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Is late ovulation a normal option or an obstacle to motherhood? Late ovulation - better late than never, or treatment is still necessary

The menstrual cycle and ovulation are very individual. Despite existing norms, there are always failures and deviations. In our article we will try to understand what late ovulation is, on what day of the cycle it can occur and what causes it.

What ovulation is considered late?

As we know, a normal cycle lasts 25-29 days. But on average, the values ​​can vary within 21-35 days, which is not a significant deviation. The time of cell release is 14 days before menstruation. This is a static quantity that rarely changes. Thus, normal time for ovulation at different cycles– 7-21 days from menstruation. Based on this, it is clear that it will be considered late for each case.

Let's try to understand the calculations using the example of one of the cycles. We know that a period of 28 days is considered ideal and the cell matures on the 14th day. Late ovulation will be considered if the cell is released after the 18th day. This shift is not pathological; pregnancy is also possible when the woman is healthy and this phenomenon is temporary. Using a similar principle, you can calculate for other cycles.

If we try to figure out what day of the cycle late ovulation occurs on, we come to the conclusion that there is no standard due to the individuality of processes in the body. For some it will be 18-19 days, for others it may be 21. Experts agree that the optimal interval between ovulation and the next menstruation should be at least 11-12 days, then conception will not be a particular problem. When this gap is shorter, the egg matures once every 35-40 days, which creates additional difficulties in the fertilization process.

How normal is late ovulation?

So, we looked at which day of the cycle is the latest for ovulation, now let’s find out what contributes to this. The reasons that can cause such a delay are usually quite understandable and can be observed in almost everyone:

  • change of climate or time zones;
  • constant stress;
  • various gynecological or infectious diseases;
  • violation hormonal balance when a decrease in estrogen in the blood can slow down the growth of the follicle;
  • the period after childbirth or abortion;
  • time before menopause.

If a woman has late ovulation, on what day exactly this event will occur can be found out using various methods:

  • tests that analyze urine;
  • rectal measurements and charting;
  • examination and ultrasound.

Don't forget about physical changes. In particular, at this time there is soreness in the chest, pulling painful sensations or tingling in the area of ​​the ovaries , as well as copious viscous discharge, odorless and transparent.

When might late ovulation be a warning?

If pregnancy does not occur when the cell is released late, it is necessary to look for the cause of infertility. First of all, make sure that there are no diseases or other factors that can affect the processes. The most important thing is to make sure that there are no serious illnesses. It would be a good idea to get tested for hormone levels, in case the reason lies in a deficiency of one of them. All other reasons are completely removable, you just need:


By the way, smoking or alcohol can prevent the egg from maturing in time, so you should renounce them if you want to become a mother.

So, we figured out what day of the cycle late ovulation occurs on. It can be caused by many reasons. If expectant mother healthy body, she's watching proper nutrition and avoids bad habits, conceiving during late ovulation will not be a problem for her.

During pregnancy planning, women become more attentive to their menstruation and its frequency. Some begin to regularly track ovulation, which makes it possible to determine its absence or unstable manifestation. Others become aware of the problem of anovulatory cycle after several unsuccessful attempts to conceive.

The anovulatory cycle is considered single-phase: only the first phase is present. follicular phase period. The dominant follicle does not mature, as during the normal course of the cycle. The menstrual period is characterized by the absence of ovulation and the subsequent luteal phase, development does not occur corpus luteum, which is formed from the walls of a ruptured follicle that releases a mature egg.

Since there is no ripe female cage, then conception is impossible. That is why, if there is a problem with conception, the gynecologist will first of all rule out anovulatory cycles.

Will I have my period later?

After a period without ovulation, menstrual-like bleeding is observed. During an anovulatory cycle, menstruation can begin at the same time as usual, but the onset of discharge often fails. It is almost impossible to find the differences between normal menstruation and bleeding after an anovulatory cycle.

More often this period accompanied by hyperestrogenism, which can lead to excessive growth of the endometrium. Bleeding after such a cycle is profuse; upon double-handed examination, an enlarged uterus and a soft, loose cervix with a slightly open pharynx can be noted. Hypoestrogenism occurs less frequently. Here, on the contrary, small size of the uterus and an elongated conical cervix will be observed.

How to tell if ovulation has occurred

Signs of an anovulatory cycle are not always easy to detect; indirectly, a woman may notice the following symptoms:

In order to find out exactly whether the maturation and release of the egg has occurred, you need to turn to a more serious diagnosis of the anovulatory cycle:

  1. . On the 10th day of the menstrual period, an ultrasound is performed to identify the presence of a dominant follicle. If one is not detected, then there will be no ovulation in this cycle. The specialist may also notice polycystic disease (the presence of many slightly enlarged follicles, but none of them are ready to mature). Another examination should be done on the 15th or 16th day, when a corpus luteum can be detected that has appeared at the site of a ruptured follicle from which a mature egg has emerged, or to confirm the absence of ovulation. The doctor will measure the thickness of the endometrium to identify hypo- or hyperestrogenism, which will help in further treatment.
  2. Compilation. Conducted at home independently. Every morning at the same time, without getting out of bed, you need to measure rectal temperature. A graph is drawn up from the obtained values. It can be used to determine the presence of ovulation, before which the temperature drops, and at the moment the egg is released, it rises by about 0.5 degrees.
  3. Diagnostic curettage of the endometrium on the eve of menstruation, followed by histological analysis.

After confirming the absence of ovulation, studies are carried out on hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which affect menstrual period, hormones thyroid gland and a series of gynecological tests.

Reasons for lack of ovulation

The reasons for the anovulatory cycle can be different:

  • hormonal disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • the onset of early menopause;
  • inflammatory processes endometrium and cervix;
  • taking previously incorrectly selected contraceptives;
  • unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiency;
  • overwork, stress, lack of sleep;

Another reason for the lack of ovulation may be hormonal changes in the reproductive organs associated with puberty or the onset of menopause, as well as pregnancy and lactation. Gynecologists do not consider the absence of ovulation for such reasons as a pathology.

In healthy women, 1–2 anovulatory cycles per year are allowed within normal limits, without visible reasons or related to climate change (for example, going on vacation).

Anovulation as a cause of infertility

In the anovulatory cycle, the follicle does not rupture with the release of a mature egg ready for fertilization. After such a cycle, menstruation still begins, which means that the presence of menstruation is not at all an indicator of fertility.

One of the manifestations of infertility in women is a pathological lack of ovulation. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact a gynecologist as soon as you suspect a problem.


One of the ways to treat the absence of ovulation is to prescribe oral contraceptives in order to give rest to the ovaries. After several months of taking the pills and then stopping them, the reproductive organs begin to work with a vengeance, sometimes even both ovaries ovulate at the same time.

Another way is to stimulate ovulation by taking hormonal drugs. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Before the onset of menstruation, endometrial curettage is performed.
  2. From the 2nd day of the cycle, gonadotropic drugs (choriogonin) are used.
  3. On the 6th–8th day they are prescribed intramuscular injections progesterone. Therapy is monitored using folliculometry. The doctor may increase the dose of hormones or stop treatment in this cycle depending on the presence and size of the dominant follicle and the condition of the endometrium.

In case of success hormone therapy after ovulation, the gynecologist may prescribe progesterone (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) to support the function of the corpus luteum. Further discontinuation of the drug occurs after tests and the doctor’s decision.

In case of lack of ovarian function, estrogen therapy is carried out. If the cause lies in inflammation of the appendages or chronic adnexitis, then it is prescribed complex therapy with the use of vitamin C.

If you have several unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, you should not delay going to the doctor. A specialist will help you understand the reason for what is happening and prescribe timely treatment, the result of which will be the desired pregnancy.

Ovulation is the release of an egg (even a real procession of a little conqueror) from the ovary.

This process is not accompanied by fanfare, so women, as a rule, do not notice it at all (unlike menstruation). However, they remember ovulation when they decide to give birth to a baby - after all, it is during this golden time that the love of parents is rewarded with the highest reward - the conception of a tiny life.

There are couples who learn about such a phenomenon as ovulation only after childbirth - their egg is fertilized naturally. In other cases, women specifically calculate when ovulation will occur and even turn to doctors.

Sometimes they hear that they are ovulating late. Is this bad or not? And how does such ovulation affect your ability to get pregnant?

So what is it?

On average occurs in the middle female cycle. If it is 28 days, the “procession” of the egg begins on the 14th, plus or minus one day (counting after the start of menstruation), to be replaced by another menstruation after 12 days. Well, late ovulation, ignoring the average indicators, begins on the 19th day and later.

But everything is individual: with a regular cycle of 34 days, such ovulation is already normal.

And is it possible to get pregnant in this case?

There are problems with this, since late ovulation is a rare phenomenon and is considered a serious pathology. It prevents women from getting pregnant, even leading to infertility. However, this pathology can be treated.

You should know that in almost all cases, late ovulation is an acquired symptom. Sometimes this pathology is found in women, monthly cycle which was previously stable and regular, and the problem is mainly noticed by doctors when a couple fails to get pregnant. Yes, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced, but not eliminated.

The only thing is that now it is more difficult for the patient to calculate the time when lovemaking will end long-awaited pregnancy. Which, by the way, can occur with no less probability than pregnancy in a woman with normal ovulation. Both conception and the pregnancy itself in this case are quite normal, and in the end fate will reward you with a healthy baby for 9 months of waiting.

Why is ovulation late?

The reasons can be not only physiological, but also psychological. It is important to identify them in order to correct them, eliminating the problem of late release of the egg from the follicle.

So, the cause of this pathology may be:

  • infection of the female reproductive organs;
  • hormonal disbalance in organism;
  • nerves and constant stress;
  • disruptions in the monthly cycle;
  • previous miscarriage and/or abortion;
  • previous pregnancy ending in childbirth;
  • premenopausal period.

How do you know if you are ovulating late?

  1. You can lead.
  2. Conduct ovulation tests in person. It's important to remember: if you have gynecological disease or you take medications, this test may lie.
  3. Simply observing how you feel is how some women manage to “catch” the onset of ovulation. Let's say its beginning can be signaled slight dizziness, pulling sensations lower abdomen.
  4. Contact a doctor. The gynecologist will examine you and then refer you to an uzist (for folliculometry), and also take tests for the level of pituitary hormones. Remember: it may take several months to be examined.

What if you don’t go to the hospital?

Having confirmed the fact of late ovulation, doctors will force it to occur on the right day. To do this, you need to determine exactly why this pathology arose.

Let's say, is the patient's previous miscarriage to blame? This is the most easy case– the woman will be advised to wait a couple of months for the body to recover – and the problem will resolve itself. Well, if your enemy is infection, without drugs and consultation experienced specialist there's no way around it.

In general, if this pathology entails infertility, which does not “resolve” on its own, a visit to the hospital is simply necessary.

In some cases, it turns out that a woman does not ovulate late, but in general, as such. And even in this case, there is no need to panic! The doctor will stimulate ovulation, and after that the woman will be able to get pregnant and give birth to her most beloved baby.

Ideally, ovulation should occur on days 14-15 of the menstrual cycle. However, not all women experience it at this particular time. Sometimes hormonal imbalances occur in the body, and the menstrual cycle can lengthen indefinitely. When there is a delay in menstruation, the causes of which are not pregnancy, we are dealing with late ovulation or an anovulatory cycle. The second phase of the cycle, which follows ovulation, should normally be 14 days. It also happens for fewer days if progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, is low in the blood. The length of the first phase may vary depending on which day of the menstrual cycle the dominant follicle matures. If it ripens after the 17th day, then this is late ovulation.

One of the reasons for late ovulation may be low estradiol, the female sex hormone. It is responsible for the growth of follicles and endometrium - the inner mucous layer of the uterus. With low estradiol, the follicles mature slowly, therefore, ovulation is late, and the endometrium grows no more than 7-8 mm thick, while the norm is 10-12 mm. You can find out the level of estradiol by taking a blood test on days 3-5 of the menstrual cycle. When low level this hormone will level out, ovulation will occur on the prescribed days.

Another reason for late ovulation is increased level testosterone is the male sex hormone. High testosterone slows down the growth of the dominant follicle or stops it altogether. It often happens that testosterone blocks the onset of ovulation and pregnancy is impossible until it is reduced.

Late ovulation maybe due to a combination of three hormonal factors: low estradiol, increased testosterone and low progesterone. In such cases, days favorable for conception can occur on both the 50th and 60th day of the menstrual cycle. Treating a hormonal imbalance of this magnitude is not easy or quick.
In some cases, with normal hormonal background ovulation is still late. This can be considered an individual feature reproductive system this or that woman. However, this is not a reason to refuse blood tests for hormones. Late ovulation cannot be attributed to individual characteristics until tests confirm normal hormone levels.

There is an opinion that very late ovulation cannot produce a full-fledged egg capable of being good material for a healthy embryo. But it is erroneous, because late maturation of the dominant follicle does not in any way affect the genetic material of the future egg.

In any case, late ovulation is a reason to consult a doctor. The sooner a hormonal imbalance is detected, the easier and faster it is to treat.

Ovulation is not only the central event of each menstrual cycle in physiological terms, but also almost the most important process in the life of almost all women planning a pregnancy. Ovulation time they track a variety of accessible ways and begin to worry if its onset is late, believing that pregnancy in this case is impossible. But that's not true.

When is ovulation considered late, and why might it be late?

Ideally, the release of the egg should occur around day 14 of the cycle. Late ovulation is considered to be ovulation that occurred after the 18th day of the cycle, and this is not a pathology if the woman is healthy. At the same time, there are a number of reasons why ovulation may occur later than expected:

Thus, it can occur both in absolutely healthy women and in women whose bodies are exposed to various factors that can, one way or another, shift ovulation to more late date. Therefore, late ovulation itself cannot cause a woman’s infertility, since it is quite possible that this is individual feature body. Late ovulation can be associated with the inability to get pregnant only when it is a clear sign and a consequence of any disorder in the body. For a healthy woman, late ovulation, provided its timing is determined, will not become an obstacle to achieving the cherished goal, namely, pregnancy.

How can you reliably find out the day of late ovulation?

Late ovulation can be determined using standard methods:

  • Ovulation tests.
  • Measurement basal temperature.
  • Ultrasound monitoring, or folliculometry.
  • Lab tests blood to measure the level of individual hormones.
  • Home examinations of urine and saliva using a microscope or a special device.

You need to know that a conclusion about the presence of late ovulation can be made only on the basis of a study of several menstrual cycles.

Late ovulation and pregnancy - the likelihood of conception

According to examinations of many women and approximate statistics, late ovulation most often does not in any way affect the possibility of fertilization of an egg by a sperm and its further development. The only downside is that women with late ovulation have a slightly less chance of conceiving a child than others, since the egg does not mature every month, but once every 35-40 days. Meet healthy women and with more rare ovulation - once every one and a half to two months.

What should women with late ovulation know?

Firstly, it is extremely important to make sure that there are no internal or external, direct or indirect reasons for delayed ovulation. Your doctor will help you sort this out. Otherwise, you can plan for a child for a very long time and unsuccessfully, because such violations as hormonal imbalance or inflammatory processes in reproductive organs rarely go away on their own.

Secondly, it would not be out of place to mention that with late ovulation, the gestational age according to ultrasound will be noticeably less than the period that is usually established according to last menstrual period. On average, the difference can be 2-3 weeks, depending on what day of the cycle ovulation occurred. We must not forget about this so as not to be once again nervous about the discrepancy in the size of the embryo.

And thirdly, among other things, it is extremely important for women planning a pregnancy to know that the length of the cycle of the “exemplary” 28 days is not so important. A much more important indicator of a physiologically normal cycle is the fact that ovulation occurs 13-14 days before the onset of “critical” days. If this period is significantly shorter or longer, then a menstrual cycle disorder has already occurred.

If the results of the examination reveal that ovulation is delayed for any specific reasons, then the good news is that in most cases, with timely contact medical institution, everything can be adjusted and adjusted regular cycle subject to compliance with the treatment prescribed by a good specialist.