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Medical and health tourism as the main type of tourism. Babkin A.V. Special types of tourism

Currently, the tourism industry in the world is one of the most dynamically developing areas in international trade in services. Over the past 20 years, the average annual growth rate in the number of foreign tourist arrivals in the world has been 5.1%, and foreign exchange earnings - 14%.

The tourism sector is represented by various directions, types and varieties. Medical and health tourism refers to special types of tourism.

The concept of medical and health tourism is determined by its belonging to the tourism industry, as well as its medical and health specialization.

The concept of “tourism” is considered in various aspects. In this work, the definition given in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” is taken as a basis. The law states that tourism is “temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for country (place) of temporary stay."

In the context of this definition, destinations and types of tourism are identified, which are classified on various grounds.

The concept of health tourism is not clearly defined in the theoretical literature, although it is actively used in publications.

An analysis of the study of theoretical sources shows that a number of researchers (I.V. Zorin, V.A. Kvartalnov, A.S. Kuskov and others) classify medical and health tourism as a category of recreational tourism or resort and health tourism and define it as trips with the purpose of rest, recovery and treatment, restoration and development of physical, mental and emotional strength.

At the same time, many tourism theorists distinguish medical and health tourism as a separate, independent type of tourism, which has its own characteristic features, specific goals and objectives, and development trends. Such researchers should include A.V. Babkina, Yu.A. Alexandrov and a number of other authors.

In this study, we will adhere to the understanding of medical and health tourism as an independent special type of tourism.

The main characterological feature of medical and health tourism is its focus on achieving the following goals: recreation; recreation (restoration); health improvement; treatment.

Based on the opinion of authoritative authors, set out in the textbook by A.V. Babkin “Special types of tourism”, we can define medical and health tourism as a special type of tourism, which “involves the movement of residents and non-residents within state borders and beyond state borders for a period of at least 20 hours and no more than 6 months for health purposes , for the purpose of preventing various diseases of the human body."

The essence of medical and health tourism is determined by such concepts as “medical and health area”, “resort”, defined Federal law Russian Federation “On natural healing resources, health-improving areas and resorts”. According to this law:

  • - medical and recreational area - a territory that has natural healing resources and is suitable for organizing treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as for recreation of the population;
  • - resort - a specially protected natural area developed and used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which has natural healing resources and the buildings and structures necessary for their operation, including infrastructure facilities.

Medical and health tourism is based on the science of balneology. Resortology is the science of natural healing factors, their effects on the body and methods of use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The main sections of balneology are briefly described below.

Balneology is a branch of balneology that studies medicinal mineral water, their origin, physicochemical properties, effect on the body in various diseases, developing indications for their use in resorts and in non-resort conditions.

Balneotherapy - methods of treatment, prevention and restoration of impaired body functions using natural and artificially prepared mineral waters in resorts and in non-resort conditions.

Mud therapy is a method of treatment and prevention of body diseases using peloids (therapeutic mud of various origins) at resorts and in non-resort conditions.

Climatotherapy is a set of methods for treating and preventing diseases of the body using dosed exposure to climatic and weather factors and special climatic procedures on the human body.

Resortography - a description of the location and natural conditions of resorts and resort areas with a description of their therapeutic factors, balneotherapeutic, climatotherapeutic and other conditions for treatment and recreation.

In accordance with the indicated sections of balneology, types of medical and health institutions are distinguished - resorts, where medical and health tourism is mainly carried out.

A resort (from the German “kur” - treatment, “ort” - area) is an area that has healing factors and the conditions necessary for their use.

In world practice, the concept of a resort includes the concept of both recreation and sanatorium, that is spa services is also part of resort and health, or medical and health tourism. Based on the above, a number of authors (I.V. Zorin, V.A. Kvartalnov, S.A. Kuskov) identify this type of tourism as resort and health tourism.

Certain requirements are imposed on resorts as objects of medical and health tourism:

  • 1) the presence of natural healing factors that provide normal functioning resort;
  • 2) necessary technical devices and buildings for rational use resort factors (swimming pools, mud baths, beaches);
  • 3) specially adapted premises for treatment and housing (sanatoriums, rest homes);
  • 4) the presence of treatment and preventive institutions that provide medical care for patients and vacationers;
  • 5) the presence of health facilities, sports facilities and playgrounds;
  • 6) the presence of public institutions, institutions Catering, trade and consumer services, cultural and educational institutions;
  • 7) convenient entrances and means of communication;
  • 8) landscaped territory, engineering structures providing electricity, water supply, and sewerage.

The specialization of any resort is determined by resort factors - natural healing factors used for the purposes of prevention, therapy and medical rehabilitation sick at resorts. The main resort factors include: landscape and climatic conditions; healing mud; mineral water. Based on these factors, all resorts are divided into 6 types:

  • - balneological mud resort - a type of resort where mineral waters and therapeutic muds dominate as the main healing factors;
  • - balneoclimatic resort - a type of resort where the main therapeutic factors are climate and mineral waters;
  • - balneological resort - a type of resort where mineral waters are used as the main healing factors (for internal and external use);
  • - mud resort - a type of resort where the main therapeutic factors are therapeutic mud;
  • - climate-kumis-therapeutic resort - a type of resort where the steppe and forest-steppe climate and kumiss - a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk - are used as the main therapeutic factors;
  • - climatic resort: seaside climatic resort and mountain climatic resort.

Along with the main types, transitional (mixed) resorts are distinguished, occupying an intermediate position. They use several natural healing factors at once, for example, mineral waters and mud or climate and mineral waters.

Transitional resorts are relatively widespread in Europe and attract a growing number of tourists.

The system of medical and recreational recreation institutions includes the following types: sanatoriums, sanatoriums, boarding houses with treatment, separately functioning resort clinics, water and mud baths serving vacationers on courses.

All medical and health institutions have a strong material base. This is due to the fact that relaxation in them is combined with treatment, which requires serious medical equipment.

The medical equipment of health care institutions depends on two reasons: the main natural healing factors that are used in the health resort, and on its profile.

The most important principles of organizing sanatorium-resort treatment are: complexity, accessibility of treatment, focus, a unified system for monitoring health status and the effectiveness of treatment before, during and after a stay at the resort.

The most important principle of sanatorium-resort treatment is its complexity, that is, the use of a variety of natural healing factors in combination with diet therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, drug therapy and other methods.

The main natural healing factor is climate. Along with the climate, mineral waters and medicinal mud are also used. Required elements Treatment and recovery at resorts include therapeutic exercises, health paths, sports games, and physical therapy.

For the effectiveness of spa treatment, general resort, sanatorium and individual regimes are of particular importance.

The general resort regime applies to the entire territory of the resort and is regulated by the rules of procedure at this resort.

It includes the regulated work of resort-wide diagnostic, medical and resort facilities, as well as noise control.

The sanatorium regime is the routine and rhythm of life in the sanatorium, which determines a certain periodicity of influence on the patient.

The sanatorium regime provides both general rules for all patients, as well as individual instructions and recommendations of the attending physician regarding the patient’s daily routine and the implementation of treatment prescriptions.

An individual regimen is compiled individually for each patient and is determined after the first conversation with the doctor. It depends on the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition and can be training, when an increased impact of procedures is used, or gentle - with a limitation in the amount and intensity of the applied therapeutic effect.

Your stay at the sanatorium can be divided into three stages:

  • - initial period (adaptation), in which a gentle regimen is applied and is not yet prescribed in full healing procedures; this period coincides with the examination of the patient and usually does not exceed 2-3 days;
  • - the main treatment period, during which the treatment complex is fully implemented (on average 20 days);
  • - the final period (2-3 days), when a gentle regimen is reintroduced and patients rest after completing the treatment cycle.

The specifics of medical and health activities determine the features of medical and health tourism.

Firstly, your stay at the resort, regardless of the type of illness or disease, must be long, at least three weeks. Only in this case the desired healing effect is achieved.

Secondly, treatment at resorts is expensive. Although relatively cheap tours have recently begun to be developed, this type of tourism is designed mainly for wealthy clients who are increasingly focusing on something other than the standard package. medical services, but for an individual treatment program.

Another feature is that older people go to resorts. age group when chronic diseases worsen or the weakening body is unable to cope with everyday stress at work and at home. Accordingly, these tourists make a choice between resorts specializing in the treatment of a specific disease and resorts mixed type, which provide restorative effect on the body and help restore strength.

Recently, the health tourism market has been undergoing changes. Traditional sanatorium resorts are ceasing to be places of treatment and recreation for the elderly and are becoming multifunctional health centers designed for a wide range of consumers.

Modern transformations of resort centers are due to two circumstances. First of all, by changing the nature of demand for medical and health services. Comes into fashion healthy image life, and all over the world there is a growing number of people who want to maintain good physical shape and need restorative anti-stress programs. These are mainly middle-aged people who prefer leisure and limited in time. According to many experts, consumers of this type will be the main clients of health resorts and a guarantee of the prosperity of health tourism in the 21st century.

The second reason for the reorientation of resorts is that their traditional support, including financial support, from municipalities and the state is being reduced. Health resorts are forced to diversify their product in order to enter new segments of the consumer market and attract new customers.

While maintaining the therapeutic function, resorts make the program of stay for patients more varied and hold cultural and sporting events. They offer a wide range of health and recuperation services. Thalassotherapy has recently been very popular in seaside hotels; the Anti-Cellulite and Phyto-Beauty-Rejuvenation 2 programs are also in high demand. The duration of treatment courses, development and implementation of resort service standards are becoming more flexible.

Technological features of medical and health tourism are manifested in the following characteristics.

  • 1. Goal: recovery, treatment, relaxation.
  • 2. The organization of this type of tourism requires specific recreational resources (climate, mineral waters, mud).
  • 3. When organizing medical and recreational trismus, it is necessary to ensure the safety of potential clients.
  • 4. Medical personnel must be present at health tourism centers.
  • 5. High level of service and comfort in customer locations.
  • 6. Specific client culture: middle-aged and older people and people with poor health predominate.
  • 7. Seasonality (especially in European resorts).
  • 8. Predominance of intraregional trips.
  • 9. Availability different options nutrition.

The specific features of medical and health tourism are taken into account when developing resort and health tours.

The programs of medical and recreational tours are varied, but there are general specific requirements for the organization of just such tours. When preparing a tourist product, it is necessary to remember that this is being done for people who want to relax and improve their health. Therefore, it is necessary to plan and create a marketing mix of a tourist product that will most successfully satisfy the needs and requests of customers during a wellness holiday.

The marketing mix is ​​a combination of all the qualities of a service that attract a client: price, convenience, quality of medical care, identification, level, duration.

Health tour programs are built taking into account the fact that consumers of travel services need to devote approximately half of their time to medical and health procedures.

The excursion program of the tours should not be too intense. When organizing leisure programs, it is necessary to give preference to healthier events such as competitions, dance evenings, quizzes, as well as hobby activities that allow you to diversify your leisure time.

Sports programs are allowed in the form of easy walks and hikes in the surrounding area, simple sports competitions, aerobics classes, shaping, swimming and others.

At the same time, it is recommended to create in resort areas that tend to family vacation, resort and tourist complexes that allow healthy family members to engage in sports and tourism, and those in need of treatment to receive treatment and relax.

Resort programs, depending on the location of the tour, may include special sea health procedures, relaxation in solariums, aerariums, mud and hydrotherapy, drinking mineral waters and others.

Meals on health tours must have dietary options.

As a rule, it is not allowed to conduct health and business tours together, since they are contradictory in rhythm and negatively affect each other’s quality.

When working with vacationers when organizing tours and excursions, one should proceed from the fact that the main goal of their stay in this institution is treatment and health promotion. Therefore, it is important to ensure close cooperation between employees of excursion organizations and the medical staff of sanatorium and resort institutions.

In many health resorts, the attending physician, taking into account the state of health of the vacationer, along with medical prescriptions, indicates in a special column of the resort book whether it is allowed to participate in excursions, if so, which ones - urban, suburban, bus, walking, how long and how often . This entry serves as guidelines for tour organizers.

In accordance with the profile of the sanatorium, special excursions are developed for vacationers, several options on the same topic.

Health workers from sanatoriums, boarding houses, and territorial resort councils take part in the development of excursion routes and the selection of objects for display. This allows for excursions that are not tiring for vacationers.

Thus, medical and health tourism has its own specific features, goals, consumer segment, and specifics of organizing tours. The conceptual apparatus of this type of tourism has not been formed.

Shown to everyone. Including tourists who do not experience health problems. Includes diagnostics and clinical treatment, Spa treatment, SPA (beauty tours), Wellness, medical tourism is highlighted separately.

IN last years trips “for health” got rid of “age” stereotypes. From the time of Soviet Union medical and health tourism has undergone significant changes, ceasing to be the domain of predominantly trade union organizations, and is not associated exclusively with social sphere. The geography of such tours has also expanded significantly - from boarding houses near Moscow to Maldivian spa hotels.

In order to choose the right country, resort and hotel, it is important to timely determine the purpose and budget of the trip: the cost of the same procedures in Eastern and Western Europe with the same quality varies significantly, and each resort has a specific list of indications.

Besides, health tourism is also experiencing a peak in demand associated precisely with the seasonal factor, so you can save money thanks to the low season. Those going for treatment must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations (including those regarding natural and climatic conditions favorable to the patient); a medical card is required to purchase the tour.

To avoid a language barrier when consulting a doctor directly at the resort, many choose Russian, Crimean and Belarusian sanatoriums. There are no communication problems in the Baltic resorts either.

Belarus is especially popular in the budget sector - it is an excellent option in terms of price-quality ratio. Historically famous among the Russian public are Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne in the Czech Republic, Baden-Baden in Germany, thermal spas Austria, Switzerland, Italy.

Hotels in Tunisia, Greece, Italy are traditionally associated with SPA (from the Latin Sanus per Aquam - “Health through water”), and the Baltic countries are actively positioning themselves in this segment. QSPA also includes thalassotherapy - healing by the sea (sea water, salt, algae, mud).

Those who want to spend their vacation strictly on a sports schedule go on fitness or yoga tours. Budgetary competition with European countries in terms of medical tourism services (dentistry, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, etc.) constitute Eastern European areas - Hungary, Romania. Ayurveda tours (India) are gaining popularity.

Advantages of medical and health tourism

Increasing physical tone and mental well-being, improving the health of the body, the possibility of combining treatment and recovery with seaside holidays, excursions, shopping, etc.

Disadvantages of health tourism

The occurrence of problems that are possible if the recommendations of the attending physician are violated or if the diagnosis is erroneous.

Our life is constant stress, a lot of worries, everyday bustle and, of course, a tense rhythm. Absolutely every person needs rest, especially when it comes to his health.

Often a vital necessity arises when you need to leave behind everyday work and take time to put your body in order. Health tourism, which is also called medical and sanatorium tourism, provides an opportunity to improve your well-being and regain your energy and vitality.

It is this type of rest that is a real opportunity to relieve fatigue, get rid of irritability and gain new vitality. Of course, many of us do not always have enough money and time for a good rest, but health tourism does not require large expenses. Tours to medical sanatoriums Russia are accessible to everyone and have an adequate pricing policy. In addition, the trip to the recreation area itself does not require additional costs or any special documents. Each vacationer can choose the best option for himself, starting from the day of departure and ending with the focus and duration of the vacation. At the service of tourists are any proposed resorts with the required disease profile.

The benefits of health tourism

What does health tourism offer us? In addition to the basic general medical methods High efficiency, boarding houses and sanatoriums of medical resorts also practice several auxiliary programs. Balneological courses are a therapy that uses mineral waters.

Mud therapy is a program where therapeutic muds of various origins are used. Climatotherapy includes complex treatment using climatic procedures. What are the benefits and advantages of health tourism in Russia? First of all, this is its availability and even savings. By undergoing treatment in boarding houses and sanatoriums in our country, vacationers receive no less benefits for their health than they would receive at more expensive resorts abroad, but at a much higher cost.

This is a real opportunity to get excellent results in a short time - after just a couple of weeks of treatment procedures you will feel much more cheerful, confident and energetic. Health tourism also offers a variety of services, such as cosmetology courses and SPA treatments, which will undoubtedly affect your health in the most positive way and will be remembered as a pleasant trip for the soul and body.

Health tourism resorts

Which balneological resorts in Russia are the most popular? The leading positions today are occupied by Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Kislovodsk. Health tourism is very developed here; every year thousands of vacationers come here for medical procedures. These resorts successfully treat urolithiasis, digestive tract, endocrine system and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Another direction of health tourism - climatic resorts - is most developed in Black Sea coast(Sochi, Crimea, Anapa).

Here you can strengthen your immune system, normalize blood circulation, treat digestion, get rid of diseases of the nervous system and put your metabolism in order. Black Sea resorts do not cease to develop in terms of health, sanatoriums and boarding houses accept holidaymakers with early spring and until late autumn. Health tourism in Russia means high professionalism and the most effective treatment based on balneological and climatic features.

History of health tourism

The history of the development of health tourism in Russia began under Peter I. It was on his order that work was undertaken to exploit mineral waters in medicinal purposes. Soon a source with “iron water for all diseases” was found in Karelia and the first official resort was opened near Petrozavodsk - Marcial Waters. Following it, a second resort appeared - the Bader Baths.

Years later, at the beginning of the 19th century, another source of mineral water was found near Kislovodsk, and the area was recognized as medicinal. After this, springs were discovered in Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk, and health resorts began to appear one after another: Staraya Russa, Odessa mud baths and Sergievsky mineral waters. Half a century later, Issyk-Kul (Central Asia), Alma-Arsan (Kazakhstan) and Borjomi (Georgia) were recognized as climatic healing regions.

By the end of the 19th century, mineral springs were found on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and on the southern coast of Crimea. Thus, by the beginning of the 20th century, Russia already had thirty-six health resorts, the most developed of which were Yalta, Pyatigorsk, Odessa, Borjomi, Yevpatoria, Staraya Russa and Saki. And by the middle of the 20th century there were already more than three thousand resorts in Russia. Today the country has a huge number of medical sanatoriums.

Recently, the world has seen a significant increase in interest in medical and health tourism. This is facilitated by a number of reasons: a fast pace of life, many stressful situations, unfavorable environmental conditions in most countries and cities, and an increase in the flow of information. Thus, it can be noted that the influence of the above factors on their health forces people to turn to this type of tourism

The motivation for traveling to resorts has not changed over time. People who want to relax are attracted to resort areas, healing properties natural factors. Also, due to developing technologies, increasing tourist flows, the priorities of the growing needs of tourists are of great importance high level infrastructure and maximum quality of services.

We can conclude that the features of medical and health tourism are:

· Duration of stay, which must be at least three weeks, regardless of the type of resort and disease, since only during such a time can a healing effect be achieved;

· High cost of treatment - usual treatment at resorts is expensive, so this type of tourism is designed for wealthy clients who order an individual treatment and recreation program;

· Age category - as statistics show, people of the older age group often go to resorts, but recently middle-aged people suffering from illnesses have also chosen holidays at resorts. Some resorts have developed special treatment and health programs for children. The choice is made between resorts that specialize in the treatment of a specific disease, and mixed resorts that generally improve health and promote recuperation and stress relief.

However, it should be noted that recently the market for medical and health tourism has undergone significant changes. This is due to the fact that traditional sanatorium resorts are ceasing to be places of treatment and recreation for the elderly, and are turning into multifunctional health centers designed for a wide range of consumers, middle-aged people, and children. This transformation of resort centers is due to two reasons: the first is a change in the nature of demand for medical and health services. A healthy lifestyle is becoming fashionable; there is a growing number of people in the world who strive to maintain good physical shape and need restorative anti-stress programs. Mostly these are middle-aged people who prefer active recreation, but are limited in time. Consumers of this type, according to many experts, are the main clients of health resorts and contribute to the prosperity of health tourism in the 21st century. The second reason for the reorientation is that resorts are gradually losing traditional state support, including financial support. And in order to enter new segments of the consumer market and attract additional customers, health resorts are forced to diversify their product.

It should be concluded that the growing interest in medical and health tourism is completely justified, since it is due to modern life trends that affect human health. Medical and health tourism has its own characteristics. While maintaining the therapeutic function, the resorts offer a varied program of stay for patients. In addition to a wide range of health and recuperation services, it is filled with cultural, sports and entertainment events. Within its framework, they are more flexible in determining the duration of treatment and recovery courses.

The science of balneology

First of all, it is necessary to define the concept of balneology.

Resortology is a branch of medicine that studies medicinal properties natural factors, mechanisms and ways of their action on the human body. Resortology includes balneology, balneotherapy and balneotechnics, the study of therapeutic mud (mud therapy), resort climatology and climatotherapy (aero-helio-thalassotherapy), issues of organization, planning and construction of resorts.

A resort is a territory that has natural healing factors and all necessary conditions for their use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which has valuable natural properties, suitable for treatment with mineral waters, therapeutic mud or special climatic conditions (seas, lakes, mountain landscapes, forest areas, steppes, etc.).

The following requirements apply to resorts:

1. The presence of natural healing factors that ensure the normal functioning of the resort (mountains, mud and mineral springs, etc.)

2. Availability of treatment and preventive institutions providing medical care for patients and vacationers;

3. Availability of health facilities, sports facilities and playgrounds;

4. Necessary technical devices and buildings for the rational use of resort factors (swimming pools, mud baths, beaches, etc.);

5. Specially adapted premises for housing and treatment (sanatoriums, holiday homes, hotels);

6. Landscaped territory, engineering and technical structures providing electricity and water supply, sewerage.

7. Availability of public institutions, catering establishments, trade and consumer services, cultural and educational institutions;

8. Convenient entrances, parking places and means of communication (telephone, fax, Internet, wi-fi);

The specialization of any resort is determined by natural healing factors used for the purposes of prevention, therapy and medical rehabilitation of patients at resorts.

The main resort factors include:

· landscape - climatic conditions;

· healing mud;

1. Balneological mud resort- a type of resort where mineral waters and therapeutic mud dominate as the main healing factors.

2. Balneoclimatic resort- a type of resort where the main therapeutic factors are climate and mineral waters.

3. Balneological resort- a type of resort where mineral waters are used as the main healing factors (for internal and external use).

4. Mud resort- a type of resort where the main therapeutic factors are therapeutic mud.

5. Climatokumysalapeutic resort- a type of resort where the main therapeutic factors are steppe and forest-steppe climate and kumiss - a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk.

6. Climatic resort:

· seaside climatic resort;

· mountain climatic resort.

Natural mineral waters are used as the main therapeutic factor at the balneological resort. Experts recommend them for external use (baths) and internal (inhalation, drinking, etc.) consumption. Mineral waters help cure a large number of ailments. Among the patients coming to balneological resorts, there are mainly people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems, respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system. Treatment at these resorts gives results comparable to the effects of conventional medicines, but exclude side effects, inevitable when taking medications, the period of remission is extended, the likelihood of subsequent exacerbations and their intensity is reduced.

Mud resorts are located on deposits of therapeutic mud (peloids). Mud therapy is used mainly for pathologies of the joints and nervous system traumatic origin, as well as for gynecological and some other diseases.

Obviously, the variety of climatic resorts varies depending on the type of climate. According to statistics, in the structure of climatic resorts in the world, forest (plain) ones make up approximately 11.3%, mountain resorts - 24.2%, and climatic-kumys-therapeutic resorts - about 4.2%. Each of these resorts is characterized by a unique combination of climatic and weather factors that are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes (temperature, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, etc.). The profile of a resort depends on a combination of these factors. Forest resorts, for example, with a continental climate are most suitable for people who suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases, asthma, and nervous system disorders. In the initial forms of tuberculosis and anemia, it is recommended to stay on mountain resorts. The most common and popular type of climatic resort is seaside. These resorts make up 60.3% of the structure of climatic resorts in the world. The maritime climate has a beneficial effect on people with diseases of the blood, bone tissue, lymph glands, as well as people with skin diseases, and therefore more and more tourists are discovering the opportunity to combine seaside holidays with effective treatment.

In addition to the main types of resorts - balneological, mud and climatic - there are also transitional types. In their wellness programs they use several natural healing factors at once, for example, mineral waters and mud or climate and mineral waters. Transitional resorts are widespread in Europe and are increasingly attracting tourists from different countries. Spa resorts have become very popular in recent years. Such resorts are organized not only in recreational areas, but also in large cities, as well as in hotels intended for business tourism.

Individual program, developed by spa center specialists, makes a person not only physically healthier, but also contributes to a more positive perception of the world around him.

Healing with mineral water and medicinal mud has been known for a long time. It's no secret that the ancient Greeks used baths with permanent ingredients to improve their health. Not long before our era, the famous Roman baths appeared. Bath culture was forgotten with the spread of Christianity in medieval Europe. And only at the end of the 17th century, when it was proven that water procedures have a healing effect on the human body, they again became in demand, although in the East this tradition was not interrupted (for example, the Turkish bath hammam has existed for many centuries).

Nowadays, spa hotels and hotels with spa complexes (usually high-category accommodation facilities), as a rule, are located at balneological resorts, next to thermo-mineral springs, which makes it possible to use water of a certain chemical composition and temperature for various medicinal, health and cosmetic purposes .

In the spa complex of a large expensive hotel, in addition to the usual set (sauna, swimming pool, massage), clients can undergo daily treatment, which implies the presence of a variety of physiotherapeutic equipment and licensed specialists - doctors and cosmetologists. It provides rooms for hydrotherapy, cosmetic care for face and body, sauna, mini pool, spa bar, rooms for group/individual fitness classes or other types of physical exercise(yoga, water aerobics, etc.), relaxation area, locker room. Such hotels can be located both within the city and outside it, even on ski resorts, where spa programs are offered as an additional service. For example, conference or exhibition participants can take an intensive course for relaxation, stress relief or weight loss.

Sanatorium-type spa hotels are located in the resort area and have a full range of physiotherapeutic programs. Before going to such a hotel, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This is due individual characteristics health conditions, since the procedures taken must be exclusively beneficial to the patient. They also offer wellness programs - general health, relaxation and cosmetic programs that are suitable for a completely healthy person.

In sanatorium-type hotels, individual accommodation is provided in a room with a shower; the client is provided with bathrobes, slippers and towels. Having passed full examination, the patient can receive a complete diagnosis of his physical condition, and after completing a course of full treatment (21-24 days), achieve long-term remission (absence of manifestations of the disease). Traditional spa services are complemented by special diets and physical activities such as walking and cycling, tennis, and golf. Such hotels have a landscaped area with a park and flower beds, indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

On sea ​​resorts can be separately noted Separately, hotels with thalassotherapy centers (sea treatment, in which sea water and all kinds of sea products (algae, sea ​​salt, therapeutic muds), as well as products from well-known cosmetic lines. Positive Action Swimming in the sea, sunbathing, and walking along the shore have an impact on a person’s body and mood. Taken together, these actions refresh and renew the skin, calm the nerves, strengthen muscles, and improve not only the body, but also the spirit. Therefore, such a stay in the now very fashionable hotels with thalassotherapy centers cannot be called exclusively treatment, because it is both relaxation and a pleasant pastime with health benefits. As a result of research by French cosmetologists, it was found that the effect of a one-week course lasts six to eight months.

Such centers operate in many countries of the world: in Europe - France, Cyprus, Italy and Spain, in Southeast Asia - on the islands of Koh Samui (Thailand) and Bali (Indonesia). In such seaside centres, seawater should be stored in tanks for no more than 48 hours and never reused.

Hotels offering such services most often have a four- and five-star category. All hotel staff strive to create maximum comfort for vacationers, so at the end of their vacation, each client should improve their health, relax, forget about stress and everyday worries. The list of procedures in these hotels is quite large, so it is worth getting information about them in advance.

Many different techniques include hydrotherapy: showers, baths (sitz, general, local), steam inhalations, rubbing, compresses (hot and cold), wraps and much more. Usually the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, some last three to four minutes (for example, irrigation of the nasal cavity). Showers and bathtubs are most in demand. The shower acts in such a way that it gently envelops the body or, conversely, massages (tones) it. Moreover, water flows must be directed from peripheral organs to the heart. Souls differ according to the following characteristics:

1) by temperature: cold (+8…+18 °C), indifferent (+33…+35 °C), warm (+36…+38 °C), hot (from +40 °C);

2) according to the shape and direction of the jets: rain, needle, dust, circular, jet (Charcot and Scottish showers), fan, ascending;

3) according to the degree of water pressure: low (up to 1 atm), medium (1.5-2 atm), high (2.5-4 atm);

4) by localization of impact: general or local. For example, an underwater shower massage is carried out in a special bath with a compact stream of water, as a result of which the patient’s blood circulation and lymph flow improves and has a tonic effect on the body.

Among the technically complex ones, we can note the complex Snail shower installation, which combines seven types of shower simultaneously: circular, rain, dust, tropical, needle, fan and Scottish. With their help, they influence the senses: touch (massage of the body with jets of various shapes, temperatures and pressures), smell (aromatherapy), vision (special lighting). It can also be noted that various baths are divided into: general, local and half-baths. Baths with mineral water are widely used in spa centers. different types(carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, nitrogen, chloride, sodium) of varying temperatures and degrees of mineralization.

Many women prefer pearl baths, when bubbling air bubbles provide a kind of “tactile massage.” The essence of their action is that ozone molecules penetrate the skin and activate the antioxidant system in surface tissues. The operating medium for bubble baths is water with many air bubbles formed by thin metal tubes with holes into which air enters under pressure. Such baths are indicated for functional disorders nervous system, general fatigue. Oxygen baths are prepared using an apparatus for saturating water with oxygen. In this case, the oxygen concentration in the bath does not exceed 50 mg/l. Fir baths are no less useful, as they have a general strengthening and calming effect, relieve inflammatory diseases respiratory organs, improve mood and performance. Eucalyptus baths are an excellent antiseptic for relieving muscle pain from rheumatism, arthritis, myositis, radiculitis and muscle fatigue. To prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joints, spine), musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems, take mint baths.

Just like for local baths, which are used for the legs or arms, in sitz baths for the thighs, cold and hot water are used according to indications.

Expensive spa hotels offer another particularly pleasant service, the so-called “Cleopatra bath,” which is intended for water treatments combined with aromatherapy. It is used for hardening, prevention and treatment of various diseases, and stress relief. Components such as sea water or salt, algae, wine, milk, honey, rose petals, green tea, infusions of herbs and flowers, as well as various medicines.

Spa centers also use applications with therapeutic mud, clay or herbal decoctions. Cold rubbing and dousing with water of varying temperatures are considered active hydrotherapeutic procedures. Rubdowns are used for medicinal and hygienic purposes, as well as for hardening. They can be general or local, and essential oils and salts are added to enhance their effect on the skin. Wraps can be full or partial, wet or dry. Local wet wraps are widely used. During the procedure, hot compresses increase local blood flow and metabolism, reduce muscle tone cold compresses cause spasm of superficial blood vessels.

Modern spa hotels can boast of having six or more different baths, which reflect the centuries-old traditions of different countries. Some of the oldest, but still popular, are Greek and Roman baths with rooms for dry and wet baths, relaxation and undressing, washing and a swimming pool. IN Turkish baths the floor is warmed by hot air, and hot water spilled on the floor creates abundant steam. Very popular among bathhouse fans Finnish saunas and Roman-Irish baths. These are air baths with a moderate temperature of 50-60 °C. Hot air passes under the floor and along the walls of the preparation room and steam room, and then enters through holes in the floor. A special pipe for the exhaust air exit makes the atmosphere in such a steam room healthier than in a Roman bath. No less popular and useful for its healing and healing effects is the traditional Russian bathhouse using various aromatic brooms. Interest in traditional Japanese baths is constantly growing: dry baths using hot sawdust and water baths, which are located in a large wooden barrel.

Among the most common procedures included in the “menu” of spa centers, one can note mud therapy (peloid therapy), used for therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitation purposes, clay therapy, phototherapy (light treatment), in particular heliotherapy (solar irradiation), massage (traditional, manual, Thai, Ayurvedic, etc.), aromatherapy, etc.

Various cosmetic, tonic, relaxing, anti-cellulite, detoxification, anti-stress, rejuvenating and other wellness programs are offered in such quantities that they can only be limited by the time spent at the resort.

Thus, resorts currently have their own classification, depending on the climate in a particular region and the presence of health-improving natural factors. Vacationers are offered wide range procedures and services that have a beneficial effect on their health. As for water procedures, they are most popular in given time spa resorts, spa hotels and wellness programs

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  • Alveocytes type II. Structural features, functions. Features of energy metabolism. The mechanism of water reabsorption, its regulation by adrenaline and glucocorticoids
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  • Currently in the world there are many various types medical and health tourism, which have miraculous healing properties.

    Balneotherapy (from Latin balneum - bathing and Greek therapeia - treatment) is a branch of balneology that studies therapeutic and preventive action mineral waters for their external and internal use both at resorts and in non-resort settings, the mechanism of action of these waters on the human body, methods of their use, as well as indications and contraindications for their use. Balneotherapy is considered as the influence on the body not only of mineral water, but also of a new environment, rest, therapeutic nutrition, regime, favorable climate.

    Balneological procedures, like other hydrotherapy procedures, act on the patient’s body through the perception of irritation by the nerve endings in the skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and other internal organs. Mineral waters are very diverse in physical and chemical composition and properties. Availability of various gases, radio active substances and the salts dissolved in them gives certain waters characteristic features of physiological and therapeutic action. Treatment with mineral waters is carried out in the form of external and internal use.

    Balneotherapy increases the protective and restorative forces of the body, mineral water independently treats many diseases, and promotes recovery with complex therapy.

    Mineral baths have an effect primarily on the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, helping to increase the tone of the heart and blood vessels, balance the nervous system, normalize metabolism and restore the activity of internal glands.

    Gargling and inhalation with mineral water is prescribed for diseases of the throat and nose, as well as the upper respiratory tract.

    Irrigation with mineral water - for gynecological diseases, lavage and enemas - for intestinal diseases. Internal use of mineral water acts on the receptors of the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach and part of the duodenum, while gastric secretion is normalized, and excess mucus is removed from the body. Drinking mineral waters also stimulates the formation and secretion of bile and has a positive effect on the normalization of metabolism.

    Drinking mineral waters are usually underground (melt, artificial, etc.) waters are also known, which are characterized by the presence of certain salts and other chemical compounds. Depending on the temperature, cold, warm and hot mineral waters are distinguished. Some mineral waters have natural radioactivity. The difference between mineral water and regular drinking water is a higher level of mineralization - about 1 g/l.

    Depending on the concentration of salts, natural mineral waters are divided into:

    § table water - mineral (natural) water is suitable for daily use, the salt content in it does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. As a rule, it is soft, pleasant to the taste, without any foreign smell or taste. It is no coincidence that soft drinks are made from table water; There are no regulatory documents for mineral table waters. Therefore, the criteria for classifying waters as mineral table waters are not standardized.

    § medicinal table water - this water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salts per liter of water. The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters lies in their versatility: they can be consumed as a table drink and systematically for treatment;

    § medicinal - the most saturated water in terms of salt composition. This category includes mineral waters with mineralization - more than 10 grams per liter, or waters with a high content of active microelements, for example, arsenic or boron. It should be taken strictly as recommended by your doctor.

    According to the chemical composition, there are six classes of mineral waters: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and carbonated. But there is another interpretation of this classification - according to ionic composition:

    § hydrocarbonate - this water is intended for those who play sports. Used in treatment urolithiasis. Contraindications - gastritis;

    § sulfate - this water is recommended for those who have problems with the liver and gall bladder, obesity and diabetes. Children and adolescents should absolutely not drink this water, as sulfates interfere with bone growth;

    § chloride - such water helps regulate the functioning of the intestinal, biliary tract and liver. Contraindications for use (categorically) -- high blood pressure;

    § magnesium - helps with stressful situations. Contraindications - tendency to upset stomach;

    Therapeutic mud - silty sediments of reservoirs, peat deposits of swamps,

    clayey rocks of mud hills, which are used in a heated state for mud therapy. The composition of therapeutic mud includes: mud solution - water and salts dissolved in it, organic substances, gases; Therapeutic mud also contains a number of microorganisms and antibacterial substances.

    Healing mud is the result of complex long-term processes of a chemical and biological nature. As a rule, it does not look like ordinary dirt, differing from it in its characteristic matte shine and dark gray to black color. The use of mud is also possible at home, but it should be borne in mind that it is, nevertheless, a therapeutic agent with a complex effect.

    Therapeutic muds are divided into four main types depending on their physical and chemical properties:

    Silt sulfide



    Sopochnye mud

    The silt mud of salty reservoirs appears black or dark gray in color (due to the presence of iron sulfide in the silt mud), has the smell of hydrogen sulfide and is soft to the touch. Silt sulfide muds have bactericidal properties. Due to the presence of saprophytic microbes, sulfide muds of medium salinity can have quite pronounced bacteriostatic properties.

    The therapeutic mud complex contains a complex lipid product produced by blue-green algae. Lipids (lipoproteins) act as an energy reserve in the body and serve as the main material for the construction of cell membranes. They play an important role in the maturation and aging of the body, in the creation of protective and compensatory mechanisms in case of metabolic disorders, in the development of atherosclerosis and others. pathological conditions. Mud lipids and their fractions take part in the anti-inflammatory activity of the body.

    Peat muds are swamp deposits. Thanks to the vital activity of microorganisms, plant residues decompose. Excessive moisture with fresh or mineral water and difficulty in accessing oxygen to peat formers are a prerequisite for the formation of this type of mud.

    Peat mud is also called organic, since the content of organic substances in terms of dry matter is 50-99% and is richest in humic substances (stimulate regeneration processes and have an anti-inflammatory effect).

    The peat solution contains biologically active substances: anions of chlorine, sulfate, bicarbonate, carbonate and cations of ammonium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, ferrous and oxide iron, as well as trace elements (copper, manganese, barium, titanium, strontium, aluminum).

    Sopochnaya mud has a deep origin and is found in areas of oil and gas fields. The formation of peloid occurs in oil-bearing strata in the presence of formation waters, hydrocarbon gases, buried organic matter with the participation of bacteria and microelements inherent in the waters of oil fields.

    The hill mud is predominantly mineral in composition and light gray in color.

    Deposits of dry hill mud on the surface of mud volcanoes are considered not as a frozen mass, but as a complex biogeochemical system in which transformations of one substance into another constantly occur.

    The therapeutic effect under the influence of the hill mud is achieved due to a large number of microelements - boron, iodine, bromine, zinc, copper, sodium, chlorine, manganese, selenium, humic and acids, as well as due to various gases that provide a good therapeutic effect.

    Applications from the hill mud are easily tolerated; they regulate the functional state of the body, especially in weakened patients.

    Memo for those taking mud procedures, brine, radon, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide baths.

    1. Mud procedures, brine and other baths are highly active methods of treatment, therefore they cannot be taken without medical prescriptions.

    2. Take mud and water treatments after a light breakfast and no earlier than two hours after lunch.

    3. Lubricate abrasions and irritations on particularly sensitive areas of the skin with Vaseline before and after procedures.

    4. When sunburn Stop taking mud treatments, brine and other baths until the skin is completely healed.

    5. During mud applications, brine and other baths, take comfortable position and lie calmly, without tension.

    6. When feeling unwell(palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness) call a doctor or nurse immediately.

    7. To avoid complications from overheating after mud therapy, stand in the shower for no more than two to three minutes, rinse after baths and showers fresh water only particularly sensitive areas of the skin (face, axillary and groin areas, mammary glands among women).

    8. Dry yourself thoroughly and dry with a sheet or towel.

    9. Be sure to sit in the relaxation room for at least 15-20 minutes.

    10. Take a hygienic shower no more than once every 5-7 days.

    11. If you experience discomfort, dry skin or itching, immediately wash with soap in the shower.

    12. If it appears during treatment general weakness, palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, irritability, disturbances in appetite and sleep, seek the advice of your doctor immediately.

    13. During the entire period of treatment, lead a calm, measured lifestyle.

    14. The consumption of alcoholic beverages during the course of procedures is strictly prohibited. It is not recommended to smoke one hour before your appointment and for an hour after the procedure.

    On modern stage With the development of health tourism, many original views of this area have also appeared.

    The most miraculous and beneficial spa treatments often have natural origin. Thalassotherapy and mud baths are two striking examples of such procedures. They are indicated for a variety of diseases of the skin and the body as a whole, and in addition, they promote relaxation of the body and help maintain the health and beauty of the skin.

    Thalassotherapy (from the Greek Thalassa - treatment by the sea) is the science of treating a person using the influence of the marine environment including climate, sea water, sea mud and algae, sand and even massage sea ​​water.

    Thalassotherapy has a wide range of effects on the body: it promotes the removal of toxins from the body, intensive weight loss, accelerated restoration of damaged tissues, fights cellulite, relieves stress and fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, improves blood circulation.

    The effect of thalassotherapy is based on the healing effect of sea water on the skin and body. Sea water contains residual elements of magnesium, potassium, calcium sulfate and sodium. When used in treatments such as seawater showers, seaweed wraps, immersion baths, applications and cosmetic masks these minerals are absorbed by the skin through the pores. The standard set of thalassotherapy procedures includes warm baths with sea water and algae, hydromassage and wraps.

    For thalassotherapy centers, sea water is obtained at a distance of 450 m from the shore, at a depth of 6 m and is used within 48 hours and no more.

    Thalassotherapy is used for:

    · getting rid of cellulite

    · volume reduction and correction of body contours

    eliminate dryness and sagging skin

    · restoration of elasticity, beauty and smoothness of body skin

    Removing excess fluid from subcutaneous fat

    · cleansing the skin, saturating it with microelements, getting rid of puffiness and venous stagnation

    general health and anti-stress effect

    Stone therapy - treatment with stones - is a fairly new method in our country, but has been known for several centuries in the East, where they still believe in the magical power and individual character of stones. In fact, despite its monumental immobility, the stone carries a lot of information, including healing. Stone therapy is attractive for modern people because it easily and pleasantly relieves muscle pain, heaviness in the back, neck and legs, and has a beneficial effect on exhausted nervous system and finally, helps get rid of fat deposits by speeding up metabolism.

    But, above all, stone therapy is most effective for relieving stress, depression, and general relaxation of the body. There are sensitive areas and biologically active points on the human body, which can be treated with stones to cure some diseases, including those associated with nervous disorders.

    Stone therapy is based on the temperature and energy effects of stones in combination with elements of reflexology. For this purpose, 54 black hot and 18 white cold stones are used, which are alternated during the procedure. Plus you need one more pebble at room temperature. A stone therapy session is carried out in a relaxing environment of soft light and delicate scents. Technologies for performing hot stone massage are different and depend, first of all, on the practitioner.

    During the stone therapy procedure, blood flow to the painful area increases, cells begin to work more actively, and blood and lymph remove toxins and waste. At the same time, the tissues are enriched with oxygen. The duration of the stone therapy procedure is from 45 minutes to one and a half hours. Stone therapy stones are not ordinary pebbles. Black ones are basalt of volcanic origin, which retains heat for a very long time, white ones are cool marble stones. They should be perfectly smooth, flattened enough to easily fit on your back. Stones are heated in the sun (in warm countries) or in hot water, or using special heaters.

    To treat diseases, heavier stones are used, such as sandstone, marble, granite. For angina pectoris, for prevention and to relieve mild pain, a stone heated to 40 degrees is placed on the edge of the left collarbone or on the shoulder for 20 minutes and covered with a terry towel.

    In addition to specific points, stone therapy is also used to relieve pain in both individual muscles and their groups. A heated stone is placed on the painful area for 20 minutes. Then you can rub indomethacin ointment there. This procedure is carried out three times a day. This treatment method is also suitable for myositis, sprains, and bruises.

    Wine therapy is a treatment using grapevine derivatives ( grape leaves, grape seeds, grape skin). For example, grape seeds contain a large number of active substances that have a unique ability to bind free radicals formed in the body under the influence of sunlight, cigarette smoke, stress, air pollution. Free radicals are the cause of aging of the body and the occurrence of malignant and cardiovascular diseases.

    The vine is used both independently and with natural mineral water, which is saturated with extracts and seed oils, wine yeast extracts, red wine, tomin, essences of various herbs and medicinal plants, which are used for wraps (fabrics, leaves) for baths and for underwater massage.

    During the grape harvest period (September-November), you can undergo a special course of grape therapy aimed at cleansing the body.

    The effectiveness of grape treatment:

    · Cleansing and improving skin tone

    · Cleansing and normalizing the activity of the liver and kidneys

    Reducing pain in arthritis and rheumatism

    · Cleansing and improving bowel function

    · General saturation of the body with minerals, increased resistance, improved functioning of the sensory organs

    Thus, medical and health tourism is one of the most ancient types of tourism industry. Since ancient times, people have learned to use mineral waters and medicinal mud for medicinal purposes. Medical and health tourism is becoming increasingly popular, and resorts are becoming an integral part of the lives of many people. Today, there are a huge variety of different types of medical and health tourism from the commonly heard mineral springs and therapeutic mud to the most original treatments with stones, sand, sea water, grapes and many others. All types of medical and health tourism help improve health, increase body tone and help achieve relaxation, which is especially important in our everyday life.