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How long does it take for a woman to recover after childbirth? Video: woman’s pelvic muscles after childbirth. Premature appearance of crumbs

The birth of the placenta occurs, signifying completion birth process. This is accompanied by the release of a large amount of blood and mucus: since the surface of the uterus is damaged, a wound remains on it from the former attachment of the placenta. Until the surface of the uterus heals and the mucous membrane is restored, the wound contents will be released from the vagina of the postpartum woman, gradually changing in color (there will be less and less blood impurities) and decreasing in quantity. These are called lochia.

Immediately after labor is completed, the woman is given a drug to stimulate contractile activity uterus. Usually it is Oxytocin or Methylegrometril. Emptying through a catheter bladder(so that it does not put pressure on the uterus and does not interfere with its contractions), and an ice heating pad is placed on the lower abdomen. This time is very dangerous due to the discovery of hypotonic uterine bleeding, so the mother in labor is monitored for two hours in the delivery room.

Bloody discharge is now very abundant, but still should not exceed the norm. Any pain the woman does not experience it, but bleeding quickly leads to weakness and dizziness. So if you feel that blood is flowing very strongly (for example, the diaper under you is all wet), be sure to tell the medical staff about this.

If the discharge during these two hours does not exceed half a liter and the condition of the postpartum woman is satisfactory, then she is transferred to the postpartum ward. Now you must monitor your discharge, and for this you need to know what it is and how long it lasts. Don't be alarmed: of course, the nurse will control everything. And the doctor will certainly come in, including to assess the nature and amount of discharge. But in order to be confident and calm, it is better to know in advance what will happen to you in the first time after childbirth, and what the nature of normal postpartum discharge should be.

What type of discharge occurs after childbirth?

Lochia consists of blood cells, ichor, plasma, scraps of the lining of the uterus (dying epithelium) and mucus from the cervical canal, so you will notice mucus and clots in them, especially in the first days after childbirth. When pressing on the abdomen, as well as during movement, the discharge of wound contents may increase. Keep this in mind, if you want to get out of bed, you will immediately gush. Therefore, we recommend that you first place a diaper under your feet.

Lochia will constantly change its character. At first they resemble menstrual discharge, only much more abundant. This is good because the uterine cavity is being cleansed of wound contents. After just a few days, the lochia will become slightly darker in color and less in number. In the second week, the discharge will be brownish-yellow and acquire a mucous consistency, and after the third week it will be yellowish-white. But blood impurities can be observed for a whole month after childbirth - this is normal.

To avoid bleeding?

Even after the mother has been transferred to the postpartum ward, the likelihood of bleeding still remains high. If the amount of discharge increases sharply, call a doctor immediately. To prevent bleeding, do the following:

  • Turn over on your stomach regularly: this will help empty the uterine cavity of wound contents. Better yet, lie more on your stomach rather than on your back or side.
  • Go to the toilet as often as possible, even if you don't feel the urge. Optimally every 2-3 hours, since a full bladder puts pressure on the uterus and prevents its contraction.
  • Place a heating pad with ice on your lower abdomen several times a day: the blood vessels will contract, which also prevents bleeding.
  • Do not lift anything heavy - when physical activity the amount of discharge may increase.

In addition, in nursing mothers, lochia ends much faster. Therefore, breastfeed your baby on demand - during sucking, the mother’s body produces oxytocin, which provokes contraction of the uterine muscles. The woman feels cramping pain, and the discharge itself intensifies.

To avoid infection?

Copious discharge in the first days is very desirable - this way the uterine cavity is cleansed faster. Moreover, from the first days postpartum period a variety of microbial flora is found in lochia, which, when multiplying, can cause an inflammatory process.

In addition, like any other, this wound (on the uterus) bleeds and can very easily become infected - access to it is now open. To prevent this from happening, you should strictly observe hygiene and follow the following recommendations:

  • Wash your genitals warm water every time after visiting the toilet. Wash the outside, not the inside, from front to back.
  • Shower daily. But refrain from taking a bath - in this case, the risk of infection increases. For the same reason, you should not douche.
  • In the first days after giving birth, use sterile diapers instead of sanitary pads.
  • Later, change the pads at least eight times a day. It’s better to take the ones you’re used to, only with more drops. And wear them under disposable fishnet panties.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use hygienic tampons: they retain the wound contents inside, preventing its discharge, and provoke the development of infections.

How long does the discharge last after childbirth?

Lochia begins to be released from the moment the placenta is rejected and normally will last an average of 6-8 weeks. Intensity postpartum discharge Over time, it will decrease and the lochia will gradually lighten and disappear. This period is not the same for everyone, as it depends on many different factors:

  • intensity of uterine contraction;
  • physiological characteristics of the female body (its ability to quickly);
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • progress of labor;
  • presence or absence postpartum complications(in particular inflammation of an infectious nature);
  • method of delivery (with a caesarean section, lochia may last a little longer than with a physiological birth);
  • breastfeeding(the more often a woman puts the baby to her breast, the more intensively the uterus contracts and cleanses).

But in general, on average, discharge after childbirth lasts one and a half months: this period is just enough to restore the mucous epithelium of the uterus. If the lochia ends much earlier or does not stop much longer, then the woman needs to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor?

As soon as the discharge becomes natural, you should visit a gynecologist. But there are situations when a doctor’s examination is necessary much earlier. If the lochia suddenly stops (much earlier than it should) or in the first days after birth the amount is very small, you should see a gynecologist. The development of lochiometra (retention of wound contents in the uterine cavity) can lead to the appearance of endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa). In this case, the wound contents accumulate inside and create a favorable environment for bacteria to live, which is fraught with the development of infections. Therefore, contraction is induced with medication.

However, the opposite option is also possible: when, after a stable decrease in quantity and volume, the discharge suddenly became abundant—bleeding began. If you are still in the maternity hospital, urgently call a doctor, and if you are already at home, call an ambulance.

A cause for concern is yellow-green discharge with a sharp unpleasant putrid smell, as well as the appearance of pain in the abdominal area combined with an increase in temperature. This indicates the development of endometritis. Appearance cheesy discharge and itching indicates the development of yeast colpitis (thrush).

Otherwise, if everything goes well, then one and a half to two months after birth, the discharge will take on the character of pre-pregnancy, and you will heal as before. new life. The onset of the usual menstruation will mark the return of the female body to its prenatal state and its readiness for a new pregnancy. But it’s better to wait with this: take care of a reliable method of contraception for at least 2-3 years.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Childbirth is a serious shake-up for any mother’s body. No matter how long they last, several hours or days, the result will be dramatic change in a woman’s life, the restructuring of all systems and organs for subsequent feeding and raising the baby. And this restructuring cannot happen instantly. The woman will feel some changes immediately, but quite significant changes will occur over the course of several more weeks.

What needs to change?

    The uterus returns to its original size. The mucous membrane in the uterine cavity is restored. All this is accompanied by the discharge of postpartum discharge - lochia.

    All internal organs, pressed by the baby on latest dates pregnancy, should take their usual places. Some of them return to their normal, pre-pregnancy sizes.

    All the organs that worked “for two,” such as the mother’s heart, liver, and kidneys, gradually get used to working in the old way.

    After a sprain, the ligaments that were pulled apart during childbirth heal, lose their mobility, and, possibly, will take a new position.

    All microtraumas, cracks and other soft tissue damage to the mother heal.

    On the spot serious breaks scars form.

    Major changes affect the endocrine system.

An organ of the endocrine system, the placenta, which maintained not only the baby’s hormones at the required level, but also regulated hormonal balance in a woman's body. A woman's remaining glands internal secretion also change - they decrease in size, as they worked under heavy load during pregnancy and childbirth. However, the work of hormones that should ensure lactation remains at a high level.

    The mammary glands change.

They seem to adapt to feeding exactly the baby that was born to this mother. Starting with a few drops of colostrum, the body gradually learns to produce milk appropriate to the age and needs of the baby. The process of establishing lactation takes a fairly long time and should end with the onset of the stage of mature lactation.

As stated above, all this cannot happen quickly. Transition period, the time for restoration of all functions and stabilization of the new state - lactation, lasts about 6 weeks. However, how successful it will be depends very much on what the birth was like.

Biologically normal childbirth implies that mechanisms are activated in a woman’s body that help her recover easily and without problems. These mechanisms are activated if childbirth corresponds to the natural scheme, i.e. take place in a reliable, safe place - a “nest”, where there is no interference or intrusion, where a woman feels protected and gives birth for as long as she and her baby need. As a rule, during such births, there is no pain during contractions, and the body manages to adapt to each stage of labor.

Normally, a woman’s level of endorphins, pleasure hormones, increases throughout childbirth, reaching its peak at the time of birth. Exactly high level A woman’s own endorphins contribute to the activation of the maternal instinct, which allows her to experience tremendous pleasure from the process of caring for her baby.

The quality and comfort of breastfeeding is influenced not only by the level of endorphins, but also by the timely first attachment to the breast. And it will be complete only after the child exhibits a search reflex, which occurs 20-30 minutes after birth. And the baby suckles when applied on time, not for 10-15 minutes, but for 1.5-2 hours!

Ideally, the first hour is the natural end of labor, the very reward for which the mother tried so hard and waited 9 months, and she should receive confirmation that everything is fine using all her senses - touch, stroke, squeeze, see, smell, press it, put it to your chest. A powerful release of her oxytocin and prolactin gives the first impetus to the all-consuming feeling of maternal love, which will help her overcome all subsequent difficulties.

So, endorphins: prolactin and oxytocin help the mother not only survive a successful birth, but also recover just as safely after it. And indeed, all these 6 weeks, all processes occur spontaneously and do not require any special measures or procedures. All she needs is peace and a baby under her tits!

In the first three days, the mother simply lies with the baby. This allows all the organs to gently begin to fall into place, and the mother to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast. The baby also does not require much care in the first days. Therefore, mom is able to do everything she needs without getting out of bed.

Uterine contractions occur regularly due to the baby's full sucking. As an auxiliary measure, the mother can periodically lie on her stomach and lie on a cold heating pad with ice a couple of times. Tonic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic or uterine contracting herbs are needed in exceptional cases. Special attention deserves only hygiene measures.

According to historians of obstetrics, it was the neglect of hygiene standards that contributed to such high mortality after giving birth to our ancestors. Despite the new opportunities to treat almost any infection, the modern mother should once again take care of herself before such problems arise.

Regular and thorough washing, followed by treating the genitals with an infusion of disinfectant herbs will not only prevent the occurrence of postpartum infections, but will also help heal wounds and abrasions. An equally effective measure is simply ventilating the “affected” areas. And this will be possible if you stop using panties for several days and lie down quite a lot, placing a pad under the woman, and not pressing it between her legs.

Only women with severe tears need a special diet these days. And for an ordinary mother, no restrictions are needed either in the area of ​​food or in the area of ​​drinking. To establish full lactation, a woman should not feel thirsty, so you can drink as much as you want.

In the week following these days, mothers usually begin to move much more actively.

Firstly, they are pushed to this by the increasing activity of the child. The baby begins to adapt to the world around him, and all the time he expects help from his mother, even with his simplest needs. Timely learning of practical child care skills gives mother many pleasant moments and fills her heart with pride every time she begins to succeed at something.

That is why a competent mentor in the first days is an equally necessary means for quick recovery women in labor, like sleep or, for example, water. From time immemorial, a young mother was taught, instructed, helped, and modern woman also needs training. This preserves the psycho-emotional peace of the postpartum mother, helps her understand the needs of her baby and allows her to correctly distribute her time and efforts.

Secondly, the mother’s well-being allows her to do much more, although not everything. Feeding while lying down seems to be the most convenient form. That's why mommy still lies with her baby for a long time. However, this mode can rather be called semi-bed rest. Because the mother begins to move around the house more and more confidently, albeit together with her baby.

When moving around the house with a baby in your arms, you should not wear a bra yet. The skin on the chest adapts to the sucking process in just 10-14 days, and during this time it needs contact with air. A simple loose T-shirt or shirt will cover the outside of your breasts, and it’s best to leave a bra for going out. The exception to this rule is women with very massive and heavy breasts, for whom moving around the house without a bra can be very uncomfortable.

It should be noted that after biologically normal birth With the breast, except for the adaptation of the skin, nothing extraordinary happens. Neither a change in the composition of colostrum, nor the arrival of milk, as a rule, does not cause a woman any inconvenience, except for a feeling of slight heaviness. The breast and baby adapt to each other. And this adjustment does not require additional pumping, milking or any other unpleasant actions. As a rule, one day after the strongest tide, discomfort subside. Therefore, after a while, the milk will come exactly as much as the baby needs, no more!

The remaining time before the end of 6 weeks usually passes by the mother unnoticed. Every day brings so many new things that she simply does not have time to keep track of time. Mom is gradually mastering the art of combining household with child care. Due to the fact that the baby is growing all the time and the mother is still just learning to navigate its immediate needs, it still takes her a lot of time to do both.

The little man's rhythms are still very short. Therefore, the mother must have time to serve herself and the child in small dashes. On the one hand, this also provides her with a lot of time for rest, which she still needs so much, because... at each feeding she rests, sitting comfortably with the baby. On the other hand, it encourages her to more actively master various ways child support and various masterful feeding positions. This takes up almost all of her time, so it doesn’t even occur to her to do any special physical exercise or go for a walk! But such activity allows her to manage her life better and better. own body which is gradually returning to normal.

By the end of 6 weeks, a woman after a biologically normal birth is usually completely accustomed to her new position, masterfully feeds the baby from any position, is well versed in his needs, and she has time and the desire to communicate with someone else. For all this trouble, she did not even notice that during this time she not only learned something, but also completely physically recovered.

In principle, this scheme should correspond to the behavior of a woman after any childbirth. However, childbirth that deviates from the natural pattern takes place differently, which affects the woman’s hormonal balance and introduces its own characteristics and adjustments to the recovery processes after it.

First of all, childbirth that does not occur in the “nest” represents more severe stress. From the point of view of nature, a mother who has not found her “nest” is in an extreme situation, so it is necessary to mobilize all reserves!

Unfortunately, first of all, adrenaline is released from reserves, increasing tension during contractions, increasing pain, and as a result - reducing general level mother's own endorphins. Following endorphins, the levels of all other hormones that promote spontaneous childbirth and normal recovery after them. This primarily affects the woman’s well-being and the ability of her tissues to regenerate and restore. To this it should be added that the absence of a “nest”, i.e. a habitable place with a bacteriological environment familiar to the mother is a factor that increases the likelihood of infection.

In addition, hormonal imbalance affects the establishment of lactation processes. IN stressful situation There may be much more milk than the baby needs, or there may be a delay in its arrival. Not to mention the fact that such phenomena increase the risk of mastitis and other breast problems, unstable lactation greatly interferes with the establishment of interaction between mother and baby. Since these processes are in no way related to the condition of the baby, caring for him becomes more difficult and Instead of joy, it causes great inconvenience to my mother, even to the point of irritation.

Well, to top all the troubles, all this ( increased level stress hormones, low level endorphins, problems with wound healing, difficulties with lactation) can lead to postpartum depression. If the mother, on top of everything else, is separated from the child or even gives birth surgically, then the difficulties may even increase.

To protect yourself from all these consequences, it will not be enough for mommy to simply do general recommendations. There are several rules that will have to be taken into account to ensure that the recovery goes relatively smoothly.

    A disrupted hormonal balance dictates to a woman during this period not entirely logical actions that can directly harm her health, therefore, in the absence of a biologically normal birth, a woman CANNOT BE ORIENTED BY INTUITION. It is better to act based on knowledge of the normal biology of these processes, and if there is none, contact specialists.

    It should be remembered that the probability of developing an infection before the body has fully recovered after clinical childbirth is VERY HIGH, therefore, YOU CANNOT CREATE FAVORABLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR INFECTIONS, i.e. you need appropriate care, first of all for the uterus, for all wounds, and subsequently for the breasts.

    IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO GO OUTSIDE until the end of 6 weeks after giving birth or, according to at least, after 1 month after them! Any hypothermia, even very mild, can lead to infection. For the same reasons, during this time you should not walk around the house barefoot, undressed, or take a bath or swim in open water.

    DO NOT WEAR A BANDAGE OR DO PHYSICAL EXERCISES UNTIL THE END OF 6 WEEKS. Any effect on organs abdominal cavity, which have not yet taken their “rightful places,” can provoke both a change in the position of these organs and inflammation, which can spread to the uterus or chest.

    During the first 2 weeks after childbirth, you need to REGULARLY TAKE UTERUS CONTRACTIONS. The fastest contraction of the uterus is the first means of combating possible infection and best prevention its occurrence. In general, it can just be herbs - shepherd's purse, yarrow, nettle. But it is also possible to use homeopathy or even medications prescribed by a doctor.

    Starting from the 6th day after birth, it is necessary to PREVENT POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION by taking sedative tinctures or appropriate homeopathy for at least 2 weeks!

    When separated from the baby, it is necessary to organize regular BREAST EXPRESSION. This will prevent mastitis from developing and will contribute to the further establishment of lactation. Expressing during separation is done approximately once every 3 hours. When milk comes in, it is necessary to strain the breast if the baby is not with the mother and constantly attach the baby if he is nearby. During the entire high tide, you will have to limit your fluid intake to 3 glasses per day.

    IT IS NECESSARY TO ORGANIZE NORMAL LACTATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Properly organized breastfeeding restores maternal hormonal levels, therefore, in the end, it will not only make life easier for the mother, but will also contribute to her rapid recovery.

As for psychological rehabilitation, our long-term observations show that mothers after clinical childbirth feel it only 9 months after birth. Alas, this is the price one has to pay for violence against one’s own nature.

After the birth of a child, women are faced with various physiological problems that worry them and bring discomfort. However, they must know all the nuances in order to distinguish natural state from pathology.

Question of the day: how long does the discharge last after childbirth, and what does it look like during a normal course? postpartum recovery? Every new mom goes through this, which is why it's so important to know what to expect.

Girls will have lochia no matter how the child was born - naturally or with surgery. The reason for their occurrence lies in the restoration of the uterus and its cleansing of membranes. After the baby is born, a wound from the placenta remains on the surface of the organ. Until it heals and the mucous membrane returns to normal, you can observe wound contents coming out of the vagina. Visually, it may resemble menstruation, but it contains remnants of membranes, ichor, and mucus. After some time, their abundance and color will change.

If the process of cleansing and reduction takes place without complications, then the duration of lochia is 5-8 weeks.

Moreover, the abundant ones end within up to 3 weeks, after which they are not so strong. Of course, this happens individually, taking into account factors such as:

  • lactation;
  • age and physical activity;
  • blood clotting;
  • child's weight;
  • complications during pregnancy.

It is important to be able to diagnose what is normal and what is a sign of pathology, so always pay attention to these characteristics:

  1. Composition (1-4 days - blood, clots; 2 weeks - clots and mucus; a month later - smears (possibly blood).
  2. Color (1-4 - bright scarlet, 2-3 weeks - brownish, after a month - white or transparent).
  3. Smell (in the first week - bloody, musty, beware of the rotten and pungent smell!).

Average duration

How many days does discharge last after childbirth? On average, about 42. At the same time, it is the period when they change their color and volume that is important, because you need to make sure that the body is cleansed correctly and on time.

How long does it take for lochia rubra to last - another one important question. Immediately after the baby is born, the placenta separates very actively, and there is a lot of bloody secretion from the vagina.

This is not very convenient, but it is important so that the gynecologist can determine whether everything is fine. At this time, about 400-500 ml of liquid pours out of the girl.

Up to 3-4 days they appear scarlet in color, clots can be seen in them, but this is not a sign of pathology. During this period, a woman has to change a special pad every hour on average. In addition, the girl may smell a sweetish or musty odor - there is no need to be afraid, but if the odor is putrid, consult a doctor immediately.

How long does serous lochia last? They should last from 4 to 10 days. Their volume decreases, their color changes - now they are brown-pink or brown. The number of leukocytes increases, so there should be no more blood clots during this period. You can already use regular gaskets

After 10 days lochia appears white, smearing in nature. They are odorless and do not cause discomfort, and last about 20 days. This is the final stage of wound healing. After finishing.

Risk of uterine bleeding

In the first hours after the birth of the baby, there is a high risk of uterine bleeding if the uterus contracts poorly after relaxing during pregnancy. To prevent this, put ice on their stomach. During contractions of this organ, blood vessels are compressed, this prevents excessive blood loss and its consequences: anemia, dizziness, weakness.

It is important on the first day not to be ashamed of your secretions, show them to the doctor and keep him informed about your condition all the time. This will also affect how long you will have to spend in the hospital after giving birth.

Pathological conditions

We have already discussed the situation with natural healing, but there are various deviations, if you notice them in time you can maintain your health. Some of them indicate pathologies that require medical intervention.

Secretion occurs after 5 weeks or a little longer. If they last less or suddenly stop, visit your gynecologist. The reason for this may be insufficient contractility of the uterus, then the blood and placenta do not come out and form stagnation. It must be eliminated immediately. To avoid stagnation, girls are advised to get out of bed and walk more often.

If lochia comes out after childbirth for more than 2 months, you should be examined by a doctor immediately.

After all, after such a time, you must leave them in the past. The cause of blood may be menstruation if there are no clots, pus, unpleasant odor. Rupture of seams can also affect its appearance. In any case, pay attention to the color, smell and consistency of what comes out of the vagina, and report to doctors.

About endometritis, dangerous inflammation, they will tell you yellow or greenish secrets with a pungent aroma. If your temperature also rises and your stomach hurts, call an ambulance. No matter how long the lochia comes out after the birth of a child, it can either be stagnation or an infectious infection - neither of which bodes well. Treatment of this disease takes place only in a hospital, with the help of antibiotics and a disinfectant solution, and

Lochia after caesarean section

Many girls are interested in how long the discharge should be after surgery. In such cases, they take longer because contractility is hampered due to the suture and swelling of the tissue. However, even under such circumstances, it is considered normal if the end is after 9 weeks. They can be red for up to 10 days, but not longer, then, as with the natural appearance of a baby, they change shade to brown, then to white.

Menstruation occurs after artificial ones, as with normal childbirth, if the woman did not have complications in the form of inflammation, infections, or bleeding. After all, the body of a girl who has undergone surgery is more unstable and weakened.

How long mothers will discharge after childbirth, regardless of the method of birth, is influenced by breastfeeding.

Lactation stimulates uterine contractions and fluid comes out better. So take note.

How long lochia lasts after childbirth depends on the new mother herself and her compliance with certain rules. Below you will find some important tips that are highly recommended.

  • To reduce the risk of complications after the birth of a child, a pregnant woman should be supervised by a doctor from the beginning. A woman should visit him regularly and take the medications prescribed by him. The gynecologist will assess her individual condition and tell her when the discharge should end after childbirth in her case.
  • Before leaving the hospital, you need to do an ultrasound, which will help assess the current state of the uterus. Over the course of several weeks while it actively heals, you should rest more, avoid heavy lifting, and avoid putting pressure on your abs.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. While there is discharge, you need to wash yourself more often, after each trip to the toilet. and limit yourself to a warm shower.
  • Do not use tampons. They delay the flow and thereby increase the risk of inflammation.
  • Start walking 4-5 hours after the baby is born, so that there is no stagnation. If you have had a caesarean section, this should be done after 10 hours.
  • Feed your baby your milk.
  • Immediately inform doctors if the nature of the secretions changes, you feel a putrid odor, bleeding increases, and the temperature rises.
  • It is not recommended to have sex in this state. Intimate relationships are possible even when the discharge stops after the birth of the baby.


Let's summarize and figure out how long discharge lasts after childbirth, how long lochia lasts bloody color So what's this. This process is natural, just like the birth of the baby itself. After his birth, the uterus throws out unnecessary tissue, placenta, mucus, ichor, and blood comes out. All this is similar to normal periods, except that they are more abundant.

In the first hours their volume reaches 500 ml. Such secretions last up to 4 days, then their color changes and there are fewer of them. After 2-3 weeks, they turn white or transparent and should be finished in 42 days. Be careful and, if you see signs of the pathologies described above, immediately inform your doctor.

Even very prudent women who are used to planning such important events, like conceiving a child, they can fall into the “trap” of their own body and become pregnant unexpectedly some time after birth. Repeated pregnancy will not always be desired and acceptable, and therefore spouses may face difficult moral choices. In this article we will look at how long it takes to recover reproductive health new mother and how to plan a new pregnancy after childbirth.

Is it possible to conceive immediately after the birth of the baby?

It is difficult to say why, but there is an established opinion among people that a woman after giving birth remains sterile for some time, that is, she cannot become pregnant. This is a dangerous misconception that has brought more than one hundred young mothers to gynecologist’s offices in short time after childbirth for abortion. There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth. Pregnancy in the absence of contraceptive measures will certainly occur in healthy woman immediately as soon as she reproductive system will restore its functions - the ovaries will begin to work at full capacity, eggs will mature, and ovulation will occur.

The timing is individual. For some women, the cycle is restored within a month, while for others it takes six months or more; there are also those for whom this process takes more than a year. But it is a big mistake to try to count recovery from the moment the first menstruation arrives. Menstruation ends the female cycle, and does not begin it, the endometrium is rejected with bloody discharge when the maturation of the egg has already occurred and fertilization has not occurred. That is, a couple of weeks before her first period, a woman is already fertile and, according to the laws of nature, may well conceive a new life.

The problem is that no one knows exactly when the very first period will come. Recovery process menstrual cycle After childbirth, it lasts for different periods of time and is influenced by many factors:

  • method of delivery - cesarean section or natural birth;
  • features of the postpartum period, the presence or absence of complications;
  • breastfeeding or lack thereof;
  • individual characteristics of a woman’s body;
  • age and health status.

After caesarean section restoration of the cycle may take slightly longer than after a physiological birth through vaginal genital tract. If postpartum period turned out to be complicated, then recovery female cycle may also take longer. When breastfeeding, provided there is no hormonal disorders the cycle is restored only a few months after birth, and in at a young age mothers acquire fertile abilities faster than older mature women.

Features of cycle and fertility restoration

Immediately after childbirth, regardless of how it happened, blood is released. copious discharge with clots. This is not menstruation, and this discharge cannot be taken as a starting point. Discharge after childbirth is called lochia. This is how the process of cleansing the uterine cavity from blood, particles of membranes and placenta occurs. During childbirth, the placenta is delivered on its own or is manually separated. During a caesarean section, the “baby place” is removed by the surgeon. In any case, integrity is violated blood vessels, which over the course of nine long months managed to grow together and turn into a single circulatory system - “mother-placenta-fetus”.

Thus, after childbirth, a fairly extensive placental wound is present inside the uterus. It is she who bleeds as the uterus contracts to its previous size. Lochia can last for as long as recovery period, that is, until 6-8 weeks after birth. After physiological labor, it usually ends a couple of weeks earlier than after surgical labor.

During the period of lochia discharge after any childbirth, sexual life is contraindicated, since the uterus is defenseless against infections that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

If the spouses are sensible and responsible people, if they value women's health, they do not violate this prohibition and there is no point in talking about the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period. Those who violate the ban must be vigilant - pregnancy is possible.

When the uterine cavity is completely cleared, the discharge becomes normal. By this point, the hormonal background is usually significantly restructured. In theory, from this point on, reproductive female organ ready to bear fruit again. But this is only theoretical. In practice, a woman needs more time to recover her nervous and endocrine system so that the organs of the reproductive system return to their usual normal functioning.

At a certain point, the balance of hormones comes into the correct ratio and in the ovaries, which did not work as intended during pregnancy, the process of maturation of the oocyte begins again, which is released on the day of ovulation. If conception does not occur, menstruation begins after two weeks.

It is almost impossible to confuse the first menstruation after childbirth or cesarean with anything else. You don’t need to think that your periods will “come” again on the days that they “came” before the baby was conceived, since now the cycle is shifting. It is for this reason that after lochia ends, when a woman resumes sex life, even before the arrival of the first menstruation, it is important to use barrier contraceptives (condoms), since it will be almost impossible to determine ovulation before the first menstruation on your own.

The first menstruation is a signal that a woman reproductive system returned to the usual rhythm. The first menstruation may be slightly shorter than before and more scanty, but after 2-3 months the cycle returns to normal.

The timing of restoration of fertility after childbirth is affected by psychological condition young mother - with postpartum depression, recovery slows down significantly. The lifestyle of a young mother is also considered an important factor - if she looks like a zombie due to constant lack of sleep and night feedings, it is premature to talk about restoration of sexual function. It also plays a role whether she is breastfeeding the baby or whether the baby is bottle-fed.

How does breastfeeding affect?

A woman who, for some reason, does not breastfeed, can theoretically recover and regain fertility within a month and a half after giving birth. It is this factor that should definitely be taken into account when resuming sexual relations with a partner after the birth of the baby.

Breastfeeding affects the ability to conceive again. Breast milk production is a complex hormonal process. A woman's pituitary gland produces a large number of prolactin. This hormone is a component of breast milk and regulates lactation in general. And here there is no big difference - the woman gave birth herself or she had a caesarean section. Lactation in both of them proceeds according to the same hormonal laws.

Prolactin suppresses the production of progesterone and partially blocks the production of estrogen. Because of it, the gonads cannot work in normal mode and egg maturation usually does not occur. No egg - no ovulation, no menstruation.

But feeding and feeding are different. One woman feeds her baby every 2 hours and uses only her mother's milk, without supplementing the baby artificial mixtures, other breast milk combines with an adapted mixture. For the first, menstruation will not come for a longer time, since prolactin is produced more with frequent breastfeeding. But the second mother may well become a “victim” of a sudden and unexpected pregnancy, even while breastfeeding the baby. The fact is that low prolactin production gives progesterone a chance to be produced, and the process of restoring ovarian function may well begin, and the woman will not feel anything unusual.

Typically, in the first six months of a baby’s life, pediatricians recommend only breastfeeding, and only then advise gradually introducing complementary foods. From this moment on, the baby begins to consume a little less milk, which again increases the likelihood of spontaneous restoration of the cycle due to a decrease in prolactin levels and the onset of pregnancy.

After introducing complementary foods into a toddler’s diet, menstruation most often occurs within one and a half to two months, but fertility returns earlier by at least 2-2.5 weeks. And this must be remembered, especially if a new pregnancy is not yet part of the family’s plans.


The female body needs time to recover, because carrying a baby is serious work and a big burden. After childbirth, especially if it was difficult, with a long recovery period, complications, it is better to take a break to allow all organs and systems to return to their usual rhythm of work.

However, a pregnancy that occurs even within a year after a physiological birth is not as dangerous as a pregnancy that occurs too early after a cesarean section.

After surgical delivery, you need to take into account that the process of forming an internal scar on the uterus requires special time. It normally takes about 2 years. This period is considered the minimum break between the previous pregnancy and the onset of a new one. An incompetent scar can greatly complicate the course of a new pregnancy - there is a risk of its divergence, uterine rupture both during pregnancy and childbirth. There is a possibility of developing fetoplacental insufficiency, abnormalities in the development of the placenta, chronic oxygen starvation of the baby, and delayed development.

Regardless of the method of previous birth, a hasty subsequent pregnancy creates an increased risk of miscarriage. early, exhausted inner functional layer uterus, which also takes time to restore, can have a detrimental effect on the formation of the placenta, which can lead to intrauterine death of the baby and the birth of a low-weight baby.

The probability increases more than 2.5 times premature birth, even if the first trimester, full of dangers and fears, can be successfully overcome.

This does not mean that a woman will not be able to leave pregnancy and give birth to a baby, because the birth of the same age is not such a rare occurrence, especially after physiological first childbirth It’s just that the risks will be higher and pregnancy may not be as easy as doctors and future parents would like.

How to avoid pregnancy?

Considering that the truth is harsh, and it is unlike the myths about pregnancy after childbirth, knowing that pregnancy may well occur through unprotected sex even during lactation a few months after the birth of the child, the couple should definitely discuss contraceptive measures. Even if the next child is desired and the spouses want similar children, the woman needs to take care of her health, because It is not enough to endure and give birth - children need a healthy and full of strength mother who can raise and educate them.

In the first month after childbirth, even if it passed without complications, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. When the lochia ends, you can return to sexual relations again, but with a condom. It is this method of contraception that is considered the best, at least until the return of full menstruation.

After the second or third menstruation, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist to exclude late complications and discuss contraceptive measures that would suit both partners, because a simple and reliable condom is not always welcomed by married couples.

How much protection to use is a rhetorical question. Only the spouses themselves and the doctor who monitors the woman’s health can answer it. In the absence of complications, it is not recommended to become pregnant again in the interests of the unborn child after physiological birth for at least a year to a year and a half. After a caesarean section the period is longer – from 2 years.

New pregnancy, which occurs too soon after the previous one, may require the woman to wean the child from the breast. When the nipples are stimulated, the mammary glands release a certain amount of oxytocin, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Some kids, feeling that the familiar and familiar taste mother's milk changed (to hormonal background during a new pregnancy), they themselves refuse to breastfeed.

It is also important to remember about psychological and emotional exhaustion. A child requires a lot of strength and attention, and a new pregnancy can significantly complicate communication between mother and baby, because hospitalization may be required. medical indications, Small child, who depends on his mother for everything, will remain in the care of relatives, and this during the first year of the baby’s life is not exactly what he needs.

The choice of methods and ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy today is large. This and oral contraceptives, And intrauterine device, and injectable long-term contraception. Which method to choose needs to be decided with a gynecologist. If a woman plans to become a mother again, it is important for her not to “overdo it” with hormonal contraceptives, and also exclude any possibility of intrauterine manipulation - curettage, abortion. Therefore, the method must be reliable, safe and gentle; a woman should have no contraindications to it. Choose one taking into account everyone individual characteristics Only a qualified doctor can do it.

For more information about how many months after giving birth you can get pregnant again, see the following video.

Usually, the news of a new pregnancy literally a few months after the birth takes place comes as a real shock to a woman. As a rule, a second pregnancy almost immediately after the previous one is unplanned; young mothers are often in absolute confidence that such a “development of events” is simply excluded. Moreover, for a long time it was believed that a new pregnancy in a short time after childbirth was impossible if the mother was breastfeeding the baby and therefore had no menstruation. This is partly true, moreover, new studies by modern scientists indicate that conception can occur literally 3-4 weeks after birth, even against the background of the absence of menstruation and during the lactation period. Therefore, young parents need to approach the issue of resumption very responsibly. sex life- after childbirth, a woman simply needs to recover, and the newborn baby now needs care and attention more than ever, which means next pregnancy It’s better to postpone it until the deadline.

The answer is stunning - in less than a month: doctors officially declare that a new pregnancy may well overtake a “newly born” woman already in 3-4 weeks after the birth of the child. On average, during the first two weeks after childbirth, a woman continues to have postpartum vaginal discharge: the process of self-cleaning of the uterus occurs. Both for this period, and for some time after the end of the discharge, experts recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse altogether - the woman’s body needs restoration: now the reproductive system of the woman in labor is very vulnerable to infections. However, if you are thinking about resuming your sexual life, doctors strongly advise you to first be examined by a gynecologist - the doctor will assess the degree of restoration of the reproductive system and recommend the most appropriate method of contraception.

The opinion that a new pregnancy is impossible due to the absence of menstruation is erroneous: the first ovulation after childbirth can occur long after the onset of menstruation. Thus, repeated pregnancy becomes a reality, in addition, the woman may not even know about its occurrence for some time due to the absence of “classic” pregnancy symptoms.

Such an “alternative” method of birth control as breastfeeding does not provide a guarantee. From many young ladies you can hear the opinion that the lactation period and the associated amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) is an obstacle to a new conception. This is partly true, but only partly. The fact is that the “lactation amenorrhea” method only works if the mother feeds the baby according to a certain pattern and does not give the baby supplementary feeding. This method only works if the woman in labor puts the baby to the breast regularly and each feeding is once every 3 hours and once at night, with a break between day and night feeding of no more than 6 hours. The effectiveness of the “lactation amenorrhea” method is estimated at approximately 97% - and only if all necessary conditions are met. Otherwise, even a nursing mother, if she gives her baby supplementary food and feeds him according to a schedule and not on demand, without additional contraception, runs the risk of becoming pregnant again during the lactation period.

When to plan a new pregnancy?

According to medical recommendations, the break between the previous and subsequent pregnancies should be at least 1.5-2 years. Even 6-8 months, and even a year after giving birth, a new pregnancy poses a certain danger. During the period of bearing a child, the body has experienced enormous stress, and if pregnancy occurs soon after birth, the risk of miscarriage, development various diseases in a woman, there is a risk of premature birth. If the delivery was carried out by cesarean section, then the interval between pregnancies increases even more - the next child should be planned no earlier than in 2-2.5 years: the scar on the uterus must heal completely, and female body- fully recover.

Some women are able to breastfeed a child for quite a long time - even after he is a year old or more. You should not rush into pregnancy while the lactation process continues: as conception occurs, milk usually either disappears or its quantity decreases significantly. Another option is possible - breast milk under the influence hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, changes its taste so much that the child simply refuses the breast. But, if pregnancy nevertheless occurs during the lactation period, the baby does not refuse breastfeeding, doctors still advise weaning him off the breast. Both because a new pregnancy is associated with new stresses on the body, and due to production when exposed to the nipple, which causes contractions of the uterus and increases the risk of miscarriage.

New pregnancy - better not to rush

During the first year of life, a small child is in dire need of his mother’s affection, parental care and care. After the birth of the baby, a strong connection is established between the baby and the mother, and specific system mother-child interactions. A new pregnancy in a short time immediately after childbirth is not only an incredible burden on the still fragile female body, but also a factor that can disrupt the optimal system of interaction between mother and baby. Now he needs full care and every minute attention, and his mother needs time to recover and fully understand motherhood and the responsibility associated with it.

It’s not for nothing that people say: “He who is in a hurry makes people laugh.” And in the case of repeat pregnancy Almost immediately after giving birth, this laughter, most likely, will not be joyful at all, but bitter. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of specialists, and upon completion of postpartum discharge, on the eve of resumption intimate life, it is better to visit a doctor. Together with a gynecologist, a woman will be able to choose the optimal contraceptive option, which will prevent an unwanted pregnancy at this stage and allow her to return “to the arms” of her husband. Fortunately, the choice of contraceptives that can be used after the birth of a child is very large: from “traditional” condoms to the uterine device.

Especially for Tatyana Agamakova