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Eyeglasses with light metal frames. How does a doctor choose glasses? Choosing the right glasses for vision

Before ordering glasses, especially if you are experiencing vision problems for the first time, you should consult an ophthalmologist to rule out a number of possible diseases. If you are a “bespectacled person” with experience or, after reaching a certain age, you begin to have difficulty seeing up close and move your favorite newspaper away from your eyes, then to select glasses, you can go to any optical salon where there is either an ophthalmologist or an optometrist who is a specialist in selecting glasses.

Visual acuity test

The selection of glasses begins with checking visual acuity. In most modern optical shops, medical centers and clinics have a special device - an autorefractometer, with the help of which a specialist receives preliminary approximate information about your vision. But ordering glasses only based on the results of a computer examination without an additional vision test is unacceptable.

It is unacceptable to order glasses only based on the results of a computer examination!

Visual acuity is checked using a table or using a sign projector from a distance of 5m. Each eye is tested separately, always starting with the right one. The patient reads the letters of each line from top to bottom; The last line read is visual acuity without correction. For example, the third line is visual acuity 0.3, the fifth line is 0.5, etc.

Then, using a trial frame, positive (convergent) or negative (divergent) lenses are applied to the eye, depending on those identified by the autorefractometer data. If autorefractometry has not been performed, then, by attaching a weak plus and minus lens, they find out in which case the vision has improved, and subsequently take lenses of this sign.

Lenses are selected sequentially, with gradual increase the strength of their refraction until the maximum visual acuity for a given eye is achieved. For myopia, a lens with minimal refractive power is prescribed, which gives high visual acuity. For farsightedness, on the contrary, a lens with highest value, which maintains better visual acuity.

Each eye is corrected to 0.7-0.8, sometimes to 0.9-1.0 (for example, for driving), then binocular visual acuity is checked, i.e. both eyes. In this case, visual acuity of both eyes should be 0.9-1.0.

Note that if the vision of the right and left eyes is different, then the maximum permissible difference in the prescribed diopters is no more than 2-3 D, depending on the patient’s individual tolerance. Then you need to give the subject the opportunity to spend several minutes in a trial frame, read, and walk around to check the tolerance of the corrective lenses.

Astigmatism correction

The most difficult thing is choosing a correction for astigmatism, since you need cylindrical lenses, which require getting used to, sometimes quite a long time. For high degrees of astigmatism, glasses that are weaker than required are first prescribed, and after a couple of months the correction is increased.

Instead of a trial frame and a set of glasses, a special attachment for an ophthalmic unit can be used. diagnostic complex– phoropter.

When selecting reading glasses, a special table is used to test near vision. The selection is carried out according to the same rules as for distance - each eye is checked separately, then binocularly. They focus on texts 4-6 of the table, depending on the wishes and needs of the patient.

If bifocal or progressive glasses are selected, both distance and near vision are tested. It is necessary to select such a correction so that the difference between the optical power of the distance and near zones does not exceed 2-3 D, and, at the same time, there is sufficient visual acuity at the selected distances.

Interpupillary distance measurement

After selecting the correction, the interpupillary distance is measured.
Usually the distance between the centers of the pupils is measured either using a regular ruler or using special device– pupillometer.

Naturally, there is a certain technique for measuring interpupillary distance. As a rule, the distance for glasses at distance is 2 mm greater than for near.

An incorrectly measured distance will result in incorrect centering of the lenses in the frame, which in turn may cause feeling unwell with visual stress.

Glasses prescription

Then the ophthalmologist or optometrist writes a prescription, which indicates: the patient’s data, the required optical power of spherical and, if necessary, cylindrical lenses (indicating the axes of the cylinder), interpupillary distance, the purpose of assigning glasses is for distance, for reading, for constant wearing etc.

Save your glasses prescription to compare results over time.

You should not throw away existing prescriptions written by your ophthalmologist, as they can be used to determine, if necessary, how your vision has changed over time. It is important that the selection of glasses is carried out by a qualified specialist. Incorrectly chosen glasses can cause constant eye fatigue, cause headaches, fatigue, impaired performance and contribute to vision deterioration.

Glasses occupy an important place in our lives. And it doesn’t matter whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, without glasses we are like without hands.

Glasses consist of lenses and frames. It is difficult to say which of these elements is more important. Lenses must be chosen correctly so that the eyes do not get tired and vision does not deteriorate. It is important that the lenses do not break when dropped or get scratched.

The frame is the same significant part. It can squeeze the bridge of the nose or slide down onto the nose all the time. Heads pressed too hard against your head can lead to headaches. Some frames can break quickly and even cause allergies.

Of course, the frame is a significant part of the look. Properly chosen glasses give your face a unique charm. So, how to choose the right frames and lenses for glasses?

How to choose the right glasses?

Many people, knowing their diopters, buy ready-made glasses; they are not expensive and you can choose any frame.

But it’s better not to buy ready-made glasses. Why?

1) In lenses, not only diopters are important, but also the distance between the pupils. And it’s different for everyone.

A mismatch between your distance and lenses can result in:

  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Stinging, feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • Progression of myopia and farsightedness.

2) In ready-made glasses, as a rule, the lens diopters are the same. It is rare for both eyes to see the same. As a rule, the ophthalmologist prescribes a special correction for the left and right eyes.

3)The frame material is plastic or metal may not match sanitary standards. Such frames can lead to allergies and skin irritation.

4) Glasses made in a semi-handicraft way will not last long. They will quickly break, peel, and lenses without a protective coating will quickly become damaged.

To choose the right glasses, it is better to go to an optical salon. Qualified specialist will determine visual acuity, the necessary correction for the left and right eyes and measure the gap between the pupils.

After diagnosis, you need to move on to choosing a frame for glasses. Of course, color and style are needed, but it is more important that the glasses fit comfortably, pay attention to sensitive areas - the bridge of the nose, temples, behind the ears.

Of the metal frames, titanium is the most durable, although they are expensive.

Steel frames are heavy, but cheaper.

Alloy frames typically contain nickel and are coated with a protective coating that protects the skin from contact with the metal. This coating wears off quickly and can cause irritation.

If you take plastic frames, then carbon ones are the best.

Semi-rimless or rimless frames are invisible on the face, but the lenses do not hold well.

When choosing glasses, you should consider the following factors.

  1. The frame should not squeeze the bridge of the nose, temples, or behind the ears.
  2. The frame should be level and sit strictly parallel to the eyebrow line.
  3. Even if you bend down, your glasses should not come off.
  4. The best nose pads are made of silicone and are adjustable.

How to choose lenses for glasses?

After choosing a frame, you need to choose the right lenses. Which lenses for glasses should I choose?

Glass lenses last a long time, do not scratch, protect from ultraviolet rays, but they can easily break and are heavy on the bridge of the nose. If you are diagnosed with astigmatism, then glass lenses will cost you a lot.

Plastic lenses are ideal for astigmatism, lightweight and will not break. True, their optical properties are worse than those of glass and they are easy to damage.

Now let's move on to choosing lens coatings. If you choose plastic lenses, then you will benefit from a hardening coating that protects them from scratches and damage.

To avoid frequently wiping your glasses, you can apply a water- or dirt-repellent coating.

There is also an anti-reflective coating that eliminates glare that appears on the front and back surface lenses This coating prevents distracting objects from being reflected in the lenses.

You can apply a multifunctional coating that combines all of the listed properties.

How to choose glasses frames depending on your face shape?

Depending on your face shape, choose your frames.

Oval face. You can choose glasses with any frame. Just make sure that its width is greater than the widest part of the face.

Circle shaped face. Elongated narrow or rectangular frames are suitable.

Long face. Look for wide rectangular frames with chunky cushions and butterfly frames with raised outer corners.

Square shaped face. Glasses oval shape or cat eye frame.

For a prominent face, a rounded frame, slightly widened towards the bottom, is suitable.

To prevent myopia from developing, prepare a drink.

Pour boiling water over five tablespoons of nettle, add one glass and cook for five minutes. Drink one third of a glass three times a day. Try to drink useful decoction half an hour before meals.

Take two teaspoons of barley flour after meals.

Conclusion: choosing the right glasses is very important, as you will not only correct your vision, but also give your face a special charm.

On this moment Many people have a variety of vision problems. To perform high-quality vision correction, you will need glasses. In order for this device to perform high-quality correction, you will need to select glasses for your vision.

Choosing the right glasses for your vision

In this article, we tried to tell you how to choose glasses for your vision and told you all the details. After contacting an ophthalmologist, he will use special equipment that will help you select quality products.

Visual acuity test

To select the right glasses for your vision, you first need to determine the acuity. An autorefractometer will help you choose the optimal visual acuity indicators. It is not recommended to trust everything to the computer. An additional check must be carried out by a specialist.

It is important to know! It is unacceptable to order glasses only based on the results of a computer study.

You can also check your visual acuity using a table or using a special sign projector from a distance of 5m. Each eye must be tested individually. You need to start choosing glasses for vision from the right eye.

Then using special frame specialists attach plus or minus lenses. The selection of glasses for vision in this case will depend on the indicators of the autorefractometer.

Visual acuity is an important parameter when choosing glasses

It is necessary to select lenses only sequentially. If you have a problem of myopia, then a lens is prescribed that will have minimal refractive power. In case of farsightedness, on the contrary, a lens with maximum performance. Visual acuity of both eyes must be 0.9-1.0.

Sometimes you may encounter a problem when the vision of the right and left eyes is different. The maximum permissible difference in diopters should in no case exceed 2-3 D. In this case, everything will depend on the patient’s individual tolerance. If a person has problems with myopia and farsightedness, then he may be prescribed.

Astigmatism correction

The most difficult task for every specialist is the selection of correction for astigmatism. The main difficulty is that it takes some getting used to. Accordingly, with high degrees of astigmatism, you may be prescribed weak lenses, and then their effect will gradually increase. Instead of a trial frame, a special attachment to an ophthalmological diagnostic complex - a phoropter - can be used.

Selection of astigmatism correction

When selecting glasses for vision, ophthalmologists use a special table to test near vision. The selection will be carried out according to the same rules as for the distance. If the patient wishes to be fitted with bifocal glasses, then vision will be tested for both distance and near vision. The optical power in this case should not exceed 2-3 D. Where can I get my eyes checked and choose glasses? This is a common question that almost every patient asks himself. Ophthalmologists or specialized centers where sales are carried out will be able to carry out the selection.

Pupillary distance measurement

After selecting the correction, specialists will begin to measure the interpupillary distance. Usually the distance is measured using a regular ruler. Naturally, today there is a certain technique that allows you to measure the distance between the pupils. As a rule, the distance at distance will be 2 mm greater than at near.

Determination of interpupillary distance

Glasses prescription

After checking all the necessary indicators, the ophthalmologist or optometrist will write a prescription, which will indicate:

  1. Patient data.
  2. Optical power of optical or cylindrical lenses.
  3. Purpose of assigning points.

Optotypes are special tables that depict various symbols

In some cases, specialists may also indicate additional indicators. It is not recommended to throw away all prescriptions prescribed by a specialist. They are necessary so that in the future you can take the prescription and see how your vision has changed over the course of certain period. Incorrectly chosen glasses can cause a number of problems, so before choosing, consult only real professionals.

The price of a mistake

Sometimes you can encounter a problem when the choice of glasses for vision was made completely wrong. If you encounter a similar problem and continue to use glasses for vision, then the process of addiction will gradually begin. As a result, the body will try to compensate for optical distortions at the cost of eye fatigue. Accordingly, after just a few days of using such glasses, you may notice a headache, as well as further deterioration of vision.

Now you know exactly how to choose glasses for your vision. This process will not be difficult if you carefully study all the recommendations of specialists. We hope that this information was really useful and interesting.

As a rule, the question of how to choose glasses for vision arises among middle-aged people and is associated with the development of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia). But there is also such a need for young people and children who suffer from myopia (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia) and astigmatism. If in the first case an ophthalmologist or optometrist (a specialist in the selection of glasses and contact lenses) in an optics salon, then in the second situation, spectacle vision correction is the task of an experienced ophthalmologist at the clinic.

Consultation and examination with an ophthalmologist

As already mentioned, it is impossible to choose the right glasses for vision without an ophthalmological examination and consultation. Independent attempts may not only fail, but also cause great harm.

Doctor medical institution, where you decide to have your vision tested, will certainly carry out the following diagnostic procedures.

The examination always begins with a survey, identification and clarification of complaints, collection of anamnesis of the disease and life. Next, the specialist conducts an external examination of the visual apparatus for visible damage and other pathological symptoms.

The further examination plan depends on the expected diagnosis. As a rule, for optical correction For visual impairment, the following diagnostic methods are sufficient.

Visual acuity test using special Snellen or Sivtsev tables.

Snellen and Sivtsev tables are the most popular and available method visual acuity tests

Determination of refraction objective and subjective way. Refraction is the process of bending light rays into optical system eyes. The main structures that provide the eye with refraction and focusing light onto the retina are the cornea and the lens. Normal refraction, when all light rays converge at one point on the retina, is called emmetropia. Such an eye is able to clearly see surrounding objects.

Unfortunately, not everything is perfect in nature, and some people have a different type of refraction (due to congenital or acquired reasons), which differs from emmetropia.

A nearsighted (myopic) eye has a strong refractive power, which causes light rays to focus in front of the retina. The farsighted eye (hypermetropic) has a weak ability to refract light, causing it to focus behind the retina. Both of these refraction options do not allow a person to obtain clarity and good visual acuity and are indications for optical vision correction.

If the eye focuses light in front of the retina, the patient is nearsighted.

If the eye focuses light behind the retina, the patient is farsighted.

The higher the degree of myopia and hyperopia, the worse a person sees. These types of refractive error have three degrees:

  • weak - no more than 3 diopters;
  • moderate severity - in the range of 4-6 diopters;
  • severe - more than 6 diopters.

Reference! Diopter is a unit of determination of the optical power of a lens.

Another type of ametropia (impaired normal refraction) is astigmatism. In this case, not only the refractive ability of the cornea and lens is impaired, but there is also a violation of the uniform curvature of the cornea and/or lens, as a result not only visual acuity suffers, but also there are distortions in the images of surrounding objects. Astigmatism can be nearsighted, farsighted or mixed. This is the most difficult form of ametropia to correct optically.

Refractometry is the determination of the refractive ability of the eye. At the moment, this examination is carried out using modern computer equipment, and the procedure itself is called computer refractometry. The procedure itself is very easy to perform, painless and very fast. As a result, you receive a printout with important numbers and indicators for correct selection points:

  • SPH (spherical component) is an indicator that measures the patient’s refraction in diopters, if the indicator is with a “-” sign, then the patient is nearsighted, if with a “+” sign - farsightedness;
  • CYL (cylindrical component) – displays the size of the cylindrical lens to correct astigmatism, if the patient has one;
  • AXIS – angle for installing a cylindrical lens for astigmatism;
  • DP is the interpupillary distance, which differs different people, this is necessary in order to correctly place the spectacle lenses in the frame.

The photo shows the computer refractometry procedure

Refractometry is performed separately for each eye, because in most cases their refractive ability is different. This method The examination is objective, that is, the patient’s feelings are not taken into account. Unfortunately, not always computer diagnostics is able to select the most comfortable parameters for spectacle correction. The computer corrects vision to an acuity of 1.0, but all people are able to tolerate such correction well; they develop side effectsheadache, pain in eyeballs, dizziness, nausea.

That is why, after automatic refractometry, the ophthalmologist conducts a subjective selection of lenses for correction, based on the data obtained during the examination, but taking into account the feelings and wishes of the patient, who tries on lenses of different optical powers, choosing the most comfortable option for himself. Thus, refractive errors are corrected with glasses not to 100% vision, but to the maximum tolerated, most often visual acuity of 0.7-0.8. Such parameters are quite sufficient for trouble-free Everyday life and at the same time the person will quickly and easily get used to the glasses.

Using this set of trial lenses, the patient is selected the optimal parameters for future glasses

Keratometry is the measurement of the curvature of the corneal surface. The study is done (but not necessarily) when selecting glasses for astigmatists, diagnosing certain diseases, before laser correction vision and other surgical interventions.

Tonometry - research intraocular pressure. Included in the list of recommended diagnostic procedures at every visit to the ophthalmologist, it helps to identify glaucoma in the early stages.

Biomicroscopy is the examination of eye structures using a slit lamp. Allows you to study in detail almost all structures of the eyeball under magnification.

Ophthalmoscopy – examination of the fundus of the eye. Mandatory research when visiting an ophthalmologist for any reason.

Based on the basic research methods described, the ophthalmologist will diagnose correct diagnosis and write out an individual prescription for good glasses, if they are necessary.

Reading a prescription for glasses

First, it is important to know the meaning of the abbreviations in the recipe:

  • OD – right eye.
  • OS – left eye.
  • OU – both eyes.
  • SPH is the optical power of a spherical lens for the correction of myopia and/or hyperopia, measured in diopters (D), the value may be preceded by a “-” sign, which indicates myopia, or “+” - farsightedness.
  • CYL is the optical power of a cylindrical lens for the correction of astigmatism, measured in diopters (D), can be followed by a “-” or “+” sign for myopic or hypermetropic astigmatism.
  • AX is the astigmatism meridian (the angle at which the cylindrical lens component should be set), measured in degrees (º), the value can be from 0º to 180º.
  • DP – distance between pupils in mm. Measured manually with a ruler or using computer refractometry. This value can be indicated in full, for example, 60 mm, or in parts (separately for each eye from the bridge of the nose to the pupil, since most men and women have natural facial asymmetry), for example, 30/32 mm.
  • Add – addition. This is a special parameter that is indicated when selecting glasses for the correction of presbyopia, when the patient needs different optical powers when looking at distance and near. Addition means addition, that is, it indicates how many diopters need to be added to the spherical component of the lens in its lower field for comfortable use of glasses.

An example of a prescription for glasses for a patient with hypermetropic (far-sighted) astigmatism

The prescription must include the patient's full name, age, diagnosis, purpose of the glasses (for example, for distance reading, for reading), the date the prescription was issued and the doctor's full name. The shelf life of this recipe is 6-12 months.

Choosing spectacle lenses

Choosing the right lenses for future glasses is the most important thing. Naturally, the main parameters are indicated by the ophthalmologist in the prescription, but then it is the task of the user of future glasses. In the salon, opticians will help you make a choice and tell you about the pros and cons of certain glasses. Let's consider the main parameters by which you need to choose the best spectacle lenses.


The first thing to do is choose a lens manufacturer. It is better to buy products from trusted companies with many years of experience in this sector.

World leaders in the production of eyeglass lenses


Mineral lenses are glass. Once upon a time, lenses were made only from glass; they had significant disadvantages - heavy weight, low strength and high risk of injury. Over time, plastic lenses (polymer) began to appear, which were improved over the years and practically replaced mineral lenses from the market. Glass is currently used for patients with high degrees refractive errors for aesthetic purposes - their lens edge will be thinner than that of plastic, since the refractive power of glass is higher.


Spherical - their surface is formed by a sphere (like a cut from a sphere). The most common option and suitable for any recipe.

Aspherical - their surface is formed by an ellipse (cut from an ellipse). This lens is thinner and produces less image distortion, especially at the edges of the lens.

Aspherical lenses provide less image distortion, which is undoubtedly a big plus

Refractive index (RI)

The CP of polymer lenses can vary from 1.5 to 1.74, depending on the type of plastic chosen. The higher the CP, the thinner and more aesthetically pleasing the lens in the frame will look. It will also be stronger, but also more expensive.


Today there are no lenses for glasses special types coverage is practically non-existent. The coating can be hardening, scratch-resistant, anti-reflective, water-, grease- and dirt-repellent. The more such coatings a lens has, the more advantages it has, but the price is corresponding.

UV filter

Many people know about the dangers ultraviolet radiation, so when choosing spectacle lenses it is better to give preference to specimens with a built-in UV filter, and it is important to ask your optical consultant in detail about this, since the lens may have protection from sun rays, and not specifically ultraviolet.

Choosing the right frame

Naturally, the basis good points– these are lenses, but the frame must also be beautiful, comfortable and durable, and suitable for the type of face.

A visual illustration of the shape of glasses that suits people with various types faces

When choosing the shape of glasses (frames), you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Frames can highlight features in a person’s appearance, such as blue eyes.
  • The frame should be the opposite of your face shape.
  • The size must correspond to the size of the face.
  • The frame material is metal or plastic; rimless glasses are also available.
  • Color – it is advisable to select the color of the frame in accordance with your color type.

When choosing the color of your glasses frame, it is important to consider your color type.

Thus, choosing glasses for vision, especially for a child, is a difficult but completely solvable task, which can be solved by a qualified ophthalmologist, a good consultant at an optical salon, and relatives or friends who will recommend a beautiful frame that suits you.

Millions of people all over the world. This one is simple optical instrument has become an important and fashionable accessory. The world's leading brands develop and produce hundreds of frames of various configurations, which are becoming fashionable or, conversely, becoming a thing of the past like pince-nez and lorgnettes. Glasses consist of lenses and frames, and the ophthalmologist writes a prescription only for the lenses, and the shape and type of frame is chosen by the patient himself.

Choice of glasses

A person who comes to an optical salon for the first time to order glasses may be confused by the abundance of frames that are displayed in the windows. They can be plain or colored, massive or thin, made of metal or plastic, and their shape and design amazes any imagination. There are based on the shape of the face and some anatomical nuances of the structure of the skull. An incorrectly chosen frame can change your face beyond recognition. But if the frames are chosen correctly and tastefully, even the most ugly face can seem attractive and pretty. At the same time, women’s conceptions also differ greatly in shape. The choice of glasses based on optical characteristics is based on two parameters:

  • number of diopters;
  • interpupillary distance.

They must be indicated in the recipe. Everything else depends on the taste and imagination of the patient himself.

In optical stores you can order glasses or choose ready-made ones. Ready-made glasses are much cheaper than custom-made ones, but there are some nuances here. Despite big choice It is quite difficult to choose exactly the glasses whose frames ideally suit your face shape. In addition, it is not always the case that the diopters of both eyes completely coincide. There is usually a slight difference between the right and left eye, which is taken into account when making custom glasses. Ready-made glasses are offered with the same diopters. Wearing such glasses may cause permanent vision loss.

Adjustable glasses

Glasses should only be purchased at pharmacies or optical shops. You cannot buy them in markets, in underground passages and street stalls.

Choosing glasses according to face shape

The face of any person can be classified according to a certain geometric feature. Most often, individuals exhibit the following forms::

  • round;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • triangular;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • rectangular;
  • pear-shaped.

Both men and women have such face shapes, but the rules for choosing glasses differ only slightly. But nevertheless, many .

Round face type always makes its owner a little plump, therefore, to reduce this effect, you should choose ones with strictly defined corners.

Frames suitable for round faces

Oval shaped faces are considered ideal. They fit almost all frame shapes. Young girls can experiment and wear glasses in bright and acidic colors, as well as multi-color frames. They can be any shape, including custom hearts, stars or targets. Men's style also allows for some liberties, but within stricter limits. Retro-style models suit oval faces well.

Frames suitable for oval faces

Square face always looks sharp and a little brutal, so the frame should soften these features. On square faces“a la John Lennon” and any frames with oval-shaped lenses look great. Sharp corners and transitions should be avoided. Everything in the frame should be soft and smooth.

Frames that suit a square face

Triangular shape faces occurs quite often. This type of face has a wide forehead that needs to be reduced a little. To do this, you can wear glasses with thin metal frames. Best suited for this type of face The frame is asymmetrical in shape, wide at the top and tapering at the bottom. These frames include the well-known model “ cat's eye" Round and square glasses are not suitable for triangular face shapes.

Frames suitable for triangular faces

Diamond shaped face is an unfinished oval. In order to bring such a face closer to the standard, you need to smooth out the sharp features. This can be achieved using oval or rectangular shape glass with smoothed corners.

Frames suitable for diamond-shaped faces

Large and chunky frames are suitable for people with a rectangular face shape.. The shape of the glass can be absolutely any. Narrow and small glasses with thin metal frames are excluded.

Frames suitable for rectangular faces

Pear-shaped face on the contrary, she gravitates towards thin, elegant frames. A person with such a face would be suitable rimless glasses rounded in appearance.

Frames suitable for pear-shaped faces

Choosing glasses based on frame shape

There are times when it is not possible to order frames that would ideally suit a specific face type and you have to choose from ready-made products. In order to do right choice you need to know some rules. First of all, you should not go to extremes and opt for frames that are too massive or too thin. The golden mean will be the best option. You also don’t need to choose too extravagant frames. Regardless of the type of face, a classic dark or black frame will always be in place. If the eyes on your face are too wide, you should choose a frame with a wide arch. A narrow and thin arch, on the contrary, visually increases the distance between the eyes.

Classic dark frames

It is convenient to choose glasses with someone close to you. Such a person can tell you how good glasses look on your face.

Selecting spectacle lenses

The main element. Optical glass or plastic is used as the starting material for their manufacture. An optical salon can offer the client any option to choose from. Lenses made from optical glass have the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • high refractive index;
  • long service life.

These lenses are almost impossible to scratch, so if you handle them carefully they can last a very long time. The refractive index affects the quality of image perception and glass lenses it is much higher than that of plastic ones. In addition, glass, unlike plastic, does not change its optical properties over time. The disadvantages of glass lenses are fragility, heavy weight, and complexity of manufacturing and processing. Hence their cost is higher than that of plastic lenses. However, ophthalmologists recommend ordering glass lenses.

Plastic is much lighter than glass and when mechanically destroyed it does not form fragments that can injure the eye. Therefore, such lenses are recommended for those who drive active image life, including children and athletes.

Based on the amount of light transmission, lenses are divided into the following types:

  • colorless;
  • tinted;
  • photochromic.

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses change their ability to transmit light depending on the lighting. So in bright light they darken, and in the dark they become completely transparent. In addition, the following coatings can be applied to the lenses:

  • strengthening;
  • enlightening;
  • water-repellent;
  • multifunctional.

Lens with standard multifunctional coating

A hardening coating is applied to plastic lenses to protect them from mechanical stress. An anti-reflective coating or lanthanum coating is applied to the optics to reduce glare on the glass surface. A water-repellent layer is applied to prevent drops from forming on the lenses that interfere with vision. Multilayer multifunctional coating combines the properties of all possible lens coatings.

The choice of lenses can be based on the patient's knowledge or recommendations from specialists.