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How to use currant leaves. Regular currant tea. Beneficial properties of black and red currant leaves

This fragrant shrub can be found not only in gardens and personal plots, but also along the banks of rivers, reservoirs, in water meadows and in forests.

The spicy aroma comes from the berries themselves, which make a very delicious jam or fragrant compote, and from its leaves. Each palmate leaf has resinous glands, which emit this mind-blowing smell.

These leaves, along with berries, have medicinal and beneficial properties, so they are successfully used not only in canning (which is more common), but also in cosmetology, as well as in medicine in the treatment of many diseases.

Beneficial properties of black currant leaves

  • Leaf tea black currant helps with whooping cough, as well as coughs accompanied by spasms. Recipe: Pour two tablespoons of leaves into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for about two hours, then strain. Drink warm.
  • The leaves contain vitamins C, P, essential oil, phytoncides, tannins, and emulsin.
  • They have diuretic, astringent, diaphoretic, and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Currant leaves are used as a general strengthening vitamin remedy for vitamin deficiency, anemia, and asthenia. They are included in many vitamin preparations.
  • Blackcurrant leaves are recommended for tuberculosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as kidney and liver diseases.
  • A water infusion is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism and gout, as it removes oxalic and uric acid from the body well. Infusion recipe: pour three tablespoons of leaves into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for two hours. Drink half a glass several times a day.
  • Tea made from black currant leaves is taken for skin diseases.
  • The leaves are used in the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, since they have a diuretic effect on the body. Recipe: Pour 5-6 tablespoons of boiling water over 5-6 tablespoons and leave for about an hour. Strain. Drink one glass throughout the day.
  • Currant leaf tea improves immunity during outbreaks of colds and viral diseases.
  • Phytoncides, of which there are quite a lot in the leaves, have effective action in the treatment of sore throats, bronchi and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • An aqueous infusion of blackcurrant leaves kills the influenza virus.
  • Phytoncides also have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of dysentery, staphylococcus, as well as microscopic fungi. Thanks to tannins, currant leaves are effective against diarrhea. The infusion is made in the same way as in the previous recipe, but the collection can also be used. Recipe: elecampane – 1 part; calamus, strawberry grass, raspberry leaves - 2 parts each; St. John's wort, nettle, black currant leaves - 3 parts each; alder fruits, thyme, blueberries - 4 parts each. Mix everything, pour into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for several hours (can be left overnight). Drink two to three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • During treatment chronic cystitis They recommend hot sitz baths made from a decoction of currant leaves or combined with other herbs. Good effect gives the following fee. Recipe: 2 parts violet; 1 part eucalyptus; 3 parts oregano; 4 parts thyme; 5 parts each of black currant and birch leaves.
  • Blackcurrant leaves help with joint diseases. For a bath you need to take the herb in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of water. Bring to a boil, strain, cool. Or use the following fee: Recipe: 1 part nettle; three parts each of black currant leaves and elderberry grass; 4 parts each of horsetail grass and tansy flowers; 5 parts of a string.

Medicinal teas with currant leaves

Infusions and decoctions - this is what they are medicinal teas. Their composition is quite complex and their concentration is much greater than in preventive teas. Such teas may taste unpleasant and even bitter, since their purpose is a medicinal effect.

Tea made from St. John's wort and blackcurrant leaves

Prepare a mixture of equal parts of black currant leaves and St. John's wort. Take a teaspoon of herb, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse and drink.

Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Currant leaf tea with clover flowers

Mix one part of currant leaves and St. John's wort with two parts of clover heads. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Leave for a few minutes. Take half a glass of tea 2-3 times a day for exhaustion and anemia. This collection is also a good expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic.

Vitamin tea No. 1

Mix 300 grams of rowan, 25 grams of black currant leaves, 50 grams dried raspberries. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-7 minutes.

Vitamin tea No. 2

Mix 50 grams of rowan, rose hips, strawberry leaves, carrots and 25 grams of black currant leaves. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into two glasses of boiling water and leave for 5-7 minutes.

Vitamin tea No. 3

Mix 50 grams of rose hips, 50 grams of raspberry leaves, 50 grams of lingonberry leaves, 50 grams of black currant leaves. Pour two tablespoons of herbal mixture into two glasses of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Then leave until it cools down. Strain. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

Black currant leaf tea

Pour one tablespoon of blackcurrant leaf into a glass of boiling water. Leave for fifteen minutes. Then strain.

This tea is drunk three times a day, one glass an hour after meals. This tea helps with diarrhea, inflammation Bladder, for rheumatism.

Baths with blackcurrant leaves

Herbal baths are beneficial. They cleanse the skin, give it firmness and elasticity.

After baths, the unpleasant odor disappears.

Baths improve metabolism in the body and have a calming effect.

Bath with a decoction of blackcurrant buds, twigs and leaves

Pour 500 grams of leaves into 5 liters of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Then leave for 10 minutes, strain and pour into a bath with water at 37°C. You can take a bath for about ten minutes every other day.

Course of treatment: 10-12 sessions.

This bath is taken for diathesis, dermatitis and eye diseases.

Bath with a pleasant aroma

You will need:

  • thyme herb – 50 grams;
  • string grass – 125 grams;
  • chamomile – 75 grams;
  • black currant leaves – 50 grams;
  • oregano – 50 grams;
  • nettle – 150 grams.

Mix all the herbs and pour five liters of boiling water. Then boil for fifteen minutes, leave for about an hour.
Strain and add to a bath of water heated to 37°. You can take such a bath for no more than fifteen minutes every other day (10 sessions). A bath with this collection has a calming, general strengthening effect. The collection is designed for one full large bath. For children, the norm is halved.

Contraindications for preparations made from blackcurrant leaves

All contraindications apply to a greater extent to the intake of berries. Because sour currants should not be eaten by people with stomach ulcers or increased acidity. It is also believed that uncontrolled consumption of berries will negatively affect blood clotting in people with thrombophlebitis.

Taking decoctions, teas and infusions from black currant leaves will bring more benefit than harm. Unless, of course, there is individual intolerance.

But in any case, before taking any drug, you should always consult with your doctor.

Black currant is one of the most beloved berry crops in our country. Currant bushes can be seen in almost any garden, personal plot, the dacha plot of Russians. And this love is quite understandable, because in addition to its excellent taste, currants are healthy, healing berry.

Medicinal properties black berries have been known since time immemorial. However, not everyone knows that the leaves of the bush are no less beneficial for health, have healing properties and are used in the treatment of a number of diseases. It is very useful to prepare tea from the leaves, which has a tonic property and saturates the body with vitamins.

How else can you use blackcurrant leaves? beneficial features, what contraindications they have - I’ll tell you about that now.

What is the value of currant leaf?

Probably everyone knows that black currants are called a storehouse of vitamins. Berries contain a large number of useful substances. They contain vitamins A, C, P, and B vitamins. There are pectins, healthy natural sugars, as well as phosphoric acid, carotene and valuable essential oil.

But the leaves of the bush are no less valuable. Both fresh and dried blackcurrant leaves contain many valuable minerals - magnesium, manganese, silver, sulfur, zinc, lead, copper. They contain phytoncides, antioxidants, and tannins. There is a lot of vitamin C in the leaves, even more than in the berries themselves.

Useful properties of leaves

Since the leaves of the currant bush contain many valuable nutrients, they are used to treat vitamin deficiency, strengthen the immune system, and are used to restore an overworked, weakened body. In addition, traditional medicine uses the leaves as a prophylactic agent to prevent the occurrence of various tumors in the body.

Due to the high content of tannins, vitamins, essential oils, other biologically active substances, the leaves are used as a general tonic, antiseptic. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, which are used in the treatment of gout, chronic gastritis, cardiovascular diseases. They can be used externally to relieve eczema, treat dermatitis, and eye diseases.

In addition, the beneficial properties of the leaves allow them to be used for complex treatment liver, respiratory organs, and is also used to treat urolithiasis. An infusion or decoction of them is recommended to be taken for atherosclerosis. Currant leaf tea will help boost immunity and increase the human body's resistance to colds.

An infusion of leaves is recommended for elderly people to take regularly. This remedy will help them strengthen the cardiovascular system, relieve the symptoms of gout and rheumatism. The infusion, as we have already said, serves an excellent remedy prevention of atherosclerosis, which is especially important with the onset of old age.

In addition to the above properties, medicinal products, prepared from black currant leaves, are used to strengthen blood vessels, taken to maintain normal brain activity. Regular intake of the decoction helps to destroy pathogenic organisms in digestive tract and also removes excess from the body uric acid, bile.

Cooking recipes

Blackcurrant leaves have many beneficial properties and are widely used in folk medicine. Most often they are prepared as tea, decoction, infusion, and also infused with vodka (alcohol). Let's look at these cooking recipes:

Making tea from leaves

Tea is best prepared from dried raw materials. But, of course, in summer season You can also use fresh leaves. So, chop 1 tbsp. l. currant leaves, pour boiling water over them. Now put them in a small teapot, add half a liter of boiling water. Cover with a warm napkin and brew like regular tea for 10-15 minutes. Then strain and drink with honey.

Preparing the decoction

The decoction is used both internally and externally. To prepare it, add 2 tbsp. l. chopped dried leaves into an enamel saucepan. Pour in 200 ml of hot drinking water. Bring to a boil, simmer over very low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and wait until it cools down. Ready decoction strain, take a sip before meals for acute respiratory infections, flu, high blood pressure etc. Apply lotions externally for skin diseases.

Preparation of the infusion

An infusion of currant leaves with the addition of viburnum leaves is an excellent remedy for removing excess uric acid. Has mild laxative properties. It can also be used topically to treat eczema.

To prepare, mix 50 g of currant and viburnum leaves in a bowl, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cover with a lid, wrap, and leave until it cools. Then strain, drink sip before meals 3-4 times a day.

Alcohol tincture

In mid-spring, when it is warm and dry outside, collect blackcurrant leaves along with swollen buds. Rinse them under running water and dry on a towel. Then transfer to a clean, dry jar, fill with good vodka to just cover the raw materials. Close tightly and put away kitchen cupboard where light does not penetrate, leave for a day. Then strain, take 1 tbsp. l. after meal.


Remember that, despite the benefits of black currant leaves, products from them cannot be used for exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer caused by excess stomach acid. Be healthy!

Currant berries have been deservedly popular among people for a very long time; they are loved not only for their pleasant taste, but also for their benefits. It should be noted that the leaves themselves are healing in the currant bush, but, unfortunately, few people know about this. Today we will fill this gap and describe what unique qualities they contain. Their healing properties are amazing.

Their chemical composition is in no way inferior to multivitamin medications with artificially added minerals. Nature itself has endowed currant leaves with a balanced and valuable set of vitamins (A, B1, B6, B2, C, E, D, K, PP). In addition, they are rich in vital important microelements, such as phosphorus, boron, potassium, sodium, fluorine, zinc, iron, calcium, cobalt.

Healing and preventive infusions and decoctions are prepared from the leaves. It is enough to pour them into a thermos and pour boiling water over them - the broth is infused for several hours and consumed as tea. You can add honey for sweetness. The spicy aroma of the drink instantly causes salivation and improves appetite. Dry currant leaves can also be used to prepare tonic decoctions and fortified tea. The healing properties of such infusions have been known since ancient times; they were widely used in folk medicine.

In the old days, they were also used to make compresses and treats. To get rid of dermatitis, eye diseases and diathesis, healers brewed currant buds, twigs and leaves. The healing properties of compresses and baths are obvious. The plant has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to quickly cope with skin diseases.

Healing infusions help improve immunity, normalize metabolic processes, and ease clinical picture for rheumatism and reduce the concentration of uric acid. Are used healthy decoctions for cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. Since the leaves have a diaphoretic effect, they are recommended to be used in the form of decoctions for infectious and colds.

In the course of scientific research, experts discovered that all parts of the plant prevent the development of mental retardation, especially in older people, they warn diabetes and have a beneficial effect on vision. Doctors speak positively about herbal preparations, where the composition contains currant leaves. Contraindications for use are as follows:

Erosive ulcers duodenum and stomach;

High acidity;

The presence of thrombophlebitis;

Individual intolerance;


It should be noted that the plant is an excellent antiseptic, restorative, cleansing and tonic. That is why useful decoctions are made from currant leaves to help cope with cardiovascular diseases. If you suffer from constipation, we recommend drinking tea or infusion daily, where the main ingredient is black currant leaves.

Contraindications to drinking this tea are listed above. In fact, if taken in small quantities, there will be no harm. To prepare tea you need to take 10 grams. dry leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and take several times a day for seven days. You can rinse with a similar decoction oral cavity, this way you will strengthen your gums and get rid of periodontal disease.

For gastritis with reduced secretion, alcohol tincture will help: 20 g. Pour white wine over fresh leaves (you will need a liter). Leave for 3 weeks in a closed container. The tincture is filtered and taken orally, 100 grams before meals.

Currant leaves will also help with osteochondrosis, arthritis, joint disease and swelling. The healing properties of the infusion are unique and work wonders - brew 50 grams in a thermos. dry leaves, let it brew for about an hour and drink with pleasure a healthy and tasty drink.

The garden crop called currant is considered one of the most common. The unpretentious shrub tolerates frost well, produces a large harvest and does not require special care. The plant began to be cultivated in the 15th century. There are at least 1000 populations of berry crops in the world. Each variety is divided into early, mid-season and late. It is often found in the wild in Russia and Europe.

Without exaggeration, currant fruits are highly valued in gardening, as well as in the household, cosmetology, culinary and pharmaceutical industries. The plant is revered and loved by folk healers. They talk about the value of garden shrubs chemical substances. Not only berries, but also currant leaves have a therapeutic function. The healing properties have been fully studied and tested in practice. In the next publication we'll talk about this culture, or more precisely about the benefits of leaves.

Every gardener knows firsthand that a berry bush exudes a pleasant aroma and is a decoration for the garden. But not everyone is aware of the benefits of black currants. Leaves (medicinal properties based on composition) are enriched essential oils which exhibit a bactericidal effect. Like berries, they contain vitamins A, P, ascorbic, malic, succinic and citric acids.

Carotenes, pectin substances and a balanced list were discovered chemical elements(iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, iodine and others). Based on such a rich and varied composition, the leaves, along with berries, are used in traditional therapy. In dried form, they are added to fortified preparations to strengthen the immune system.

Preparing currant leaves

The medicinal properties (we will describe when to collect raw materials in the article) of fruits and leaves are preserved in fresh, dried and frozen form. Berries should be harvested after they are fully ripe, depending on the variety. The leaves are usually cut off in June-July, when the bush has faded and the berries have not yet appeared. The main thing is to carefully examine them appearance. There should be no damage or signs of disease on the surface.

After which the raw materials are thoroughly dried: under a canopy or in the attic. The product should not be subjected to destructive influences sun rays, otherwise ascorbic acid breaks down. The dried plant is used in cooking and folk therapy.

Currant leaves: medicinal properties and indications

The combination of the components contained allows it to be used as an antioxidant. Dried leaves are recommended to be used as a tea decoction to maintain protective forces, especially during an epidemic of colds. The drink helps replenish vitamin C.

Shortage ascorbic acid negatively affects visual function. By using natural berry decoction for the flu, you can avoid complications and shorten the course of the disease. One cannot help but mention the diuretic and diaphoretic effects of the leaves. In progress clinical trials scientists were able to discover cleansing and adsorbing properties.

Due to the presence of pectin elements, decoctions and infusions based on this plant remove decay products, radionuclides, heavy metals and toxins that clog our blood vessels. The raw materials are designed to help restore digestive function, improve intestinal function, and increase the production of gastric juice.

The benefits don't end there. It should be noted that black currant leaves, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are incomparable, are effective means in the fight against problem skin. Dermatologists often prescribe baths or lotions along with medications. Procedures with herbal decoction have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Natural medicine eliminates itching, dries out pimples, relieves redness and irritation. Even pediatricians advise bathing your baby in such a solution. Red currant leaves are suitable for the same purposes. The medicinal properties are not inferior to other varieties. They are brewed and then applied to boils or inflammation.

Masks are made to combat enlarged pores and excess oil. The product eliminates swelling, bags under the eyes, and gently whitens. Rinse your hair with a decoction; it helps cure seborrhea and make hair shiny and silky. The leaves help reduce sweating and remove unpleasant odors.

A pleasant addition to a pregnant woman's diet

Doctors fully confirm the high benefits of garden shrubs. One of the main advantages is the content of vitamin C. This is an indispensable element for proper development fetus and maintaining the woman's immune system. Berries and currant leaves will help avoid vitamin deficiency. All expectant mothers need to know the medicinal properties and contraindications. The product can be used to prepare fruit drinks, tonic drinks, tea, and jelly. Simple dishes and drinks are easy to prepare, have unlimited benefits and a pleasant taste.

Use in alternative medicine

As we found out, black currants are endowed with a unique fortified composition. The leaves (medicinal properties appear in any form) can be combined with other herbs that will help cure a number of pathologies. Regular use raw materials will destroy pathogenic bacteria, improve work internal organs and will prevent anemia. Traditional healers actively use agents in the form of aqueous and alcohol tinctures, decoctions and compresses. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and effective ones.

Healing infusion for rheumatoid diseases

The recipe includes 50 grams of dried blackcurrant leaves and half a liter of boiling water. Both components are mixed and infused in a closed container for 60 seconds. Take orally three times a day approximately 20-30 minutes before meals. The solution helps with kidney stones.

For patients with diabetes

You will need the following plants: 5 gr. mint leaves, 20 gr. dandelions, 10 gr. blackberry leaves and currant leaves (the medicinal properties of the herbal collection are very high) in an amount of 15 grams. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid or pour into a thermos. The broth should stand for at least an hour. Drink in a filtered state three times a day 5-10 minutes before meals.

In case of influenza

An excellent drug to relieve symptoms of colds. Prepared from two large spoons of dry raw materials (leaves) and 250 ml of water (hot). Simmer the mixture in a water bath for approximately 15 minutes, then strain. Take a sip before each meal. The same medicine lowers blood pressure and fights dermatological problems (apply compresses to the skin).

Herbal collection to reduce temperature

The “tasty” medicine is designed to knock down high temperature and establish metabolic processes. This is done as follows: take 15 grams. blackberry and raspberry leaves, also currant leaves (the medicinal properties of plants have a positive effect on health) in the amount of 20 grams. From the resulting mixture we will need only two teaspoons and 400 ml boiled water(hot). The infusion will be ready in 15 minutes. Drink after meals as a tea drink.

To prevent alopecia

Do you dream of lush and thick hair, but don’t know how to achieve it? We present to your attention a simple and effective recipe. Combine black currant leaves in a glass of boiling water (medicinal properties and contraindications are contradictory) - about 3 dessert spoons. Leave the solution for about an hour. Rinse your hair after washing your hair. Using a herbal decoction, you can speed up hair growth and prevent hair follicle loss.

Existing restrictions

Use in small dosages for persons with gastrointestinal ulcers and gastritis (during exacerbation). Contraindications include thrombophlebitis. Allergy sufferers should not take red currant leaves. All lovers of berry bushes should know the medicinal properties and contraindications. Be healthy!

Black currant is one of the most popular berry crops in our country. Probably not garden plot, no matter where it is grown. Sweet and sour berries, the aroma of which cannot be confused with any other, are tasty and extremely healthy. This is a generally accepted fact.

However, not only the fruits, but also the leaves have healing effect on the human body. And they are prepared into tinctures and infusions (teas), which are included in the treatment of many diseases; they strengthen the immune system, tone up, and eliminate fatigue.

What are the benefits of currant leaves, is there possible harm from them? For what ailments is currant tea used? Let's talk about this on the pages of the Popular About Health website:

Benefits of currant leaves

As experts say, the leaves of this berry crop are champions in vitamin C content. They contain a large amount of other vitamins, minerals, useful acids, tannins.

In addition, they are rich in phytoncides, which have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. Thanks to this combination, products based on them have a pronounced healing effect for sore throat, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and influenza.

They are used for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, vascular pathologies. Included in therapy circulatory system, gynecological diseases, used in the treatment of all kinds of infections.

According to scientific research, currant leaves contain substances that prevent the development of dysentery bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus.

Even in ancient times, the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of the leaves of the currant bush were used. Using compresses from them, children were treated for scrofula. Lotions were made from a decoction of leaves, buds and young shoots, which were used to protect against dermatitis. The eyes were washed with a decoction for inflammation.

Treatment recipes

Hypoacid gastritis (low acidity):

For this disease, a tincture of leaves is used: for 20 g of dry raw materials - 1 liter of natural, dry white wine. The leaves are transferred to a dark glass bottle, poured with wine, sealed tightly, and kept for 3 weeks. Strain and take a sip before meals.


Stuff with dried leaves liter jar. Fill to the top with vodka, leave for 2-3 days. Take, diluted in half with water: 50 g, before meals, twice a day. This recipe should not be used if blood clotting is high.

Damage to bush leaves

If used incorrectly, any medicine may cause harm to health. The leaves of the currant bush are no exception. Thus, they cannot be used for internal use for hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcers, or individual intolerance.

With caution - in case of liver diseases, thrombophlebitis. Pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor about the possibility of using currant-based products.

Leaf tea with benefits

Currant leaves, both fresh and dried, can be used to prepare aromatic, healthy tea. To enhance healing properties drink, it is often prepared with the addition of other plants, honey and milk.

Benefits of tea

Tea based on them also has all the beneficial properties of the leaves. Just 1-2 cups a day will help strengthen immune system, activate metabolic processes. This drink is recommended for people weakened after illness to quickly restore health.

It will help with treatment various ailments, it is useful to drink it for the purpose of their prevention. For example, if you have constipation, it is recommended to drink a cup daily on an empty stomach and the problem will soon be eliminated.

Tea Recipes

Prepare healing drink very simple: pour 2 tablespoons of leaves into the teapot, add 400 ml of boiling water. Close the lid and wait 20 minutes. Strain and drink with lemon or honey.

You can add dried leaves to regular tea leaves, or mix them with mint. For example, prepare a mixture of black tea, currant and mint leaves. Pour 2 tbsp. l 400 ml boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, strain, add milk or a slice of lemon. This drink perfectly tones and relieves fatigue.

Medicinal tea recipe for colds and flu:

An effective antipyretic and detoxifying agent is hot tea made from a mixture of blackcurrant and raspberry leaves: 2 tablespoons of the mixture - per one and a half cups of boiling water. Drink warm, 2-3 times a day. Children are prepared with a less concentrated drink - 1 tsp per glass of boiling water.

For weight loss:

This herbal tea many include it in diets, as its use promotes weight loss:

Mix equal parts of dry currant, linden, raspberry and wild strawberry leaves. Stir, brew 1 tbsp. l per glass of boiling water. Drink half a glass, 4 times a day.

Possible harm tea

In relation to tea based on currant leaves, there are the same contraindications as described above. In their absence, there will be no harm from currant tea. Of course, if you don’t abuse it and drink no more than 2 cups per day.

You can cook in winter hot drink and drink it with honey to warm you up. And in the summer heat, cool it and add lemon to cheer it up.

In conclusion, we note that the concentration of beneficial substances is highest in the leaves of wild currants. As for garden crops, the leaves of old varieties, whose fruits are small and sour, have the greatest value. Be healthy!