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Why does the kitten have a dry nose? Possible reasons why a cat has a dry nose. The main functions of a cat's nose

There are many myths about cats. There are no less misconceptions about their health. Even experienced hosts They don’t always know what the cat’s condition and the temperature of individual parts of his body should normally be. It is believed that the nose should be wet and cool. And if a cat has a hot nose, it means he is sick and needs help. Unfortunately, the pet cannot tell us how it is feeling. A cat's nose can be an excellent indicator of changes in health.

What should a cat's nose be like?

A cat's nose has two nasal passages, which are separated by cartilage. They lead to a labyrinth of lattice shells in which the animal can long time retain aromas, separating them into components. This helps them identify objects by smell, find them, and determine danger. A cat's sense of smell is many times better than that of a human.

In addition to its direct function, the spout helps them warm the air, clean it of small debris and bacteria, and determine the temperature of surrounding objects.

Normally, a cat's nose is warm or cool and moist. But these pets are very susceptible to various changes and events, and therefore, over the course of even one day, their body temperature can change. If a cat has a dry and warm nose, this does not mean that he is sick. There are the most different reasons why this might be happening.

Causes of a hot nose

Body temperature healthy cat ranges from 37 to 39 degrees (depending on the breed). During the day it may rise and fall slightly. If you find that your pet has a hot nose, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. After 1-2 hours, touch it again, and if it is no longer hot, but has become cool (or just warm), then there is no need to worry. Usually such temporary changes are caused by the fact that the cat:

  1. sleeping or recently woken up;
  2. was active, ran, played;
  3. leads a sedentary lifestyle and overeats;
  4. located in a room with low humidity;
  5. located near heating appliances;
  6. suffered significant stress.

If the animal's temperature does not decrease within several hours or even a whole day, and the nose is still hot and dry, this should be a cause for concern. This signals that pathological processes are occurring in his body, which may have varying degrees seriousness.

In addition to all of the above, there may be other factors that cause a cat’s hot nose. Biological processes can occur in a pet’s body that are not visible externally. Also, if the animal has recently undergone treatment or medical procedures, its thermoregulation may be impaired.

Nose may be hot:

  • because of medical supplies– some medications can cause stimulation of the brain centers that are responsible for thermoregulation;
  • due to the accumulation of salts - the accumulation of salts in the body can lead to active breakdown of proteins and an increase in temperature;
  • due to protein metabolism processes - when protein breakdown actively occurs in the body for various reasons, the products of such breakdown cause an increase in temperature.

Concern should arise if the cat does not eat and has a hot nose throughout the day, regardless of environmental conditions. In this case, it is worth observing the animal and determining whether there are other symptoms that may be cause for concern.

Alarming symptoms

A cat's hot, wet nose is not a symptom in itself. If you monitor his temperature throughout the day, you can notice significant fluctuations in his condition. This does not mean that the cat is sick and needs medical attention.

Concern should arise if changes occur in your pet's behavior. In this case, you need to carefully consider the condition of the animal and note any deviations from the normal condition. They will help in the future to identify why the cat has a very hot nose.

Signs that may indicate illness:

  • apathy;
  • lack of activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • refusal to drink;
  • nasal discharge;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • irritability;
  • desire to hide;
  • refusal of contact and games.

Before contacting a veterinarian, you need to exclude stress factors, heat or cold, and the presence of allergens, which can also lead to such behavioral reactions in a cat or kitten.

When examining your pet on your own, you should also touch its ear. If it is also hot, then this may indicate general increase body temperature.

If your cat has snot running from his nose and is hot, then you need to contact a veterinarian. Most likely your pet has rhinitis or sinusitis.

How to help a cat

Healthy cats have a body temperature that is always 1-2 degrees higher than that of humans. Therefore, it is often difficult for owners to determine whether the temperature is elevated or not simply by touching the nose. If during the day you still suspect that the nose is really hot and everything is not all right with your pet, you should consult a veterinarian.

However, in order not to expose your animal to unnecessary stress due to a meeting with a doctor, you can measure the cat’s temperature yourself. This way you can quickly find out whether there is cause for serious concern and what to do next.

The body temperature of animals is measured rectally, through the anus. This procedure is quite unpleasant not only for pets, but also for owners. You need to be prepared for resistance and aggression from the animal. It is advisable that 2 people participate in the process. The cat needs to be firmly secured (he should be standing or lying on his knees) and a thermometer should be inserted into the anus.

You can pre-treat the thermometer with Vaseline or oil. The movement should be slow, smooth, screwing. It is recommended to use plastic ones (more durable), and even better electronic thermometers(shows results more quickly). After the procedure, the thermometer must be wiped and disinfected.

There are also infrared thermometers for measuring ear temperature. But they have high cost, and may not give accurate results.

Normal cat temperatures range from 37 to 39. If your cat has a temperature above 39 degrees and has symptoms of malaise, you should contact veterinary care. You should not prescribe treatment for your pet yourself. Only the qualified specialist. He will also provide instructions on treatment and proper care.

Very often the cause of concern for cat owners is pet's hot dry nose . It is believed that dryness of the organ of smell certainly indicates the presence of a pet disease. However, is this so?

Slightly wet nose- this is an indicator healthy well-being cats.

In normal healthy condition The cat’s nose should be slightly damp and cold due to the fact that a certain secretion of its mucous membrane constantly appears on the surface of the olfactory organ, and also because the animal often licks it.

What does a hot and dry nose mean (reasons)?

A cat's body temperature is different from a human's body temperature. a couple of degrees higher . This fact can mislead the owner and touching the cat’s nose and ears can cause a false alarm.


Often, a cat's nose becomes dry during or immediately after sleep.

However, false dryness and increased temperature may be present for several other reasons, and if you discover them, you should not panic:

  • the animal is sleeping;
  • cat only after sleep;
  • lying in the sun for a long time or near a stove or fireplace;
  • excessive heat in the house.

Such reasons are called domestic. As a rule, they are not associated with pathologies, and there is no need to worry. You should give your pet time to recover from sleep, place it in a cooler place, and check again after some time.


Binge eating - common reason dry nose in cats.

Pathological causes of dry and hot nose and ears can be due to overeating, sedentary lifestyle life, the presence of inflammatory processes, .

Signs of diseases and treatment

Examination of a cat's nose.

The most alarming symptom in the presence of a dry and hot nose, along with hot ears, the animal is lethargic, apathy, constant drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite.

Should listen pet's pulse. If there are diseases, it will be more frequent. In this case, deep breathing is observed, possibly.

Dilation of the pet's pupils along with an increase in body temperature - alarm signal cat diseases.

Depending on the disease that affects you, the following may appear:

If there are alarming signs, you should try to examine the mucous membrane of the animal.

Should be investigated bladder fullness to exclude pathologies genitourinary system. Take a close look at the animal's excrement for uncharacteristic consistency, impurities, and worms. And also examine the urine for blood, mucus, changes in color and odor.

Establishing diagnosis

When starting treatment for your pet, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

The most common pathologies associated with fever inflammatory in nature. When stomatitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. It is recommended to treat the affected oral cavity with disinfectants. To do this, it is permissible to use a solution baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin.

You can moisturize with syringes. Wounds and ulcers are lubricated Lugol's solution with glycerin, methylene blue. At multiple lesions the use of antibiotics is indicated - oxytetracycline, erythromycin. For general support and speed up healing - vitamins.

Nasal discharge

If nasal discharge and established diagnosis rhinitis, first aid will be rinsing warm water, removing dried crusts. Drug treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system

In case of illness digestive tract in a cat, the veterinarian will also be able to make effective scheme treatment.

Disease therapy digestive system will depend on the specific pathology identified. General purpose a course of antibiotics will be used to avoid complications in the form of other infections, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms: antiemetics, antispasmodics, painkillers,. Mandatory use of gentle or starvation diet, depending on the disease.

Availability accompanying symptoms in the form of difficulty urinating, it indicates the development of pathologies of the pet’s genitourinary system.

Each owner has Emergency There should be No-shpa in the first aid kit.

If the urinary tract is blocked, therapy will consist of the following components:

  • antispasmodics – no-spa, atropine sulfate, papaverine;
  • sedatives – rovatin, sodium bromide;
  • analgesics – analgin, aspirin, paracetamol;
  • disinfectants for the genitourinary system - biseptol, bearberry decoction;
  • diet.

In severe cases - catheterization.


Schematic representation of urocystitis.

No less dangerous illness may be urocystitis. First aid is warmth and peace. At elevated temperatures, it is strictly forbidden to warm the cat’s groin and belly.

The next step in treatment is a diet in the form of vegetables, cereals, broths, Free access to drink.

Drugs used for urocystitis: antibiotics, sulfa drugs, analgesics, antispasmodics. In severe cases, rinse the bladder through catheterization.

Cat cold

Dry nose is often explained away, but one should not discount the danger of such a disease.

A lethargic animal is a sponge that absorbs various side infections, so a cold must be treated.

  1. You should immediately provide the cat with a calm, dry and warm place.
  2. Give him a warm drink, maybe heated milk.
  3. Warm compresses and heating pads only in the absence of fever.
  4. To improve blood flow in superficial skin vessels, you can use light massage the entire body of the animal.
  5. Treatment is symptomatic. If lacrimation occurs, use is acceptable. antiseptics, for washing the eyes - potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

A solution of novocaine with adrenaline, ethacridine, tannin, solution boric acid, zinc sulfate. Nasal drops are prescribed in the form of a methanol solution with fish oil. In parallel, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins are used.

Good appetite and cheerful state, restful sleep and stable operation of all body functions signal good health pet. But it is important to determine in a timely manner when something is bothering the cat. As a rule, in this case it is advisable to pay attention directly to the animal’s nose. For a cat he is the most important body touch. An animal uses its nose to understand the world. It is the nose that is a kind of indicator of the pet’s health status.

What should a cat's nose be like?

It is believed that healthy cats have a cold and wet nose, while unhealthy cats have a hot and dry nose. However, there are exceptions to this, such as sleep. After rest, and even during it, cats’ noses are quite warm. This does not at all signal the animal’s poor health or development certain disease. But dry nostrils and hot ears should alert you if your pet becomes lethargic. Causes of concern are loss of appetite and too much sleep.

Cats, in fact, belong to the family of carnivores. They have a natural habit and need to track their prey. Moderate moisture in the nose increases the sensitivity of this organ of touch. This allows you to better capture various odors, accurately determining where the prey is located. Hydration occurs due to the fluid that is released directly from the mucous membranes, as well as due to the saliva that enters the nose when licking.

Therefore, moderate humidity is considered the norm. She signals good condition pet's health. Humidity can change several times during the day. As a rule, representatives of breeds with a flattened muzzle have a moister nose. They lick it often. Such pets often develop diseases respiratory tract, because breathing is difficult due to flattened nasal cartilage.

What does a hot and dry nose mean (reasons):

Having discovered a dry, hot nose on a cat, the owners immediately think that the root cause of this phenomenon was some kind of illness. In reality, this is not always the case. Cats tend to watch their own nose. They lick it if it dries out on a hot day, and wash it using their paws and tongue.

However, the owner still needs to periodically examine the pet’s nose and feel it. This will allow you to promptly identify suspicious symptoms. Lightly touch your nose with the back of your hand. Healthy organ has moderate humidity. It is shiny, cool, smooth, and has no flaking. Although this option also does not always guarantee perfect health the corresponding animal.

The loss of smell for cats is tantamount to the threat of death, because they lose the ability to navigate in space and refuse to eat. Therefore, you need to understand in time whether there are everyday causes of a dry nose or pathological ones. Paying close attention to your pet will help identify the problem at an early stage.

- household

Dry nose can occur for everyday reasons and is considered normal in certain situations. For example, during sleep or for 20-30 minutes after the cat wakes up, its sense of touch can be really hot and quite dry. In addition, everyday causes of this phenomenon include:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun, near heating devices, in a hot, poorly ventilated room;
  • active games or prolonged physical activity;
  • severe fear or stressful situations.

However, in older cats, the nose often becomes dry, and this is not considered a pathology. In an alert state, a dry nose can occur due to overeating, undereating, or initial stages colds. In most cases, the problem resolves spontaneously within a few days.

- pathological

If the dryness of the animal’s nose does not change during the day, then it is necessary to measure the cat’s body temperature. To do this, lubricate the thermometer with Vaseline and carefully insert it into anus. As a rule, healthy animals have a body temperature of 38-39⁰. Higher or lower indicators are a reason to take a closer look at the animal. After all elevated temperature may indicate poisoning, inflammation, viral infection or availability foreign body in the nasal passage.

If your nose remains dry for a long time, then most likely this indicates the development of a certain illness. It is also important to take into account changes in the color of the organ of touch:

  • yellowing- a sign of liver or kidney disease;
  • turning blue- signals a lack of oxygen or cardiovascular diseases;
  • brightening- a symptom of disruption of the circulatory system, poisoning or hypothermia;
  • redness- signals damage, the development of sinusitis or runny nose, allergic reactions, changes in pressure or temperature.
  • Of course, not everything is clear on this issue. The color change can be affected by the ambient temperature, breed and color of the pet. After all, in some animals the nose darkens when it is cold, while in others, on the contrary, it becomes lighter. To determine your pet's health, it is important to consider other symptoms. Lethargy, inactivity, refusal of water and food, vomiting or upset stool are clear indications for subsequent consultation with a veterinarian. An experienced specialist will determine the root causes of the listed manifestations and provide qualified, timely assistance.

    First aid for a pet

    First of all, it is necessary to examine the animal, determine the condition of the coat and skin, find out the presence or absence of neoplasms and ulcers, discharge from the eyes, ears, and nose. IN in good condition oral cavity cat - pale pink. If it turns red, then most likely your pet is developing stomatitis or has ulcers. It is important to palpate the abdomen and bladder, determining the presence pain. You also need to monitor the frequency and nature of urine and feces.

    It is important to understand that the temperature of the ears and nose of cats is often different. For some ailments, the temperature does not change. As a rule, the animal negatively perceives the tip of the thermometer generously lubricated with Vaseline. Therefore, some specialized experts recommend using something other than ordinary mercury thermometer, and electronic: it will show the result faster, and as a result the animal will experience less discomfort.

    The owner must determine the cat's breathing rate. To do this, just put your hand on your pet's stomach. The norm for healthy cats is considered to be 18-33 inhalations/exhalations. However, other factors should be taken into account. These include differences in breathing between females and males, weather conditions, pregnancy, and emotional shocks.

    It would also be useful to measure the pulse and weigh the animal. The normal pulse rate is determined by the femoral artery on the inside of the thigh; it is equal to 100-120 beats per minute. The younger the cat, the higher its pulse. But these indicators are also influenced by the animal’s condition and the pet’s activity level. It is also important to weigh the cat. The identified characteristics will make diagnosis easier for the veterinarian. All indicators must be recorded. It is best to keep a diary of your animal's illness. There you should record measurements of the animal's pulse, temperature, and weight.

    When to contact a veterinarian?

    If your pet's nose becomes hot and dry, and also becomes covered with scabs and cracks, then home treatment unacceptable. In this case, you cannot hesitate. Especially if the animal’s behavior changes, a number of accompanying abnormalities occur, including drowsiness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and vomiting.

    If your pet is constantly sneezing or having difficulty breathing, then most likely this is a sign of respiratory infection. The presence of dry growths in the nasal passages is a sign of tumor development. But it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. This cannot be done without a medical examination, as endoscopy and cytological examination of the nasal sinuses will be required. Before going to the doctor, you should give your cat more water and humidify the air in the room. This will ease the condition of a pet who is unwell.

    In addition, you should contact a veterinarian if your cat’s eyes become sunken, his gums dry out, his breathing becomes more frequent, and his skin elasticity decreases. These symptoms often accompany fever. Only an experienced doctor can identify the exact causes of discomfort.

    It is important to assess the viscosity of saliva by opening the animal’s mouth. Don't forget about skin turgor. To determine if elasticity has decreased skin, the cat is lifted by the scruff of the neck and then lowered to the floor. Normally, the skin bump disappears in almost a second. Of course, such an assessment is subjective, but it wouldn’t hurt to see a doctor.

    In fact, it is quite difficult to understand on your own why a cat’s nose becomes bitter. Therefore, it is important to remember the main rule: a change in your pet’s behavior is a cause for concern. If the cat is active and eats well, then a hot nose is not a sign at all. pathological process. Otherwise, consulting a veterinarian will definitely not hurt.

    Especially for– Ira Romaniy

One of the most common veterinary myths: if a cat has a hot nose, this clearly indicates illness. Indeed, many diseases provoke drying of the surface of the lobe (this is what the tissue around the nostrils is called), but in most cases this symptom is a variant of the norm. A responsible owner should be able to figure out in what cases it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, and when there is no need to worry.

The temperature of a healthy cat's nose changes several times during the day. The structure of the fabric may also change slightly. Therefore, if you want to regularly feel the muzzle for diagnostic purposes, then it is better to do this 2 times a day (immediately after the animal wakes up and during the period of maximum activity).

In professional veterinary medicine, the results of palpation alone are not strong enough to make a definitive diagnosis.

There are several physiological reasons why a cat’s nose becomes hot:

  1. The animal recently woke up. The wetness of the lobe largely depends on how often the cat licks his lips. During sleep (and this is absolutely natural), he cannot wet the dry tissues with saliva. Eventually, local temperatures may rise slightly.
  2. Exposure to sunlight. Even a short walk outside in the open sun will dry out your nose and temporarily increase the temperature of your nose.
  3. Exposure to too dry and hot air. During the winter months, your pet will usually huddle close to the radiators to keep warm. If there is no humidifier in the apartment, then it is likely that the cat’s nose will become dry and hot.

You should not worry and try to provide any help to your pet if his behavior and general state hasn't changed at all. The temperature and humidity of the nose will recover on its own.

Pathological causes that can be dealt with at home

Excessive carelessness is much more dangerous than excessive vigilance, so it is better to once again seek help from veterinarians than to miss a serious pathology. But in some cases, the problem can be solved at home; it is only important to correctly determine the cause of the deviation. To do this, you need to pay close attention to the accompanying symptoms.


An increase in the temperature of the lobe is an absolutely normal consequence of an animal walking under the scorching sun. But if the cat's nose has become not just hot, but also red and flaky, then it is likely that it is sunburn. Particularly sensitive to sun rays animals with pink noses have.

To eliminate a burn, you can use natural vegetable oil. If your pet reacts too aggressively to touching its face, you can apply Vaseline or Panthenol to its nose (in this case you will have to hold the pet’s mouth for 5-6 minutes). But if the problem recurs again and again, you will still have to contact a veterinarian. Otherwise, skin cancer may develop.

Contact allergy

Hot nose in a cat it may be a sign of mild allergic reaction. Associated symptoms:

  • a sharp change in the pigmentation of the lobe (redness);
  • sneezing;
  • the appearance of a rash on the face.

This type of allergy usually occurs when exposed nasal tissue comes into direct contact with chemicals, dyes. But cats especially often react negatively to dishes made of low-quality plastic.

First of all, you need to exclude your pet from contact with a potential allergen; Replace all plastic utensils with ceramic or glass ones. Apply a cool compress to the face, and if the symptoms are too painful, then Suprastin can be used.

When to contact a veterinarian

Home treatment is unacceptable if the cat’s nose is not only dry and hot, but also covered with cracks and scabs. It is especially dangerous to hesitate if the animal’s behavior has changed, and many accompanying abnormalities have appeared (vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constant drowsiness).

Respiratory diseases

If your pet begins to constantly sneeze and experience obvious difficulty breathing, this may be a sign of a respiratory infection. If dry formations are visible to the naked eye in the nasal passages, then it is likely that a tumor is developing. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own: you will need an examination using a special endoscope, as well as cytological examination contents of the nasal sinuses.

Before going to the veterinarian, you can only alleviate the pet’s condition. To do this, you need to give the cat a sufficient amount of water and humidify the air in the apartment as much as possible.

Severe dehydration, fever

In most cases, dehydration itself is a sign of untreated, “advanced” diseases. In addition to a dry, hot nose, you may notice:

  • sunken eyes;
  • dry gums;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • frequent breathing.

Sometimes the above symptoms may be accompanied by fever. To know for sure whether a cat has a temperature, you need to have home medicine cabinet special veterinary thermometer.

Exact reasons sharp increase Temperature and dehydration are determined by a veterinarian. Until a final diagnosis is made, it is not advisable to give the animal any medications. It is only allowed to solder the cat with rehydration solutions (Hidrovit, Regidron).

If the symptoms are not obvious, then it is worth checking your pet’s temperature with a rectal or ear thermometer.

Note! For representatives of the cat family, a temperature of 38.5 - 39.2 is considered the absolute norm.

You can also evaluate the viscosity of saliva (simply open the animal’s mouth) and skin turgor. To understand whether elasticity is reduced, just lift the cat by the scruff of the neck and lower it to the floor. Normally, the skin tubercle that appears will disappear in just a second. And although the results of the above methods for assessing the condition of the animal are considered too subjective, obvious deviations will be a signal to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Attention! If the animal does not get up and is breathing poorly, it is not worth spending time on home diagnostics and initial rehydration. You need to urgently go to the veterinary clinic.

It is still very difficult to figure out why a cat has a hot and dry nose. Any owner needs to remember important rule: Any changes in your pet's behavior should be a cause for concern. If the cat is active and has a good appetite, then a hot nose is just a variant of the norm.

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Cat owners have already become accustomed to determining the health/illness of their beloved mustachioed pet by the condition of its nasal planum. This is partly true. But a dry nose in a cat is not always an indicator feeling unwell. When should we start sounding the alarm, and when is it enough to just wait a while, and everything will become damp and cold again without outside intervention? Why does a cat have a dry nose?

If the cat is healthy

In healthy baleen predators, the condition of the nose varies depending on many factors. Dry or wet nose A cat's body becomes dependent on the physiological state of the animal - this organ is never constantly wet and cold. Those. a cat's nose is dry and warm even in normal conditions physiological state. The only question remains is the environmental conditions and the period of time when it becomes wet again.

A cat's wet and moist nose allows it to determine the direction of the wind in order to hide its own scent from those it plans to hunt. A dried out organ can no longer perform such functions.

When a warm, dry nose is considered normal:

  • the cat is sleeping or has just woken up (must moisturize within half an hour after sleep);
  • period of increased physical activity - running, jumping, pampering with the owner;
  • dry air in the home or the cat was near warm heating appliances for a long time;
  • sudden fear, stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun (literally dries out);
  • nasal speculum dirty (the ability to secrete nasal secretions is lost).

Dry, hot noses in kittens throughout the day are much more common than in adults. This is explained by an imperfect thermoregulation system and should not alarm owners if the kittens are outwardly healthy, active and good appetite. This is a kind of self-defense against possible hypothermia of mustachioed babies.

When a dry nose should alert you

If the nasal planum has dried out, and this symptom is accompanied by other manifestations, then you need to pay special attention to these symptom complexes. A hot nose in a cat should alert you if this fact has been observed for a long time (for example, it is constantly dry throughout the day).

The following accompanying symptoms should attract attention:

  • the cat/cat is lethargic, apathetic, practically does not eat anything, does not want to play;
  • Thirst may occur (due to dehydration, secretion ceases to be produced, which makes the nose wet);
  • sleep a lot and for a long time (it seems that the animal sleeps around the clock);
  • along with a hot nose, the cat has noticeably hot ears (usually this is a sign of elevated temperature);
  • rapid shallow breathing (normal – from 16 (18) to 33 breathing movements per minute) or accelerated heartbeat (normal pulse is 100-120 beats/min in adults, up to 140 beats/min in kittens);
  • on the contrary, slow and deep breathing;
  • nasal discharge of any kind and sneezing;
  • any changes in color (blue, yellowish, intense red or white, almost discolored).

If a warm and dry nose is accompanied by the following signs, then this is already a reason for a mandatory visit to the veterinarian (especially if the signs are pronounced):

  • there are changes in the frequency of visiting the toilet, and it does not matter whether it is more frequent or, conversely, less frequent (on average 1-2 (3) times a day defecation, 2-3 times a day urination);
  • change in the condition of feces - usually towards diarrhea (especially if with bloody impurities);
  • nausea (the cat begins to lick itself frequently, because at the moment of nausea the secretion of saliva increases) or obvious vomiting is observed;
  • the fluid secreted from the nostrils is opaque, with an unpleasant odor;
  • body temperature rose to 40C.

Why does my nose feel dry and hot?

If physiological reasons drying and warming of the nose are discarded and the time period during which this fact is observed begins to alarm, which means that the cat is definitely sick. The exact cause and diagnosis can only be made by a veterinary specialist after an in-person examination and examination of the animal. necessary tests(if required).

Possible causes of a dry and hot nose:

  • internal infections (viral or bacterial);
  • inflammatory process of any localization;
  • fur in the stomach or intestines;
  • dehydration due to diseases or unfavorable conditions in which the cat is kept;
  • urolithiasis and any kidney pathologies;
  • cat colds;
  • nasal injuries;
  • poisoning or digestive disorders.

How can I help my pet?

What to do if your cat has a dry nose? Of all the possible reasons for which the olfactory organ is hot and dry, owners of mustachioed pets can only try to normalize the body temperature, because... at this sign it is most often elevated. It is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, because... various reasons There are many such conditions; it is almost impossible for a non-specialist to determine the exact cause! Measuring the temperature is the first and most important thing that a pet owner should do when they notice a long-term warm and dry nose.

It is strongly recommended not to treat fever in cats (up to 40C) with medications. Three main points for reducing body temperature without medication: give the cat cool (not cold!) water, wet the fur, and apply something cold to the groin and armpits. Any other assistance should already be provided by a veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Question and answer: if the nose...

very cold but pale

Usually similar condition accompanied by a lack of appetite due to poisoning, and may also be a sign of hypothermia or internal chronic pathologies, including problems with the heart. Stress and shock also cause a cat's nose to turn pale (but do not dry it out).

warm and white

Clearly, the problem lies in dysfunction of the hematopoietic and circulatory systems. A visit to the veterinarian is required.

hot and intense pink/red

There may have been a bruise of the nasal planum, there are infectious diseases or have rhinitis (both infectious and allergic in origin).

hot and very humid

When there is a transition from a dry state to a wet and cold state, the nose first becomes wet and then cools down. If this state does not last long, it means that everything is going as it should - the owners just got to the moment when it still had time to cool down. But if the condition is prolonged and the nose remains hot but wet, you need to measure your body temperature, perhaps it has increased.

blue or blue-violet plus hot

This is the first sign oxygen starvation and/or heart failure, when an acute lack of oxygen in the body tissues is detected. Inflammatory processes in the lungs can also contribute to a blue nose in a cat.

dry and lethargic

Any sign that complements a dry and warm nose indicates that the pet is unhealthy. The task of the owner of a mustachioed pet is to determine the body temperature and seek the advice of a veterinarian to find out for sure what happened to the animal.

hot ears and dry nose

A classic manifestation of increased body temperature. If the ears become noticeably hot and dryness of the nasal planum is noticed, be sure to measure the temperature (rectally)!

the cat does not eat and the nose is dry

Also a clear sign animal ill health. The reasons range from poisoning to serious infections. A veterinarian will help you better understand the cause.

There are many reasons why the nasal planum gets warm and dries out. Not all of them are associated with any diseases. If, with such a symptom, the cat feels great, and nothing in its behavior alarms the owner, it makes sense to simply wait a while until the nose becomes wet and cold on its own. However, any of accompanying symptoms Deviations in health are a clear reason to visit a veterinarian!