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Macrogol: detailed summary of medicines based on it. Undesirable effects and cases of overdose

Depending on the mechanism of action, laxatives are divided into:

  • irritants that stimulate colon receptors chemical components. They form only a single bowel movement, which is observed 10 hours after entering the gastrointestinal tract;
  • osmotic. These are preparations based on sodium chloride, magnesium salts and high molecular weight polymers such as polyethylene glycol. This component is the main active ingredient of the drug Macrogol. Such products have properties that allow the accumulation of water in the intestinal lumen by attracting additional amounts of fluid from blood plasma and fat-type tissues. This contributes to significant mitigation feces, growth osmotic pressure in the intestinal cavity, which facilitates the process of defecation;
  • prebiotics. These drugs are not digested upper sections Gastrointestinal tract and reach the colon unchanged. They actively stimulate the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines, which allows for the establishment of peristalsis of the absorption organ. The most effective products are those based on lactulose (30-50 ml). They create a laxative effect a couple of hours after administration;
  • Detergents (oils) are laxatives that lubricate the intestinal walls, soften feces, thereby facilitating their easier evacuation. It is possible to feel their effect no earlier than 4 hours after administration;
  • bulk preparations. These are natural substances or synthetic polysaccharides that are not digested in the intestines and absorb water. Thus, they increase in volume, stretch the intestinal walls and cause a reflex reaction - the act of defecation.

Polyethylene glycol in the composition of the drug Macrogol

The active ingredient of the drug Macrogol is an artificially produced chemical substance polyethylene glycol. This component of the drug, mixing with stool that has stagnated in the intestines, provokes the process of their saturation with water and subsequent removal from the body through the rectum. In this case, neither physiological reactions nor the gastrointestinal environment change in any way. This allows you to minimize gas formation and spasms of the small and large intestines.

Macrogol is an inert laxative that does not react with medications or food components. This property allows the drug to be used not only for constipation, but also in other cases when it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, for example, before surgical operations.

The instructions for using Macrogol must be carefully studied before carrying out therapy. This will not only avoid a large number of serious complications, but also cases of overdose. It is recommended to take the drug exclusively as prescribed by a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Polyethylene glycol in Macrogol is effective:

  • with periodically developing stool retention, which is observed in certain intestinal diseases (for example, dysbiosis);
  • before diagnosing the intestinal lumen (colonoscopy method);
  • before the ultrasound examination and radiography;
  • How preparatory stage To surgical intervention(including minimally invasive).

If other situations with intestinal upset arise, you must consult with your doctor before using the drug. qualified specialist

Rules for taking the drug Macrogol

Macrogol is sold in powder form, which should be dissolved in water before use: pour the contents of one sachet (15 g of powder) into a glass clean water, wait for complete dissolution and you can drink. This dosage is for 1 dose. A full course of treatment for constipation will require at least 14 sachets. Treatment must be carried out strictly according to the instructions included in the package with the medicine.

To cleanse the intestines before an examination or before surgery, it is enough to take two doses of the drug. The second part should enter the gastrointestinal tract no later than 20 hours before the procedures.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to combine the use of the product with special diet consisting of fiber-rich foods and the required amount of fluid (2 l/day)

Cost of the drug

IN pharmacy chains except original drug Macrogol has a wide range of its analogues: Fortrans, Tranzipeg, Lavacol, Osmogol, etc. When choosing a product, some are guided by its cost, others by reviews of quality. The price/quality ratio of the original drug is superior to that of generics. The effectiveness of the branded drug has been proven over years of research and confirmed by consumer reviews. Its price is absolutely affordable for the population - it ranges from 280 to 400 rubles (depending on the region) for 10 sachets.

Side effects and contraindications

Exceeding the dosage of Macrogol is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and increased urge to defecate. When you stop using the medicine, the signs of the disorder disappear after a few days. Intestinal motility is restored in a short period of time. In the future, you can resume taking the medication. A small number of patients experienced allergic rashes on the skin, itching and slight swelling skin.

Macrogol should not be used if:

  • peptic ulcers of the digestive system;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • symptoms intestinal obstruction;
  • the patient has acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • heart attacks, strokes;
  • individual intolerance to polyethylene glycol;
  • before reaching 14 years of age;

The drug Macrogol is universal remedy, which can be consumed even during breastfeeding

There are many reviews about Macrogol positive character. He receives excellent ratings not only from patients, but also from doctors. The main advantage of a laxative is its inertness and low level development of side effects. The product is relevant for chronic constipation. Laxative effect observed one day after administration.

Do not exceed dosages, follow the recommendations of a qualified specialist and monitor your well-being! Be healthy!

Macrogol is a drug that has a laxative effect.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Macrogol?

The synthetic drug is produced in powder, where active substance is represented by macrogol, in addition, some form-building compounds are added (sodium chloride, sodium saccharinate, and so on).

The dosage form is intended for the preparation of a solution that is used enterally. The laxative should not be stored in high humidity; the medication should be stored in a dry place, otherwise it will lose its therapeutic effect.

The powder is produced in small bags, which are placed in cardboard boxes. You can buy laxatives in the over-the-counter department. After the expiration date of the medication, it is recommended to refrain from its further use.

What effect does Macrogol powder have on the body?

The drug Macrogol has a laxative effect, this effect develops as a result of an increase in the volume of intestinal contents, due to the liquid present in it, as a result, intestinal peristalsis increases, stool liquefies, which leads to the onset of diarrhea.

As a result of the action of the active substance of the laxative drug Macrogol, effective cleansing the large intestine, in particular such anatomical formations as the sigmoid and rectum.

After consuming the powder, the active substance of the drug Macrogol is not absorbed from digestive tract, and also does not undergo metabolism, in addition, the product does not cause an irritating effect. The effect of the laxative medication develops after 24 hours or after 48 hours.

What are the indications for use of Macrogol?

The laxative Macrogol is intended for use as a symptomatic treatment of impaired intestinal evacuation function, that is, constipation.

In addition, Macrogol is prescribed before diagnostic procedures when the patient is prescribed X-ray examination or endoscopic examination.

What are the contraindications for use of the drug Macrogol?

There are some conditions when the Macrogol laxative instructions for use prohibit its use for treatment:

Medicines are not prescribed for ulcerative lesion colon mucosa;
Crohn's disease;
The drug is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction, either partial or complete;
Severe heart pathology;
The product should not be used until the age of fifteen;
If the patient has pain in the abdominal area of ​​unknown origin, in such a situation the use of laxatives is contraindicated.

In old age, the drug should be prescribed only under the supervision of medical staff. During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to first consult a doctor; if the doctor considers it necessary, he will prescribe Macrogol.

What is the use and dosage of the medicine Macrogol?

Macrogol powder is recommended to be taken orally in a dosage of 10 to 20 grams per day; it is best taken in morning time. It is enough to use one or two laxative sachets per day, first dosage form dissolve in boiled chilled water (1 sachet per 1 liter of liquid). With a purpose quite long-term treatment constipation, this remedy is not recommended.

Prescribing a laxative is usually the first step in treating constipation. In addition, it is important to review your diet, and it is important to enrich it with plant fiber. The amount of fluid you drink should be sufficient and your lifestyle should also be supplemented physical activity.

What are the side effects of Macrogol?

When using a laxative, Macrogol may occur in the patient. by-effect from the drug, expressed in the form of nausea and vomiting, these symptoms usually occur during early stages treatment and then disappear on their own.

In addition, some people experience a side effect in the form of pain syndrome which is felt in the abdominal area, this condition usually develops after using a laxative powder in a high dosage.

Possible occurrence allergic reactions on the use of laxatives, which will manifest themselves dermatologically, in particular, the patient will develop a rash on the skin, as well as swelling of the skin. In more severe situations, the development of anaphylactic shock, and it is important to provide the patient with timely symptomatic treatment.

Overdose from Macrogol

In case of an overdose of Macrogol, the patient will experience diarrhea. After stopping the medication loose stool stops, after which treatment can be resumed, but in smaller doses.

special instructions

It is worth noting that using the laxative Macrogol is not recommended for a long time. In the presence of malignant pathology intestinal mucosa should be avoided medicinal product. And we are on www.!

How to replace Macrogol, what analogues should I use?

The drug Realaxan, Lavacol, Osmogol, in addition, Fortrans, the drug Forlax, Endofalk, Forteza Rompharm, as well as the drug Transipeg.


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Macrogol is a laxative drug used for constipation. It is practically not absorbed, does not affect intestinal motility and has minimal side effects.

Release form and mechanism of action

Macrogol is produced in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared for internal use. 1 sachet contains 10 g of powder.

Macrogol belongs to the group of laxatives. Molecules of the active substance bind to water molecules in the intestinal lumen.

This increases the amount of fluid in the intestinal contents. It softens and the act of defecation becomes easier.

The drug does not affect the intestinal microflora, does not change the pH of its contents and is not absorbed. When using Macrogol, fermentation does not occur in the intestines, and gases are not released. The drug is not a potent laxative and does not cause a burning sensation in the anus.

The drug does not change the biological composition of feces, it only increases their weight. It does not disrupt lipid metabolism and prevents the loss of electrolytes in feces. The effect of using the drug occurs within 24 to 48 hours. It will take a week for the transit of intestinal contents to normalize.

Indications for use and dosage

The indication for the use of Macrogol is constipation. It is also used to cleanse the intestines before surgery, x-rays or.

Before use, the contents of one package are dissolved in 200 ml of water. room temperature. Macrogol is used once a day, preferably in the morning during a meal. For adults, the dose can be increased to 2 sachets at a time.

In severe and prolonged cases, you can take 2 sachets 2 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

When using the drug, the following side effects may occur:

Macrogol is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age!

Contraindications for the use of Macrogol are:
  • Hypersensitivity to its components;
  • Full or partial;
  • Abdominal pain, the causes of which are not clear;
  • Children under 14 years of age.

Special instructions and interactions with drugs

When Macrogol is used simultaneously with other drugs, their absorption may be impaired, so it is recommended to take them no earlier than 2 hours after use.

The world, modern style life, fast food– factors influencing human body, which can be displayed on healthy condition internal systems and functional capacity of individual organs. One of these manifestations, which quite often occurs as a pathological deviation from normal activity, includes a violation of the stable functioning of the intestines, in the form of Now you can find many remedies that can help cope with this problem, of which Macrogol stands out, providing not only an immediate effect bowel movements, but also exhibiting a stimulating effect on the body as a whole.

Macrogol - for basic bowel cleansing

Active substance Macrogol is polyethylene glycol, being a high-molecular substance, entering the intestines, it promotes the multiple formation of hydrogen bonds, thereby retaining liquid inside the body and exhibiting the effect of osmosis.

The substance itself is not absorbed and does not diffuse through the intestinal walls, being completely eliminated along with feces during defecation.

After taking the drug, fluid accumulates and the total volume of feces increases, which, mechanically expanding the intestinal walls, contribute to the activation of its impulse contraction muscle tissue, thereby forming a spontaneous urge to empty.

Uniqueness of action

The effect appears on average within a day, since the product does not provide additional chemical exposure on the inner surface, promoting the activation of peristalsis. Therefore, due to the naturalness of the stimulation process internal organ digestion, the exposure time is prolonged.

The duration of Macrogol's presence inside the body has a general stimulating effect, the effect of which is based on the phenomenon of osmosis; by retaining water molecules, the drug prevents the absorption of toxins and impurities of different nature. Being retained along with the liquid, they are excreted naturally, without getting into the blood and preventing the development of intoxication throughout the body.

Principle of application depending on the expected effect

A one-time dose of the drug leads to an elementary effect, without showing the full effect of its impact, which consists of consistent muscle stimulation of the intestinal walls during its regular use for a short period of time.

In addition, deeply cleansing the body of old deposits on inner surface and not allowing toxic elements to diffuse into the bloodstream, Macrogol has a powerful positive influence on the body as a whole. Which is manifested by the following signs:

  1. Activation of metabolic processes.
  2. Cleansing the surface of the skin.
  3. Stabilization of the digestive process.
  4. Improving general well-being.
  5. Increasing the activity of the whole body.

Indications for use

Macragol is applicable for symptoms of passive muscle activity of the intestinal walls in the form of constipation only for adult patients. In addition, the product is suitable for use when performing preparatory activities before the next instrumental methods Diagnosis of intestinal diseases:

  • Irrigoscopy
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound using a transrectal probe
  • Sigmoidoscopy, etc.

Features of taking the drug

The average dosage of the drug is 20 grams per day, which is used once in the morning on an empty stomach or during meals. Since the drug has a powdery form of dry substance, it must be dissolved in half a glass of water, and the liquid has a salty taste. Long-term use Macrogol is not recommended, since the removal of large amounts of fluid from the body can lead to disruption of the general water-salt metabolism.

Applying A complex approach to solve the problem of constipation, effectively combine the drug with the following types therapy:

  • A rational diet containing a large number of vegetable fiber.
  • Increased muscle activity of the body as a whole.
  • Drink a daily volume of fluid of at least two liters.

Types of side effects

In case of independent overestimation of a single dosage of Macrogol, symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and increased urge to bowel movement may appear.

When you stop taking the drug, all signs disappear on their own within a few days required to remove it from the body, allowing you to fully recover natural process motor skills.

Subsequently, you can resume taking the drug without exceeding its one-time dose. In case of individual intolerance, possible allergic manifestations as small rashes on the skin, itching and general swelling.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Macrogol should not be used if the following manifestations are detected: pathological conditions body:

  1. Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.
  2. Presence of signs of intestinal obstruction.
  3. The occurrence of acute pain in the abdominal area.
  4. Signs of heart failure.
  5. Unacceptability of the drug by the body.

The drug should be used only after consultation with a qualified specialist, who has examined and diagnostic examination, establish a diagnosis of the disease and select the optimal course complex treatment constipation

What is constipation and why does it occur? Clearly in the video:

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  • Lavacol: analogues, properties of the drug, contraindications and...

Macrogol is a laxative. Released under different trade names: Fortrans, .

The active substance of the drug Forlax is macrogol 4000

Description and scope

Macrogol what is it? This is a polyhydric alcohol, a polymer of ethylene glycol, which is a high molecular weight substance. Depending on the molecular weight, it can be in 3 states of aggregation:

  • liquid;
  • gel;
  • solid connection.

It has the following structural formula: HO-(C2H4O) n-OH.

Another name for polyethylene glycol, Latin name macrogol. It is used in various fields:

  • as a cryoprotectant;
  • as a binder in solid rocket fuel;
  • as a solvent;
  • as a basis for the preparation of external medicines;
  • as an osmotic agent, which allows you to create drought conditions when conducting experiments on plants;
  • in cosmetology it is used in the manufacture of toothpastes;
  • water-soluble films made from it are used for packaging food and paints;
  • it is used as a thickener in the production of paints.

In Russia, polyethylene glycol is registered as food supplement E1521.

As a rule, next to the name of the substance its molecular weight is written. Macrogol 4000 is used as a medicine. Macrogol 6000 or Macrogol cetostearate is used as auxiliary components. Macrogol 4000 and 6000 are propylene glycol with molecular weights of 4000 and 6000 units, respectively.

Macrogol cetostearate what is it? This is macrogol 20 cetostearyl ester and is often used as a base for ointments.

Application in medicine

Mechanism of action

Being a polyhydric alcohol, macrogol can react with water and form hydrogen bonds with its molecules. Once in the digestive tract, propylene glycol binds water, increases the amount of fluid in the chyme, improves intestinal motility and promotes bowel movement, while preventing the loss of salts in feces.


When taken orally, macrogol is not adsorbed through the walls of the digestive tract, does not penetrate the vascular bed, is not metabolized and does not accumulate. Propylene glycol does not affect the pH of chyme. It is excreted in its original form with bile. The laxative effect is observed 1-2 days after ingestion.

Scope of application and contraindications

Macrogol is prescribed:

  • as a laxative;
  • in preparation for fibrocolonoscopy, surgical interventions and irrigoscopy.

Macrogol should not be taken if the following diseases are observed:

  • individual intolerance to propylene glycol and auxiliary components included in the dosage form;
  • ulcers and erosions of the colon;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity of unknown origin;
  • complete or partial intestinal obstruction;
  • toxic megacolon is pathological expansion lumen of the colon, provoked by an inflammatory process;
  • regional enteritis;
  • severe heart failure;
  • severe dehydration of the body;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • neoplasms of a malignant nature, as well as other intestinal diseases in which extensive damage to the intestinal mucosa is observed;
  • perforation of the walls of the digestive tract or its threat.

Depending on the specific medication, macrogol can be prescribed to children with of different ages, since Forlax can be used in children from 8 years old, but Fortrans only from 15 years old.

The active substance of the drug Fortrans is macrogol 4000, it is allowed to be taken by patients over 15 years of age

Undesirable effects and cases of overdose

The instructions for using macrogol state that the following undesirable effects may be observed while taking it:

  • allergies, which can manifest themselves in the form of a rash, swelling, including angioedema, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm; if it appears, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to prescribe antiallergic drugs and subsequently adjust the treatment regimen;
  • loose stools, which in children can cause pain in the perianal area, and in adults, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance: a decrease in sodium and potassium levels in the blood (especially salt imbalances are possible when taking diuretics);
  • abdominal pain, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea and vomiting (they are observed at the beginning of treatment and disappear with continued treatment);
  • urgency to have a bowel movement;

Attention! Macrogol should be used with caution in children suffering from neurological disorders accompanied by dysphagia, as they have a risk of aspiration. Cases of aspiration during insertion have also been reported. large quantities medications through a nasogastric tube.

An overdose of macrogol causes stomach upset. In this case, it is recommended to either reduce the dosage of macrogol or interrupt therapy. After stopping treatment, stool returns to normal within 24-48 hours.

Due to the development of diarrhea, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance may occur. To eliminate them, oral dehydration agents, for example, Regidron, may be prescribed.

Mode of application

You cannot take macrogol-based drugs on your own; they should only be prescribed by a doctor, and before starting treatment, he must exclude organic diseases of the digestive tract.

To normalize intestinal function, you need to follow a number of rules:

Macrogol is prescribed orally, the dosage is selected individually by the doctor. It is usually recommended to be consumed before or during breakfast. The effect of the drug is observed after 24-48 hours. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Macrogol, when preparing for surgery on the intestine or for its examination, is taken according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. They start drinking it 18-20 hours before the procedure.

You cannot have breakfast on the day of the procedure; your last meal should be no later than 10 pm the day before the procedure.

When taking macrogol, you need to take into account that it slows down the absorption of other medications. Therefore, the interval between taking them should be at least 2 hours.

If diarrhea develops during treatment, it may reduce the absorption of other medications taken concurrently.

Propylene glycol does not reduce the reaction rate and does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

Since macrogol is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not have a systemic effect, and, consequently, negative influence on the fetus, it can be prescribed according to indications during the period of pregnancy. In experiments on animals, no teratogenic effect of macrogol 4000 was noted.

Propylene glycol is not released from mother's milk and does not provide negative impact on the baby, so drugs based on it can be prescribed to women who are breastfeeding. There is no need to interrupt treatment during treatment natural feeding and transfer the child to formula.

Macrogol-based drugs should be stored in a place where children cannot reach them. The expiration date and storage conditions should be checked on the packaging of the medicine, for example, Forlax has a shelf life of 3 years, and Fortrans - 5 years.