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How long does a female dog of large breeds walk? The owner's concerns are how long pregnancy lasts in dogs. Last days before giving birth

Canine pregnancy is natural process ripening of the fetus in female dogs, which has its own characteristics for each breed. A dog is one of the animals that can give birth to several babies at the same time - this is especially true for dogs large breeds. Large females often give birth to up to 10 puppies, medium breeds give birth to 5-6 puppies, dwarf dogs– 2-4 puppies.

Features of pregnancy in dogs

Dog breeders believe that a dog's pregnancy lasts on average from 59 to 73 days. It all depends on the breed of the dog, the number of puppies being born, the age and living conditions of the pregnant bitch. But in general, in large and small dog breeds, pregnancy proceeds in exactly the same way, which cannot be said about childbirth in various breeds.

Veterinarians distinguish three types of pregnancy in dogs - physiological, pathological and false pregnancy.

    Physiological pregnancy is a normal, healthy pregnancy, in which the process of bearing puppies occurs without disturbing the normal state of the female and the fetus.

    Pathological pregnancy is a pregnancy characterized by disruption of natural physiological processes and the health of the female. During the pathology, the bitch experiences toxicosis and decreased appetite, caused by the rapid attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus.

    Pregnancy, which resembles physiological symptoms in terms of symptoms, but does not lead to fertilization. It occurs after 2 months and the symptoms resemble a normal process - the mammary glands enlarge, milk appears, the stomach takes on characteristic shapes, the female begins to behave like a pregnant woman (preparing a “nest”, behaves excitedly, shows aggression towards other dogs, etc. ). False pregnancy lasts two weeks, then the symptoms disappear. During such a pregnancy, the female may develop mastitis, so she needs special care.

How to determine pregnancy in a dog

The behavior of dogs during pregnancy varies greatly, and this is due not only to the characteristics of the breed, but also to the characteristics of each individual dog, her character and temperament. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the female shows some nervousness, absent-mindedness, and some disobedience to the owner’s commands.

Only at the end of the first month of pregnancy does the bitch begin to “build a nest”, scratching the litter and straightening it with her muzzle. Sometimes a dog tries to hide food by denying itself food. The bitch begins to show signs of unfriendliness towards other people's dogs, even towards familiar ones. Occasionally, aggression is shown towards people if they come close to her bed, which she has begun to perceive as a “nest”.

At the same time, the dog begins to show a strange interest in objects that resemble puppies in shape, softness and size - she willingly drags small ones onto her bed Stuffed Toys, shows increased attention to the squeaking of toys, which remind her of the squeaking of puppies.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Determining pregnancy in dogs in the early stages is necessary in order to distinguish physiological pregnancy from false, and determine possible pathologies the process of gestation. To do this, veterinarians use inspection, palpation and x-rays.

Palpation in the later stages is effective, as it allows you to palpate the fetus in the abdomen, determine the enlargement of the mammary glands, swelling of the paws and abdominal walls. In this case, the fetus begins to be felt in the sixth week, and in the eighth week you can even feel the puppy’s body in the womb. During this same period, radiography can determine the condition of the puppies in the womb, their number and correct development.

Prevention of pregnancy

For some females, their usual behavior does not change even during pregnancy, but their usual behavior can change at any time if you irritate or physically “stress” the female - instinctive defense mechanisms are activated. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, it is best to free the dog from training and service, walk it more often and not allow it to lie in one place.

In the same time, for any behavior of the dog, it requires increased attention and sanitary prevention from possible infectious and non-communicable diseases which she could pass on to her offspring. It is also necessary to keep it away from children - it represents a potential for them.

If you have decided that one dog is not enough for you and are seriously thinking about puppies, this article is suitable for you.

We will tell you in detail what mating is, how long pregnant dogs walk, how to preserve the health of your pregnant pet, and give you the necessary information. practical recommendations. Helping your pet during such a crucial period will be much easier.

Intimate details from the world of dogs

While the male is ready to breed throughout the year, things are different for the female. She will consent to a fruitful date only during the established period of estrus, which is called estus (hunt) and lasts an average of a week. During the hunt, the female is fully prepared to conceive, and ovulation (that is, the release of the egg from the ovaries into the oviducts) occurs every few hours.

The mating is considered successful if it ends in mating (a lock that is caused by a spasm of the vaginal muscles). It is in the castle that the possibility of conception is higher. At the end of the process, it is better to lay the bitch on its side or let it stand on its front legs, slightly raising its hind legs (about 10-15 minutes). The next day you can repeat the knitting.

From what day should pregnancy be counted?

This is where the first problems begin in determining the timing of such interesting situation dogs. The date of the first mating is always taken as the starting point, so the second and all subsequent matings are recommended to be carried out as soon as possible, and not after 2-3 days.

But even in this case, there is a possibility of errors: in dogs that were mated on days 2-4 of estus, fertilization can occur within 5 days after insemination. Don’t neglect to mark the dates of dog meetings on your calendar and closely monitor the condition of your pet.

What affects the duration of pregnancy?

How long your specific pet will need to bear offspring depends on large quantity conditions.

Among them:

  • Animal breed;
  • Number of fruits;
  • Age of the dog;
  • Serial number of pregnancy.

How long does a dog bear offspring?

The duration of pregnancy is an individual matter. However, in veterinary medicine there are average numerical characteristics of a “correct” pregnancy. We will rely on them.

Yes, representatives large and medium breeds remain in this position for 63 days, A small decorations - a little less, about 60 days. In practice, pregnancy can last from 59 to 66 days.

If after 67 days labor does not occur, you should consult a doctor. A delay before 70-72 days threatens the death of puppies in the dog's genital tract and will require timely intervention. And puppies born earlier than the appointed time (before 58 days) are born dead.

How can you tell if a dog is pregnant?

When asked whether whelping has begun and how many months the animal bears puppies, all dog breeders worry. The difficulty is that with a total duration of 2 months and a couple of days, exactly Pregnancy can only be determined after 3 weeks. Especially if the expectant mother carefully hides changes in her own condition: she maintains her usual energy, mood and appetite. However, it also happens the other way around: symptoms of pregnancy, according to behavior, appear from the first days.

Please pay attention to:

Detailed pregnancy calendar

For owners who approach this issue responsibly, a dog pregnancy calendar has been compiled. The boundaries of the periods of fetal formation are arbitrary; much depends on the personal characteristics of the bitch. This calendar is built on data about “correct” pregnancy and provides an indicative concept of the changes that occur in the dog’s body, the timing and methods of medical diagnosis of pregnancy, as well as characteristic features each period.

First period

First seven days- as a result of the fusion of the reproductive cells of a female and a male (egg and sperm), a new cell appears that has the hereditary characteristics of two guardians (zygote). The zygotes actively divide and slowly move into the uterus, acquiring 3 embryonic membranes along the way.

2 week- having arrived at the uterus, the embryos are moderately distributed along its plane. A constant exchange of caloric substances is established between them and the mother’s body.

Pre-fetal stage

From 14 to 21 days- from the 18th day the critical stage of intrauterine development begins. The embryos form internal organs, nervous system, the genes that are responsible for breed individuality begin to take active action. And even though the embryo is still the size of a small grape and no different from the embryos of other mammals, you don’t have to think twice - when suitable conditions He will grow into a real dog!

WITH at this moment and until the birth itself, the owner must carefully adhere to the conditions of detention:

  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating of the dog;
  • Ensure the most optimal feeding menu;
  • Protect the bitch from physical and psychological stress.

At 21 days already allowed to do the first medical analysis– take a blood test to determine the level of pregnancy hormone (relaxin). This procedure quite new and, unfortunately, available only to residents of megacities where there are well-equipped veterinary clinics. However, don't be discouraged!

In the third week, you yourself will be able to see the first external symptoms of the onset of pregnancy - this is a noticeable thickening of the pet’s mammary glands. The nipples swell and, in dogs with fair skin, become a soft pink color.

4 weeks(21 – 28 days) - the height of the pre-fetal stage. The skeleton of the embryo ossifies, the formation of muscles ends, and the rudiments of jaws, limbs and nose are formed.

If you really want to find out the number and sex of puppies, this is the most best time to visit the doctor and conduct ultrasound examination(ultrasound).

On day 26–27 the veterinarian can find the embryos. Their size depends on the size of the dog (thus, in medium breeds they are equal to a walnut). In another week, the uterus will be filled with fluid, and this will make palpation uninformative.

Fetal stage

5 week- the first period of pregnancy is coming to an end. The embryo is becoming more and more like a puppy. It becomes more and more difficult for the dog every day. And owners are concerned with the question of how long a dog bears puppies, more than the period of completion of pregnancy.

From 5 weeks The dog is transferred to split feeding three times a day with an increased intake of vitamins and protein. Consult your veterinarian about the diet for your pet, which one will be best for her. at this stage pregnancy.

6 week(35 – 42 days) - after a month, the dog loses its graceful form, the tummy behind the ribs becomes large, and the mammary glands swell. There are dogs that chew the fur around them, creating halos of hairless skin. The animal's loop seems to be open, and mucous discharge cannot be ruled out. The four-legged beauty is gaining very quickly excess weight and radically changes behavior:

  • He becomes noticeably calmer, clearly protecting himself;
  • Shows caution towards to strangers, trusting the stomach only to the owner;
  • He is jealous of his own place;
  • Some begin to stockpile “for a rainy day” by hiding food, trying to bury tasty morsels in hidden corners of their living space.

From 42 to 49 days- using a stethoscope it is already possible to hear the beating of puppies. The dog's uterus increases (up to 2/3 abdominal cavity), puts pressure on the internal organs and stomach. At multiple pregnancy The movements of the fruit are clearly visible. Their weight reaches 75% of the total weight at birth.

On this period The frequency of meals is increased, reducing the size of portions.

You also need to watch the density of the animal’s feces (puppies become prone to constipation). If necessary, the dog is provided with natural laxatives ( linseed oil or orange juice).

8 week- the temperature of the dog’s nipples increases slightly, and when pressed, colostrum is released from them.

The dog can start “making a nest”: digging the carpet, dragging blankets and pillows into its space. Dogs with increased excitability show enthusiasm for things that resemble puppies (squeakers, toys). A four-legged mother can, without the help of others, “move” from her usual place to a new one, where she will feel safe. All this indicates that it is time for the owner to equip a “den” for future offspring.

Week 9(57 – 63 days) - the desired birth can begin any day. Make an agreement with your veterinarian in advance - your pet may need medical assistance.

In spite of popular belief, preparing your pet for upcoming pregnancy need to start early. It is important to worry not only about choosing a suitable gentleman, but also about improving physical fitness dogs. A month before the onset of heat, the loads and duration of walks are increased. Later, this will undoubtedly help the tailed mother avoid obesity and make childbirth easier.

A week before mating, the dog is transferred to a light diet provided with vitamins ( egg yolk, grated carrots, vegetable fats and seaweed).

It is prohibited to bathe the dog before mating; dry cleaning is required. Be patient, as soon as the last mating is over, you will take your soul away.

How long does pregnancy last in dogs after a successful mating? How to properly care for your pet so that it produces strong puppies without compromising its health? These questions are especially relevant for owners of purebred bitches who want to start breeding dogs. For the health of a bitch of any breed, it is useful to give birth 3-4 times, provided good care for her during pregnancy and good nutrition. If you decide to become a breeder and are sure that there will be a demand for puppies, keep in mind that this is not an easy and responsible task.

For the health of a bitch of any breed, it is beneficial to give birth 3-4 times, provided that she is well cared for during pregnancy and has adequate nutrition.

A female dog reaches sexual maturity at 6-8 months, but due to the formation of her body, she is ready for her first pregnancy and childbirth no earlier than 1.5 years and no later than 4 years. The last mating is recommended at 6 years of age. Mating and pregnancy in dogs of small breeds, according to the RKF Regulations on breeding work, should be carried out no earlier than 15 months, more than early age they are not physically ready to bear offspring. 2-3 months before mating, she must be shown to a veterinarian to identify possible contraindications and get recommendations on preparing for mating.

The bitch reaches sexual maturity at 6-8 months, but due to the peculiarities of the formation of the body, she is ready for the first pregnancy and childbirth no earlier than 1.5 years and no later than 4 years

Sometimes after an unsuccessful mating or 4-8 weeks after estrus, bitches develop false pregnancy- special psychophysical state associated with dysfunction of the gonads. The dog's pituitary gland actively produces the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. At the same time, her belly grows, her mammary glands swell, and colostrum is released. The dog loses its appetite, becomes restless and irritable, and exhibits mother behavior: it creates a place for the puppies, where it brings small objects and licks them. Fertile females of any breed and age are predisposed to false pregnancy. It's natural physiological state a pack animal of the canine family, in which the dog is ready to feed someone else's litter. If there is another female dog in the house, both may consider the puppies their own, and for this reason serious fights between dogs can occur.

Sometimes, after an unsuccessful mating or 4-8 weeks after estrus, bitches experience a false pregnancy - a special psychophysical condition associated with a malfunction of the gonads

How long does a false pregnancy last in dogs and how to distinguish it from a real one? Symptoms in mild form can last up to 20 days. You can distinguish false pregnancy from real pregnancy by the absence of fetal movement. To help the animal, you should exclude milk from the diet, limit the consumption of water, which promotes lactation, and reduce the amount of meat. It is best to switch to low protein dry food.

The bitch should not be allowed to suck milk, as this increases its production. It is not recommended to tighten the dog's mammary glands. You can scare her off with a smell camphor oil, lubricating the nipples with it, which also reduces milk production.

False pregnancy in animals in severe form lasts 60-70 days, can lead to the development of mastitis and purulent inflammation uterus, so a visit to the veterinarian is required. Depending on the syndromes, age and weight of the dog, treatment with hormonal or homeopathic drugs is prescribed.

Pregnancy and childbirth in dogs (video)

After a successful mating

If the mating was successful, then the first signs of pregnancy in dogs (lethargy, drowsiness or increased appetite) may appear as early as the second week. On days 22-25 you can undergo an ultrasound. In this short period of time, embryos in the bubbles will be visible on the screen, but a later examination can provide more accurate information about the number of puppies. By 1.5 months, the dog becomes rounder, moves less, the nipples begin to fill with colostrum and droop. Some bitches bite off the hair on their nipples.

If the mating was successful, then the first signs of pregnancy in dogs (lethargy, drowsiness or increased appetite) may appear as early as the second week

Pregnancy in a dog should take place under the close attention of the owner. You need to walk the animal a lot, but you should not be allowed to jump or swim in ponds. During this period, it must be protected from drafts and hypothermia. The following adjustments need to be made to the puppy's diet:

  • Avoid drinking milk because ahead of schedule she may develop colostrum and burn out before the puppies appear;
  • reduce the amount of meat in the last 10 days, and eliminate it 2-3 days before giving birth;
  • switch to fractional meals;
  • introduce comprehensive vitamin preparations, this is especially true in the winter-spring period.

From the first day, it is necessary to replenish the calcium supply in the dog’s body so that it does not lose teeth and the puppies’ bones develop correctly. For this they give her chalk, pharmaceutical drugs, crushed eggshells, raw bones.

The dog bears puppies for 58-65 days. The gestation period for small dogs (Spitz, lapdogs, Italian greyhounds) is usually 62 days. Their uterus and puppies can take up a large volume and put pressure on the stomach, so they need to be fed frequently and with high-calorie content. The length of pregnancy may be shortened if there are few puppies in the litter. How long pregnancy lasts in dogs depends on the age of the animal, living conditions, breed and individual characteristics.

New addition to the family

A few days before giving birth, the bitch’s back sags, and her heavy pregnant belly sag. Immediately before giving birth, she behaves restlessly, often asks to go outside, and refuses to eat. 10-24 hours before giving birth, her body temperature drops by 1-2°.

The owner should begin preparing for the addition to the family 7-10 days before the expected date of birth. First of all, a place for childbirth is arranged, to which the bitch must have time to get used to. There she will be located with the puppies, so it is optimal to make a playpen in which one wall is lower than the others, so that the bitch can freely get out, and the puppies do not climb out of it. Please note that all bedding on which the dog will give birth is thrown away, so there should be several of them to change. It is necessary to prepare clean cotton rags for wiping puppies (15-20 pieces), a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin, oilcloth, syringes and needles for intramuscular injections, scissors, brilliant green, alcohol, a storage box for puppies, a heating pad and a room thermometer. If the bitch has a large and fluffy tail, it is bandaged.

Warm newborns with regular heating pads or electric ones (if you are sure of their safety), infrared lamps, adjustable in height. For the first 2 days, the temperature for puppies should be up to 30°C, the next week to 27°C, then it is reduced to 20-22°C, overheating is harmful to babies, as is hypothermia.

Labor most often begins at night or in the morning. The owner should agree with the veterinarian about the possibility of calling him to the house in case of special circumstances, for example, if contractions last for several hours and the puppies do not appear. Commands to the bitch should be given in a calm voice. The owner's nervousness can be transmitted to the dog. Helps a woman in labor light massage belly from ribs to tail.

How long does labor last for a dog giving birth for the first time? It is considered ideal if 1 puppy appears every hour. It is normal if the duration of labor is 1-1.5 days. For very weak contractions, you need to make the dog walk. You should not immediately resort to stimulant medications, as this can lead to uterine rupture. During childbirth, the dog does not eat; you can support its strength with chocolate or warm tea with condensed milk. When labor stops, she does not try to push, she calms down.

Complications can arise if the fetus is not positioned correctly in the uterus. In large breed dogs, childbirth can be difficult if there are few puppies as they become large.

Life before birth (video)

Help for a newborn

A dog with a poorly developed maternal instinct does not free the puppy from the membrane in which it is born and does not gnaw the umbilical cord. To prevent the newborn from suffocating, it is necessary to remove the membrane, first of all, on his head as quickly as possible, remove mucus from the nose and mouth, tie the umbilical cord with a disinfected silk or cotton thread 10 cm long. You can remove the mucus by sharply shaking the puppy, while his head should be well fixed. The newborn should squeak - this means that his breathing is normal. The puppy is thoroughly dried, massaged, the umbilical cord is cut at a distance of 3-4 cm from the abdomen and placed next to the mother - it must suck nutritious colostrum, which will protect it from infectious diseases. A bitch should not be left unattended with a puppy. When the baby is full, he is put into a prepared heated box.

3-5 days after birth, colostrum is replaced by milk, while the nipples are almost completely empty for several hours, hungry puppies squeak. To quickly fill the nipples, you need to give the dog tea with milk, kefir, and cottage cheese. When the milk arrives, the bitch begins to breathe rapidly.

During childbirth, the placenta comes out at the same time as the puppy or after it. Thus, the number of afterbirths and puppies should be the same. An afterbirth that has not passed within a day causes severe inflammatory process, so you need to contact a veterinarian.

To get a lot of puppies, you need to successfully choose the day of mating, when the number of eggs ready for fertilization is maximum. The following factors influence a bitch's fertility:

  • hormonal background;
  • exhaustion or overfed;
  • age and frequency of breeding of the male dog.

To get a lot of puppies, you need to successfully choose the day of mating, when the number of eggs ready for fertilization is maximum

If a male dog is over 10 years old and mates more than 2 times a month, there will be few active sperm in his sperm. In total, a bitch can bring from 2 to 15 puppies.

Pregnancy and childbirth are stressful for any dog ​​during this period of time. caring owner treats her very carefully and attentively.

Attention, TODAY only!

How long does pregnancy last in dogs and is the duration the same? this process for bitches of different breeds? What signs indicate a successful mating, and which are present during a false pregnancy? Comprehensive answers to these and other questions can be found in the article below.

The birth of cute puppies is always preceded by a long, but undoubtedly very important period of pregnancy. How long is it? As a rule, a dog’s pregnancy lasts from 57 to 72 days, that is, about 2 months. During this time, the animal especially needs care and proper nutrition. It is worth noting that a significant reduction or, on the contrary, an increase in the gestational age can endanger the life of the pet, so contacting a veterinarian will be simply necessary in this case. In addition to the health of the dog, the duration of pregnancy is also affected by its breed and size.

Length of gestation period in small breed dogs

Pregnancy (polykiesia) in small dogs usually lasts 62 days. What should a small breed dog breeder know and take into account? During the pregnancy of such animals, the uterus with puppies increases somewhat in size, which slightly constricts the stomach. Because of this, food during the period of polykiesia of such bitches should be more high-calorie and fractional.
In addition, the owner must provide the dog with constant access to clean water, since at this time the amount of drinking a pregnant dog also increases. As for vitamins, they should be selected individually for a particular breed, be sure to consult with an experienced veterinary specialist.
It was noticed that small breed dogs during pregnancy becomes more sensitive to temperature changes. Considering that before the onset of labor, the animal’s body temperature drops by about 2°C and remains so until the birth is complete, the owner of the short-haired small dog If necessary, turn on the heater near the animal's bed.

Length of gestation period in large breed dogs

In dogs large sizes pregnancy (polykiesia) most often lasts 63 days, although there are also cases when it ends in successful childbirth on the 55th - 72nd day. Why can the time period vary so much? If there are many puppies, then the gestation period is shortened, however, if there are only 1 or 2 fetuses, it may be delayed. As a rule, females of large breeds give birth to fewer puppies compared to small breed dogs.

Signs of pregnancy in dogs

Surprises, of course, are a pleasant thing, but pregnancy and childbirth in dogs is best planned. What should the owner do if the day of fertilization is not known to him? Often, polycyesia in an animal is very difficult to determine until the last few weeks, when the enlarged abdomen becomes visible to others. If a breeder wants to know the gestational age of his pet, as well as the number of her babies, then ultrasonography(ultrasound) will give him answers to such questions even in a very short time - experienced specialist can detect embryos as early as two weeks after fertilization. However, some changes in physical condition and the behavior of the animal can still tell the breeder about a successful mating. Below are a few main signs.

  1. The nipples change color (become more pinkish), slightly increase in size and protrude more noticeably from the abdomen.
  2. The weight of the animal increases. The weight gain is especially strong 3 weeks before giving birth.
  3. After urination in the 5th week of pregnancy, discharge appears from the loop.
  4. Changes in habitual behavior and appetite, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy (the presence of these types of signs does not at all indicate any violations).
  5. At 6–7 weeks of pregnancy, it is already possible to palpate the puppies.

False pregnancy in a dog

This condition of the animal is a special physical phenomenon rather than a disease or anomaly. It is worth noting that false pregnancy occurs not only in dogs, but also in cats and rabbits. In connection with what arises this phenomenon? As a rule, false pregnancy occurs in unmated dogs after estrus or after an unsuccessful mating (which did not result in fertilization). As a result, the bitch’s body begins to produce the same hormones as during real pregnancy.

The main signs of a false pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of real fertilization:

  • enlargement of the nipples and changes in their pigmentation;
  • colostrum secretion;
  • an increase in the size of the loop and subsequent discharge from it;
  • decreased appetite;
  • arrangement of a “den” - a place for the appearance of offspring;
  • increased interest in toys, which the dog, perceiving as puppies, licks and places under the belly for feeding;
  • aggressive defense of imaginary “offspring.”

In most cases, false pregnancy goes away in dogs within 14 days, without affecting the mental and physical state of its health. However, in rare cases, bitch in similar condition may be needed qualified assistance specialist

Dog pregnancy calendar

Pregnancy periodFetal developmentChanges in the bitch
1st week (days 1–7)The process of fertilization, the formation of embryos.Morning sickness and changes in the animal’s usual behavior may occur.
2nd week (8–14 days)The number of cells that make up the resulting embryo increases significantly (at the end of the week it is 64 cells). The embryo attaches to the uterus.Same
3rd week (15–21 days)The process of implantation of an embryo into the uterine lining.Same
4th week (22–28 days)The size of the fruit increases to 15 mm. The spine and the main features of the muzzle are formed. On the 26th day it is possible to palpate the fruits.Appearance clear discharge from the loop. An increase in the size of the mammary glands and changes in their pigmentation.
5th week (29–35 days)Increase in fruit size up to 30 mm. Completion of development of all organs.Increased weight and noticeable rounding of shapes.
6th week (36–42 days)The puppy's skin takes on color.
The size of the fetus reaches 45 mm, and the weight is about 6–7 g. The puppy’s heartbeat is listened to with a stethoscope.
Darkening of the nipples is observed, the belly increases in size even more.
Week 7 (43–49 days)Continued development.Baldness in the abdominal area.
Week 8 (days 50–57)Fruit movements are noticeable. The puppies are ready to be born.Significant weight gain. Colostrum may be released.
Week 9 (days 58–65)Continued development and growth.Arrangement of the “den”. Immediately before childbirth, loss of appetite, anxiety, and a decrease in body temperature may be observed.

Pregnancy in dogs is multiple. It is very difficult to calculate the exact date of birth, because in animals it occurs without symptoms or they are not clearly expressed. There are cases of false pregnancy, in this case false symptoms easy to mistake for real ones. The due date is influenced by many factors, one of which is the dog's current?

When does the process of conception occur in dogs?

After the male sperm and female egg have merged, the dog becomes pregnant. Ideally, the sperm reaches the egg within an hour after the end of sexual intercourse. On average, fertilization will take up to 6-7 days. The further condition of the female depends on her body. U different breeds the ovulation process takes place at different times: on the fourth, sixth, eighth day of estrus or more late dates. Therefore, a single insemination is not enough. The female is ready for insemination already on the ninth day of estrus. If the insemination procedure is performed on the ninth and eleventh days, then this is usually enough for conception.

Factors influencing the duration of pregnancy in dogs

Mating errors most often affect conception and the course of pregnancy. Many dog ​​owners believe that a single insemination is enough, but they cannot correctly determine the date of ovulation. As a result, when mating on the twelfth day, due to a shift in the time of ovulation, the dog does not become pregnant. In this case, both the dog and the bitch are checked for abnormal health conditions according to various indicators:

  • during the previous pregnancy;
  • the number of offspring of a female and a male;
  • presence of diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • number of refusals to mate;
  • during the period of proestrus (estrus);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • false pregnancies.

The second factor influencing this in dogs is the animals' inability to mate normally. Most often this concerns young, inexperienced male dogs, who, with numerous body movements, cannot completely penetrate inside the vagina, as a result, sperm is poured out in the vestibule of the vagina. Some of the sperm die due to acidic environment, and the rest is not always able to reach the egg. In this case, pregnancy occurs late or does not occur at all. The third factor influencing how long pregnancy lasts in dogs is poor sperm quality. Under poor quality This implies poor sperm motility, low sperm count and morphology (sperm structure). The amount of sperm directly depends on the weight of the animal and its size. If sperm motility is low or the morphology is poor, the female may not become pregnant or the embryos may die.

How long does a dog's pregnancy last?

Pregnancy in dogs lasts on average 63 days. Puppies become viable between 53 and 71 days. Exact date birth depends on the size of the dog, the course of pregnancy and related factors. Small breeds may give birth on the 60th day. Animals that will give birth for the first time carry their offspring for a longer period. According to statistics, most often a female whelps on days 58-64. Therefore, it is very difficult to say exactly how many days a dog’s pregnancy lasts.

Dog's first month of pregnancy

Initially, it is difficult to determine whether a dog is pregnant; examination and palpation will not yield anything. The animal can lead usual image life. Some females become calmer, more reserved, affectionate or lethargic, sleepy. After two it changes appearance mammary glands: they swell and become more pink. In the third week, the embryos attach to the walls of the uterus, so the female develops a glassy discharge from the vagina. In the fourth week, you can feel the presence of rounded lumps, provided that the pregnancy is multiple. If a female has 1-2 puppies, then it is extremely difficult to determine anything by touch.

Dog's second month of pregnancy

In the second month, the pregnant female's belly gradually increases. The animal's appetite increases and caution appears in its movements. At the sixth week, babies can clearly be felt in a lying position. Two weeks before the puppies are born, tremors appear in the animal’s stomach. At first they are irregular, barely noticeable. The closer the due date, the more actively the babies push. The movement of the puppies is observed visually. On last week the back sags, a few days before giving birth, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, it becomes yellowish or greenish. When asked how many months pregnancy lasts in dogs, we can say this: 2 months and a week.

How long does labor last for a dog?

The duration of labor in a dog depends on the number of offspring. Childbirth consists of three periods:

  • The preparatory period, during which the cervix opens under the influence of contractions, lasts from 6 to 30 hours.
  • The actual birth (hatching) of puppies - with the help of contractions and pushing, the puppies are brought out in the pelvis or lasts from 3 to 12 hours with an interval between puppies of up to 10-15 minutes.
  • The postpartum period lasts 12-15 days, the uterus contracts and comes into normal condition, the uterine cavity is completely cleansed. The neck closes tightly.

The first puppy must be born independently. The placenta usually comes out immediately after the newborn, but sometimes it can be delayed. After the birth of the last puppy, the placenta may pass within half an hour. Large individuals and females of heavy breeds are recommended to be assisted during the birth process. Small animals usually need help only with small pregnancies (1-2 puppies). Help consists of removing the puppy's amniotic sac, cutting the umbilical cord with sterile scissors, processing it, and wiping the baby with a dry, clean rag or towel. Thus, when asked how long pregnancy lasts in dogs and labor activity, you can answer: pregnancy in a dog lasts on average 2 months and one week (64-71 days), and childbirth lasts from 8 hours to 1.5 days from postpartum period up to 15 days.