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The main signs of sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

Medicine knows about thirty sexually transmitted diseases. Many sexually transmitted diseases are curable. But in the absence of treatment or untimely therapy, they can become chronic and cause complications. Also in venereology there is incurable pathologies who go into remission after treatment, but then relapse. We will list the main features venereal diseases in men, as well as methods of their treatment.

What diseases are considered sexually transmitted?

Sexually transmitted diseases are called “venereological diseases”. It is worth noting that some infections that provoke such diseases are transmitted in other ways, for example, during childbirth from mother to child, through the use of household items, unsterile instruments, needles, and during some medical procedures.

Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact (vaginal, oral or anal sex). Infection also occurs through close bodily contact. The risk of infection during intimate contact increases if a man does not use a condom.

Attention! It is important not only to timely treatment of a venereological disease, which can be obtained anonymously from a venereologist, but also to prevent the disease.

Incubation period and classification

Symptoms of STDs may vary, and sexually transmitted diseases also look different in the photo. The first signs of pathology appear after the end incubation period. This is a hidden course of the disease, which begins after the introduction of an infectious agent into the body and ends with the appearance of the first symptoms.

During the incubation period, there are no manifestations of the disease, and a person cannot yet infect sexual partners. Venereal diseases in men, the latent course varies in length. For example, gonorrhea shows the first signs of the disease a few days after infection, and hepatitis C and B appear only after six months.

According to WHO, there is the following classification of all reproductive tract infections:

  1. Endogenous infections. This includes bacterial urethritis and vaginosis, as well as candidiasis.
  2. To sexually transmitted infections WHO lists trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes, HIV, genital warts.
  3. Iatrogenic infections– these are inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs that arise due to surgical interventions and medical procedures.

The main manifestations of classical venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases in men may look different in photos. However, an adult can determine for himself that he needs to treat genitourinary pathology if he pays attention to the general characteristic signs of STDs.

So, we can list the following general symptoms venereal diseases in men:

  • a man feels itching and burning in the genital area;
  • All kinds of rashes, erosions, ulcers, irritation and redness may appear on the penis and in the anal area;
  • the main symptom of many sexually transmitted diseases is discharge from the urethra (it can be mucous or purulent, mixed with blood or foul-smelling);
  • painful urination;
  • often pathologies are accompanied by enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • the man is being pestered frequent urge to emptying the bladder;
  • During sexual intercourse a person feels pain and discomfort.


The latent period of this disease lasts 3-6 weeks. After this, the first symptoms appear in the form of small ulcers localized at the site of infection (usually on the genitals). The second name for syphilis is chancre. The ulcer is painless, does not bleed and does not increase in size. After some time, the inguinal lymph nodes begin to swell.

The disease can be completely cured only by initial stage. If left untreated, after 2-3 months the pathology enters the second stage, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • rashes all over the body;
  • heat;
  • headache;
  • not only the inguinal, but also all other lymph nodes enlarge;
  • some men begin to lose hair;
  • Condylomas appear on the penis and near the anus.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system and internal organs. All this leads to incurable changes in the patient’s body, as a result of which a quarter of patients die.


Hidden Current Gonorrhea lasts about a week. The stronger sex has an infection long time does not give symptoms. Among the characteristic signs of the disease are the following:

  • painful urination;
  • itching and burning in the organ;
  • the urge to urinate becomes more frequent;
  • yellow-green purulent discharge appears from the urethra.

Untreated gonorrhea causes damage to internal organs and leads to chronic inflammatory pathology. The testicles and their appendages, as well as the seminal vesicles, are often affected.

Important! Chronic inflammation of these organs leads to sexual dysfunction and infertility.


In medicine, this disease is also called chancroid. As with syphilis, the first symptom of the pathology is the formation of ulcers. They are localized on different parts genital organ and form at the site of infection.

Unlike syphilis, ulcers quickly grow in depth and width. They are very painful and often bleed, which makes it possible to distinguish the disease from syphilis. The ulcer itself is soft, its edges are quite swollen, inflamed and uneven. At the bottom of the ulcers there is a coating of pus and blood. When purulent discharge gets into the surrounding tissues, new ulcers form there. That is why single chancre in this disease is very rare. Usually, new ulcers are located along the perimeter of the main erosion. They merge into one large formation.


The second name of the disease is granuloma inguinale. The infection actively develops in humid climates and when high temperatures. The incubation period averages a month, but sometimes reaches 12 weeks.

Signs of the disease in men are as follows:

  • At first, a reddish small nodule appears;
  • then in its place a fleshy-red, painless ulcer with a velvety surface forms (the edges of the formation are slightly raised and uneven);
  • ulceration gradually increases.

If left untreated, donovanosis can lead to urethral strictures, genital elephantiasis, and anal stricture.


The disease has several stages. On initial stage the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • pain, burning and stinging when urinating;
  • increased urge;
  • secreted from the urethra clear slime, but later streaks of pus appear in it (the same purulent patches may be present in the urine).

If treatment is not carried out, the disease enters the second stage, and the man develops additional symptoms:

  • regional lymph nodes enlarge;
  • testicles become swollen;
  • a complex of symptoms characteristic of general intoxication occurs.


The first signs of the disease appear after three days or even a month. The following symptoms are typical for men:

  • itching of the genital organ;
  • discomfort in this area;
  • painful urination;
  • clear mucous discharge from the urethra.

Important! Untreated ureaplasmosis in a timely manner disrupts the process of spermatogenesis in the stronger sex, which leads to infertility.


The incubation period of this common pathology lasts from seven days to a month. The first manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  • painful urination;
  • purulent discharge from the urinary canal;
  • pain in the scrotum and perineum.

If the disease is not treated, it will spread inflammatory process on the epididymis, urinary tract and prostate gland. In the future, the pathology can lead to disruption of erectile and sexual activity.

Lymphogranulomatosis venereum

The second name of the disease is lymphogranuloma venereum. The latent course of the pathology lasts from five days to three weeks. The first signs of the disease are small tubercles or blisters that form at the site of penetration of the infectious agent. As a rule, the formation appears on the penis. Due to its small size and lack of discomfort, a man often does not notice a bubble or bump, which disappears over time.

A few weeks after this, the lymph nodes in the groin enlarge. They become quite dense and painful. Enlarged nodes merge into one large formation. The skin over it turns blue or red, and after a while the node opens and purulent contents are released from it.

HIV infection

Most dangerous disease sexually transmitted infection causes HIV infection. There may be no symptoms of this deadly disease, but some patients develop a fever when infected. However, this symptom is characteristic of many other infectious pathologies. Infection can occur both during sexual intercourse and during medical procedures using unsterile instruments, needles and untested HIV blood. Infection of children can also occur during childbirth.

Due to the absence of symptoms and treatment, after ten years the virus leads to suppression immune system person - AIDS develops.

Features of the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

Drug treatment for STDs is prescribed by a venereologist or dermatovenerologist. Many pathologies can be successfully treated at any stage. Complex therapy is carried out:

  • a course of antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • multivitamin preparations;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • immunostimulants.

At the end of treatment, the man must take a smear again to make sure that the infection is completely destroyed. In some cases it is required additional therapy. To prevent re-infection, both sexual partners should undergo treatment.

How do sexually transmitted diseases manifest in women?

It is especially important for a girl to take care of her health, since she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her future children. After all, many sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted from mother to child during childbirth.

Therefore, it is important to know more about the main sexually transmitted diseases and their symptoms.

Women are often unaware that sexually transmitted infection already present in her body: symptoms may not appear for a long time.

The first signs of a sexually transmitted disease appear:

  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • rapid, painful urination;
  • unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, pain;
  • rashes of various types on the external genitalia and in the oral cavity;
  • swelling and redness;
  • low-grade body temperature;
  • increase lymph nodes V groin area.

Also initial symptoms pathologies are changes in the normal nature of discharge from the genital organs:

  • color – may become yellow, gray, green, there may be bloody impurities;
  • consistency – liquid, thick, foamy;
  • unpleasant smell.

Infection can occur in several ways - vaginal, anal and oral. The infection affects precisely those organs into which the implantation was made.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases appear in women in acute period leakage. The danger lies in the fact that such diseases often become chronic. In this case, there are no signs of any illness, but the infection continues to slowly destroy the woman’s body. The patient's sexual partners are always at risk of infection.

The incubation period of sexually transmitted diseases, depending on the pathogen, can take from 2 days to several weeks and in some cases can last for years. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the disease in time and begin appropriate treatment.

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases

Depending on the nature of the disease, each disease has its own specific characteristics:

  1. Mycoplasmosis– appears already on the 3rd day after infection, is characterized by intense itching and severe discomfort in the genital area. There is painful urination and slight discharge from the urethra. The route of infection is unprotected sexual or close household contact.
  2. Trichomoniasis– the disease is characterized by a pungent odor and foamy discharge of white or yellow-green color. Pain when urinating becomes almost unbearable. Methods of infection are sexual. Contact infection is also possible by touching the pathogen (digital contact with affected intimate organs).
  3. Chlamydia– infection mainly occurs through sexual contact, but theoretically, infection at home is possible. In the acute period, it manifests itself as itching, painful urination, and discharge from the urethra and vagina.
  4. - leads to acute inflammation leading to diseases of the genital organs (uterus and appendages), intestines, oral cavity and oropharynx (especially advanced case– heart, liver, brain). If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, causing infertility, loss of vision and can lead to death. In women, it is often asymptomatic, pain in the lower abdomen may occur, elevated temperature bodies, yellowish discharge from the vagina. Transmitted only through sexual contact.
  5. Syphilis– a very dangerous disease that affects the mucous membranes, skin, nervous and skeletal system person. The first manifestation is the appearance of hard chancre at the site of infection. In the absence of treatment, pathological external change person, the disease can lead to fatal outcome. Is contagious excretory system the patient is saliva, blood, sperm, female discharge.
  6. Genital herpes– transmitted through oral, anal, genital, including oral-genital contact. May be transmitted by airborne droplets and from mother to fetus during delivery. The infected area may experience burning, swelling, pain, and redness. Body temperature may increase. A few days after these first manifestations, a herpes rash appears - small blisters with a clear liquid inside.
  7. HIV infection– remains asymptomatic for a long time, affecting the human immune system. The patient slowly weakens, and the body’s ability to resist any virus is lost. Concomitant illnesses (like Kaposi's sarcoma) are gradually added. Active efforts are underway to develop a cure for this disease. Methods of infection - sexual, generic, through the blood of a sick person.
  8. Ureaplasmosis– transmitted through sexual and household contact. Clinical picture The disease is similar in its manifestations to mycoplasmosis.
  9. Papillomavirus– infection with this disease can occur not only through sexual contact, but also through everyday life (in the pool, salon, etc.). It manifests itself as flat warts and condylomas.

One of the reasons for the most frequent calls to women's doctor is candidiasis - thrush. The disease is characterized by a violation of the microflora, symptoms of white thick or cheesy discharge, itching. It is sexually transmitted and can develop due to antibacterial therapy. Both sexual partners will be treated for the disease, but the disease is not considered sexually transmitted.


A feature of sexually transmitted diseases in women is their possible asymptomatic course for a long time.

Therefore, even if there are no signs of pathology, but your partner has them, be sure to contact a gynecologist for an examination.

Based on the examination and complaints, the doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • smears from the vagina, cervix and urethra;
  • tank culture of the affected tissue to determine the microorganism;
  • blood analysis;
  • for urethritis - laboratory test urine;
  • PCR: a method for identifying life-threatening diseases (HIV, syphilis).

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you can contact not only a women's doctor, but also directly to to a specialist– venereologist.


Only after an accurate diagnosis has been established, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. The main common sexually transmitted diseases are successfully treated with medication.

However, there are diseases that are considered incurable:

  • herpes types 1 and 2;
  • papilloma virus;
  • hepatitis C.

With such diagnoses, body-supporting therapy is prescribed, which will alleviate the patient’s condition and eliminate symptoms.

In case of bacterial nature of the disease (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis), the following treatment is prescribed:

  • antibacterial drugs (Bicillin, macrolides - Erythromycin, Vilprafen, tetracyclines - Doxycycline);
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamins.

Treatment regimens for sexually transmitted diseases may also include:

  • antiviral (Acyclovir);
  • antifungals (Fluconazole, Diflucan);
  • antiprotozoal drugs (Metronidazole).
  • Prevention can be called measures that are taken before sexual contact with a new partner. This is primarily a barrier method of protection - a condom. Special candles, pastes, and tablets are also available for sale.

    They are used some time before sexual intercourse - inserted into the vagina. By dissolving, such agents create some protection against infection. However, their use does not guarantee 100% safety from diseases - they can only destroy certain pathogens.

    Using condoms, maintaining personal hygiene, and visiting a gynecologist in a timely manner to check your blood tests will help you be confident in the absence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Venereal diseases transmitted sexually and can occur as in acute form, and become chronic. Need to know first symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise the consequences may be the most unexpected.

Almost everyone venereal diseases The incubation period lasts 7-10 days, after which the first signs appear. By the way, it is worth knowing that during oral and anal sex, infections are also transmitted. The first sign that an infection has been acquired through oral sex is a sore throat. When you get an infection during anal sex, the first sign is inflammation of the rectum.

It is important to know that if a person did not pay attention to first symptoms of the disease, it goes into chronic stage, after which the patient becomes a carrier of infections without realizing it.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases


This is a disease that occurs after bacteria such as chlamydia enter the body. The disease is transmitted only sexually. In men, the first signs of chlamydia are pain in the lower abdomen and stabbing pains during the process of urination. In women, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs occurs, as well as inflammation of the cervix.


This disease is popularly called gonorrhea. It is also transmitted sexually, regardless of the type of sex. It should be noted that gonorrhea has a clear severe symptoms. In men, pus may leak from the penis, and pain may also occur during urination, which is similar to a burning sensation. The anus may be inflamed, and the stool often contains blood. Women may experience infrequent bleeding, which is often confused with menstruation. Discharge becomes pink or bright yellow color. Pain may occur during sexual intercourse. However, you need to know that if a pregnant woman has gonorrhea, she can transmit the virus to the child. Undoubtedly, this is not fatal for the baby, but it still entails various Negative consequences.


This is one of the most dangerous venereal diseases which, if left untreated, can be fatal. Need to know that syphilis sexually transmitted through any sexual contact. The catch of the disease lies in the fact that it can remain asymptomatic in the body for a long time. That is why doctors recommend after spontaneous unprotected sex take tests 10 days after the act and after 3 months.

Primary symptoms syphilis– this is a general sluggish state of health, discharge in both men and women, pain in the groin area.

At the first signs of this venereal disease, it is necessary to urgently contact a venereologist, since sometimes tests alone are not enough to identify diseases and it is necessary to undergo additional treatment. If you sound the alarm in a timely manner, any venereal diseases curable without any consequences.

In 1999, WHO recommended the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as the main term for sexually transmitted diseases in men.

The genital tract includes all types of sex, but under certain conditions, infection can occur through extrasexual contact.

Many men are unaware that they are infected. Infections can occur in anyone sexually active person. They affect people of all races and sexual orientations equally.

Fortunately, sexually transmitted diseases in men are largely preventable.

  • Some male sexually transmitted diseases can be cured with a course of antibiotics, while others are persistent and incurable.
  • Some STDs may cause mild symptoms, while others may be present without causing any symptoms.
  • Many sexually transmitted diseases in men do not cause symptoms and can be transmitted through infected people who have no obvious symptoms.
  • All men who actively have sex are at risk. The only group of young men who are not at risk are monks.
  • Usage barrier contraception may reduce the likelihood of infection, but even this method is not completely safe.

Rosstat released a report according to which last years Urogenital chlamydia took first place, and urogenital trichomoniasis took second place. Young people under the age of 24 account for approximately half of newly infected people. Young men and young women are affected approximately equally.

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The main signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men

Most sexually transmitted diseases in men do not initially cause symptoms. This leads to the risk of transmitting the disease to other people.

For men, sexually transmitted diseases can be divided into three categories:

  1. Those that cause genital ulcers and other lesions of the genital organs.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases that primarily cause urethritis or inflammation of the urethra. This may be accompanied by a burning sensation and pain when urinating.
  3. Systemic STIs that cause symptoms throughout the body.

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men directly depend on the type of pathogen.

Chlamydia is an infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. At first, many of those infected have no obvious symptoms. When symptoms of urethritis occur, they are the most common. It can also cause infection of the epididymis and testes.

Gonorrhea Caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The disease can proceed without obvious signs and remain undiagnosed. Gonorrhea can cause urethritis in men. Signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men from the pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae are manifested by burning, pain, and purulent discharge. The disease can cause inflammation in the rectum and throat. The bacteria can spread in the body, causing rashes and joint pain.

Major infections

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most dangerous STI.

Infection can occur through sexual contact, through shared needles, or from an infected pregnant woman to her child. The virus ultimately leads to dysfunction of the body's immune system. The average time from infection to immunosuppression is 10 years. HIV does not specific symptoms, but some people develop a fever.

Human herpesvirus type 2 can cause genital herpes. In men, sores can be found on the penis, scrotum, anus, and on the skin of the thighs. Virus herpes simplex type 1 usually appears around the mouth, and type 2 HSV appears on the genitals. Both types of HSV can infect the genital area.

Human papillomavirus is a very common STI. Various types viruses manifest themselves in different ways. Some HPVs cause warts, which are not a sexually transmitted disease. Other types spread during sexual activity. The vast majority of people with HPV do not develop genital warts or cancer.


The body is able to get rid of the infection on its own. It is believed that more than 75% of Russians have been infected at one time. When a man develops genital warts, they appear as soft, fleshy, raised bumps on the penis or anal area.

Syphilis- This bacterial infection, caused by Treponema pallidum. If left untreated, the disease progresses in three stages, but can persist in a latent state. The first sign of this venereal disease in men is a hard chancre on the penis. Chancre develops after infection and may resolve after some time.

How are sexually transmitted diseases diagnosed in men?

Many sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed based on clinical history and examinations. Herpes and syphilis can be detected immediately. Diagnosis involves identification of the infectious agent. There are a number of clinical tests that involve drawing blood from a vein.

Treatment of venereal diseases: basic list of drugs

Basic medicines for sexually transmitted diseases

Chlamydial infection is treated with azithromycin. Nevertheless, reinfection may occur if sexual partners refuse to be treated together.

Antibiotics such as cefixime are commonly used to treat gonorrhea. In case of resistance, other groups of antibiotics are used to treat sexually transmitted diseases in men. Treatment of gonorrhea is often accompanied by management of chlamydial infection, since these two infections usually occur together.

STD medications containing metronidazalom and tinidazole are effective against Trichomonas infection.

The herpes simplex virus is incurable and remains in the body until death. Outbreaks of infection occur when the immune system is weakened. In this situation, for the treatment of genital herpes, it is recommended to take Acyclovir in the form of ointments or tablets.

No special treatment for HPV infection, but often it goes away on its own. It is possible to remove genital warts using a laser.

  • Syphilis can be safely treated with antibiotics during the first stage.
  • Without treatment, secondary syphilis develops, which is dangerous due to the spread of infection to other organs.
  • Can appear skin rashes, enlarged lymph nodes, kidney disease.
  • After this, tertiary syphilis may develop, which can cause various conditions, including encephalitis, aortic aneurysm.
  • Syphilis is curable with proper and timely treatment antibiotics.

Treatment of herpes

If sexually transmitted diseases in men are left untreated, some of them can spread throughout the body, causing serious consequences. Gonorrhea and syphilis are examples of treatable diseases, while HIV infection leads to immune suppression.

Using condoms can help prevent the transmission of many STIs, but no method of prevention is 100% safe. Limiting the number of sexual partners can help reduce your risk of getting infections.

How to treat sexually transmitted diseases at home?

If a laboratory is not equipped at home, then the infection can only be detected in the blood in a hospital.

Serious sexually transmitted diseases can be treated at home only on the recommendation of a doctor after discharge from the hospital. In mild cases, for example, during exacerbation of herpes, you can use a drug for sexually transmitted diseases such as Acyclovir.

and more diseases are sexually transmitted

Previously, only 5 were classified as sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, donovanosis and lymphogranulomatosis venereum. Later other diseases became known - chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, HIV-infection, pubic lice and others. More than 30 sexually transmitted diseases are now known.

Sexual transmission of all these infections occurs through sex, including oral and anal sex. But some sexually transmitted diseases can be contracted in other ways:

  • simply in close contact with the carrier;
  • through common household items;
  • through non-sterile medical and cosmetology instruments;
  • Some diseases can be transmitted to a child from an infected mother - in the womb or during passage through the birth canal.

On your own, without consulting a doctor and tests, you cannot accurately determine what kind of disease a person has—whether it is sexually transmitted at all, and if so, what kind. Therefore, it is very important to suspect in time that you have signs of a sexually transmitted infection, which will be a reason to consult a doctor.

In this article we will tell you what can signal a sexually transmitted infection, as well as what symptoms indicate different diseases.

Main features briefly

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases differ in men and women. Women have more symptoms and are more varied. In men, many diseases occur without symptoms, so it is generally more difficult for them to suspect some kind of sexually transmitted problems.

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men:

  • rashes, red spots on the penis
  • discomfort, pain when urinating
  • discharge from the penis
  • pain in the scrotum

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases in women:

  • rashes on intimate places
  • atypical vaginal discharge
  • bloody issues after sexual intercourse, as well as during the period between menstruation
  • pain, discomfort when urinating
  • unpleasant odor from the intimate area
  • nagging pain lower abdomen during or after sex
  • irritation, burning sensation intimate area

When infected through oral sex, the following symptoms occur:

  • temperature increase
  • enlarged neck lymph nodes
  • redness, rashes on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx

Target organs for sexually transmitted infections

Why do certain signs of sexually transmitted diseases occur, and what else could it be besides sexually transmitted infections? To understand this, let’s remember the structure of the male and female genital organs.

The female genital organs begin with the labia majora, covered with normal skin, which passes into the mucous membrane. Below the labia majora are the labia minora, above which is the clitoris. The labia minora cover two openings: at the top - the urethra, below it - the entrance to the vagina. The vagina itself is a tube that ends at the cervix. The opening of the cervix is ​​closed by a mucus plug. The cervix tightly covers the uterus. Located in the corners of the uterus the fallopian tubes, to the ends of which the ovaries are adjacent.

In men, the penis and scrotum are located outside, and the testicles, their appendages, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and prostate are inside.

In the penis they secrete base, body And head. The body consists of 2 cavernous bodies(they fill with blood when excited) and corpus spongiosum, through which it passes urethra. The body of the penis passes into the head. When passing from the body to the head, the skin forms a fold - the foreskin.

The scrotum is a sac containing two testicles with epididymis and the lower parts of the vas deferens. Both ducts combine with the ducts of the seminal vesicles in the prostate to form the main vas deferens. It enters the urethra.

The prostate is located below the bladder in front of the rectum.

What happens when infected

When a bacterium, virus or fungus enters healthy person, active reproduction begins. Depending on the type of microorganism, this may be inside the cell or in the environment that surrounds the cell.

For example, the human papillomavirus lives and multiplies inside cells, disrupting them normal functioning. Because of the virus, skin cells cannot die and quickly fall off the surface of the skin, so growths form in the form of flesh-colored warts.

If reproduction occurs in any environment, then pathogenic microbes affect the secretions of this environment. For example, vaginal discharge may acquire an unpleasant odor due to bacteria releasing toxins and other waste products.

After infection, a person’s immune system tries to cope with the problem on its own - it increases blood flow and sends special blood cells - leukocytes - to the site of invasion. Because of this, the infected organ turns red and swells, and its temperature rises. For example, when the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed, it becomes bright red, it is hot to the touch, and its walls are thickened.

Tissue swelling may cause compression nerve endings causing pain, burning or itching. Because of this, for example, there is pain when urinating, or a feeling that the vagina is itching.

Some bacteria (for example, chlamydia) destroy mucosal cells. But besides this, the cells of the mucous membrane and skin suffer from swelling and the work of leukocytes, which destroy microbes. This is where erosions and ulcers arise; the site of inflammation may bleed if it is destroyed due to infection. vascular wall. This often causes bleeding during and after sexual intercourse, as well as between periods.

Cell death causes disruption normal operation affected organ. Sexual and urinary system closely connected. Therefore, if microbes enter the urethra in men, they can travel to the vas deferens and then cause inflammation of the prostate and testicles. Ultimately, this can lead to infertility.

In women, due to the close proximity of the urethra and vagina, the infection can spread to the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, which leads to problems with conception and pregnancy, causing nagging pain in the lower abdomen and other unpleasant sensations.

Inflammation can be acute or chronic.

Acute form begins from the moment the microbe enters the body and begins to multiply. Usually this is 2-10 days after infection. Manifestations of the disease can be bright or blurred. At mild symptoms, and also, if a person does not consult a doctor, the inflammation gradually subsides and the infection becomes chronic.

Chronic form sexually transmitted infections exist for a long time in the human body and gradually change the structure of the affected organs. The elasticity of tissues deteriorates, natural channels narrow, and the functioning of the reproductive system is disrupted. A person with a chronic sexually transmitted infection becomes a source of infection for his sexual partners and relatives ( household way transfers).

Symptoms and diseases

Each venereological disease is characterized by certain symptoms. But does one or another sign always indicate only a sexually transmitted infection? Let's look at each group of symptoms in more detail.

Burning and pain when urinating

An infection that enters the urethra can spread upward to bladder and kidneys. Inflammation leads to tissue swelling and cell destruction. For this reason, the outflow of urine becomes difficult, and a person experiences pain and burning after urination.

These symptoms are characteristic of diseases such as:

  • chlamydia
  • Burning during urination and pain immediately after. The severity of symptoms may be blurred, which leads to chronic inflammation.

  • trichomoniasis
  • Burning after urination. Possible different intensity of discomfort.

  • candidiasis
  • Burning sensation during urination occurs only when chronic form diseases.

  • gonorrhea
  • A short-term burning sensation at the very beginning of urination. Often symptoms are pronounced in men, but completely absent in women.

  • non-venereal diseases
  • They also have similar symptoms, but they are caused by other reasons: urolithiasis disease, injuries to the external genitalia, allergies to cosmetical tools, psycho-emotional disorders and so on.

Discharge from the penis

The following fluids may normally be discharged from the penis:

  • urethrorrheaclear liquid from the urethra
  • smegma- whitish discharge from the glands foreskin and heads
  • sperm- white discharge, a mixture of sperm and gonad secretions

The following discharges should alert you:

  • transparent, stringy, mucous discharge - characteristic of ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.
  • mucopurulent - characteristic of trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and chlamydia in the acute phase
  • purulent - in copious amounts, characteristic of gonorrhea.
  • white curdled ones - typical for candidiasis.

Non-venereal diseases with discharge from the penis also occur. In this case, the symptoms may be the same, but the cause may be completely different. Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the foreskin, prostatitis, nongonorrheal urethritis, tumors, injuries of the penis, diseases of the central nervous system- all this may not be related to sexually transmitted infections.

Vaginal discharge

Normally, female vaginal discharge is liquid, transparent, mucous, in small quantities. Their volume can increase during excitement, after stress, later pregnancy. The consistency varies depending on the cycle - in the middle of the cycle there is more liquid discharge than at the beginning and end of the cycle. After sexual intercourse without using a condom and ejaculation of sperm, white vaginal discharge may occur for several days.

Discharges from genital infections are:

  • abundant thick foamy white
  • Characteristic of trichomoniasis. Quite often there is an unpleasant odor. Causes unpleasant odor from the vagina or urethra (in men) with venereal diseases- the vital activity of bacteria - they decompose nutrients and produce toxins.

  • yellow-green discharge
  • Characteristic of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and chlamydia. They have an unpleasant fishy smell.

  • thick white curdled dischargehallmark symptom candidiasis.
  • grayish white, watery discharge with a fishy smell - typical for gardnerellosis.

Some sexually transmitted diseases can cause bleeding during and after sex. This is typical for chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. Microorganisms destroy mucosal cells. Friction during sexual intercourse leads to additional mechanical damage inflamed areas. Blood discharge from the vagina is also possible between periods if the inflammation is very severe.

Some sexually transmitted diseases can cause bleeding during and after sex. This is common for chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea

Rash in the intimate area

Sometimes a rash on the genitals becomes the only symptom of a sexually transmitted disease:

  • flesh-colored nodules of an elongated shape on a thin base - characteristic of genital warts; sometimes they can grow and resemble a rooster's comb;
  • rash in the form small dots a blue or red tint in the pubic area, with severe itching - a sign of infestation with pubic lice, which bite the skin to feed on human blood;
  • a small rash in the form of canals up to 3 mm, causing severe itching - these are the passages of the scabies mite under the skin, the cause of scabies;
  • red itchy spots on the head of the penis, on inside the foreskin, in the perineum are a consequence of candidiasis or gardnerellosis; these spots are painful when touched and are associated with white discharge with a cheesy consistency;
  • blisters with clear or bloody fluid - characteristic feature genital herpes. The blisters are painful when touched and cause itching and burning.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rash with syphilis.

This disease has 3 stages, and each is characterized by its own type of rash. In the first stage, a painless ulcer with raised, dense edges appears on the skin - syphilitic chancre. It occurs at the site through which syphilitic bacteria have entered the body. If the disease is not diagnosed and treated, the ulcer disappears and syphilis moves to the next stage. The second stage is characterized by a small red or pink rash that appears all over the body. This rash goes away on its own and recurs after a few months. You can read more about syphilis rash in a separate article.

Can be mistaken for rashes on the genitals sebaceous glands, located on the head of the penis in men, and on the labia majora in women. During puberty, the glands are completely formed and become especially visible. Outwardly, they may resemble a rash in the form of multiple white lumps.

Red spots on the genitals may be a sign of contact dermatitis, allergic reaction. Plaque rashes are a symptom of psoriasis

Burning and itching of the genitals

Reason severe itching The genitals may contain sexually transmitted insects - pubic lice and scabies mites.

Pubic lice are round bodies firmly attached to hairs. Itching occurs at the sites of lice bites.

The scabies mite causes scabies. The reason for itching with scabies is that the mite penetrates under the skin and gnaws through channels in which it reproduces.

Itching and burning of the genitals also occurs with candidiasis, trichomoniasis and gardnerellosis.

A pronounced burning sensation is caused by genital herpes during its exacerbation - at the same time a rash in the form of blisters appears.

Causes of itching and burning in the intimate area that are not related to sexually transmitted infections are allergies to cosmetics, rubbing underwear, cystitis and urethritis - which are not caused by pathogenic microbes, hormonal diseases, contact dermatitis, mental disorders.

Pain during intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen

Pain occurs due to inflammatory reaction. Pain during sexual intercourse occurs with candidiasis, trichomoniasis and chlamydia. The causative agents of these diseases cause the death of mucosal cells and tissue destruction. Friction during sex further damages inflamed tissue.

This type of pain is typical for acute stage diseases. When the infection becomes chronic, the microbes spread to other organs of the reproductive system and cause inflammation: pain appears in the lower abdomen. In women, the inflamed uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries hurt. In men - prostate, testicles with appendages. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen is characteristic of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, and gonorrhea.

Pain is characteristic of many infections, not only sexually transmitted infections. It can be inflammatory diseases caused by other microorganisms, tumors, injuries. Normally, nagging pain in the lower abdomen in women occurs only during ovulation, before and during menstruation.

Let's look at the main symptoms of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptom summary table and the most common venereal diseases


If a person notices any of the listed symptoms, he should urgently consult a dermatovenerologist. However, it is worth remembering that these same signs can also signal non-communicable diseases. In any case, put accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can do it - after the person has passed all the tests. It is important to begin treatment of any sexually transmitted infection as early as possible to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.