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Right side hurts: causes. Pain in the right side of the abdomen: what does it mean?

When people talk about pain in the right side, they often mean different states and diseases associated with one location or another cause. The problem may be caused by injury, acute inflammation, exacerbation of a chronic disease and some other reasons. In any case, when the patient is bothered by aching pain in the right side, the doctor will definitely carry out diagnostic measures to exclude pathologies requiring immediate medical attention. There are a number of signs that allow us to understand the nature of the changes in the body that led to the condition when the patient has aching in the right side.

Causes of pain in the right side

One of key points in the diagnosis of a particular disease is a description of the nature of the pain syndrome and accompanying complaints. Pain in the right side is often associated with illness digestive tract: liver, biliary tract, intestines, appendix. Another cause of the problem may be inflammation of the urinary system, urolithiasis disease. Pain can be a consequence of pathology of the respiratory system, in particular, right-sided pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax. In women, aching pain in the right side can occur due to inflammation of the appendages, the presence of apoplexy, an ovarian cyst or tumor, or in the case of an ectopic pregnancy. This pain is localized in the hypogastrium.

Pain in the side can be acute or aching, constant or occurring periodically, passing on its own, or persisting for a long time, despite Taken measures. The pain can change its character: dull pain can suddenly worsen and become sharp and strong, and, on the contrary, acute pain can turn into aching pain of low intensity. You should tell your doctor about all this. Since the situation when the right side aches can be critical, you cannot postpone a visit to the hospital, and in case of severe pain, especially in the case of increased body temperature, general weakness, decreased blood pressure, or increased heart rate, you must seek medical help immediately.
The cause of pain may be associated with other pathologies: anterior hernia abdominal wall, herpes zoster, Crohn's disease, pancreatic diseases, vertebrogenic radiculopathy and some other diseases and their complications. Therefore, in the presence of pain, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor using various methods and diagnostic search techniques, including laboratory and instrumental ones.

Pain in diseases of the liver and biliary tract

The following pathologies can lead to pain:

  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Hepatitis of various etiologies;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Liver abscess;
  • Congestive liver;
  • Tumors, metastases.

The pain in these diseases is localized in the right hypochondrium, often intensifying due to the consumption of fatty, fried foods. Acute cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatic colic are accompanied by acute pain. Such pathologies require immediate medical attention. Aching pain due to chronic inflammatory processes, tumors, dyskinesia can radiate to the back, under the shoulder blade, in some cases there is a bitterness in the mouth, attacks of nausea, and vomiting. With hepatitis and obstruction of the biliary tract, jaundice develops. Help in diagnosis ultrasonography, computer diagnostics, determination of biochemical and clinical blood parameters.

Pain caused by pathology of the pancreas

In acute pancreatitis, pain in the upper abdomen and back is disturbing, in many cases taking on a girdling character. The disease usually develops due to alcohol consumption in combination with the consumption of fatty, fried foods. The course is severe, death is possible, and in some cases surgical treatment is required.

Tumors of the head of the pancreas and the nipple of Vater are manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium, jaundice, itching of the skin, and hepatomegaly.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower right side occurs when acute appendicitis, gynecological pathology, intestinal diseases. In addition to pain, appendicitis is accompanied by a moderate increase in temperature, nausea, vomiting, and single diarrhea are possible. Often the pain begins in the epigastrium, then descends to groin area. There are a number of symptoms that help diagnose the disease. Changes in blood tests characteristic of inflammation help in diagnosis. Similar symptoms can develop with terminal ileitis - inflammation of the final portion of the ileum.

Gynecological pathology, in addition to aching pain in the suprapubic and iliac region, is characterized by vaginal discharge, symptoms of intoxication, and fever.

During the diagnosis, one of the following diseases may be identified:

  • adnexitis,
  • salpingoophoritis,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • ovarian cysts,
  • adnexal tumors,
  • ovarian apoplexy.

Herpes zoster

The disease is infectious in nature and is caused by a virus, which also leads to the development chickenpox. The disease is characterized by intense pain along the affected nerve trunk. A few days after the onset of pain in the innervation zone, blistering rash, often of a girdling nature. The pain usually lasts up to a month, but occasionally postherpetic neuralgia lasts for months or even several years.

Help and treatment for pain in the right side

Acute intense pain always requires urgent provision medical care. It is also necessary to undergo an examination in a situation where the pain is aching and does not go away within several hours. Many pathologies that manifest as pain in the side can have serious and even dangerous consequences for health: peritonitis, bleeding, the process becoming chronic, infertility and others.

It is not always possible to use painkillers if you have pain in the side. For a number of pathologies, this can distort the clinical picture of the disease, making diagnosis difficult, or delay visiting a doctor, significantly reducing the chances of successful treatment.
Treatment depends on the nosology. For some diseases, the emphasis is on diet therapy, for others on medications, and in the most difficult situations can not do without surgical treatment.

  • Diet therapy is effective for chronic diseases biliary tract, liver. In such a situation, you should not eat fatty, fried and spicy foods. If you have constant problems with the intestines, you should avoid excess coarse fiber, spices, and foods that promote gas formation. Nutrition is of particular importance in acute pancreatitis - the patient must fast for the first few days, then he is transferred to a strict diet, gradually expanding it as the condition improves.
  • In the treatment of inflammatory processes caused by bacterial infection, drugs from the group of antibiotics are used; herpes zoster is treated antiviral agents, in the presence of oncopathology, it is prescribed complex treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As symptomatic treatment drugs with analgesic and antispasmodic effects are prescribed.
  • Surgical intervention is necessary for appendicitis, ovarian apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy, internal bleeding, as radical treatment tumors of different localization.

It often happens that a person, having experienced incomprehensible pain in any part of his body, does not pay attention to it and forgets about it. But pain signals negative processes occurring in the body. Even mild pain can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Types of pain and associated symptoms

Pain in the right side can be of different types.

Pain syndrome is produced by the body as defensive reaction in response to irritation of the corresponding receptors (nerve endings), the network of which covers the entire human body.

It is nonspecific in nature, that is, it can serve as a signal for the development of a large number of diseases various kinds, and not any specific one. Pain sensations vary in many ways.

According to the severity of the pain, it can be mild, moderate, or severe. Based on the duration of the manifestation, they distinguish between paroxysmal (cramping) and constantly disturbing pain. Depending on the nature of the pain, there are:

  1. Sharp - appear sudden attacks varying degrees forces are usually in a limited area. This symptom may accompany disruption of the digestive tract, genitourinary system, and pinched nerve fibers. Unpleasant sensations intensify when performing movements - bending, turning the body, when straining.
  2. Stitching - usually have a fairly pronounced character and a limited focus of occurrence. Such sensations occur due to disorders of the urinary system, inflammation of the gallbladder, kidney stones and are intensified as a result of body movements, physical activity, sharp breaths, cough.
  3. Dull aching pains are weakly expressed and cover a fairly large focus, which makes it difficult to determine the affected organ. The sensation is created by irritating a large number of pain receptors surrounding the organs abdominal cavity. Discomfort of this kind occurs with pathologies of the intestines, liver, development tumor processes in the abdominal cavity.
  4. Pulling - moderately expressed, are formed by irritation of small receptors, located in large numbers on inner surface abdominal wall. These sensations arise as a result of increased physical activity and, as a result, sprains, and may indicate pathological changes in the pelvic organs (adhesions, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries) and abdominal cavity (diseases of the liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, duodenum).

Pain syndrome usually manifests itself in conjunction with other uncomfortable sensations, especially when it is pronounced. General symptoms depend on the type of disease and the degree of its development. In various pathological processes, the following sensations may appear:

  1. nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. weakness, fatigue;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. headache;
  6. clouding of consciousness;
  7. burning in the area of ​​the mucous membranes.

Pain in the right side may indicate disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, hip joints, circulatory and lymphatic vascular systems.

Causes of pain

Pain in the right side can be caused by various diseases.

Pain in the right side is most characteristic of appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix. In addition, pain syndrome accompanies other intestinal pathologies:

  • Blockage (volvulus). The blood flow of the intestinal walls stops, peristalsis is disrupted, and the lumen of the small intestinal loops increases.
  • Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Adhesive processes in the serous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Liver hepatitis - characterized by pain in the late stages.
  • Duodenitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the duodenum.
  • Diverticulosis is the formation of protrusions in the intestinal walls in which fluid accumulates.
  • Inflammation of the rectum.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, both in men and women, are also accompanied by pain in the right side. Diseases of the female reproductive system characterized by this symptom include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pain during pregnancy, from spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, premature birth;
  • gynecological inflammation (adnexitis, endometritis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts).

Diseases of the genital organs male body, pain during the development of which can radiate to the right side - prostatitis, vesiculitis, orchitis, cavernitis, balanitis, posthitis. Pain syndrome accompanies inflammation of the urinary system - urethritis (inflammation of the urinary canal), inflammation of the ureter, acute dilatation Bladder.

Inflammation of the hip joint of the right leg, as well as lumbar osteochondrosis will radiate pain to the right side. Common joint diseases in this area include:

  1. Inflammatory processes resulting from infections, rheumatitis, gout or tissue putrefaction.
  2. Aseptic necrosis is the death of bone and cartilage tissue.
  3. Coxarthrosis is the destruction of a joint; in the later stages, treatment involves only replacement with an implant.
  4. Perthes disease is necrosis of the tissues of the head of the joint due to impaired blood circulation around it.

Pain is accompanied by diseases of the circulatory system:

  1. varicose veins in the pelvic area;
  2. vasculitis - inflammation of the hip artery;
  3. thrombosis – blockage of blood vessels with blood clots due to the growth of cholesterol plaques;
  4. Aneurysm is the formation of sac-like protrusions on the dissected walls of an artery.

Inflammation of the vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system (lymphadenitis) in the pelvic area also causes pain in the right side.

What to do for pain in the right side

If you have severe pain in the right side, you should consult a specialist.

If an unpleasant pain sensation appears on the right side of the body, you need to act depending on the circumstances.

For sudden severe attacks It is necessary to call emergency medical care, ensure the patient is at rest and have access to air, loosening the constricting elements of clothing.

Painkillers are given only when extreme cases. In this regard, you can consult with the ambulance dispatcher who took the call. The fact is that pain relief with drugs can complicate and delay the process of diagnosing the disease.

When the emergency doctor arrives, you need to accurately describe your feelings to him. Pain in the right side is often accompanied by other symptoms, the combination of which is sometimes enough to simply make an initial rough diagnosis.

It is also necessary to inform the specialist about the presence of existing chronic diseases or previously occurring pathologies with similar symptoms. If you suspect any disease, you also need to tell a specialist about it.

If the patient’s condition is stable, but there are difficulties in contacting medical institution, it is recommended to call your local doctor, who can also make an initial diagnosis and prescribe treatment, or refer you to an appropriate specialist for further examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

It must be remembered that even a short-term single attack of pain can be a signal of a serious pathology, so a trip to the clinic should not be postponed for long. After a short-term painful attack, the patient can independently go to a medical institution to see a local doctor or therapist to identify the causes of the attack.

At the appointment, the patient talks about the sensations that bother him, existing chronic diseases and possible pathological heredity. Next, the treating specialist refers the patient to laboratory research and diagnostic procedures.

In the laboratory of a medical institution, the patient undergoes recommended tests. Usually a general analysis of blood, urine and stool is prescribed. Other tests depend on the referring doctor’s suspicions of possible diseases. It could be biochemical analysis blood test, clotting test, sugar test, immunological analysis etc.

Then the patient undergoes hardware diagnostic examination. Depending on the complexity of determining the diagnosis, this may include ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

The first two procedures allow you to assess the size and relative location of the internal organs. Images from computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners make it possible to evaluate not only the size of organs, but also the condition of their tissues, vascular patency and other characteristics.

After the examination, the patient is given an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Ignoring pain in the right side, or in any part of the body, can lead to irreversible consequences.

Many diseases develop gradually, with virtually no symptoms in the initial stages. Pathological processes can occur over several years. A late visit to the doctor greatly complicates the treatment process. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health, listen to the state of the body and promptly respond to all negative changes in one or another part of the body.

The following video will tell you about pain in the right hypochondrium:

Each of us periodically experiences painful sensations in the abdominal area and this is quite natural, because there are no absolutely healthy people. It is important not to ignore them, but to be able to determine the cause of their occurrence. For example, what causes pain in the right side? Read about possible sources of its origin.

What can hurt on the right side?

On this side there are some internal organs, the dysfunction of which is directly related to discomfort. What can hurt on the right side:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • intestines;
  • ovaries;
  • appendicitis.

The right lobe of the abdominal cavity is conventionally divided into the subcostal (above) and pelvic (below) parts. The first contains the gallbladder, adrenal gland with kidney, liver, diaphragm, and ileum. The second contains the ovary (in women) with the appendix (in all). Rarely, but sometimes the wandering pain of organs located on the left radiates to the right. This could be the stomach, pancreas. To establish the exact root cause of unpleasant sensations, you need to clearly determine their location.

Right under the ribs in front

It can be constant or periodic. Constant pain on the right side under the ribs in front occurs due to the following ailments:

Pain in the right side of the abdomen in front may not be related to pathologies. From time to time everyone experiences such sensations when:

  1. Pregnancy. The growing fetus is in the uterus and creates pressure on the woman’s organs, causing pain.
  2. Intense physical activity. If a person is unaccustomed to doing hard work or performing sports exercises, a lot of adrenaline is released. Therefore, blood flow increases, and the vena cava expands and compresses the liver.
  3. Premenstrual syndrome. With increased production of estrogen that occurs before menstruation, a spasm of the biliary tract occurs, which is affected by this hormone.

Right side from the back

This phenomenon is characteristic of a number of renal pathologies. Does your right side from your back hurt? This warns about:

  1. Acute pyelonephritis. Intense but dull pain. If you tap on the lower ribs, it becomes stronger.
  2. Chronic pyelonephritis. A weak aching pain sensation that becomes intrusive if it is damp and cool outside.
  3. Retroperitoneal hematoma. If a person falls on his back or is seriously injured, then a vessel behind the peritoneum ruptures and a hematoma results ( blood collection), pressing on the organs.
  4. Acute pancreatitis. A girdling pain sensation that increases if a person lies down. Additional symptoms are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  5. Urolithiasis. Dull painful sensation. It increases if a person moves a lot or drinks excessive amounts of liquid.
  6. Pinched nerve. Diffuse pain at the top, increasing under the shoulder blade on the right.

Posterior lumbar area

There are many circumstances for the occurrence of such a symptom. Does your right side hurt in your lower back? You need to be examined for ailments:

  1. Musculoskeletal system: spondylolisthesis, osteochondrosis, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis.
  2. Muscles: inflammation, injuries, sprains.
  3. Neurological: plexitis or neuritis.
  4. Internal organs: kidneys (pyelonephritis, stones, hydronephrosis, colic), intestines, gall bladder, liver, ovaries in young ladies.

At waist level

There are many possible reasons for this phenomenon. Pain in the right side at waist level in people with:

  1. Volvulus.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. Problems of the pancreas.
  4. Appendicitis. Sharp pain that gets worse when you inhale or move.
  5. Inflammation of the uterine appendages.
  6. The presence of small stones in the gallbladder. Paroxysmal pain.
  7. Inguinal hernia.
  8. Kidney diseases: prolapse, hydronephrosis, glomerulonephritis, stones.

Pain in the liver area

The list of reasons for this phenomenon is very extensive. Pain in the liver area, which causes bitterness in the mouth, occurs when:

To perform the diagnosis correctly, it is necessary to identify not only the localization of unpleasant sensations, but also their nature and intensity. This is very important, because only by finding out why the right side hurts, the doctor will be able to prescribe an actual treatment regimen that will really help the patient and alleviate his condition. The pain can be dull or sharp, girdling, stabbing, cramping. The reasons for the appearance of each are individual.


They are classified as permanent or periodic. The first occurs in oncology, cysts, bone fractures. Intermittent aching pain in the right hypochondrium is typical for:


There are several groups of diseases that are characterized by this symptom. Gynecological pathologies, in which the right side pulls:

  1. Right-sided adnexitis is acute or chronic. The symptom is accompanied by chills, high temperature.
  2. Apoplexy of the ovary. Attack pain in the abdomen on the right, cannot radiate to other areas.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy with tubal rupture.
  4. The stalk of the mass on the ovary is twisted.

Does the right side of your stomach hurt? This may indicate the following urological diseases:

  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tumors.

A pulling sensation is a symptom of a number of surgical diseases:

  • appendicitis;
  • strangulated hernia.

Stitches under the rib on the right

Colic - very unpleasant symptom. There are many reasons for their presence. Stitching pain in the right side arises due to:

  1. There are not enough passable bile ducts. The attacks overtake the patient unexpectedly, at night, and by morning they become a little quieter. Colic is unpleasant, but passes quickly.
  2. Ulcerative duodenitis (duodenal ulcers). Severe colic on the right and near the navel, which is accompanied by fever, bloating, and nausea.
  3. Presence of kidney stones. They cause a tingling sensation as they move along the ducts and scratch them.
  4. Pyelonephritis. Constant colic are not typical for this disease, but occur periodically with excessive physical activity.


Notifies a symptom about a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Blunt pain in the right hypochondrium is indicated when:

  1. Chronic hepatitis. It diverges when you press on the liver.
  2. Chronic cholecystitis. Inner wall the gallbladder is “scratched” by stones. This brings painful sensations, which intensify when consuming fatty foods.
  3. Chronic pancreatitis. The right side hurts after eating, nausea and heaviness appear.
  4. Chronic duodenitis. If the wall of the duodenum becomes inflamed, a person’s stomach ache and growls, heartburn and nausea are observed. Vomiting occurs, in which there are traces of bile.

Heaviness in the right hypochondrium

First of all, this symptom is characteristic of intestinal diseases. Heaviness in the right side of the lower abdomen is observed when infectious lesions of this organ, dysbacteriosis, colitis, ulcers and the presence of neoplasms. With intestinal dysfunction, additional symptoms appear: stool disorders, weakness after eating, and sometimes vomiting. Another cause of severity may be diseases of the adrenal gland or kidney.


Accompanies pathologies of some organs. Sharp pain in the right side often occurs with diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and duodenum. Its suddenness is a sign that the functioning of the organs has suffered a serious malfunction. The most common causes of pain:

  • the bile ducts are blocked by a stone;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • appendicitis is inflamed;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • strangulation of the inguinal hernia.


This extremely unpleasant sensation indicates pathologies of internal organs. A burning sensation in the right hypochondrium develops due to:

  1. Gallbladder dysfunction. Burning pain begins due to bile retention and inflammation of the organ.
  2. Diseases of the liver, pancreas, intestines. A burning sensation periodically appears with hepatitis, cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, and duodenal ulcer.
  3. Diaphragmatic hernia.
  4. Diseases of the urinary organs and kidneys. A burning sensation occurs between attacks of colic.
  5. Osteochondrosis lumbar region.
  6. Neurological diseases.


The phenomenon in the lower abdomen arises due to:

  • appendicitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal diverticulum;
  • liver diseases;
  • intestinal blockage (severely radiates to the groin);
  • inguinal hernia;
  • duodenitis.

Acute pain in the right hypochondrium reports:

  • bile duct dyskinesia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes zoster.

If the pain is more from the back, then you need to check for:

  • renal dysfunction;
  • the presence of stones in the ureter.


Such an unpleasant sensation sometimes occurs even in healthy people due to the consumption of food or alcohol that is difficult for the body. Discomfort in the right hypochondrium accompanies cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. It can be caused by hepatitis and liver abscesses. However, this condition can be caused by stress, physical or mental stress, which have nothing to do with organ pathologies.


There are many reasons for the occurrence of this symptom. Throbbing pain in the right side indicates:

  1. Digestive disorders or intestinal pathologies. The stomach shoots due to dysbiosis, bloating, poisoning.
  2. PMS. Abdominal throbbing often begins before menstruation. If it is tolerable, then there is no need to worry.
  3. Ailments of the female genital organs. It is especially dangerous if the pain is accompanied by severe bleeding.


A number of diseases cause this symptom. Cutting pain in the right side occurs when:

  1. Inflammation of the duodenum. It is periodic in nature.
  2. Blockage of the bile duct with a stone.
  3. Pinched inguinal hernia. A dangerous condition that requires urgent surgery or removal by laparoscopy.
  4. Rupture of an abscess on an inflamed fallopian tube.
  5. Acute appendicitis.

Pressure under the ribs on the right

From time to time, the symptom occurs after eating heavy food or alcohol. The liver tries to overcome the increased load, which makes the person feel discomfort. There are also dangerous reasons why there is pressure in the right side under the ribs:

  1. Gynecological diseases. A feeling of squeezing is possible with salpingitis, ovarian tumor, rupture of the cyst or torsion of its leg, oophoritis, vulvoedia, endometritis, diverticulitis, adnexitis.
  2. Urological diseases. The feeling of pressure is caused by cystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation or infections of the urinary system.
  3. Tumors of the male reproductive organs.
  4. Inguinal hernia.
  5. Intestinal diseases.


The symptom is very common and causes a lot of trouble. Bursting pain in the right hypochondrium occurs when:

  • colitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • liver diseases: hepatitis, echinococcosis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the small intestine;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • duodenitis.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen in women

I would like to stop at gynecological diseases, which representatives of the opposite sex simply cannot have. Pain in the lower abdomen on the right in women is observed with:

  1. Endometritis. The pain caused by inflammation of the uterine mucosa can be either unbearably acute or aching, radiating to the sacrum. The disease is accompanied by a burning sensation and discharge.
  2. Uterine fibroids. With the subserous form the pain is acute, and with the submucous form it is aching. The disease may be accompanied by difficulty urinating and chronic constipation.
  3. Oophorite. Inflammation of the ovaries, in which aching pain is observed on the right side. The menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  4. Salpingite. Infectious inflammation fallopian tubes Severe pain. General state health deteriorates from intimate place there is discharge.

In men

It is worth talking in more detail about ailments of the genitourinary system that cause unpleasant symptoms, characteristic of those who represent the stronger sex. Pain in the right side in men occurs due to:

  1. Balanoposthitis. Inflammation of the head of the penis, accompanied by nagging pain in the abdomen.
  2. Cavernita. Inflammation cavernous bodies member. At acute form the man’s side on the right hurts and cuts a lot, with chronic aching.
  3. Colliculitis. Inflammation colliculus. Accompanied by a pulling feeling on the right.
  4. Presence of stones in the prostate gland. With this pathology, the right side hurts. It can affect the lower back.
  5. Prostatitis. The abdomen at the lumbar level hurts greatly.
  6. Prostate adenomas. A pressing feeling.

During pregnancy

Minor abdominal discomfort is normal for a woman in this position. If a pregnant woman has pain on her right side during pregnancy, this is caused by active growth of the fetus. It expands the internal organs, which makes it painful. In later stages, the baby kicks very actively. You should be wary if the discomfort came unexpectedly and does not go away for more than half an hour, the attacks are too acute, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication. If the condition worsens sharply in the first weeks, this may, unfortunately, be a manifestation of an ectopic pregnancy.

When coughing

The phenomenon is extremely common. If a person has pain in the right side under the ribs when coughing, he should be checked for the following diseases:

  1. Right-sided pneumonia. Painful sensations prove that the disease is at an acute stage.
  2. Dry unilateral pleurisy.
  3. Pancreatic dysfunction.
  4. Right intercostal space injuries. Until she is completely healed, coughing will be painful.
  5. Lung neoplasms on the right.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia.

After meal

The source of this phenomenon is problems with the organs of the digestive system. Pain appears in the right hypochondrium after eating from the following diseases:

  1. Chronic pancreatitis. Sensations during exacerbations intensify, accompanied by nausea and belching.
  2. Duodenitis. Aching contractions, radiating under the chest, shoulder blade. Occurs an hour after eating.
  3. Chronic cholecystitis. A dull, bursting feeling that can radiate to the shoulder or shoulder blade.
  4. Biliary dyskinesia. A dull aching feeling, which becomes acute during exacerbations, comes in attacks.
  5. Cholangitis. It hurts slightly, but unpleasantly.
  6. Bulbita. An aching sensation, sometimes cramping.
  7. Gastritis. Pain of varying intensity. They come after eating an hour or two.

When inhaling

Characteristic for a number of diseases this symptom. When you sigh, the right side hurts under the ribs from:

  1. Pericarditis. Acute pain, it becomes even more intense if you take breaths.
  2. Acute cholecystitis. It radiates to the back, lower abdomen.
  3. Myositis. With this disease, pain first occurs only with a deep breath, and then (with prolonged absence of treatment) becomes permanent.
  4. Renal colic.
  5. Thromboembolism of a large branch of the pulmonary artery. Cuts that become stronger when air is taken in.
  6. Subphrenic abscess.

Find out in more detail what to do if your right side hurts under the ribs.

When walking

WITH similar phenomenon Each of us is familiar and has encountered it at least once. If your right side hurts when running, this does not necessarily have to be related to diseases. Due to the sudden release of adrenaline, blood flow in the body becomes more intense. This leads to expansion of the vena cava, which puts pressure on the liver, thereby causing discomfort. Other causes of pain on the side when walking:

  • cholestasis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • inflection of the gallbladder;
  • appendicitis;
  • thrombosis of the vena cava.


If your right side hurts, then the causes of unpleasant feelings can be varied. Many internal organs are located in this part of the body.

It is difficult to immediately say which of them is causing these unpleasant sensations to a person. And even one organ can have various diseases that have just this one among their symptoms.

Pain as a symptom

Side pain can vary in intensity

In such a situation, there is no need to leave everything to chance or prescribe treatment yourself. It is best to consult a specialist at the first sign of concern. This advice is especially relevant if the pain in the side is severe.

Such a patient most often requires medical attention immediately. This pain may be due to the fact that the hollow organs (stomach, intestines, gall bladder) are not functioning properly.

It can become clogged or burst, and then death is possible if the patient is not treated promptly. health care. But even ordinary aching pain should not be endured for more than half an hour.

In this situation, the best solution would be to call an ambulance. It is quite possible that this is what will save a person’s life.

Feeling of pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, under the ribs

The cause of discomfort may be:

  • Consequences of injuries
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs,
  • Diseases of the nervous system,
  • Diseases of the muscles and bones of the body.

What diseases of the abdominal organs are accompanied by a similar symptom. The most severe pain occurs if a person’s normal functioning of the gallbladder is disrupted.

Also similar discomfort deliver cholelithiasis, especially if it occurs with complications; cholecystitis in acute and chronic form; diseases of the biliary tract; acute pancreatitis; Vater's nipple diseases. These diseases are characterized by pain at the top, in the right part of the abdominal cavity, under the rib.

With cholecystitis, a bitter taste is added to these sensations. oral cavity, high temperature, starts to feel sick. Many people think that cholecystitis changes the color of the skin to icteric, however, this is not true.

All this is true only in the situation if this pathology in functioning it occurs in an acute form. If the disease is chronic, then when it worsens, its manifestations resemble inflammation, which occurs in a complicated form:

  1. The pain is felt in the upper right side of the abdominal cavity, under the ribs.
  2. First, the person experiences attacks of pain, which become more frequent and become constant,
  3. The pain becomes more difficult to tolerate with any increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Even simple processes such as Czech, coughing and breathing aggravate this condition.
  4. Gallstone disease can go away without this symptom. The presence of stones in the bile bladder can be hidden from the patient for many years. Sometimes they are detected by chance during an ultrasound scan or when visiting a doctor for another disease.

The doctor will figure out what hurts in the right side

If this disease in a particular case is accompanied by pain, then it is very difficult to bear and has a stabbing nature. Sometimes it can radiate to other parts of the body: to the area of ​​the heart, right arm and shoulder blade, to the lumbar region.

The pain when an attack is in full swing is so unbearable that a person is ready to agree to anything if only such sensations would stop. The pain is accompanied by severe vomiting, which can be repeated many times.

In this state, a person rolls around on the bed, trying in vain to find a position in which the pain will become more tolerable. A person may have the same symptoms if he has a swollen Vater nipple.

This is the name of the place where the duodenum and bile ducts connect. It is not the tumor itself that causes discomfort, but the inflammation that accompanies this disease.

It occurs in the ducts that drain bile and is called cholangitis. Unpleasant sensations are localized on the left, in the upper abdomen, under the ribs. The pain is accompanied by high fever and associated chills. The skin becomes yellow in color.

If a person has dyskinesia of the bile excretion pathways, then the pain is concentrated in the right side. The duration of attacks and the nature of sensations are individual. They depend on the type of violation.

If the disease is of the hypertensive type. then the pain is concentrated in the liver area. It comes in sharp attacks of a cutting nature. If the disease has a hypokinetic form, it can occur without pain.

If this symptom is present, it is expressed by aching, continuous pain. The disease may be similar to biliary colic. Then the pain is just as strong and unbearable. Added to the symptoms are heart failure and fear caused by this condition.

The same symptoms are characteristic of myocardial infarction. Therefore, it is worth conducting additional research to exclude the possibility of medical error, which could lead to improper treatment of the disease. Usually, tests and an ECG are done to clarify.

In acute pancreatitis, pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen along the entire perimeter. Even my back and sides hurt. The cause of this disease is alcohol and unhealthy diet. If you do not change your lifestyle and do not start treatment, then death may soon occur.

Trauma is the cause of pain in the right side

Pain may be a symptom of a dangerous disease

Mechanical damage to the body in this part, in particular, a rib fracture or bruise, can also cause unpleasant feelings in this area.

The pain gets worse when moving. Worsening occurs even with coughing, sneezing and breathing. First, after an injury, the pain covers the entire area, later the sensations focus on the injured area.

What exactly is damaged in the injury, the external area or internal organs, is determined during the examination. For this purpose, ultrasound and radiography are performed.

Pain on the right side, as a consequence of herpes zoster

This disease is caused by the herpes virus. Symptoms of pain with herpes zoster are similar to those with pancreatitis, which occurs in a complicated form. At initial disease a person experiences unpleasant sensations on the left, but they can sometimes be localized on the right.

The pain is constant and has a strong cutting nature. As with pancreatitis, nausea often occurs, leading to vomiting. This makes diagnosis and, as a consequence, treatment very difficult. However, soon with shingles a rash appears on the abdomen.

It is so characteristic that any doctor can identify the disease. The rashes look like blisters arranged in a ribbon, hence the name of this pathology.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen

Pain is relieved with analgesics

In the middle of the abdomen on the right is the small intestine and the ascending colon.

Therefore, abdominal pain may cause disturbances normal operation specifically these parts of the human body.

These pains do not occur when eating, and are quite severe. This violation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Violation of the process of defecation.
  2. Bloating.
  3. Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  4. Stable reduction in patient weight.
  5. Blood or mucus in the stool. They can be present at the same time.
  6. Anorexia.
  7. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, localized below.

This symptom is characteristic of a wide variety of pathologies. Many of these diseases are similar in other ways.

A disease whose characteristic symptom is a painful sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen.
A very common cause of this condition is acute appendicitis.

First, a person begins to feel pain in the upper abdomen or the center area, where the navel is. After a certain time, it flows into the iliac region, located on the right. It is located slightly above the crease of the groin.

The symptom may be accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. Low fever, lack of appetite and vomiting are also possible. This disease is easily diagnosed during a medical examination using palpation.
Crohn's disease can also cause pain in this area.

If this disease occurs as a terminal ileitis, then the epicenter of pain is located in the iliac region, located on the right. The nature of the sensations is reminiscent of those experienced with acute appendicitis.

The similarity of other signs makes it difficult to determine the disease. Sometimes an accurate diagnosis is determined only when the patient is on the operating table. Appendicitis turns out to be normal, but inflammatory processes are visible at the end of the small intestine.

In women, pain of this type can be caused by gynecological diseases. Unpleasant feelings in the lower abdomen, on the right or left, or in the area above the pubis are often symptoms of a violation of the normal functioning of the appendages:

  • Salpingo-oophoritis,
  • Ovarian apoplexy,
  • Twisting of the stalk of the tumor located on the ovary,
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

With diseases of these organs, pain in this area is constantly observed. Often such diseases are distinguished by the following symptom: fluid is released from the genitals. It can have different character and consistency. Often patients feel a high fever.

All diseases of this sulfur are dangerous. With delayed or improper treatment, the following pathologies develop:

  1. Infertility,
  2. Bleeding,
  3. Pelvioperitonitis.

If there are unpleasant sensations in this part of the body, especially if they are accompanied by discharge, women who are pregnant urgently need medical help, or a miscarriage may occur.

How to treat pain in the right abdominal area

The pain can be very severe

No pain in the side separate disease, and the cause of pathological processes occurring in the body. This means that treatment must be comprehensive. Self-medication in such a situation is irresponsible.

Doctors often scold patients for neglecting themselves and not coming to their appointment on time. After all early treatment more effective and easier to implement.

  1. Avoiding fried, spicy and fatty foods - if there are problems with the gallbladder,
  2. Therapeutic fasting - for acute pancreatitis,
  3. Refusal of products containing coarse fiber, and spicy dishes - in case of disruption of the intestinal tract.

Treatment with medications

  • Inflammation of all organs - antibiotics,
  • Shingles - antiviral medications. Other treatment will only worsen the problem and is quackery,
  • Oncological diseases - radiation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy,
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics are painkillers for comprehensive treatment.

Surgical care for some diseases is the only way to preserve a person’s health, or even life. Applicable for:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy,
  2. Tumor located on the nipple of Vater
  3. Appendicitis,
  4. Gallstone disease,
  5. Crohn's disease, which occurs in certain types,
  6. Twist the legs of the tumor on the ovary,
  7. Apoplexy of the ovary.

Any pain is a malfunction of the body. Self-medicating by mindlessly taking pills that can dull the pain can be dangerous for normal well-being and life.

In a neglected state, even the medical care provided may not be effective, and it is not possible to save the patient. It is better to play it safe and contact a medical facility in time.

What does pain in the right side indicate? The answers are in the video:

If you have pain in the right side of your abdomen, in the upper part under the ribs or in the lower part, then the main thing you should not do is take painkillers.

Many vital organs are located here, and pain can portend serious problems. Anesthesia will change the picture and make diagnosis more difficult.

If the pain is acute or throbbing and localized in the navel area, then it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible so that he can rule out appendicitis.

They require an equally urgent response purulent inflammation, ectopic pregnancy, stone stuck in the ureter and other pathologies.

The nature of pain and some interesting facts

Pain is an interesting and not fully understood mechanism. Every year new discoveries are made in psychology, neuropsychiatry, physiology, pharmacology, which more fully reveal its nature and allow us to hope for a life without suffering in the future.

Approximately 500 inhabitants of our planet, due to heredity or brain injury, are not able to feel the unpleasant sensations of damage.

For these men and women, nothing ever hurts in the upper region under the rib, does not radiate to the leg or lower back, and is not felt in the navel area. But this does not bring them joy, because the “lucky ones” rarely manage to live even to forty years.

This is an illustration of the necessity of painful sensations. They warn of physiological discomfort and help identify and repair damage.

Most often, people encounter external injuries: bruises, cuts, burns, abrasions, pinching and similar phenomena accompany a person throughout childhood, but they are not so uncommon in adulthood.

The outer surface of the body, just under the skin, is especially densely supplied with nerve endings, which allows you to quickly find the damaged area, avoid further injuries and eliminate their consequences, such as bleeding. The pain is sharp, sharp, but does not last long, because the damage is quickly detected.

The next most frequently damaged parts of the body are bones, blood vessels, ligaments, and joints. They are equipped with nerve receptors to a lesser extent than the skin.

This means that it will not be possible to localize the damage in the same way; the pain is more dull, aching, intensifies when pressed and lasts much longer.

This mechanism allows a person not to “forget” that not everything is in order with the body and to take care until healing, for example, not to step on a broken leg.

Internal organs are in last place in terms of the frequency of damage, therefore they are supplied with even fewer nerve endings.

As a result, it can be difficult to accurately determine the nature and source of pain.

There are many organs in the lower abdomen and upper abdomen under the ribs, so it is not easy to determine what exactly hurts.

In the same way, it is difficult to determine whether the pain in which organ radiates to the leg, lower back or anus. However, an experienced clinician, based on the sensations in the body, finds that it has gone wrong and needs “repair”.

Appendicitis and other passions

The first thing that needs to be ruled out by a doctor who has been approached by a patient with complaints of pain in the right side of the abdomen is appendicitis.

There is a small appendage in the intestine, the appendix or simply the vermiform appendix. For some unknown reason, it sometimes becomes inflamed, which causes attacks of acute pain in the right side of the abdomen in the area of ​​the navel.

If you do not intervene in time, a perforation of the intestine may occur at the site of inflammation, its contents will fall into the cavity, which can lead to death.

It would seem that everything is simple - if there is pain on the right side closer to the navel area, you need to immediately rush to the hospital and order an operating room. But it's not that simple.

Location various organs V human body at different people may vary. The vermiform appendix may be located closer to the central part of the abdomen, then the pain radiates to the navel area.

If, when pressing on the abdomen, the pain is localized in the lower right abdomen, the appendix is ​​located in the lower right.

Also, appendicitis can “masquerade” as kidney and liver diseases. If it is located at the top of the intestine behind the cecum, then the pain radiates to right leg, back, groin and genital area, which may resemble pathology of the kidneys or ureter.

The appendix may also be located high up under the liver - in the upper abdomen under the ribs, in which case the pain can be confused with discomfort caused by the liver.

IN in rare cases the vermiform segment may be located in the left side of the abdomen, and then the pain is localized in the lower left.

Pain in the navel area can be caused by harmless intestinal colic, from which any antispasmodic will help.

This pain appears suddenly, does not radiate anywhere, is very strong and has a wave-like course, is localized in the central part of the abdomen, mainly around the navel, and may be accompanied by weakness and chills, possibly bloating.

If before a painful attack in the navel area you ate foods rich in fiber or chocolate, or drank strong coffee, then there is a higher probability that the discomfort in the navel area is caused by intestinal colic.

In this case, it is enough to take a pain-relieving pill and lie on your back for a while until the attack passes.

However, this can only be done if you are absolutely sure that the pain in the navel and bloating are caused by colic.

Decoding abdominal pain

Why does my stomach hurt at the top or bottom right? There are several organs in the upper abdomen, each of which is equipped with nerve receptors and can signal problems in it with unpleasant sensations of varying intensity, for example, at the top under the ribs or, conversely, in the lower abdomen.

Based on their nature, the doctor determines which organ is “playing naughty”; sometimes additional research is needed to clarify the diagnosis.

The main method of determining the cause of abdominal pain is palpation.

By pressing on various parts of the abdomen at the top or bottom, or under the ribs, the doctor can determine the presence of hernias, the size of organs, and decide on further diagnostic or therapeutic actions.

Self-diagnosis cannot replace the qualified opinion of a specialist, but it will help narrow the range of possible problems and assess the urgency of contacting a doctor.

So, in the upper abdomen under the ribs on the right there is hematopoietic organ, liver. As it increases, the patient may feel fullness, which intensifies when pressed.

Liver problems that cause discomfort in the upper abdomen under the ribs can arise for various reasons, from excess fatty and fried foods to severe infectious diseases.

Pain under the ribs in the upper abdomen may also indicate problems with the pancreas.

An inflamed duodenum can also cause sensations under the ribs on the upper side.

If the pain seems to encircle the abdomen from above, radiates to the lower back, and is accompanied by unrelieved vomiting and dry mouth, there is a possibility that this is an attack of acute pancreatitis, fraught with death of the pancreas, a vital organ.

Kidneys usually cause lower back pain, but some pathological conditions may cause pain in the upper and lower abdomen in the front, such as the passage of a stone.

If you drank a lot of liquids (beer, mineral water) or ate a lot of watermelon, perhaps this provoked the passage of a stone, which causes suffering, especially in men.

When the stone passes, the sensation is strong, aching pain replaces acute pain. In men, the suffering is greater due to the significantly greater length of the urinary tract.

Specific female abdominal pain

You've probably noticed that men have a lower tolerance for pain than weak women, and if you're a woman, you've probably made fun of knights without fear or reproach more than once, who can be knocked down by the usual flu.

In fact, there is no reason to be proud of this. Among women pain threshold higher than in men, since female sex hormones, estrogens, are a natural analgesic that men do not naturally have.

But in men, another hormone, adrenaline, is responsible for suppressing pain. That is why, even after being mortally wounded, a man is sometimes able to fight until his last breath.

Under the ribs in the upper abdomen there are organs common to all people, but pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies with pressure and often radiates to the leg, for example, to the inner thigh, can be a sign of purely female diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude two main conditions: ectopic pregnancy and rupture of an ovarian cyst, since they can lead to serious consequences for the body.

They are characterized by sudden, sharp, very severe pain, which can radiate to the anus, accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and even lead to fainting.

Ovarian rupture in polycystic disease often provokes sexual intercourse, and an ectopic pregnancy is felt a week or two after a missed period.

In both cases, it is necessary to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

The nagging pain in the lower abdomen that accompanies bloating can intensify when walking, which makes it possible to suspect one of the diseases of the female reproductive system: adnexitis, endometriosis, fibroids and others.

They are often accompanied by atypical vaginal discharge. Having discovered the listed symptoms, it is advisable to go for an examination to a gynecologist.

A person encounters unpleasant sensations below the solar plexus zone even at a tender age. The abdominal cavity contains most of the vital organs, and pain in this area can be a harbinger of dangerous diseases.

If stomach hurts on the right side, there can be several sources of discomfort, from the textbook inflammation of appendicitis to liver dysfunction due to overeating.

It is quite difficult to identify the culprits on your own. In most situations, health problems are caused by:

  • enlarged liver;
  • problems with the gallbladder;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • volvulus;
  • kidney stones;
  • accumulation of gases;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • constipation;
  • menstrual cycle.

The diagnosis should be made by a qualified physician. However, based on knowledge of human anatomy, you can try to find out the cause of pain. To do this, you need to characterize the process as accurately as possible using the following questions:

  • whether there was excessive physical exertion or hypothermia;
  • duration of the attack;
  • the nature of the pain is dull, sharp, pressing, growing, bursting;
  • whether there was a change in the location of the source of pain.

The important point is irradiation. If unpleasant sensations arise in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium and resonate in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, you can confidently diagnose. After clarifying the nature of the pain, you should move on to a more detailed localization of the lesion.

Pain in the right upper quadrant

Doctors conventionally divide the abdominal cavity into 4 quadrants, drawing 2 perpendicular lines from the navel.

The following organs are located in the upper right part:

  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder;
  • intestinal fragment.

Sometimes discomfort is caused by kidney disease. To identify the organ that causes pain, it is necessary to become familiar with the specifics of the diseases characteristic of them.

The liver is the most large gland, located in human body. It participates in metabolic and digestive processes and neutralizes toxins entering the body. The cells of this gland contribute to the production of bile and other important elements.


  • mild, aching pain that spreads over the entire surface of the upper right abdomen;
  • unpleasant sensations progress gradually, without spasmodic waves.

Interestingly, the liver does not have pain receptors and therefore does not hurt. Only its fabric capsule can cause discomfort. main reason discomfort - stretching resulting from an increase in the size of the liver.

Table. Common liver diseases.


Of all types of hepatitis, it is the safest. Occurs after consuming food or liquid contaminated with feces of an infected patient. As a rule, a similar situation occurs when water from sewage gets into food. Having recovered from Botkin's Disease, a person is completely healed.

An infection transmitted through mucous membranes or blood. The disease is considered chronic and cannot be completely cured. At successful therapy periods of remission of 5 years can be achieved.

It is transmitted through the transfusion of infected blood, through unsterilized needles or products with traces of infected blood. The course of the disease is similar to hepatitis B, but in a more severe form. Often leads to disability and even death.

Medicines and others chemical substances cause irreparable damage to the liver because they are toxic elements. Alcohol is considered the most dangerous long-term use which this organ destroys.
Flatworms and roundworms can invade the liver. It's all because of the active metabolic process, occurring in this organ. Acne, cracked heels, peeling nails are alarm bells for the presence of helminths. With a well-organized course of treatment, complete recovery is possible.

Pathological changes in liver tissue, in most cases leading to death. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, it manifests itself through fatigue, dry mouth, flatulence and jaundice. The most common causes of cirrhosis are hepatitis C and alcohol addiction.

The listed diseases are far from full list possible ailments when pain appears in the right side of the abdomen.

This organ is responsible for the formation of bile reserves. Since it is hollow, which implies that pain prescriptions are found exclusively on its walls, discomfort occurs when it is stretched or inflamed.


  • before an attack, bloating of the abdominal cavity appears, especially after eating fatty or fried foods;
  • in contrast to “aching” liver pain, the unpleasant sensations can be described as sharp and tingling;
  • at the peak of painful manifestations, nausea appears, turning into vomiting;
  • With inflammation of the gallbladder, high fever and chills are possible.

The pain manifests itself quite noticeably in the right upper quadrant. In some cases, it can radiate to the back and right shoulder blade.

Table. Common gallbladder diseases.


Gallstone disease occurs through the formation of stones in the cavity of the bladder or bile ducts. Occurs due to a lack of bilirubin and impaired cholesterol metabolism. Accompanied by jaundice, weak aching pain in the right side of the abdomen and decreased performance. Small stones can be passed out of the body by taking medication. Large formations must be removed surgically or by extraction method.

Malfunctions of the gallbladder and ducts. The disease is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium and alternating absence of defecation with its manifestation in a liquid state. Such disorders are caused by a poor flow of bile into the intestines.

This disease develops against the background of cholelithiasis. Due to irritation of the bladder shell, pathogenic bacteria enter inside, causing inflammatory processes. Accompanied by sharp pain in the right side under the ribs, high fever and nausea. To prevent the disease from developing into a chronic form, treatment must begin when the first signs of cholecystitis appear.

If you experience pain in the gallbladder area, you should immediately consult your doctor. If measures are not taken in time, the gallbladder may be removed.

Digestive gland located deep in upper section abdominal cavity. Responsible for processing proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It produces digestive enzymes and insulin.


  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • increased lower blood pressure;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • flatulence.

Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas are always accompanied by a decrease in body weight.

Table. Common diseases of the pancreas.


The attack occurs with acute pain, profuse sweating and vomiting. Unlike the symptoms, characteristic of diseases gallbladder, pain radiates to the back. When lying down, the discomfort increases. If you sit down and lean forward slightly, the pain subsides. The chronic form develops into pancreatic insufficiency, but is treatable.

When tumors form, compression of the bile duct occurs and jaundice appears.

The pain that occurs with diseases of the pancreas is easily identified. It rapidly intensifies and prevents the patient from lying down.

This is a paired organ responsible for the production of urine. Main function kidney - excretory, expressed in filtration, secretion and reabsorption of certain elements. They are located on the posterior walls of the abdominal cavity.


  • swelling;
  • a decrease or pathological increase in the amount of urine produced;
  • change in color and the appearance of blood in urine;
  • lower back pain radiating to the stomach;
  • colic;
  • increased blood pressure.

Against the background of these manifestations of diseases, loss of appetite and sharp weight loss are observed.

Table. Common kidney diseases.


The formation of stones leading to irreversible changes in the kidneys and urinary tract. The disease can be triggered by hypervitaminosis D, hypovitaminosis A, problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract. At risk are men aged 20 to 40 years. The disease is accompanied by severe burning pain in the lower back and lower section abdomen, difficulty urinating, high fever and unpleasant smell emanating from urine. Recommended conservative treatment or surgical removal of stones.

An infectious disease that affects the interstitial tissues of the kidneys. May be provoked coli or staphylococci. Accompanied by chills, nausea, increased body temperature, and pain in the side. Delayed treatment can lead to blood poisoning.

Kidney diseases occupy a leading position in the list of pathological processes occurring in the human body.

Pain in the right lower quadrant

In this zone there are:

  • organs of the female reproductive system;
  • ureters;
  • appendix;
  • intestinal fragment.

The most common cause of pain in this area is inflammation of the appendix.


There is an unspoken rule: the culprit of pain in this part of the abdominal cavity is considered to be inflammation of appendicitis until proven otherwise.


  • the pain is pronounced, localized at one point;
  • unpleasant sensations continue for a long period of time without easing;
  • discomfort is felt not only in the lower right part of the abdomen, but also in the navel area.

Damage to the appendix causes irritation of the peritoneum, and as a result pain.

Also, the culprits of pain in the right side of the abdomen include compression of the vertebral nerves and ectopic pregnancy. If pain in the abdominal cavity does not subside, you need to call a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Video - Why does the right side in the lower abdomen hurt?

When a person has abdominal pain on the right side, this is a serious cause for concern. Many pathological processes that can develop in the body, manifesting themselves as pain, are dangerous to human life or pose a threat of complications.

It is important to promptly find out the reasons why the right side of the abdomen hurts in order to have an idea of ​​the necessary treatment.

There are many reasons for discomfort. The majority of them are serious diseases that require immediate medical attention.

Factors that can influence the development of diseases:

  • Not healthy image life;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • having contact with people infected with viruses;
  • nutrition is not normal;
  • long-term fatigue syndrome;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • lack of hygiene.

If pain appears in the abdomen on the right, this may mean the development of a disease in one of the organs:

  • acute attack of appendicitis;
  • pathologies in the right ovary in women or prostate gland in men;
  • movement of stones along the ureter;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas.

Types of pain

There are several types of pain. Pain is divided into types according to localization, degree of manifestation, and nature of manifestation. Based on the location, the doctor can make an assumption about the disease; this will not be a diagnosis, but the construction of assumptions, on the basis of which the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis after examining this area

By localization they are divided:

  • Painful sensations in the right side under the ribs. Often, this sign indicates diseases of the kidneys, liver, bile excretion tract, gastrointestinal tract, the development of one of the forms of myocardial infarction, an attack of appendicitis, pneumonia of the lower lobes.
  • Discomfort in the right middle may indicate volvulus, appendicitis, or kidney disease.
  • Pain in the lower right part of the peritoneum indicates the possible development of renal lesions, the likelihood of appendicitis, diseases of the appendages in women, pathologies of the bladder, and the presence of an inguinal hernia.

Nature of pain:

  • aching;
  • spicy;
  • blunt;
  • pulling;
  • cutting;
  • throbbing;
  • cramping;
  • constant;
  • periodic attacks.

Pain is a common symptom. Pain can be severe or mild, but such a measure is not used to determine the pathological process, since the pain threshold is individual for each person, and knowledge of the degree of pain can be misleading when making a diagnosis.

Pathologies and symptoms of diseases

Pain in the right side of the abdomen is caused by a number of ailments, the symptoms of which will differ from each other, which will help determine what caused their appearance.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the stomach or duodenum, have different manifestations. With gastritis, a person’s appetite decreases, painful sensations appear on the right side under the ribs, sour belching and problems with stool often occur.

Duodenitis is characterized by pain that begins to appear on the side of the right shoulder blade or the side of the lumbar region, sometimes the pain is girdling. Additional symptoms are: bitter belching, weakness, increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, loose stools.

Ulcerative lesions of the duodenum are manifested by discomfort on the upper right side of the abdominal cavity. The pain can be of a different nature, for example, dull or cramping, or acute pain is possible. It is characteristic of an ulcer that it has periods of rest, when the disease does not manifest itself with pronounced symptoms. Symptoms ulcerative lesion similar to previous pathologies, belching, attacks of vomiting or nausea occur. Difficulties often arise during defecation.

Pathological processes in the liver or bile excretion pathways

Cholecystitis without stone formation is an inflammatory process that affects the biliary tract. Pain for this disease is typical in the right hypochondrium. Painful sensations can intensify if the diet is not followed, that is, when consuming fatty, spicy, smoked foods, carbonated or alcohol-containing drinks.

Hepatitis is acute or chronic pathology liver. This disease manifests itself as jaundice or pallor. skin, lack of desire to eat food, weakness, itchy skin, weight loss. Many people experience increased body temperature and discomfort under the ribs on the right side.

When stones form inside the bile ducts, pain occurs, which can radiate to the shoulder blade or shoulder area. The malaise is manifested by progressive pain, which may intensify during stress or shaking when traveling or changing weather conditions. During an attack, people suffering from this disease feel severe, unbearable pain. Attacks of vomiting or nausea occur less frequently.

Biliary dyskinesia is considered a malaise in which the flow of bile into the intestines is disrupted. Dyskinesia can manifest itself in hypertension or hypotension of the gallbladder. Hypotension causes weakness, aching discomfort, and a feeling of heaviness. Hypertension manifests itself in the form of discomfort in the navel and right hypochondrium. The pain is often sharp, cutting, which resembles gallbladder colic. Moreover, such attacks are accompanied by cholecystitis.

With appendicitis, painful sensations occur that are stabbing, cutting, and sharp in nature. In this case, pain may temporarily appear on the left. Often there are difficulties with bowel movements, nausea or vomiting.

During the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, pain occurs in the right iliac region, which returns in attacks. Enteritis is accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea or rumbling sounds.

Pain with an inguinal hernia is transient. The onset of pain often occurs after heavy lifting or physical exertion. Usually the discomfort goes away after the person lies down on a horizontal surface.

Diseases of the kidneys and bladder are manifested by painful urination, headache, vomiting, and pale skin. In some pathologies, swelling appears and body weight increases. Changes appear in the urine, which takes on a red tint, has a strong odor, and becomes cloudy. If a patient has reflux due to pyelonephritis, then urine is not removed from the ureters, but returns to the kidneys.

Ailments in women

Pain in the right side of the abdomen in women most often occurs during pregnancy. This is due to the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the abdominal organs. Women no less often have problems with the intestines or kidneys, especially during the period of bearing a child, when the body is exposed to huge pressure. Displacement of the small intestine, pressure on the gallbladder or liver, and pressure on the ureter may occur. Such pathologies require attention, especially during pregnancy. Attacks of discomfort may go away after childbirth or, conversely, worsen, so it is important to monitor your health.

With an ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes or ovaries, cyst formation or ovarian rupture, pain also appears.

All these conditions are extremely dangerous for humans, but it is difficult to identify the cause of pain without diagnostics. Pain in the right lower abdomen can sometimes occur before menstruation. If it is not strong, then it does not pose a danger. Unpleasant sensations can occur during sexual intercourse, and during physical activity the nature of the pain is often acute.

Helminths, which can appear not only in adults, are manifested by painful sensations on the right side. Helminthiasis, enterobiasis, ascariasis can be detected by discomfort only at certain stages.

Diagnostic measures

Most pathological processes have similar symptoms, so it is difficult to determine the disease that caused the pain. Modern methods diagnostics make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, which will subsequently affect therapy. The doctor examines the patient, palpates, and then prescribes diagnostic procedures. You will definitely need to take basic blood tests (general, biochemical), urine, and, if necessary, stool tests. An analysis of the intestinal mucosa is done.

You will need to undergo ultrasound, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, fluoroscopy, CT and MRI (only if absolutely necessary), and endoscopy. Research procedures are basic and additional ways examinations are prescribed by the doctor. In order for the diagnosis to be complete, it is necessary to visit doctors: a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist, a urologist, and if necessary, a cardiologist and a surgeon may be required.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of pain will depend only on the cause that caused it. If the discomfort was caused by an attack of appendicitis, then drug therapy will be powerless, and the help of surgeons will definitely be required. The same applies to rupture of the ovary, fallopian tubes, and ectopic pregnancy in women. Surgical intervention will be required for stones in the bile ducts that could not be removed using drugs or procedures.

Inflammatory processes are often treated by using medicines. Therapy can be symptomatic if the identified pathology does not pose a serious threat to the person. But it is better to get rid of the cause of the pain immediately, as it can have serious consequences.

You should know that in addition to drug therapy In case of intestinal pathologies, diet will be required. The diet is prescribed in individually for each person, taking into account the characteristics of the disease or possible reactions to products.

Important! Treatment with herbs or other folk remedies for pain on the right side often does not bring positive results. There is no need to focus on such treatment methods. But if you clarify this point during a consultation with a doctor, then with his permission you can use folk remedies in combination with medications, procedures, and dietary nutrition.

Possible complications

The most dangerous complication of any of the above diseases is death. If pathology is not detected in time and therapeutic measures are not started, the risk of worsening the disease increases. Oncology may develop; for men, deviations can affect potency or the ability to conceive a child. Untreated diseases threaten women with infertility and loss of certain organs of the female body.

Prevention methods

Experts do not provide any preventive methods that can 100% protect against pain on the right side in the lower abdomen, however, you can reduce the risk of developing pathological processes that cause pain. First of all, you should adhere to the correct healthy eating, especially if painful sensations have already appeared before. A balanced diet, avoiding the use of freeze-dried and semi-finished products, can improve general health person.

It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and give preference to daily walks. First of all, this is necessary for people with sedentary work, since staying in one position for a long time can aggravate the condition. It is better to give up smoking and alcohol abuse. It is not necessary to give up drinking alcohol completely; drinking a glass of quality wine once a week will not hurt if your body is healthy.

It is important to remember that a timely visit to the doctor is considered no less effective in preventing diseases. If you detect pathology at an early stage of its development, you will be able to avoid long, exhausting treatment and a strict diet. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to visit a doctor at least once a year.


If a person has a stomach ache on the right side, this is a serious reason to seek help from a doctor, especially for pain that appears repeatedly. Timely treatment will allow you to avoid many dangerous consequences and complications for the body.

It is important to remember that self-medication or the use of traditional medicine can cause a lot of harm to the body if you choose the wrong drug or dosage. Therefore, one should not neglect the help of doctors and should not consider mild attacks as harmless manifestations.

Thank you

One of common reasons anxiety and doctor visits among patients is pain in right side or back. This symptom accompanies the development of many diseases of various organs. Some of them are very dangerous and can lead to death. That is why, if you experience pain in the side on the right, you must consult a doctor to determine the causes.

Pain localized in the right side, with various diseases differs in nature and location.

Character of pain in the right side

In some cases, the localization of pain corresponds to the location of the affected organ. The pain can be of different types: dull and aching, sharp and sharp, constant or periodic. This pain occurs when the pancreas is damaged (pancreatitis).

Sometimes pain appears if the peritoneum is involved in the inflammatory process. At the same time, its location is well determined. It is more often characterized as burning, sharp or stabbing. The intensity increases when changing position, running, walking, or raising your arm.

If you feel such pain in the right side, then it is necessary to exclude surgical diseases:

  • appendicitis;
  • perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • intussusception and volvulus.
If pain occurs when the diaphragm is damaged (hernia may be the cause), then it intensifies with breathing and coughing, and radiates to the arm (shoulder area).

One of the manifestations of pain in the right side may be umbilical colic. It manifests itself as a sharp, periodic, cramping pain, which is caused by increased peristalsis or intestinal distension. Occurs more often during or after eating. It is felt in the area near the navel, with nausea, pallor, and vomiting. Colitis and enterocolitis are accompanied by the appearance of umbilical colic. Prolonged and severe colic-type pain in the right hypochondrium indicates diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia).

IN separate category“referred” pain should be highlighted. This is pain from the internal organs, which is carried out on certain areas of the skin. In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, it can radiate to the scapula, and in diseases of the pancreas and duodenum, it radiates to the back and lower back, and is also felt under the ribs on the right and left.

Localization of pain in the right side

1. Pain in the right side above:
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • liver diseases;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • diseases of the right kidney;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • right lower lobe pneumonia;
  • appendicitis;
  • abdominal form of myocardial infarction.
2. Pain in the right side in the middle:
  • volvulus or intussusception;
  • appendicitis;
  • diseases of the right kidney.
3. Pain in the lower right side of the abdomen:
  • kidney damage;
  • damage to the uterine appendages;
  • bladder diseases;
  • appendicitis;
  • inguinal hernia.

When does aching pain occur in the right side of the lower abdomen?

If you have pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, the pain is aching, dull, then you should suspect some diseases.
In women, these may be the following pathologies:
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • appendicitis;
  • right-sided adnexitis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract of the hypotonic type;
  • cholelithiasis.
Pain in the lower right side may also indicate the moment of ovulation of an egg from the ovary.

Men most often experience pain in the lower right abdomen due to the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • appendicitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract of the hypotonic type.
But quite often in men, the cause of such pain can also be an inguinal hernia.

Diseases accompanied by pain in the right side

Diseases of the stomach and duodenum

Gastritis. It is characterized by dull, mild periodic pain in the right side under the ribs and sternum, appearing more often two hours after eating, or on an empty stomach in the morning. Patients complain of decreased appetite, belching of sour air, constipation or diarrhea.

When dull aching pain in the right side under the ribs and sternum, which can appear 1 - 2 hours after eating or on an empty stomach, combined with vomiting, heartburn, sour or bitter belching, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, the doctor prescribes the following examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) (sign up);
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Detection of Helicobacter Pylori in material collected during FGDS;
  • The presence of antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori (IgM, IgG) in the blood;
  • Level of pepsinogens and gastrin in blood serum;
  • The presence of antibodies to gastric parietal cells (total IgG, IgA, IgM) in the blood.
The same studies and tests above are prescribed for pain in the right side that appears several times a day, subsides on its own, has any character (aching, cramping, stabbing, cutting, dull, etc.), which can be combined with heartburn, belching, nausea, vomiting, constipation.

In practice, in most cases, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, a blood test for the presence of antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori and fibrogastroduodenoscopy, since these examinations make it possible to diagnose gastritis and duodenitis with high accuracy. Computer or magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed instead of fibrogastroduodenoscopy if technically possible, if a person cannot undergo FGDS. An analysis of the level of pepsinogens and gastrin in the blood is usually prescribed as an alternative to FGDS if it is possible to perform it, but in practice this study is not used very often, since it almost always has to be done in a private laboratory for a fee. But an analysis for antibodies to gastric parietal cells is prescribed only if there is a suspicion of atrophic gastritis, and often instead of FGDS, when a person cannot undergo it.

If there is a sharp cramping pain in the right side, appearing with pain in the navel area, occurring periodically after or during meals, combined with nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, bloating and pale skin, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Analysis of stool for worm eggs;
  • Stool analysis for scatology and dysbacteriosis;
  • Stool culture for clostridia;
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to clostridia;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Colonoscopy (make an appointment) or sigmoidoscopy (sign up);
  • Irrigoscopy (intestinal x-ray with contrast agent) (sign up);
  • Blood test for the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and antibodies to Saccharomycetes.
First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, stool tests for worm eggs and scatology, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and colonoscopy. These studies usually make it possible to make a diagnosis and begin treatment. However, in doubtful cases, irrigoscopy may be additionally prescribed. If it is suspected that pain in the right side is associated with taking antibiotics, a stool culture for clostridia and a blood test for the presence of antibodies to clostridia are prescribed. If irrigoscopy, colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy cannot be done for some reason, and the patient is suspected of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, then a blood test is prescribed for the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and antibodies to Saccharomycetes.

For pain in the right side, combined with itching and yellowing of the skin, decreased appetite, weakness and slight increase body temperature, requires contacting an infectious disease specialist or hepatologist, since such symptoms indicate a high risk of hepatitis. The doctor must first prescribe blood tests to detect hepatitis, such as:

  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis B virus (Anti-HBe, Anti-HBс-total, Anti-HBs, HBsAg) by ELISA;
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus (Anti-HAV-IgM) using the ELISA method;
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis D virus (Anti-HAD) using the ELISA method;
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis A virus (Anti-HAV-IgG, Anti-HAV-IgM) using the ELISA method.
In addition, a biochemical blood test (bilirubin, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin) and coagulogram (APTT, TV, PTI, fibrinogen).

If antibodies to hepatitis C or B viruses are detected in the blood, the doctor prescribes a blood test to determine the presence of the virus using the PCR method, which will assess the activity of the process and select treatment.

With a dull aching pain in the upper part of the right side, radiating to the shoulder and scapula, which intensifies with stress, changes in weather, when eating fatty and rich foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks or shaking, becoming stabbing and cutting, and is combined with nausea, vomiting or bitter belching, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, a general urinalysis, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, retrograde cholangiopancreatography, as well as a biochemical blood test (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, elastase, lipase, AST, ALT). If technically possible, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is also prescribed.

With intense sharp, cutting, dagger pain in the right side, which is combined with darkening of the urine, skin itching and light stool, the doctor must prescribe a general blood and urine test, a biochemical analysis of stool (amylase in the blood and urine, pancreatic elastase, lipase, triglycerides, calcium), scatology, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and, if technically possible, an MRI. These studies allow you to diagnose pancreatitis.

At periodic pain in the right side and at the same time in the groin, radiating to the leg, provoked physical activity, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and also performs an external examination and, in some cases, performs an X-ray of the intestines and urinary organs with contrast.

When pain in the right side is localized in the back, combined with pain in the lower back, pain when urinating, swelling in the face, headache, elevated temperature body, blood in the urine, the doctor must prescribe Kidney ultrasound (sign up), general urine analysis, determination of the total concentration of protein and albumin in daily urine, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko (), Zimnitsky test (), as well as a biochemical blood test (urea, creatinine). In addition, the doctor may prescribe bacteriological culture urine or scraping from the urethra to identify the pathogenic causative agent of the inflammatory process, as well as determination by PCR or ELISA of microbes in scraping from the urethra. If glomerulonephritis is suspected, the doctor may additionally prescribe the following tests:

  • Antibodies to the basement membrane of the glomeruli of the kidneys IgA, IgM, IgG (anti-BMK);
  • Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, ANCA Ig G (pANCA and cANCA);
  • Antinuclear factor (ANF);
  • Antibodies to phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R), total IgG, IgA, IgM;
  • Antibodies to complement factor C1q;
  • Antibodies to endothelium on HUVEC cells, total IgG, IgA, IgM;
  • Antibodies to proteinase 3 (PR3);
  • Antibodies to myeloperoxidase (MPO).
When the pain is localized in the upper right side, combined with high fever, cough, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, painful hiccups or chest pain when swallowing, the doctor will first of all prescribe a general blood test, a general urine test, x-ray chest(sign up) and microscopy of expectorated sputum. If the disease is difficult to treat, then the doctor may prescribe tests of blood, sputum and bronchial swabs for the presence of chlamydia, gardnerellosis, fecal bacteroids, etc.), to identify which they donate vaginal discharge, scraping from the urethra or blood;
  • Colposcopy (make an appointment).
  • If there is very severe pain in the right side, which is combined with blistering rashes in the rib area, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for antibodies to viruses of the herpes family. However, with this pathology (shingles), tests are usually not prescribed, since the visible picture and the patient’s complaints are enough to make a diagnosis.

    In addition, with periodically appearing and spontaneously disappearing pain in the right side, regardless of accompanying symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a stool or blood test to detect helminths (roundworms or pinworms).

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.