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Review of the best cereal diets: beneficial properties of cereals for weight loss, options, detailed menu. Options for losing weight with porridge: quickly and sustainably

Modern people so accustomed to food stuffed with all sorts of chemical additives that they have practically forgotten how to appreciate simple food. At all times the most healthy food were considered porridge, which not only ensured satiety, but also supplied the body with many useful vitamins and microelements.

The right cereal diet for weight loss

D Ieta on porridge is an excellent weight loss product that not only reduces weight, but also has the most beneficial effects on health. The most popular diet of these is the oatmeal version.

Every person's diet must include all kinds of grains - this way of eating will help cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, speed up metabolism, regulate metabolism and improve overall well-being.

A diet based on grains is gentle on the body and provides quick satiety, satisfying hunger for a long time. Lose weight with this method of eating without breakdowns, even without physical activity, every person can.

Benefits of cereals

Nutritionists confirm that a porridge diet for weight loss is not only fast way to slim figure, this is also a great way to cleanse your intestines from the slags accumulated in it. The benefits of this method of nutrition are difficult to overestimate.

Benefits of cereals for weight loss:

  1. Whole grains contain fiber large quantities, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of oncological diseases.
  2. Eating grains helps lower blood cholesterol levels, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Whole grains provide quick satiety, eliminate the feeling of hunger, and at the same time prevent the absorption of calories from fatty foods, thus ensuring sustainable weight loss.
  4. Once in the body, grains begin to act like “brushes”, absorbing all harmful substances, while filling the body with energy and strength.

The influence of different cereals on the human body:

Oatmeal– such a porridge diet can provide effective and fast weight loss due to high content coarse fiber mixed with soft dietary fiber. If you eat this porridge for breakfast every day, then within a week you can feel a pleasant lightness in your body and notice the disappearance of several kilograms. It is recommended to cook it with water, without salt. You can just buy instant “Hercules” - it doesn’t even require cooking, just pour boiling water over the flakes and leave for 15 minutes. But more healthy is unprocessed unprocessed oatmeal, which should be boiled.

Buckwheat– this product helps to quickly establish in the body metabolic processes, while burning fat naturally happens faster. Even cereals cooked in water for a long time Provides a feeling of satiety, fills with energy and health. If you eat mostly buckwheat all week, you can easily lose about 5 kilograms. Such rapid weight loss is due to the removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body.

Rice cereal– for weight loss it is better to use unpolished rice. This porridge diet will completely cleanse the intestines of toxins accumulated in it, and will also help get rid of bad cholesterol.

Nutritionists advise using black, red and brown rice when preparing them. Such cereals will not only help you lose weight, but also stabilize your work. cordially- vascular system, and will also have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Since rice is a fairly difficult grain to digest, it is best to cook it with vegetables.

Pearl barley– this diet quickly normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It is better to cook pearl barley in water without salt. Porridge with milk is more satisfying and tasty, but also higher in calories, which is not very good for losing weight.

Semolina- perhaps the only cereal that does not contribute to weight loss. Regular use semolina often leads to excess weight gain, so this cereal It is not recommended to use for preparing dietary dishes.

Menu for the week

An effective porridge diet for weight loss for 7 days can completely establish metabolic processes in the body, cleanse the intestines of toxins and simultaneously get rid of several kilograms.

To stick to such a diet for a week and not break, it is recommended to first create a menu for 7 days and strictly follow it. Approximate diet menu on cereals for a week (breakfast, lunch, dinner):

Monday - eat only wheat cereals.

  1. wheat, complemented by stewed cabbage.
  2. to wheat - add a glass of chicken broth.
  3. to wheat - add a glass of kefir.

Tuesday – eat only buckwheat during the day.

  1. add buckwheat with fresh cucumber.
  2. a portion of buckwheat and broth with herbs.
  3. a portion of buckwheat and a little low-fat cottage cheese.

Wednesday – eat oatmeal all day.

  1. a portion of oatmeal steamed in water and a handful of dried fruits.
  2. a serving of oatmeal and a glass of apple juice.
  3. low-fat yogurt.

Thursday – eat rice all day.

  1. a portion of rice and a glass of carrot juice.
  2. a portion of rice and one tomato.
  3. a glass of low-fat kefir.

Friday – eat barley porridge all day.

  1. barley porridge and boiled cauliflower.
  2. barley porridge and a piece of boiled fish.
  3. barley with cottage cheese.

Saturday – eat pearl barley all day.

  1. Add beet salad to a serving of pearl barley.
  2. pearl barley and fresh cabbage salad.
  3. barley and a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Sunday – eat different cereals all day, mixed in equal proportions.

  1. a portion of a mixture of cooked cereals and one apple.
  2. a mixture of boiled cereals and baked fish.
  3. a steamed mixture of different cereals and low-fat kefir.

If you are interested in a porridge diet, the menu for the week should be strictly adhered to, as it correctly calculates the amount of carbohydrates needed for the body.

Diet and approximate menu for the month

To achieve maximum effect for weight loss, a diet based on cereals should be spread over whole month. It's best to prepare in advance detailed menu and describe in detail the entire scheme of eating cereals for weight loss.

The diet should be quite varied, so it’s worth it turn on fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as greens and berries. It is better to refrain from eating meat for a month, but sometimes add you can add fish– baked or boiled.

To prevent this way of eating from becoming boring from the very first days, cereals are a must. need to alternate. You shouldn’t eat only buckwheat all week, then the second week on rice, and the third on pearl barley, and so on.

It is recommended to cook a different grain every day for a month., then the menu will be varied and principles proper nutrition It will be much easier to stick to. To give dishes a special taste, it is worth using spices and herbs during cooking, as well as light sauces with low calorie content.

All cereals for weight loss must be boiled in water, and it is advisable to use a minimum of salt. Reviews from many who have lost weight indicate that it is salt-free diets on cereals are the most effective.

  • Also, during the entire period of weight loss you need drink a lot of plain water without additives - it will help remove waste and toxins from the intestines faster.
  • Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Small meals 3-5 times a day.

Sample menu for the month:

First week:

  1. Monday - only wheat porridge with added vegetables.
  2. Wednesday – only oatmeal, dried fruits and kefir.
  3. Thursday – only rice with vegetables.
  4. Friday – only barley, vegetable salad and yogurt.
  5. Saturday – only barley and fish.

Second week:

  1. Monday – only buckwheat with vegetables.
  2. Tuesday – only rice with fruit.
  3. Wednesday – only oatmeal with honey.
  4. Thursday - only pearl barley with beets.
  5. Friday - only barley, with greens.
  6. Saturday – only wheat porridge and yogurt.
  7. Sunday – a mixture of all cereals and a salad dressed with yogurt.

Third week

  1. Monday – rice porridge and 1 yogurt.
  2. Tuesday - only buckwheat with the addition of vegetables and cottage cheese.
  3. Wednesday – only pearl barley and kefir.
  4. Thursday – only buckwheat with vegetables.
  5. Friday – only oatmeal, vegetable salad and yogurt.
  6. Saturday – only barley porridge and fish.
  7. Sunday – prepare porridge from a mixture of several cereals, and also eat vegetables.

Fourth week

We have heard since childhood that eating porridge is healthy. Moreover, it is useful for everyone, including pregnant women, weakened after illness and, of course, those who want to lose a few extra pounds. They contain everything our body needs and precisely in the form in which beneficial substances are best absorbed. Therefore, based on cereals, many different ones have been developed.

In addition to the fact that porridges are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, they have a fairly low calorie content. In 100 grams of cereals (which yields approximately a glass of ready-made delicious porridge) contains from 300 to 350 kcal. This is significantly less than in many other products, but enough so that you do not experience constant feeling hunger.

There are many options for cereal-based diets. All of them can be divided into two large groups:

Mono-diets - the diet consists entirely of only one type of cereal, usually buckwheat or rice. Such diets give excellent weight loss results, but they are short-lived. You can be on any mono-diet for a maximum of 5-7 days without harm to your health. The ideal option is up to 3 days. Later, the body begins to experience an acute shortage of those nutrients that are not contained in the product used.

Mixed diets - the basis, naturally, is cereals, but the diet also includes other foods that balance it. Therefore, mixed diets can be safely used for up to 14 days. In this case, the process of losing weight does not occur so quickly, but the body receives the necessary nutrients in full. There are practically no contraindications for mixed diets containing cereals.

Rules and secrets

The cereal diet does not require much ingenuity and is very straightforward. The basic rules are simple, there are several of them:

As you can see, following these rules will not be difficult. And cooking porridge does not require culinary talent or time.

Particular attention should be paid to additional products with which you can diversify your diet. The list of permitted mixed diets includes:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts and raisins in small quantities;
  • low-fat milk, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • natural yoghurts.
  • up to 1 glass per day of freshly squeezed juices.

Any preserves, smoked meats, pickles, jams, animals and vegetable fats, meat, fish, seafood, alcohol are strictly prohibited during this period.

If you have chosen a long-term mixed diet to lose weight, then you need to get out of it gradually. Every day you need to expand your diet by introducing 1-2 previously familiar products. And do not overeat, otherwise the lost kilograms will not be slow to return to their place.

Is it really that useful?

In general, a diet based on cereals is very useful for everyone. Naturally, if you strictly follow all the listed rules and accept it with pleasure. Firstly, this diet is an excellent relief for the body. And secondly, it is in cereals that a large number of B vitamins, which directly affect the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Therefore, the diet is reflected not only on the figure, but also on the face.

Its advantages are obvious:

  • fast and stable weight loss;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • lack of constant feeling of hunger.

There are practically no contraindications for using diets based on cereals. This, of course, applies to diets. mixed type. Mono-diets based on cereals are categorically not recommended for pregnant women, those weakened by illness, and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Perhaps the only downside is that the porridge quickly becomes boring. An organism that is especially accustomed to consuming such “goodies” as fried potatoes, pickles and smoked foods, it is very difficult to suddenly give up your favorite foods. And at first, even a mixed diet seems meager and monotonous. But believe me, the result is worth trying!

Cooking porridge

First of all, you need to decide which cereals you can use to create a menu. The choice is quite varied:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • pearl barley;
  • lentil;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • millet

Semolina porridge is not too good for weight loss suitable product- it is quickly absorbed by the body, and after a short time you will begin to feel hungry again.

You need to prepare porridge by filling it with water or milk in a ratio of approximately 1:3. Cook over low heat for 30-45 minutes until the cereal is well cooked. It is better to avoid spices during the diet, but you can add a pinch of salt.

Menu for 1-3 days

For emergency weight loss and as fasting days you can use a mono-diet, for which it is better to choose buckwheat or rice porridge. Pour 300 grams of cereal into 1 liter of water or milk and boil until tender. The porridge can be wrapped in a towel to let it steep. Divide the portion into 3-4 doses and eat throughout the day. Drink water or unsweetened drinks between meals green tea. And no snacking on other foods!

You can lose up to 1 kg of weight in 1 day on such a diet. You cannot use it for more than 3 days!

Weekly mono-diet “6 cereals”

From the list of cereals proposed above, choose 6 different ones according to your taste. Prepare and eat only one type of porridge every day. On the seventh day, you can prepare an assortment of 2-3 types of cereals that you used earlier. All other restrictions are the same as in .

You can lose up to 5-7 kg of weight in a week. Due to the fact that different cereals are used, the composition of which is different, the body receives almost the entire possible set of vitamins and microelements. After this diet, the skin becomes clearer, the hair begins to shine, and the body feels unusually light.

Mixed diet

Since it allows the presence in the diet of a number of healthy products and provides the body balanced diet, you can follow this diet for up to 14 days to achieve results. When used wisely, it will only bring health benefits. The daily menu in this version looks something like this:

  • Breakfast: 100 grams of porridge; a glass of skim milk (better to drink warm!).
  • Second breakfast: a large baked apple or banana.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup(can be mashed or vegetable puree) - 200 grams; 100 grams of porridge.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice or a few nuts or 50 grams of dried fruit.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of fruit or vegetable salad; 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

To prepare soups and salads, you can use various vegetables and fruits and thereby diversify the menu.

The essence of the cereal diet

The porridge diet is considered not only the fastest, but also the simplest (among non-fasting) weight loss methods of all those currently existing. There is only one condition for its observance - you need to love this dish and be able to stay on a porridge diet for 7 - 10 days.

It is widely believed that for weight loss important point is to avoid eating carbohydrates. But this point of view is wrong - carbohydrates are needed, since the body cannot withstand them for a long time.

Another thing is which carbohydrates you will give preference to, because they can be “good” (that is, healthy, which includes cereals) and “bad” (harmful, found in flour and sweet foods).

Porridge is one of the most healthy carbohydrate dishes. It contains a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal function, and “slow” carbohydrates, which quickly saturate the body and supply it with energy reserves. In addition, boiled cereals are a source of vegetable protein, which is also very important for a healthy diet.

The most useful in this regard are whole grain porridges. This is due to the following factors:

  • availability in whole grain a large amount of fiber has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of intestinal cancer;
  • Eating whole grains helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which is important for preventing the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Whole grain products are good for lowering insulin levels;
  • Whole grains are highly nutritious and satisfying while also preventing calorie absorption, making them a staple for any diet program.

Porridge diet - description and general principles

Unrefined grain products can become an indispensable assistant in the fight against overweight. These include wild and brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, and pearl barley. Once in the body, grains work like brushes, thereby stimulating the intestines, absorbing toxins and waste and removing everything harmful products metabolism, including excess cholesterol. Having in its composition complex carbohydrates, slowly absorbed by the body, they charge it with energy for a long time. Weight loss occurs, among other things, due to the low fat content of grains.

In order to effectively lose weight, you need to know how to prepare porridge correctly. Thus, a diet of porridge with water is much healthier than a diet of milk porridge, since the proteins contained in cereals are poorly absorbed by the human body, and milk proteins, on the contrary, stimulate this process. When compiling dietary ration nutrition, you need to remember that porridge with water is a product almost entirely carbohydrate, and cereals boiled with milk are well balanced amino acid composition protein products.

The duration of a grain-based diet is most often 1 - 2 weeks. In this case, weight loss can reach 3-4 kg per week. You can repeat this diet no more than once every six months.

You should also know that different grains have different effects on the body:

  • Rice, oatmeal and pearl barley, when cooked, release mucus containing protein and starch, which does not cause copious discharge gastric secretion and intestinal motility. These cereals are useful for exacerbations peptic ulcer stomach, pancreatitis, chronic colitis;
  • semolina is boiled and digested quickly, contains little fiber, and is used in therapeutic diets for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • millet cereal is rich minerals and is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Buckwheat is rich in vitamins and has proteins that are more complete in amino acid composition. It is useful for liver diseases;
  • barley and pearl barley are indicated for intestinal diseases accompanied by the development of constipation;
  • corn grits reduce fermentation processes well;
  • Oatmeal and rolled oats are very high in calories and contain a lot of phosphorus and magnesium.

Benefits of a cereal diet

Losing weight with cereals has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • cereals contain all substances important for the functioning of the body;
  • are well digested and combine with other foods;
  • are environmentally friendly pure product, does not contain preservatives;
  • grains are filling, cheap, accessible and easy to prepare.

Disadvantages of the cereal diet and contraindications

The disadvantage of the porridge diet is its monotony and the not very pleasant taste of the dishes, since they must be eaten without salt, sugar and butter.

Porridge weight loss methods also have certain contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal organs;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Porridge diet menu and recipes

Based on cereals, there are many options for popular and effective dietary methods for losing weight.

Oatmeal diet

This dietary program allows you not only to lose weight, but also to thoroughly cleanse your body of toxins. The menu is very simple:

  • Eat a portion of oatmeal at all meals.
  • During breaks, you are allowed to eat fruits - apples, pears, citruses and others, except bananas and grapes.
  • You can drink no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.
  • You can prepare oatmeal from ordinary rolled oats, which are poured with boiling water for a few minutes.
  • When following a dietary program, the use of salt, sugar and oil is unacceptable.

Buckwheat porridge diet

This diet is very well tolerated and involves eating only buckwheat 3-4 times a day. You can drink low-fat kefir, but not more than one liter per day. Buckwheat should be chosen whole, unprocessed. In the morning for the whole day it is prepared as follows: take two small thermoses for second courses, pour 0.5 cups of buckwheat into each of them and pour boiling water over them. Salting is prohibited. After a couple of hours you can eat. You can brew the cereal in the evening and leave it to steep all night.

The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime, but if you are very hungry, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir. Water is consumed in unlimited quantities. You can also eat buckwheat as much as you like. In between taking it, drink water, vegetable juices, and unsweetened tea.

Millet porridge diet

This cereal contains a large amount of B vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, metabolism and the health of the skin, teeth, hair, and nails. Millet also removes salts from the body heavy metals and antibiotics. For dietary nutrition It is better to use yellow millet, which is boiled in water, without salt and oil. The menu is offered as follows:

  • breakfast: millet, low-fat yogurt, banana;
  • lunch: millet, vegetarian cabbage soup, vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: orange or apple;
  • dinner: millet, kefir, fermented baked milk or low-fat yogurt.

During the day you are allowed to drink still mineral water, green tea or various herbal decoctions.

Pearl barley porridge diet

The method of losing weight using pearl barley is very useful for ensuring proper functioning of the brain, as well as for strengthening the heart muscle and improving elasticity skin bodies. Barley is consumed at every meal (3 times a day). You can also eat 1 apple or dried fruit for breakfast; add a piece of fish for lunch low-fat variety steamed. In the afternoon you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

It is also important to prepare the pearl barley correctly. It cooks for a long time and increases in volume up to 5 times. The cereal must be soaked in the evening, and cooked in the morning for the whole day. No added salt, sugar or oil is allowed.

Wheat porridge diet

This dietary program is considered the most effective among cereals, since it is the lowest in calories and allows you not only to lose excess weight, but also to cleanse the body as a whole, while saturating it useful substances.

The menu is very simple - throughout the day they eat wheat porridge without oil or salt. You can add any vegetables to it, except potatoes. The last meal should be no later than 18 hours; low-fat foods are allowed. fermented milk products, herbal or green tea. It is also important to observe water regime.

Diet for corn porridge

This dish helps normalize metabolism, remove waste and toxins, cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Corn also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The corn mono-diet is very popular for 3 days, during which you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. During the entire duration, they eat only corn porridge and drink water or green tea. Daily norm corn grits– 1 glass. The entire volume of boiled cereal is divided into 5 meals; it is allowed to add fruit to it.

To prepare the main dish, you must use crushed coarse corn grits. It's been poured in the evening cold water, and in the morning boil in the proportion of 1 glass of cereal to 4 glasses of water. The soaked cereal is cooked for about 15 minutes.

Semolina diet

A diet based on semolina is considered low-calorie and has positive influence for the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The calorie content of semolina cooked in water is 80 Kcal per 100 g, in milk - 100 Kcal per 100 g.

The dish is prepared as follows: for 2 glasses of milk, take 2 dessert spoons of cereal. Before each meal, it is better to cook new cereals.

The menu will look like this:

  • breakfast – semolina and 100 g of any fruit;
  • lunch – semolina and 4 dried fruits of any kind;
  • dinner - semolina with 1 tbsp. uncooked condensed milk.

It is important to maintain a water regime; tea or coffee is allowed no more than 2-3 cups per day and without sugar.

Pea porridge diet

This weight loss program is useful for anemia, hypertension, skin diseases. Peas are rich vegetable protein, which allows you to use the diet even with high physical activity.

Dry crushed peas are soaked for 2 hours and boiled. You cannot add salt to the dish, but you can add dried ground garlic and a spoon olive oil. It is also allowed to use greens: parsnips, dill, parsley. The entire volume of boiled peas is divided into 4-5 meals. With this method, you can’t eat anything else, and you need to drink a lot of water while following this diet.

Barley porridge diet

This weight loss method can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels, improve intestinal function and skin condition. If you follow this rule, you can eat fresh vegetables (except potatoes), nuts, seeds, dried fruits, unsweetened fruits, and low-fat dairy products.

A sample menu would look like this:

  • breakfast - porridge, fruit, cup of tea or coffee;
  • lunch – lean vegetable soup, porridge;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - porridge, a glass of yogurt.

As usual, dishes are prepared without adding salt or oil.

Mixed porridge diets

There are quite a few varieties of mixed porridge diet programs.

Diet on cereals and vegetables

The program lasts 10 days and allows you to include vegetables and mushrooms in your regular porridge diet. At the same time, honey, sugar, chocolate, dairy products, baked goods, fish, and meat are excluded from the menu. Main dishes can only be cooked in water. By following these simple rules, over the entire period of this weight loss program you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

Diet on cereals and fruits

The technique is based on the consumption of fresh and dried fruits. The most popular is the oatmeal - fruit option. It has a ratio of oatmeal to fruit per meal of 250g per 100g of fresh fruit.

Oatmeal can be varied with a variety of fruits. It is allowed to add berries and dried fruits, as well as honey or nuts. Oatmeal is eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and fruit is eaten throughout the day. This diet can be followed for up to 14 days.

Diet on porridge and kefir

Losing weight on cereals and kefir is also considered a very highly effective way to lose weight. For example, the combination of buckwheat and kefir is very popular among those losing weight. Here is one of the menu options:

  • breakfast – 100 g of buckwheat and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • lunch – 1-2 apples;
  • lunch – 200 g buckwheat, 200 g vegetable salad in oil;
  • afternoon snack - a glass of kefir;
  • dinner – 100 g of buckwheat and a glass of kefir.

And don’t forget to take care of your health - if, while following a dietary regimen, you feel dizzy, weak, nauseated, or other discomfort, then you should not continue to force your body - losing weight should be stopped immediately.

Quitting the cereal diet

After finishing the diet program, you must adhere to some rules. New foods are introduced into the diet gradually, refined foods are consumed in limited quantities, and cereals still come first. Within a week, the body will get used to the new food. It is possible to maintain the results obtained by following proper nutrition and performing feasible physical exercises.

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to lose weight on porridge?” The answer is yes, but remember that the cereal diet is considered the most stringent, and not everyone is able to follow it. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. You should make an effort and follow the appropriate diet, and the result will not take long to come.

Today, there are many types of dietary restrictions that do not include porridge in your diet. This is due to the fact that cereals contain a lot of carbohydrates. But nutritionists have a different opinion: they are sure that you can lose weight on cereals, and even in a fairly short period of time. By eating cereals without salt and sugar, you can lose 6 kilograms in just two weeks. Of course, eating porridge in this form is difficult and not at all tasty, but you can diversify it a little. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and have a powerful incentive.

Choosing porridge

Before you go on a diet, you need to choose which porridge you like best. What is your favorite millet? Great, then you will have a diet based on millet porridge. But not everyone likes it. Do you like other cereals? Then you will have a diet based on cereals, the menu of which needs to be thought through. To diversify your diet, you can use different grains. You can have buckwheat for breakfast, lunch, and rice for dinner.

Many people think that a monotonous diet of cereals for 10 days. Reviews from girls who have already tried it on themselves indicate the opposite. They assure that this is an excellent opportunity to learn how to prepare tasty and varied cereals. Porridge, the recipes for which can be very different, is not only healthy, but also tasty.

What is the benefit of porridge

All cereals contain in their composition therefore the body digests and assimilates them for quite a long time. The advantage of such a diet is that calories will not be deposited in the fat folds on the abdomen and other parts of the body. Cereals also contain proteins and fats, but not many of them. Porridges contain a lot of B vitamins and fiber.

Each cereal has its own beneficial features and elements. Porridge perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, eliminates constipation, and promotes good bowel function. But still, why can you throw money on them so quickly? excess weight? The answer is simple: during a porridge diet, very little fat enters the body, and it simply does not have time to be absorbed.

Porridge diet for 10 days

What should not be consumed when practicing a porridge diet for 10 days? Reviews from people who have already tried this diet and advice from nutritionists will help you figure it out.

Should be excluded: dairy, bakery products, sugar, meat, potatoes, chocolate. The most important thing: for ten days you need to eat porridge that is not sweet, not salty, even without oil. Together with them you can eat beets, tomatoes, cabbage and various

If you just want to cleanse the body, then you can eat honey, vegetable oil and nuts. What serving size does a porridge diet provide for 10 days? Reviews say that you can eat as much as you want. It is advisable to drink as much water as possible. This is all because you cannot eat more porridge than your body needs. You will endure this type of diet with ease and without stress.

Literally on the third day a person will feel a surge of strength and energy, and on the ninth or tenth day he will receive a pleasant and unexpected surprise - minus five kilograms. The body will become significantly slimmer and the skin color will become lighter.

7 porridge diet

The “7 cereals” diet has the following rules and differences: first of all, you need to use an enema. Every day you should eat one kind of porridge. What cereal to eat the next day is up to you to choose.

Porridge should be cooked in the evening for only 5 minutes, without adding salt, sugar or butter. After the cereal is cooked, you need to wrap it in a towel and let it brew. Porridges, the recipes of which may vary, are prepared very quickly. The proportion is as follows: for a glass of cereal, three glasses of water. Every morning you need to drink one glass warm water, because the esophagus became empty in the evening and needs to be washed out. Then you can start eating porridge for breakfast. It can be supplemented with half a glass of kefir and unsweetened fruit.

You can follow this diet only once a month. The “7 cereals” diet allows you to eat three different cereals on the third day. Don't let strong feeling hunger: as soon as you want to eat, immediately satisfy your body. Since the porridge diet is very healthy, it can be repeated every six months.

6 cereal diet

The second option is the “6 cereals” diet. She includes six types of cereals in her diet: wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, barley, and pearl barley. The duration of such a diet is generally 7 days. Every day you should eat cereals in the same order as listed above. On the seventh day you need to prepare porridge from all six cereals in equal parts.

The “6 cereals” diet is not at all complicated, and you need to prepare cereals like this: take three glasses of water for one glass. Cook for five minutes and let it brew. In the morning before breakfast you need to drink warm porridge. You can eat it in any proportions, add various fruits to it as a side dish and wash it down with a small amount of kefir.

Is the cereal diet effective? Reviews confirm the fact that it really works, and a person, if desired, can really lose weight.

You are allowed to drink tea or coffee, but only unsweetened. You should not consume dairy products, except kefir, which should be low-fat. It is prohibited to eat meat, fish, eggs and different types sweets. You can use this diet only once a month, no more. If you want to eat, do not ignore this feeling, since hunger is not allowed.

for weight loss

Does a porridge diet cause internal discomfort? Reviews from people who have lost weight indicate that it is practically non-existent. When following a diet, you need to know which cereals are the healthiest for your body. For weight loss, you can use any porridge, since they all contain components that reduce fat deposition.

Millet cereal

Millet cereal is very beneficial for the body, it promotes rapid fat burning, and a person does not feel discomfort and stress from restrictions. It not only removes toxins, but also normalizes the percentage of microelements, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and others. Prevents the accumulation of fats in the body. The body will also receive vitamins B and E.


Buckwheat is usually called golden grain, due to the fact that it has a lot of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. For example, rutin is a fortified component.

Wheat porridge

Wheat porridge is rarely distinguished from all cereals. But in vain, because it is considered the most dietary product, as it contains a minimum of calories. If you follow such a diet for 7 days, you can quickly lose weight and normalize the functioning of the whole body as a whole. Namely: speed up fat metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, improve the appearance of hair, skin and nails, strengthen the immune system.


Semolina is a cereal that is made from wheat, but, unlike wheat porridge, semolina has other components. With its help, you can lose 8-9 kilograms in a week; it also normalizes metabolism, eliminates harmful waste and toxins.


Oats perfectly cleanse the body, as they contain fiber, but also contain a lot of fat. Therefore, such a diet does not need to be supplemented with other cereals.

Barley porridge

Barley grains have many mineral components and vitamin complexes, which makes it possible to very quickly normalize metabolic processes in the body. Reduces blood sugar levels, saturates with nutrients and vitamins.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley is made from barley grain, so it is rich in minerals and vitamins. It also contains the amino acid lysine, which produces collagen, which helps the body rejuvenate and tightens the skin.

Corn grits

The corn porridge diet is the fastest and most effective; it will bring great benefits to your body. Will reduce the risk of heart disease, remove toxins, break down fat cells and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Do you still doubt whether the porridge diet for 10 days is effective? Reviews from people who have tried it on themselves claim that it will help you lose weight quickly and profitably.

The porridge diet differs from others in its effectiveness and benefits for the body. With such a diet, it is not difficult to maintain restrictions, because any cereal contains carbohydrates, which take quite a long time to digest, so you feel full for a long time.

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Eating porridge does not allow fat to be deposited on the stomach and thighs, and proper preparation dishes makes it possible to receive not only dietary, but also tasty food, which contributes to stable adherence to the diet throughout its entire duration.

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    Diet features

    The duration of the diet recommended by nutritionists is 7 days. During this time, you can consume either one type of porridge or several. Diversity allows you to more steadfastly withstand dietary restrictions, and also saturates the body with a complex necessary substances.For the diet, it is recommended to use the following cereals:

    • wheat;
    • buckwheat;
    • millet;
    • pearl barley;
    • barley;
    • oatmeal;
    • rice;
    • corn;
    • semolina;
    • mixed from several types of cereals listed.

    It is recommended to start the diet on Monday, but any other day will do as long as you do not confuse the order of their alternation. D Nutritionists advise eating no more than 300 grams at a time with three meals a day, and when eating 5-7 times a day, divide 1 kg of porridge into equal portions.

    It is not recommended to stay on a strict diet for more than two weeks, since the body does not receive everything necessary elements. If you continue the diet for more than seven days, you should include fruits and vegetables in the menu. Be sure to drink 2.5 liters of water daily, preferably mineral, but without gases.

    Calorie content of different cereals

    You should not rely on the fact that eating porridge in exorbitant quantities will give good results, since some of them are very high in calories. The following table shows the number of calories in cereals per 100 grams of product:

    If you adhere to small restrictions, then eating porridge will not only help you lose weight, but will also have a beneficial effect on your health. appearance losing weight, because cereals cleanse the body well and also contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements. In addition, porridges allow you to save time and money: low cost of cereals and quick cooking dishes are very attractive to many losing weight.

    With this diet, you can easily lose three to five kilograms in a week at home, but the outcome of the diet depends on how the person losing weight prepares the porridge and what additional food they eat.

    Rules for eating

    For achievement best results the following rules should be adhered to:

    1. 1. Before starting the diet, it is advisable to do an enema, which will allow the body to get rid of harmful substances and will add lightness.
    2. 2. In the morning you should drink 1-2 glasses of pure hot water before breakfast. The hotter it is, the better. This allows you to instantly put the body into work. After this, you don’t want to start breakfast right away, so you need to postpone your first meal until you feel hungry.
    3. 3. It is necessary to adhere to a uniform diet every day. If you have developed the habit of eating 3, 4 or 5 times at the same time, then you should follow this trend.
    4. 4. Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of warm water. This will make you feel full faster and help speed up metabolic processes.

    What other foods can be included in the diet?

    In addition to cereals, it is allowed to add a minimum amount of the following products to the diet:

    • cinnamon;
    • dried fruits;
    • apples;
    • lemon juice;
    • nuts.

    5-7 grams of additional product per plate of porridge is quite enough.

    The following should be excluded or reduced as much as possible:

    • sugar and salt;
    • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

    For those who are unable to survive on a strict diet of cereals alone, the following may be included in the diet:

    • chicken meat;
    • spinach;
    • greenery;
    • cucumbers;
    • lettuce leaves;
    • low-fat cottage cheese;
    • kefir

    When leaving the diet, you need to gradually replace one meal with something else. It is advisable to extend the process over 2 weeks, or better yet, over a whole month, then the result will be firmly established.


    When eating cereals, a lot depends on the methods of their preparation. In general, it is not recommended to go on this diet without a doctor's recommendation:

    • for diabetes mellitus;
    • during pregnancy and lactation;
    • in the presence of any chronic diseases of internal organs.

    Diet plan for 7 days

    For those who are unable to maintain a strict diet and follow a diet without additives, nutritionists have developed a less strict menu for the week, which recommends five meals a day. Porridge should be consumed daily for lunch, breakfast and dinner, and two more meals should be included between them. It is not necessary to follow the sequence of days; you can swap them around.

    The amount of porridge should not exceed 250 grams at a time, other food is allowed in the amount of 350 grams at a time. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, it is better to drink it in pure form by completely eliminating tea and coffee from your diet.

    An approximate menu for 7 days is presented in the following table:

    DayBreakfast lunch and dinnerLunchAfternoon snack
    FirstOatmealCucumber and chicken saladA glass of kefir and an apple
    SecondRice porrigeSalad with spinach and greensCottage cheese seasoned with kefir
    ThirdBuckwheatFreshly squeezed Apple juice or apple smoothieLettuce leaves with cucumber, seasoned with lemon juice
    FourthWheat porridgeSalad of cucumber, cottage cheese and herbs, dressed with lemon juiceDried fruits compote
    FifthMillet porridgeChicken and cucumber salad with a handful of nutsCottage cheese with apple pieces
    SixthBarley porridgeChicken broth with herbsKefir and cottage cheese
    SeventhPorridge from several cereals, you can include semolina and cornApple, cucumber and herb smoothieCucumber salad with herbs

    Porridge recipes

    For a strict diet, all porridges must be prepared in the same proportion - 1:3, with the exception of semolina and corn grits, which are poured at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water. Other cereals should be washed well, poured clean, preferably hot water and put on the fire, stirring until it boils. After boiling, the cooking time is from 5 to 10 minutes - depending on the preferences of the person losing weight. The pan with the finished porridge must be closed with a lid and wrapped in a towel, in this form it should sit for 20-30 minutes.

    With a less strict diet, you can take advantage of more delicious recipes. In this case, it is allowed to use a small amount of milk when cooking, and you can also add some vegetables, dried apricots and raisins. You can add apple slices to the finished porridge, as well as a pinch of cinnamon or other favorite seasoning.

    Pearl barley


    • pearl barley – 200 g;
    • water – 1.6 l;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onion – 1 pc.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. In the evening, pour 1 liter of water over the cereal.
    2. 2. In the morning, drain the liquid, add 600 ml of fresh water, put the pan on the stove and cook the porridge for 30-40 minutes over low heat. After cooking, wrap the dishes in a towel for half an hour.
    3. 3. Peel the onions and carrots, chop and sauté in a frying pan with a little added water.
    4. 4. Mix porridge and vegetables.



    • rice – 1 glass;
    • skim milk – 3 cups;
    • dried fruits – 20-30 g.


    1. 1. Pour hot water over thoroughly washed rice and dried fruits and simmer over low heat for 7-8 minutes.
    2. 2. Drain the water and add warmed milk to the rice and dried fruits. Cook for 15 minutes.
    3. 3. Cover the porridge with a lid, wrap it up and leave for 15 minutes.



    • buckwheat – 1 cup;
    • water – 3 glasses;
    • butter - 50 g.


    1. 1. Pour boiling water over thoroughly washed buckwheat and leave in a closed pan from evening until morning.
    2. 2. Drain in the morning excess liquid and pour melted butter over the porridge or place a piece on top.



    • water – 2 glasses;
    • milk - 1 glass;
    • rolled oats – 1 cup;
    • greenery.


    1. 1. Pour water over the cereal and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
    2. 2. Add warmed milk, then cook for another 10 minutes, without stopping stirring.
    3. 3. Before serving, add green leaves to the porridge; garnishing with a sprig of mint will add piquancy to the dish.



    • barley - 1 cup;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • water – 3 glasses;
    • a bunch of greenery.


    1. 1. Pour hot water over the barley and leave for 7-8 hours, and then drain the remaining liquid.
    2. 2. Pour the cereal into boiling water and cook for 50-70 minutes.
    3. 3. Chop the onion, carrots and herbs and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
    4. 4. Mix porridge, vegetables and herbs, leave to steep for 30 minutes.



    • crushed wheat cereal - one glass;
    • water - 2.5 cups;
    • butter- 50 g;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • greenery.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Rinse the cereal, add cold water and put the pan on the fire.
    2. 2. Chop the onions and carrots and sauté over low heat with the addition of butter.
    3. 3. After boiling, boil the porridge for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    4. 4. Mix vegetables with porridge and leave them to steep in a saucepan under a closed lid for 40 minutes.
    5. 5. Serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs.



    • millet - 1.5 cups;
    • milk - 0.5 cups;
    • water - 3 glasses;
    • butter - 1 tbsp. l.

    Preparation procedure:

    1. 1. Sort out the cereal, rinse thoroughly and add hot water. Leave for 20-30 minutes (if this is not done, the millet will have a bitter taste).
    2. 2. Add milk to the pan and cook the porridge for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
    3. 3. At the end of cooking, add butter, close the pan with a lid and let the porridge brew for 10-15 minutes.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

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