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Genital warts in women: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis. Treatment methods for genital warts in women

Condylomas acuminata are specific formations that appear in the anogenital area after infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). The incidence is 20 people per 100,000 population in Russia and is constantly growing; this type is equally common among men and women. Susceptible to facial diseases reproductive age(20-40 years old), changing sexual partners and preferring unprotected sexual intercourse. The appearance of genital warts in women on the cervix is ​​dangerous due to the degeneration of the outgrowths into a malignant formation.


The etiological factor in the appearance of genital warts is the introduction of the human papillomavirus into the mucous membrane and skin of the genital organs. In half of the cases, infection occurs through sexual intercourse; the virus can be transmitted through personal hygiene items. There are several types of HPV that cause warts in the anogenital area. They are divided into three subtypes: HPV low (6, 11, 42, 43, 44 types), medium (31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58 types) and high (16, 18, 36, 45 types) risk of degeneration V cancer. In 90% of cases, condylomatosis is caused by types 6 and 11 of the virus, which initiate the growth of benign warts. When several types of high-risk viruses are detected, the likelihood of degeneration into cancer increases hundreds of times.

What do genital warts look like in women?

Average duration incubation period is 3 months. Condylomas in women are localized in the perineum, in the intergluteal folds, in the oral cavity, on the labia, in the vulva and vagina, on the outer part of the cervix. Warts look like a nodule of color normal skin or its shades, are attached to the epidermis with a stalk or lie on a broad base. Condylomas can form large clusters in the form of cauliflower or be located separately from each other.

The disease in girls begins with the appearance of redness or itching, then small growths appear, gradually increasing in size. When localized in the cervix, warts do not cause clinical manifestations.

Rarely, condylomas appear as plaques or spots. These clinical types found on the skin around the genitals and are characterized by slow growth.

Signs of cervical cancer

If there are genital warts on the skin of the genital organs, it is necessary to conduct a mandatory gynecological examination to detect warts on the cervix. This is due to the risk of malignancy (degeneration) of condylomas into cervical cancer.

Malignant degeneration of warts in the cervical area can occur with mild symptoms or asymptomatic. If you have one or more of the following clinical signs You should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. bleeding from the vagina during or after sexual intercourse, during douching or a gynecological examination;
  2. prolonged menstruation and changes in the nature of discharge during menstruation;
  3. pain during sexual intercourse;
  4. periodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  5. sudden weight loss for no apparent reason;
  6. constant subfebrile (37-37.5˚C) body temperature;
  7. increasing general weakness.
    Regular gynecological examinations help early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.

Diagnosis of genital warts

Diagnosing genital warts of the external genitalia is not difficult. The doctor focuses on the typical clinical symptoms. If condylomas are detected on the skin, a mandatory gynecological examination With full examination cervix and vaginal walls. A study is being conducted for concomitant infection in the genital tract.

To determine the type of virus, PCR diagnostics and DNA hybridization methods are used. After removal of genital warts, mandatory histological examination to exclude a tumor process.

How to treat genital warts in women?

There are several ways to remove warts in the anogenital area:

  1. cryodestruction - treatment of outgrowths with liquid nitrogen;
  2. removal using a laser or electric scalpel;
  3. excision of tissue with a classic scalpel;
  4. cauterization of warts chemicals(podophyllin, solcoderm, feresol and others).

Each of the above methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of removal method depends on the doctor’s decision, which is based on his experience and the characteristics of the pathological process. Drug treatment is carried out in combination with surgical removal. Immunomodulatory agents (methyluracil, pentoxyl), adaptogens (eleutherococcus, tincture Chinese lemongrass), vitamins. These remedies are auxiliary in nature and do not cure the disease on their own.

During pregnancy, condylomas are removed by surgical methods only from the external genitalia. In this case, the cervix is ​​not injured in order to avoid problems during childbirth.

Treatment with traditional methods

It is possible to cure genital warts in women at home only if the warts are localized on the skin of the perineum. Removing genital warts from the cervix using traditional methods is dangerous due to numerous complications.

Let's list the effective traditional methods getting rid of condylomas:

  1. Pieces of garlic are applied to the condyloma overnight under a bandage. The procedure is repeated until the growth disappears.
  2. You can buy celandine juice at a pharmacy or use fresh stems of the plant. It is necessary to lubricate the nodules several times a day until healing.
  3. Juices sour apples, aloe, pineapple, grapevine also used to remove warts. You need to rub the condylomas with the juices of these plants for 10 days.
  4. Vinegar mixed with wheat flour, the resulting dough is carefully applied to the condyloma. You should try not to burn yourself during the procedure. healthy skin. The dough is left until completely dry. The procedure is repeated until the nodule disappears.
  5. Propolis is soaked in saliva and applied to the growths under a bandage for several days (up to 3 days).

Forecast and consequences

Even after removing growths on the genital organs, it is difficult to achieve complete cleansing body from the virus. Therefore, after treatment, you should regularly visit your doctor for a full examination.

To prevent HPV infection Vaccinations are being carried out today. There are two types of vaccines: against two and against three types of viruses with a high oncogenic risk. The effectiveness of vaccination has not been fully studied, but there is already data indicating a reduction in the risk of contracting a dangerous type of virus. Girls can be vaccinated before the start of sexual activity in any dermatovenerological office.


A woman should be alert if small outgrowths of bodily or Pink colour. Genital warts are located singly or in clusters, forming a continuous area. Outgrowths different sizes, soft to the touch, painless when touched (see photo).

What it is?
Genital warts appearance resemble a common wart. It differs only in its attachment to the skin; condyloma has a thin stalk on which it is supported.

Warts appear on the skin after infection with the human papillomavirus. Infection occurs through sexual contact, during pregnancy. Transmission of the virus through blood, mother's milk and household items cannot be ruled out.

genital warts, photo

Human papillomavirus infection is widespread - in practice, genetic traces of the virus are found in every woman, with rare exceptions. Condylomas are formed when the papillary layer grows.

The virus, having overcome tissue barriers, enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. It multiplies in epithelial cells, integrating into its DNA. This changes cell functions, leading to active division and proliferation epithelial tissue. Men and women are equally susceptible to the disease.

Carrying a child and failure to maintain genital hygiene by both men and women are favorable factors for the formation of genital warts.

Causes of condyloma

Infection does not always require direct contact. When examining sexual partners, the virus is detected in both. Papillomavirus is benign in nature, with favorable conditions can degenerate into a malignant tumor. This is the reason for the mandatory removal of growths on the skin, regardless of their location and size. Genital warts form more often in women than in men.

Reasons for appearance:

  • reduced immunity;
  • recurrent candidiasis;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • sexual contact without protection.

At risk are women over 25 years of age, without a permanent partner, who are active sex life. After infection, a minimum of 2 months will pass, and a maximum of 9, when the first symptoms appear. Sometimes latent period lasts for years, the virus does not manifest itself in any way.

Signs and symptoms of genital warts in women

Wart-like growths appear on the skin. When viewed with the naked eye, a loose surface resembling cauliflower inflorescences is visible. The size of the outgrowths varies, either very tiny or up to several millimeters in diameter. The quantity varies, from one to several hundred.

The color depends on the location of the condyloma on the body. Colors range from white to burgundy. There may be a discharge of fluid from the condyloma with an unpleasant odor.

Genital warts in women are localized in the anus, perineum, labia, and mouth. Instrumental examination helps to detect pointed papillomas inside the urethral canal, on the walls of the vagina and the cervix. On palpation they are soft, mobile, discomfort and there is no pain. At accidental damage become inflamed, bleed and heal poorly.

When visiting a gynecologist, patients complain of:

  1. Unpleasant sensations during bowel movements and urination;
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. Growths on the skin that interfere with hygiene;
  4. Deterioration in the quality of sexual contact;
  5. Irritation that occurs upon contact with linen.

Condylomas in women do not form immediately - the initial stage is determined by small blisters, tubercles on the skin and mucous membranes. The skin has noticeable redness and slight itching. A little later, the first genital warts will appear, and the following growths will form next to them when itching occurs.


A woman consults a gynecologist. At the appointment, the doctor finds out from the patient the main complaints that served as the reason for the visit. Diagnosis is carried out in the following steps:

  • The time when there was unprotected sexual contact.
  • The patient is examined on a gynecological chair.
  • A scraping of cells from the epithelial layer is taken to identify the type and amount of virus.
  • Examination of the cervix and vaginal walls with a colposcope.
  • Diagnosis of the condition of the mucous membranes using Lugol's solution and acetic acid (3%).
  • Biopsy (taking a piece of tissue) of genital warts.
  • Histological (tissue) and cytological (cellular) examination of the condyloma site.
  • Anoscopy - the doctor examines the area of ​​skin near the anus under a microscope.
  • Taking a swab from cervical canal and from the cervix to oncocytology.
  • Blood test for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Urethroscopy - examination of the urethra for the presence of genital warts.
  • Consultations with an immunologist, dermatovenerologist.

A comprehensive examination is necessary to identify the risk of developing an unfavorable prognosis, select medications and treatment methods.

It is impossible to destroy the virus with medicine. A remedy has not yet been found that will eliminate the causative agent of human papillomavirus infection from the body, but it is possible to “press down” it and strengthen the immune system - significantly complicating further spread.

Genital warts are removed at any stage of development. This is not a treatment, this is cosmetic procedure. It is necessary to undergo examination to identify possible infections.

Local removal of condylomas is used. Treatment methods:

  1. Cryotherapy. Condyloma is frozen with liquid nitrogen. Low temperature destroys the protein inside the wart, it dies and falls off. A small wound forms at the site of its attachment; after 1-2 weeks it heals. The procedure is performed by a doctor in a hospital setting. The method is safe and painless if the specialist has sufficient experience.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Affected genital warts high temperature. Before treatment, local anesthesia is administered. After burning, a crust forms on the condyloma. After a few days it disappears. The method is painful and relatively inexpensive.
  3. Chemical exposure. Condyloma is treated with a preparation containing concentrated acid or alkali. The method requires precision in applying the product so as not to damage the skin around the wart. The procedure must be performed by a doctor.
  4. Laser therapy. The doctor dries out the condyloma with a laser beam, a scab forms, which falls off after a few days. The wounds on the skin disappear quickly, leaving no traces. The patient may feel slight discomfort during the procedure.
  5. The method of radio wave exposure to genital warts with a beam of narrowly directed high-frequency waves is similar to the operation of a laser. They use expensive medical equipment Surgitron, which is why the price of the procedure is high. The risk of complications is minimized.
  6. Surgical removal with a scalpel. The technique is outdated and rarely used. To remove condylomas, use local anesthesia or general anesthesia, the skin is sutured after excision.

The appropriate method is selected taking into account the capabilities medical institution, the doctor’s experience and the patient’s financial capabilities.

Immunocorrective therapy is mandatory; drugs are prescribed after a blood test (for immune status). The immunologist selects medicines and course of treatment.

Antiviral treatment for genital warts helps reduce the activity of the virus in the blood and slow down active growth skin formations. Drugs used: Isoprinosine, Epigen, Panavir, etc. Drug therapy is supplemented surgical methods to reduce the likelihood of relapse.

It is possible to remove genital warts yourself - treatment at home involves using medicines. It is not always possible to achieve results, but you can try. For this purpose, use cream Superchistotel, Solkoderm, Condilin, etc. (Consultation with a doctor is required!).

Condylomatosis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, immunity decreases and allows genital warts to recur. Conduct symptomatic therapy to reduce the formation of warts, which pose a risk of complications during childbirth. Removal of growths is carried out only in the third trimester when preparing a woman.

There is a risk of infection for the unborn child when passing through the birth canal. The baby is at risk (laryngeal condylamosis) if he takes his first breath while in the vagina with condylomas. In this case, the woman undergoes a caesarean section.

If there are no condylomas in the birth canal, there is no risk to the baby.

Immediately after removal of condylomas, a woman must undergo antiviral therapy and wait until you get pregnant.


When injured, the condyloma becomes inflamed, and suppuration and ulceration of the mucous membrane is possible. This occurs due to the location of the wart or when rubbed with linen. If one condyloma comes off, the wound bleeds and a new one grows in its place, sometimes several at once. Timely removal of condyloma in women helps to avoid complications.

Regular monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary. Human papillomavirus infection can cause erosion or dysplasia of the cervix, possibly degenerating into cancer.

Decreased immunity leads to frequent infections in the body and deterioration of health.

At the site of genital warts, there is a high probability of skin cancer formation.

Prevention of condyloma formation

To protect against infection, a number of measures are followed:

  • maintaining hygiene sex life(one partner);
  • mandatory visit to the doctor for any changes in health;
  • do not self-medicate, only after examining a gynecologist do they decide on a further plan of action;
  • physiotherapy, hardening, massage;
  • complete rest;
  • Spa treatment;
  • avoid stress;
  • a complete diet;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • protect yourself from hypothermia and overheating;
  • sufficient sleep.

If measures and treatment are followed, patients are treated normal image life. This does not negate compliance with the rules of hygiene and protection of the partner from infection.

Condylomas in women on the genitals are not such a rare problem. The causative agent of this pathology is HPV (human papillomavirus). The disease itself is called condylomatosis and can occur without symptoms. With the development of this pathology, there is a threat of cervical cancer. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time and undergo the prescribed treatment.

What are condylomas

In other words, these are genital warts. They are formed from the papillary layer of the mucosal epithelium and skin, which grows in the form of growths. When condyloma is just growing, it is impossible to get infected from a sick person. But when the papilloma virus reaches the epidermis layer, a person becomes a threat to those who have sexual and even household contacts with him.


As noted above, HPV is the causative agent of condylomatosis. Today, more than 100 types of virus have been identified. Some of them provoke cancer, some are considered low-oncogenic. The latter include the sixth and eleventh HPV type. Due to the penetration of these viruses into the body, condylomas appear. Cancer can be caused by types 58, 59, 52, 31 and many other types.

An infected girl or woman does not always develop growths on the skin and mucous membranes immediately after infection. There may be no symptoms; the virus is in a semi-dormant state. Then some factors appear that make it active, and then the growth of condylomas begins. To such activating HPV factors include:

  • decreased immunity due to chronic stress, tumors, chronic infection, hypovitaminosis, diets, long courses of antibiotics, etc.
  • decreased immunity during pregnancy
  • the period after childbirth, when the ratio of hormones in the body changes, the woman lacks vitamins, her body and nervous system exhausted, etc.
  • sexual relations with a person with HPV
  • not using condoms when having sexual intercourse with a person whose health status you do not know
  • promiscuity
  • ignoring personal hygiene rules

Routes of transmission

In most cases, HPV, which causes condylomas in women, is transmitted sexually. Infection is possible not only during vaginal intimate relations, but also through oral or anal contact. If you have had sex with an infected person, then your chance of getting sick is 75 out of 100, which is why HPV is considered a highly contagious virus.

There is a high risk of infection of the fetus through the placenta, as well as during childbirth (when the child comes into contact with the mother’s mucous membrane, which has the virus). There are also rarer routes of transmission: through household items, including towels, underwear, washcloths, etc.

Types of condylomas

There are two types of condylomas, which are distinguished by their shape:

  • pointed
  • flat

The former are known as exophytic and the latter as endophytic. Acute growth occurs outward. On the skin or mucous membranes, the patient can see small papillae, which are caused by low-oncogenic types.

The flat type of condylomas forms deep into the epithelial layer, which ultimately provokes oncology. The later the disease is detected, the worse the prognosis, up to and including fatal outcome. Flat condylomas in women mainly grow on the cervix. It is for this reason that they are at risk of cervical cancer.


Genital warts are 2-5 mm in size and can mainly be seen on the genitals and near the anus. From the moment of infection to the appearance of growths, it takes from 2-3 months to 2-4 years. It all depends on the immunity of the person who “caught” HPV. Condyloma grows up to six hours. During this period, the patient feels that there is something burning and pinching in that area.

Not one, but 2 or more condylomas are formed at the same time. All of them, as already noted, are small. They look like cauliflower due to their bumpy surface. As soon as the growth of condylomas stops (when they reach maximum dimensions), burning and itching disappear. Condylomas have a thin stalk. The color can be different: from flesh to burgundy.

Condylomas in women and girls can merge with each other. They can form a giant Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma. It may rot. If a patient develops condylomas in the rectum, it will be painful for her to have bowel movements. Blood may come out with the stool. Condylomas that form in urethra, cause symptoms similar to cystitis.

If condylomas form on the external genitalia, unpleasant symptoms may not be. If they are localized on the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix, the woman begins to have a white discharge that may smell rotten. During intimate intercourse, a certain amount of blood may be released, and the sensations will definitely not be pleasant.


Condylomas with HPV must be distinguished from similar formations with syphilis, from cancer of the mucous membranes, skin cancer, and molluscum contagiosum. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the symptoms that bother you. The gynecologist examines the external genitalia and cervix. Usually the diagnosis is simple. A colposcopy is done to determine whether there are processes that subsequently lead to cancer. The method is also relevant for detecting flat condylomas.

Also, for diagnosis, the mucous layer of the cervix is ​​smeared with vinegar. A spasm of blood vessels occurs, including the one that feeds the condyloma, and the affected area becomes whitish. Patients usually must donate blood for testing using the polyplasma method. chain reaction. The type of HPV is determined, how oncogenic it is, and how much of it is in the body. Blood must be donated to be tested for HIV and syphilis. The man (or men) you sleep with should also be tested.

During the examination, the doctor takes a smear from the cervical canal, cervix and the condylomas themselves. This is needed for cytological examination. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy of certain areas is performed. The gynecologist may suspect that condyloma is growing in the urethra. Such patients undergo urocystoscopy. If you suspect pathological formations in the rectum, the patient is sent for diagnosis using anoscopy.


It is impossible to completely kill the virus in the patient’s blood. The condylomas themselves are removed so that they do not affect the patient’s quality of life. The doctor also prescribes medications that kill HPV. They cannot completely destroy the causative agent of the disease, but make it inactive. You also need drugs that activate the body's defenses (increase immunity). It is also important to normalize your diet, get enough sleep and rest, treat any chronic diseases, and take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor.

Condylomas are removed surgically or chemicals. The chemical coagulation method involves the use of chemically applied active substances, which cause condylomas to dry out and fall off the mucous membranes or skin. The method does not pose any danger to a sick girl or woman. For chemical coagulation of condylomas, it is important to use the following agents:

  • bonafton

Another method is diathermocoagulation. Pathological formations are affected electric shock. This is a cheap way to get rid of condylomas. But after such treatment, scars will remain at the site of the formations.

Cryodestruction — modern method treatment of condylomas in women and girls. The doctor treats the formation with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, as if freezing the condyloma. In this case, scars are not formed. Next current method— radio wave surgery using the Surgitron device. Condylomas are affected by the high-frequency waves emitted by it. He gives desired effect In most cases. The procedure itself is not painful and there are no scars left. But treatment with this method is considered expensive, and not all clinics have the necessary equipment.

The effectiveness of such a method as laser coagulation reaches 100%. Before starting the procedure, local anesthesia is given. In some cases, scars remain at the site of condylomas. But none of the above treatment methods protects against relapses. The frequency of recurrence of condylomas in girls and women ranges from 40 to 80%.

You should not try to remove and burn out condylomas yourself. And don't let inexperienced doctors do this. If you receive a diagnosis of HPV, treatment should be carried out using one of the methods listed above. Condylomas have long stems and grow deeply, so if you cut them off, they will grow back. And when cutting, you can lose a lot of blood. Even children can have condylomas. Therefore, it is important to contact a qualified gynecologist (or pediatric gynecologist in case of illness of a minor girl).

Ointments with an antiviral effect are also used for treatment, for example:

  • Keravort
  • Aldara

The drug can only be purchased by obtaining a prescription from your doctor. It is not applicable for children under 12 years of age. It also has no effect on condylomas that are located inside the genitals or urethra. For treatment, it will not be enough to anoint the condyloma with ointment once; you need to treat the affected areas for a long time and systematically.

When using the above ointments for condylomas, side effects are likely:

  • burning and itching
  • swelling of the area
  • erosion
  • discharge of fluid from the affected area
  • scab formation
  • redness of the area treated with the drug

Imiquimod is applied to condylomas every other day (that is, 3 times a week). After you have applied the drug, 10 hours must pass, and it must be washed off with soap.

Other drugs for the treatment of condylomas in women:

  • podophyllin
  • podofilox
  • podophyllotoxin
  • Condyline
  • Condylox
  • Kondilin

It has a toxic effect on pathological formations. You need to lubricate the affected area twice a day for three days, and then take a break for 4 days. There should be 3-4 such courses in total. Do not smear healthy areas around condylomas, it can be harmful. At a time maximum dose cream should be up to 0.25 g.

Unsafe HPV vaccination

Vaccines such as Cervarix are used. But not all gynecologists approve of them, because there is no accurate data that these vaccines protect against the disease. Vaccines are valid for 8 years from the date of administration. They prevent infection with HPV types 16 and 18. But there are many more types, as we noted above. There is currently no vaccine against other HPV viruses.

Some doctors believe that this type of vaccination may affect a woman's ability to conceive and carry a child to term. But this has not been proven by research. Vaccines have side effects:

  • violation menstrual cycle(which can cause infertility)
  • hormonal imbalance
  • inflammatory process in the uterus
  • dysfunction of the ovaries, etc.

Condylomatosis - inflammatory disease, which is manifested by the formation of growths various shapes, size, structure on the skin of the external genitalia. In the presence of unfavorable factors, condylomas often occur in women, which causes certain physical and psychological discomfort.

Letting the development of this disease take its course, as well as self-medicating at home, is not recommended, as this can lead to an increase in the number of condylomas, the area of ​​damage to the skin, including in the vagina, and lead to more serious health problems.

What are condylomas?

Condylomas are genital warts, which are one of the manifestations of infection of women with papillomavirus. There are many strains of this DNA virus, so it is so important to conduct a thorough examination and identify the one that caused candilomatosis. Otherwise, treatment may be ineffective.

Important! According to statistics, on average, up to 30% of women are carriers of the virus and never develop condylomas. But in general, 90% of people have papillomavirus without showing any signs of it. Moreover, different strains of HPV can be present in one body at the same time.

Causes of condylomatosis

The main reason why women become infected with condylomatosis is sexual contact of any form (oral, anal, vaginal) without contraception. There is an opinion that HPV is transmitted through household means - through personal hygiene items, underwear, but this has not been scientifically proven.

Condylomatosis in women can actively manifest itself against the background of factors provoking the activity of the virus.

These include:

How dangerous are condylomas if left untreated?

Pronounced painful sensations women do not have small or single genital warts. But this does not mean at all that such formations are not dangerous and should not be removed.

Here are just a few risks associated with the lack of proper treatment for genital warts in women:

  • Converting warts to malignant tumors;
  • Development of cervical cancer;
  • Development of others infectious diseases against the background of suppressed immunity;
  • Complication of childbirth due to loosening of vaginal tissue and damage to a large area of ​​the mucous membrane and skin of not only the external but also the internal genital organs due to the abundant blood supply to genital warts;
  • Infection of a newborn with condylomatosis, which can appear not only on the genitals, but also on the eyelids and in the mouth.

Important! During pregnancy, women are usually not prescribed antiviral and immunostimulating drugs aimed at combating HPV, as this can provoke rejection of the fetus by the body - miscarriages, premature birth. Treatment of condylomatosis is often carried out locally, under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Formation of small protruding or flat formations on the skin;
  • Itching, burning sensation;
  • Feeling of constant humidity at the site of condylomas;
  • Appearance foul odor;
  • Possible bloody issues if the condylomas have been mechanically damaged.

Important! If, after the appearance of a condyloma, insufficient blood flows to this area of ​​the skin, it may dry out and fall off without any outside intervention. But most often, literally a few hours are enough for the formation to grow to a size of 6 mm or more.

Diagnosis of genital warts

Primary diagnosis of activation HPV virus in the form of condylomas consists of visual inspection of condylomas. Also, in order to obtain a complete picture of the extent of damage to the mucous membranes and skin, an examination of the vagina, cervix, and vulva is carried out.

Video about PCR analysis in women

Treatment of condyloma virus in women

Today, several methods of treating condylomas in women are practiced:

  • Mechanical.
  • Therapeutic.
  • Antiviral.

Mechanical methods of treating condylomas

Important! There is no universal way to get rid of the HPV virus and its manifestations in the form of genital and genital warts once and for all. Therefore, it is not uncommon for growths to appear again on the same or adjacent area of ​​skin after some time. But the length of the deferment depends on general condition body.

Treatment of genital condylomatosis with pharmaceutical drugs

If genital warts are small, local non-invasive treatment is possible.

The patient is prescribed:

The following drugs have shown the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of condylomatosis:

Antiviral complex therapy

It is advisable to carry out comprehensive treatment of genital warts in women, and not just remove the growths themselves. To do this, the doctor prescribes special drugs that have an inhibitory effect on the HPV virus.

They showed themselves best during complex therapy such:

Condylomas during pregnancy - remove or leave?

There are different medical points opinions on whether it is worth treating condylomas during pregnancy:

The conclusion about whether it is worth treating condylomas during pregnancy can be made as follows:

  • If this is a single condyloma in a woman, it does not bother her much, and does not increase in size, then it is better not to take any measures until the end of pregnancy;
  • If the virus behaves actively and affects large areas of the skin and mucous membranes, it is imperative to remove condylomas, only using suitable methods.

When to remove genital warts in pregnant women?

For the treatment of condylomas in pregnant women there are favorable and unfavorable periods that must be taken into account when prescribing therapy, taking into account possible risk for the fetus:

  • It is not recommended to treat and remove condylomas in the first half of pregnancy;
  • The favorable time for all procedures is the period from 28 weeks, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Video about removal of condylomas in pregnant women and children

Technologies for the treatment of condylomatosis

Condylomas during pregnancy can be removed in the following ways:

  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Surgical cutting;
  • Acidic solutions.

Drugs containing interferon may also be prescribed.

Folk remedies for the treatment of condylomas

Papillomas have been affecting the human body for many centuries, so many practical means have been identified that will help get rid of growths on the skin.

Here's what you can use to treat genital warts at home:

  • Sour juices - pineapple, apple;
  • Juice of grapevine, garlic, duckweed;
  • Alcohol tincture celandine;
  • Egg white;
  • Castor oil;
  • Kalanchoe leaf paste;
  • Onion, soaked for an hour in vinegar - left on the condyloma overnight.

Important! Any folk remedies It is unacceptable to use to treat genital warts in women. Otherwise, there is a high probability of burns to the mucous membranes.

Prevention of genital condylomatosis

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the HPV virus, but you can reduce the risk of genital warts if:

Infection with the condyloma virus is not a death sentence! Many people live for years and are able to control HPV activity by healthy image life. You should also strive for this if the first symptoms of condylomatosis appear and you have successfully overcome them!

According to latest research More than 80% of the entire planet's population are carriers of the human papillomavirus. It is this microscopic pathogen that provokes the development of condylomas on the female body. Genital warts are localized mainly on the external and internal genital organs of women, and can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms.

What are condylomas

Genital condylomas are lesions of the epithelium and mucous membranes, manifesting themselves in the form of formations in appearance similar to cauliflower inflorescences. Condyloma, or as it is also called a genital wart, is an overgrown papillary layer of epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes, resulting in the formation of growths. In this case, condylomas can be wide (flat) or pointed.

Wide warts, in turn, are a manifestation of secondary warts. The main location of condylomas is the area of ​​the external genital organs and the perianal zone; neoplasms can also affect the internal genital organs in women, spreading throughout the vagina and uterine cavity.

Condylomas cause a disease called condylomatosis, which is transmitted mainly through sexual contact.

Wherein barrier contraception does not guarantee 100% effectiveness in preventing infection with the disease, because even the slightest contact of healthy epithelium with the source of the disease leads to infection of the body.

Genital warts, also called genital warts, can transform into cancerous tumors and cause oncological processes in the body, in particular cervical cancer.

Causes and routes of transmission

Vaginal condylomatosis in women, as well as lesions of the genital organs, is caused by papillomavirus, which provokes the spread of epithelial tissue, forming benign neoplasms. The virus in women manifests itself by the formation of genital warts on and inside the genitals. is that once it infects the body, it does not leave it, that is, it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus. HPV can occur with frequent relapses and spread throughout the body, forming new types of warts. At the same time, warts localized on the genitals can form tumors and cause bleeding.

genital warts in the photo

Warts on a woman's genitals may have a natural skin color and stand out with their shape, reminiscent of cauliflower inflorescences on a thin stalk. Condylomas also grow over large surfaces of the epithelium and mucous membranes.

Once in the body, HPV takes a wait-and-see attitude until favorable factors for its development occur. This process of “hibernation” can last for long months, and even years, appearing with a significant decrease in immunity. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that there has been contact with a carrier of the virus, it is necessary to take special care, not allowing your health to:

  • hypothermia;
  • colds;
  • stressful situations;
  • depressive states;
  • overwork.

These factors are the main stimulators of the virus to form condylomas on the genitals of women. Condylomas are located mainly on the external genitalia of women, as well as in the vagina, uterine cavity and near the anus; less often they can form in the mouth. If you suspect the development of condylomatosis, you must consult a specialist to confirm the diagnosis. As a rule, such problems are dealt with by a venereologist, since the disease is sexually transmitted and is classified as an STI, or by a gynecologist, since the tumors are located on the woman’s genitals.

Candylomatosis is one of the sexually transmitted diseases, which means you can become infected during oral sex, vaginal or anal contact with an infected partner. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid indiscriminate intimate contacts and not experiment with unfamiliar partners. Warts form at the site of injury to the epithelium during sexual intercourse, while the human papillomavirus can be transmitted with exfoliating scales of the epithelium with condylomas, and penetrate both inside the vagina and cervix, and to the outer parts.

Especially dangerous HPV is for women during pregnancy, since there is a high probability of the child developing the disease and becoming infected at the time of labor.

Symptoms of condylomatosis in women

Manifestations of condylomatosis in women may not be pronounced, since the disease has a long incubation period and can
stay in the body for a long time without making itself known in any way. When the body's resistance decreases, the virus becomes more active and begins to develop, affecting the tissues and mucous membranes of the genital organs. In some cases, HPV can provoke the formation oncological tumors in the cervix, so the disease requires immediate treatment.

Symptoms of the appearance of condylomatosis in the body can be accompanied not only by the formation of condylomas, but also consist of:

  • irritation of the affected areas;
  • itching of growths;
  • bleeding at the site of wart formation.

Formed genital warts can be of different sizes, shapes and locations, but they are difficult to confuse with other forms of growths, especially when compared with photos. Genital warts can be:

  • large, small, hanging, in groups and individually;
  • be cauliflower-shaped, flat or convex, different in color (darker or lighter than the surrounding skin);
  • may be located in groin area, on and around the external genitalia, in the urethra, anus and rectum, and also form in the vagina and cervix.

Identify condylomas on internal organs may be done by a doctor during an examination or during a detailed study.

condylomatosis in women in the photo

In some cases, condylomatosis may appear as flat condylomas. Such growths spread along the mucous membrane of the cervix or vulva and can degenerate into cancer cells, which is especially dangerous. In addition, genital warts can appear in obese people in the inguinal folds, in the navel area, in armpits and under the mammary glands.

On average, the incubation period is 2-3 months, depending on individual characteristics In the body, this period can range from 3 weeks to several years of calm, before the warts begin to grow. On initial stage development of the disease, condylomas on the female body appear as single nodular growths of light pink color. Over time, these nodules group together, forming growths resembling the shape of a cockerel's comb or a cauliflower inflorescence; you can compare them by looking at the photo.

If left untreated, warts that appear can grow to enormous sizes and cause the patient a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Condylomatosis can cause pain, itching, if damaged heavy bleeding, since warts have an abundant blood supply.

After some time, condylomas acquire a reddish tint, cyanosis, erosion and maceration appear on them. Sometimes purulent or serous exudate accumulates in the incisions, and it is often susceptible to infection and, as a result, the formation begins to smell unpleasant.

Among other things, condylomatosis in women can cause symptoms that are similar to the manifestations of other diseases, so condylomas are often confused with:

  • skin diseases that provoke the formation of warts, for example seborrheic keratosis;
  • rare types of cancer - melanoma or squamous cell cancer of the genitals;
  • skin diseases viral etiology, for example, molluscum contagiosum, which causes the formation of soft round tumor growths;
  • fibromas, lipomas;
  • as well as the appearance of wide condylomas that appear on late stages syphilis.

At the same time, if growths of unknown etiology appear on a woman’s body, especially in the area of ​​the external genitalia, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist to establish a diagnosis and carry out the correct treatment.

Types of condylomas on the genital organs of women

For most people, including women, it is no secret that condylomas on the genitals are unpleasant and unsightly formations. In appearance, they may differ from each other depending on the type of human papillomavirus that provokes their development. It is not always possible to understand what type of growth appears on the genitals when viewing a photo, since quite often such growths on a woman’s body are invisible and can only be identified by a specialist.

Condylomas in women can be divided according to classification:

  • typical are genital warts that appear on the surface of the genital organs, near the anus, as well as on the mucous membranes of the internal reproductive organs of a woman;
  • hyperkeratotic – growths that grow and can layer on top of each other, forming formations in the form of scales;
  • papular formations, characterized by a smooth and even surface;
  • flat - a type of condylomas that in appearance resemble spots spreading over the skin, and in most cases they are difficult to notice, since such warts do not rise above the surface of the epithelium.

To determine whether there is flat condyloma on the skin, a solution is applied to the epithelium acetic acids, and when infected with HPV, the dermis acquires a gray-white tint. The danger of this type of warts lies in the possibility of their formation on the cervix and high probability development into tumor processes.

Genital condylomas can be of several types - papular, having the appearance of a dark red dome with smooth surface, keratotic, visually similar to cauliflower inflorescences, flesh-colored or slightly brownish in color, as well as large, occurring during the period.

Condylomatosis varies in color. In some cases, the pigmentation of the growths matches the color of nearby tissues, sometimes with shades of red, pink, white or brown. For self-determination condylomas on the labia, viewing a photo is not enough, you should consult a specialist and based on examination and a number of diagnostic measures The reason for the formation of growths on the woman’s body will be determined.

Condylomas on the cervix

Condylomas that appear on the cervix differ in type from other papillomatous formations on the genitals. Genital warts grow on the external genitalia, while the internal reproductive organs women are affected by flat warts. This type of condylomas is very dangerous, as it can cause 60% of the growth of cancer cells.

signs of candyloma virus in the photo

The appearance of flat condylomas on the cervix indicates a decrease in immunity and an exacerbation of the human papillomavirus, which has infected female body already a long time ago. Activation of HPV causes changes in the tissues of the epithelium of the uterus, cervix and vagina, provoking its excessive growth and the formation of epithelial growths affected by human papillomavirus cells.

As a rule, flat condylomatosis is asymptomatic and therefore difficult to diagnose. At home, it is impossible to understand that condylomas have appeared by comparing photos, so you should look Special attention to some indirect manifestations indicating their development:

  • discomfort and burning sensation in the genital area;
  • inflammation of regional lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of discharge from the genitals of an uncharacteristic type.

At the same time, the formation of condylomas on the cervix and in the vagina depends on the type of pathogen and condition immune system. When genital warts form, we can talk about the occurrence of an acute infection, and flat warts form with long-term and protracted (chronic) damage to the body by HPV.

When the cervix is ​​affected by condylomatosis, the following may appear on its mucous membranes:

  • external condylomas, which have an identical appearance to warts that form on the external genitalia;
  • internal growths that form on the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix. It is impossible to identify this type of condylomas during a routine examination, which increases their danger to the body, since internal genital warts can form malignant formations;
  • warty are papillomas that form on the genitals and around the anus, having pink-red shades, a flat shape and a pimply surface.

Moreover, if a woman has a strong immune system, then the likelihood of developing any type of condylomas is reduced, even if there is HPV in the body.

Treatment of genital condylomatosis

Treatment of genital warts in women requires the supervision of a specialist, since only a doctor can identify the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. At the same time, it is impossible to completely cure and overcome the human papillomavirus, since it is not sensitive to any known antibacterial or antiviral drug or agent.

The only way to prevent the development of condylomas on the body and internal organs is to carry out immunosupportive therapy, which will reduce the likelihood of developing papillomas in the body. The choice of a specific treatment regimen is made by the doctor, after a series of diagnostic studies, identifying the specific type of virus and type of growths in the body.

At the same time, no matter how high-quality the therapy was, condylomas can reappear on a woman’s body with a decrease in immunity or due to stress, therefore, if condylomatosis is diagnosed or the human papillomavirus is present in the body, it is necessary to monitor the state of your health.

Removal of condylomas

Can be used to remove genital warts on the genitals of women. various techniques which are carried out exclusively by a specialist at the base medical center, clinic or beauty salon. The most popular are:

You can decide on the method of removing condylomas after consulting a doctor and comparing the need for the procedure.

Treatment at home

But subject to prior consultation with a specialist. In order to get rid of unpleasant growths, you can resort to folk recipes:

  • You can remove condyloma by treating its surface with garlic juice, and it is recommended to carry out such treatment carefully, without touching nearby, healthy tissue, as it can cause burns;
  • An old way to remove tumors on the skin is to use celandine juice or its tincture. IN summer time you can take a plant stem and break it and apply it to the affected area, being careful not to touch healthy areas of the skin;
  • They also use the juice of sour apples, rubbing the formations for 3-5 minutes a couple of times a day.

One more effective method removal of genital warts is the use of a special remedy. To prepare it you need to prepare:

  • 100 ml red wine;
  • 50 ml sour apple juice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ lemon.

The lemon, zest and garlic are crushed in a blender, the mixture is poured with heated red wine and apple juice, and then infused for 3 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and taken orally once a day. This recipe perfectly improves the body’s immunity, preventing the development of condylomas and any other neoplasms, including malignant ones caused by the human papillomavirus.