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How long can a person go without sleep? How long can you live without sleep - no more than a week. Don't take risks! How many people in history lived without sleep?

One story is wandering around the Internet, but it is still unknown whether it is true or just a horror story...

As they say knowledgeable people, this terrible story happened in the late 1940s, Soviet researchers decided to conduct an experiment to find out how lack of sleep for a long period of time would affect a person. 30 days without sleep - that was the goal of the experiment.

It is clear that only volunteers were invited to participate in the experiment - five prisoners gave their consent to participate in the project in exchange for the possibility of early release. They then went into a sealed and tightly closed chamber, where stimulating gas was supplied - this is how the study of the effects of long-term sleep deprivation began. scary story.

Volunteers were observed through two-way mirrors, and conversations were monitored using microphones. It must be said that the first couple of days of the experiment passed without any comments. – Experience, freedom in exchange for 30 days without sleep got off to a pretty decent start.

On the fifth day, the situation in the cell changed, the subjects began to show signs of stress, they started complaining about damn life and cursing about the current circumstances. The experimental prisoners increasingly froze in front of the microphones, whispering incriminating information about each other, apparently in an effort to gain the favor of the researchers.

On the ninth day, one of the prisoners could not stand it, his nerves burst - he began to scream wildly for no apparent reason. First one, then another, and now the whole cell was engulfed in rushing and screaming people. For several hours, the participants in this terrible story experienced their vocal cords and lightweight for durability.

Serious mental problems in a cell for five people began at the end of the second week - people spent all this time without sleep! Someone started tearing books into pieces (there were plenty of books and magazines), another was quietly crying and howling in the corner, and the third prisoner figured out how to get rid of the observers behind the two-way mirror - grabbing magazine pages, smiling, he covered the glass with feces!

There was no visual observation after the trick with the glass, but the microphones worked. The moaning and howling suddenly stopped in the cell, and the crying stopped. Silence, the subjects stopped communicating altogether. Three long days passed without sound inside the camera. Fearing the worst, the researchers addressed the prisoners of the “30 days without sleep” idea with the words: We open the cell. Everyone move away from the door and lie down on the floor. In case of disobedience we will shoot. - A voice from inside answered: we can’t do it anymore, let us out! - So we managed to find out that there were still living people in the cell.

Two more days passed without contact of any kind as the scientists discussed what to do next. Finally, they decided to stop the experiment, because screams of pain and guttural growls were suddenly heard in the chamber. At midnight on the fifteenth day, the stimulant gas was released from the chamber.

A terrible picture opened the moment the door opened. The scary thing is not that one of the prisoners was dead - his body was torn to pieces, and pieces of flesh were stuffed into a drain in the floor. Four other bloody study subjects were screaming and hysterical, begging the soldiers to leave them in the cell and release the gas again! They were afraid to fall asleep!

Meanwhile, the shocked soldiers looked in shock at the mutilated bodies of people. Torn flesh, rags of hanging skin - all the prisoners were terribly mutilated lacerations, but alive.

Only the man sitting under the mirror did not scream; he did not ask to be left in the cell. In general, he silently and busily fumbled in his torn stomach, tearing off a piece of flesh from the wound and putting it in his mouth.

The four who were still alive, but were terrified of falling asleep and refused to leave the cell, had to be removed by force by the guards. However, the crippled and seemingly exhausted people suddenly seemed to receive a good dose of combat stimulant and themselves threw the guards out of the cell! They resisted so fiercely that it is impossible to believe.

One of the prisoners suffered a ruptured spleen, lost so much blood that his heart barely had anything to pump, but, nevertheless, he continued to hammer with his fists for several more minutes until his lifeless body collapsed on the floor!

The remaining subjects were shackled and taken to medical institution for treatment. But damn it, hobbled doesn’t mean calmed down! One of the three survivors, seeing that he was being put to sleep, showed such power of berserker rage that he tore his muscles and tendons, and broke bones while struggling with the belts. As soon as the painkiller took effect, his heart stopped and he gave up the ghost.

The remaining two underwent the operation more calmly - so to speak in this case. Apparently not feeling any pain at all, they laughed and laughed on the operating table - so hysterically that the doctors began to fear for their own sanity.

After treatment, the survivors were asked why they mutilated themselves, why were they so desperate to return to the cell? Each one in turn gave the following answer: “I must never sleep again.”

The dream is playing important role In human life. Every organ needs rest, especially the brain, which without it will not be able to function fully. How long can a person live without sleep?

Scientific research

For many years, scientists have been asking the question: “How long can a person live without sleep?” And

conduct experiments on this topic. So, one day several volunteers gathered in one room and began a study. The result showed that most people fell asleep after two days without sleep, and only a few lasted five days. During this period, the volunteers experienced severe fatigue, mild fatigue and lack of strength. After about two days, the brain begins to shut down automatically, falling into shallow sleep. If a person does not perform any actions, then he falls asleep in any position.


Many people have tried to record how long a person can live without sleep. The absolute record listed in the Guinness Book is 12 days. During this time, the European, who had not slept for so long, began to have headaches. The experiment had a negative impact on his health.

However, there are people who have not slept for longer periods of time. Thus, one Vietnamese man has not slept for 27 years and still feels great. AND similar cases there are quite a lot of them in the world. What explains this? The individual ability of the body to withstand heavy loads. According to scientists, such people have phenomenal abilities in that their organs can turn off individually, resting in this way. In fact, if you train your body, this is quite possible.

Why should a person sleep?

Trying to find out how long a person can live without sleep, people experiment on themselves. But you shouldn’t do this, because you can completely ruin your body. After the first day without sleep, your health worsens, your blood pressure is disrupted, and irritability appears. Two days without sleep deprives a person of strength and makes it difficult for him to think. After the third day it appears depressive state, It only gets worse: the person sees nightmares, hallucinations, hears extraneous sounds or voices. Available chronic diseases worsen, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat appear. Brain cells gradually die, which leads to the inevitable death of a person.

How long can a person go without sleep? Why shouldn't you experiment?

How long can a person live without sleep without harming his health? The answer is obvious: 15-20 hours. There must be at least one nap of at least 4 hours per day. But this - extreme case. In general, a person needs a full, eight-hour sleep once every 24 hours.

You should not try to test for yourself how long a person can live without sleep. It all depends on the body and its endurance. Some people can easily stay awake for five days and feel good, while others become lethargic, tense and painful within 24 hours. Sleep is not the case when it is worth experimenting. Otherwise, you will have to prove how long a person can live without sleep, at the cost own life or health.

Many of us have at least once wondered how long a person can live without sleep. As you know, night rest The best way restore your strength and recharge your batteries. But what will happen to the body if you don’t sleep for 2 or more days?

A person spends a third of his life on night rest. If we take into account average duration life and subtract 30%, the figure turns out to be impressive. However, without sleep, people cannot live fully. Why? There are several reasons for this:

  • during sleep, our body rests, recovers and processes the information received during the day;
  • thereby physiological state all systems are restarted;
  • the functioning of the immune system is restored;
  • metabolism is normalized.

If a person regularly lacks sleep, in the near future he may have problems with overweight, the work of the heart muscle will be disrupted, a depressive state will begin to overcome, everything will make itself felt chronic pathologies and there is a high risk of developing diabetes.

What happens if you don't sleep for a long time

How long can a person last without sleep? As a rule, people can live without a night's rest for up to a week. However, even a day without sleep has a negative impact on your general condition.

Having stayed up late, the body begins to signal that it is time to pay attention to rest, with the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness appears first;
  • then, absent-mindedness arises;
  • further, there is a feeling of heaviness on the eyelids.

Important: If you do not set aside time for rest, a person will soon experience hallucinations. Moreover, several sleepless nights may lead to fainting.

Prolonged wakefulness negatively affects the functioning of organs and systems. A person has sharp jumps Blood pressure, which provokes the development of a number of dangerous pathologies. However, it is enough to lie down and get a good night’s sleep, and the body’s functioning will be completely restored.

Well, now let’s take a look at what’s happening in human body in the absence of rest:

  1. If a person does not sleep for a day. Lethargy, fatigue and irritability occur. At the same time, blood pressure increases and absent-mindedness is observed. It is worth noting that after the first sleepless night, negative changes are not yet pronounced.
  2. On the second day, the human psyche is attacked by chemical processes. In this state, information received from the outside is partially assimilated. In addition, the process of destruction begins in the brain healthy cells, and also increases the load on everything internal systems and organs.
  3. After three days without sleep, hormonal imbalance occurs. In addition, the production of stress hormone increases, shortness of breath occurs, and the rate of brain cell renewal decreases. Such changes are expressed in memory lapses, the appearance severe depression, and in some cases neurotic disorder, the person begins to get confused in his speech and resembles a madman.
  4. After four to five days, paranoia develops, speech is impaired, visual and auditory hallucinations. During this period, if human body will not receive good rest, exists high probability death.

Important: Scientists have conducted a number of studies and found that due to lack of sleep, the human body reduces its ability to absorb glucose. And this leads to the development of such most dangerous pathology like diabetes.

If after five to six days a person does not die, irreversible processes occur in the body, such as:

  • convulsions and tremors appear;
  • speech becomes slurred;
  • and on last stage the person loses his memory.

Experimenting with night rest is a very dangerous idea and, as can be seen from everything described above, can end in death. However, there are people who do not sleep of their own free will. This is due to the disease insomnia. This pathology affects about 30% of the entire planet's population. Quite an impressive figure. Moreover, unfortunately, it is only growing every year.

Scientists call the main reason for the development of this disease modern world with its colossal flow of information. Protect yourself from harmful effects You can by following the simplest rules of getting ready for bed.

What if you don’t sleep at all?

Today, medicine knows several facts about people who have gone without sleep for a long time. Usually, similar condition called VSD syndrome — .

This pathology It is transmitted only by heredity and occurs in several dozen families in the world. The disease appears in people aged 30 to 65 years, and lasts from 6 to 36 months, then the person dies.

VSD causes irreversible damage to the brain. It especially negatively affects those departments that are responsible for sleep. Typically, people suffering from fatal insomnia experience the following symptoms:

  • panic attacks;
  • various phobias;
  • hallucinations;
  • severe weight loss.

Important: Scientists were able to find out that death occurs not due to insomnia, but due to abnormal brain disorders.

It should be noted that it is not the sleep disorder itself that kills people, but the irreversible brain damage that occurs due to its absence.

Today it is not established exactly how long a person can go without a night's rest. And this is a positive message, considering how irreparable harm the condition in question affects the human body. Moreover, the compilers of the Guinness Book also refused to register such dubious records.

Due to what factors can a person go without sleep?

Scientists studying somnology have come to the conclusion that long absence night rest, the human body can be tricky. People cannot stand without sleep for long periods of time.

Therefore, on the third day the brain enters a cycle of superficial rest. In this condition, the hemispheres turn off for short periods of time. Moreover, a person at this moment can be busy with any number of things:

  • eat food;
  • carry on a conversation;
  • commit walking and other.

It is also a proven fact that in extreme cases, people can last longer without rest compared to normal conditions. The reason for this condition is that a person is accompanied by a feeling of danger, which regularly enriches the blood with adrenaline.

In such conditions, the body uses all its capabilities in order to survive. But, as soon as the danger has passed, a person needs a longer rest to restore his strength.

Another interesting fact, in Vietnam there lives a man who has not slept for more than 40 years. This is due to a fever he suffered in childhood. Moreover, according to the doctors observing this patient, he feels cheerful.

Facts about sleep deprivation

How long can you stay awake without dying? And today, despite the intensive development of medicine, doctors cannot give a definite answer. Of course, experiments in this area were carried out, but on rats. And as experiments have shown, the behavior of animals already on the third day became inadequate in relation to their relatives and food.

Well, as for fatal outcome, the rats died in the second week. Moreover, death was caused by severe weight loss due to which the animal’s body could not maintain normal temperature bodies.

Therefore, scientists came to the following conclusions:

  • probability premature death increases by 15%;
  • people with chronic lack of sleep 30% more likely to suffer from depression;
  • a week of lack of sleep steals 15% of intelligence;
  • a driver who has not had enough sleep for several hours is comparable to a person in medium degree alcohol intoxication;
  • lack of sleep negatively affects female and male libido;
  • from constant lack of sleep, the thought process is greatly reduced.

But similar negative factors It's only caused by lack of sleep. Now you can imagine how destructive insomnia can be.

And in conclusion, we emphasize that today it has not been established how long a person can actually live without a night’s rest, so as not to harm his health. Of course, many people manage to cut back on sleep. However, it is important to remember that such savings will definitely come back to haunt you in the future. Therefore, devote as much time to sleep as necessary for full recovery body.

In fact, absolutely everyone on our planet sleeps - both people and any other creatures, including animals, birds, fish and insects. The dream is somewhat extreme important functions: This necessary rest for the body, restoration of immunity and processing of information received during the day.

People cannot survive without sleep. There is an exception in the world - there are 5-10 people who do not sleep at all. If you believe the research, this is associated with a certain disease, the causes of which are impossible to identify, just as it is impossible to recover from this disease. For example, a certain Indian has not slept for several decades. Scientists doubted his words, so they decided to conduct testing. A week later, the first results were shown - the test subject never closed his eyelids to sleep! After another week, nothing happened, so the study had to be stopped. But at the same time, as experts say, there is a high probability that the Indian slept with with open eyes little by little throughout this period - they know this technique, although learning to use it is not so easy.

If we talk about the Guinness Book of Records, several years ago an Englishman named Tony Wright got into it, who decided to achieve record results. He had not slept for more than 11 days, or, to be more precise, 264 hours. All this time he was trying to cope with sleep and he was quite successful: he ate, drank, wrote notes in his diary, played sports, visited a nearby bar where he played billiards, etc.

Despite the fact that Tony achieved incredible results, after he had slept for several days in a row, he told the public that several times he wanted to give up on everything and quickly lie down. In addition, he soon began to have problems with touching the world around him - he saw some things in bright colors, so bright that it caused him severe irritation. However, Wright was not destined to be in the Guinness Book of Records for so long. The fact is that the publishers decided to exclude this record altogether, because being without sleep long time extremely harmful to health.

By the way, before this the record holder was an American. The only problem was that he was not included in the Guinness Book of Records for reasons unknown to us, but he was able to go without sleep for almost 19 days. His record has been recorded in numerous US publications.

If we talk about simple things unprepared person, then it will be extremely difficult for him to survive even 4-5 days. More than once, Russian volunteers agreed to such an experiment, but their bodies could not stand it for more than five days - they fell asleep. the main problem lies in the fact that on the second day of wakefulness you instantly plunge into the phase REM sleep. If the person is not disturbed at this moment, he will fall asleep. To prevent this from happening, you need to do something, for example, play an online game, force yourself to walk, etc. If you have support from friends, you feel much easier - after all, communicating with them really helps.

If suddenly a volunteer survives two days, then other problems begin: changes hormonal background, brain cells are slowly destroyed, the load on internal organs. On days 3-5, changes begin to occur that can kill a person if he does not fall asleep.

At the same time, experts say that the body can resort to tricks, and at the subconscious level. The fact is that it allows the volunteer to enter the so-called superficial sleep, when the hemispheres of the brain turn off for short periods of time. At the same time, the person himself can communicate, stay awake, walk, or even eat.

One story is wandering around the Internet, but it is still unknown whether it is true or just a horror story...

As knowledgeable people say, this terrible story happened in the late 1940s; Soviet researchers decided to conduct an experiment to find out how lack of sleep for a long period of time would affect a person. 30 days without sleep - that was the goal of the experiment.

It is clear that only volunteers were invited to participate in the experiment - five prisoners gave their consent to participate in the project in exchange for the possibility of early release. They then went into a sealed and tightly closed chamber, where stimulating gas was supplied - this is how the study of the effects of prolonged sleep deprivation began - this is a terrible story.

Volunteers were observed through two-way mirrors, and conversations were monitored using microphones. It must be said that the first couple of days of the experiment passed without any comments. – Experience, freedom in exchange for 30 days without sleep got off to a pretty decent start.

On the fifth day, the situation in the cell changed, the subjects began to show signs of stress, they started complaining about damn life and cursing about the current circumstances. The experimental prisoners increasingly froze in front of the microphones, whispering incriminating information about each other, apparently in an effort to gain the favor of the researchers.

On the ninth day, one of the prisoners could not stand it, his nerves burst - he began to scream wildly for no apparent reason. First one, then another, and now the entire cell was engulfed in rushing and screaming people. For several hours, the participants in this terrible story tested their vocal cords and lungs for strength.

Serious mental problems in the cell for five people began towards the end of the second week - people spent all this time without sleep! Someone started tearing books to pieces (there were plenty of books and magazines), another was quietly crying and howling in the corner, and the third prisoner figured out how to get rid of the observers behind the two-way mirror - grabbing magazine pages, smiling, he covered the glass with feces!

There was no visual observation after the trick with the glass, but the microphones worked. The moaning and howling suddenly stopped in the cell, and the crying stopped. Silence, the subjects stopped communicating altogether. Three long days passed without sound inside the cell. Fearing the worst, the researchers addressed the prisoners of the “30 days without sleep” idea with the words: We open the cell. Everyone move away from the door and lie down on the floor. In case of disobedience we will shoot. - A voice from inside answered: we can’t do it anymore, let us out! - So we managed to find out that there were still living people in the cell.

Two more days passed without contact of any kind as the scientists discussed what to do next. Finally, they decided to stop the experiment, because screams of pain and guttural growls were suddenly heard in the chamber. At midnight on the fifteenth day, the stimulant gas was released from the chamber.

A terrible picture opened the moment the door opened. The scary thing is not that one of the prisoners was dead - his body was torn to pieces, and pieces of flesh were stuffed into a drain in the floor. Four other bloody study subjects were screaming and hysterical, begging the soldiers to leave them in the cell and release the gas again! They were afraid to fall asleep!

Meanwhile, the shocked soldiers looked in shock at the mutilated bodies of people. Torn flesh, rags of hanging skin - all the prisoners were terribly disfigured by lacerations, but alive.

Only the man sitting under the mirror did not scream; he did not ask to be left in the cell. In general, he silently and busily fumbled in his torn stomach, tearing off a piece of flesh from the wound and putting it in his mouth.

The four who were still alive, but were terrified of falling asleep and refused to leave the cell, had to be removed by force by the guards. However, the crippled and seemingly exhausted people suddenly seemed to receive a good dose of combat stimulant and themselves threw the guards out of the cell! They resisted so fiercely that it is impossible to believe.

One of the prisoners suffered a ruptured spleen, lost so much blood that his heart barely had anything to pump, but, nevertheless, he continued to hammer with his fists for several more minutes until his lifeless body collapsed on the floor!

The remaining subjects were restrained and taken to a medical facility for treatment. But damn it, hobbled doesn’t mean calmed down! One of the three survivors, seeing that he was being put to sleep, showed such power of berserker rage that he tore his muscles and tendons, and broke bones while struggling with the belts. As soon as the painkiller took effect, his heart stopped and he gave up the ghost.

The remaining two underwent the operation more calmly - so to speak in this case. Apparently not feeling any pain at all, they laughed and laughed on the operating table - so hysterically that the doctors began to fear for their own sanity.

After treatment, the survivors were asked why they mutilated themselves, why were they so desperate to return to the cell? Each one in turn gave the following answer: “I must never sleep again.”