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Features of the course of HPV in women: symptoms and treatment. Why is HPV dangerous for women, consequences, complications. Treatment of papillomavirus infection

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus that promotes active cell division in the body, which leads to the appearance of genital warts, warts and papillomas on the skin of the anorectal area. Today, it is known that there are more than 100 types of human papillomavirus, each of which has a different degree of oncogenicity.

The greatest danger of this infection is that the papilloma virus in women can cause the development malignant tumor cervix, vulva or anus. That's why timely diagnosis and treatment of papilloma viral infection helps minimize the risk of cancer, especially cervical cancer.

Considering the danger of this infection, we want to tell you where the human papillomavirus comes from, how human papillomavirus infection manifests itself and how to cure it. We will also introduce you to modern methods of diagnosis and prevention of human papillomavirus in women.

The type of human papillomavirus determines how the human papillomavirus infection will develop and manifest itself in the future, as well as the choice of treatment methods.

Human papillomaviruses are usually divided according to their degree of oncogenicity. Thus, all types of virus can be divided into three groups. HPV typing allows us to identify a group of patients at high risk of developing cancer.

The first group includes five types of non-oncogenic HPV, namely 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The listed types are not oncogenic, and therefore cannot cause cervical cancer.

The second group consists of human papillomavirus types 6, 11, 42, 43 and 44, which have a low degree of oncogenicity. By themselves, representatives of this group cannot cause cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus, but can pave the way for the appearance of malignant tumors.

The third group of HPV is considered the most dangerous, which consists of types 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59 and 68. The listed types of HPV have the highest degree of oncogenicity. Almost 80% of women infected with these types of human papillomavirus will sooner or later develop cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus, and the risk of breast cancer also increases significantly.

Human papillomavirus in women: causes

The causative agent of papillomavirus infection is the DNA human papillomavirus. This virus penetrates not only the mucous layer, but also the deeper layers of the skin.

There are a number of factors that contribute to human papillomavirus infection, namely:

The routes of transmission of human papillomavirus can be as follows:

The main route of transmission is sexual. The infection can be transmitted to girls not only during unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse, but also during petting.

If a woman suffers from papillomavirus infection and there are condylomas or papillomas on the walls of the vagina or labia, then the child may also become infected with them during childbirth.

It is also possible to become infected with HPV through a handshake, personal hygiene items, pool water, sauna, etc.

Why is human papillomavirus dangerous in women?

The human papillomavirus, if the immune system is strong, is self-healing in 90% of cases. But in the presence of favorable conditions, which are created by the above factors, papillomavirus infection can transform into cancer of the vulva, cervix, labia or anus.

As we have already said, in 70% of women with cervical cancer, human papillomaviruses, which belong to the third group, were identified in their blood. HPV types 16 and 18 are considered the most dangerous.

Human papillomavirus in women on the cervix requires immediate attention therapeutic measures to exclude the development of dysplasia and then cancer.

In addition, papillomavirus increases the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections, and can also be transmitted to a child during passage through the genital tract.

Each type of human papillomavirus has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. Let's look at them.

Human papillomavirus type 16 in women

Human papillomavirus 16 is a common type of HPV found in more than half of infected people. This type is highly oncogenic.

The pathogenesis of human papillomavirus infection caused by HPV 16 is that the pathogen invades the genome of the body's cells and blocks the processes of natural antitumor defense, resulting in skin papillomas, condylomas or warts appear.

In women infected with HPV 16, gray or brown flat spots with a rough surface of various sizes appear on the skin of the genitals and anorectal area. Such rashes are called bowenoid papulosis.

The second sign of papullovirus infection caused by HPV 16 may be genital warts, which appear not only in the genital area, but also in the eyelids, thighs, neck, armpits, etc.

The most dangerous manifestation of HPV 16 is intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervical mucosa, which belongs to precancerous conditions.

Human papillomavirus type 18

HPV 18 is another oncogenic virus that, integrating into the DNA of cells human body, blocks the functioning of the immune system and promotes the formation of benign tumors. Such tumors are prone to malignancy.

Papillomavirus type 18 can cause cervical cancer in women. This trend has been proven by scientists who identified this type of virus in 70% of women with cervical cancer.

Signs of HPV 18 activation:

  • genital warts on the skin of the genitals and anus. When injured, these tumors may bleed. Condylomas are most prone to malignancy;
  • papillomas. These rounded neoplasms do not differ in color from the skin, but rise above its level. Most often, papillomas affect the skin of the axillary area and genital organs, but in advanced cases may spread to other areas.
  • warts, round rashes that rise above the skin and are red or dark in color.

HPV 31 is not only dangerous, but also an insidious oncogenic virus, since it can long time persist in the body asymptomatically.

Symptoms of human papillomavirus infection appear when favorable conditions are created in the body, that is, the immune system weakens under the influence of various factors (hypothermia, hormonal disbalance, exacerbation chronic diseases, acute infections, venereal diseases etc.). Moreover, this type of virus is equally dangerous for both females and males.

Papillomavirus type 31 in women manifests itself as papillomas and condylomas in the genital and anorectal areas. There may also be vaginal discharge, pain during intercourse, discomfort in the vagina, and others.

Human papillomavirus type 33

HPV 33 is another dangerous virus that can trigger a carcinogenic process.

Symptoms of human papillomavirus type 33 in women can manifest as warts on the genitals. Incubation period of this type papillomavirus infection is 12-16 weeks. After this time, genital warts with a wide stalk are detected on the labia, vaginal walls and cervix. A feature of condylomas caused by HPV 33 is that they do not have clear boundaries and a smooth surface.

This type of virus can also cause a precancerous condition called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Human papillomavirus type 35

Human papillomavirus type 35 in women can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • the formation of warts, which is more common in girls;
  • genital warts, which occur on the genitals and tissues of the anorectal area. This type of neoplasm progresses very quickly, turning into large spots;
  • Flat condylomas rarely appear with human papillomavirus infection type 35. But nonetheless, this type Condyloma is dangerous because it often degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

The listed neoplasms are accompanied by severe itching, pain and discomfort. Women may also have symptoms of body intoxication in the form of fever, chills, excessive sweating and general weakness.

Human papillomavirus type 39 is also included in the group of viruses with a high risk of oncogenicity. It should be said that this type of virus is most dangerous for women, since men are mainly carriers of the infection.

Papillomavirus type 39 in women can cause the formation of both warts and papillomas or condylomas, which are prone to degeneration into malignant neoplasms. Most often, such neoplasms are localized on the walls of the vagina and cervical canal.

Human papillomavirus type 45

Papillomavirus type 45 in women is also highly oncogenic. Moreover, the first signs of human papillomavirus infection can appear even 20 years after infection.

During the course of human papillomavirus infection caused by type 45 virus, three stages are distinguished. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of genital warts and condylomas. The second stage of the disease is accompanied by dysplasia of the cervical epithelium. The most dangerous stage is the third stage, which is characterized by the development of cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus.

Human papillomavirus type 51

Symptoms of human papillomavirus type 51 in women appear already during the incubation period, which can last several years. During this period, women develop single genital warts, genital warts or flat condylomas. The classic localization of these neoplasms is the genitals (vaginal walls, cervix, labia minora and labia majora), but the process can also spread to the eyelids, inguinal and axillary areas.

What human papillomavirus infection type 51 looks like can be seen in the photos presented.

Human papillomavirus type 52

A peculiarity of human papillomavirus type 52 in women is that it is activated mainly during the period when the aging of the body begins (after 35 years).

This type of human papillomavirus infection is characterized by the same symptoms as other types, namely: warts and condylomas on the genitals, as well as cervical dysplasia.

Human papillomavirus type 56 is characterized by a short incubation period(up to three months).

Symptoms of papillomavirus type 56 in women appear at the end of the incubation period and are characterized by the formation of genital warts and genital warts on a thin stalk, which are localized on the walls of the vagina and cervix. In advanced cases, cervical dysplasia occurs, which is a precancerous condition.

Human papillomavirus type 59

A distinctive feature of human papillomavirus type 59 in women is that warts and condylomas affect not only the genitals, but also the anus and rectum, which increases the risk of developing anorectal cancer.

Warts reach enough large sizes(up to 10 mm) and have a rough surface and uneven edges, which can be seen in the photo.

Genital warts have a thin stalk and a pointed apex (see photo). The color of condylomas may differ from the color of the skin.

Characteristic for papillomas fast growth and distribution.

Skin rashes (condylomas, warts and papillomas) can be easily seen with external and internal gynecological examination(see photo).

Also, in the process of diagnosing HPV, colposcopy can be used - examination of the cervix special device- a colposcope, which allows you to enlarge the image several times and even display the image on a computer monitor.

But the most exact method diagnostics - analysis for human papillomavirus, which is carried out using polymerase chain reaction(PCR).

PCR is used to confirm the presence of human papillomavirus in female body, and to identify its type.

The “gold standard” for diagnosing HPV is the Digene Test, which determines the number of viral bodies in the body. Knowing the number of viruses in the body, you can estimate the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Also, all patients with suspected HPV are prescribed a cytological examination.

How to treat human papillomavirus in women?

Treatment of human papillomavirus in women can be conservative and surgical.

Tablets against human papillomavirus should have both antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The following are considered the most effective today: medications:

Monotherapy with these drugs is rarely used. Basically, one medicine is combined with another, for example, Allokin-alpha is prescribed systemically, and Epigen-intim cream is prescribed locally. Therapy is also supplemented with immunomodulators, such as Likopid, Immunomax and others.

Since genital warts, papillomas, genital warts and cervical dysplasia increase the risk of cancer, they are removed using minimally invasive procedures. surgical techniques, which include the following:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • chemotherapy;
  • removal by radio waves and others.

In severe cases, cervical amputation may be used.

Is there specific prevention of human papillomavirus?

Today in our country two vaccinations against human papillomavirus in women are certified, namely: Gardasil and Cervarix.

These vaccines protect the body from HPV types 16 and 18, which most often cause cervical cancer. In developed countries of America and Europe, these vaccines are included in the vaccination schedule for girls. For example, in Germany, vaccination against HPV is indicated for all girls over 12 years of age. Vaccination is carried out in three stages.

In Russia, the vaccine can be purchased at pharmacy chains. average cost of the drug is 7200 rubles.

Cutting, burning when urinating, urethral spasms, condylomas, HPV infection, how to treat

Human papillomavirus, condylomas, pain and burning

Treatment of papillomavirus infection

Good afternoon, the question is the following. Since August 2015, I have been bothered by incessant pain, burning during and after urination, and spasms of the urethra. Prescribed courses of antibiotics do not help. I consulted a gynecologist and urologist more than once with this problem, underwent instillations, etc. But the condition is such that the burning sensation can also occur outside of urination at night. 3 weeks ago, the doctor saw small condylomas on the labia and around the urethra. We did a cystoscopy. It has loose mucous membrane in the area of ​​the urethra and cervix Bladder. Mucous membrane with 2 mm bullae, bleeding. Can this condition last for so long due to viral infection of the bladder by the HPV virus? Now I take isoprinosine and inject Neovir, but there is no improvement yet. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Treatment of viral cystitis, urethritis, bladder papillomatosis

Dear Irina!

Yes, of course, viral cystitis and papillomatosis of the bladder and urethra can give such symptoms. Medicines alone are not enough to cure human papillomavirus infection. Maximum effect provide special hardware procedures that have an anti-inflammatory, immunocorrective, decongestant effect, plus medications. It all depends on the intensity of treatment, your immune response and the activity of human papilloma viruses. You definitely need to determine the types of human papillomaviruses (HPV genotypes). The question about other infections is also unclear. You need to do PCR with provocation. Condylomas on the labia and urethra must be removed.

If you have any more questions, write.

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

In nature, there are many infections that are sexually transmitted, one of these is the papilloma virus. The danger of the virus is that it can provoke many ailments, for example skin diseases, oncology. The HPV group includes not one active virus, but about 70 that have distinctive characteristics by DNA composition. In addition to unprotected sexual contact, a woman can become infected with HPV when secretions of a virus carrier come into contact with her skin, as well as through the perinatal route. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate the virus, but there is effective therapy, which helps block symptoms.

Almost 50% of all women who are active sex life, infected with papillomavirus. After entering the body this infection manifests itself in the form of genital warts or warts. However, HPV poses the greatest danger to female sexual health, provoking the appearance of atypical cells in the cervix. As a result, a precancerous condition may develop, which ultimately leads to oncology. Therefore, experts recommend that you undergo a detailed examination by a gynecologist once every six months, because the course of HPV in women in most cases passes without the manifestation of pronounced symptoms.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor can detect all signs of papillomavirus, but to confirm accurate diagnosis Additional research is required - PCR analysis. Thanks to this test, you can not only diagnose HPV, but also accurately confirm the type of infection.

Attention! The HPV group includes a large number of papillomaviruses, which can have different effects on the female body, either being asymptomatic or causing a precancerous condition.

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the virus carrier is sent for colposcopy. This procedure is a mandatory examination, which allows you to examine the uterus at multiple magnification. Through this study, the hidden pathology of the organ is determined. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe cytology and biopsy (a tissue sample is required for microscopic examination) to rule out cancer.

Main manifestations of HPV

Type of external manifestationImagea brief description of
In a woman, upon visual examination, one can observe neoplasms that have a papillary shape and are characterized by a pale pink color. Locations: skin, mucous membranes of the genital organs. Appear not only as single neoplasms, but also as multiple ones skin lesions. Viral condylomas can be described as a “cockscomb” or part of a cauliflower. Research shows that HPV papillomas and condylomas are moderately oncological in nature, so the risk of degeneration into cancer is too small. Despite this, it is recommended to remove them
Formations in the form of flat warts are most often localized in the vaginal mucosa. Sometimes a gynecologist diagnoses them on the mucous membrane of the cervix. The main difference from condylomas is the form of the neoplasm. However, flat warts have a higher oncological potential, so the woman must be referred for colposcopy and biopsy. Based on the test results, further tactics for removing tumors are determined. Consequently, in the absence of pathological indicators, only a wart with a small tissue circumference is removed. On the contrary, if atypical changes in the cells are confirmed, then a large area of ​​​​circumferential tissue is urgently removed, which also includes healthy
Epithelial cells can transform in such a way that they provoke a precancerous condition. Subsequent treatment tactics will depend on the form and stage of transformation cell nuclei epithelium. In some cases, conization is prescribed - a special surgical procedure that allows you to remove a small area of ​​the cervix to prevent oncological degeneration. When diagnosing mild and moderate severity dysplasia experts insist on conservative treatment(provided there are no urogenital infections). Only severe dysplasia requires mandatory surgical intervention
On the female skin of the genital organs, rashes may occur, characterized by compacted plaques that rise above the skin. It is distinctive that such skin rashes have a pinkish or yellowish tint. The danger of bovenous papulosis is that there is a high risk of developing skin cancer
This is a direct precancerous condition that has three stages of development. Moreover, the latter is the beginning of the development of the oncological process
Oncological lesions of the cervix, which is provoked by types of HPV such as 39, 35, 33, 31, 18, and 16

It is important! The main type of treatment to remove the alarming symptoms of papillomavirus in women is surgical. Additionally, to block the manifestations of HPV, immunostimulants are prescribed (most often the virus has external symptoms in people with weakened immunity), and the use of antiviral drugs.


The main manifestation of symptoms will depend on what type of papillomavirus is present in the female body.

  1. After sexual intercourse, a woman may experience slight bleeding from the vagina that occurs during the intermenstrual period.
  2. Appearance pain syndrome what is felt in the back area, lower limbs and pelvis.
  3. Chronic fatigue.
  4. Periodic weight loss.
  5. Poor appetite.
  6. Vaginal discharge characterized by unpleasant smell.
  7. Discomfortable feeling in the vaginal area.
  8. Swelling of the lower extremities.

If the virus is in more neglected form, then serious consequences arise, which lead to degeneration into oncology.

Cervical oncology and papillomavirus are directly related. The main danger lies in chronic course an illness that leads to the degeneration of a precancerous condition into an oncological disease.

If a woman is diagnosed with papillomavirus infection, but at the same time has a high level of protective functions of the immune system, then the development of cancer will occur only after twenty years (this is why it is important to maintain the level of immunity). When a woman’s immunity is not strong enough or is weakened by other viruses, for example, HIV, then oncology develops over several years (from 5 to 10).

Risk factors:

  • onset of early sexual activity;
  • sexual life without barrier contraception with different partners;
  • regular smoking;
  • destruction of the immune system due to viral lesions(HIV infection).

How big is the problem?

According to medical statistics It has been established that cervical cancer is the fourth most common disease in the world. Mortality in this case is about 7.5% of all types of oncology.

Therefore, in developed countries there is a program that allows identifying pathology on early stage and blocking in a timely manner is screening. Thanks to this testing, confirmation of a precancerous condition is carried out in those women who feel absolutely healthy.

Note! Screening helps detect cancer at an early stage, when treatment is highly effective.

How to prevent HPV?

In order to avoid becoming a victim of papillomavirus, vaccination is necessary. The main provocateurs of the precancerous condition are types 16 and 18 of the virus; it is against them that today there is effective vaccination. In addition, after administration of the vaccine, cross-protection occurs against other less common types, for example, 11 and 6.

Condylomas are warty growths caused by the human papillomavirus. Half of humanity is carriers of this virus. In most cases, pink or flesh-colored formations are located on the genitals.

The active virus is not only found on the genital mucosa. The pathogen was found in urine and saliva. The skin disease is extremely contagious. Genital warts are often located in groups and require careful study and timely treatment.

Reasons for appearance

Warty formations appear as a result of the activity of HPV (human papillomavirus). The appearance of genital warts and papillomas is caused by several types of virus.

The pathogen penetrates the body, but does not always begin to act immediately. The virus takes hold in the deep layers of the skin, but when moving closer to the surface it becomes more active. For a long time, the human papillomavirus remains in a latent (sleeping) state until causes appear that “awaken” it.

The main reason is decreased immunity. As soon as the body weakens, the virus becomes more active, multiplies vigorously, and manifests itself in the form of condylomas.

Provoking factors:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • overwork;
  • frequent stress;
  • overheating/hypercooling;
  • taking potent medications;
  • bad ecology.

Genital warts on intimate places– the most common category. Virus activation occurs when reduced immunity in some cases. Main reasons:

  • young age. Most cases of the disease were recorded at the age of 20–25 years, after 30 years - very rarely;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • contacts with an infected person;
  • promiscuity, anal, oral sex, negligence in choosing a partner.

Transmission routes:

  • genital (infection occurs even when using a condom, at the slightest touch of the genital mucosa);
  • household (through shared towels, washcloths, kisses).


  • condylomas in women are visible on the labia minora, at the external opening of the urethra, in the vagina, on the cervix, in the anus;
  • Condylomas in men are located on the frenulum of the foreskin, the head of the penis, the crown of the glans, near the anus.
  • soles;
  • face;
  • in the interdigital space of the hands;
  • V oral cavity, in the language.

Note! In severe cases, warty formations are located in hard-to-reach places - in the rectum, on the walls of the vagina. Only upon examination by a gynecologist or urologist can the cause of discomfort in the genital and rectal area be discovered.

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Symptoms and forms of the disease

  • flat condylomas;
  • hyperkeratotic;
  • papular;
  • typical.

Note! The flat variety is most often found deep in the urethra, on the cervix. Most dangerous form causes genital warts various shapes cancer.

How the disease develops:

  • the virus enters the body of a healthy person from an infected person;
  • while the immune defense is triggered, HPV “dozes” without causing harm;
  • provoking factors activate the virus;
  • 2–3 months pass from the moment of awakening to the appearance of the first signs;
  • formations resemble uneven growths on the mucous membranes and skin of a flesh-colored, pinkish color;
  • Often a liquid with an unpleasant odor flows out of the middle, the body of the condyloma becomes irritated;
  • there is itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and defecation;
  • a large overgrown conglomerate resembles a head of cauliflower with outgrowths different sizes irregular shape;
  • the surface is gradually covered with horny formations;
  • sometimes warty formations grow to incredible sizes;
  • Giant Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma grows deep into the tissue and often degenerates into squamous cell carcinoma.

Methods of treating the disease

There is no cure for HPV. Unfortunately, human papillomavirus infection cannot be completely removed from the body. The task of specialists is to return the pathogen to a latent state, to bring the virus into “sleep mode.”

The success of therapy is:

  • reduction of manifestations of viral activity;
  • relief of the patient's condition;
  • elimination of a cosmetic defect;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Which doctor treats different kinds condylomas? Visit:

  • dermatologist;
  • proctologist;
  • immunologist;
  • gynecologist (women);
  • urologist (male).

Treatment methods for condylomas:

  • special solutions, sprays, gels for the affected area;
  • recipes traditional medicine;
  • restorative therapy;
  • removal of formations.

How to treat condylomas? Only a specialist will select the appropriate method. The doctor takes into account:

  • location;
  • growth size;
  • danger of a specific form;
  • general state;
  • depth of growth.

Modern diagnostic methods:

  • biopsy of affected tissue;
  • cytology;
  • colposcopy;
  • immunological analysis.


Sprays and solutions cauterize formations or inhibit their development. Treatment of warty formations is carried out using effective means.


  • Solcoderm. Burns out genital warts;
  • Condilin. Works similarly to Solcoderm;
  • Podophyllin. Destroys cellular structures, prevents the growth of growths;
  • Epigen. The spray has an immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory agent.

Use rectal suppositories, gels, suspensions, ointments for condylomas:

  • Panavir, Genferon. Genital warts slow down their growth and the appearance of new formations stops;
  • Cycloferon liniment. Stimulates immune protection. After using the drug, warty formations may disappear on their own.

Be sure to take vitamin complexes, in summer, eat more vegetables and fruits. Without good immunity, treatment of a viral infection takes a long time.

Note! Some patients, in the old fashioned way, smear growths on the mucous membranes and skin familiar to everyone Oxolinic ointment. Latest Research prove that the drug does not cope well with the task. This remedy is ineffective in combating human papillomavirus.

Modern removal methods

In many cases, the doctor believes that it is better to radically get rid of the formation. Large condylomas that cannot be treated local means, are removed by several methods.


  • electrocoagulation. Cauterization with high frequency current is suitable for combating shallow formations. For overgrown growths, this technique is not used;
  • laser destruction. A low-pain method for removing condylomas with a laser will help get rid of growths in hard-to-reach places. The scars are barely noticeable, recovery period minimal;
  • burning with liquid nitrogen. Low temperatures in 30 seconds the tissue is destroyed, the formation literally crumbles. After cryodestruction, a small blister appears that must be treated with potassium permanganate. It is not advisable to use the method for treating growths on mucous membranes;
  • radio wave therapy. Radio knife is the most effective way to remove condylomas. The bloodless, painless method eliminates infection and eliminates growths in 10–30 seconds. Specialists work with modern radio wave device Surgiton.

find out best recipes masks against blackheads at home.

This article says everything about the causes of urticaria in adults.

Folk remedies and recipes

Most specialists are very wary of home methods. They can be used only if there is 100% confidence in the benign nature of the formations. The presence of degenerated cells can provoke further development of malignant tumors.

Be sure to consult with your doctor whether traditional medicine recipes are right for you. Small growths can be treated with homemade solutions and cauterized.

Proven recipes:

  • iodine. It copes well with condylomas, but you shouldn’t use it on the genitals - it’s easy to damage the delicate mucous membrane. Directions for use: cauterize the growths several times during the day. Make sure that iodine does not come into contact with healthy skin. Burns often leave scars;
  • celandine. Cut the plant back in early summer. You will see orange juice on the stem. Cauterize formations daily with pure juice or prepared tincture;
  • Rowan. Collect the berries after the first frost, wash them, and prepare a paste. Apply the mixture to the affected area, cover with a piece of bandage, and secure with an adhesive plaster. After 6 hours, apply a new paste. Carry out the procedure daily;
  • St. John's wort + chamomile. Sitz baths relieve inflammation in genital warts, including in the rectal area. Take a tablespoon of dry medicinal raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew. Add the decoction to the bath water. Proportions – 2 parts water: 1 part decoction;
  • Kalanchoe. Apply fresh leaves or a paste of them to sore spots. Inflammation is reduced, itching is reduced;
  • hare cabbage. Chop the plant and rub well. Place the mixture on gauze and secure it to the desired area. After 5 hours, add fresh gruel. The frequency of procedures is daily.

Getting rid of warts is easier than preventing relapses. After surgery, tissues are sent for histology to ensure there is no cancer cells. If the test result is positive, a consultation with an oncologist is required.

The doctor cannot guarantee that the virus has calmed down forever. Human papillomavirus infection lies dormant as long as your immune system is strong enough.

How to prevent infection? How to prevent relapses?

Follow simple rules:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • observe the work and rest schedule;
  • be less nervous;
  • maintain hygiene;
  • undergo preventive examinations on time;
  • do not use other people’s washcloths or towels;
  • limit the number of sexual partners;
  • monogamy – best protection from infection.

Genital warts: symptoms, causes, treatment

Genital warts are warty formations on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals, caused by the human papillomavirus. Another name is “anogenital warts”, as they are located mainly in the anus and genitals. Age - 18-35 years. The main treatment is removal.


The cause of genital warts is human papillomavirus (abbreviated as “HPV”). Specifically - 6, 11, 13, 16, 18 types.

HPV has many types. Some of them cause the appearance of ordinary warts on the skin (read the article about what types of warts there are in general).

Some are sexually transmitted and cause the appearance of genital warts.

Clinic and symptoms

Infection occurs through contact (the sexual route is the same contact route of infection).

The source of infection is condylomas in a sick person, that is, modified cells of the skin or mucous membrane in which the virus develops.

The condyloma itself may not yet be visible to the eye, but the altered cells on the skin are already there. Upon contact with the skin of another person, the virus from these cells enters his skin, penetrates microcracks and begins to develop in the skin.

  • small blisters and bumps on the skin and mucous membranes,
  • slight redness around
  • slight itching.

Development of the disease:

  • formations grow in size up to 1-1.5 cm,
  • "cauliflower" or "cockscomb" appearance
  • the itching intensifies,
  • new bubbles appear nearby.


  • genitals: groin, pubis, genitals in men and women (head of the penis, foreskin, vulva, vagina, labia minora),
  • anus ( anus). This location gives them a second name: anogenital warts.
  • rarely - inside the urethra and on the cervix,
  • rarely - in the oral cavity, on the lips, on the cheeks and on the tongue.


1) in adults, the main route of transmission is sexual.

2) contact transmission is very rarely possible - through a dirty toilet rim, taking a shared bath, using shared hygiene items, shared cutlery, etc. The virus remains viable for several minutes in a warm, moist environment. This transmission mechanism explains cases where genital warts are detected in virgins and children.

3) condoms reduce the risk HPV transmission. But not 100%. Contact with unprotected areas of skin during sexual intercourse (for example, contact between the scrotum and labia) is a risk of infection.

Appearance time:

From the moment of sexual intercourse until the formation appears - 2-3 months or more. If the immune system is strong, then this period can last for several years or even decades.

When the immune system is weakened, condylomas appear. In women, sometimes during pregnancy, when the woman’s immune system is also stressed.

What the immune system is and how it works is described in detail HERE.
Read about how to boost your immunity HERE.

Complications of condylomatosis!!!

  • Inflammation of condyloma
  • Trauma and ulceration
  • Phimosis and paraphimosis in men (narrowing of the foreskin)
  • Disease progression
  • Infection of a child during childbirth.

Attention: condylomas do not affect the ability to get pregnant in any way!!!

Diagnostics - how to make a diagnosis yourself?

  1. A typical picture is “ cauliflower", "cockscomb".
  2. Sexual intercourse 2-3 months before the start.
  3. Test with acetic acid. A cotton pad is moistened with 5% (!!!) acetic acid. Place it on the affected area for 5 minutes. If after 5-10 minutes the area turns white, it means condyloma.

In the hospital:

  • PCR diagnostics. Find out the number and type of HPV virus. It is advisable to immediately test for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Often condylomatosis is combined with other STDs - trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, etc.
  • For women, it is obligatory (!!!) to examine the cervix and take cytological smear to exclude dysplasia and cervical cancer. I tell you more about dysplasia and CIN here: link.
  • A control PCR test for HPV is carried out 2 months after the end of treatment.
Differential diagnosis

Genital warts in initial stage may be confused with:

Treatment in hospital and at home

What to do???

Men - see a venereologist.

Women - see a gynecologist.

Medicine uses THREE directions in the treatment of genital warts:

  • Removing condylomas themselves as sources of the virus
  • Impact on the virus
  • Strengthening the immune system

Removal methods

1) Liquid nitrogen, or cryodestruction.
Read more about the method HERE

Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze papillomas on the labia, penis, and skin in groin area. In this case, the papilloma dies and falls off. The frostbitten area heals quickly. The method is effective, but must be carried out by an experienced specialist.

I talk in detail about what types of papillomas there are here.

2) Cauterization with locally necrotizing substances

Concentrated acids, alkalis and a number of other substances cause a chemical burn of condyloma. It dies and falls off. A small wound remains in its place, which heals quickly.

You must be very careful with cauterizing agents so as not to burn the healthy skin around, otherwise there will be a scar. Treatment of condylomas with such aggressive substances should only be carried out by a doctor.

The product contains alkalis. It is extremely aggressive for the skin, so it is used mainly to remove common warts. It is not recommended to use on the skin of the genital organs.

The drug contains phenol and metacresol. It acts more gently and leaves almost no scars. Can be used on the skin in the groin area.

— Collomak (instructions for Collomak).

The drug acts mildly, but the treatment period is longer.

— Solcoderm
More information about Solcoderm here

The drug contains nitric, acetic and oxalic acids, which burn condyloma tissue.

Scheme: be sure(!) to lubricate the skin around with cream to protect it; apply 1 drop of solcoderm to the condyloma once with an applicator, if the formation is large, then 2-3 drops so that they cover the entire surface without flowing onto healthy skin; break - 1 week; if the formation does not disappear, then the treatment is repeated.

- Condilin, or podophyllin.
Detailed instructions here

This drug contains a substance called podophyllotoxin. It delays the division of human cells, thereby destroying them.

If you smear the surface of the condyloma with condylin, it will decrease in size. The drug is dangerous for healthy skin. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Scheme: the skin around is treated with cream; 2 times a day, apply 1 drop with an applicator to the surface of each formation, or more if the condyloma is large; Drying time for condiline is 3-5 minutes; repeat the treatment for 3 days, then break for 4 days.

Here's a reader's review of laser removal: link.

Laser removal of condyloma is low-traumatic and low-pain. The laser beam evaporates the formation. A small wound heals quickly.

Watch a video of laser papilloma removal:


This is excision of genital warts with an electric knife. The surgeon numbs the tissue with novocaine. Then he uses an electric knife to burn out the condyloma. The operation is not easy and can have consequences in the form of scars on the skin.

On video: removal of papillomas with a coagulator.

5) Radio wave method, or Surgitron apparatus. I talk about this method in more detail here

The condyloma is excised using high frequency radio waves. This method is similar to laser. But the Surgitron device is very expensive, so the price of such a procedure is also high. There are no complications after it.

Outdated technique. It is rarely used - only for large-sized condylomas. Performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. After excision with a scalpel, the skin is sutured with surgical threads.

Antiviral drugs

  • Isoprinosine (or groprinosin): 2 tablets - 3 times a day; 14-28 days. More detailed instructions: Here.
  • Allokin-alpha: 1 ampoule, powder dissolved in 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride, administered subcutaneously once every two days, course - 6 injections. Detailed article about allokin: link.
  • Epigen intimate spray: spray the area of ​​condylomas 4 times a day throughout the entire treatment period. More about epigene: link
  • Panavir: available in different forms- gel, spray, suppositories, injection solution - it all depends on the prevalence and localization of condylomas. More details about Panavir: link
  • Aldara cream, or Keravort. Expensive, but effective remedy: instructions for Keravort cream


The following are used immune drugs in the general course of treatment of condylomas: immunal, polyoxidonium, cycloferon, reaferon, leukopid and a number of others.
Attention: immunostimulants are medications. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Immunal: 1 tablet - 4 times a day, course from 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Reaferon: powder 1 bottle (1 million units), diluted with water (half a teaspoon), drink 30 minutes before meals - 2 times a day, for 10 days.
  • Polyoxidonium: 1 suppository (12 mg) inside the vagina or rectum at night, every other day - 10 times.

A detailed article about the immune system and its functions: read.


  • therapeutic methods of treatment only complement surgical ones, so that after removal there are no relapses;
  • relapses occur in 30% of patients who underwent removal of condylomas;
  • Self-cure from condylomas does occur, but is rare. The basis of self-healing is strengthening the immune system;
  • viruses in large quantities are located in the thickness of each condyloma, so they must be removed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Lubricating the surface of condylomas with tincture of iodine gradually dries it out, and it should fall off. BUT: this does not always happen, but very, very rarely. In addition, lubricating the skin and mucous membranes with iodine can cause burns and the appearance of scars in the future.

And most importantly, iodine is absorbed through the skin, accumulating in thyroid gland, and in excess leads to disruption of the thyroid gland, which is very, very bad. Take care of your thyroid gland, go to a cosmetic clinic or a dermatologist, and he will remove your tumors quickly and painlessly.

2) Celandine (grass!).
I tell you more about celandine here.

Genital warts are lubricated fresh juice celandine several times a day. BUT: the effect of such lubrication is positive only if the condyloma is small in size - a few millimeters in diameter. If it is large, then there will be no effect. You're wasting your time.

In this case, it is better to do this: remove the large condyloma in a cosmetic clinic or by a dermatologist. And the small ones nearby should be lubricated with celandine.

3) A healthy lifestyle in all its forms: hardening, healthy eating, minimizing stress, eliminating alcohol and tobacco, adequate sleep, physical exercise and walks in the fresh air.

Remember a sanatorium or a rest home - its entire regime is aimed at improving the body's defenses. Try to repeat the daily routine of the sanatorium as much as possible, and your immune system will gradually begin to fight such scourges as genital warts or other viral infections.


Prevention of condylomas is simple:

1) Sexual contact with only one partner.

2) Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

3) A healthy lifestyle that helps maintain a high level of immunity.

4) Vaccination of girls and boys against the most dangerous types of papillomavirus.

Be sure to watch this video, where various experts talk about this disease.

  • What is cervical erosion? why is it dangerous?
  • cervical dysplasia is the most dangerous manifestation of HPV; Is it cancer or not cancer?

Attention: if the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.

What should I do if I have itchy condylomas and severe itching?

When you experience unbearable irritation from itching, there is no time for jokes in any area of ​​the body.

Especially when it comes to the intimate area. You can’t calmly go about your business, and one thought is spinning in your head - how to get rid of this feeling. Today we will tell you why itching occurs with condylomas and how to cope with it.

What are the causes of severe discomfort?

The neoplasms themselves do not cause any subjective complaints. It's another matter when they are damaged, which almost always happens.

Availability various kinds injuries leads to increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Against this background, concomitant infections often occur, such as candidiasis, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

What causes damage

Sexual contact during the disease is usually painful and causes injuries in the form of cracks or ulcers. They form on the surface of the genital organs and papillomas.

If there are large growths, they can interfere even with walking. Constantly coming into contact with each other, neoplasms can cause an inflammatory process.

Ill-fitting underwear, made from synthetic materials or the wrong size, can cause constant chafing. First, redness and slight swelling occur, and then the integrity of the tissue is disrupted.

Self-medicating with chemicals can cause burns. Then a strong burning sensation is felt, which is caused by superficial damage.

Why do growths itch?

The presence of condylomas in the genital area causes itching, often due to irritation by various kinds of biological secretions. Urine and feces that fall on tissues with compromised integrity are quite aggressive environment. Discharge from the urethra has an acidic reaction, which is very traumatic to already damaged areas.

The secret that sebaceous and sweat glands, vagina, create excellent conditions for the development of secondary infection. May arise as specific disease, caused by gonococcus, or Trichomonas, and nonspecific, for example staphylococcal. In this case, the pathogens themselves cause a burning sensation.

Since increased local sensitivity is observed during the period of illness, using the usual soap or gel for intimate hygiene may cause irritation. It is even possible to develop a local allergic reaction.

If unpleasant growths on the skin occur when systemic diseases organism, such as diabetes mellitus, this aggravates symptoms and complicates treatment. This disease is characterized by high blood sugar. In this case, the slightest abrasions and damage will be accompanied by unbearable skin irritation.

Obstacle to intimate life

In addition to the fact that the papillomas themselves create an obstacle to sexual relations, they can cause even bigger problems. Often women complain of itching in the vagina. Why does it occur?

There are many reasons. If flat warts are found on the surface of the vagina, then mechanical friction during sexual intercourse or the sperm itself becomes an irritating factor. In addition, the natural acidic environment can corrode the resulting wounds.

What should give pleasure not only does not bring positive feelings, but often causes negative feelings. Women are nervous, which disrupts the general condition of the body, often causing emotional disorders.

What actions can you take?

One of the most important points, which is important to observe in the presence of condylomas, can be called the need for careful personal hygiene to get rid of itching. In the morning and evening, it is important to wash the genitals with boiled water.

You can also use decoctions medicinal herbs, such as string or calendula. If necessary hygiene procedure can be done several times a day. The towel should be soft; dry the surface of the organs carefully, using wet movements.

Anything that could damage the formation should be avoided. Underwear should be made of high-quality materials, preferably of natural origin, which are well breathable. It is important that it does not fit too tightly, squeezing the formations.

On menstrual days, you need to change pads or tampons every four hours. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of infection. After all, blood is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.

To relieve the symptoms of itching and burning, you can use ointments with soothing properties, treating condylomas with them. Products are used as prescribed by the doctor plant origin, which promote healing and relieve inflammation.

If there is a concomitant infection, its treatment must be taken seriously. Unpleasant symptoms will help remove glucocorticosteroid drugs. Taking sedatives orally will help relieve nervous tension.

But to return to full life, and to completely get rid of the unwanted consequences of the formations, you need to remove them. A suitable treatment method for condylomas will help eliminate the cause of growths that itch unbearably.

Is everything smooth after removal?

Almost any procedure immediately after implementation makes itself felt. All methods that involve cauterization of the tumor leave a thin crust at the site of exposure.

At first, there may be discharge from it, since it actively participates in the healing process. lymphatic system. Therefore, itching after condylomas are removed is normal. These sensations indicate a normal healing process.

If, in addition to unpleasant sensations, external manifestations appear in the form of redness, rash or heavy discharge bloody in nature, you should seek advice. Timely measures taken will help avoid serious complications in treatment.

Human papillomavirus is a type of virus that causes pathological division of skin cells and mucous membranes, which leads to the formation of various defects (condylomas, papillomas, etc.). This group of viruses was talked about not so long ago - when it was discovered that some types of HPV are associated with increased risk cancer diseases. Over the past 50 years, 150 different types have been described. So far, the properties of only 80 of them have been studied.

Highly oncogenic subtypes of HPV (about 30 types) are a time bomb. Once in the body, they may not cause any symptoms for a long time, suppressed by the immune system. But as soon as the protection drops due to disease or immunodeficiency, the virus begins to actively replicate (multiply inside cells).

By infecting epithelial cells, the virus leads to their active division. The changed cells are recognized by the immune system and destroyed. However, with the long-term presence and high activity of the virus, some cells avoid destruction, forming a focus of persistent infection. With subsequent divisions, mutations can easily arise in them, leading to the appearance of a tumor.

It is possible to determine whether a subspecies is highly oncogenic only through tests, which are definitely recommended if external signs of HPV appear. Further treatment tactics depend on the type of virus.

According to some data, up to 75-80% of the world's population are carriers of papillomavirus. So it is not difficult to guess that the risk of infection is very high.

Scientists have identified the most dangerous subspecies: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39,45, 51, 52, 56, 59, 68. For example, viruses 16, 18, 45 and 56 are associated with the risk of developing dysplasia and cervical cancer. This disease is dangerous because it develops for a long time without symptoms. If a woman does not regularly visit the gynecologist, she may not even realize that she is sick. Unfortunately, in our country, cervical cancer is still detected in a large percentage of cases at the metastasis stage.

In addition to cervical cancer, the virus causes cancer:

  • Anus;
  • Rectum;
  • Vaginas;
  • Vulvas;
  • Penis;
  • Bladder;
  • Larynx;
  • Lungs.

So it is clear that a man is also at risk associated with the oncogenicity of HPV.

Human papillomavirus infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection today. Other methods of infection (contact-household, from mother to fetus) are much less common. Typically, a surge in infections occurs at the beginning of active sexual life. That is why doctors strongly recommend that young girls who have not yet had sexual intercourse be vaccinated against HPV type 16 and 18 to protect yourself from cervical cancer. The WHO recommendation is to get vaccinated at 9-13 years of age.

Non-oncogenic viruses and those with low oncogenicity are also unpleasant - they cause various defects of the skin and mucous membranes, such as vulgar warts, papillomas, and spiny calluses.

HPV symptoms

I would like to note that in a fairly large number of cases, infection with human papillomavirus infection does not manifest itself at all, or the disease goes away on its own when a healthy immune system suppresses the virus. Those cases of infection are dangerous when the virus persists in the body for a long time.

The incubation period begins from the moment of infection. It varies from a month to several years, so most often the source of the virus remains unknown. After this period ends, external signs of the disease appear.

Some external signs HPV infection women and men are the same:

  • Genital warts (skin growths on a thin stalk, sometimes merging together) on the genitals and around the anus, rarely in the oral cavity;
  • Fibro- and keratopapillomas on the skin (armpits, under the breasts, on the neck, in the groin);
  • Bowenoid papulosis is dark red spots, papules and plaques on the genitals.

Separately, it is worth considering the manifestations that are worth paying attention to if external signs are not clearly visible.

Possible signs of HPV in men

Symptoms of HPV infection in men may include discomfort and burning sensation when urinating, frequent urge, if condylomas “settled” in urethra or bubble. When these formations become ulcerated, a bacterial infection occurs and chronic urethritis or cystitis develops.

Pain during bowel movements is caused by condylomas in the rectum and around the anus. Pain may appear when walking, when sitting for long periods of time, and there may be blood on toilet paper or underwear. Upon joining bacterial infection paraproctitis develops - purulent inflammation rectal tissue.

Other possible symptoms:

  • Burning and itching of the genitals;
  • Unpleasant sensations and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • heaviness in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • Signs of general intoxication of the body ( headache, chills, weakness, fever).

Possible signs of HPV in women

Genital and flat condylomas in women can also be localized in the urethra, which leads to discomfort when trying to urinate and even urinary retention.

When condylomas are located in the anus or vagina, a sensation may occur. foreign object inside, pain and burning during bowel movements and sexual intercourse.

A female-specific symptom of HPV infection is cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. varying degrees. This is a precancerous change in the squamous epithelial cells, which without treatment can develop into cancer.

Dysplasia, like cervical cancer, does not hurt, is not visible from the outside and does not bother a woman. Therefore, you need to listen carefully to your body and be sure to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist.

Indirect signs of precancerous changes in the epithelium of the cervical mucosa or cancer:

  • Repetitive bloody issues between menstruation (or during menopause), from slight to heavy (in the later stages);
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse or other mechanical intervention (douching, gynecological examination);
  • Heaviness, discomfort in the vagina and lower abdomen;
  • Serous or serous-bloody discharge from the vagina, in the later stages of cancer - with an unpleasant odor;
  • Prolonged weakness and slight increase in body temperature.

If such signs appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor for examination.

Diagnosis of diseases caused by HPV

If you suspect HPV, a man should visit a urologist, and a woman should visit a gynecologist. Another possible variant– come to a specialized dermatovenerological clinic, where relevant specialists see you.

If condylomas are located on the external genital organs, then the doctor will see them during examination. If external signs no, epithelial changes genitourinary organs can be detected during urethroscopy and rectoscopy for corresponding complaints in men.

Women are examined on a gynecological chair using instruments (Cuzco speculum, Sims speculum). In addition to a visual assessment of the condition, during the examination a PAP test and a smear may be taken for PCR.

A PAP test involves taking a cervical smear-imprint (scraping), applying it to a glass slide and drying it. The material obtained during these studies (a piece of the cervical mucosa) is sent for cytology (a laboratory study under a microscope to detect atypical - altered cells).

Signs of atypicality may be a change in the size, shape or color of the nucleus, changes in the cytoplasm. If such cells are found, a more detailed study is required. Cytology will not answer the question of whether it is dysplasia or cancer. This requires histology.

For histological analysis A biopsy is performed - a piece of the mucous membrane is taken with special instruments. Histology makes it possible to determine the extent of changes, as well as their benignity or malignancy.

Smears for PCR analysis are taken from both men (urethra) and women (cervix). A scraping of the mucous membrane is used for analysis. Blood and other biological samples can also be taken for PCR analysis.

Recently, a highly sensitive test for papillomavirus has appeared - the Daijin test. A scraping is also taken for it. This analysis makes it possible to identify highly oncogenic subtypes of the virus that lead to the development of cervical cancer neoplasia.

Another way to detect the virus in the blood is ELISA. Linked immunosorbent assay detects the amount and type of antibodies to HPV in the body. This makes it possible to determine the presence of the pathogen and the strength of the immune response to it, but not the subtype of the virus. Typically, an ELISA test is prescribed together with PCR.

Timely treatment of neoplasia, condylomas and other manifestations, as well as a healthy lifestyle and sexual intercourse with a regular trusted partner will protect against cancer and other unpleasant consequences of HPV.

Video on topic