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Enlarged lymph node on the left side of the neck. What does an enlarged lymph node in the neck on one side indicate? Long-term painless enlargement of lymph nodes in chronic inflammation caused by nonspecific microflora

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is medically called lymphadenitis. This process is not an independent disease. This is a symptom that often develops in various pathologies. This is due to the fact that lymph nodes are part lymphatic system, responsible for the production of lymphocytes and immune cells. They eliminate harmful microorganisms that get inside.

If the lymph nodes are inflamed, then we can say that there are too many bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. They stop coping with their work, and this indicates that the infectious process is progressing. Despite this, it can indicate either some serious pathology or a common cold.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck can indicate a number of diseases

What is a lymph node?

Lymph nodes are natural filters that destroy most viral and sometimes even cancer cells. Most of these nodes are present under the arms, in the groin, and also on the neck. Although in the latter case a person usually notices only two lumps, slightly below the ears, in reality there are many more lymph nodes here.

Among them are the nodes:

  • Lower jaw;
  • Sublingual;
  • Submandibular;
  • Angle of the lower jaw;
  • Anterior cervical;
  • Parotid;
  • BTE;
  • Occipital;
  • Supraclavicular.

This quantity and location is associated with the body’s desire to deal with the danger that has arisen as quickly as possible and destroy it in the very first seconds.

A healthy person can only feel the anterior cervical nodes, because they are located quite close to the surface of the skin. However, they will be small, smaller than a bean, that is, 1 centimeter, palpation will not cause pain, and the lymph node itself can move.

Causes of inflammation

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck are very diverse. In this zone they are responsible for the processes occurring in oral cavity, in particular in the teeth, but also in the ears, in the tissues of the neck or face. If some kind of pathology appears somewhere, then seals may develop.

Thus, the reasons could be:

  • Infectious diseases. As a rule, they are either associated with the respiratory system or develop in the oral cavity. Therefore, the growth of lymph nodes can be observed with a common cold or flu, as well as with smallpox, rubella and many other similar diseases. Among pathologies of the oral cavity and teeth, common reasons are caries, glossitis, periodontitis and others.
  • Problems at work. Under some conditions, it can be difficult for a person to fight diseases. Even a common cold, if left untreated, will lead to enlarged lymph nodes after all symptoms have disappeared. This also includes hypothermia, vitamin deficiency and stress.
  • Oncology. Sometimes a lymph node becomes inflamed because its tissue begins to degenerate into malignant tissue, for example, with Hodgkin lymphoma.
  • Mechanical damage. Sometimes growth occurs if the node itself or nearby tissues have been injured.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Alcoholism.

Most often, enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes occurs if the disease is localized in close proximity to them, but this is not always the case. The fact is that pathogenic organisms can be spread throughout the body, for example, through the circulatory system.

In this regard, the reasons include several more infectious diseases, such as:

  • Pigs,
  • Mononucleosis.

Separately, it is worth considering the possibility of the appearance of inflamed lymph nodes in AIDS. On the one hand, this is quite realistic, and a constant increase will indicate precisely this pathology. On the other hand, with AIDS, entire groups of nodes become inflamed, not just the cervical ones.

Lymph nodes in a normal and inflamed state

Among the diseases that can lead to inflamed lymph node, stands out special group called autoimmune. A distinctive feature of these pathologies is that in this state the body begins to fight its own cells, perceiving them as foreign.

The node may become inflamed if:

  • Rheumatoid,
  • Sarcoidosis,
  • Sjögren's syndrome.

If inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck occurs, then, first of all, we can talk about respiratory infections. Children may also have problems with their immune system. The third possible cause is various injuries. The lymph nodes in a child's neck will become inflamed if he gets a scratch or even open wound through which the infection will penetrate.

There have been cases when similar manifestations were observed in children after fiddling with pets, such as cats and dogs. In this case, the growth is due to the fact that animal saliva, which could get inside, is perceived by the child’s body as a foreign element. The immune system begins to fight it, leading to enlargement of the lymph nodes. Dr. Komarovsky discusses the features of childhood lymphadenitis in his video.

How to recognize inflammation?

Most main symptom, which speaks of an inflammatory process in the nodes of the lymphatic system, is their increase. Sometimes it can even be noticed visually, since, in particularly serious cases, the dimensions can reach the size.

Other signs of the pathological process are often observed:

  • Change in the consistency of the node. It can become either harder or softer if suppuration occurs.
  • Pain on palpation and swallowing.
  • Redness of the skin near the affected node.
  • Prostration.
  • Apathy.
  • Rising temperature.

In children, lymphadenitis is almost always observed against the background high temperature, weakness and tearfulness. Sometimes it can develop as a complication, so in this case it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

A photo of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck will not help determine what type pathological condition is present, but, as a rule, the symptoms help to figure it out:

  • Acute lymphadenitis is accompanied by severe pain and redness of the tissue. In this case, it is necessary to treat the specific disease that caused the condition.
  • Chronic is characterized by a significant increase in lymph nodes in size, but pain syndrome at the same time weak or completely absent. This is most often associated with problems with the immune system.

Lymphadenitis is also classified according to severity. They talk about the catarrhal variant at the beginning of the disease, later - about the hyperplastic one, and if the pus has spread throughout the neck, then this is a purulent type.

Treatment Basics

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is directly related to the impact on the underlying disease that caused this condition. Determine the cause and further actions the attending physician can. Actions towards patients with lymphadenitis often differ depending on whether the acute or chronic type is observed.

If this is an acute option, then you need to deal with a specific disease. Treatment at home is acceptable if the cause inflammatory process lies in the common cold. The methods suggested below are also suitable as first aid while waiting for a doctor.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck:

  • Keep bed rest.
  • Do not burden the body physically or emotionally.
  • Drink more warm liquids. In adults, the norm is two liters, although in men it can be more. One liter is enough for children.
  • Let's admit reception natural vitamins, for example, in the form of a decoction of rose hips or chamomile, as well as tea with the addition of raspberries or lemon.

Every patient (or parent of a patient) needs to know what cannot be done in such conditions. General principle– warming up the inflamed node, for example, with heating pads, compresses, ointments or gels, is unacceptable. You should not do massage, as all this can lead to blood poisoning and even death.

Treatment with antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck can only be prescribed by a doctor, if the cause of the enlargement is hidden in some serious illness. For decreasing lymph nodes It is usually worth contacting an ENT specialist.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods and home remedies will not help remove inflammation from the lymph nodes if it is caused by a serious pathology. However, against the background of full treatment prescribed by a specialist, it is quite acceptable to promote the healing process with folk remedies.

  • Infusion. It is purchased at a pharmacy. Ten drops are diluted in 50 ml of pre-boiled water and drunk four times a day.
  • Herbal decoction. You can mix mint, calendula and chamomile. Gargle with this decoction about three to four times a day.
  • Soda and salt. This mixture is very often used for rinsing, even without enlarged lymph nodes. Typically one spoon of baking soda and half of salt are used.
  • Aloe juice. You need to drink it one tablespoon per day.

Subsequently, it will be very important to take care of prevention. First of all, it consists of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to maintain strong immunity. In addition, it is important not to allow various diseases to develop and to fully treat them. You shouldn’t overcool your body, but you need to harden yourself.

Since the disease can get inside through scratches and wounds, you should try not to get them, and if they occur, carry out disinfection. Finally, it is worth taking care of your own safety during periods of epidemics. To do this, you need to wear (and regularly change) a gauze bandage.

Many people sometimes notice unnatural bulges on their neck, which are usually extremely painful. They can appear in both adults and children. What does this mean, why is it dangerous and how to treat such a disease? This syndrome is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the neck. The reasons for the situation can be varied.

What are lymph nodes needed for?

To find out why the lymph nodes in the neck hurt, first let’s understand what lymph and lymph nodes are and what function they perform in the body.

Lymph is a special fluid that resembles blood, except that it lacks red blood cells. The main type of cells found in lymph is . This type of cell is responsible for immune reaction body.

Lymph nodes are a collection of lymphatic vessels. The nodes perform a dual function - on the one hand, they are a barrier to the penetration of various infectious agents into the body, and also prevent the proliferation of pathological cells of the body itself. On the other hand, lymph nodes are the site of development of new lymphocytes. Antibodies and phagocytes can also be produced in the lymph nodes. In addition, these organs are responsible for the outflow of intercellular fluid.

Location of lymph nodes

There are many lymph nodes in the human body, but they are most densely located in the neck, in groin area and in armpit. Lymph nodes vary in size. The largest of them have a diameter of approximately 1 cm. There are several groups of nodes on the neck:

  • from the front of the neck,
  • from the back of the neck,
  • under the chin,
  • under the jaw
  • on the back of the head
  • in the ear area.

The largest ones and those located close to the surface of the skin can be felt with your fingers. They have a round shape to the touch and can roll slightly. However, in in good condition lymph nodes do not cause pain when touched.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. At cervical lymphadenitis the nodes increase in size and become painful. They may feel hard to the touch. The size of the inflamed nodes can vary from the diameter of a pea to 5 or more centimeters.

Sometimes, however, there is no tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes. At severe inflammation the skin around the lymph nodes may become red and inflamed. The disease can affect both lymph nodes on one side of the neck and symmetrical nodes on both sides. Sometimes several groups of nodes may be involved in the process.

Also, pain in the cervical lymph node can sometimes be felt not only when pressing on it, but also when swallowing, turning the head in different directions.

There are several risk groups whose members are more likely to get the disease:

  • people with weakened immune systems;
  • those suffering from chronic alcoholism;
  • people prone to allergic reactions;
  • patients with thyroid diseases.

It is customary to distinguish several types of lymphadenitis:

  • spicy,
  • catarrhal,
  • chronic.


With inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, the causes can be varied. In most cases, lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating some problems in the body. These could be inflammations, infections or tumors. Experienced doctor by the location of the affected node, its shape, size and degree of pain, it can determine the location of the disease and its type.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck may be associated with an increased concentration of pathogens in them, and an increase in their size may be associated with an increase in the production of lymphocytes.

Very often, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is caused by diseases of the upper respiratory tract - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, influenza, as well as inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media. Lymphadenitis can also be caused by oral infections - periodontitis, gingivitis, caries, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and tongue.

Infectious processes on the skin - dermatitis, rashes, furunculosis, wounds and suppuration can also cause enlargement and inflammation of the nodes. These processes may be caused by exposure to the herpes virus, bacteria or fungi.

If the lymph node is very painful, this may be a symptom preceding the active phase of the disease. Microorganisms that can cause inflammation of nodes include pathogens, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, streptococci and staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic fungi.

Infection with bacilli, brucellosis and syphilis most often leads to a chronic form of lymphadenitis.

Also, enlargement and inflammation of the nodes can be caused by autoimmune diseases(rheumatism, gout, sarcoidosis, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), chronic alcoholism.

There are often cases when lymphadenitis is just evidence of a weakened immune system (as a result of stress, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body). It may also occur reverse situation– when the nodes become inflamed due to allergic reaction, that is, an enhanced immune response to any irritant. IN similar cases however, enlarged lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions - rash, hives, swelling, etc.

AIDS - severe viral disease, affecting cells immune system person. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, as well as lymph nodes located in other parts of the body, may indicate the presence of HIV in the body.

Can also lead to lymphadenitis. This is a disease in which the body develops pathological cells, concentrated in certain organs, including the lymph nodes. Mononucleosis is characterized by a very strong enlargement of the lymph nodes, the size of which can reach 5 cm.

Tumors located in the upper part of the body can also cause enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. In some cases, we can talk about tumors of the tissues of the lymph nodes themselves - lymphomas.

Thus, there are a huge number of reasons that can cause enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and in short article it is impossible to list them all. In total, there are more than a hundred diseases that can lead to similar phenomenon. Therefore, it is usually very difficult to draw a conclusion about what problem underlies lymphadenitis without thorough tests.

In some cases, the patient can also draw a conclusion about the nature of the disease associated with inflammation of the lymph node by its shape and other external signs.

The presence of many small inflamed nodes indicates a weakened immune system. The uneven contours of the node, its immobility and painlessness is a reason to contact an oncologist.

Enlarged lymph nodes without pain when pressing may indicate certain stages of tuberculosis.

An increase in pain when pressing, a rounded shape and mobility of the node most likely indicate inflammatory processes in the throat and neck. The location of the inflamed node may also indicate this - as a rule, during infectious processes of the throat, the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed. If, for example, the lymph node on the left hurts, this means that, most likely, the source of infection is also on the left side.

It is also impossible to exclude lymphadenitis not associated with any infectious disease, and arose due to mechanical damage knot tissue.

Lymphadenitis in children

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck during infections occurs especially often. The causes of frequent inflammation can be ARVI and rubella, scarlet fever, and infectious mononucleosis. Also in children, inflammation of the nodes can be an immune response to vaccinations, for example, BCG vaccination.


In most cases, the cause of the disease can only be determined by a doctor upon examination. However, it often happens that the presence of inflammation of the nodes coincides with respiratory symptoms sore throat, cough, runny nose, and high fever. In such cases, there is no doubt that lymphadenitis is caused by acute respiratory disease. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, enlarged lymph nodes may indicate a tumor, so if the nodes long time do not pass, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Which specialist is best to contact if the lymph nodes in the neck hurt? This is usually the prerogative of an otolaryngologist. He can send you for additional tests - a blood test, ultrasound, research on the genomes of microorganisms, or to other specialists, for example, to an infectious disease specialist, oncologist, hematologist, dentist, pulmonologist. If necessary, a biopsy of the node tissue can be used for diagnosis. To exclude tuberculosis, fluorographic examination can be used.


How to treat and how to treat lymphadenitis? In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes is secondary symptom, therefore does not require separate treatment. It is enough to cure the underlying disease and the enlarged nodes will decrease in size. The exception is purulent inflammation of the nodes. In this case, surgery may be required.

What to do if the disease is bacterial in nature? In this case, antibiotics are taken. The specific type of antibiotic depends on the type of pathogen and should be prescribed by a doctor. For fungal skin infections, antifungal drugs are used - Clotrimazole, Ketonazole.

If the disease is of a viral nature (influenza, ARVI, measles, scarlet fever), then, as a rule, symptomatic therapy. For herpes, Acyclovir is prescribed in the form of tablets or ointments. At infectious mononucleosis drugs with interferon are prescribed.

If the cause of lymphadenitis is allergic reactions, then antihistamines, and measures are taken to eliminate the impact of the irritant substance on the body. Children often experience inflammation of the lymph nodes as defensive reaction from ingestion of animal saliva, for example, after playing with cats or dogs. In some cases, with primary lymphadenitis, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed.

In no case should you self-medicate, in particular, warm up the affected nodes, massage them or smear them with bactericidal ointments, as well as ointments and gels with a warming effect. In this case, the infection can spread far beyond the node throughout the body and even lead to blood poisoning.

But main danger That's not even what it's all about. Since lymphadenitis in most cases is a secondary disease, by focusing on the problem of pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes, treatment of the underlying disease can be started.

If the patient has a high temperature, bed rest is recommended, absence of physical activity. It is also recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks - up to 2 liters per day for adults, up to 1 liter for children.

Is it possible to use traditional medicine methods in the treatment of inflamed nodes? These methods may be useful to resolve hidden reasons diseases - inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. It is well known that with many inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, rinsing with extracts of sage, mint and, which have good anti-inflammatory properties, helps. However, it hardly makes sense to resort to traditional medicine until the cause of the disease is clearly established.

If the cause of chronic lymphadenitis is the patient’s weakened immunity, then in this case, restorative decoctions of ginseng, lemongrass, and echinacea can help. However, the possibility of oncological causes should be excluded, since in this case, herbal decoctions can aggravate them.


Uncured purulent lymphadenitis can lead to a number of complications:

  • phlegmon (purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue),
  • periadenitis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • fistulas in the esophagus and trachea.

With phlegmon, a painful swelling forms in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Also, phlegmon is characterized by pain when swallowing and opening the mouth, and an increase in temperature.

Prevention of lymphadenitis

Preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of lymphadenitis include timely treatment diseases that can cause it - influenza, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, sanitation of the oral cavity, personal hygiene, which will reduce the risk of boils. It is also important to strengthen the body as a whole and the immune system. People with hypersensitivity to allergens, exposure to them should be avoided.

Enlarged lymph nodes can be felt under the skin in the form of lumps or peas, which often happens with a cold. However, there are other reasons that lead to enlarged lymph nodes. Some of them require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and contain white blood cells - the body's defense cells. The nodes are located in groups of several dozen, less often - singly and are connected to each other by lymphatic vessels. Typically, lymph nodes are felt under the chin or on the neck, in the armpits or groin, in the elbow or popliteal folds - in these places they are located shallowly under the skin. You can see the main clusters of lymph nodes available for self-examination in the figure.

Interstitial fluid flowing from the lymph nodes passes through the lymph nodes, like through a filter. internal organs and skin. Lymph nodes trap and neutralize infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa), foreign particles that enter the body, as well as damaged cells (including cancer cells).

The normal size of lymph nodes can vary greatly depending on their location in the body, the age of the person, the state of immunity, the number past diseases, occupation and individual characteristics. For example, lymph nodes in the neck or under lower jaw you can almost always feel it. And the nodes located in the elbow or popliteal fossa are usually so small that they are difficult to find.

During an infection or illness, the lymph nodes may enlarge by several centimeters or more. The medical name for this phenomenon is lymphadenopathy. With a rapid increase in size, pain occurs when palpating the lymph node. In most cases, these symptoms are not dangerous and go away within a few days, but sometimes they require treatment.

Alarming signs that should always be on your guard are the following changes in the lymph nodes:

  • the node remains enlarged for
    several weeks;
  • enlarged lymph nodes with only one
  • increase in several groups of lymphatics
    nodes immediately (for example, cervical and inguinal);
  • lymphadenopathy is the only symptom
    there are no other signs of illness;
  • the knot loses its elasticity and becomes hard to the touch;
  • it seems that the node is fused with the surrounding tissues,
    it is impossible to accurately determine its boundaries;
  • it is difficult to move the skin over the lymph node;
  • the skin over the node changes color, becomes hot, and an ulcer appears.

In these cases, be sure to consult a therapist.

Enlarged lymph nodes in children and adults with various diseases

Sharp pain and an increase in the size of one lymph node is usually a sign of its inflammation - lymphadenitis. The cause of lymphadenitis is bacteria that have entered the lymph node. This happens, for example, when trying to squeeze out blackheads (acne), pustules on the skin, etc. More often, lymphadenitis goes away on its own within a few days, but sometimes it develops dangerous complications: suppuration of the node, infection entering the blood and spreading throughout the body. Therefore, in case of severe pain in the lymph node, an increase in its size and general malaise, it is advisable to consult a therapist.

The most common cause of an enlarged group of lymph nodes in one part of the body is a local infection. For example:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes near the ears, on the neck, under the lower jaw often occurs with colds, flu, external or otitis media, sore throat, sinusitis.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit may indicate a wound or postoperative suture On the hand. Lymphadenopathy in the armpit in a nursing woman with symptoms of milk stagnation may indicate the development of mastitis.
  • Lymph nodes in the groin take lymph fluid from the genitals, lower limbs and keep order in these areas, therefore they increase during sexually transmitted infections.
As a rule, enlarged lymph nodes in all these cases is not the main complaint, since the more striking symptoms are: fever, pain, and severe general malaise. If the underlying disease is treated, the lymph nodes will shrink to their normal size.

A rare but very dangerous cause of enlargement of individual lymph nodes is cancer. For example, with malignant tumors of the abdominal organs, it often occurs enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes. The reason is that it is the lymph nodes that take the first blow when the tumor disintegrates and metastases develop. First cancer cells settle in the lymph nodes closest to the tumor, making them hard as stone. Nodes affected by metastases usually enlarge on only one side of the body. If you find a hard, painless formation under your skin, fused with the surrounding tissues, contact your oncologist.

In these cases, simultaneous enlargement of lymph nodes in different parts body often becomes the first symptom and main criterion of a serious illness. Therefore, generalized lymphadenopathy is a reason for mandatory consultation with a doctor. “Who treats it.” If in doubt, see your GP. He will hold primary diagnosis and will refer you for a consultation with a doctor of the right profile. The standard diagnosis of lymphadenopathy usually consists of blood tests, as well as examination of the lymph nodes using ultrasound, MRI or CT. In some cases, a node biopsy may be required - puncture with a thick needle and collection of the contents of the lymph node for analysis.

The lymphatic system is an integral part vascular system human body. It performs a number of functions, participates in metabolic processes, and works as a cleansing and protective mechanism. The lymph node system transports proteins and tissue fluid through the subclavian veins from the interstitial space into the blood vessels, and transfers them there from small intestine. In the space of the lymphatic system, fluid circulates - lymph.

The structure and structure of the lymphatic system in the human body

Into the structure of multi-level and complex mechanism included lymphatic vessels- these are cylindrical cavities through which lymph flows, lymph nodes (clusters lymphatic tissue small in size, located in different places on the body), lymphatic organs- thymus, tonsils and spleen.

In addition, two ducts participate in the system - the left and the thoracic, flowing into the right and left subclavian veins, respectively. All these elements are united by a liquid that circulates throughout all cavities - lymph.

The capillaries of the lymphatic system are tubes closed on one side, which together form a network in the tissues and organs of the human body. Capillaries have very thin walls, through which liquid and large particles freely enter the cavities. Due to the structural features of the walls blood vessels, these elements are not able to penetrate into the vascular cavities through them, and they enter the blood precisely through the capillaries of the lymphatic system.

In turn, lymphatic vessels are a collection and fusion of small capillaries. In fact, they resemble veins in their structure, but have thinner walls. In addition, they have a larger number of valves that regulate lymph outflow.

Each vessel passes through its corresponding lymph node. All nodes are combined into several groups located along the vessels. The mechanism of lymph movement looks like this: a large number of small capillaries carry lymph into the node, and from it it leaves through several efferent vessels.

The nodes themselves look like tissue formations, shaped like ellipses or, less commonly, ribbon-shaped, up to 2 centimeters long. In these “beans”, lymph is filtered, during which various foreign inclusions are separated and destroyed. They also produce lymphocytes - cells that form part of the body's immune system. The vessels leaving the nodes unite into trunks that form the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts.

Through the right duct, lymph passes from the right arm, right half of the head and chest into the right subclavian vein. The thoracic duct moves fluid from the left upper half of the body to the left subclavian vein. In this way, lymph moves from the interstitial spaces into the blood.

What are lymph nodes in the neck

Bean-shaped and ribbon formations of lymphatic tissues are pinkish-gray in color. In the neck, the nodes are located in clusters of up to 10 pieces, near blood vessels, mainly large veins.

Their surface is represented by connective tissue, which forms a capsule. Trabeculae extend from it into the node, also connective tissue - the so-called supporting structures, similar to beams.

The internal structural basis of the node is the stroma of the reticular connective tissue with process cells. These cells, together with the reticular fibers they form, form a three-dimensional network. The structure of the stroma also includes phagocytic cells in several varieties.

The inner part of the ganglion is called the medulla. Closer to the plane of the capsule is the cortex with a superficial part and a zone of deep cortex.

The accumulation of lymphoid tissue inside the space of the node forms follicles - lymph nodes located closer to the capsule. The deep cortex contains a large number of lymphocytes with a dense and uniform arrangement.

The lymph node, in fact, is a barrier to retain infection, pathologically altered cells, and tumors. It contains the formation of lymphocytes - protective cells that destroy foreign elements.

Cervical lymph nodes, as part of the body’s general defense system, are capable of eliminating pathogenic pathogens and degenerated malignant cells that represent real danger for human life.

They are divided into:

  • anterior cervical;
  • posterior cervical;
  • occipital;
  • chin;
  • submandibular nodes.

In good condition healthy man cannot feel them, since they are small in size, they are soft and elastic, quite mobile under the skin.

Inflammation of the cervical nodes: characteristics of the concept

Lymph nodes tend to become inflamed and increase in size. Why is this happening? The problem is the development of lymphadenitis.

Lymphadenitis is a disease associated with a specific or nonspecific inflammatory process in the nodes. An increase in the size of the nodes is accompanied by a feeling of pain in them. In addition, a person appears headache, general malaise and weakness, low-grade fever or, less commonly, high fever.

Most often, pathology occurs as a secondary complication in the presence of inflammatory processes of any localization. Infectious agents, together with the toxins they secrete, penetrate into the regional lymph nodes along with the lymph flowing from the primary lesion. In some cases, this focus has already disappeared by the time lymphadenitis appears, and it cannot be recognized. Sometimes the disease occurs as a result of infection entering directly into the lymphatic network through damage to mucous tissue or skin.

The developing inflammatory reaction is protective function lymphatic system: with the help of such a barrier, the body limits the further spread of pathogenic particles through tissues, organs, and blood.

At the same time, along with the development of inflammation in the nodes, a person may begin to develop purulent processes - sepsis and adenophlegmon. The danger of this condition lies in the approach of the infected lymph flow to the brain. If the fluid with the infection contained in it enters the brain, it becomes infected, and then - serious complications, disability, and sometimes death.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck does not apply to independent diseases– it is a signal about the presence of other pathologies and disorders. In addition, inflammation is accompanied by disruption of the entire system of lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Causes of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes

For what reasons can a person begin to be bothered by inflamed nodes in the neck?

Typically, lymphadenitis is a concomitant syndrome:

  • chronic alcoholism in specific forms;
  • some infectious and viral diseases, for example, manifests itself in chickenpox, mononucleosis, herpes,;
  • diseases of the oral cavity, nasal passages, respiratory tract (for sinusitis, colds, etc.);
  • decreased immunity;
  • injury or mechanical impact on nodes;
  • states of hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins and some useful ones;
  • allergies;
  • nervous disorders such as stress or depression;
  • sexually transmitted diseases, including, or HIV.

In young children, enlargement and pain on palpation in the lymph nodes may develop during teething. Sometimes inflammation occurs in women during pregnancy.

Against the background of decreased immunity, a person may experience chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes, not only in the neck, but also in the groin, armpits, back of the head, in the collarbone area, and in the abdominal cavity.

It should be noted that normally a person may have a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck - up to a size of no more than 1 centimeter, in the groin - up to 2 centimeters. As for cases where inflammation manifests itself more intensely, this condition requires mandatory diagnosis in order to determine its etiology. So, for example, if inflammation is localized in the nodes in the neck area on the right and left, this may indicate the development of mononucleosis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, lymphoma, infectious lesions upper respiratory tract, and also occurs with a highly sensitive reaction to vaccination against the tuberculosis pathogen. Lymphadenitis in the nodes behind and in front of the auricles develops with rubella, under the lower jaw - with chronic tonsillitis or gum disease. If gradual or sudden inflammation of all groups of lymph nodes throughout the body occurs simultaneously, that is, multiple, this pathology is typical for early stage development of HIV infection. With lymphoma, the condition of the nodes is characterized as painless, while they become mobile. If a person develops metastases in the nodes, they feel dense and fused upon palpation.

Symptoms of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes

The most important manifestation is the appearance of some compactions and swelling at the sites of the nodes. When pressed, a person may feel pain.

With the progressive development of the disease, the patient develops:

  • general weakness and malaise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • elevated temperature.

Children often develop intoxication due to the inflammatory process.

Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes can be chronic or acute.

Chronic lymphadenitis

A condition common to people with severe reduced immunity, as soon as they develop any kind of disease, even light form colds. At the same time, the inflamed nodes are painless both during remission and during exacerbation chronic form. In rare cases, suppuration occurs. Chronic enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck may accompany the development of tuberculosis in different stages– such lymphadenitis usually passes without temperature, or with slight fluctuations to subfebrile values.

Acute form

It is a complication of a specific disease, accompanied by purulent processes in the lymph nodes, sharp increase temperatures up to 38-39 degrees. In this case, the skin over the node acquires a red tint, similar in shape and appearance to a boil. The further the disease progresses, the larger the size of the lymph node becomes, and its contours lose clarity. The source of infection on palpation feels less mobile.

A similar state without medical care causes the development of sepsis or adenoma.

Unilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck

Cervical or submandibular nodes, enlarged on one side, signal possible development lymphoma or tumor process of non-lymphoid nature in the neck or head. Can be combined with unilateral inflammation supraclavicular lymph nodes, as well as those located in the area of ​​the scalene muscle, if, for example, metastases begin to spread from the tumor into the chest cavity or gastrointestinal tract.

Virchow's node is a combination of unilateral enlargement of the nodes in the neck, as well as an enlargement of the left supraclavicular node.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child

The main reason is the presence of any infectious process, and its effects on the body. In approximately 80% of cases of disease, node enlargement does not occur. However, if the child weak immunity, his painful condition, will most likely cause lymphadenitis. For example, inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur due to mumps, sore throat or laryngitis.

The development mechanism looks like this: after bacteria enter the lymphatic channels, they are transferred to the lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, after entering pathogenic microorganisms, the process of producing special cells to fight infection is launched. For the most intense release of lymphocytes (protective cells), the size of the lymph node increases.

Severe inflammation occurs because the body is unable to cope with the bacterial load. The process may even lead to the formation of pus in the cavity of the node. The skin in the area where lymphadenitis develops becomes hyperemic and swollen.

The child's illness begins with general malaise. The child becomes lethargic and capricious, and loses his appetite. Inflammation of the lymph nodes may be accompanied by elevated temperature, signs of intoxication.

It is very easy to determine the location of the lesion by touch; in acute cases it becomes visually noticeable. On palpation it gives off pain; the tissues above the node feel swollen and stretched. The condition may be accompanied by headache, chills, and suppuration.

A slight enlargement of one lymph node, especially in an infant, may indicate that it simply began to work a little more actively than others, against the background of mild forms of illness, or after recovery.

Gradually it dries out and acquires normal size.

The baby’s occipital lymph nodes may become enlarged:

  • because of ;
  • with rubella;
  • with mononucleosis;
  • against the background of toxoplasmosis.

It is precisely such diseases that can often provoke inflammation of the nodes on the back of the head in a child. IN severe cases As the flow progresses, their increase can be noticed even by sight. The baby's face takes on a puffy expression.

Additionally, the lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged due to cat scratches. This syndrome is relevant for children who have pets and who are often in contact with felines. Cat saliva contains a large variety of microorganisms. They can easily enter a child’s body if an animal bites or scratches him. Lymphadenitis can be observed within 2-3 days after receiving the wound.

Colds provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes in children, to which they literally stick various diseases. In the presence of infectious diseases, lymphadenitis develops most quickly in the place closest to the entrance gate of the infection, so the inflamed cervical lymph node may indicate the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, throat, and head.

Lymphadenopathy in adults

The development of pathology in adults is most often caused by infectious factors, for example, diphtheria, tuberculosis, syphilis, brucellosis, rubella viruses, herpes, measles, fungal infections (actinomycosis, histoplasmosis), chlamydia and mononucleosis.

The problem may also be damage to the oral cavity by bacteria or viral microorganisms, but this condition is more common in children.

About 5% of cases of lymphadenopathy in men and women are associated with non-infectious factors, including the development of oncological processes - lymphoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma.

Nonspecific infection is a condition that is quite rare in people with low level immunity. This type of pathological process develops due to opportunistic microflora, which normally constantly lives in human body. While a person is healthy, the immune system is able to suppress its activity, keeping it at a safe background level. If they appear favorable conditions to activate the flora (injuries, stress, illness, hypothermia), the immune system can no longer restrain its intense vital activity, and the person falls ill.

The first, the most characteristic symptom is an enlargement of the lymph nodes to a size of more than 1 centimeter (inguinal - more than 2 centimeters). Depending on the etiological factor, the further course of the disease may be different.

Pain during inflammation of the lymph nodes is a sure sign of an inflammatory process. In an adult, an abscess may form, the skin above which acquires an intense red tint. The knots are soft, tight and elastic to the touch. In adults, the syndrome is often accompanied by a rash, enlarged liver and spleen, weight loss and intense sweating.

Pain without enlargement at the site of the lymph node

Not always painful sensations in the lymph nodes are accompanied by their enlargement. If the affected person has pain in the lymph nodes, but they are not enlarged or inflamed to the touch, this may indicate the presence of residual effects sore throats ARVI, some others respiratory infections. Doctors say that the duration of the painful syndrome after recovery can be used to judge how well a person’s immune system works: the longer the nodes hurt, the weaker the immune response.

In addition, the cause of pain in the nodes without enlargement may be their local infection, or weak hemorrhagic inflammation, which does not affect general well-being.

Inflammation in oncology

The anatomical features of the neck structure cause frequent inflammation and the development of metastases in the cervical lymph nodes - this is due to large quantity lymphatic and blood vessels, as well as nerve fibers in this part of the body.

For cancer various localizations cervical nodes are indicated by protruding rounded formations with relatively clear contours. On palpation, they are characterized by painlessness, dense and elastic texture, and slight mobility.

Metastases appear in the nodes of the neck when cancerous tumors in the following bodies:

  • in the larynx;
  • in the lips and tongue;
  • in the thyroid gland;
  • in the skin of the neck and head.

Inflammation of the deep lymph nodes cannot always be felt, but some asymmetry is noticeable in the appearance of the neck.

Malignant cells in lung or esophageal cancer can enter the right supraclavicular node, and if the patient has complaints of inflammation of the left node, this may be a consequence of spread malignant tumors in the liver, stomach, large intestine or rectum.

Condition of the lymph nodes after chemotherapy

In some cases, against the background of radiation treatment and chemotherapy for oncology, patients may have inflamed lymph nodes, including those in the neck. This happens due to the high sensitivity of lymph node follicles to cytostatic toxins. The development of lymphadenopathy after chemotherapy is caused by damage to lymph node cells, a decrease in the number of lymphocytes and leukocytes in the blood, as well as specific reaction body against infection.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck

Therapy for lymphadenitis is prescribed only after the patient has been diagnosed. For diagnosis, he is sent for examination to narrow specialists– and also prescribe a list of tests, including general analysis blood, PCR tests for pathogens of various infectious diseases, serological blood tests, tests for tumor markers.

The acute form of lymphadenitis is recognized by the presence of pain in the nodes, chills and high fever. Purulent processes accompanied by redness of the skin and a sharp headache.

The initial stage of the pathology responds well to treatment until purulent formations. IN neglected form a disease with purulent lesions can lead to destruction of the node itself, blood poisoning and thrombophlebitis.

Chronic form is a typical complication acute stage or indolent forms of the disease. It is not characterized by the formation of compactions and pus, or the presence of pain.

In any case of inflammation of the nodes, you need to consult a doctor in order to determine the etiology of the condition. This is especially important for children, in whom, as doctors note, lymphadenitis occurs somewhat more often than in adults, since they are more mobile, and the infection penetrates their body more easily.

If the node becomes larger than 3-4 centimeters, this may indicate the presence of purulent inflammation, which sometimes requires surgical intervention.

To treat pathology, do not apply heat or warming lotions, heating pads, alcohol or vodka compresses, it is forbidden to massage or mechanically influence the inflamed lymph node, as this may promote tissue proliferation or the spread of pus.

How to help someone affected by such a pathology? At home, it is enough to provide him with plenty of fluids, a balanced and dietary diet with big amount vegetables and fruits, preferably stewed or baked. During the period of the first exacerbation, it is generally recommended to take liquid food. To strengthen the immune system you can take vitamin complexes, echinacea.

If the problem is an allergic reaction, the attending physician prescribes antihistamines. The bacterial infection that causes lymphadenitis is treated with antibiotics and antimicrobials.

Anyway, drug effects to determine the cause of the inflammatory process should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. If you apply for medical care immediately, without waiting for complications to develop, treatment will not become a problem.

It is not recommended to treat the inflammatory process in the nodes in children with folk remedies, compresses and other recipes, especially if the baby has a high fever.

Cervical lymphadenia is a process of inflammation and tissue proliferation in the lymph nodes of the neck, which occurs against the background of various pathological processes. In children, inflammation can occur during the eruption of baby teeth, with measles, rubella, ARVI or mononucleosis. Enlarged nodes in adults can be regarded as the first sign of the appearance of malignant tumors, lymphoma, and sarcoidosis.

State if it does not accept acute forms, can be treated at home, but only after the patient is examined by a doctor and the cause of the disease is determined.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck occur due to inflammatory, tumor or fungal infection of the lymphoid tissue.

Symptoms also occur when the functionality of the human immune system decreases. The functions of the lymph nodes change throughout all stages of the formation of the immune system in children. In childhood, they are a source of accumulation of lymphocytes that form antibodies against bacteria and viruses. Lymphoid tissue also “removes” cell breakdown products, toxins and biologically active substances from inflammatory foci.

For the first time, the child’s body encounters staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma and candida ( fungal infection). Antibodies are produced against these pathological agents by lymphocytes localized in the lymph nodes.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: main types

Inflammation can occur among the following groups of lymph nodes:

  1. Submandibular;
  2. Chin;
  3. Posterior cervical;
  4. Anterior cervical;
  5. Anterior and posterior ears;
  6. Occipital.

If the lymph nodes in one of these areas are enlarged, you need to look for an infection or tumor in the upper respiratory tract.

Clinical studies have shown that different lymph nodes retain lymphocytes with different properties. Submandibular formations increase in older children, but the duration of their stay in this state is no more than a month (with a bacterial infection). Occipital localization is characterized by longer periods of growth of formations - up to several years.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes - why it occurs

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is the most a common symptom bacterial infection in children. They are the first sign of a cold, as infections enter the lungs through the upper Airways. Against the background of laryngitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, swollen lymph nodes are the most common and reliable sign presence of pathogenic bacteria. Reacts to them lymphoid tissue by increasing the number of lymphocytes and increased antibody production.

A physiological lymphoid node does not increase in size by more than 1 cm. When palpated with hands, it cannot be determined. When lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) occurs, the formations can be easily felt with your hands. Usually, along with this condition, there is an increase in temperature.