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Black currant. Beneficial features. Contraindications. The benefits of black currant for various diseases. Recipes. Other beneficial properties of black currant

Small round, bead-like charcoal-colored berries are familiar to everyone from childhood - these are black currants, beneficial features and the contraindications of which are determined by its composition. Active substances are contained in both the fruits and leaves of the plant, and the first mentions of it are found in ancient medical books. This is not only a fragrant delicacy, but also an excellent cure for many ailments.

Currants are distributed throughout almost all of Eurasia. This small shrub was cultivated several centuries ago, and today the sourish wild shrub has been replaced by many selected varieties that differ in the size of the bush itself, and in taste, and in chemical composition fruits

It is noteworthy that currants are a plant that is sensitive to heat. It is this bush that is one of the first to come to life after winter dormancy and even before the snow melts, buds swell on its branches.

It's easy to name currants delicious berry, it’s like saying almost nothing about her. Modest beaded berries bring benefits almost more than expensive pharmacy vitamins. Its secret is in the unique composition of the fruit.

Currants contain:

  • vitamins - C, A, PP, B;
  • organic acids - citric and malic;
  • sugars (glucose and fructose);
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

This is interesting! A well-established stereotype that lemon (and other citrus fruits) is a champion in content ascorbic acid(vitamin C), is incorrect.

Currant is one of the three leading products in terms of concentration in them natural vitamin C, after rosehip and red sweet pepper.

Currant leaves can also boast a rich composition: they also contain a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides and essential oils. Therefore, both berries and leaves of the bush are used for harvesting.

For all its usefulness, currants are also low in calories - only about 45 kilocalories per 100 grams. This makes the berry a popular ingredient dietary nutrition. In addition to being consumed as an independent product, currants are included in smoothies, yogurts, cottage cheeses and fruit salads for weight loss.

Blackcurrant: beneficial and medicinal properties

A small handful of fresh currants provides daily requirement the adult human body in vitamin C.

This vitamin:

  • plays a huge role in the functioning of almost all body systems;
  • provides adequate support for the immune system;
  • promotes the removal of toxic substances;
  • slows down the aging process...

...and even kills cancer cells!

At regular use when eating currants, there is an increase in the body’s tone and its resistance to various various infections.

In addition, currant fruits:

  • have diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effects;
  • increase appetite and improve digestion;
  • contribute to the activation of metabolic processes.

Berries have a positive effect on the body in the fight against atherosclerosis, help remove excess fluid and get rid of edema, and are indicated for gastrointestinal diseases and intense mental work.

Enough great content pectin and fiber in currant berries make the product an excellent remedy for constipation. Black currants (along with raspberries) are most popular as a remedy for colds and flu. At the same time, the berries contain a minimum of potential allergens, and therefore they are well tolerated by both children and women during pregnancy, as well as people prone to allergies.

Benefits of currant leaves and berries

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and other active components, blackcurrant leaf widely used as medicine. Both greens from the bush are used throughout the growing season, as well as dried raw materials. Currant leaf is used both as an independent medicine and as part of herbal infusions. It “neighbors” well, mutually reinforcing the effect of other components, with raspberry and lingonberry leaves, as well as with rose hips.

The currant leaf itself has a pleasant aroma that persists even after drying. Due to this smell and antibiotic properties, it has found use in vegetable canning and cooking.

Currant berries are a storehouse of vitamins.

For example, in hot sunny weather, the berries will be sweeter, but the amount of vitamin C in them will decrease, and in cloudy and humid weather, the fruits will begin to sour, but they will contain more vitamin C.

Berries are widely used to strengthen the immune system and fight acute respiratory infections. Thanks to high concentration fruits contain folic acid, which is important for the formation nervous system baby, they are useful during pregnancy.

Use for various diseases

Both fresh and as part of decoctions and multivitamin preparations, black currant fruits are used for:

  • hypo- and vitamin deficiency;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cold;
  • dysentery;
  • scurvy;
  • cystitis;
  • swelling.

Fresh and dried berries are recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including:

  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pancreatitis and others.

It is known and positive influence currants on the hematopoietic system, so the fruits are recommended to be eaten in case of anemia, vascular diseases and their weakness (to strengthen the walls), and with large blood loss.

  1. Beat with a decoction of currant leaves high temperature and cure scrofula in children.
  2. In addition, the decoction is useful for throat diseases and gum problems - rinsing with a warm infusion helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
  3. Dried currant leaf is active against bacteria that cause dysentery and some infectious intestinal diseases.
  4. It is also successfully used as aid, increasing the activity of antibiotics.

Preparation and storage

In order to maximize the benefits of black currant as a medicine, it is important to properly harvest and store the berries.

They are collected as they ripen, and the berries ripen unevenly, so it is possible to make 2-4 harvests per season. For drying, dryers are used with preliminary drying of the berries at a temperature of about 40°C, then further drying at 50-60°C, or drying naturally in well-ventilated places.

The fruits can also be frozen whole or grated (with or without sugar). You can also make jam. However, with this harvesting method healthy vitamins and microelements are destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

The time after picking the berries is suitable for harvesting the leaf. The most valuable leaves are from the middle of young branches. Drying is carried out in attics or in rooms with good ventilation. Store fruits and foliage in linen or paper bags in dry rooms.

Recipes in folk medicine

  1. Infusion of leaves for colds. Dry currant leaves are crushed, 2 tablespoons of the raw material are poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. The filtered decoction is used to gargle 3-5 times a day or taken orally 0.5 cups with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.
  2. Five-minute blackcurrant and blueberry jam. You will need: 500 grams of currants and blueberries, 1 kg of granulated sugar and 350 milliliters of water. Syrup is made from sugar and water. While boiling, add pre-washed and sorted berries into it, boil with constant stirring for 5 minutes. Hot jam is poured into sterile jars and sealed with a lid. It turns out to be a wonderful general tonic and useful medicine to maintain visual acuity.
  3. Tincture of currant leaves with white wine for gastritis with low acidity. A couple of handfuls of currants fresh leaves washed, chopped with a knife and crushed in hands until the juice is released. Then placed in glass jar and pour in 500 milliliters of dry white wine. For two weeks, shaking the jar periodically, the tincture is kept in a dark place at a temperature close to room temperature. Then filter and take a tablespoon as needed before meals. The tincture also relieves fatigue and helps with increased fatigue.

The benefits and harms of black currants for the human body have long been a stumbling block among doctors. Some argue that there is no berry more valuable, others passionately assure that the value of the berry is exaggerated, and for some people it can provoke unwanted health problems. Let's try to understand everything in more detail.

Medicinal properties

The health benefits of black currants are endless. After all, this berry is a storehouse of vitamins, say nutritionists, raw foodists, homeopaths and traditional medicine specialists. This plant is amazing because not only the berries are eaten, but also the green leaves of this unpretentious shrub.

The fruits are used to make jam and syrups, which are used for colds, weakened immunity and increased fatigue. The presence of rutin in blackcurrant berries, which strengthens the cardiovascular system, makes it indispensable in the treatment of atherosclerosis, blood and kidney diseases.

Fruit composition

What vitamins are in black currant berries?

  • B vitamins: 1, 2, 6, 12, which makes it indispensable for restoring the nervous system and skin diseases.
  • Vitamin C. Currants hold the record for the content of this vitamin among all fresh products. Just 20-30 berries can satisfy the body's daily needs.
  • RR. Indispensable for overall cell health and cholesterol removal. By dilating blood vessels, this important vitamin removes toxins and promotes active and harmonious metabolism.
  • Beta-carotene, which normalizes hormonal background and is a preventative against cancer.
  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that improves vision and immunity.
  • Vitamin H, which is necessary for diabetic patients, as it is involved in the processing of glucose. It is considered the “vitamin of female beauty.”
  • Folic acid. IN fresh berries Black currants are full of this important substance. Therefore, the fruits are strongly recommended for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Also folic acid removes heavy metals from the human body, such as mercury and lead. Therefore, people in toxic industries are also recommended to eat it to reduce harm.

We can talk for a long time about the health benefits of black currants. It is effective against diseases digestive system, thanks to tannins, for problems of a rheumatological nature, removing uric acid from the body, as well as for hypertension and diabetes. Therefore, every family should keep a jar of blackcurrants, grated with sugar, in case of a flu epidemic.

What micro- and macroelements are present in the berry?

Mineral substances necessary for human health are present in currants large quantities. Every 100 g of berries contains:

  • potassium (350 mg) eliminates oxygen deficiency, balances water balance in organism;
  • fluoride (17 mcg) improves performance circulatory system and improves the condition of teeth;
  • calcium (36 mg) - cholesterol regulator, an important component skeletal system, stabilizes almost everything important systems body;
  • iron (13 mg) - high hemoglobin, excellent skin condition and good brain activity;
  • copper (130 mg) helps absorb iron and eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
  • boron (50 µg) is involved in the formation bone tissue And correct exchange substances;
  • phosphorus (33 mg) - one of the most important elements V metabolic processes, controls the functioning of the nervous system;
  • magnesium (31 mg) is responsible for normal heart function and muscle tone.

Are there any benefits to the leaves?

Yes, and a big one. Summer residents and lovers of conservation know this. When preparing pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, every housewife knows that it is necessary to add a few green blackcurrant leaves for the elasticity of the vegetables and a characteristic crunch.

The drink made from the leaves is in demand among lovers of herbal teas and folk recipes from diseases. After all, such a composition is an excellent diaphoretic and antiviral agent, which removes excess uric acid from the body. If your metabolism is disturbed, then blackcurrant leaf tea will help normalize it. It is especially effective in combination with thyme and hawthorn. The most interesting thing is that the leaves contain more vitamin C than the berries. However, few people know about this.

Baths from a decoction of leaves are also used for skin rashes, and for swelling, and for bruises, gout and psoriasis, as well as for general weakness body caused by physical activity.

Who shouldn't eat blackcurrants?

Despite the obvious benefits of black currant, it also causes harm, but only for a limited number of people. Firstly, it is an allergic reaction to the fruit. Secondly, this berry is not recommended for people with an increased tendency to varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and high blood clotting.

It is also undesirable for people with increased acidity, stomach ulcers and acute gastritis. However, all the defeats digestive tract There is a taboo on eating this berry. For hepatitis different types Black currants are prohibited for consumption, as well as after strokes and heart attacks of various types.

Use in folk medicine

If you rub fresh currant juice into nail plate, then very soon your nails will become strong and stop peeling and breaking.

For anemia, raw foodists recommend making small balls of berries, crushed in a blender and mixed with buckwheat flour in a 1:1 ratio. They should be used with herbal teas or natural juices.

For colds, tea made from black currant leaves, raspberries, elderberries and rose hips is the most effective and safe remedy for children. In addition to powerful antiseptic properties, this tea is an excellent diaphoretic that helps remove toxins from a sick body.

Berries, ground through a meat grinder and mixed with a small amount of honey, will boost your immunity in a matter of days. They can be added to cereals or fruit salads, in tea, or simply eaten with a slice of bread.

In what form is it best to eat?

The best thing, of course, is fresh blackcurrant in any form. But at the same time, this berry is notable for the fact that it does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen and dried. With short heat treatments, vitamins are also preserved, but with prolonged exposure to heat, vitamin C is destroyed. Therefore, if you have a choice: make jam or freeze it, then it is better to choose the second option. There will be more benefits, but less hassle, which is also an important factor.

You can also dry the berries in a dryer, and if you don’t have one on the farm, in the oven with the door ajar, at a temperature of 30-40 o. When the berries, when squeezed, do not stick to your hands and release juice, turn off the oven. After this, the currants must be kept for another day in a ventilated, dry room, scattered on paper or newspaper. Then pack in linen bags and store in a dry place.

Blackcurrant grated with sugar is also a good option for storing berries. In winter, such mixtures are excellent for raising hemoglobin and immunity, as well as for preventing influenza during epidemics; there is no harm from such preparation.

The benefits of black currant for children

Up to seven months, it is better for babies to abstain from this berry to avoid an allergic reaction. Then it can be gradually introduced into complementary foods, immediately welding it. The high content of microelements and vitamins in black currants is very important for young children. Therefore, there is no need to ignore or fear it. This is especially true for children prone to colds and anemia.

It is one of the favorite berries of many people. In addition to its excellent taste, it has a wonderful effect on human health. Thanks to its strong healing properties, this berry is often used in preventive and medicinal purposes in folk medicine.

The black ones she possesses are needed by people throughout all year round. Therefore, the berries are made into jams, compotes, or simply frozen for the winter. However, the excellent taste of this plant is very good, so it is used with great pleasure in cooking, adding to wine, pastries, desserts, marinades for fish and meat.

In appearance, black currant is a low shrub belonging to the gooseberry family. It reaches a maximum height of 2 meters. The berries usually ripen on it in July-August, and the plant begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after the initial planting. There are early, mid-ripening and late-ripening currants. Her fruits ripen evenly round shape, dark black color. The berries are harvested only when fully ripe.

Blackcurrant: beneficial properties

So, what are the benefits of blackcurrant? In many ways, all its benefits are determined with a unique composition. It is no coincidence that people consider this berry a valuable storehouse of various useful substances. After all, it contains useful B vitamins, vitamins E, A, C, P, pectins, sugars, essential oils, iron, potassium, and there is so much vitamin C in the berry that it can provide the body with daily norm the required ascorbic acid is only 15-20 berries.

Blackcurrant surpasses all berries in the huge amount of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in it. Research has shown that these berries have the ability to prevent dangerous appearance diabetes Yes, these are the ones important properties influenced the fact that it is often an additive for products intended for healing and strengthening the body during the most various diseases.

Black currant has beneficial properties in the treatment of many chronic diseases: malignant tumors, cardiovascular Alzheimer's. If you regularly consume these wonderful berries, your immune system will be strengthened, diabetes will be prevented, vision problems will be prevented, and your health will be maintained. intellectual capabilities in older people.

The berry is remarkably helpful in coping with ARVI: anthocyanidins and vitamin C have a powerful and rapid anti-inflammatory effect. And blackcurrant juice actively promotes fast recovery after operations, the decoction treats hypertension, stomach ulcers, gastritis, anemia, and bleeding gums. Renders therapeutic effect for pharyngitis and sore throat: rinse with berry juice diluted with water.

Black currant leaves: beneficial properties

The leaves of the bush are no less valuable. They contain even more vitamin C, essential oils, phytoncides, as well as magnesium, silver, manganese, copper, lead, and sulfur than berries.

They render useful action in case of problems with cardiovascular system, with gastritis and even with gout. Black currant leaves have a tonic effect, have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, a cleansing and diuretic effect.

For medicinal purposes, infusions from the leaves are often used, and for general, reliable strengthening of the body, they are brewed as regular tea. You can use fresh or dried leaves. wonderful vitamin drink there will be an infusion of young leaves mixed with any sweet and sour fresh juice. You can add sugar to this cocktail and drink ½ glass a day.

The leaves of the blackcurrant bush, oddly enough, have a pleasant strong aroma, which is why they are often used as a spice when pickling and canning vegetables.

This is such a wonderful berry - black currant. It gives beneficial properties to everyone who eats it.

But few people have any idea why currants are useful, why they have a reputation as a healing berry, and in what cases they must be on a person’s table. Let's figure it out.

What are the benefits of black currant?

Blackcurrant is rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals. Currant oil is especially useful.

Vitamin C. Due to the presence of a “shock” amount of vitamin C, black currant is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants.

Gamma-linoleic acid. The uniqueness of this berry is also evident in the fact that it contains gamma-linoleic acid - a rare plant omega-6 fatty acid.

Potassium. In addition, black currants contain a lot of potassium. Both gamma-linoleic acid and potassium are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Black currants are healthier than red currants due to many times more content vitamin C. 15 berries a day is enough to satisfy the daily need for this vitamin!

To make it clearer what we are talking about, compare: currants contain twice as much potassium as bananas, vitamin C - 4 times more than oranges, and other antioxidants - 2 times more than blueberries.

Anthocyanins. Like other berries, black currant contains about 300 various types anthocyanins. Besides what it is powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins give currants their life bright color. Their rich composition is also determined by the unique beneficial properties of black currant.

And this is far from full list benefits included in the berry. As well as below - only the shortest list of diseases for which currants are recommended and traditional medicine, and doctors.

Properties of black currant and arthritis

Anthocyanins are healing for arthritis - they reduce inflammation and the consequences of joint disease in the body. Anyone who tried to drink currant juice regularly noticed the “effect of aspirin or ibuprofen.”

Anthocyanins are sensitive to heat and light and may lose their anti-inflammatory and nutritional properties, so their interaction with heat and light must be carefully controlled.

Properties of black currant and cancer

In addition to anthocyanins, currants contain polysaccharides and a number of substances that are toxic to tumor cells. Research is currently underway to determine the anti-cancer properties of black currants.

Currant oil and unsaturated fatty acids

On sale you can find such an amazing product as black currant seed oil. This oil contains 47% linoleic acid, 14% alpha-linolenic acid, 12% gamma-linolenic acid and 2.7% stearic acid. The oils listed are extremely valuable to us, and at least 2 of them - alpha-linoleic and especially gamma-linoleic - are rarely found in others natural products. Meanwhile, these are essential acids; the body does not produce them itself, and needs to be replenished from the outside. All this is contained in currants, but in oil - in a more concentrated form.

4 most important health benefits of currants:

  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • powerful antioxidant effect
  • may help prevent cancer
  • reduces the effects of arthritis

The above does not even cover 20% of the benefits of blackcurrant, but this is scientifically confirmed data or encouraging early results.

The benefits of black currant are due to its diverse and rich composition.

Composition of black currant (per 100 g of berries):

Nutrients Unit measurements Quantity
Calcium, Ca mg 55
Iron, Fe mg 1.54
Magnesium, Mg mg 24
Phosphorus, P mg 59
Potassium, K mg 322
Sodium, Na mg 2
Zinc, Zn mg 0.27
Copper, Cu mg 0.086
Manganese, Mn mg 0.256
Vitamin C mg 181
Thiamine mg 0.05
Riboflavin mg 0.05
Niacin mg 0.3
Pantothenic acid mg 0,398
Vitamin B-6 mg 0.066
Vitamin A ME 230
Vitamin E mg 1
Fatty, mono- and polyunsaturated acids G 0.24

Other beneficial properties of black currant

1 The berry practically does not change blood sugar levels, and therefore is useful as dietary product for people prone to diabetes.

2 Pectins contained in black currants promote excretion from the body, preventing cardiovascular diseases. They also help remove all kinds of toxins, including salts. heavy metals, holding a soft one.

3 Blackcurrant is the most healthy berry for people weakened by illness, as it increases the body's immunity and resistance to inflammation.

4 Currant berry infusions can be called a natural pharmacy. They are used for a whole bunch of ailments: they relieve the symptoms of gastritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, periodontal disease, laryngitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

5 Currants are also useful in complex treatment skin diseases(from dandruff and seborrhea to eczema and psoriasis). It is especially good to use currant oil for these purposes, which has recently appeared on sale in the form of additives.

About currant leaves

In addition to the berry itself and the juice, used both fresh and cooked, currant leaf is very popular. Delicious vitamin teas are brewed from it, which boost immunity better than ready-made multivitamin preparations.

Currant leaf is added to other herbs or brewed as a monodrink, decoction, or infusion. It is known, for example, that a concentrated decoction of blackcurrant leaves removes puric and uric acid from the body and helps with bleeding and metabolic disorders.

And say a word about red currants...

And finally, regarding red currants. Everything is relative. Red currant is a healthy, tasty, wonderful berry, but inferior to its “sister”. However, if you don’t have black, eat red, and more of it. Beneficial for all body systems: the same nutrients, but to a lesser extent and concentration. The same cleansing of the body, protection of the heart and blood vessels, help with cystitis and gastritis, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect!

This means freeze it for the winter and eat it fresh, in mousses and teas, pies and jellies. Healthy!

The benefits of black currant have been known since ancient times. It can safely be called one of the most delicious and affordable berries. If we take into account the poor environment, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, constant lack of vitamins and, as a result, weakened immunity, then eating black currant is one of the simplest, but effective ways health promotion.

Vitamins and microelements present in black currants

“Black berry” is a “storehouse” of elements necessary for the proper functioning and development of the body. It's about not only about the fruits themselves, but also about other parts of the plant (leaves and branches). It contains:

  • vitamins A (strengthens vision), C (strengthens the immune system, the body’s resistance to various infections), groups B and K;
  • pectins;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • iron.

Currant leaves are rich in such important substances as:

  • essential oil;
  • magnesium and sulfur;
  • potassium and copper;
  • phytoncides.

To replenish the body’s reserves of vitamin C (for a day), it is enough to eat just a few berries (about thirty pieces).

The effect of berries on the body

It affects the human body, first of all, restorative effect . In addition, the berry is known as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition.

Currant leaves contain a large number of vitamin C, more than in any other parts, including fruits, so they are often used as a diuretic, cleansing, tonic, and antiseptic.

Eating currants gives great benefit. Firstly, she has proven herself to be effective remedy against development diabetes mellitus. Secondly, various teas made from currant leaves, fruits, branches, help strengthen memory, prevent the development of sclerosis (which is especially important for older people).

The benefits of black currant for various diseases

The benefits of black currant are also noticeable in diseases of the respiratory system:

  • bronchitis;
  • sore throat;
  • flu;
  • cold;
  • pneumonia;
  • various throat infections.

If you have any colds, it is useful to drink currant tea: it strengthens the body and helps fight infection. If you have a cough, it’s good to make tea from currant juice, sweeten it with a little honey or sugar. When your throat hurts, gargling it with currant juice (diluted with water) helps.

Currants also have the ability to restore vitality human body. This is especially noticeable in postoperative period, after the postponed serious illnesses. Patients are even recommended to drink currant juice.

If a person has diseases of the digestive system, one cannot do without currant teas and decoctions. They help reduce or alleviate symptoms of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs (gastritis and ulcers).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are also treated with currants, or rather with a decoction of its leaves. It helps with symptoms of gout, osteochondrosis, and joint inflammation.

If there is a metabolic disorder in the human body, it is useful to drink tea from currant berries - it gives a diuretic, diaphoretic, light laxative effect, removes salts.

At high blood pressure, anemia, gum inflammation, you can also use a decoction infused with fruits and leaves. This berry is also effective for skin diseases (for example, during inflammatory processes - the appearance of acne, various rashes, diathesis or allergic reactions). For decreasing discomfort or eliminating symptoms, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of currant branches and leaves. Make a bath based on it (approximately 20 minutes).

The benefits of black currant in cosmetics

The usefulness and effectiveness of currants could not but be used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Fruit extract is often included in creams, lotions, tonics, and skin care products (face, hands, nails, feet). If you have freckles, age spots Black currant berries are also used, making a mask out of them (just mash the berries until you get a homogeneous paste and apply to the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water).

Berry picking

The fruits are collected and stored as they ripen, but it is not advisable to delay the process for longer than three weeks. This is due to the fact that the longer the berries are not picked, the more nutrients are lost in them. As for the leaves, they need to be picked off before they begin to dry out and become tough. You can drink tea from dried leaves, replacing regular tea with it or adding it to plain black or green tea.

The use of blackcurrant in cooking

The fruits can also be used in baking pies, cakes, and buns. It’s also good to freeze berries for the winter. You can simply wash them, dry them and put them in the freezer, or perhaps grind them with sugar. When frozen, black currants retain a large amount of beneficial substances. When cooking, there are fewer of them left.

Contraindications for use

Despite the huge amount of useful and irreplaceable substances, there are cases when currants are prohibited for consumption or can be eaten in very limited quantities. People with diseases such as:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hepatitis;
  • as well as post-infarction or post-stroke condition (at risk of blood clots).