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How to identify a Labrador if he is a month old. Labrador breed definition. Independent “examination” of the authenticity of the breed

01/14/2017 01/14/2017 by Eugene

The Labrador Retriever has long gained great popularity in the world. Often he is adopted into a family as a companion dog. This is not surprising, because animals belonging to this breed:

  • very friendly;
  • excellent with children;
  • understand their owners;
  • love spending time with them.

The Labrador's character is very lively and cheerful. More than anything else, he loves to walk. For this reason, the owner will have to come to terms with the need to spend at least 2 hours a day. At the same time, walks will be quite active - Labradors love to chase a ball or stick, dive headlong into snowdrifts and fallen leaves, and run through puddles.

However, the process of buying a Labrador puppy is quite a responsible one and in this case you should not rush at all. After all, not everyone is able to determine breed by eye.

At the same time, few people can, after just examining the appearance, confidently declare that the proposed animal is without defects. This requires experience and certain knowledge.


If a dog is purchased for further participation in exhibitions, then it is very important to pay attention to its exterior. The Labrador Retriever has three color types allowed by the breed standard:

  • pale yellow;
  • black;
  • brown.

The first includes all existing shades of wool, starting with light sand (almost white) and ending with fiery red. In dogs of this color, a characteristic difference is some heterogeneity. In particular, the fur on the ears and back is often darker than in other places. However, when choosing a dog of this color, you should understand that after growing up, the shade of the coat may change slightly (it will become darker or, conversely, lighter).

At the beginning of the last century, black color was the only one in the standard. These dogs look great - their coat shines and shimmers in the sun. In babies it is relatively dim, but this goes away over time.

The brown color also has many variations - from chocolate to pure copper. Often such dogs have a light mark on their chest. There is only one drawback of this color - in summer the wool often fades under the sun, and therefore ultimately takes on a dark sandy faded color.

It is important to understand that color does not affect the basic qualities of breeds in any way; for this reason, here, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by personal preferences.

Before you make a deal, you must see the puppy in person. No photo can accurately convey the shade of a baby's fur.

When purchasing, preference should be given to puppies from mixed litters. In this case, the dogs must be of two colors:

  • black and brown;
  • black and fawn.

No self-respecting breeder will breed dogs to produce a tricolor litter. The thing is that in this situation, fawn puppies often acquire a non-standard color.

External signs

As you know, all the qualities inherent in an adult dog are not yet visible in a puppy. However, there are still many signs based on which you can easily find your ideal Labrador.

The coat of dogs of this breed is quite hard, but the undercoat is very soft and voluminous. It is slightly different from the main suit, that is, it will be either lighter or slightly darker. Moreover, its absence is a vice. At the same time, too long and wavy hair is allowed, although not encouraged.

Labrador tail:

  • has an average length;
  • straight;
  • thick enough;
  • tapers towards the end.

It should not have any dewlap, and it normally hangs no lower than the hock joint. Preference should be given to dogs with medium-length backs.

The Labrador's expression is welcoming and friendly. You should refuse puppies that have any excesses on their faces. It is unacceptable when the eyes:

  • planted too far apart or too close;
  • they are too small or, on the contrary, enlarged;
  • slanted.

The last defect makes the animal's look gloomy and heavy.

During the first month and a half of life, a Labrador's eyes remain blue. It is not very difficult to determine the final shade. The more saturated the blue, the darker the animal’s eyes will be in the future. The standard specifies the following acceptable shades:

  • yellow;
  • black;
  • brown.

It is also important to make sure that the animal is built harmoniously. Upon inspection, you should not get the impression that something is missing or in excess.

In a healthy baby:

  • the body looks compact;
  • wide skull;
  • the skeleton is strong;
  • loin short;
  • chest deep;
  • The ribs are convex.

A puppy is more or less formed at about 2-2.5 months. It is at this age that he should be examined. However, a self-respecting breeder will not put them up for sale faster.

It is also important to take into account the level of fatness of a promising pet. You should not take one that is too thin or too overfed. Animals should look lively, cheerful and well-groomed.

It will not be superfluous to get to know your parents, and if possible (photo, video), then also with more distant ancestors. The thing is that in many ways the puppy you like will be like them. It is worth considering that for the most part children resemble their mother more than their father.

How to choose a healthy puppy

The absence of problems with well-being is, first of all, indicated by the puppy’s behavior. When choosing a pet, it is better to simply watch the entire litter for a while without getting too close. The most active animals, for example, always choose the best pieces when eating.

If they are already given food, then the most lively babies will always climb with their feet into the bowl. An active puppy usually does not sit still for a minute - he pesters his brothers and sisters, moves all the time and generally looks for adventure. A phlegmatic person, on the contrary, prefers to be away from the general fuss. All these character traits will subsequently appear in an adult dog.

A puppy who has healthy psyche, there is no fear of strangers or unfamiliar things. They are curious, quite friendly and are not afraid to move away from their mother.

In general, Labradors are considered to be highly active and playful. positive qualities. However, the animal’s temperament must match that of its owner. A dog that is too active will simply torment a phlegmatic owner.

When choosing, you also need to pay attention to general behavior all puppies. So, if only one of them is lively, while the rest are sluggish, most likely the litter was not very successful.

Boy or girl

Depending on the gender, the behavior and character of dogs differ. So, a male dog has the following positive properties:

  • cheerfulness;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • activity;
  • devotion;
  • playfulness.

The disadvantages include:

  • large body weight (it will be difficult for a child or woman to hold it in place);
  • cockiness;
  • The search for romantic acquaintances does not stop all year round.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Before you have a new active and cheerful friend in your family, you need to have a clear understanding of how to choose this friend. He will have to live with you for many years. Everyone carefully chooses their life partner. It’s exactly the same with a dog, especially with such a wonderful and popular breed as the Labrador.

Breed characteristics and external data

Labrador is one of the most popular breeds pets. They are distinguished from other animals by their wonderful character. “Labrick” will be a wonderful companion; he willingly adapts to his owner and loves children. Kids of the Labrador Retriever breed are not prone to aggression, they are caring and affectionate. In addition to the initial hunting role, your new friend can serve:

  • companion;
  • guide;
  • lifeguard;
  • bloodhound.

A purebred dog can boast of good appearance. The dog is strongly built, with strong bones. Acceptable height at the withers is 54-57 cm. It has a wide cranium, chest, lower back. The dog's front paws are clawed and straight, the toes are arched, with well-developed pads. The coat is short and thick, repels water. The muzzle is massive, wide, with well-developed nostrils. A distinctive feature of the breed is its not very long, thick tail, gradually tapering towards the base, without bending behind the back.

How to choose the right puppy

Choose a Labrador Retriever responsibly, because this is a creature that you will have to take care of for at least 10-15 years. Nuances:

  • Do not make this decision yourself; if you do not live alone, be sure to discuss the issue with your family. Distribute caregiving responsibilities among family members, but remember that small child It will be difficult to cope with a hyperactive dog.
  • Make a decision - you want to have a dog or a bitch. Males for the most part are larger and stronger than females, making them much more difficult to walk with. They strive to show other dogs “who’s boss” and are already interested in the opposite sex at a young age. Girls are more affectionate, calm and become more attached to their owner. Problems with them can arise during the estrus period, which lasts 21 days twice a year.
  • Think about where to choose your puppy. You should attend several large dog shows and try to contact an experienced breeder there. In such places they almost always exhibit only promising puppies with interesting pedigrees and all necessary documents. There you can also find titled parents for your future retriever.
  • The description and cost of puppies can be found on the Internet. Each large breeder has its own website, which describes breed standards and prices. Trusted nurseries can guarantee that puppies will be fully vaccinated. Avoid flea markets where no one can provide the puppy's measurements.

Purpose of acquisition

This is a universal dog with a wide variety of working qualities. The main purposes of purchasing retrievers are for show, breeding, hunting, or just pet. The requirements for dogs that will perform are very strict, which will make choosing a puppy difficult. When choosing a hunter, it is important that puppyhood the dog was not cowardly or timid. For pet the basic requirements are health, good mental health and reasonable price.

Criterias of choice

  • Breeder qualifications - choose proven ones.
  • Male or female - according to qualities.
  • The price of a puppy varies between 30-60 thousand rubles.
  • Working qualities of parents - depending on the purpose of acquisition.
  • Temperament and type - according to your preferences.
  • The structure of the hairline should be thick and water-repellent.
  • The physical condition of the puppy is healthy, plays, vaccinated.
  • The tail should be short and thick at the base. Should not curl over the back, as in some breeds.
  • Muzzle – with narrow and thick ears; pupils are colorless.

Which coat color do you prefer?

Breed standards allow three types of retriever colors: black, beige (brown) and fawn (dudley). Often future owners think that there are differences other than visual ones. The temperament, character and health of a puppy do not depend in any way on color. The psychological factor is on the side of light-colored dogs - people subconsciously treat them more calmly. Fawn Labrador puppies are widely advertised, which is the description of the dog people imagine when they hear about Labradors.

Diet of a small Labrador

A dog, if it is fed correctly, always has the same weight, looks healthy, its coat is shiny and free of dandruff. A good appetite– an indicator that the dog is fed correctly. At a young age, it is better for the pet to be rather thin in appearance than fat, so as not to interfere with the development of tendons and joints. It is better to stick to the diet that the breeder practiced, and only introduce new products over time.

Approximate daily diet for a small Labrador: meat 15 g per 1 kg of dog weight, carbohydrates - 5 g per 1 kg of weight, fats - 2 g per 2 kg of weight. Don't forget to drink - pure water must always be available. Stick to the formula above and avoid:

  1. fatty pork;
  2. sausages;
  3. peppery and spicy foods;
  4. bones (can lead to constipation);
  5. spoiled products;
  6. any sweets.

How many times should you feed your puppy?

Until two months of age, Labrador puppies eat 6 times a day. Do not feed the puppy at night; distribute these 6 feedings throughout the day approximately every 3.5-4 hours, and then, as the number of feedings decreases, increase the interval between them. From 2 to 4 months the puppy is fed 5 times a day, from 4 to 5 months - 4 times, from 5 to 6 months - 3-4 times. From 6 months, gradually transfer your Labrador puppy to the diet of an adult Labrador. From the age of 6 months, feed your Labrador twice – in the morning and in the evening, at certain hours.

What to feed with a natural diet

If you feed your Labrador with regular food, it is important to properly balance the diet. Remember: Labrador puppies are not gourmets, there is no need to try to diversify their food - it is better for the food to be the same, but always complete. Any flavoring additives (spices, ketchups, mayonnaise, etc.) are harmful and dangerous for a dog. Include in your diet:

  • Meat is a large part of natural nutrition. Any parts of beef are included in the diet (goulash is suitable, they take tendons, veins, trachea, cheeks), lamb is recommended. Give the meat raw, fresh or after freezing. You cannot cook it for a long time if it is intended for a dog.
  • Vegetables and fruits, herbs (vegetable components are given lightly stewed in a frying pan, boiled in water).
  • Porridge. Keep in mind that many people love buckwheat and are allergic to it.

Premium ready-made food

When feeding a Labrador ready-made feed There will be no problems with choosing a diet. The question is one thing - the food needs to be selected successfully. Buying the most expensive one will not guarantee that it will suit your dog. Buy food in small packages at first. Study how your Labrador reacts to it, whether allergic reactions: Check for redness in the ears, abdomen, and interdigital spaces. See if your Labrador eats this food with pleasure. Pay attention to dry food from the Holistic line.

How to arrange a place of detention

When will you have little puppy, we need to create a “place” for him where the baby could sleep. Place the “place” in a dry, not very warm room - for example, a room or a hallway, not near a central heating radiator, not near a stove, and not on the go. Excessive heat has a bad effect on the animal; it will interfere with your pet’s sleep. It is advisable not to place the puppy in the hallway or kitchen if the size of the apartment allows a different arrangement.

The “place” for the first time can be a small, not deep box (or box), with a mattress pad, which must be washed occasionally. For “space,” avoid drafts. Labrador puppies eagerly go to their place with all the toys and bones. The little Labrador sleeps a lot, so give him that part of the apartment where it is as quiet as possible. most time.

Features of education and training

As you train your dog, you will develop your own methodology. The main thing is that the classes are friendly and useful. Follow the generally accepted Labrador training tips to help train your puppy:

  • Choose a site where there will be no one except you and the dog.
  • Classes should be short - children are not able to concentrate for long.
  • If you use a toy as a reward, use the item only for activities. Then it will be of great value to the Labrador.
  • If you reward with treats, they should be in the form of small pieces that are easy to swallow.
  • All “goodies” are excluded from the daily diet.
  • End your classes on a happy and positive note.

Where to buy a Labrador in Moscow

It is worth paying attention to nurseries registered according to the rules of the RKF. As a rule, the older the nursery, the more guarantees it can provide. A simple search on the Internet reveals many similar companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Amar Vasant kennel was registered and licensed in 1998, provides free consultations on the selection of puppies, available detailed description dogs. Many of the nursery's Labradors have been successfully exhibited at various competitions, including the Russian Championship.

What does the price depend on?

There are several main points on which the price of a Labrador puppy is determined. This:

  • Color: chocolate Labradors are the most expensive.
  • Title: the price of puppies from titled parents will definitely be higher. Important role plays a role in the quality of the litter in which the puppy was born and its appearance.
  • Age also determines how much a Labrador is worth; optimal age for sale – 2-3 months.

How much do Labrador puppies cost?

According to the Avito website, a small Labrador in Russia from trusted breeders costs an average of 30-50 thousand rubles. You can buy a Labrador puppy in Moscow inexpensively, but to do this you need to know some breeders. It's not worth saving on cost. If a dog is sold noticeably cheap, it means it does not meet the breed standards. Kids sell well in all colors, but the most expensive (approximately 60 thousand) are chocolate retrievers.

Photos of Labrador puppies


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It seems like a toy, but a fairly large and strong animal. Knowing physiological signs compliance with the standard, you will protect yourself from the machinations of scammers who may try under the guise purebred dog sell or mixed breed.

When you are finally sure that you want a Labrador Retriever, try to cope with your emotions. Under no circumstances should you rush to the first breeder you find information about. If possible, attend a dog show, where there will likely be representatives of the breed. There you can meet members of kennel clubs. It is possible that you will buy a puppy with documents right at the exhibition or meet a person who breeds dogs of this breed.

At the exhibition, you will have the opportunity to look at the potential parents of your future pet and communicate with them. If a dog has a good pedigree and participates in breeding, then the owners regularly show it. Each title and medal is an addition to the price of the puppy.

On forums about dogs, there are often heated discussions about what gender of pet should be adopted. Gather information, but remember that there is no clear answer to this question. Everyone must decide for themselves. There are several color options for Labrador retrievers. Decide what color dog you like best.

When you find the right puppy, don't rush into making a purchase. Observe him, his siblings, and their mother for a while in their familiar surroundings. Don't hesitate to ask the breeder questions about your puppy's parents.

Labradors, especially those who have recently become parents, have a genetically inherent instinct to protect their habitat. If, at the sight of you, an adult dog tucks its tail, tries to hide, or, on the contrary, begins to bark loudly and incessantly, you should continue choosing a puppy in another place. Normal reaction labrador on appearance stranger– tense stance, head held high, ears raised warily, attentive gaze. But with a positive reaction from the host to the guest, tension should be replaced by good nature.

It is worth remembering that some dog character traits, as well as inappropriate behavior and a number of diseases are genetically inherited. Therefore, every breeder who values ​​his reputation will provide you with not only necessary information, but it will also show everything Required documents, guaranteeing the purity of the pedigree and the health of the puppy.

Labrador puppies are cute creatures that look like teddy bears; you definitely want to touch them and take them into your home. Soft, warm and affectionate, creating a feeling of warmth and comfort. - leaves for a new home with its owner at the age of 1.5 - 2 months, at this moment the most important and interesting period in the dog’s life begins.

  • It is important not to miss the moment and start training, education, and socialization on time. The baby is growing rapidly and also developing quickly, he needs attention, affection and care.

Before bringing a “miracle” to your home, the owner faces important task- choose for yourself best friend from many kids, and this is not so easy to do. Let's consider all the main points: development, care, how and where to choose a puppy.

They are very similar to bear cubs. Outwardly, it seems that the dog is plush. At the age of 2 months they are quite well-fed, with a small belly. It seems that he is about to fall, a prerequisite: clean skin, wool. There should not be excessive thinness. The kids are active, good-natured, and happily learn everything new.

There is no aggression during this period, there is curiosity, the dog is not only interested in the world, but also actively tastes and smells it.

Before choosing a mini Labrador puppy, you will need to evaluate its appearance; if you are not a professional, this will be quite difficult. It is worth relying on:

  1. Size (males larger than bitches, girls are more petite);
  2. Free movements (they should not be constrained, look at how he moves, whether he twists his paws);
  3. First impression: many say that they met their pet at first sight, usually the puppy chooses who to go to, if they met you and first of all they climbed into their arms, take a closer look at this “sun”.
  4. Decide who will live in your house: a male or a female (Girls are more often used in breeding, if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, then it is better to take a male);
  5. Behavior: should not be too afraid, hide;
  6. Activity: the baby is happy about everything, everything unknown is more attractive than frightening;
  7. How it plays: just observe how the animal behaves with its fellow tribesmen, that it is more interested in a toy or a person;
  8. How he eats: the puppy should eat with pleasure, finish almost all the food offered;
  9. Ask what kind of chair the baby has and how he sleeps.

Table of average height and weight

Age (months)Weight, kg)Height (at withers, cm)
1 3.2 - 3.7 22 -23
2 6 -8 30 - 33
3 9 -13 38 -42
4 14 -18 43 - 46
5 19 - 23 47 - 48
6 23 - 26 48 - 50
7 25 - 28 50 - 51
8 27 - 31 51 - 52
9 31 - 33 52 - 53
10 33 - 35 53 - 55
11 - 12 35 - 37 53 - 58

Most important question, to which you need to find the answer: male or female, participation in exhibitions and breeding, or a dog for the sofa.

Pros and cons of male and female

  • Males
  1. Larger ones;
  2. More complex character;
  3. Good physical activity will be required;
  4. Mandatory training;
  5. Better amenable to education;
  6. No childbirth or estrus;
  7. Ideal for families.
  1. Estrus 2 times a year;
  2. Difficulties with childbirth;
  3. More often they show persistence and stubbornness;
  4. More difficult to educate;
  5. With timely training, they become calmer;
  6. Gentle and not often aggressive;
  7. Smaller size.

Boys more often choose men as hosts, but girls are more flexible. Character is still more individual, it can be different, no two identical dogs exist. Any animal can be brought to perfection if you start the process of education from an early age.

If your goal is exhibitions and offspring, then take a bitch, and if you want a quieter life, then take a dog. In any case, all representatives of the show class will be used for breeding (of course, only with your consent, no one will force you), with males it is easier in this regard - they receive payment for mating (with a puppy or money), but with a girl you will have to tinker - pregnancy, childbirth, children under 2 months in the house, regular heat.

  • Representatives of the pet class, those for the sofa, are cheaper and are not used. Breeding, do not attend exhibitions. But in any case, the dog will need to be handled, trained and given quality care.


Labradors - perfect dogs for families and singles. Given their penchant for recruiting excess weight, more suitable for people active image life. They will be happy to keep you company while jogging or on a short journey.

They love to explore new places, funny animals. They love attention and are completely focused on a person. They love active games.

They are able to recognize a person’s facial expressions and capture his mood. They are great with children and other pets. They are not able to show aggression without reason. Respects the owner and tries to earn praise.

These breeds are funny dogs, they are always in good mood, emotionally stable, “good-natured”.

Are willing to train and are able to memorize significantly a large number of teams, they are interested in the process. As it develops and becomes established, it will not be easy, but it will the best option for family. They are wary of strangers, but do not show it; they greet the owner’s friends with joy.

Baby development from 0 to 1 year

From 0 to 2 weeks

A Labrador puppy is up to two weeks old and is a completely defenseless creature. When they are born, they cannot be seen or heard; care for them lies entirely on the shoulders of the mother and the breeder. During this period they only sleep and eat.

They are especially vulnerable and are only close to their mother. Any drafts or strangers in the house can provoke infectious diseases. They are tiny, you will need to handle them carefully. Add 30-50 grams per day. They feed only on mother's milk, it is important not to miss the moment if the dog has stopped sucking milk, otherwise he may get stuck in development.

2 to 4 - transitional stage

During the transitional stage, a Labrador puppy will need to be actively fed and its weight monitored. At 2 weeks, babies' eyes open, they become more active, and begin to crawl. At 3 weeks they are already standing on their paws, but with difficulty. It is important to determine whether all puppies can see and whether there are any problems.

By 4 weeks, the dog will already weigh a decent 2-3 kg, its initial weight at birth increases by 4-5 times. The differences between males and females are already visually visible; they should be slightly smaller in size.

  • At this time, complementary feeding begins, they become active, but still get tired quickly and mostly sleep, sometimes play.

3 to 4 weeks development - feelings

Baby Labrador puppies at 1 month are the most touching creatures. They begin to show character, demand their mother’s attention, and actively begin to explore the world. They are interested in sounds, objects and most importantly - people.

Everything tastes bad, and they begin to gain weight more rapidly. They are active, play longer and require freedom, study their enclosure, mother and brothers. The dog's weight doubles.

They observe their mother, adopting her behavior, learning to be a “dog.” They try to bite, remembering the degree of harm caused; if they are allowed to do so, they continue to check more actively.

  • They begin to show themselves by exploring the meaning of sounds: they try to bark, growl and make funny sounds.
  • They establish relationships with their brothers, mother and other animals.

4 to 8 weeks 1 - 2 stage of socialization

The most interesting thing begins, the animal is also actively exploring the world, but already knows how to contact society, other animals, and carefully studies humans. By this point, the babies can already eat change food, but continue to suck out the mother. They already have small and sharp teeth.

The Labrador puppy, a boy, begins to show itself more actively, the kids are already easy to distinguish by their behavior.

At this time, preparations for a new home begin; at 1.5 - 2 months, primary vaccinations and branding should be carried out. You can take the baby home; it is highly not recommended to take the dog earlier. The weight is already significantly large, from 4 to 6 kg.

  • Many male dogs have testicles that descend; this is not a quick process; they can finally come out by 3-4 months.

A Labrador puppy at 2 months tests the strength of both people and animals. Now best time meeting cats, his development as a person. He tries a lot in relationships with a person, tries to find common ground, studies people's behavior and is extremely passionate about communicating.

3 - second stage of socialization

A Labrador puppy at 3 months old is extremely active, he is moving to a new home. Meets the owner. Nice kids By this time you should already know a lot. Now begins the important process of becoming an owner and a pet. The weight already reaches 10 kg.

Everything unfamiliar, the person explains, shows new sounds and things. It is necessary to begin the training process right now. But first you will need to carry out socialization, accustoming:

  • To the leash and collar;
  • Crowded places;
  • To strangers;
  • Loud and unknown sounds;
  • Machines;
  • Other animals;
  • For children.

The baby should go for a walk, communicate with other pets and people.

3 – 4 months or adolescence

Hooliganism begins. He may not obey and tries to occupy the sofa. Pushes shoes and everything else that is lying around the house. The owner will have to try. You will need to be patient and persistent. Remove all extraneous things that he can reach.

Walks 3 - 4 times a day, feeding 3 - 4 times. Learn basic commands. As a reward - tasty pieces and always verbal praise. Walk more often and go to new places, you can take him with you to the store, but do not overdo it, the child may get tired.

He is not gaining weight as actively; at this time he is gaining from 12 to 18 kg. A puppy can look quite funny, muscle mass not yet, it is just beginning to form.

3 to 6 - social dominance

A Labrador is usually up to 6 months old - it tests the strength of its owner; if it is a male, it tries to dominate. It’s important to pay attention to his behavior and it’s time to correct it; if you can’t do it yourself, then contact a specialist.

A Labrador puppy at 5 months old must know at least all the basic commands, obey (even if not always), and submit to the will of the person. It is highly not recommended to show force towards them, otherwise you can spoil the dog.

  • The weight is already decent: from 20 kg.

The dog must know where his place is, where he can be in the presence of his owner, and where not. Know how to communicate with strangers, cats and dogs. All his fears (thunder or fireworks) are not so significant; it is especially important to show the animal that the owner will protect him and there is nothing unusual in this. Don't leave it on for long.

A young dog should get used to going outside to the toilet, sometimes perhaps for a diaper at home. Walking on a schedule makes it easier to get used to managing needs when not at home.

From 8 to 18 - young dog

Labrador retrievers - girls during this period are ready for their first heat; her behavior can change significantly. Many people’s mood changes, they ask to go outside more often - you need to allow them to be there at least 3 times a day. Bitches sometimes begin to mark when they are in heat.

The most important thing is not to let her go unattended, otherwise any nearby male will definitely show himself. Don't let them get close. If there is also a male living in the house, then isolate the female in another room.

  • A Labrador at 9 months is almost an adult dog. Weight from 30 kg.

Education and training

Education begins at 2 - 3 months. First you need to learn simple commands:

  1. "To me";
  2. "Sit";
  3. "Lie";
  4. "It is forbidden";
  5. "Place";
  6. "Near";
  7. "Can";
  8. "Ugh".

Time for training is from 40 - 50 minutes a day, you should not give more, the puppy can get tired quickly. As an encouragement, give goodies and always verbal approval.

Be patient, don't shout, don't punish. Gradually increase the load and difficulty.

A Labrador at 4 months old can go to training with a specialist, they are perfectly receptive to learning and remember well. Classes can be group or individual. A specialist will be able to competently structure the training process and teach you it.

Alternate study with active games, allowing the pet to relieve tension and redirect attention. It's good if he can have fun with a toy or just run around freely.

  • At 9 months old, a Labrador must know a sufficient number of commands, must be accustomed to the place, the rules of behavior with strangers, and at home.

Care and maintenance

The Labrador Retriever is still a puppy and must be accustomed to the following grooming procedures:

How much does a Labrador puppy cost in Russia?

In order to understand how much Labrador puppies cost, you need to find out:

  • What titles do the parents have;
  • Recognition of the nursery or club;
  • Individual characteristics of the animal;
  • His state of health;
  • Future prospects.

The price for Labrador puppies for show - class (participation in exhibitions and breeding) is from 40 thousand rubles, pet - class (for the sofa) - from 25 thousand rubles.

  • Prices for each Labrador from the same litter can vary significantly: females usually cost more. Much depends on the breeder himself; if he sees prospects in the future, then the child may cost 50 -60 tr.

In addition to this, you will also need to add all the funds for food, vaccination, training, toys, and the cost of exhibitions. It is not recommended to take an animal without documents.

  • Look at all the children from the litter in advance, talk to the parents, and choose a nursery.

Many people bring a puppy into their home without fully realizing the responsibility they take on - the need to satisfy the needs of a living creature so that the family pet lives full life. First of all, think for a minute - why do you need dog?Most will answer simply - I need a friend who would understand me, companion for many years! This is the whole point of acquiring a dog, namely - labrador retriever.
Before you buy, make sure that everyone else in your family wants a dog. Never buy a dog as a gift without making sure that the person you are going to make happy will actually be happy with the puppy and not faint from surprise...
But! If you are thinking of buying a dog just because it is prestigious and such dogs live with Kings and Presidents, your boss or neighbor.....I would advise you to grow rare varieties of orchids or roses, dig a new pool in your garden, or buy a new model car - it’s easier to satisfy your ambition and avoid a lot of hassle...

“The dog doesn’t care whether you are poor or rich, educated or illiterate, smart or slow-witted. Give her your heart, and she will answer you the same. It’s very simple; only we humans, wise and highly developed creatures, create problems for ourselves by trying complicate our lives. In fact, life turns out to be an extremely simple thing, you just have to open your soul to others - and a dog with disgusting breath, terrible manners and sincere intentions helps you understand this..."
(From the book “Marley and Us” by J. Grogan: Amazing story about love and life with the most terrible dog in the world")

Where to buy a Labrador puppy? Best of all breeder - owner of a labrador retriever kennel, who can match you with a Labrador puppy based on its temperament and give advice on its maintenance. By purchasing Labrador puppies in a nursery, you can see the parents - the breeders of the puppy, and imagine how your Labrador can grow up. Best age When can you pick up a Labrador puppy - 6-8 weeks. A responsible breeder will not object to your puppy being examined by a visiting veterinarian. Upon purchase, you will receive the appropriate documents for the Labrador puppy and recommendations for maintenance.

How to choose a breeder? Finding a good breeder can be difficult and will require you to make quite a lot of time and make numerous phone calls.
The best way to find a good breeder is a personal recommendation from the owners of his puppies who are satisfied with the dog they purchased.

Male or female Labrador? Bitches are more docile and calmer than males, but here you have to put up with periods of estrus (21 days, approximately once a year) when even the most well-behaved dog can compete with a magician in the art of disappearing and invents any tricks to find a partner. But a bitch’s fascination with the opposite sex is limited only to periods of estrus, unlike a male dog, who is almost always preoccupied with the issue of finding a partner. But many prefer the company of a male dog and get more joy from his active attitude to life.

What color is the best Labrador Retriever? Labradors are very beautiful dogs - black Labradors, chocolate Labradors or yellow (fawn) Labradors, these dogs will always delight you with the shine and silkiness of their fur, and the amazing look of the warm eyes, dark brown or hazel shade, of the Labrador will not leave you indifferent.

Labrador retriever puppy price. How much does a Labrador Retriever puppy cost? The cost of a puppy varies from 700 to 1000 euros. Here you will have to decide for what purpose you are purchasing a Labrador puppy. These could be puppies, pets, future hunter's assistants, breeding dogs or, perhaps, future stars of the Dog Show in Russia and abroad. Some owners believe that by purchasing any dog ​​with a pedigree, they are getting a future “star”. They are disappointed at the very first show, they are deeply indignant when their Labrador receives a mediocre mark in the ring. But this does not mean at all that the breeder deceived them. They just bought a dog for home and soul, and not a show-class Labrador puppy, and they paid a more than reasonable price. The fact that your Labrador is just a “pet” will not affect his later life, this means that the dog does not quite meet those strict requirements ideal which are included in the breed standard. A ideal, of course, it will cost a little more. Nevertheless, the cost of a Labrador Retriever puppy is determined primarily by: - class of manufacturers- their appearance, origin, titles, working abilities, temperament, type, quality of previous puppies (they can be assessed at shows). Puppies obtained from imported matings will always cost big money, as they are carriers of new blood for further breeding work. The conditions where the puppies were born, raised and raised, as well as what they were fed, whether they were vaccinated or not, and much more, should also play a big role. I'm not even talking about how much warmth and warmth physical strength the breeder invested in the Labrador puppies.

Choosing a Labrador puppy. Many people won't believe it, but there is no formula to follow when choosing a Labrador puppy. Whether the buyer is a beginner or an experienced person, when choosing a puppy, he usually gets a “pig in a poke.” A successful choice in this case is a consequence of beyond luck, fortune. And this will continue until all the litters in the country are of the highest quality in all respects. However, since this is impossible, it remains to be wished that people, when purchasing a puppy, would still be guided by certain criteria when purchasing a Labrador puppy, which, although they do not provide a complete guarantee of an error-free choice, still reduce future disappointments to an acceptable minimum.

Russian Champion Ans Lumens First Lady

It must be remembered that it takes about 12 months for a dog to reach full height at the withers and another 12 months or so to reach full physical development. During the ripening period various bones skeletons grow at different rates, and this is the reason that in some periods, to the chagrin of even an experienced breeder, the puppy looks terrible. It is mainly for this reason that puppies suitable for harsh field work or promising for the show ring cannot be reliably selected during the weaning period.

Working qualities of parents. This is the most important condition. Whether someone plans to seriously work with a puppy in the field or simply use him as a handsome companion, he must consider that if a Labrador Retriever is to be considered typical, he must not only be beautiful in appearance, but also exhibit his most revered quality - working potential. Can a Labrador be considered typical if it does not show the slightest interest in feeding game, swimming and hunting, or shows an aversion to game or woods. The presence in the pedigree of a Labrador puppy of ancestors with field working titles or the presence of high working diplomas to a large extent guarantee typical Labrador character and the stable psyche of your future pet.

Exterior of the ancestors. You can be better prepared to choose a puppy if you have the opportunity to see at least the puppies' father and mother or grandparents, or even better, both. And, of course, if there is a litter from a previous mating of the same parents, it is worth looking at the older dogs.

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Temperament. A Labrador's true temperament is as important as his otter tail, and what good is a tail like that without the character to make it wag? Just wag it, and not hold it between your legs or throw it over your back. A Labrador puppy, healthy in body and soul, demonstrates a cheerful, restless disposition, such a puppy is impudent in play, inquisitive and courageous, a true tail wag, deaf to the loss of his littermates or the family nest when he is separated, and one whose return the mother bitch will always be glad . Temperament defines a wide range in which the degree of courage, affection, fear, suspicion and intelligence is pronounced.

On the other hand, puppies that keep to themselves are liked by some people, and there is no reason why such puppies should be completely rejected. If noise and gunshots are not causes of fear, these puppies can become real hunting dogs. One of the simplest and most reliable criteria for a puppy's healthy personality is its calm attitude towards separation from its littermates. He doesn't look back or whine. This test may be a little tedious, but it does not need to be repeated more than a few times to get a better idea of ​​each puppy. You should not include in future breeding plans those puppies that are not constantly with others, run away and hide in the corner from other dogs or even from familiar people. Normal puppy reacts calmly to the person who comes to choose him. It is not intended, of course, that noises such as gunshots or a blaring television be used, but the puppy should respond to light clapping of hands above his head with interest or indifference rather than fear. However, many healthy puppies temporarily afraid of first trips and unusual unexpected meetings. Well-adjusted puppies do not resist being picked up or lifted. A frightened puppy, when held in your arms, often seems to be petrified.

Type. This is symmetry, build, breed of dog good breeding. The type excludes everything that is wrong, discordant, vulgar and rude. We must remember that it is working dogs that are the guardians of the breed type. Purely exterior breeding often leads to its loss.

Ans Lumens Fantasy of Music

Three most important Labrador breed characteristics: hair, tail and facial expression. No matter how good a Labrador may be, it will not be a true representative of the breed if it does not have these three precise characteristics that are exactly what distinguish the Labrador from other dog breeds.

Hairline. The hair structure of a real Labrador is difficult to imagine from a photograph. It needs to be seen, felt and compared. In short, the outer coat should be hard and rough to the touch, the undercoat should be as thick as possible, soft and silky and obviously water-repellent. There are dogs with a coat that is completely devoid of wavy or fringe and dewlap, with a very sparse undercoat, smooth and shiny; it cannot be considered correct. There are dogs with a good outer layer of hair, but with a little wave or a little longer hair, most of these dogs have a fine undercoat. Increased waviness or length of hair coat is not clearly specified in the standard, but from a practical point of view the absence of undercoat should be penalized more than other features.

Tail. Good labrador tail looks like an otter's tail. Without such a tail, the Labradorite is not suitable for full use for working in water. The correct otter tail is short enough and does not fall below the hock joint. And the best tails should be as thick as a man's arm at their base, tapering slightly towards the end. The best otter tails have almost no dewlap, and truly beautiful tails retain their shape even during the molting period. The position of the tail and how the dog carries it also matters. Breeders and judges in England prefer that the dog not lift its tail above the level of its back when moving. The saber is too long and thin, with a dewlap - not the tail of a real Labrador.

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Facial expression. In a Labrador, the typical expression depends on the size and placement of the eyes, to a certain extent on their color, on the size and position of the ears and on general view skull, muzzle and jaws, even how long or short the neck is, whether it is dry or wet. To summarize, you need to avoid a heavy, gloomy look or dull eyes without sparkle and welcome the kind, friendly, warm look that is typical.

Composition. In young puppies, the best time to study this parameter is 8-10 weeks of age. We must remember that the standard is a description of an adult dog, and for puppies some necessary signs Others may appear immediately, but a little later. You may find that a top-notch puppy is just as friendly as a top-notch adult dog. This is miniature maturity, when a puppy, immature in itself, looks absolutely right. Most likely, this puppy has many future advantages. However, since puppies change quickly. And the choice is always made on a given day, then a day earlier or a day later a completely different opinion could have been formed about the puppy.

In the photo - Multichampion Ens Lumens Arna Brown Shuga (at 6 weeks and at 2 years)

It is better to choose a puppy that has a flourishing appearance, with strong bones, a short back, dense hair and a bold character, carrying his head as proudly as his always wagging tail. The biggest puppies are not always the best, so if the parents of the puppies are good size and good boned, there is no reason why more small puppies cannot be selected; The size of the parents should show that the puppy will reach them by maturity.
The idea that a puppy should have a short back is based on the fact that dogs with a short back very often have the best otter tail.

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It is better to choose a puppy with a larger head, but not excessively large, which may indicate dampness in adulthood.
You need to pay attention to the eyes of a Labrador puppy. A puppy's permanent eye color usually appears during the teething period at the age of 12 weeks or a little later. Until this age, the eyes have a bluish tint. As a general rule, the lighter the bluish tint, the lighter the eyes of a mature dog will be. Although the standard says that a Labrador's eyes can be black, brown or yellow, we must remember that yellow eyes V as a last resort, may match the fawn color of the dog, but they do not in any way match or complement the black coat. It should be added that the color of the eyes still does not completely dominate their expression. Often there are dark-eyed dogs with an unpleasant look and yellow-eyed dogs with a very pleasant facial expression. The expression of the eyes often reflects the character of the dog. The size of the eyes and their placement also have a bearing on the good expression of a Labrador's face. Those eyes that are set very close or too far apart, too large or too small, set so askew as to give the impression of a bull terrier's eyes, often determine whether a dog has or does not have a pleasant or unpleasant look.

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Ears of young puppies certain lines may be too big. They are often set too low on a narrow, domed skull. Big ears may change to a certain extent better side, if the width of the skull promises to be large enough. Small, neat ears that are perfectly set as a puppy sometimes develop to be set too high when the Labrador becomes an adult.
Puppies' necks are deceptive at 8 weeks, but in puppies who later develop a strong neck dewlap, this is already clearly visible. It’s very good when an 8 week old Labrador deep chest and rounded ribs, those puppies in which this is weakly expressed rarely improve these qualities later.
Puppies born with a good top usually remain with such a top. It is very unlikely that a puppy's sagging or hunched back will ever change.
The hind limbs are the most difficult to predict in 8-week-old puppies. At the same time, cow posture, large articulation angles, everted hocks, paws turned outward - all these defects are rarely corrected.
The feet should be large but in proportion to the bones of the legs, with strong, rounded toes and no signs of flattening.
The hair coat of puppies may change slightly as they grow. An excessively soft coat without undercoat, even a fairly dense one, is a disadvantage.

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A puppy has a truly beautiful coat, like a truly beautiful tail, from the moment he is born, and after the first moult, this coat turns into that of an adult dog. A puppy with a real otter tail has one from the very beginning, although measuring its length, as can be done with adult dog, unreliable due to the uneven growth rate of the legs. The puppy may carry its tail very cheerfully when excited - right above its back. When a Labrador puppy carries his tail like this, there is nothing to worry about - it means a happy state, over time the tail will straighten and drop to the correct level.

Physical condition of the puppy. Here we're talking about about the health and cleanliness of the litter. It's disgusting when you see kennels with dirty pens and with the remains of hardened food in overturned bowls, puppies suffocating from the smell of dirty bedding. A well cared for Labrador puppy has a healthy, pleasant smell, this is the time in puppies when their bodies accumulate fat - not a lot of weight that inhibits exercise and romp, but fat that is well distributed throughout the body. A Labrador puppy, overfed with cheap food and wormed, can be easily recognized by its bloated little body, which makes its legs look like sticks inserted into the four corners. The eyes should be bright and clear, and the inside of the ear should be pink and not caked with dirt.

Before you really decide which puppy is yours, form an opinion about the quality of the entire litter. If your best puppy stands out too deliberately, and the rest of the puppies in the litter are too insignificant - this is bad. If choosing a puppy carried out from a group of 7 or 8 puppies of equal quality, this is a challenge even for an experienced person (and praise for the breeder of the litter). This is the essence of breeding, and for me the purpose of breeding. It consists of improving average dog, and not in the satisfaction of random success.

Ens Lumens Arna Brown Suga
Prize-winner of the World Championship - 2006, 2008, Vice-European Champion - 06, Qualification for Craft, International Champion, 5 CACIB, 4RCACIB, Multi-champion

Labrador retriever puppies for exhibitions, hunting, homes, stud dogs for mating,
exhibitions, assistance in growing, consultations.