the vesical triangle.

Topography of the ureter: 1 - left adrenal gland; 2 - left kidney; 3 - left ureter; 4 - abdominal aorta; 5 - large psoas; 6 - left general iliac artery and vein; 7 - left internal iliac artery and vein; 8 - left external iliac artery and vein; 9 - bladder; 10 - ; 11 - right ureter; 12 - inferior vena cava; 13 - right kidney.

The ureter is conventionally divided into three sections: abdominal - from the pelvis to the entrance to the pelvis, pelvic - to the bladder and intramural - 1.5-2 cm long, lying in the wall of the bladder. The diameter of the ureter is 4-15 mm. The ureter has three physiological narrowings: at the exit from the pelvis, at the entrance to the pelvis and inside the bladder wall.

The wall of the ureter consists of three layers: the outer - connective tissue, the middle - smooth muscle and the inner - mucous membrane.

In women, the ureter passes in close proximity to the uterus and.

The passage of urine through the ureter is carried out due to contractions of the segments of the ureter - cystoids, of which there are usually three.

Ureter . The ureter is a flattened tube 27-30 cm long. From the renal pelvis, the ureter goes down and medially, to the innominate line of the pelvis, which divides the ureter into two anatomical and surgical sections: the upper - abdominal and lower - pelvic. The abdominal section of the ureter is located along the inner edge of m. psoatis and loosely adheres to the parietal peritoneum, which should be remembered when looking for the ureter in this area. Identification value has spermatic vein, which passes here lateral to the ureter and crosses it at the entrance to the pelvis. In the pelvic region, the ureter forms an arch, convex to the lateral side, heading down and medially to the bladder. The ureter enters the lower wall of the bladder obliquely, perforating it on the side midline, and opens on the mucous membrane of the bladder with a slit-like opening at top corner bubble triangle.

At the lin level. innominata of the pelvis, the ureter crosses the iliac vessels, after which it is located medial to them. The circumvesical segment of the ureter crosses the obturator artery and vein and the external umbilical artery, as well as the vas deferens in men and the uterine artery in women.

The wall of the ureters is formed by two layers of smooth muscle: the inner - longitudinal and the outer - circular. In the wall of the bladder, the ureter is surrounded by a third muscle layer, the so-called Waldeyer's ureteric sheath, which is functionally connected to the muscles of the bladder. The mucous membrane of the ureter is covered with stratified transitional epithelium.

The lumen of the ureter is on average 5-8 mm. At the exit from the pelvis, at the intersection of the iliac vessels and in the thickness of the bladder wall, the lumen of the ureter is narrowed to 3-4 mm.

Arteries upper section ureter extends from renal arteries, middle - from seminal and ileal, lower - from vesical or uterine. Veins correspond to arteries.

The lymphatic vessels of the upper section flow into the glands of the renal gilus, the middle ones into the retroperitoneal ones, and the lower ones into the iliac lymph nodes.

The ureter is innervated from the renal, spermatic and iliac plexuses.

From abnormalities of the ureter The most common is duplication of the ureter, which can be complete - two ureters depart from it and in the bladder they open on one side with two mouths - or partial, when the ureter is not doubled along its entire length and opens in the bladder with one mouth. Duplication of the ureter is often accompanied by duplication of the kidney.

Congenital atony of the ureter is a functional concept, determined by the state of its dynamics. The ureter is dilated, its walls are thinned. Atony is accompanied by a delay in the passage of urine through the ureter. An atonic ureter is called a megaloureter.

Often there is an abnormal narrowing of the cystic opening of the ureter and a spherical protrusion of its mouth - ureterocele, which can be unilateral or bilateral. Other ureteral anomalies are rare.

Diagnosis of ureteral anomalies is made using (see), retrograde (see) and excretory (see).

Treatment of ureteral anomalies is surgical; for ureterocele, endovesical ureteral orifice is performed.

Ureteral injuries closed ones arise due to sudden compression of the torso, a blow with a blunt object or a fall from a height and lead to complete or incomplete rupture of the ureter.

Signs of damage to the ureter - pain in the lumbar region, blood in the urine, after a few days heat and swelling in the lumbar region due to urinary leakage (see). At closed damage of the ureter, drainage of urinary leakage and nephrostomy are performed; subsequently - reconstructive surgery on the ureter.

Open ureteral injuries are more common in wartime. Signs are blood in the urine and urine leaking from. If damage to the ureter is suspected, excretory urography and retrograde ureterography are performed. Treatment is surgical, as for a closed injury.

Sometimes injuries to the ureter occur during gynecological or obstetric operations. If damage to the ureter is established during surgery, it is necessary to immediately restore patency of the ureter. When an injury to the ureter goes unrecognized, a ureteral or narrowing of the ureter forms.

Quite rarely, the ureters become inflamed - a disease, the symptoms of which in women are quite pronounced, in medicine it is called ureteritis (not to be confused with urethritis, this is a completely different pathology).

The ureters are paired canals that connect the kidneys and bladder. Through them, urine from the kidneys enters the bladder, and as it fills, it exits through the urethra.

It is very rare to encounter isolated inflammation of the ureter in women. As a rule, pathology is a consequence of another disease genitourinary system– pyelonephritis, urethritis, .

Sometimes diseases of the ureter are associated with a violation of the innervation (supply of organs with nerves) of one of its sections. In this case, the movement of urine through the channels slows down and may stop altogether.

How to recognize pathology

Symptoms of inflammation of the ureter in women in the vast majority of cases are clearly expressed.

Manifestations will depend on what disease it is caused by and what triggered it.

If the cause is progressive urolithiasis, then the symptoms will be as follows:

  • severe pain in the lumbar region on both or one side;
  • during an attack of pain, a person shows confusion, anxiety, and tries to find a position in which the pain would be less;
  • In women with inflammation of the ureter, symptoms such as hyperemia and redness of the labia are often observed;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • attacks of nausea, leading to vomiting.

In some cases, inflammation of the ureters can cause an increase in blood pressure in a sick woman. But all these symptoms pass quickly enough; they are short-lived.

There is a constant urge to empty the bladder, and the process itself is quite painful.

If you examine a woman’s urine, it will be dark and cloudy; sediment is often found at the bottom of the container. Sometimes you can even notice small pebbles - concretions.

If urinary tract disease is provoked acute cystitis(will be slightly different.

A woman with such a pathology complains of painful urination, cutting, burning. Urination occurs more than ten times a day, but the patient still has a feeling of a full bladder.

When examining urine, purulent or blood impurities are found in it. The same symptoms are characteristic of inflammation of the ureters caused by urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).

Very often, in women, the ducts become inflamed due to a disease such as pyelonephritis (a kidney infection).

The symptoms are similar to those of urolithiasis. The lower back begins to ache, then the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable. A woman may complain of headaches, chills, nausea, and high fever.

But ureteral disease itself usually does not manifest itself in any way. IN in rare cases patients report symptoms such as nagging pain along the ureter - below and on the sides of the abdomen, and in the groin area.

A typical symptom of ureteral disease in women is whitish, cloudy urine.

Why does pathology develop?

To understand why a disease such as ureteritis begins to develop in women, you should understand how the human genitourinary system works.

Kidneys are paired organs through which liters of blood pass daily. In them, the blood is cleansed of toxins and waste, which are converted into urine. Urine first accumulates in the renal pelvis.

urinary system

And then, through two paired channels it enters the bladder and is removed from there through the urethra.

If at least one organ in this chain is unhealthy, the infection can spread to the ureters too. But, most often the cause is the accumulation of sand and kidney stones.

The stones, along with the urine, leave the renal pelvis and begin to move along the ureter to the bladder. The mucous membrane of the passages becomes scratched and irritated - inflammation begins.

If a woman suffers from infectious disease- for example, cystitis caused by bacteria - then the ducts will become even more inflamed.

Sometimes the cause of the disease is congenital anomalies in the structure of the ureters - their narrowing or complete obstruction. This phenomenon is quite rare and requires surgical intervention.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Under no circumstances should you try to treat a disease such as ureteritis in women on your own.


The fact is that very rarely it occurs on its own - this has already been discussed above. This means that it is completely impossible to eliminate it without identifying the root cause.

Only a doctor can do this, using the accumulated experience and modern diagnostic methods, usually following the following algorithm:

  1. Taking anamnesis - carefully listens to all the patient’s complaints, asks for details, etc.;
  2. Visual examination of the patient, palpation - the doctor palpates the kidneys, taps on the lower back, assesses the size of the kidney and the nature of the pain;
  3. Refers the patient to lab testsgeneral analysis blood, urine. Urine must be submitted for bacteriological culture, to identify bacterial pathogen and selection of antibiotics;
  4. If necessary, a PCR test is prescribed to detect urine infections excretory system(chladmias, herpes, papillomavirus and others); This is the most advanced technique with which you can determine the type of bacteria based on fragments of its DNA and certainly select the most effective medicine.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys - the walls of the urinary ducts are measured, it is determined whether there are stones or sand in the organs, it is diagnosed whether there is a violation of the innervation in any of their areas, inflammatory processes are visualized;
  6. X-ray of organs urinary system with the introduction of a contrast agent;
  7. Cystoscopy - endoscopic examination of the bladder
  8. Urethroscopy - examination of the urethra using a urethroscope;

The urologist prescribes one or another examination based on the patient’s complaints, test results and the expected diagnosis.

Treatment methods

Since the symptoms of ureteral disease are always very pronounced and painful, the woman promptly consults a doctor and begins treatment.

Conservative methods

Mainly used conservative methods, treatment is carried out in two directions:

If the cause of inflammation of the ureters is cystitis or urethritis, then the woman must be prescribed antibiotics.

Complemented complex treatment diseases anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antispasmodic drugs. Can be used folk remedies as an auxiliary in combination with traditional drugs.

For ureteritis (inflammation of the ureters) caused by urolithiasis, antispasmodics are used to eliminate external symptoms.

In the future, agents are prescribed to help dissolve the stones and remove them from the body.

If the stones are very large, the doctor may prescribe an operation to crush them using ultrasound, hardware lithotripsy, as well as other types of operations (based on the composition of the stone, its size and location).

In addition, regardless of the cause of the disease, the woman must adhere to a diet during treatment.

You should avoid spicy, sour and salty foods, fatty, fried foods, as well as coffee and alcohol. Any foods and drinks that can further irritate the mucous membranes and increase inflammation of the ureters are excluded.

UHF bladder

In case of infection, it is important to follow drinking regime, especially useful herbal teas(eg chamomile) and cranberry drinks.

After acute symptoms eliminated, the woman must undergo a course of physiotherapy - ozokerite and paraffin wrap, electrophoresis, UHF.

Recover faster normal functioning organs of the genitourinary system and taking immunomodulatory drugs will help to avoid relapses.

Surgical intervention

In extremely rare cases, treatment of ureteral inflammation requires surgery.

Typically, the indication for surgery is a violation of the innervation of the ureter. In this case, the doctor can remove the denervated organ fragment.

Ureteral surgery

Surgery is also necessary if a large calculus is stuck in the ureter and causes inflammation.

At congenital anomalies structure of the ureters - their narrowing or complete obstruction, as well as narrowing of the ureteral duct, surgery is performed. Doctors widen the ureter using a stent.

In some severe cases surgeons implant an artificial urinary duct.

So, ureteritis or inflammation of the ureter is typical female disease, its symptoms are much less common in men.

Almost always it could be avoided by treating the underlying disease in time: cystitis, urethritis or pyelonephritis. Therefore, you should take care of your health and do not hesitate to consult a doctor at the first atypical symptoms.

The ureter is the duct that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

Inflammation of the ureter (ureteritis) can occur due to several reasons:

  • pyelonephritis,
  • pyelitis,
  • urolithiasis disease,
  • urethritis,
  • cystitis,
  • disruption of the innervation of the ureter.

Most often, the inflammatory process in the ureter is caused by kidney stones. Stones, as a rule, form in the renal pelvis, and then with urine flow they can enter the ureter, causing renal colic.

If the stone has a smooth surface and a rounded shape, then it can pass out on its own in the urine. But if the surface of the stone is rough and has sharp corners, then it is retained in the ureter. At long stay stone in one place, the walls of the tube become damaged and swell, further complicating the outflow of urine.

The wall of the ureter can also become inflamed when infected from other organs of the urinary system.

Often ureteritis develops with pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. Bacteria enter the wall of the ureters from the upper or lower parts of the urinary system.

Main symptoms

On early stage inflammation symptoms are associated with the underlying disease.

If ureteritis develops as a complication of urolithiasis, then at first the symptoms of renal colic will prevail:

  • sharp cramping sharp pain in the lower back (so strong that the patient’s consciousness is sometimes confused, he cannot be in one position, tries to find a comfortable one, “rushes” around the room);
  • pain spreads from the lumbar region along the side of the abdomen and reaches groin area, radiates to the external genitalia and to inner surface hips;
  • due to severe pain, body temperature may increase, arterial pressure, nausea and vomiting often appear, but these phenomena are short-lived;
  • the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, the process of urination itself becomes difficult and causes pain;
  • When a stone passes, the urine changes color, may become cloudy or contain sediment, sometimes the stones are visible to the naked eye.

If inflammation of the ureter was preceded by cystitis or urethritis, then the main symptoms will initially be pain and burning when urinating, frequent urge, feeling incomplete emptying Bladder.

Can be elevated temperature, headache.

When ureteritis develops as a result of pyelonephritis, the patient is initially bothered by dull aching pain in the lower back on one or both sides, malaise, symptoms of intoxication.

When diagnosed with inflammation of the ureter, the symptoms of the underlying disease gradually fade into the background. Aching pain appears along the ureters: along the side of the abdomen to the groin. Urination remains frequent and painful. There may be an admixture of blood and pus in the urine; the urine itself is cloudy and whitish in color.

The general condition also suffers:

  • health worsens: malaise, lethargy, weakness occur;
  • loss of appetite, nausea appears;
  • headache occurs
  • Body temperature rises, there may be chills.

Important: if you have indicated symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Without treatment, the infection can spread to other parts of the genitourinary system

Diagnosis of ureteritis

To diagnose inflammation of the ureteral wall, a number of studies are performed:

  • general blood and urine analysis,
  • blood chemistry,
  • urography,
  • cystoscopy,
  • catheterization of the ureters,
  • ureteroscopy,
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and ureters.

Inflammatory changes are detected in the blood: an increase in the level of leukocytes, ESR, the presence of inflammatory proteins (seromucoid, CRP). The urine contains a large number of white blood cells (pyuria), and hematuria (blood in the urine) is sometimes observed.

With survey and retrograde urography (contrast x-ray method), you can see a violation of the outflow of urine and the presence of stones.

(endoscopy of the bladder) reveals swelling at the mouth of the inflamed ureter. During catheterization, pus and cloudy urine are released from the catheter.

Ureteroscopy allows you to see swelling and hyperemia of the walls of the ureter, the presence of damage. Ultrasound determines thickening of the walls and the presence of stones.

Treatment methods

Conservative treatment

The choice of treatment largely depends on the cause of the inflammation. For urolithiasis it is prescribed antispasmodics, drugs that promote the dissolution and removal of stones, as well as special diet.

If the cause of ureteritis is pyelonephritis or cystitis, then these diseases are treated first of all.

The main agents in the treatment of inflammation of the ureter are antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and uroseptic agents. To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, solutions of salts and glucose are administered intravenously, diuretics and enterosorbents are used.

After subsiding acute process physiotherapy is prescribed ( various methods warming up).

Surgical intervention

If the inflammation is caused by a violation of the innervation of the ureter, then an operation is performed to remove the denervated area.

Surgical intervention It may also be necessary for urolithiasis, if the stone has been in the ureter for a long time. In this case, the wall of the ureter becomes very inflamed, fistulas with other organs can form, so the part of the ureter with the stone or fistula is removed and the patency of the organ is restored.

If a significant part of the ureter is damaged, then a stent (special tube) is installed so that the outflow of urine is not disrupted.

Important: if you suspect you have ureteritis, do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis, recognize the causes of the disease and, taking them into account, prescribe treatment. As a result untimely treatment surgery may be needed.

Inflammation of the ureters is medically called ureteritis. The disease can occur against the background of pyelonephritis, pyelitis, urolithiasis, urethritis, cystitis, and impaired innervation of the ureter. The most common cause is urolithiasis. Stones form in the kidneys and move toward the ureter, causing renal colic. Small, smooth and round stones are passed out in the urine, while others are retained.

In the latter case, at the location of the stone, the walls of the tube become swollen, damaged, and the outflow of urine becomes difficult.

Symptoms of inflammation of the ureter in men and women

The wall of the ureter also becomes inflamed when infections enter from other organs of the urinary system. Often ureteritis occurs against the background of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. That is pathogenic microorganisms come from the lower or higher parts of the urinary system.

On early stages Only manifestations of the underlying pathology occur.

For example, if ureteritis occurs against the background of urolithiasis, then there are signs of renal colic:

  1. Sharp cramping pain in the lower back;
  2. Spreading pain syndrome on the stomach, groin, external genitalia, inner thighs;
  3. Body temperature and blood pressure may increase, nausea and vomiting may occur, but these symptoms are short-lived;
  4. Frequent urination. This process is difficult and accompanied by pain;
  5. Urine changes color when a stone comes out, becomes cloudy, with sediment, etc.

If ureteritis develops against the background of cystitis or urethritis, the main symptoms are pain and burning during urination, as well as frequent urge to go to the toilet, a feeling of incomplete emptying. The temperature may rise and headache may occur.

If the reasons lie in pyelonephritis, then the main sign of inflammation is one- or two-sided dull aching pain in the lower back, general malaise, and manifestations of intoxication. As ureteritis progresses, the symptoms of the underlying disease become less noticeable: aching pain occurs along the ureters (on the sides of the abdomen in the groin area), urges become more frequent and become painful, urine may have patches of pus, blood, and becomes cloudy and whitish.

Concerning general well-being, then malaise, weakness, lethargy occurs; appetite disappears, nausea occurs; there is a headache; the temperature rises with inflammation of the ureter, and chills may be present.

Diseases of the urinary system during pregnancy

Any infection that affects female body during pregnancy, it can disrupt the normal course of the gestation period and affect the fetus. The degree of risk depends on the type of inflammation and type of infection. Some infections can penetrate into amniotic fluid, that is, the likelihood of infection of the baby increases, which will lead to developmental pathologies.

Also, the infection can be transmitted to the child during passage through the mother’s birth canal, which will lead to the development of conjunctivitis, pneumonia, gonococcal infection. Of particular danger are running forms inflammation.

How to treat inflammation of the ureters that occurs during pregnancy

Therapy depends on the nature of the disease. If there is an infection, the woman is hospitalized. In the hospital, conservative antibiotics are selected that have the least ability to penetrate the placenta. May prescribe medications local action and a course of immunotherapy. Sometimes the doctor recommends douching with infusion of linden or chamomile, drinking plenty of fluids in the form of fruit drinks, sour juices, consumption large quantity leafy vegetables. The goal of treatment is to restore the walls of the ureter, natural microflora, strengthen protective functions body.

Inflammation of the ureter caused by pinworms

Quite often the disease occurs against the background of helminthic infestation, especially in children. Pinworms are one of the most common helminths. They can crawl into the urethra, and sometimes reach the bladder, carrying with them many pathogenic microorganisms.

For pinworms, medications such as levamisole, pyrantel, mebendazole, carbendacim, piperazine, and nemozol are prescribed. Because helminthic infestation accompanied by itching of the anal area, prescribed antihistamines, for example, Loratodin, Cetrin, Zodak.

You can put . Along with the treatment of pinworms, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating ureteritis.

Inflammation of the bladder and at the same time the ureters

Cystitis in this case most often provokes a violation of the outflow of urine, that is, ureteritis. In addition, the reasons may be hidden in a decrease immune defense body, congestion and infectious processes in the pelvis hormonal imbalance etc.

As with other cases of inflammation of the urinary system, complex therapy is required.

Inflammation of the bladder requires a prescription the following drugs and compliance with measures:

  1. Antibiotics;
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. Antispasmodics and painkillers;
  4. Elimination of urine outflow disorders (organic, functional);
  5. Immunotherapy;
  6. Phytotherapy;
  7. Drink plenty of fluids;
  8. Sexual abstinence for the duration of treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

To confirm the presence of ureteritis, the doctor prescribes following procedures: general blood test (and biochemical) and urine; urography; cystoscopy; catheterization; ureteroscopy; ultrasonography.

Laboratory blood tests show an increase in the concentration of leukocytes, acceleration of ESR, and the presence of inflammatory proteins (CRP, seromucoid). Urine tests may show an increase in the concentration of white blood cells (pyuria), and hematuria (blood in the urine) may occur. Survey and retrograde urography (contrast x-ray) shows impaired outflow and the presence of stones. Cystoscopy - endoscopy of the bladder, shows swelling. During catheterization, cloudy urine with pus is released. Ureteroscopy reveals swelling, hyperemia of the organ walls, and damage. An ultrasound will show wall thickening and stones.

How to eliminate symptoms and how inflammation of the ureter is treated: conservative therapy

The choice of gentle methods directly depends on the cause of ureteritis. For example, in case of urolithiasis, antispasmodics, drugs that dissolve and remove stones, as well as an appropriate diet, which depends on the type of stones, are needed.

Inflammation of the ureter, which occurs against the background of pyelonephritis or cystitis, first of all requires treatment of the underlying pathologies.

Drugs on which it is based drug therapy These are primarily antibiotics. They are prescribed in combination with uroseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. To stop the manifestations of intoxication, solutions of glucose and salts are administered intravenously. In addition, enterosorbents and diuretics are used.

When subsiding inflammatory process begin physical therapy, which involves various warming procedures.

Purulent discharge from the ureter is one of the symptoms of diseases of the excretory system. Often pathologies are accompanied by fever, pain, frequent urination or lack of urination. To correctly diagnose the disease, the doctor prescribes a series of tests. Due to the similarity of symptoms, determine the cause yourself unpleasant symptoms impossible.

Diseases of the ureter are not common, but they are quite dangerous and painful pathology.

Types of ureter diseases in women and men and their symptoms

Diseases of the ureter are quite rare. Classification by source of disease:

  • congenital;
  • traumatic;
  • tumor;
  • obstructive;
  • inflammatory.

The main symptom is severe pain. The diagnosis depends on the location of the pain syndrome. Further damage to the bladder or genitals is possible. Accompanied by difficulty urinating.


It is an accompanying pathology of the genitourinary and excretory systems; congenital hypoplasia is less commonly diagnosed. As a result of the anomaly, one of the layers of the ureteral wall is not fully formed, with structural disturbances. Most often the muscle layer of cells is affected. Often accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen with residual patency. Severe pathology is manifested by a completely blocked ureter as a result of a blocked lumen.

Prolapse of the ureter is clearly visible on the cystogram.

Due to the disease, the organ invaginates into the lumen of the bladder through the cystic orifice. The protruding part looks like a tube; on the cystogram, the doctor sees a longitudinal violation of filling in the direction of the ureter. In women, protrusion of both ureters with bladder from the vagina. Similar cases, fortunately, are extremely rare.

Cystic pyeloureteritis

This disease of the ureters is characterized by the formation of a large number of cystic growths in the submucosa or mucosa. Most often, cysts are located in the ureter or renal pelvis. Cystic inflammation affects the proximal lobe of the organ, papillary neoplasms - the distal lobe. Cysts are shaped like vesicles filled with clear liquid. The doctor sees cystic pyeloureteritis on a ureteropyelogram. Cysts are manifested by insignificant filling abnormalities, which gives an uneven contour to the affected ureter.

Achalasia of the ureters

This is an uncompensated stage of neuromuscular dysplasia. Achalasia is the most severe and most common anomaly. The neuromuscular apparatus of the organ is underdeveloped, the ureter is dilated. The expansion of the organ can be provoked by an organic or functional obstacle in the prevesical region. Other names for the disease:

  • atony;
  • megaureter.


Infection of the ureter with tubercle bacilli will cause severe pain and affect diuresis.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Specific lesions of the organ wall:
    • infiltrate;
    • ulceration;
    • narrowing
  • Changes in urine:
    • proteinuria;
    • increase in leukocytes;
    • excess red blood cells;
    • tuberculous mycobacteriuria.
  • Signs of obstruction:
    • severe pain;
    • attacks of acute pyelonephritis.


This localization of the disease is considered a very serious pathology, since its consequence is often stenosis of the ureter, followed by hydronephrosis, which can lead to loss of the kidney.

Endometriosis of the ureter is secondary, manifesting itself in women after damage to the ovaries. Diagnosed during ultrasound examination as the formation of a spongy structure and increased echogenicity. Symptoms of endometriosis:

  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • renal colic;
  • blood in urine;
  • itching in the urethra.


Ureteral diverticulum is different mild symptoms at an early stage.

This is an abnormal phenomenon of an organ in which its wall protrudes. A ureteral diverticulum is an accessory bulging of the caudal end of the primary intestine. The inside of the protrusion is covered with urothelium with a weak submucosal layer. The wall consists of muscle fibers. They are located only in the pelvic region of the affected organ. Mostly there are no signs; the first manifestations are associated with the onset of complications. Stagnation of urine in the diverticulum leads to inflammation and stone formation.


The second name of the disease is hydroureteronephrosis, characterized by dilation of the pelvis, calyces and ureter. The disease causes a decrease in the functional abilities of the affected organ as a result of ureteral obstruction. For a long time is not accompanied by certain symptoms, and is often diagnosed accidentally, during an ultrasound scan for suspected urolithiasis(ICD) or renal failure. Balloon dilatation of the ureter causes discomfort in the kidney area, the organ does not work at full capacity.


The disease is characterized by a cystic bulging of the lower region of the ureter. Refers to congenital abnormalities. The expanded part of the organ invaginates into the bladder, which is diagnosed during excretory urography in the form of a “cobra head” symptom: when the filling defect resembles the silhouette of a snake’s head. It happens that during examination the ureterocele does not fill contrast agent. In this case, the disease may be misdiagnosed as a stone or tumor. Often diagnosed in men.

Ureteritis (inflammation of the ureter)

Inflammation of the ureter can cause the development of other diseases of the excretory system.

When infections from other organs enter the ureter, the walls of the organ become inflamed. Signs of ureteritis depend on the disease that caused the inflammatory process. Sources of disturbance and characteristic manifestations are indicated in the table:

The disease that caused ureteritisSymptoms at the initial stage
ICDManifestation of renal colic
Frequent, painful urination
Sharp pain in the lumbar region
Short-term fever, nausea and vomiting
Change in urine color, sediment and blood in urine
CystitisBurning and stinging during urination
Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
Headache, fever
Frequent urge
Aching pain in the lumbar area
General malaise

With advanced ureteritis, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain syndrome;
  • urine turns white and becomes cloudy;
  • blood appears in urine;
  • general lethargy and nausea are felt.

How do tumors appear?

Tumors of the ureter are accompanied by pain and hematuria.

There are epithelial and connective tissue neoplasms. They are extremely rarely diagnosed as primary ailments. Typical symptoms include blood in the urine, failure to urinate, and lumbar pain. Benign tumors can develop for a long time without any manifestations. Also characteristic manifestations is poor appetite, weight loss, low-grade fever.