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Avocado for weight loss - beneficial properties for women. Useful properties of avocado for effective weight loss

Avocado is an exotic product that is rarely found in the diet of our citizens, but recently it has become increasingly popular. Some consider it a vegetable, some say it is a fruit, but to be objective, it is a berry that grows on a tree.

The taste of the berries is very unusual and for this reason it is used in the preparation of many different dishes. But probably the most useful thing about this berry is that when it is consumed, metabolism accelerates, due to which a person who eats avocados loses weight. It can be called a natural fat burner, thanks to which any diet gives immediate results.

The benefits of avocado for weight loss

Avocado is enough useful product, besides the fact that it contains a lot useful substances, vitamins and microelements, scientists discovered L-carnitine in its composition. This substance is very useful for people with low metabolism, as it not only breaks down subcutaneous fats, but also quickly removes them from the body. Thanks to this it doesn't happen sharp changes in weight.

By using avocado for weight loss, you not only improve your weight, but also heal your body as a whole.

This is how it promotes:

  • Reducing the risk of heart attack,
  • Reducing cholesterol levels,
  • Reducing blood sugar levels,
  • Normalizes intestinal function.

Avocados for weight loss should be eaten in small quantities, as they are quite high in calories and quite oily. How to start losing weight with avocados? It’s very simple, you need to replace all fatty and floury foods with half an avocado. It can also be consumed as a snack, during meal breaks.

How to eat avocado correctly?

First of all, you need to peel off the skin dark green because it has a very bitter taste. Next, you need to carefully cut the berry in half, trying not to damage the seed that is inside, since it contains a lot of toxic substances harmful to the human body. After removing the pit, the avocado is ready for use. It should be noted that it is better to store peeled berries in the refrigerator, sprinkled lemon juice, since it quickly oxidizes in air.

Avocado recipes for weight loss

Since this berry has a Pancake week taste, it is good to combine with all kinds of foods. Avocado can be used to make salads and soups; it also goes well with meat.

Herb salad recipe:

To prepare, take one fourth of an avocado, two cucumbers and various lettuce leaves. All this needs to be cut and mixed. This salad is dressed with lemon juice; you can add salt and pepper if desired.

Salad with herbs and seafood:

  • One sweet bell pepper.
  • One tomato.
  • Half an avocado.
  • One hundred grams of shrimp (pre-peeled).
  • Olive oil.

Rinse all ingredients well with water and cut into pieces. Cut the avocado into strips and sprinkle with lemon juice, mix everything and season with olive oil.

Hearty salad:

Finely chop one fourth of the avocado, add one hundred grams of chopped, smoked chum salmon, one cucumber, a glass of boiled rice, season with lemon juice.

These salads can be eaten for dinner, as they are very filling and even a small portion will satisfy your hunger for a long time.

Diet soup:

  • Five avocados.
  • Two hundred grams of chicken breast.
  • One sweet pepper.
  • Two onions.
  • Olive oil for dressing.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Salt to taste.

First you need to prepare chicken bouillon To do this, cut the breast into pieces and cook over medium heat until cooked. After the meat is cooked, you need to take it out and add diced vegetables to the broth. After the vegetables boil, add the avocado, chopped and sprinkled with lemon juice. You need to cook this mixture for 10 minutes. After that, put everything in a blender and grind.

Before eating this soup, you need to drink a glass of clean water.

Chicken meat can be placed in the refrigerator and eaten as a separate dish.









Avocado for losing belly fat - recipes and reviews

Avocado is a fruit that has just begun to gain popularity among our compatriots. Until recently, we could only hear about the exotic fruit in foreign films and books. But now more and more often it can be found in restaurant menus and home diet of many people. Women especially pay attention to this useful product, since it can help lose weight even while maintaining the same diet, without significantly limiting themselves in calories.

Avocado is green fruit, externally similar to an unripe pear. The calorie content of the fruit is quite high. At the same time, eating avocado helps get rid of excess weight. It contains all the elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Scientists believe that alligator pear can replace the entire human diet.

Avocado is used in cosmetology, medicine, and dietetics. The benefits of fruit for weight loss are great. Folic acid, which is part of the plant, helps normalize metabolism, stabilize work and build muscles. Avocado is an integral part of the diet of athletes.

Beneficial vitamin properties of green fruit for weight loss:

  1. Reproduction of fat and carbohydrate metabolic processes into energy potential with the help of riboflavin (B2).
  2. The fat-burning property of thiamine (B1) prevents the formation extra pounds and stabilizes energy metabolism.
  3. Pyridoxine (B6), together with calcium, helps the body absorb fatty acids and improving cardiac function.
  4. Work stabilization digestive system, which is supported by pantothenic acid (B5).
  5. The blood clotting process is also carried out due to the presence of phylloquinone (K-vitamin) in avocados.
  6. Choline (B4) is involved in the absorption and breakdown of fats, converting them into life energy. The vitamin helps eliminate insomnia, irritability, fatigue, and absent-mindedness.

Microelements contained in avocados, such as selenium, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, fluorine, sodium, potassium and others, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole:

  • removal of excess cholesterol;
  • reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization of water-salt balance;
  • optimization of hematopoiesis;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • ensuring the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Such indicators contribute to the regeneration of internal systems, normalization of metabolic processes and hormonal levels. A stable body condition is less susceptible to the formation and deposition of excess fat.

Some people reach the maximum quick effect to lose weight, they resort to using mono-diets. This type of nutrition consists of eating only one product. For example, the avocado diet suggests eating the green product throughout the day, supplementing it with only two liters of water or tea without sugar. Yes, losing weight this way will happen quickly, but the effect of the results achieved will not last long. Therefore, this type of weight loss is suitable for those who need to lose excess weight before an important event or holiday.

For those who have difficulty losing weight using such methods, nutritionists advise abandoning the mono-diet in favor of a properly composed dietary menu, the basis of which is exotic fruit. Breakfast with avocado, supplemented with a piece of grain bread and low-fat hard cheese, helps you lose weight. Need to cook for lunch vegetable soup With chicken fillet, and for dinner we eat a salad of fresh vegetables with avocado and a glass of kefir.

If you go to eat during the day, it is useful to use a piece of fruit lightly sprinkled with lemon juice as a snack. This diet is followed for about a week, weight loss will be about 3 kg. After taking a break of 10-14 days, it is recommended to repeat the correct diet for weight loss with avocados.

Rules of use

How to eat avocado for weight loss? Eating avocado is not recommended at all, even if you have included it in your weight loss program. Like any foreign fruit or vegetable, when eaten, it has its pitfalls. And in order to get only benefits and avoid harm, you need to know the basic rules:

  1. The fruit pit is toxic and should not be eaten under any circumstances. Immediately after cutting the avocado, you need to remove it without waiting for oxidation.
  2. How to properly remove a bone? It is necessary to make longitudinal cuts on both sides, and then twist the two halves of the avocado in opposite directions. Next, you need to pull the skin a little, making an incision along it. This method will greatly simplify your task of cleaning the fruit.
  3. If you forget to put the cut fruit in the refrigerator, you will soon find the fruit blackened at room temperature.

Even though avocados contain quite a lot of calories, don't be alarmed. Its high calorie content is due to the fats it contains in large quantities, but, as we wrote above, these fats are easily digestible, which means they will not remain as excess weight, but will be used by the body to benefit.

The avocado diet is very difficult and strict; it cannot be used often, maximum once every three to four months.

How many avocados can you have per day?

Overweight people should eat alligator pear in reasonable quantities, without overusing the contents of the berry. vegetable fat. Daily norm during weight loss - 1 piece, while it is better to combine the healthy and pleasant-tasting pulp with whole grain bread, herbs, add to soup, then saturation will come faster. 3-4 fruits eaten at one sitting can provoke a feeling of heaviness and become a barrier to weight loss. A few pieces are allowed to be consumed by people with anemia, thinness or poor appetite.

Is it possible to eat avocado in the evening or at night?

The amazing properties of the alligator pear and its benefits for weight loss leave no options: you can and even should eat avocados at night. You can choose a wide variety of dishes to eat in the evening, the main thing is that they do not contain fatty, smoked, or highly salted foods. Rolls, salads, fruit and vegetable snacks in which avocado is one of the ingredients will help you get rid of excess weight.

Simple avocado recipes with photos

From this fruit, which is also called the “alligator” pear, simple and delicious dishes. Recipes with avocado for weight loss easy to prepare, low-calorie and healthy for the body. To cook them, you don’t need to have culinary knowledge or be an ace in cooking. Just follow the instructions with the photo below.

Cooking time:

  • 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 166 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Mexican.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Seafood and alligator pear are the perfect combination of taste and benefits. A diet salad with avocado will help you lose excess weight and energize your body with a significant portion. complex carbohydrates and healthy monounsaturated fats that promote good performance of cardio-vascular system. Proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals, microelements - all this is largely present in the amazing-tasting salad. Prepare it as a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, enjoy delicious food and lose weight


  • tiger shrimps – 20 pcs.;
  • rucola – 100 g;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • lemon or lime juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • balsamic sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the arugula, tear into pieces and place in a salad bowl.
  2. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut it into pieces, sprinkle with lemon or lime juice.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half.
  4. Mix oil, balsamic and soy sauce, salt and pepper.
  5. Mix all salad ingredients and season with sauce.

For this soup you need 200 g of lean chicken fillet, bell pepper, olive oil (7 tablespoons), salt, 150 g of onion, one green hot pepper, 1.5 liters of low-fat broth, 5 avocados, juice of one lemon, coriander.

Preparing the soup:

  1. To prepare the soup, cut the meat into small strips, add salt and prepare a low-fat broth.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, bell pepper into cubes.
  3. Place the vegetables in the prepared broth, bring to a boil, add avocado pulp, lemon juice, coriander.
  4. Using a blender, make puree and add salt. Pour into bowls and garnish with a slice of lemon.

Avocado cocktail is actively used not only by people who are losing weight, but also by athletes. This drink burns fat, is an excellent cooling dessert that speeds up metabolism, enriches the blood with oxygen and causes a surge of energy in the body.

You'll need:

  • Tropical fruit – 1 piece
  • Frozen low-fat yogurt – 50 ml
  • Cane sugar (or sweetener) – 1 tsp.
  • Skim milk – 220 ml.
  • Juice of half a lime


  1. Tropical fruit is peeled and pitted, cut into arbitrary pieces
  2. Add frozen yogurt to the avocado pulp. If desired, use a few more pieces of ice.
  3. Add lime juice, cane sugar to the ingredients
  4. Beat the mixture with a blender
  5. The fat-burning cocktail is poured into a tall glass, garnished with a slice of green fruit and eaten immediately.

Avocado is popular in express diets because it is very short time can be achieved desired results and reset overweight. And then introduce it into your diet, replacing unhealthy snacks with avocado snacks.

Express diets with avocado give results in just 3 days (minus 1.5-2 kg). The menu looks like this:

  • Avocado (half) with low-fat cottage cheese in the morning.
  • For lunch, salad with avocado, cucumber and egg, dressed with lemon juice.
  • For dinner, repeat breakfast, but you can provide it with 100 grams of chicken fillet, a piece of red fish, or beef.

When continuing the diet with avocado for weight loss The following rules must be observed:

  • To maintain your diet, you can include cereal porridges, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, herbs, beef, chicken and fish in your menu. Food can only be eaten boiled, steamed or baked;
  • Drink 2 liters of water;
  • Eliminate flour to achieve the desired result. You can replace it with a bruschetta snack or an avocado smoothie;
  • There is no need to continue eating avocados for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, switching to a regular diet. Firstly, divide your meals into 4 times, and secondly, do not eat more than 1 avocado per day. For example, make an appetizer from one half and a salad from the other - that will be enough.

An example of continuing the avocado diet:

  • Breakfast: steam omelette and half an avocado.
  • Lunch: baked fish and vegetable salad (for example, “Spicy”).
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: boiled fish (beef, chicken fillet) and 100 g of fruit.

In general, fruit should be included in the daily diet, for example, for dinner. If you regularly exercise and exclude baked goods, you can maintain beautiful shape and not gain weight.

Nutritionists' opinions on weight loss with avocados

Doctors and weight loss specialists recommend alligator pear to their patients as a dietary supplement. In their opinion, it worked well avocado for weight loss belly. By consuming this fruit, problem areas of the female figure lose weight faster and more effectively.

Nutritionists insist that no weight loss will bring you the desired results if you alternate avocado dishes with the consumption of baked goods or fast food. According to experts, weight loss is most effective when the menu is compiled according to the principles healthy eating. And avocado acts as a snack or dinner substitute.

Nothing helps you lose weight like eating dietary products. Those who wish to gain beautiful figure women and men will find it useful to know recipes with avocado for weight loss, because this fruit has incredible big amount beneficial properties and practically does not cause harm. Be sure to remember how this exotic fruit affects the body and what dishes you can cook with it.

What is avocado

Some people even confuse this fruit with a vegetable. Alligator pear or avocado is an oval, spherical or pear-shaped fruit that grows on Persea americana trees. Color can vary from pale to dark green. The weight of the fruit can be up to one and a half kilograms. The peel is hard, and inside there is an oily texture and a large seed. The taste of the fruit is tart and sweet, somewhat reminiscent of a mixture of pumpkin and pear. The color of the pulp can be yellowish or green.

How to choose quality fruit:

  1. An unripe fruit will be firm, with a dense, intact skin. If you buy one, give it a couple of days to finish.
  2. The ripe fruit is soft but elastic. You can use it as soon as you bought it.
  3. The pulp of a ripe fruit looks like fat butter. It is pale green and smells nutty.


The fruit is rich in:

The calorie content of 100 grams of pulp is 165 kcal, so the fruit is suitable for weight loss. In addition, avocado contains many of the following macro- and microelements:

  • gland;
  • cobalt;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • chlorine;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • boron;
  • sodium;
  • aluminum;
  • manganese

How much can you eat per day

Moderation is important with any product. How many avocados you can eat per day depends on a huge number of parameters. What matters is a person’s gender and age, body proportions, height and weight, general state health. If you do not have individual intolerance, liver or pancreas diseases, you can eat one fruit per day. People with any problems should reduce the amount to 5-6 slices per week, three times.

Useful properties

Eating the fruit has a very good effect on the body and there are practically no contraindications for this. List of useful properties:

  • promotes weight loss;
  • removes harmful cholesterol from the blood;
  • has antiviral effect;
  • promotes recruitment muscle mass;
  • reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • helps strengthen bone tissue;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • is a powerful aphrodisiac, increases potency;
  • cleanses the blood, improves its circulation, prevents the development of anemia;
  • promotes better absorption carotenoids;
  • improves performance;
  • prevents cancer cells from multiplying;
  • helps increase skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • relieves constipation;
  • increases immunity.

What is useful for women

Girls definitely need to introduce this fruit into their diet. It is very important to use it for pregnant women. The benefit of avocados for pregnant women lies in the fact that this food significantly reduces the risk of developing congenital pathologies at the baby's. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it. Regular use contributes to normalization menstrual cycle, has a good effect on reproductive system. For weight loss, it is also recommended to eat fruit.

Beneficial properties for men

The fruit has a positive effect on potency. Beneficial features Avocados for men are explained by the presence of certain substances in the composition:

  1. Fatty acid. Helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Plaques do not accumulate on the walls of the vessels of the male genital organ. Thanks to this, a strong blood flow is ensured.
  2. Squirrels. Positively affects men's sexual function.
  3. Folic acid. Produces new cells and participates in the process of regeneration of old ones. Helps improve sperm quality.

For weight loss

The overseas fruit is often found on the menu of various diets. Avocado is very useful for weight loss. The fruit contains L-carnitine, a substance that has fat-burning properties and accelerates metabolism. The fruit increases the level of good cholesterol, which improves blood circulation and promotes weight loss. Due to the vitamin B included in the composition, even on a strict diet when consuming the fruit, you will not feel a loss of strength. Avocado properties:

  1. Fruit converts to useful energy carbohydrates with fats.
  2. Normalizes metabolic processes. The fruit breaks down fats and prevents new ones from forming.
  3. Improves blood circulation.


You can prepare a huge number of dishes from this tropical fruit, including main dishes, and not just desserts. There are many recipes with avocados for weight loss. Soups, sauces, salads, and fat-burning cocktails are made with the fruit. You can find out how to eat avocados correctly for weight loss, and eat the fruits in pure form, but it will be more interesting to experiment with different recipes. This will significantly diversify your diet.

This sauce is one of the most popular in Mexican cuisine. When making avocado guacamole, add salt and lime juice. The latter can be replaced with lemon. There are recipes for sauces with avocado and tomatoes, different types pepper, onion, herbs, garlic, but first you should know the classic one. Guacamole is served with tortillas (corn tortillas), chips, pita bread, and croutons. Can serve as a side dish for meat, pasta, fish, potatoes.


  • olive oil – 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • chili pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • avocado – 6-8 pcs.;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to your taste;
  • shallots – 2 pcs.;
  • lime – 2 pcs.;
  • cilantro or parsley - 2 bunches.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and dry all components.
  2. Cut the avocado lengthwise and remove the seeds. Using a spoon, scoop out the pulp of the fruit and place in a dry, deep bowl. Mash with a fork, puree with a mixer or grind with a meat grinder.
  3. Peel the pepper pods from seeds, chop very finely and mix with the pulp.
  4. Remove the skins from the bulbs. Chop the heads and add to the dish.
  5. Enter chopped greens.
  6. Squeeze the lime juice and pour it over the sauce.
  7. Add olive oil to guacamole and mix thoroughly.


First courses with fruit are very tasty, filling, have fat-burning properties, and help with weight loss. You can amaze your guests and loved ones with avocado soup, because it looks very unusual. The recipe for losing weight is ridiculously simple. It is recommended to serve the soup with corn tortillas for lunch. Be sure to try the first one using the following recipe.


  • canned tomatoes – 370 g;
  • young garlic – 4 cloves;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • coriander – 1.5 tsp;
  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • lime juice – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • avocado – 2 large;
  • chili pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • grated cheese – 60 g;
  • ground cumin – 1 tsp;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • chicken or meat broth - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat a little oil in a frying pan. Turn the heat to medium. Place finely chopped garlic and onion on it, sprinkle with coriander and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomato. Puree them with roasted vegetables in a blender.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a frying pan and add the cumin. Cook for 5 minutes until the puree thickens and darkens, stirring continuously.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a large saucepan and set the heat to slightly less than medium. Pour in broth. Cook covered for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Add chicken, cut very thin. Cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Add crushed hot peppers, diced avocados, grated cheese and lime juice. Cook the soup until the meat is cooked.

Vegetable salad

The next dish is a real storehouse of vitamins. If you haven’t figured out how to cook avocados for weight loss, make a delicious salad using the following recipe. You are guaranteed not to regret it. Diet salad with avocado is surprisingly fresh and light. The mere sight of it awakens your appetite. You will want to learn other weight loss recipes after trying this salad.


  • sesame seeds– 2 tsp;
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • greens – 2 bunches;
  • Chinese cabbage – 1 large;
  • bell pepper – two different colors;
  • balsamic vinegar – 2 tsp;
  • avocado – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare all products.
  2. cut Chinese cabbage thin straw. Place in a bowl.
  3. Wash the cucumbers. Cut into thin half rings. Add to dish.
  4. Cut the bell peppers into strips. Place on cucumbers.
  5. Wash the alligator pears and remove the pit. Carefully scrape out the pulp. Cut into half rings. Place on pepper. Distribute thinly sliced ​​garlic on top.
  6. Wash the tomatoes. Cut into slices and place beautifully on top of the dish. Water olive oil, vinegar, you can add a little salt. Serve sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Shrimp salad

To call the next dish anything other than a feast of taste would be simply unfair. Shrimp salad is very light and pleasant to taste, helps with weight loss, and the recipe can be prepared by anyone. It can be served for breakfast or even for festive table. After trying this dish, you will be convinced that weight loss can be very diverse. According to the recipe, a lot of components are put into the salad, however, it remains dietary.


  • balsamic vinegar – 5 tsp;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • small shrimps – 850 g;
  • olive oil – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh chopped parsley - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 15 pcs.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • avocado – 4 pcs.;
  • butter – 75 g;
  • canned corn – 350 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat olive oil and butter in a frying pan. Place seafood on it, chopped garlic very finely, add salt and pepper, and fry for three minutes. Before turning off, add soy sauce and parsley, immediately cover with a lid.
  2. Wash and peel the avocado. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves.
  4. Cut the peppers into small pieces and the cherry tomatoes into halves.
  5. Mix all ingredients of the dish with corn. Serve with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

Salad with fish

The following snack for weight loss will be appreciated by all gourmets. The low-calorie salad with avocado and fish has a spicy, very pleasant taste. This dish is suitable even for a table set on the occasion of any celebration. Eggs, cucumbers, red fish are added to it (tuna is also suitable). The dressing deserves special attention, because of which the dish turns out simply extraordinary.


  • ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp;
  • mustard – 0.5 tsp;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • avocado – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce – 2 tsp;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp;
  • lightly salted salmon – 250 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the eggs. Cut into small cubes. Place in a salad bowl.
  2. Cut the fish into small cubes too. Stir in eggs.
  3. Add diced cucumbers.
  4. Remove the seeds from the avocado and scoop out the pulp. Cut into cubes and immediately pour in lemon juice.
  5. Mix sour cream with soy sauce and mustard, pepper.
  6. Fill the products with the resulting filling. Mix the salad thoroughly and serve.


Fat burning drinks always help you lose weight faster. This also applies to smoothies. It turns out to be very nutritious and perfectly suppresses appetite. Thanks to such drinks, the avocado diet is very easy to tolerate, because one serving of smoothie is enough to not feel hungry for several hours. As a rule, pineapples, bananas, oranges, raspberries, ginger, carrots, radishes, arugula, onion, beets, sour berries.


  • young spinach – 2 bunches;
  • sea ​​salt– 2 pinches;
  • lemon juice - to your taste;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • mineral water without gas - 2 glasses;
  • honey – 0.5 tsp;
  • kiwi – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • green apples – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and dry all smoothie ingredients.
  2. Place spinach and parsley in a blender bowl. Peel the kiwi, cut it and also add it to the greens.
  3. Remove the skin from the apples. Cut them, take out the seeds. Place with other products.
  4. Peel the avocado. Cut and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add honey, lemon juice, salt, olive oil.
  6. Start whipping the smoothie, adding a little mineral water at a time.
  7. Enjoy the drink with ice for breakfast or in the evening.


Remember the recipe for a fruit drink for weight loss and fat burning. This avocado and strawberry smoothie is low in calories but so sweet you'll feel like you're eating dessert. The basis is low-fat natural yogurt. You should add a little citrus juice to your weight loss drink. It is brought to taste with liquid honey, which it is advisable not to add too much.


  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • low-fat yogurt, milk - 2 cups (or 200 g of ice cream);
  • mint – 8 leaves;
  • strawberries – 0.6 kg;
  • liquid honey – 2 tsp;
  • avocado – 2 pieces;
  • lemon juice – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • gooseberries – 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash all foods. Peel the avocado and remove the pit.
  2. Place all the fruits in the blender container. Start beating at low speed, adding a little yogurt little by little.
  3. Squeeze juice from lime and add to fruit cocktail along with lemon juice.
  4. Add honey and mint. Beat the mixture until it becomes completely homogeneous.
  5. Drink these cocktails for breakfast.


Even the high calorie content does not prevent nutritionists from using the beneficial properties of avocados for weight loss, using the fruit in a variety of recipes to rid your body of excess fat and saturate the body with vitamins. An amazing exotic fruit speeds up metabolism and starts fat burning processes. Scientists boldly declare that unique composition The alligator pear can replace all other products for people; this fruit will not leave the human body without the vitamins and microelements necessary for life.

Beneficial properties of avocado for weight loss

High calorie, fatty product It’s difficult to link avocados and weight loss together. The fruit contains about 75% fatty acids, but the use of alligator pear to get rid of extra pounds is quite justified unusual composition. The fruit is able to influence metabolism, speeding up body processes, and the fruit also contains a natural fat burner, which helps to quickly lose weight.

Fats, which are abundant in the fruit, are quickly absorbed without interfering with the weight loss process. It contains almost no sugar and absolutely no cholesterol. Amount of vitamins different groups there's a flavor in the alligator pear that no other fruit or vegetable can match. Add to this a large number of salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium to ensure a unique useful action exotic fruit on the body in addition to weight loss.

For women

Rich vitamin composition Alligator pear benefits not only a woman’s figure, eliminating excess fat on the sides and stomach. Minerals, vitamins and microelements contained in the fruit increase immunity, cleanse female body from bad cholesterol, reduce arterial pressure and have a positive effect on the functionality of all systems and organs. The benefits of avocados for women in terms of external attractiveness have been scientifically proven. An abundance of vitamins E and A is a direct path to healthy and beautiful hair, nails, and radiant skin.

For men

Men will appreciate the alligator pear. Valuable for them positive influence fruit on nervous system. Regular consumption of the fruit makes representatives of the stronger sex sensible and confident. The beneficial properties of avocado for men do not end with this fact. The fruit is a strong aphrodisiac that increases male strength and improves reproductive function.

How to eat avocado for weight loss

To lose weight, you don't need to eat only avocados. Free your diet from flour and fatty foods and add half or a quarter of a ripe fruit to your meals. It doesn’t matter how you eat avocado for weight loss: as an independent product or cook dishes with it. There are several rules, following which you will not harm your health:

  1. The fruit seed contains a large number of toxins that are released upon contact with air. Remove the pit immediately after cutting the fruit.
  2. Storing peeled fruit is allowed only in the refrigerator. At room temperature the flesh turns black.
  3. During heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances of the exotic product are lost, so it is better to use it raw.

What to eat avocado with for weight loss

The unusual taste of the product allows it to be used for preparing a variety of dishes: from sushi to salads. Avocados are often combined with vegetables, and the most delicious combination is with tomatoes and cucumbers. The fruit also harmonizes in taste with alligator pear; the best duet of this fruit is with citrus fruits. Meat and fish are another option for eating avocados with for weight loss. The product is crushed in a blender or cut into pieces. Heat treatment fruit is undesirable due to a decrease in beneficial properties.

Is it possible to eat avocado at night?

The amazing properties of the alligator pear and its benefits for weight loss leave no options: you can and even should eat avocados at night. You can choose a wide variety of dishes to eat in the evening, the main thing is that they do not contain fatty, smoked, or highly salted foods. Rolls, salads, fruit and vegetable snacks in which avocado is one of the ingredients will help you get rid of excess weight.

How many avocados can you eat per day?

It is impossible to name the exact amount of fruit that you need to eat per day to lose weight. This issue is resolved individually. Hearty and nutritious product quickly satisfies hunger, but should not be abused. The norm for losing weight is no more than two avocados per day. A couple of avocados contain about 400 calories and can replace a full lunch or dinner. For a mono-diet on avocado, 5 fruits are used. Doctors do not recommend using more than half a fruit per day in your daily diet.

Avocado diet

To get rid of extra pounds, several diets have been developed, the main component of which is alligator pear. When dieting, an avocado helps you lose up to 1 kilogram of weight per day. An avocado diet may include exclusively exotic fruits or their combination with meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products. A popular method of losing weight using an alligator pear is designed for 5 days. The menu throughout the diet is as follows:

  1. Breakfast – half an avocado, 50 g of cottage cheese with zero fat content.
  2. Lunch – salad of ½ alligator pear, tomato, cucumber, egg and green onion.
  3. Dinner - half an avocado boiled egg, 100 g boiled beef.

Pros and cons of the diet

Before starting an alligator pear weight loss diet, you need to know what the benefits and harms of avocado are. Experts believe that the avocado diet should be short, otherwise metabolic disorders may occur. In addition to this disadvantage, the diet has many advantages:

  1. There is no psychological discomfort during weight loss, since juicy fruits quickly satisfy hunger and reduce appetite.
  2. Weight loss is well tolerated and is not suitable only for children, pregnant women and the elderly.
  3. A sufficient number of other products in diet menu, which can be eaten with the main component, makes it varied.

How to cook avocado for weight loss

The tropical fruit is widely used in cooking. Many recipes with avocado are suitable for weight loss. In addition to the dominant product, dishes may include boiled meat and poultry, fish, squid, skim cheese, greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts. Give preference to those products that have low calorie content, because you will already have a high-calorie product on your plate.

  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 166 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Mexican.

Seafood and alligator pear are the perfect combination of taste and benefits. A diet salad with avocado will help you lose excess weight, energize your body with a significant portion of complex carbohydrates and healthy monounsaturated fats, which contribute to the good functioning of the cardiovascular system. Proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals, microelements - all this is largely present in the amazing-tasting salad. Prepare it as a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, enjoy delicious food and lose weight!


  • tiger shrimps – 20 pcs.;
  • rucola – 100 g;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • lemon or lime juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • balsamic sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the arugula, tear into pieces and place in a salad bowl.
  2. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut it into pieces, sprinkle with lemon or lime juice.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half.
  4. Mix oil, balsamic and soy sauce, salt and pepper.
  5. Mix all salad ingredients and season with sauce.

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 150 kcal.
  • Purpose: sauce.
  • Cuisine: Mexican.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

For Mexicans, guacamole is the most... simple food, a sauce served with flatbreads and vegetables. To prepare it, you will need a ripe fruit, in which the stone is easily separated from the pulp. Finished product served with chips and fried pita bread. For those who are on a diet, it is better not to combine avocado guacamole sauce with such harmful products. Use the green mass as a seasoning for meat or fish.


  • avocado – 2 pcs.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the pulp from the peel and from the pit.
  2. Pour lime juice over the peeled fruit.
  3. Grind the pulp in a blender.
  4. Add oil, salt and pepper.
  5. Beat with blender again.

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 160 kcal.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Spanish.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Avocado – perfect product for cooking summer soups. It is better not to heat this fruit in order to preserve the maximum amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, numerous vitamins and other beneficial substances that are so necessary for our body. This avocado soup recipe is a quick, easy dish that even a child can make.


  • yellow sweet peppers – 2 pcs.;
  • yellow tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the cucumber, chop it, as well as tomatoes and pepper.
  2. Using a blender, thoroughly blend the vegetable mixture.
  3. Add juice squeezed from lime, oil, spices to the paste, mix the ingredients with a blender.
  4. Strain the vegetable mixture through a sieve and remove excess pulp.
  5. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the flesh into pieces.
  6. Divide the vegetable mixture into bowls and add the alligator pear pieces to each bowl.


Although alligator pear has many beneficial properties, avocados still have some contraindications. Most strict ban to use this fruit for food is a personal intolerance. You should use the product with caution if you are allergic to citrus fruits and latex. Exotic fruits should not be given to children under 3 years of age, as well as to those who have problems with the stomach and pancreas. The avocado diet is not recommended if the person losing weight is under 16 or is over 50 years old.

Video: benefits of avocado and how to eat it

This mysterious fruit comes from Central America full of paradoxes. And the main one plays into the hands of those who dream of losing weight. Science has revealed it amazing properties. The product itself contains a lot of fat and is high in calories. But the fiber in its composition can deceive the feeling of hunger. At the same time, fats are not deposited in the body. The brain receives a signal that you are full, and at this time you lose pounds. Agree, after such information it is simply a sin not to use avocados for weight loss.

Before you start a diet, it’s worth getting to know the fruit better. It is considered a vegetable due to its taste and nutritional value. And if you believe chemistry, it is so. But the biological origin of the buttery pear proves otherwise. However, what is more interesting is not the name, but the application of beneficial properties for weight loss.

The richer it is, the more it burns fat

The American alligator pear contains more than half of the fat. But this fact should not alarm you. Indeed, in this case we are talking about monounsaturated acids, which are easily absorbed. The body needs them, like air, for vital processes. And, in addition, they destroy cholesterol.

Why is it a natural fat burner:

  • Promotes insulin production. This means it accelerates weight loss. After all, this substance tells the body that it is time to convert glucose into energy.
  • Leads among fruits in protein content. Hearty avocado is a good option for your diet.
  • Works with all human organs, removes toxins from gastrointestinal tract and liver, thereby leading to weight loss without the opposite effect.
  • The potassium in the composition eliminates excess water, which helps with weight loss.
  • Rich in levocarnitine, which affects fat metabolism and ensures active fat burning.
  • Contains a minimum of sugar.

The fruit cleanses the body, relieves harmful substances, normalizes metabolism. And significantly increases the effectiveness of training. This means it also helps with weight loss.

It's great to lose weight

In the case of the avocado diet, you can lose weight and take care of your health. Both your figure and well-being will benefit. Benefit and taste work in tandem here.

So, what else is avocado good for losing weight:

  • quickly converts carbohydrates into energy;
  • prevents new fats from appearing;
  • improves the activity of the heart and digestive organs;
  • cleanses of toxins;
  • increases performance.

Exotic fruit helps build muscles, launches correct exchange substances and is a preventative against atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

How can I use it?

It is ideal, according to nutritionists, to use alligator pear as an express cleanse of the body. Well, if it comes to diet, its duration should not exceed three days.

Useful to carry out fasting days, based on frequent mini-snacks: light salads and sandwiches with spread or avocado pate. This way you can quickly get out excess water, cleanse the intestines and, naturally, achieve weight loss.

The main caution is not to overuse dishes with tropical fruit.

How much in calories

Scientists have discovered amazing fact. It turns out that avocado is many times higher in calories, for example, chicken eggs and meat. The nutritional value of a particular fruit is easy to calculate; it is only important to take into account the degree of its ripeness, variety and country of origin.

On average, 100 g of fruit contains 160 kcal. An ordinary fruit from a supermarket weighs about 200 grams, which means it will cost up to 300 kcal. However, there is no point in being afraid of these numbers. On the contrary, we must remember that these are healthy fats for weight loss.

Why not

Avocado is a harmless fruit and rarely causes allergic reaction. Only if you don’t overdo it when treating yourself to it. Everything is good in moderation. This statement in the matter of weight loss suits our product perfectly. Otherwise, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance cannot be avoided.

On a diet, fruits from the tropics are contraindicated if:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergies to tropical fruits;
  • stomach diseases or obesity;
  • under 16 years of age.

How to eat properly

Alligator pear satisfies hunger, relieves the feeling of heaviness after eating, and goes well with seafood: shrimp and squid.

To get quick results, you should add low-fat cottage cheese, seasonal vegetables, young veal and chicken, herbs and nuts to diet recipes with avocado. But remember, the main role in this orchestra of taste should still be played by the hero of this article.

You can also cook a single dish. On its own, this tropical fruit is reminiscent of good butter with a pine nut aftertaste.

If you combine the pulp with lemon juice, sweet and spicy seasonings, and homemade sauces, you get a complete snack.

When and how much

A diet based on the butter fruit will help you shed several kilograms in a week if you follow the following diet:

  • Meals are 4 times a day, and you should drink more fluids than usual. For snacks, you can use still water and green tea.
  • You will have to give up sweets, flour and alcohol.
  • For breakfast it’s good to combine fruit with fermented milk products, lunch consists of vegetable broth and salad with cucumber and avocado, the easiest way to have an afternoon snack is a nutritious smoothie, and for dinner you’ll have steamed fish with a side dish of our main product.

Remember, when creating recipes with avocado, it is important to take into account its high nutritional value. This means that you can add it to those products that are low in calories.

Butternut pear is best eaten raw. Heat treatment reduces the amount of useful substances in the composition.

Daily norm

It is quite difficult to answer the question of how many oily fruits you can eat per day. Each case is individual.

When losing weight, nutritionists recommend eating no more than two fruits per day as part of various dishes: salads, desserts, soups, snacks. A couple of avocados are comparable in nutritional value to a hearty lunch or dinner.

If you have chosen a strict mono-diet, then the daily norm increases to 5 pieces.

Is it possible for the night

Here experts agree. Avocado for evening reception barely any food the best option. All that remains is to choose what kind of dinner this will be: for example, rolls or pasta.

Which diet to choose

We are already familiar with the benefits of avocado in a diet. Ripe fruits reduce appetite and speed up metabolic processes. The technique is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of the elderly and pregnant women.

There is one drawback - such a mono-diet cannot be followed for a long time.

Now it’s time to decide what type of weight loss you can do with this exotic fruit is right for you. Diet options:

  1. Tough. Everything is subject to the restriction except alligator pear and large quantity water.
  2. Simple. In addition to avocado, you can include various fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.
  3. Cleansing the body. As a rule, it lasts 1 day and helps remove excess fluid.

Burn fat

This effective diet allows you to quickly and effectively burn extra pounds. And therefore it has strict rules.

Here are the main products that can be alternated and added to the menu:

  • avocado (no more than 5 fruits per day);
  • cucumber (3 vegetables);
  • cottage cheese 0-5% fat;
  • boiled beef (300 g);
  • greenery.

Nutritionists have developed and approximate diet from the given list. This is what the daily table looks like with this diet:

It is rational to use this strict fat-burning diet to quickly cleanse the body.

For three days

In this version, the main components can be divided into 5 techniques. This type of weight loss is simpler than the previous one, and getting used to the new regime is much easier due to additional snacks.

So, the menu for the day:

As for drinks, it is preferable to drink pure and mineral water, tea, low-fat kefir, freshly squeezed juices from tropical fruits.

This diet can be combined with kefir diet. This duet is effective, like many other recipes for losing belly fat.

We eat separately

If you are a supporter of principles separate power supply and are used to dividing your diet into foods that primarily contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, avocados are also for you. This fruit, as mentioned above, contains fats. This means that in the case of such a diet, it is included in vegetable salads.

Weight loss is just around the corner if you stick to this diet for 3-4 days:

Salad ingredients alternate. And fish is allowed to be replaced with chicken fillet or lean veal.

Avocado is easy

Alligator pear is undoubtedly exotic on our table. But fears that it is difficult to prepare and serve are in vain. And they are nothing more than a delusion.

Modern cooking provides a lot simple recipes, not requiring long preparation. And it is not necessary that dishes with avocado contain only overseas delicacies. Losing weight is possible even if you present this fruit in combination with conventional available products.

In addition, avocados are completely allowed on the Dukan diet. But on Kremlevskaya you can eat it in limited quantities.

What's on first

It is important that a diet based on tropical fruit does not lead to dry food. We must not forget about liquid dishes, otherwise you will have problems with digestion. Moreover, the foreign fruit feels great in our regular and cream soups.

Here is one of the popular (according to reviews) soups with a miracle product. Useful combination taste and weight loss effect.

Ingredients :

  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • green onions- ¼ tbsp.;
  • red onion - ¼ tbsp.;
  • parsley - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • clove of garlic;
  • water (vegetable broth).

How to cook :

  1. Wash and peel the vegetables.
  2. Grind the avocado and cucumbers using a blender.
  3. Pour everything into a saucepan, add parsley, green and red onions, garlic and soy sauce.
  4. Adjust the thickness of the soup with water or broth, add lemon juice to taste.
  5. Serve chilled.

Let's hit the salad!

Salad is basically perfect way serving during a diet. There are many advantages - it cooks quickly and refreshes any meal. Well, exotic recipes will help you lose weight. Choose and use!

Here shrimp can be replaced with any boiled or canned seafood. And the more varied greens, the healthier the dish.

Ingredients :

  • shrimp - 150 g;
  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • arugula;
  • salad;
  • dill;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Boil shrimp in salted water, peel.
  2. Without removing the peel from the avocados, cut them into two parts.
  3. Remove the seeds, scoop out the pulp with a spoon, and mix it with the shrimp.
  4. Add chopped herbs, season with lemon juice.
  5. Divide the salad into the peel halves.

Plus chicken

Poultry meat goes well with the pulp of an oily fruit. This mixture becomes an ideal nutritional cocktail that will promote weight loss. So, the simplest chicken salad.

Ingredients :

  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • chicken breast- 400 g;
  • lettuce - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Cut the meat.
  2. Cut the avocado and chop into slices, season with lemon juice.
  3. Dip the lettuce leaves into water, dry, and keep in the cold for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Place salad in a serving bowl, top with avocado with butter and chicken.
  5. Stir before serving.

Salad with tuna

There is no point in mentioning the benefits of fish. In whatever form you use it, the result will be noticeable both for your figure and for your health. At the same time, due to its low calorie content, it will ensure rapid weight loss.

Ingredients :

  • tuna in its own juice - 150 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • spinach - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cucumber - ½ piece;
  • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook :

  1. Cut the cucumber and avocado, you can leave the tomatoes whole.
  2. Place the spinach and other vegetables in a bowl, add lemon juice and oil, and stir.
  3. Divide the tuna into pieces.
  4. Place the salad on a plate, place the fish on top, and garnish with lemon if desired.

You can't live without vegetables

When preparing a salad with avocado, it is easy to do without meat or other protein additive. Vegetables themselves will form the basis of the plate, but the benefits of such a salad for weight loss are not worth talking about.

Ingredients :

  • avocado - ½ piece;
  • celery - ½ piece;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • greenery;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • Provencal herbs.

How to cook :

  1. Tear the salad into pieces.
  2. Cut celery and cucumber into strips, tomato and avocado into cubes.
  3. Mix everything in a plate.
  4. Season with olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and spices.

What if you bake it

There has already been talk about the fact that it is better not to heat the oily pear. It's all about tannin - a substance in the fruit that when high temperature bitter. But to promote weight loss, there is effective ways prevent bad taste. Here is a casserole recipe for your dietary needs.

Ingredients :

  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • Quail eggs - 4 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces and remove the pit.
  2. Cut off the bottom skin of both halves to stabilize the “boats”.
  3. Break 2 eggs into each part and place them in an oven preheated to 200 °C for 15 minutes.


By the way, traditional soup Guacamole, like avocados, is native to Central America. And among the local population this is the most unpretentious food, used as a sauce for flatbreads. And this is definitely worth a try when you start the process of losing weight.

Ingredients :

  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spices.

How to cook :

  1. Cut the avocado and pour lime juice over it.
  2. Grind the pulp in a blender, add oil, salt and pepper.
  3. Beat again.

What's for dessert?

In the case of desserts, it is better to be extremely careful when choosing recipes for weight loss. Let it be a smoothie with berries, a light fruit salad without dressing, or something in combination with low-fat cottage cheese. Otherwise, it’s easy to get carried away by the sweetness and forget about the main goal. So, how to make a healthy smoothie with avocado.

Ingredients :

  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • honey - 2 tsp.

How to cook :

  1. Remove the skin and pit from the fruit.
  2. Chop and place all ingredients in a blender.
  3. Beat until smooth.

Drink instead of food

Whatever the diet, Special attention you need to pay attention to the fluid you consume. And it’s good when it can also become a hearty snack. And at the same time help in burning fat.

So, the ingredients for the fat burning cocktail:

  • spinach - 200 g;
  • grapes - 50 g;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • avocado - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Greek yogurt - 170 g;
  • lime juice - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook :

  1. Grind spinach, grapes, pear and avocado using a blender.
  2. Pour yogurt or kefir over everything.
  3. Add lime juice.

What nutritionists say

Well, avocados are most beneficial to eat in the evening, as a snack before bed. While you sleep, the substances in the fruit work for the result.

Has anyone tried the avocado diet?

There are many reviews on the Internet of those who tried to lose weight with the help of an exotic oily fruit and came to different conclusions. We invite you to consider those shared by girls and women who have lost weight.

If you are on a diet, avocados are a help. I am very prone to being overweight, I can lose weight for a month, and in 4 days gain 3 kg, I gain weight even from oatmeal and low-fat dairy products. Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain a feeling of fullness on vegetables and meat, but avocado is super. In two months you won’t recognize your skin and hair. Now I allow myself a few days of normal nutrition and do not gain weight.

Alena, 30 years old

If you only eat avocado with cottage cheese, then of course you will lose weight. I spread it on bread and eat it with salad. I'm not losing weight and not getting fat.

Olesya, 25 years old

At one time I tried to lose weight with avocados. It didn't work out. On the contrary, I started gaining weight from it. I don’t know, apparently this is a feature of the body.

Angela, 42 years old

Avocado should be present in the diet. Condition for losing weight - you need to sit on healthy food. Only then will the result be noticeable. I have lost 4 kg. But I put a lot of effort into this - I worked out regularly in the gym and ate right.

Tatyana, 37 years old

Whatever the decision, whether to start a diet with avocado or not to try it, it is important to understand that if there are no serious contraindications for health, you should not completely give up this fruit. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of butternut in losing weight, and if you are determined to fight overweight decisively, all that remains is to choose a method - gentle or more strict. Either way it will be delicious!