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Dry hot nose in a dog. Why does a dog have a dry nose? Warm nasal speculum, semi-consciousness and heavy breathing

It is believed that cold wet nose in a dog - this is a sign of her wellness And healthy condition. And if the pet suddenly has a dry nose, then you need to urgently contact veterinary clinic. This is partly true, but there are many moments when a dry nose in a dog indicates normal functioning organism.

Let's see why a dog has a dry nose and what to do in this case.

Causes of dry nose in a puppy

During sleep, the body of the animal becomes very hot and the nose is no exception. Only 20-25 minutes after waking up, the entire body of the dog begins to cool, and then the nose becomes wet.

A common cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog is an allergic reaction to one or another ingredient. It can be plant pollen, plastic, chemical substances or any food ingredient.

Changes in the environment and other stresses immediately affect the body of the animal. Experienced emotions also cause a dry nose in a pet.

If a dog has a cold dry nose, it may indicate a cold. But at the same time, other symptoms of the disease must also be present - sneezing, coughing, or hoarseness.

If the pet drinks little liquids, she will become dehydrated. This will cause a dry nose. In this case, it is necessary to control the presence of water in the bowl and organize unhindered access to it for the dog.

In extreme weather, a dog's nose becomes dry and hot. On very hot or, conversely, frosty days, with scale winds and dry air, a dog's nose tends to be dry.

Dryness of the nose also appears in an injured animal. In this case, puffiness, ulcers or swelling can be found on the body.

How to help a dog if it has a dry nose?

Our advice is to pay attention to your dog's behavior, not his nose. It is the habits that best signal the malaise of the animal.

Unfortunately, sometimes pets feel unwell. First of all, when the owner suspects that the pet is sick, he checks his nose. But how accurate is this indicator? At healthy dog cold, wet tip of nose. This means that the animal feels good.

Many dog ​​owners believe that dry warm nose - a constant sign of malaise and the pet needs treatment. Is this true or are there other reasons? You need to know why a dog has a dry nose in order to properly respond to such a situation.

Features of the structure of the nose in dogs

It is a well-known fact that a dog's nose is wet and cool. This is due to the production of special mucus by the glands. It is evenly distributed on the surface of the nose. This feature helps to better capture and separate odors.

IN wild nature canids rely mainly on scent - they track down prey, identify enemies and friends. To survive, the scent must be as sharp as possible. The mucus located on the outside of the nose forms a kind of filter that not only enhances, but also distributes odors. And the slots on the sides of the nostrils allow you not to mix the inhaled and exhaled air.

Molecules of substances that have fallen on the nose of dogs begin to move with different speed, receptors detect them, distinguish them, the brain processes the data and the dog receives accurate information about smells. Such mucus is produced constantly, and the dog is always on the alert. The nose also takes part in thermoregulation.

Causes of Dry Nose in a Healthy Dog

Periodically, even in healthy animals, the nose is dry. This is fine. During sleep, for example, body temperature rises slightly, and because of this, the nose dries up. About half an hour after waking up, the mucus layer is restored and the nose becomes wet again.

dry dog ​​nose It can also be observed after an active walk, when the pet ran and got tired. The condition of the tip of the nose returns to normal after 20 - 30 minutes after rest.

Some animals are sensitive to environment. Wind, heat, cold, fluctuations atmospheric pressure can dry out mucous membranes. The same effect can be exerted by the heating of the dwelling in cold period. The problem is solved by installing a humidifier in the room.

If the dog not drinking enough, it can also cause dryness. Be sure to provide your pet with fresh clean water in free access.

Puppies often have dry nose, especially during the period of changing teeth (3 - 7 months). If otherwise there are no deviations, the animals are active, cheerful, have a good appetite and behave normally, there is no cause for concern.
In adult animals, during hormonal fluctuations, the nose can also dry out. For example, during pregnancy, lactation, before estrus.

There are individuals in whom a dry nose is the norm. From birth, they have such a feature, the rest is nothing to worry about. Usually they are dogs. small breeds. To be sure, do not hesitate to show your pet to the veterinarian, and, most likely, he will confirm the normal state of health.

A number of reasons why a dog has a dry nose

If the owner noticed, the reasons can be very diverse. In addition to physiological, there are also caused by a variety of diseases. If, in addition to dryness of the nasal mucosa, the dog has apathy, decreased appetite, lethargy and other warning symptoms, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

This condition can be caused by diseases of internal organs and systems, parasitic or infectious diseases, injuries, colds and other dangerous factors.


When the owner wonders why the dog has a dry nose, one should not rule out allergic reactions. This is a common occurrence, as it is among people. Allergies can occur to various components of the food, because of cheap dishes, for the manufacture of which low-quality materials are used, to dust, smoke and much more. It also often occurs in parallel with the appearance of worms.

To reduce the risk of allergies, it is useful to give high-quality balanced feeds, use stainless steel or ceramic utensils. Use high-quality toys, ammunition and accessories and monitor the pet's reaction to changes in the diet.


Various inflammatory processes that can occur due to injuries sometimes dry the nasal mucosa. The same is true of blood loss.

In this case, the dog shows other signs, depending on the injury - anxiety, lethargy, whining, and others. It is necessary to ensure peace and turn to veterinarian to give proper treatment.

Infectious diseases

Pets often pick up various infections, which can also cause . Body temperature can be measured. Its increase may indicate an infection in the body. You need to take your pet to the veterinarian for a diagnosis and appropriate therapy. If among the symptoms of the disease there is diarrhea, vomiting, then due to dehydration, the nose will become not only dry, but also noticeably hot.


Dogs can easily catch cold if they are in cold rooms, drafty, wet, etc. When an owner notices a dry nose and other cold symptoms in their dog, they should reconsider their care and feeding. A cold dog begins to cough and sneeze, the owner may notice wheezing.

Also, the dog may begin to snore in his sleep. There is discharge from the nose, she may have a fever. The nose with a cold is usually dry and cool.

The owner should provide the pet with a warm cozy place, limit walks and physical activity, adjust the diet to a less high-calorie one to facilitate digestion.


Illness due to disruption of work immune system. The erroneous perception of one's own tissues as foreign begins, dangerous, and the body's defense mechanisms damage them. It is believed that dogs of the Chow Chow and Akita breeds are more prone. It can develop from a couple of weeks to months.

The first signs are indistinguishable, with time papules and pustules (pustules and vesicles) appear. The next stage is characterized by the formation of crusts on the lobe, bridge of the nose, lips. There are alopecia (bald patches). Other locations may also be affected. The nose becomes very dry and rough.

To make a diagnosis and exclude other similar diseases, laboratory research.

Plague of carnivores (distemper)

highly contagious acute or subacute disease. Symptoms are fever, catarrh (inflammation of the mucous membranes), skin lesions, manifestations of disorders of the nervous, digestive systems. There may be some or all of these signs.

Lethality reaches from 30 to 100%. special group risk - puppies, often up to 3 one month old. The disease is transmitted both through contact with sick animals, and through their things and the room where they are kept. For prevention, it is imperative to vaccinate and monitor hygiene.

Symptoms for which you should consult a veterinarian

The responsible owner must know what to do if dog has dry nose. If in doubt, evaluate general state pet. The pet behaves, as always, playful and eats well - do not sound the alarm and panic. There are many physiological reasons why does a dog have a dry nose.

The four-legged friend is lethargic, sad, eats poorly and does not play - perhaps he is sick. In this state, pets try to hide, sleep a lot, but cannot rest, some ask for help from the owner, some, on the contrary, become angry, show aggression in order to defend themselves.

It is necessary to examine the dog for external injuries, measure body temperature, see if there are any vomiting, diarrhea and other changes. There are some symptoms associated certain diseases, and there are times when it is difficult to identify the disease. In any case, there is no need to delay visiting a veterinary clinic and getting expert advice. You need to accurately answer the questions of the doctor and follow his advice.

Dry nose in dogs is often caused by dehydration. Therefore, the pet should be able to drink when he wants. Water should always be fresh and in a clean container. Diseases accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss lead to dehydration.

Also, dryness of the nose is observed during overheating, when the body temperature rises. Fine healthy animal temperature is 37.5 - 39 ° C. At large breeds the temperature is in the lower limits, in small and medium, as well as puppies - in the upper.

In hot weather, during strong physical activity, after sleep, the indicators may fluctuate and increase by 0.5 - 1 degree. If the thermometer shows above 39 degrees, it is better to consult.

Fever may be accompanied by other symptoms of a deterioration in the dog's well-being, it is important to notice everything and provide the necessary assistance in time.

You need to understand that such an article, like any materials on this issue, is only for informational purposes, therefore, it is recommended to contact a veterinary clinic to make an accurate diagnosis and receive qualified support from a veterinarian.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to other articles that are available on this site in order to understand what you will have to deal with in different situations, in which pet need support and care.

The dog (puppy) has a hot, dry nose and lethargy causes, does not eat anything, has no appetite and temperature, what to do or is it normal

Doubts about the health of a puppy can only be dispelled by a veterinarian.

There are all signs of some kind of disease. The fact of the absence of temperature does not indicate the health of the puppy, but rather, on the contrary, indicates the seriousness of the disease.

Dry or hot, warm nose in a dog when she sleeps during sleep, what does it mean and why

dry and hot nose in a dog during sleep may be due to its personal characteristics.

During sleep, the animal's metabolism slows down, and if the rest of the time the animal is active, then there is no reason to worry about its health.

Dry nose in a dog after vaccination, surgery, childbirth, tick bite, sleep, during estrus

It is believed that the dog's nose should be wet, and not hot, otherwise it will get sick.

If your pet has a dry nose after vaccination, surgery, childbirth, a tick bite, then it makes sense to measure her temperature and make sure that the animal is not sick.

Dry nose in a dog during sleep or during estrus - normal phenomenon associated with the "personal" problems of the animal.

Dry nose in a dog vomiting, strong belching of bile and drowsiness in the heat, at rest, breathing often, diarrhea, watery eyes and red, how to treat

Dogs, like any living creature, can get sick.

Vomiting of bile, diarrhea, drowsiness, rapid breathing, redness of the eyes and increased tearing plus fever(as evidenced by the dry nose of the animal) - a reason to visit the veterinarian. Self-medication can only aggravate the condition of the dog and lead to its death.

What does a cold and dry nose say about a dog, it cracks, what to smear

A cold and dry nose covered with microcracks is a sign of a disease or a lack of vitamins of groups A and D. Enter into the dog's diet vegetable oil, and treat the cracks themselves with panthenon.

Know that no matter how good and correct these tips are, it will be much better if you entrust the treatment of your pet to veterinarians.

Dry and rough nose in a dog and bloody, snot, allergies, no signs of illness

If you are sure that a dry and runny nose in a dog is associated with an allergic reaction, and not any disease, then the problem will not be solved until the source of the allergy is eliminated.

1 comment

    My dog ​​just has a dry nose, sleepiness and no appetite. What to do? Is this serious, or can you ignore it? It just happens periodically and after an hour the dog walks happy and healthy. (and yes, I have a dog)

A dog in the house is a huge responsibility for the owner. There are situations when the animal's nose becomes dry and hot. How to respond to this indicator of canine health, do all cases require a visit to the veterinarian? It must be remembered that in addition to a dry nose, a dog may have any additional symptoms, so you should not make hasty conclusions, you need to take a closer look at the pet. What to do?

A dry and warm nose should alert the dog owner. There may be several reasons:

  • most commonplace reason, which caused dryness of the nose and its warming, there may be a cold. loving host, should not only be able to feel the pet's nose, but also measure its temperature. If the indicator on the thermometer exceeds 39, other signs of the disease are visible (sour eyes, lethargy of the dog), it is necessary to start treating a cold.
  • Often the cause of a warm nose is an allergic reaction. Allergens are all around us. plastic utensils, household chemicals, Food. Dogs, just like people, can react to allergens. If the dog reacts to the allergen, then there will be no other visible manifestations of the disease. You should contact your veterinarian and determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Dryness of the nose can be observed in a lactating bitch. This is considered normal, so you should not panic and call the veterinarian at home.
  • IN summer time a dog exposed to the sun for a long time can get skin burns. On the nose, the skin is not protected by hair, so it is possible sunburn. If you notice a warm and dry nose in a pet, inspect the place where he was. doghouse must be installed in a cool place so that the animal has the opportunity to rest in the shade. In addition, you should control the presence in the pet's access area of ​​\u200b\u200ba container with cool drinking water. In the summer heat, the dog can overheat, which will also be expressed in the dryness of the nose.
  • In winter, when the weather is frosty and windy, the skin on the dog's nose can be exposed to natural factors. Winter cold can lead to dryness of the skin of the nose, in more severe cases it can be painful cracks.
  • During walks, and just in the yard, the dog can be accidentally injured. Sometimes an injury leads to a symptom such as dryness of the nose and its warming. Noticing that the dog has a warm nose, you should examine it for injuries or damage to the skin. If the pet refuses to give a paw, most likely he has damaged it. It is necessary to determine the severity of the injury and seek help from a veterinary clinic, or deal with the problem on your own.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact on the dog's body. When nervous, the dog may get a little sick, which causes such a symptom as a warm and dry nose.
  • Dryness of the nose, complete with blisters that have appeared on it, indicates a disease such as pemphigus. It is classified as a disease of the immune system. Characteristic signs of the disease: blisters with fluid on the skin. After the bubble has matured, it bursts, then dried crusts appear that prevent the dog from breathing. It is possible to determine the type of pathogen only after passing the tests.
  • If a dog, in addition to a warm nose, is observed, it is lethargic, does not want to play, you should check it for helminthiasis. Worms in in large numbers accumulated in the peritoneum can cause severe intoxication of the animal. it can both rise and fall.
  • A warm nose can be combined with other signs of distemper. The condition of the dog in this disease is as follows: hot dry nose, lethargy, purulent discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, refusal of food, indigestion. The animal may have a staggering gait, it may drag hind legs and roll over to the side. IN severe cases possible fainting or.

What to do if your dog has a warm nose

In each case, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation, your strength and the condition of the animal. Only then make a decision: show the animal to the veterinarian or help him on his own. Consider the main situations in which an animal may find itself.

dog has a cold

If you suspect a cold, if the dog's condition is not critical, you can get by with home treatment, but if possible, show the animal to the veterinarian so as not to miss it. The first measures that the owner should take in case of a cat's catarrhal disease are as follows:

  • Provide a calm environment, give warm drinks and tasty food that the pet will definitely not refuse. To maintain strength, it is necessary that the dog eat at least a little.
  • There should be no drafts in the place where the sick dog rests. The room should not be too hot or too cold. It is desirable to provide normal temperature in the room.
  • It is necessary to go outside, because the dog needs to cope with physiological needs. Walking time can be limited to a quarter of an hour.
  • If the dog is freezing, you can cover it with something warm or even warm it with a heating pad.
  • Periodically, you can comb the dog with a brush. Such a massage activates the body's defenses, helps to disperse the blood and warm up.

At the initial stage of the disease, when the dog does not refuse food and drink, the following treatment can be carried out: medications: Gamavit, Amoxiclav, Cycloferon. Use to lower the temperature intramuscular injections Analgin with Dimedrol, which are carried out 2 times a day. If the treatment does not help, the dog feels worse, call the veterinarian for an examination. It is possible that the animal develops pneumonia. This condition is quite serious and without specialist appointments it will not cope with it. In order to diagnose inflammatory process in the lungs, the veterinarian should listen to the dog.

If the dog has a cough, wheezing, and there is no way to show it to the veterinarian, treatment is started. a wide range actions. In order not to disturb the intestinal microflora, you should additionally purchase a drug to normalize the microflora.

If the pet heat Paracetamol-based preparations should not be given, they are harmful to the animal. If you do not know how to give injections, give an Analgin tablet, hiding it in a piece of treat.

Allergy in a pet

This condition can be caused by flowering plants, household items, woolen items, household chemicals, food. Determining the source yourself is quite difficult, but you can try. Try to clean the room where the dog is, without chemicals.

Do more wet cleaning warm water. Dishes should be washed daily without using chemicals for dish washing. If woolen, replace it with cotton. When walking an animal, avoid those places where grasses and shrubs bloom. If the source of the allergy was found in this way, protect the pet from it.

Climatic features

If the cause of dry nose is natural phenomena (heat, wind, scorching Sun rays), it is necessary to use cosmetics and try to protect the animal from the vicissitudes of the weather. For example, in the summer, move the booth to the shade of trees.


In this case, it is necessary to provide the pet with first aid (stop the bleeding, bandage the wound), then visit the veterinarian. If the nose is injured, alcohol, brilliant green, iodine should not be used - this can lead to a burn of the nasal mucosa.

Worm infestations

When purchasing a pet home, it should be remembered that walking a pet on the street may result in the appearance. Therefore, all dog owners are advised to carry out preventive cleaning with special anthelmintic preparations.

If a dog has worms, it may suffer from. Certain types of worms can be found in excrement. It is advisable to take an analysis and start anthelmintic treatment recommended by a specialist. Among the drugs used to treat helminthic invasions, can be called: Pirantel, Fenbendazole, Espirantel, Prakzikvantel, Febantel.


Treatment should be aimed at maintaining the internal strength of the animal. It is advisable to contact the veterinarian, as the disease is quite serious and can result in the death of the pet.

When not to worry

A dry and warm nose is not always an indicator of a dog's disease. If the dog behaves as usual, cheerful, playful, most likely there is no cause for concern. Watch the animal, give it food, water.

A warm nose is not the main indicator, so it is impossible to react sharply only to this symptom. Maybe the dog was tired, nervous, which caused the nose to warm up and dry. A warm nose occurs in puppies, nursing animals, pets that have just woken up. If others, more severe symptoms there are no diseases, then there are no reasons for excitement either. I hope we answered the question: “Why does a dog have a dry nose?”.

Why does a dog have a dry hot or cold nose? most common cause is an allergy. Often it occurs on low-quality plastic. Also, an allergic reaction can occur to dust, plant pollen, chemicals (including detergents), as well as some foodstuffs.

The dog's nose is also sensitive to the weather: intense heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It can also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. A dog can catch a cold and then, in addition to dry nose, it will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can dry out in case of injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. Also exists autoimmune disease skin - pemphigus. It usually manifests itself in the form of blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and in this place a crust forms, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

In pets, this organ is covered with mucus inside and on top. It is produced by linings ( special glands). Slime for dogs is a kind of chromatograph, an assistant, thanks to which air movement is determined. It is the moisture that covers the organ of smell from above that helps the animal to identify various odors. This is a kind of barometer of scent.

However, the owners should not worry and immediately take the dog to a specialist, noticing that his nose has become hot, dry. There can be many reasons for this, not all of them indicate an illness of the animal. For example, in a dog that has just woken up, the olfactory organ is normally dry and warm. It might be like this after. physical activity when the dog runs in plenty, plays enough and overheats a little.

If the organ does not become wet during the calm period of the animal, then there may be a change in the environment or stress. Emotional experiences are also characteristic of animals and cause many changes in the body.

Often the olfactory organ in a dog becomes dry due to allergies. Plastic dishes from which the dog eats often become the "culprit" of the problem. Allergies can also occur to plant pollen, dust, detergents, and some products. If the dog is prone to allergic reactions, then owners are advised to keep a food diary in which food is recorded and the reaction of the dog's body to them is monitored. So it will be easier for the owner to eliminate the allergen from the diet.

The nose can become dry in response to weather changes - heat, cold, strong wind. For example, it gets hot when it's cold as the immune system fights the health-threatening effects of the weather. To help her, you can offer the dog a multivitamin.

If the dog's olfactory organ long time remains hot and dry, then in addition to allergies, the cause may be a cold. In such cases, the dog also has other symptoms. This is sneezing, coughing, rhinitis. After the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor, the dog recovers - and her nose returns to a normal physiological state.

Banal fluid deficiency, lack of water in the drinker can also lead to a problem in the warm season.

Injuries are often the cause of the problem. The attentive owner discovers their consequences on his own, because there are manifestations of puffiness, swelling, wounds. In this case, you will need to see a specialist in a veterinary clinic.

Pemphigus - specific disease, which is manifested by the appearance of pimples in the form of bubbles on the nose. They burst, a crust forms, and the work of the lining is disrupted. In such cases, the dog should undergo a histology. Only in this way the disease is confirmed.

A dry and warm nose should alert the dog owner. There may be several reasons:

  • The most banal reason that caused the dryness of the nose and its warming may be a cold. A loving owner should not only be able to feel the pet's nose, but also measure its temperature. If the indicator on the thermometer exceeds 39, other signs of the disease are visible (cough, sour eyes, lethargy of the dog), it is necessary to start treating a cold.
  • Often the cause of a warm nose is an allergic reaction. Allergens are all around us. Plastic dishes, household chemicals, food. Dogs, just like people, can react to allergens. If the dog reacts to the allergen, then there will be no other visible manifestations of the disease. You should contact your veterinarian and determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Dryness of the nose can be observed in a lactating bitch. This is considered normal, so you should not panic and call the veterinarian at home.
  • In the summer, a dog that is in the sun for a long time can get a skin burn. On the nose, the skin is not protected by hair, so sunburn is possible. If you notice a warm and dry nose in a pet, inspect the place where he was. The dog house must be installed in a cool place so that the animal has the opportunity to rest in the shade. In addition, you should control the presence of a container with cool drinking water in the pet's access area. In the summer heat, the dog can overheat, which will also be expressed in the dryness of the nose.
  • In winter, when the weather is frosty and windy, the skin on the dog's nose can be exposed to natural factors. Winter cold can lead to dryness of the skin of the nose, in more severe cases it can be painful cracks.
  • During walks, and just in the yard, the dog can be accidentally injured. Sometimes an injury leads to a symptom such as dryness of the nose and its warming. Noticing that the dog has a warm nose, you should examine it for injuries or damage to the skin. If the pet refuses to give a paw, most likely he has damaged it. It is necessary to determine the severity of the injury and seek help from a veterinary clinic, or deal with the problem on your own.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact on the dog's body. When nervous, the dog may get a little sick, which causes such a symptom as a warm and dry nose.
  • Dryness of the nose, complete with blisters that have appeared on it, indicates a disease such as pemphigus. It is classified as a disease of the immune system. Characteristic signs of the disease: blisters with fluid on the skin. After the bubble has matured, it bursts, then dried crusts appear that prevent the dog from breathing. It is possible to determine the type of pathogen only after passing the tests.
  • If the dog has constipation in addition to a warm nose, she is lethargic, does not want to play, she should be checked for helminthiasis. Worms in large numbers, accumulated in the peritoneum, can cause severe intoxication of the animal. Body temperature it can both rise and fall.
  • A warm nose can be combined with other signs of distemper. The condition of the dog in this disease is as follows: hot dry nose, lethargy, purulent discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, refusal to eat, indigestion. The animal may have a staggering gait, it may drag its hind legs and roll on its side. In severe cases, fainting or seizures.

When a dog's dry and warm nose is a sign of illness

The problem with all animal diseases is that pets cannot say about them. Therefore, the attentive attitude and observation of the owner will help to identify signs of otitis media in time:

  1. The dog scratches his ear for a long time, often shakes his head, tilting it towards the diseased organ.
  2. During examination of the affected ear, swelling, discharge with pus and an unpleasant odor are noticeable.
  3. The animal reacts painfully to touching the sore ear.
  4. The pet does not sleep well, gets tired of lack of sleep, becomes indifferent to food.
  5. The affected ear of the dog is hot.
  6. Increased body temperature.

The causative agents of ear inflammation in animals are bacteria, fungi. Among them are staphylococci and streptococci, which are constantly present in the dog's body, but do not multiply and do not harm when good immunity. As soon as the dog's body fails, the pathogenic microflora begins to increase rapidly, which leads to various diseases.

There are dog breeds with drooping ears that are predisposed to this disease from the moment they are born due to the unusual structure of the organ. In such animals, the ear covers ear canal, making it difficult to ventilate and creating favorable conditions for development pathogenic microorganisms. These include spaniels and poodles.

Finding these symptoms in pet immediately contact your veterinarian for help. Based on laboratory tests of a swab taken from the affected ear, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Self heal four-legged friend not worth it to avoid unpleasant and sad consequences.

If the dog's nose remains dry and warm for a long time, then possible reasons such a phenomenon:

  • Allergy. She can be anything. Starting with a plastic feeding bowl (replace with a stainless steel bowl) and ending with cherry blossoms. Of course, this may also be food allergy. Testing and keeping a diary that monitors the nutrition of the animal will help you identify the allergen. It is necessary to make sure that as much as possible to exclude all allergens from the dog's life.
  • Cold . If the dog has caught an infection, then in addition to a dry nose, it should also have other signs of the disease: sneezing, runny nose, coughing. As soon as the dog is healthy, the moisture in the nose will also be restored. What to do with a runny nose in a dog, see this article.
  • Nose injury. You can determine the injury to the nose yourself. It is advisable to seek treatment advice from a veterinarian in the absence of experience in the treatment of nasal injuries.
  • Pemphigus. There is an autoimmune disease in dogs, one of the manifestations of which is the appearance of blisters on the nose, which then burst and the nose becomes covered with a crust. It should be taken into account that blisters appear not only on the nose, but can also occur throughout the body. Only with the help of histology can an accurate confirmation of the disease be given.

Now you know exactly why a dog has a wet and cold nose, why it needs it, and in what cases the dog’s nose is warm and dry. With the help of this article, we have dispelled the misconception of many novice dog breeders that if they find a dry and hot nose in their dog, they should panic and urgently run to the veterinarian.


Diagnosis with redness auricle carried out in a complex and includes several stages. When contacting a doctor, a specialist should take an anamnesis and conduct a clinical examination of the animal, during which they examine the affected part of the outer and middle ear.

When examining, it is important to focus on the condition eardrum, skin inside and the presence of edema. Otoscopy (examination of the auricle), includes registration possible secretions from the ear canal area, skin hyperemia, pain on palpation, bulging of the eardrum.

If a certain pathology is suspected, specific laboratory tests are prescribed. The main ones are:

  • general blood analysis;
  • secretion cytology (performed to determine pathogenic microflora, diagnosing possible tumor processes, diseases of the autoimmune type, hyperplasia of the glands that secrete sulfur);
  • scrapings and further examination under a microscope (performed to determine ear mites, pathogenic bacterial microflora).

Rarely, but in the absence of a reliable picture of the pathological process, the veterinarian may prescribe x-ray examination, which allows you to determine the neoplasm or polyps in the nasopharynx, provoking the development of otitis media.

Possible diseases and their treatment

The main task of the owner of the dog is to monitor the health of his ward. It is important to regularly inspect the auricles of the dog, noting the slightest change. IN normal condition, skin covering auricle with inside should have a pale pink hue and be free of foreign odors.

There are a number of reasons that provoke the development of redness in the ears of a dog. The main ones are:

  1. Insufficient ventilation. Occurs in many dogs, but mainly affects breeds with long and hanging ears. Most of auricle, closes the external auditory canal, preventing the microcirculation of air masses penetrating into the area inner ear. Accumulated excess moisture is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. With an inflammatory process caused by bacteria, a discharge appears from the dog's ear, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. It is possible and necessary to prevent inflammation in such pets by conducting timely hygienic treatment of the auricle. Excess hair should be cut off, and in ear canal processed by special means to eliminate excess moisture and dirt.
  2. allergic reactions. As a result of reactions allergic type suffer not only internal organs but also external. Redness on the ears as a result of an allergy to food with individual intolerance to certain foods, enough frequent occurrence especially among small dog breeds. Foods that provoke the onset of allergies can be wheat, rice or poultry meat, as well as granular dry food. If the veterinarian suspects the onset of an allergy, the pet is given treatment that includes the exclusion of foods, causing a reaction, as well as the use of special antihistamine medications (the dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed by a qualified doctor).
  3. Foreign objects in the ears. If various insects, plants or other objects get into the external auditory canal and prolonged exposure, the animal may experience irritation and redness in the ears. Careful and, most importantly, regular inspection hearing organs of the pet after each walk in nature. It is not recommended to remove a foreign body on your own, since any careless movement can lead to more serious consequences(to push the object into the deep layers, where it will be much more difficult to get it). It is advisable to contact a veterinarian who can properly fix the animal and remove the object provoking inflammation.
  4. Redness after water procedures . Quite often, dog owners pay attention to the fact that after bathing, the dog's ears turned red on the inside. Water that gets inside the ear may not come out on its own, even if the pet actively shakes them. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs, which is treated by a veterinarian. Cotton turundas inserted into the dog's ears before bathing will help prevent the situation. After the procedures, cotton swabs must be removed.
  5. Otodectosis. Infection ears in dogs and cats caused by ear mites. The disease can be transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones through contact. In addition to hyperemia as a result of inflammation, otodectosis is always accompanied by other characteristic symptomssevere itching and unpleasant odor from the ear canal. The pet can tilt its head to one side or the other. Put accurate diagnosis will be able only in a veterinary hospital, in view of the fact that the diagnosis includes scraping to determine the pathogen. ear mite is enough dangerous disease, the treatment of which lasts several weeks with mild forms. IN advanced cases treatment is more expensive and lengthy. With an untimely visit to a doctor, otodectosis threatens with serious consequences and even total loss dog hearing.
  6. Otitis. Inflammation that occurs inside the ear affects many pets. Otitis media can result from various reasons- with a decrease immune protection, allergic reactions, colds, reproduction of bacterial pathogenic microflora or fungi. It is extremely difficult not to notice the manifestations of otitis media, because in addition to the fact that the dog has hot ears, a number of characteristic features, such as - constant itching and discomfort (the animal constantly scratches its ears), refusal to eat, fever, lethargy and apathy, bad smell from the ear canal. With fungal otitis, an unpleasant, sweetish smell comes from the ear, and with bacterial purulent otitis media, a specific exudate is released from the ear canal.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs

To avoid trouble with the ears of your pets, try to remember a few simple rules:

  • after each walk, inspect the body of the animal, paying attention to the ears;
  • do not forget to clean the external auditory canal;
  • long-eared pets need daily combing of wool on their ears;
  • watch what your dog eats.

These simple procedures will reduce the risk of ear problems.

An attentive dog owner always conducts a regular examination of the auricles, which allows you to timely detect the onset of pathological processes. Do not worry if the pet releases a small amount of a brown substance that does not have a strong unpleasant odor. This earwax required for normal operation hearing aid. Regular cleaning of the ears with the use of special lotions will avoid serious illnesses associated with the ears of a dog.

Long-eared and dog breeds with long hair, it is necessary to regularly pluck or trim the hair in the ear canal. This will improve air microcirculation, preventing moisture from lingering and provoking inflammation.

After long walks in nature, among tall grass or in the forest, it is necessary to examine the dog's ears for foreign bodies. An important role in the prevention of otitis media and other pathological conditions auricle plays general strengthening immune system.