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Is colposcopy safe during pregnancy? Colposcopy during pregnancy: features of the examination

Every woman who cares about her health should regularly visit a gynecologist. If she is planning a child, then visits to the doctor should be at least once every 6 months.

A specialist may prescribe a procedure called colposcopy. With its help, the gynecologist will have the opportunity to examine the cervix in detail. Recently, colposcopy during pregnancy is increasingly prescribed to all registered women. However, some do not quite understand why it is done and how safe the manipulation is.

What is colposcopy?

This modern look research carried out using a colposcope. Used to identify a number of urogynecological diseases.

Colposcope is special device, which allows you to examine the vagina and cervix in detail, as it provides a 40-fold magnification. It is equipped with a special optical system. You can also take a smear for cytology and histology using a colposcope. This type The study is absolutely safe for both pregnant women and women not expecting a baby.

Colposcopy makes it possible to identify various urological conditions in the early stages. gynecological diseases, including oncological ones. This method makes it possible to monitor and control their development. Also, with the help of research, you can establish the nature of the discharge, predict how labor will proceed, distinguish malignant tumor from benign, evaluate general state cervix, vulva and vaginal walls. In this regard, colposcopy during pregnancy is recommended soon after registration, in the early stages. If any disease is detected, the test is repeated a few weeks later.

There are 2 types of colposcopy:

  • simple;
  • extended.

In the first case, special solutions are not used for diagnosis. In the second, they apply active substances to reveal the extent of damage. Iodine, Lugol's solution, and 3 percent acetic acid are used as diagnostic reagents. The choice of type of procedure depends on the indications. For example, in case of cervical erosion, extended colposcopy will most likely be used to assess the extent of damage to the organ.


No special preparation is required, as the procedure is quite simple. However, there are a few recommendations that need to be followed:

  • ensure yourself sexual rest for 1-2 days before the procedure (refrain from vaginal sex);
  • do not use tampons and syringes, as they irritate the mucous membranes;
  • do not use creams, lubricants or tablets, as they change the natural microflora;
  • colposcopy cannot be done during menstruation;
  • You can take painkillers shortly before the procedure.

How is a colposcopic examination performed?

A simple colposcopy usually takes 10-20 minutes, an extended one – up to 45 minutes. The procedure does not require any special conditions. The woman sits on the gynecological chair, as during a routine examination. Further:

  • The gynecologist inserts a speculum into the vagina metal frame. There may be some slight discomfort from insertion. foreign body and from contact with cool metal. However, the procedure is completely painless.
  • A colposcope is installed next to the chair at a distance of 10 cm, with which the doctor will examine the surface of the cervix.
  • For extended studies, special solutions are used. When interacting with them, healthy areas will change color. Those affected will remain as they were.
  • If the gynecologist uses iodine or Lugol's solution, then no sensations arise. If he drips acetic acid, a slight burning sensation may occur, which will quickly pass.
  • If affected areas are found, the gynecologist will take a smear and a tissue sample for a biopsy. When working with the cervix, there is practically no sensation. When biopsy of the vulva and vaginal walls may appear painful sensations, because here nerve endings more. Therefore, it is recommended to use an anesthetic or take a pain reliever shortly before the procedure.
  • After this, the woman can be free.

Colposcopy results are obtained very quickly. When general examination everything will be clear in the gynecologist’s office. The doctor will enter all information into outpatient card women.

Colposcopic examination during pregnancy

Typically, colposcopy during pregnancy is performed in the early stages, at approximately 8-9 weeks. If everything goes well, then it is not prescribed again. If any disease is detected that needs to be monitored, then additional examination planned for the beginning of the 2nd trimester, at 12-14 weeks. The final examination is carried out at 24-25 weeks, at the beginning of the 3rd trimester. At later stages, colposcopy is not recommended, since any manipulation of the cervix can stimulate the activity of the organ and cause premature birth. 3 months after the birth of the child, the mother will have to undergo the procedure again to find out how childbirth affected her health.

Fears that colposcopy during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby are completely unfounded.

In a number of clinics the procedure is mandatory. However, in most cases it is carried out according to indications. The main and most common is cervical erosion, since pregnancy can become an impetus for its development and progression.

Some types of erosion can be treated even during pregnancy. Colposcopy allows you to quickly monitor the development of the disease and identify new affected areas. However, it is preferable to consult a doctor with this question before conception or after the birth of a child. Small erosions resolve after conservative treatment and do not have any special consequences. On the other hand, the cervix may be so poor condition that this will be an indication for the procedure, since due to erosion it may rupture during childbirth. And this, in turn, will lead to disastrous consequences for a woman’s health.

There are no special contraindications to the procedure. Pregnancy is also not like this, because colposcopy does not cause injury, there is no pain and there is no risk of harm to the baby or the expectant mother. But you can notice the disease in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it. This type of study does not affect the process of conception or the course of pregnancy itself. Colposcopy can be canceled only if there is a threat of miscarriage, and the procedure can stimulate labor.

However, it would still be better to undergo an examination before conception, during the planning period, in order to know exactly what problems there are and what to do. If treatment is necessary, it is better to take medications before pregnancy, so as not to worry during this important and exciting period. If the doctor nevertheless prescribed this examination to a pregnant woman, there is no need to worry too much. This is the same part of the examination as a blood test or ultrasound.

Women planning to have a child should undergo a medical examination well before conception, but often expectant mothers suddenly find out about their situation. Colposcopy during pregnancy is carried out strictly according to the specialist’s indications, since during the period of fetal development the patient is exposed to hormonal changes.

Inflammatory diseases, any deviations from the norm and neoplasms - all this is revealed by colposcopy performed during pregnancy. In addition, such manipulation makes it possible to prescribe treatment in a timely manner and eliminate the formation of severe consequences.

This is what a colposcope examination looks like

Why is colposcopy performed for pregnant women?

A low-traumatic endoscopic examination allows the doctor to examine the cervix thanks to a special device - a colposcope. His role is difficult to overestimate modern method accurately identifies ailments such as colpitis, different kinds erosions, as well as precancerous conditions of the organ and oncology.

Today, more and more cases of oncological pathologies are being registered in the world, which means that colposcopy is necessary. Serious lesions of the cervix interfere with the smooth course of labor, but doctors will have time to help the woman and will carry out further C-section.

Pregnancy makes a woman vulnerable to gynecological diseases, therefore, the study in this case is carried out as planned, but the recommendation to undergo an examination does not mean that the patient has any pathology. A planned colposcopy will allow the gynecologist to see the surface of the cervix and make sure that the birth will proceed normally.

Often, doctors can prescribe the procedure described if the patient has a history of the development of tissue erosion or dysplasia, as well as a suspicion of HPV infection.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Standard colposcopy of the cervix during early pregnancy is one of the indispensable manipulations, but its immediate implementation is indicated if following problems:

  • abnormal changes in the mucosa (erosion);
  • abnormal vaginal discharge;
  • unsatisfactory test results.

Colposcopy can also be prescribed for any diagnosis affecting the cervix. Inflammatory diseases of the intimate area, pain of unknown etiology and other complaints from patients are indications for research.

The gynecologist can also notify the woman about contraindications to the procedure. For example, the threat of miscarriage and bleeding indicate that colposcopy is now impossible. In addition, it is not recommended to resort to endoscopic method studies in acute inflammatory process, and also after the recent surgical intervention on the organ.

When a woman is diagnosed increased tone and the uterus is in a tense state, the examination is postponed for some time.

The procedure is carried out with care if the patient is sensitive to the reagents used during colposcopy.

Is it safe to perform colposcopy on pregnant women?

Some women are concerned about their condition and do not know whether colposcopy can be done during pregnancy. Of course, the ideal option is to carry out the manipulation before conception and collect all the information regarding the patient’s health and her characteristics, but in any case, the procedure will not harm the expectant mother and her child.

Colposcopy in any trimester is prescribed only after the doctor has reviewed the woman’s medical history and test results.

The colposcopic method is aimed at identifying inflammation and more severe changes that, without treatment, pose a danger to the body during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman can undergo colposcopy throughout the entire period of pregnancy; early or late pregnancy does not play a special role in this case; the main thing is to listen to the recommendations of the gynecologist and properly prepare for the examination.

After passing a basic smear to determine the microflora, a woman must exclude sexual contact 48 hours before the procedure and local methods treatments such as a suppository, douching.

On the day of the manipulation, it is necessary to carry out cleansing care of the genitals using the usual product. Since the colposcope is not inserted into the vagina, but is placed in front of the patient, there is no risk to the woman’s body.

Features of colposcopy

As mentioned above, optical instrument does not affect the vagina, it stops at the desired area, making the cervix completely visible to the specialist. Access to the organ is provided through a gynecological speculum, the size of which is individually selected by the doctor.

If no contraindication to the procedure is found, then the patient takes a relaxed position on a special chair and after installing the gynecological speculum, the doctor begins the examination.

It is important to know why gynecologists apply acetic acid to the uterine cervix. This method helps to evaluate the mucous membrane of the organ when identifying tissue changes, and the doctor also uses an iodine solution in his work.

If the expectant mother has problems such as inflammation, then she is prescribed treatment.

Of course, therapy depends on the duration of pregnancy, and the current week completely determines it. For example, doctors may prescribe Clotrimazole for fungal infections.

During the period of gestation, women undergo colposcopy according to a similar principle as in patients outside this condition, but there are distinctive features in conducting research. It is known that the adult body creates protection - a mucous layer covering the cervix to prevent infection from entering the uterus.

This makes it more difficult to notice deviations; often, when performing a colposcopy on such a patient, several specialists are present.

If a woman managed to get pregnant recently, then she needs to plan a repeat procedure after 1.5 months.

Sometimes it is not possible to recognize nuances about the patient’s health in the early stages. Carrying out colposcopy in the final trimester of pregnancy requires increased attention from the gynecologist, since here the cervix is ​​not only enlarged, but also pierced blood vessels.

Treat diseases with later pregnancy should be strictly according to the doctor’s instructions; therapy is often postponed until postpartum period.

Possible consequences and complications after the examination

Every woman, before becoming pregnant, should understand why colposcopy is prescribed during pregnancy.

The study is done for the benefit of the health of the expectant mother and her child, so complications are extremely rare and include the following phenomena:

  • discharge;
  • discomfort in the vagina.

When performing extended colposcopy with the application of reagents, it is possible scanty discharge dark color, they are not dangerous and disappear quickly.

Bloody discharge is less common, in such cases it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, but in most cases there is no threat to the fetus.

If during the procedure a fragment of tissue was taken from a pregnant woman for a thorough examination (biopsy), then she is advised to have sexual rest for 2 weeks, refrain from visiting the sauna and swimming pool, and also avoid physical activity in order to minimize the consequences of manipulation and reduce uterine tone.

Planning of a secondary procedure for pregnant patients is carried out in consultation with the doctor and taking into account indications and contraindications.

Colposcopy is diagnostic method, allowing to identify the presence of gynecological diseases. Women are recommended to undergo this procedure annually with for preventive purposes. What to do if a colposcopy is prescribed during pregnancy? How safe is this procedure for the mother and her baby? Let's try to find out together.

What is colposcopy?

This is a diagnostic method that uses a special optical device () and solutions of coloring substances. All this is necessary for examining the cervix and vagina. Also, during colposcopy, it is possible to collect organic material for histological and cytological examination. Colposcopy allows for early detection various pathologies genital organs, including neoplasms.

Doctors distinguish between two types of colposcopy: simple and extended. The first technique is carried out only with the help of a device, without the use of special solutions. And during extended colposcopy, the doctor uses solutions acetic acid or iodine, which help identify certain gynecological diseases.

It is worth noting that this procedure painless. But is it safe during pregnancy? We asked our experts to answer this question.

Pregnancy and colcoscopy: expert opinion

Average duration this study ranges from 10 to 20 minutes. The examination is carried out on a gynecological chair, the same as during a regular examination. A gynecologist performing colposcopic examinations has a device next to his chair, with which the doctor evaluates the condition of the patient’s vulva, cervix, and vagina. If an extended procedure is performed, the gynecologist applies a special solution to the mucous membrane, which allows you to visually distinguish the affected areas of the epithelium from healthy ones.

Vinegar is often used as a solution, then the patient may feel a short-term burning sensation, and if the doctor uses Lugol or iodine for research, then discomfort should not arise.

Based on the description of the procedure, we can conclude that colposcopy of the cervix during pregnancy is a completely safe study. However, under the supervision of a colposcope, another diagnosis can be performed - a biopsy. If pathological areas of the epithelium are detected, the gynecologist takes a small piece of tissue for analysis. This procedure can be painful. If a doctor does a biopsy of the cervix, it usually does not hurt, but a biopsy of the lower part of the vagina or vulva is accompanied by a noticeable sensation. pain syndrome, so doctors use a local anesthetic to relieve discomfort.

Is it possible to have a colposcopy during pregnancy?

This procedure is performed during pregnancy, but only after medical indications if a woman has gynecological pathologies. The fact is that often due to changes hormonal levels During pregnancy, progression of a disease such as cervical erosion is observed. Therefore, women with a history of symptoms of pathology are prescribed colposcopy during pregnancy.

In some cases, depending on the severity of the disease, the gynecologist may recommend that the expectant mother treat erosion while carrying a child. Pregnant women are usually prescribed oral medications or a course of treatment with vaginal suppositories. In most cases, after therapy, erosion resolves.

It is important to note that there are no contraindications to colposcopy during pregnancy, since this procedure does not affect the course of interesting situation and the child's health, is not traumatic.

During the day after extended colposcopy, a woman may experience spotting. Moreover, if the doctor used iodine or Lugol’s solution during the study, the discharge will be colored. This normal phenomenon after diagnosis, so there is no need to worry or panic.

Undoubtedly, the best solution For expectant mother You will undergo this type of examination at the pregnancy planning stage. And if the doctor has discovered it, then this disease needs to be cured in advance. But if it was not possible to do this in time, then a woman carrying a child should not refuse colposcopy. This procedure does not cause any harm to the fetus!

For a woman who has learned about the life that has arisen in her, everything around her changes, a lot of questions and worries arise, this is quite natural process. After all, every mother worries about her child, sometimes forgetting that his health primarily depends on the state of her health. It is quite understandable that when a drug or examination is prescribed, questions and worries begin about the appropriateness of such actions, because everyone is afraid of harming the little miracle in their womb. In some cases, doctors prescribe colposcopy during pregnancy, which causes women to almost panic. There is no need to worry too much, it is not dangerous for the baby and the procedure will not harm him in any way.

What does this procedure mean, is it dangerous, why is it performed?

You must always remember that your health plays the biggest role in the normal course of pregnancy and the development of your baby. You need to protect yourself from all kinds of infections, diseases, troubles, etc., undergo regular examinations and follow all the recommendations of the doctor who is caring for your pregnancy. Believe me, he will not prescribe unnecessary examinations or tests unless necessary; if he considers it necessary to check you, it means he is acting solely in your interests. Some panic fears are formed only because the woman simply does not know anything about the upcoming procedure, so the information should be provided to you, so to speak, to get to know her and reassure her.

It's no secret that in our time the most serious problem of all humanity is cancer. Also, I don’t think that I will reveal a secret if I say that most of them are successfully treated if they are detected on early stage. But in order to discover, you need to go through regular checkups, which are prescribed by the doctor. Now we come to the colposcopy procedure. This is a necessary examination for every woman using a gynecological microscope, which, in fact, is a colposcope. This device helps to examine the epithelial layer of cells of the cervical mucosa and find out whether there are abnormalities there or not. This procedure is absolutely safe for the baby, it has nothing to do with any threat, but for you it is simply necessary.
During this period, you undergo regular examinations, your doctor closely monitors the health and development of the baby. If something worries him, then for obvious reasons he will order certain examinations. Moreover, this applies to colposcopy; if the doctor notices any changes or suspects that there is a possibility of developing the disease, he will prescribe this procedure. With its help, you can identify various types of erosion, changes in tissues at the cellular level, which in a neglected state are oncological diseases. If there are minor changes and they do not pose a danger to your health, treatment is not prescribed in this case. A follow-up examination will most likely be offered 3-4 months after birth.

It is also possible that events will develop when the first examination reveals changes in moderate or severe form. In this case, you will need to be re-examined in the sixth month of pregnancy, so doctors can track the changes that are occurring. If necessary, after childbirth you will undergo the necessary treatment.

Women who are planning a pregnancy begin to undergo necessary complex examinations long before conception. Such patients know exactly what colposcopy is and why it is needed. But some expectant mothers encounter this term after pregnancy has occurred. Colposcopy during pregnancy - what is it and why is it performed?

Colposcopy is diagnostic technique, aimed at detecting pathologies of the cervix. If the pregnancy was not planned, it is quite possible that during initial examination In women, the doctor will see changes in the epithelial layer of the cervix. Accurate diagnosis and the reason for these changes are important to the pregnant woman as they may influence decisions about the mode of delivery. Sometimes it depends on the results of colposcopy whether a woman will give birth on her own or will need a cesarean section.

Colposcopy is a low-traumatic method of endoscopic examination, the purpose of which is to examine the cervix using a device - a colposcope. The role of colposcopy can hardly be overestimated: this method accurately diagnoses gynecological diseases such as, precancerous condition and cervical oncology.

Colposcopy is included mandatory studies in obstetrics, especially if there are indications for this. The most common diseases detected during pregnancy are mild form are not subject to treatment, so the results of the study will remain relevant for the woman after childbirth. But, given the current tension in cancer pathologies in the world, sometimes colposcopy during pregnancy can reveal precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. Of course, these conditions disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and prevent natural childbirth- in such cases, a caesarean section is performed.

Colposcopy is performed routinely for pregnant women. A referral for examination is issued by a gynecologist. Most women are worried when they are recommended to undergo this test, but in fact, conducting it does not mean that the expectant mother has any serious pathology. It can be prescribed not only if gynecological problems are suspected, but also if there is relative well-being in order to make sure that nothing can interfere with natural delivery and complications will not arise during childbirth.

Indications and contraindications

With a simple colposcopy you can get more information about the condition of the cervix than during a regular examination by a doctor without the use of a microscope. If extended colposcopy is used, then you can even see the stages of development of precancerous and cancerous processes. The condition of the cervical mucosa, its epithelial layer, vessels, pathologically altered tissues, the volume of lesions, in general, all types of anomalies in this area can be assessed through colposcopic examination.

  • pain during and immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • intermenstrual bleeding and the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse;
  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • chronic nagging pain lower abdomen, worsening over time;
  • rashes on the external genitalia.

For expectant mothers, colposcopy is performed if there is suspicion or presence of cervical erosion. However, in last years doctors include this study on the list of mandatory for all pregnant women, since the frequency gynecological pathologies increases significantly, and many women consult a doctor with an unplanned pregnancy. In addition, from the moment of conception, every woman’s body deteriorates. immune defense, against the background of which previously undiagnosed gynecological diseases can flare up with renewed vigor.

There are no contraindications to this study. Colposcopy is performed even in the early stages of pregnancy. It is not dangerous for a woman and cannot harm an unborn child.

However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the study may be postponed until the disappearance bloody discharge and elevated. Also, colposcopy is not practiced in women who cannot tolerate the auxiliary solutions - acetic acid and iodine used for the procedure.

Colposcopy during pregnancy - is it possible?

Of course, it would be better if any diagnostic studies were carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning, since the results of colposcopy help to study general trends regarding a woman’s gynecological health and suggest a prognosis for pregnancy. possible pregnancy. In any case, the answer to the question whether colposcopy can be done during pregnancy will be positive. This research is not only possible, but also necessary, if the need arises.

Colposcopy is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy after the doctor becomes familiar with the state of the vaginal microflora. The procedure is prescribed to all women, especially if we're talking about O possible pathology. There is no need to doubt the veracity and relevance of this diagnostic method. The fact is that gynecological problems such as inflammation or erosion of the cervix, during pregnancy, can enter a phase of active development that requires urgent treatment.

The study is completely safe for both the expectant mother and the baby, because it does not interfere with the gestation process. Together with colposcopy, a biopsy is often performed, which allows a more accurate assessment of existing abnormalities.

Features of colposcopy during pregnancy

IN general outline Colposcopy in pregnant women is carried out in the same way as in other cases. The only difference will be that the expectant mother’s cervix is ​​covered with a thick layer of mucus, which protects the fetus from infection from the outside. Because of this, detecting neoplasms and changes on its surface becomes more difficult, so the manipulation should be performed by a specialist who has experience in performing colposcopy in pregnant women.

Most often on early pregnancy get enough volume necessary information can be difficult, so many patients undergo a secondary colposcopy after 6 weeks or in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, if the first results of the study were not entirely good.

Colposcopy as a diagnostic method is painless, but for some women this procedure may cause discomfort.

  • don't have sex;
  • do not douche;
  • do not insert into the vagina medications of any nature (suppositories, ointments).

In the early stages, colposcopy is performed very carefully; the procedure will feel like a woman undergoing a regular gynecological examination. If there are no external problems, auxiliary solutions are not used during the procedure. If there is any suspicion of malignant process, then a tissue biopsy is performed.

During pregnancy, there is often a viscous mucous discharge on the cervix and vagina, which can interfere with a full examination. In this case, the doctor can remove them using 3% acetic acid and special sponges by treating the surface being examined.