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The seminal tubercle or mound in men. Seminal tubercle - health potential consultation

Colliculitis is male disease, which is characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the area of ​​the seminal tubercle. The seminal tubercle is very small in size, but at the same time plays very important role V male body. Any disease can cause serious harm health, which is why the disease should be quickly diagnosed and treated.


The anatomy of the spermatic tubercle has a number of features and distinctive features, therefore, this element of the reproductive system should be considered in more detail. It is a characteristic elevation, located on back wall urinary canal of the prostate region. The length reaches no more than 2 cm, and its width is only 0.5 cm; despite such modest dimensions, the tubercle performs very important functions. The arterial branches of the arteries that pass through the vas deferens are responsible for the blood supply to the organ. The venous system has a lacunar structure, so during erection the size of the seminal tubercle increases.

Seminal tubercle

The seminal tubercle has a slit-like depression, which medical practice nicknamed the male queen. The vas deferens pass through the tubercle and are located on both sides of the prostate. The formation of these parts occurs due to the connection of the excretory tracts of the seminal vesicles and the vas deferens. The vas deferens have special openings with muscle pads that have little strength. They expand on either side of the colliculus region. During ejaculation, the ejaculatory ducts expand, causing seminal fluid comes out through urethra.

With normal development of the body in a middle-aged man, the vas deferens reach about 15 centimeters in length.

The seminal tubercle is the center of a cluster of important nerve endings that are responsible for the implementation of sexual arousal in a man. After all, they are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the presence of a sexual pathogen. Any impact on the tubercle worsens reproductive functions men, which is associated with weak potency. That is why one of the most serious complications colliculitis is infertility. The treatment of the problem must be approached comprehensively, with the main forces directed towards combating the cause of the disease, otherwise a positive result will not be achieved.

Before proceeding to treatment of colliculitis, the stage of the disease should be determined. This will allow correct diagnosis and choose the most appropriate one, as well as effective therapy. There are three forms of inflammation of the seminal tubercle:

  1. Primary. In this case, infection occurs through the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the urinary tract through sexual contact, including the anal and oral varieties.
  2. Secondary. Inflammation of the tubercle occurs due to damage to neighboring tissues, for example, the prostate, epididymis or the wall of the urinary canal. It should be clarified that with this form it is possible to become infected through the lymph and hematogenous routes, which is a consequence inflammatory process, concentrated in the joints, gallbladder, intestines, tonsils or oral cavity(caries).
  3. True. Occurs as a result of disruption of innervation, as well as blood circulation in the tissues near the seminal tubercle, which may be a consequence of stagnation of fluids in the organs reproductive system. This process is relevant for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and also experience problems with constipation, severe sphincter tension, and prolonged abstinence from ejaculation after arousal.

There are 3 stages of the disease in men

Each of these stages of development has a number of features that are mostly manifested in characteristic manifestations And necessary methods treatment. Any inflammatory disease has a chronic and acute form, colliculitis is no exception.

The disease has no characteristic manifestations, since in most cases it is combined with other inflammations. However, most often the disease is diagnosed when other illnesses are suspected. The main symptoms of colliculitis in men are as follows:

  • pain in the groin area, there is a feeling of presence foreign body, severe discomfort, giving into the scrotum and bottom part abdomen, going down to the knee;
  • the presence of bloody impurities in male semen and urine, as evidenced by changes in these fluids;
  • the stream of urine is intermittent and thin, this is due to strong swelling of the tissues of the seminal tubercle, as a result of which the urinary canal is blocked;
  • not very pronounced and vivid sensations during ejaculation;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • burning during ejaculation;
  • sudden erection, which is beyond the control of a man, but during sexual intercourse, on the contrary, it can disappear;
  • Involuntary ejaculation may occur during defecation.

Characterized by pain and burning in the groin

These manifestations occur due to chronic irritation that develops with colliculitis, this is a consequence of the impact on important nerve endings, they are responsible for transmitting signals to the spinal areas that regulate the process of arousal and ejaculation. The impulse is transmitted permanently, as a result of which the normal functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted.

If there are signs of pathology, you should contact medical institution, where a specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis, a urologist or venereologist is responsible for this. First of all, the doctor must conduct a visual examination and talk with the patient about the complaints, which will establish the duration of the development of the disease and the degree of damage to the body. Taking an anamnesis determines the presence of other ailments that could cause colliculitis. Play a huge role in diagnosis laboratory methods examinations:

  • carry out urine and blood tests;
  • take a smear of the urethra for microscopic examination;
  • culture to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process;
  • PCR examination;
  • semen examination;
  • study of the composition of prostate secretion.

The main diagnostic method if there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process of the seminal tubercle is urethroscopy. This procedure is carried out using special device– a urethroscope, it allows a specialist to visually examine the affected area. Almost always, the endoscopic picture of the disease manifests itself in the form of changes in the area of ​​the colliculus, since inflammation exclusively of the seminal tubercles is a rare manifestation. The specialist may notice a significant change in the configuration of the colliculus, hyperemia, looseness, swelling, and bleeding of the mucosal surface.

Tests are required

Interstitial colliculitis manifests itself in the form of a rougher and denser surface of the seminal tubercle, while its color changes to paler, which is especially evident against the background of other tissues. In some cases, you can notice minor bubble-like formations on the tubercle. Ulcerative lesions provoke the appearance of ulcers and entire areas of erosion with a coating of fibrin. The atrophic form is accompanied by a decrease in the size of the colliculus. If the pathology is accompanied by vesiculitis, then during examination you can notice purulent discharge, the source of which is the vas deferens or the prostate gland. The presence of scars indicates a past history of poor quality surgical intervention, for example, cauterization.

Inflammation of the seminal tubercle in men requires complex treatment, primarily with the use of antibiotics, but it is important to consider that the use of medications will be required narrow spectrum actions, since general-purpose products show insufficient effectiveness. In addition to the above method, urethral instillation, shading with silver nitrate, and physiotherapy are used. If there is a hypertrophic change in the tubercle, the method of electrical resection is carried out.

Treatment will be much faster if the main methods of therapy are combined with traditional methods. In this case, blue cornflower flowers, parsley decoction and freshly squeezed cranberry juice have proven themselves to be excellent. If the disease occurs in a mild form, then you can use propolis-based suppositories, which are administered rectally, enemas with eucalyptus and warm baths with calendula infusion. The advantage of these agents is that they act directly at the site of localization of the inflammatory process, which can significantly reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms.

In some cases, patients use mud baths, all kinds of concentrated extracts and alcohol tinctures. But they are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, since in some forms of the disease and the presence of associated factors, these drugs lead to dangerous complications. In this case, it is very important to comply with the established dosages and fulfill all the requirements of the specialist.

When combined traditional medicine with folk you can achieve good results

It is important to consider that an integral part of treatment is eliminating the cause of the disease. If you forget about this, then you can get only a temporary effect or the symptoms will not disappear at all. During therapy, the patient should abstain from sexual intercourse, adjust his diet, tidy up his psycho-emotional state, minimize the likelihood of hypothermia and get more rest. IN for preventive purposes need to strengthen protective functions body, which will help improve general condition health.

There is no need to delay treatment, since prolonged inflammation alters the surface of the tubercle, causing it to become rough and insensitive. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of sexual life and even calls into question the reproductive functions of a man. To eliminate this side effect Only surgical intervention and a long period of rehabilitation will be required.

If treatment is completely absent or incorrect therapy is carried out, then a number of serious complications can occur. The situation gets worse if there is concomitant diseases. TO possible complications The following manifestations include:

  • infertility;
  • problems with urination;
  • impotence.

If the disease is neglected, it can lead to infertility.

There is no need to delay therapy, since every day the problem will only get worse, which will allow the inflammatory process to spread to neighboring tissues and organs. Like other diseases, the easiest way to treat colliculitis is to initial stages development. Prolonged inflammation of the tubercle can cause disruption of its functioning even with complete elimination of the symptoms of the pathology.

Preventive actions

The reproductive system consists of a number of organs that are very sensitive to negative factors external and internal environment. That is why it is important to implement a prevention policy to prevent the development serious illnesses, which may call into question the possibility of procreation. The main rule is to practice safe sex using barrier contraceptives.

To the main preventive measures relate:

  • timely treatment of diseases of the urinary system, especially such dangerous illnesses, like urethritis and prostatitis;
  • chronic illnesses should be managed responsibly, e.g. diabetes;
  • need to have sex regularly;
  • hardening;
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • improve psycho-emotional state;
  • do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • use condoms.

Inflammation of the seminal tubercle is a dangerous disease, since this part contains important nerve endings that are responsible for a man’s reproductive abilities. First of all, during this illness, discomfort appears in the groin area, as well as. At the first signs of illness, you need to contact a medical institution, where a specialist will conduct a quality examination, including urethroscopy. The treatment of pathology must be started comprehensively in order not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also to reduce the possibility of relapse of the disease and its complications.

Colliculitis is a disease manifested by inflammatory processes on the posterior walls of the prostate of the male ureter. In its standard form, it is a small protrusion that is located immediately in the prostatic zone of the urethra.

Its length is about two centimeters, its height does not exceed four millimeters. Various infections that fall into this zone begin to develop quite acute inflammation, involving the colliculus itself in the process.

The symptoms of such a disease directly depend on the level of development of the inflammatory process.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of colliculitis is considered to be an inflammatory process occurring in the seminal tubercle and caused by infections with pathogenic bacteria, which may include gonococcus, chlamydia, streptococcus, mycoplasma, and staphylococci.

It is customary to distinguish between two variants of infection – primary and secondary. In the first case, infection can be acquired during intimate relations, when an infection enters the ureteral canals. In the second option, the inflammatory process develops due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria from the infectious zone. They can penetrate from the kidneys, pass through the blood or lymphatic vessels.

Doctors highlight another reason for the appearance of this disease - disruptions in the blood supply. This occurs due to congestion in the pelvic area, which is caused by sedentary lifestyle life. Interrupted sexual intercourse also influences the development of the disease.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Men especially characteristic symptoms no colliculitis. Because pathological processes disappear with simultaneous damage to other organs and tissues, some signs characteristic of prostatitis or another disease are noted genitourinary system:

  1. Pain in the groin area, radiating to the scrotum, inner thigh, lower abdomen. There may be discomfort in the rectum, accompanied by feelings of fullness or the presence of a foreign object.
  2. During ejaculation, slight tingling, pain and even burning occur, the whole process is disrupted.
  3. When urinating, due to the blocking of the lumens of the canal, the stream will be weak and intermittent, the process is accompanied by pain.
  4. Traces of blood appear in urine and semen.
  5. With constipation or hard stools, spontaneous ejaculation of semen may occur.
  6. Erection becomes uncontrollable, painful and inadequate, and simply absent during sexual intercourse.

Necessary research

Having discovered the first signs of the disease, you should immediately visit a venereologist and other specialists. The doctor will prescribe clinical examination, interview the patient about all existing complaints, clarify the duration and frequency negative manifestations, the presence of pathologies of a concomitant or chronic nature.

During laboratory research, blood and urine tests are performed, a urethral smear is taken for microscopic examination and culture on a nutrient medium to detect pathogens.

PCR diagnostics are performed and seminal fluid is taken for testing.

The main way instrumental examination for colliculitis – . This is an examination of the ureteral canal using a device that helps to visually examine all parts of the urethra.

The doctor is able to determine significant increases in collicular size, swelling, looseness, and bleeding of the mucosa. Sometimes on the collicle there are quite small formations in the form of bubbles that grow.

At the time of ulcerative damage, erosions and ulcers covered with fibrin plaque can be distinguished. During an atrophic disease, the colliculus even decreases in size.

When the disease is accompanied by prostatitis or vesiculitis, examination can reveal purulent accumulations in the vas deferens.

Purpose of treatment course

Treatment of colliculitis is prescribed taking into account the nature of the existing pathologies. If a bacterial process is present, then special medications with a wide range of effects are prescribed. As a supplement, painkillers are prescribed.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes a procedure for his patient - infusion of medicinal compounds into the ureteral canal. Microenemas are performed, suppositories are placed, and hormonal and vitamin complexes are taken.

Taking the course therapeutic treatment, necessary:

  • abstain from sexual relations;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • minimize stressful situations;
  • exclude cases of hypothermia of the legs and pelvic area;
  • examine your sexual partner and, if necessary, treat him.

In the past as therapeutic method cauterization of the affected areas with a solution of silver nitrate was used. Today, modern medicine casts great doubt on this method.

Such a procedure may not only not improve the patient’s condition, but also damages the tissue, which then leaves traces of scarring.

Painful manifestations worsen, the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment decreases, orgasm disturbances occur, and infertility may occur. It is not recommended to use a laser on the colliculus.

Modern medical specialists summarize everything known methods practical treatment, excluding those that can cause at least some harm to the body. If you agree with your doctor, you can use folk remedies who will play the role additional funds treatment.

In some cases, oil and fat preparations made from vaseline oils, sea buckthorn, rose hips, fish oil. If the therapeutic treatment does not achieve the desired results, then surgical intervention is prescribed. In this case, the affected areas of the colliculus are excised with an electric knife.

Remember that any treatment must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. In this case, the characteristics of the patient’s body and the treatment of associated pathological changes are taken into account. The consumption of alcohol-containing drinks and spicy foods is completely excluded.

People's Pharmacy

With its help you can provide positive impact for treatment. The tincture of cornflowers has proven itself to be excellent.

Must be used very carefully alcohol infusions. Care should be taken when using mud therapy or using concentrated extracts.

Each remedy will give its positive result, but you should know exactly how and in what dosages they are used.

If the disease does not occur in an acute form, warm baths and microenemas based on mineral water will help greatly. Mud tampons placed on the perineum also work.

Possible complications

If treatment is not organized or carried out in a timely manner on our own, then in the urogenital tract the following may occur:

  • disturbances in the emission of urine;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.

There is no need to delay treatment procedures. Having identified the first signs of the disease, you need to visit a doctor and begin a course of treatment, because colliculitis is easier to defeat with its initial stages. Long-term inflammatory processes can impair the functioning of the spermatic tubercle even after the inflammatory process is cured.

Preventive measures

There is nothing complicated here. The measures are the same as those used during the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. main feature– protection during sex with the help of condoms. In addition, you need to fulfill some requirements:

  1. Conduct preventive examinations to identify and treat certain diseases. This is especially true for identifying infectious diseases, which can usually be transmitted through sexual intercourse. This examination is especially important before marriage.
  2. You should not enter into an intimate relationship with a woman if she is menstruating or undergoing treatment for any infectious diseases.
  3. You should be wary of casual sexual contacts with untested partners.
  4. Correct pathological diseases.
  5. Maintain regular sexual relations and safe sex.
  6. If a condom is damaged during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use Miramistin. The drug is poured into the urethra, the area of ​​the head of the penis is pressed with your fingers, and held for fifteen minutes. After this procedure, you need to urinate.
  7. If possible, avoid excessively prolonged sexual stimulation that remains unresolved.
  8. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and harden the body.
  9. Feeling suspicious signs in the form of pain or itching, you should not self-treat.
  10. The body needs to be given sufficient physical exercise. Jumping rope is recommended. All this helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Paying attention to your health, attending preventive examinations, and showing interest in test results should be inherent in every person. After all, every deviation from the norm, even a minor one, indicates that there is a possibility of a serious illness that should begin to be treated in the initial phase.

Colliculitis is an inflammatory lesion of the seminal mound (otherwise known as tubercle, follicle), the so-called colliculus, located in the posterior region of the urethra near the prostate gland and having approximate dimensions of 20mm x 5mm x 5mm. In the area of ​​the colliculum there are receptors that are responsible for the formation of the sensation of orgasm, a cavity (male uterus), as well as the openings of the vas deferens.

In world medical practice, the diagnosis of “colliculitis” does not appear (probably due to the fact that isolated inflammation of the seminal tubercle is an extremely rare phenomenon), but is widely used in the post-Soviet space.

Types and causes of colliculitis

Colliculitis in most cases is of infectious origin and develops against the background of an existing lesion of the urogenital tract (for example, with prostatitis - inflammatory pathology prostate gland, urethritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, etc.), this option is called “secondary colliculitis”. If the causative agent of the infection can be differentiated, this is indicated when making a diagnosis. Thus, chlamydial colliculitis often accompanies the course of chlamydial urethritis, when both anterior and posterior areas urethra. Colliculitis can also develop after suffering from epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), vesiculitis (seminal vesicles of inflammation) and other diseases of the genitourinary system. Sometimes the infection is introduced into the colliculus from relatively distant organs (kidney, tonsil, gallbladder, joint, teeth affected by caries, etc.) through the flow of lymph or blood. Treatment of colliculitis is carried out specific drugs in accordance with the nature of the pathogen.

In some cases, the disease may have non-infectious nature. The so-called interstitial colliculitis (hypertrophic, surrounding).

In addition to interstitial colliculitis, Vasiliev A.I. (1913) were highlighted the following types diseases:

  • catarrhal superficial chronic colliculitis;
  • granulomatous;
  • ulcerative granulomatous superficial;
  • atrophic;
  • pachydermatic;
  • desquamative;
  • mixed.

Primary colliculitis can occur with direct damage to the spermatic tubercle as a result of infection during sexual contact (the pathogen enters through the urethra). However, even in such a situation, inflammation, as a rule, simultaneously affects other nearby tissues and organs.

True colliculitis can be the result of impaired blood circulation in the collicular tissues due to congestion in the pelvic veins, in the prostate (for example, with an inactive lifestyle, prolonged sexual intercourse, chronic constipation, long-term sexual abstinence, frequent practice of coitus interruptus, etc.).

Depending on the type of development and extent of the inflammatory process, the disease can be acute or chronic. In addition, there are different forms of the disease:

  • atrophic (with the formation of dense scars);
  • with soft infiltration (volume connective tissue small);
  • with solid infiltration (with a predominance of connective tissue elements).

Symptoms of colliculitis

There are no characteristic signs of inflammation of the colliculus. Since the pathology occurs with simultaneous damage to other organs and tissues, corresponding manifestations of prostatitis, urethritis or other diseases of the genitourinary system are noted, such as:

  • pain in the groin, radiating to the scrotum, inner thigh, lower sections abdomen; discomfort in the rectum, groin, feeling of fullness, presence of a foreign object;
  • tingling, pain, burning during ejaculation (due to spasm of the posterior urethral region, leading to pinching of the inflamed colliculus); process disturbances
  • urination due to blockage of the lumen of the urethra by swollen tissues (weak, intermittent stream, pain);
  • the appearance of traces of blood in urine/sperm;
  • spontaneous ejaculation during defecation with hard stool, constipation;
  • uncontrolled, inadequate, painful erection with disturbances of the latter, up to complete absence, during sexual contact;
  • loss of orgasm, etc.

Methods for diagnosing and identifying the disease

First of all, if any unpleasant symptoms from the genitourinary system appear, you must contact a specialist - a urologist, venereologist, etc. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination, interview the patient about existing complaints, the duration and intensity of manifestations, the presence of concomitant and chronic pathologies etc.

Laboratory research methods involve:

  • blood tests (general, biochemical);
  • urine analysis (general, with cultural examination, “three-glass test”, etc.);
  • urethral smear for microscopic examination, culture on nutrient media to identify the pathogen;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • analysis of seminal fluid, prostate secretion.

Main method instrumental diagnostics if colliculitis is suspected (also used to differentiate various forms pathology) is urethroscopy - examination of the urethra using a urethroscope, a device that allows you to visualize all parts of the urethra. As a rule, the endoscopic picture of the disease is characterized by changes in the colliculus area during posterior urethritis, while localization of inflammation only in the seminal tubercle is extremely rare. In this case, the urethroscopist reveals a significant increase in the size of the colliculus, its swelling and hyperemia, looseness and tendency to bleeding of the mucous membrane. Interstitial colliculitis is manifested by a denser, rougher surface of the seminal tubercle and its paler color compared to the surrounding tissues. Sometimes the doctor may detect small bubble-like formations and polypous growths on the surface of the colliculus.

At ulcerative lesions erosions and ulcers with fibrin deposits are observed. In the atrophic form of the disease, the colliculus is significantly reduced in size. If the pathologies accompanying colliculitis turn out to be vesiculitis and/or prostatitis, then during the examination purulent discharge from the prostate ducts and vas deferens may be noticeable. The presence of scar changes may indicate previously inaccurate urethroscopy or inadequate therapy (cauterization).

Treatment of colliculitis

Treatment of colliculitis is determined by the nature of the underlying pathology. If there is a bacterial process in the urogenital tract, a course is prescribed antibacterial drugs (wide range actions or depending on the type of pathogen). Additionally, painkillers are prescribed. In some cases, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo urethral instillation (infusion into the urethra medicines), microenemas, suppositories, taking hormonal and/or vitamin preparations, at the recovery stage, undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures (for example, iontophoresis of magnesium sulfate, potassium iodide). During the therapeutic course it is recommended:

  • abstinence from sexual intercourse;
  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • minimizing stressful situations;
  • avoiding hypothermia of the legs and pelvic area;
  • examination and, if necessary, treatment of the sexual partner.

The effectiveness of the once widespread treatment method of cauterization with a solution of silver nitrate has been questioned. modern specialists. Such a procedure not only does not improve the patient’s condition, but, in some cases leading to tissue damage and scarring, aggravates painful manifestations and reduces the effectiveness of the main therapy, and can also cause impaired orgasm, obstruction of the vas deferens (and therefore infertility). Also not recommended laser exposure on the colliculus. It is worth noting here that modern medicine follows the path of generalizing practice, thereby simplifying its task. The approaches are such that if a method can potentially cause harm, then this method is excluded from practice, because the main postulate of medicine is Do no harm. This method of exclusion removed almost everything that could be useful. At the same time, instillation of a solution of silver nitrate more often has positive effect in treatment, but to have side effects maybe only in individual cases. All this once again indicates that treatment must be approached individually.

In consultation with the attending physician, in addition to the main treatment, it is possible to use drugs traditional medicine. For example, in the case of an atrophic variant of the disease or colliculitis with solid infiltration, infusions of oil/fat preparations based on Vaseline oil, sea buckthorn oils, rose hips, fish oil, etc. In the absence desired result from conservative therapy it is possible to carry out surgical intervention– excision of hypertrophied fragments of the colliculus using an electric knife (transurethral electroresection).

In any case, treatment of colliculitis in men should be carried out with regular monitoring by a qualified doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, and treatment of concomitant pathologies based on international medical standards.


In the absence of treatment or inadequate therapy, colliculitis and its accompanying pathological changes from the urogenital tract can cause:

  • urinary disorders;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.

You should not delay treatment. At the first appearance of the symptoms described above, it is necessary to immediately take action to identify the disease and begin treatment. As with any other disease, colliculitis is much easier to treat in the initial acute stage. Prolonged inflammation of the seminal tubercle can lead to a significant deterioration in its functioning even after the inflammation has resolved.


There is nothing outstanding in the prevention of colliculitis. These are the same measures that are typical for any disease of the male genitourinary system. The basic rule is protected sex using a condom. But it would not be amiss to list them again. The main measures to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system, including colliculitis, are:

  • timely detection and adequate treatment of recurrent/chronic diseases (prostatitis, urethritis, etc.);
  • correction of chronic pathological conditions(diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • regular sex life;
  • safe sex;
  • compliance with the rules healthy image life and personal hygiene;
  • hardening;
  • avoiding hypothermia, overheating, stress, etc.

Diseases of the reproductive system in men in most cases manifest themselves quite noticeably, with many unpleasant and painful symptoms. Basically, the signs are visible immediately, but there is a danger of damage to those tissues that are inside and it is not always possible to find out about the problem right away. To such insidious and dangerous diseases include inflammation of the seminal tubercle or as it is called colliculitis.

The seminal tubercle is located on the posterior wall of the urethra of the prostatic part. It acts as a partition that prevents ejaculate from entering the bladder during sexual intercourse. The top of the tubercle is represented by a slit-shaped opening, to which the ejaculatory ducts pass.

The urethra is surrounded by folds in which the a large number of glands responsible for ejaculation, and the nerve endings that make up the epithelium are responsible for erection. Irritation of these endings leads to inflammation of the epithelium and disrupts the basic function.

Colliculitis inevitably leads to disorders of the reproductive system. Neuroses arise, natural emissions are accompanied by discomfort and pain, and premature ejaculation may occur with impurities of blood or fluid characteristic of inflammation.

Causes of inflammation

The close location of the tubercle to the wall of the urethra gives reason to consider the disease as a form of manifestation of urethritis, but most experts identify the inflammatory process as a separate ailment.

There are many causes of inflammation of the seminal tubercle. The main culprit is considered to be infection. Once it enters the body, it spreads lymphatic system throughout the body, including the hard-to-reach tubercle.

There are two types of colliculitis:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary inflammation of the seminal tubercle occurs as a result of infection for the first time and is usually treated as an independent disease. Secondary inflammation occurs against the background of previous illnesses or as a concomitant disorder of other body systems and, of course, the reproductive system. The infection provokes swelling of the gland and epithelium surrounding the tubercle.

Colliculitis quite often occurs as a complication after previously suffering:

  • urethritis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • epididymitis.

The cause of the primary infection can be sexual contact, often occurring against the background of sexually transmitted diseases. The lesion covers soft tissues and glands.

The following factors play an important role in the occurrence of inflammation:

  • Lifestyle;
  • random connections;
  • infectious diseases of other organs;
  • weakened immunity.

In addition to infection, injury may also be the cause. reproductive organ or nearby tissues, congenital as well as acquired pathologies in the structure and functioning of the bulbourethral and any other gland, as well as nerve endings.


Each man experiences the disease individually, and the symptoms often differ significantly. Signs and symptoms may appear immediately or may not occur until irreversible consequences occur.

Among the main symptoms of colliculitis are:

  • discomfort when urinating;
  • changes in urine color;
  • blood in urine;
  • swelling of the gland;
  • feeling of fullness;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum and scrotum;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • painful emissions;
  • decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

All symptoms may occur at the same time or appear gradually. In many ways, everything depends on individual characteristics, the cause of the disease, and its neglect.

Ways to combat the disease

Treatment is prescribed after diagnosing the disease and finding out its cause. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a urologist. Self-medication in this case is dangerous with serious consequences, and the lack of treatment leads to disorders in the sexual sphere, sometimes irreversibly.
Treatment of the inflammatory process is aimed at suppressing acute symptoms and the infection that caused the disease.

Modern medicine is considering several treatment regimens. Usually it can relieve inflammation complex treatment, including:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies;
  • surgical intervention.

Antibacterial therapy

This treatment is used to suppress the causative agent of the inflammatory process. For treatment to produce results, it is necessary to complete the full course, even if there is improvement and symptoms disappear.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Of the gentle ones, but at the same time effective methods, use urethral lavage and quenching with silver nitrate solutions.


Surgical treatment is the only way to get rid of the disease if there is hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle, damage to the gland or inflammation has led to the formation of polyps.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine methods are not used as the only effective treatment, but only how additional therapy. With the help of infusions and decoctions they remove sharp pain and others unpleasant symptoms diseases. It is prohibited to use alcohol tinctures for local application so as not to lead to burns of soft tissues and glands in the area of ​​inflammation.


The chances of a full recovery depend on timely diagnosis and timely treatment. It is important to follow all doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate. During therapy and not only it is necessary to follow a diet, not to eat foods that irritate the bladder, to exclude casual relationships, but also to prevent hypothermia of the body.

Even a common cold can make the condition worse. After surgery it is necessary long recovery, despite the gentle resection method. Soft fabrics in the area of ​​the seminal tubercle heal slowly and at times painfully, so excessive stress will only aggravate the situation.

The seminal tubercle (colliculus seminalis; synonym: seminal tubercle, Kulikovo head, mountain dart) is an elevation on the posterior wall of the prostatic part of the urethra. It has a length of 1.5-2 cm, a width of about 0.5 cm, a height of 0.2-0.3 cm. It consists mainly of smooth muscle fibers and connective tissue elements. The seminal tubercle contains a slit-like depression called the male utricle, which is visible in the center of it during urethroscopy. The ejaculatory ducts pass through the thickness of the seminal tubercle, and in most men they penetrate from both sides through the lateral lobes of the prostate gland; their length is from 12 to 18.5 cm. They are formed from the fusion of the vas deferens and the excretory ducts of the seminal vesicles. Their openings, which have weak muscle pads, open on both sides of the cavity of the seminal tubercle. During ejaculation, the openings of the ejaculatory ducts expand, which contributes to the ejection of ejaculate into the lumen of the urethra. The blood supply to the spermatic tubercle is carried out by the arterial branches of the arteries of the vas deferens. The venous system has a lacunar structure, which allows the seminal tubercle to enlarge during erection. The spermatic tubercle has both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.
Anatomical diagram
genital organs in men

1. Bladder
2. Vas deferens
3. Seminal vesicle
4. Prostate
5. Seminal tubercle
6. Excretory ducts of prostate lobules
7. Cooper's glands
8. Urogenital diaphragm
9. Urethra
10. Corpora cavernosa penis
11. Testicles with appendages
12. Scrotum.

Physiological role The spermatic tubercle is involved in erection (blood filling and stimulation of the penis), ejaculation (ejaculation), orgasm and the ability to perform the function of the valve of the ejaculatory duct.
The most common form of pathology of the seminal tubercle is inflammatory processes of a nonspecific and specific (usually tuberculous) nature.


Inflammation of the seminal mound - colliculitis - occurs as a result of the transition of the inflammatory process from the posterior part of the urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicle and epididymis. The proximity to the excretory ducts of the acini of the prostate gland, which open on the posterior wall of the urethra, causes infection to penetrate into the seminal tubercle during inflammation of the prostate gland. In the presence of urethritis, especially posterior urethritis, inflammation spreads to the seminal tubercle. Some experts believe that colliculitis is posterior urethritis, in which changes in the seminal mound predominate. This is partly true, since with posterior urethritis, as a rule, changes in the mucous membrane of the seminal mound predominate. But this is secondary, or superficial colliculitis, in most cases it does not have independent symptoms. It manifests itself as superficial inflammation in the form of hyperemia and edema.
Inflammation of the seminal mound can be dominant, and in the mucous membrane surrounding the posterior part of the urethra, reactive changes are secondary. In this case we're talking about about true or primary colliculitis, which occurs as a result of impaired innervation and blood circulation in the seminal mound. The abundance of its vascular connections with neighboring organs leads to congestion in venous and other vascular disorders in the pelvic organs in general and in the prostate gland in particular.
Depending on the degree inflammatory infiltration and development of connective tissue, the following clinical and morphological forms of primary colliculitis are distinguished:
1) colliculitis with soft infiltration - a small amount of connective tissue;
2) colliculitis with solid infiltration, connective tissue elements predominate (colliculitis dura);
3) colliculitis with the development of dense scar connective tissue - atrophic colliculitis.
Most often, true colliculitis occurs in a chronic form. Clinical manifestations of colliculitis are characterized by diversity. Mainly discomfort or Blunt pain in the perineal area, a feeling of tickling and burning in posterior section urethra, especially during urination, sensation of a foreign body in the anal area. These are inadequate, i.e., erections not caused by sexual arousal. Orgasm can be interrupted by unpleasant pain, since during ejaculation a convulsive contraction of the posterior part of the urethra occurs, which leads to pinching of the inflamed, eroded seminal vesicle. The appearance of a few drops of blood in the semen (hemospermia) is also a symptom of this disease. With chronic colitis and constipation, hard stool may cause pain in the perineum and ejaculation.
The main method for studying the seminal tubercle is urethroscopy, which allows one to evaluate not only its size and configuration, but also indirectly judge morphological changes. Secondary, or superficial colliculitis is characterized by slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the seminal mound, an increase in its volume to 0.5 times the lumen of the urethroscope tube, hyperemia without a tendency to bleeding. The mucous membrane of the posterior part of the urethra is edematous, loose, with severe hyperemia, and is easily injured. In primary colliculitis, changes in the seminal mound predominate. With a mild infiltrative process, the seminal mound reaches a significant size and can almost completely close the lumen of the tube, causing dysuric phenomena (intermittent and weakened stream of urine). The mucous membrane is loose, edematous, hyperemic, the vascular pattern is not distinguishable. Often the surface of the mucous membrane is eroded and bleeds easily, making examination difficult.
Colliculitis with solid infiltration is characterized by less magnification, the seminal mound reaches 0.5 of the tube lumen, the mucous membrane has a pale tint, it is often possible to distinguish the vascular pattern, the uterus and the orifices of the ejaculatory ducts. With atrophic colliculitis, the seminal mound is reduced in size, the mucous membrane is pale with a whitish tint, sometimes spotted. Fine details of the seminiferous mound are indistinguishable.
Treatment should be etiotropic and pathogenetic. Treatment must be comprehensive. It includes general medicinal (primarily anti-inflammatory) therapy and physiotherapy, local effects (lubrication with 5-15% solutions of silver nitrate), treatment of concomitant diseases of the urethra and accessory sex glands. The presence of papillomatous formations and granulations on the seminal tubercle may serve as an indication for their transurethral coagulation or resection. In case of irreversible sclerotic changes in the seminal tubercle, accompanied by the absence of sperm, purulent obstructive inflammation of the seminal vesicles, transurethral resection of the seminal tubercle is performed.

Hypertrophy of the seminal vesicle

Hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle - the seminal tubercle with this developmental anomaly is increased in size. The degree of its increase can be different; with a large degree, the seminal tubercle can completely block the lumen of the urethra.
Enlargement of the seminal tubercle is diagnosed using ascending urethrocystography. A contrast agent is injected into the urethra and the image reveals a defect in the filling of the urethra in its posterior section.
Treatment of hypertrophy of the spermatic tubercle is surgical. Endoscopic surgery is performed. The seminal tubercle is removed through the urethra.